10 TIIK BEE: OMAHA. 'j nuioiATT, .JULY 13. tiRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Storage loom for Newf Winter Wheat it Becoming Scarce. SntDIO CEOP STILL 15 DANGER Hellish DrtOiartl la Cmrm le Streaateeaed hy th Ileasaad -far lav eeb '' Article eta era Deaaaad la sharp. OMAHA. July 12. 1911. The wheat news Is mUrd and conflicting; temperature tn th nortbweit r favor- He for filling and no additional rat in were irported. The main brarlah feature In the situation la the remarkably early and heavy movement of the new winter wheat crop, and storage rm.m la becoming scarce. It Kill be ten days before the prlng wheat rrop la out of danger from heat damage. A market of fcood trading character with fair up ami down anlng Is predicted. Bullish sentiment In corn was atrenKth ened by the active demand for the cash article, southern demand Is aharp and tlda eteadlly advancing. Temperaturea In tha went af favorable, but south the weather keens hoi; Weather report are the trade features. More favorable weather and fceavr re ceipts depressed the wheat value. Longs were inclined to take profile, alng the market, lash wheat was V,o to lo lower. Damaging reports of firing In the corn started renewed burlng power, prices ad vancing sharply oo covering by shorts. Cash corn was to higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1,211.00 bu. and shipments were JfindOO bu., against re ceipts las( year of 238,000 bu. and shipments of 2KB bu. l. Primary corn receipts were 410,000 bu. and shipments were 297.WK) bu.. against tecelpta last, year of 156,000 bu. and ship ments of 4M.O0O bo. Clearances were 4 000 bu. of corn, 50,000 bu. of -oats and wheat and flour equal to 113.000 bu. Liverpool closed K!Td higher on wheat and 4d higher on corn. The following cash sales ware reported. WHEAT No. 2 hard, cars, 86c; 4 cars. 4c; i car, 8ie; J car. 86c; No. t hard, 1 csr. M4c. ' CORN No. t white. I care. o; No. yellow, 4 cara. (KHe; No. t mixed. I cars, C6l4c; 1 car, Hoc; no grade. 1 car, 64o. OATSNo. I white, I care, 4&c; No. 4 white, 1 car, 45Vc. ., Omaha Cash rXMi. ' WHEAT No. t hard. 8tVg87e; No. t hard. tvgmc; No. 4 hard. 7&y381c; rejected hard, 7to'7SHiC.. CORN No. t white. Kf?Vle: No. I white, tyfttife; No. 4 white, b84e; No. 1 yellow, 5iee; No. I yellow, 6o'VfJ6lro; No. 4 yellow, e4ioo; No. 2. fijJ51o; No. I, UKtiWmc; No. 4, 64Hc; no grade, OATS No. ' 1 White, 48fJ44e; standard, 4f.344,c: No. t white, 4d4So; No. 4 white, 4fit6Hc. BARLEr-N. 2, 7WTSc. No. 4, 7434e; No. 1 feed, 8JJ7e; rejected. 474e. RTE No. J, 83ttc; No. I, 81i88So. Carlo Iteereletta. ' Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago , 606 178 81 Minneapolis 103 ... Omaha , 7 48 27 Duluth , 22 . ... CHICAGO pltAlJV AND PROVISIONS Feataree af the Tradlaa; and Cloalne; . Prieea oa Boar af Trade. CHICAGO. July 12. -Corn prices today soared to the topmost point so far this season. Buying credited largely to a noted speculator furnished the greater part of the motive power. Higher figures were touched tn the last fifteen minutes and there was a buoyant close at an advance of o to lc net. Latest figures showed wheat He up to li-(jSc off, oats with VtfHc to 4o gain and hog products varying from 24o decline to a rise of 10c. ' Estimates purporting to make reasonably certain 'a 10 per cent Increase of damage to corn since July 1 had much affect tn bringlnr about the bulge In the market for that cereal. Many shorts were thus led lnto a rush for cover. It was mainly, however; owing to local assertions of a widening area of damage that the course of values headed for the senlth. The total purchases made by the leader on the bull side were alone said to be aggregating $2,000,000 ' or more. During the seaalon the September option ranged from 64e to 67c, closing strong lo net higher at 67V067Xc, Cash corn was firm. No. 2 yellow fin ished, St 6&60. Inrluenaed largely by the great bull dera onstratlon In th corn pit, wheat gradually hardened after an. early display .of weak ness. Other factors that counted against the bears were black rust rumors from Minnesota, the pesslmlstto tone of the North Dakota state report and a prediction that Russian shipments would soon undergo a rapid decline. September fluctuated from Sla te B0o and In the end was ttc up at 8C. . .; . ' Oats more than recovered the lost ground when Influential Interests took the buying side. September high and low limits proved to be 47H4To and 464o, with the close V'iWftk!, a gain of o aver last night. The provision prop was an out of town demand for January options. At the final gong .pork had Increased In cost 6o to 10c, lard waa 2o off to 2l4e up and ribs were dearer by 2o to 7ViB'10c Prices In Chicago, furnished ty the Up dike Grain company, 708 Brandels building, Omaha; telephone Douglas 2471: Articles-! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.! Tea'y W heat I juiy... Bept... Dee.... May,.. Coi n July... Sept.. Dec... May... Oate July... S8S4 l'4 eVJii TJ 88 80 4 63 89 SA S09al 93 87S Vi 7 ' 40 V. 2Ti 44' 3 46 46 tv&. 7WW4 ttoHi 41fc V7MI1S 45 4 Sept.. Dec.... May... Sept... Jan.... Laid July... Sept . Jan.... Rit-a- July... Sept... Jan.... 4SHWH 47HS4! 4txBH u w 16 80 4S', K1V 48HVi - ai . 16 71 16 71 16 00 ( 82H S 42 8 40 8 40 8 60 I 10 in an I IS 80 IS 80 16 82j i r 8 874 I 80 8 40 t 40 8 40 , !! 40 371 I42H! t 42H1 60-2W 1B3S 8 60 I 10 to 8 uy, 8 17! Cash quotations were as follows: Fl.OUK Klrm. , RYK No. 2. old. 84o; new. 83a. BA RLE T Peed or mixing, 7085o; fair to choice malting, tl.0Mil.14. SKKDS Timothy; IS.OOtf 13.60. Clover, 89.00 J16.D0. .... .... f ROVlSIONS Mes pork, per bbl.. 116.87 C 14-00. LArd, per 100 lbs., 8840. Short ribs., aides (loose), 87.7698.60; short clear sides (boxed), $g.37fe.GOv Total cearancea of. wheat and flour were equal to 118,01.4 bu." Primary receipts were l.ill.000 bu., compared with 808,000 bu. the correapocd'og day a year ago. Estimated recelpte for tomorrow: Wheat, 6VJ care;, corn, J48 cars; oats. 84 oars; hogs, ti.000 head. Chicago Caah Prleee Wheat : No. 2 red. 67B8oi Mo. 8 red, 86t7o; No. 2 hard, 870 bc; No. 8 hard. S6d7c; No. 1 northern apring. 81.01ol.02; No. 2 northern spring. tkVy.(c; No. 8 spring, SXtfOao. Corn: No. 2 caah, WSfltt1HP; No. 8 cash, 44c; No. 2 white. 6oma: No. 8 white. arfac; No. 2 yellow, 6gEo; No. 2 yellow, Sc Oat a. No. 2 cash. 4dMc; No. 2 white, 474o; No. 8 white. 6aAVbo; No 4 white, 4AaHe; standard, 4740ta4c. ' BtlTTER Kteedy; crearaeiiee, UJ4c; dalrlee, UttZc EGOS Easy; receipts, U.868 cases: at mark, case Included. 6llc; flrau, 14c; prime firsts, l&c CHEESE UneMtled: dalelee. 18o; twins, 12; young Amerlcaa, 1812; long borne. lit14a POTATO K,a-Steady: barreled. 8S.00i8b.26. POUTLJtY Live, firni; turkey a, 12c; chickens. 12e ; springs, loe. VEAL 8teedj; SO to 80-lb., wts., Mfe; SO ta s-lb.. wis., flc; SS to DO-lb. wts., Uo. , ' Keeelpta Today--Wheat. EOS ears; eora. 172 rare; oats. 88 cars, mimated tomorrow Wheat, kli carat .eora. let oars; oats, 84, cara . t , . Mlsaeapall 43 mala Market. MINNEUfOHS, July 18. WHEAT July, ,': September. '264o; December, Skc; No.' I hard. 81.60V: No, 1 northern. (H.cj61 . : No. J northoro. 8e4j9lro; No. I ahrat. VtAttjy7Hc ' TJiXt 04. . ' . RAKLKr-;4crtl OS. CORN No. 2 yellow, OATS Nu. I white, 46ie. RTFN' 2. B.VJ. , r)RAN-l&rXiJ0 0ft. KLOI R-Klrst patenta. 2S0Oil: second patents. It Mv4 75: first clears. S3 J. s3 ai. second clears. 42. 250 1 SO. Kanaaa 4" Up Grain aa4 lra laloaa, KANSAS CtTT. July 13. WHEAT-Un-changed to lo loweri -No. 8 hard, SrvtWc; No. 2, M90c; No. ( red, Siahc; No. 2. .MjH..'se; September. sme; tecembrr, i4l?C. COKN-12o lower; No. 2 mixed. 6Httc; No. J. 7iM; No. 2 white, fitie: No. , STtfWk-: September. So; December, 84o bid; May. 7ai7e bid. OATH I'nrhenged ; No. 2 white, 4f4c; No. 1 mined. 47f4No. KTE-f'ii'.Zc. HA Y I'nchanged: choice timothy, 8J8 0O ftin: choice prairie, 817.fiOfl.. IH'TTE IV Creamery, 23c; flrats, 21c; sec ondn, )!c; packing stock, 17c. EiGGS Extra.", lc; fltsls. 1-; seconds, 8c. Receipt, fehipmema. Whrat 17!n 28 C) Corn 40.0-sj .(" Oats in, owo 1.1.WW OMAH.1 GE.1EIIAI. MARKETS. BUTTER Creamery. Na. k delivered te the retalt tra, In I ll. carionux i"c; Na 1. hi 80 IP. tube, 23e No. 1 In l ib. tatrtona. Uc, pneking stock, solid pack. lHc; dairy, la SO lb. tuba, upjoc; market changea every 'i'tteadHy. K1SH (all frosen)-Plcke-i 10c; whl:e. luv; pike. He; trout, lib; .area crappiea wq-Oc; bpamah mackerel. 18c; eel, lee; itad bvck. In-; lu'jniitrs, ic, Kreen catfish. !'"; iv ha. w ea.h; alieu iue. per pelr. 4uo; Irug lege, per doa, &c$t3 0u; salmou, ivc, liulihut. 8c, eiluw percii. kc; butiaio, ac; bunn hla. 14. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. U lc; No. 2, 13c; No. 3, love. Loin: No. L ltc; No. i M'ac; No. 3, l1ic Chuck: No. k to; No. 2. ec; No. 3. a. Kound: No. 1, luu; No. A lic; No. 3, so. t'tate: No. 1, 4c; No. t, ii No. 8. 3c fc'HLirs, a, ic Apricots, California., per ci ale, 42. uaiianas, tiney aelt, pr bdnctt. J..)f J.tK); J umbo, bunch, ti.lu(g i.'ib. Cherries, liuinti sioHn, per 24-qt. case, 8J.00. Canta loupes. California, standard, 43 count. 34.ii) 4.M per crate; pony crates, 4 count, 82 s mi. Hi. Datua, anchor brand. .new, 30 lib. tkga. In boxes, per box, 88.0a. Gooseberries, Home grown, per 24-qt, case, 83.08. Lemons, iiiiiont'iia bmnu, extra fano;. joo slse, per box, $7.00; 3ti0 size, box, 17.00; Loma 11 nionelia, tancy 3u0 size, per box, Se.tiO; 3ti0 size, per box, 8.U0; 840 and 820 slses, OOo per box less; cymbal brand, 8uU 8M) sizes, per box, So.vj. Oranges, Niagara, Hedlands, Val lenclaa, all eisea, per box, 84.00: fancy Va lenclaa, 60-96-Uf alzes. 82.76: California Jaffa ana Mediterranean sweet oranges, 174 and mailer sizes, per box. 83.60. .Peaches, Cali fornia, per box. 81.60. Plume. Calltornla. per crate, 21.86. Pineapples, Florida. 24-30-34-42-12 slses, per crate, 83 36. Red currants, per :4 qt. case, 32.502.76. Strawberries, Hood river, per 24-qL case, 23.26. Watermelons, Georgia and Florida, per lb., lc. VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax, per hamper, $2.60; per mkt, bsk 8100. Cab bage, home grown, per lb., be Cucumber, hot house, 1V and 2 doa. In box, per bos, ll.604fl.76; home grown, per mkt, bek. of about 2 dos., 21.60. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per dos., II. DO. Garlic, extra- fancy, white, per lb., 12c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dos., 40c. Tomatoee, Texas, per 4-bsk. crate, Oc 81.00. Radishes, per doa, 20c. Onions, Texas Bermuda, white, per crate, 22.26; yel low, per crate, 12.00; California. In sacks, per lb., 2c. Parsley, fancy home grown, per dos. bunchee, 46c. Potatoee, Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 11.3691.60; Virginia, new stock. In bbls., per bbl., 34.00. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc lees. Brazil nuts, per lb., 12c; la seek lots, lc less. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo less. Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., 6c. Pecans, targe, per lb., Mo; In sack lots, lo less. Walnuts, California, per lb, 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Honey, new, 24 frames, 83.76. - . Cara aad Wheat rtralon Balletla. Record for the twenty-four hours ondlng at 8 a. m. Wednesday, July 12, 1911 OMAHA DISTRICT. TemD Raln- Htatlona. Max. Ashland, Neb.... 86 Auburn, Neb 102 B'ken Bow, Neb. 84 Columbus, Neb... 85 Culbertson, Neb. 104 Fslrbury, Neb.. .log Fairmont, Neb... 93 Or. Island, Neb. 87 Hartlnston, Neb. 82 Hastings, Neb... 92 Holdrege, Neb... 97 Lincoln, Neb 93 N. Platte, Neb. 90 Oakdale, Neb 80 Omaha, Neb 88 Tekamah, Neb... 86 Valentine; Neb. 80 Sioux City, la.. 84 Alta, la 86 Carroll, la 92 Clsiinda, la 100 Sibley, la 84 Mln. fall. Sky. 64 . 03 Cloar 65 .00 Pt. clondy 63 .00 Clear 0 .00 Pt. cloudy W . .15 Clear 4TS .00 Clear 63 .00 . Clear 63 .00 Clear 64 .08 Pt. cloudy 63 .00 Clear 62 .00 Clear 8.1 .00 Clear 66 .00 Clear 66 1.76 Clear ' 86 .16 Clear 60 . 20 Clear 64 .00 Clear 68 01 Cloar 53 .00 Clear 64 .00 Clear 60 .3 Clear ,48 .00 . Clear Minimum temperature for twelv-hnu period ending at 3 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. . No. of Temp. Rain- District. . Stations. Mag. Mln. fall. Columbus, 0 17 82 64 .60 Louisville, Ky 20 ' 8 eg .so Indianapolis, Ind. 11 94 88 .10 Chicago. Ill 26 94 62 - .20 St Louts. Mo 25 98 68 .80 Des Moines, la.... 21 92 , 58 .to Minneapolis, Minn. 80 78 48 00 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 ' 100 70 'so Omaha, Neb IS 96 60 - .60 Temperatures were somewhat higher In the eastern and southern portions of the corn and wheat region during Tuesday. Rains occurred In all except the Minne apolis district and were quite general In the eastern and southern portions. Rains of one Inch or over occurred at the follow, tng .stations: Bellefontalne; O.. 3 30: Her. mann, Mo., 1.14; Hlllsboro, 111., 1 84: Spring field. Mo., 1.50. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. St. I.awle Gaarral Market. ST. LOUIS, July 12.-WHEAT-F1rm; track. No. 2 red, 848&o; No. 2 hard, 87 89c; futures, firm; July, 8686c; Septem ber, 87o. CORN-Hlgher; track. No. 2. 67847c; No. 2 white. 6S6e; futures higher; Sep tember, 877o; December, 65e. OATS Steady; track. No. 2, 4Sc; No. 2 white, 61c; September, 47c. , RYE-Steady; 88 o. FLOUR-Steady; ready winter patente. 24.10ttf4.60: extra fancy and straights, 23.80a 4.00: hard winter clean. 62.703.00. 8EHD Timothy. 86.004r9.60. " CORNMEAL 82.60. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 81.06a 1.07. HAY Higher; timothy, 824.00tg28.60; prai rie. 819 00ttr22 00. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; job bing, 216.00. Lard, lower; prime (team, SS.07ttg8.17e. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. 88.76; clear ribe, 88.75; short clears, 89.12. Bacon, unchaged, boxed extra shorts,. 89.76; clear riba, 29.76; short clears. 216.12. POITLTRT Steady; chickens. He: spring, 16e; turkeys, 15jI17e; ducka, 9c; geese, 6c. -' BUTTER Firm; creamery, 20!if24c. EGGS Unchanged; Uc. Receipts. Shipm'ts. Flour, bbla. 6.106 10.140 Wheat, bu. 178.040 41.000 Corn, bu. 68.000? 63.000 Oate, bu, 63,000 62,009 Pklladelphla Preface Market. PHILADETJHIA. July 1J BUTTER Firm; weatern creamery, 27o; nearby prints. 29c. EGGS Firm ; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 26.66 per case; current receipts, filee cases, fS.W per case; western firsts, free cases, 25.40 per case; current receipts, free eases, 84.8Ctj 6.10 per esse. CHEESE Firm; New Tor full cream s fancy new, 12c; fair to good. 12912c. Mveravael Orata Sf arUet. LTVKRPOOL. July 12 WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 Man It ob A 7s 44d. Futures, easy; July, 6s 10d; Ootoberv As 8d; De cember. 6s ""ad. " !v CORN Spot, firm: American, mixed, old. 8n ft VI: new American, kiln dried. Sa 84. Futures, esef; September, teiid: Decem ber, te IHd. - Peoria Market. PKORTA. July lt-fORN-cFJrm: No. 2 white. StS',c: No. 2 yellow. Wc; No. 2 vel low, 66c; No. 4 yellow, 64c; No. 8 mixed, SCe. OATS Unchanged; -No. 2 white, 47e: standard. 46Hc; No. I whit. 46frc; No. 4 white, new, 44to. Mil weak Greta "larket. MILWAUTCEK, July ll-TWHRAT-No. 1 northern, 21.0-1.08; No. 2. 81.60afl.0t; Sep tember. 90ifitt0c; Deomeber, S9o. OATS Standard, 48V4'i49e. BARLEY-tMalting. &el.ll Dalatk Grala Market. DULUTH. July 11 WHEAT No 1 northern, e; No. 8 northern. 66V467Wc; July. Ho bid: September. 99o bid. OATS 47Hc; to arrive. 46Sc Cattaa Market. NEW TORK, July 11-COTTON-Spot cloaed quiet and unchanged; middling up lands. 14. lac; middling gulf, 14.60c; no sales. New Tork cotton market, as furnished by Logan A Rryea. members New Tork Cot ton exchange. Hi South Sixteenth street. Month. Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. Julv ....14 08 Aug- 13 7 r1t .... 11 OH 14 10 12 83 1.1 Oft 18 M 18 7? 14rt 14 01 IS 78 13 aa. 12 7 12 II 1! 97 12 78 Oct 13 88 II 90 13 80 II Dec. .... 12 8 12 SO 12 72 13 78 U 96 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Operations oa Stock Exchange of naif- Hearted Character. I MILD STATES STEEL WATCHED Atteatlaa Dlreeted te r ateeaflriard Rawen that Cerralaa Is later. Caaetrwetlow Ceatrarta. NEW YORK, July tZ. Operations on the stock 'exchange today were, or the half hearted character of midsummer. - At the opening and at mid-day the market ad vanced, but in both ensee receaatona lol ktwed and net changes of the standard stork were unimportant '1 he southern railroads and American To bacco preferred were the only prominent issues te show gains of a point or more, and on the downward movement loexea were kept within correspondingly small amounts, except thst Canatllan Pacific and a few Inactive Industrials declined a point or more. Southern Railway waa an active feature of the market. On the execution of a num ber of large buying orders It rose to 830, its lilKhest price of the year and within a fraction of the top figure of lest yeer. Speculative Interest centered largely on United States Steel. That stock was sold heavily In the early part of the session, but seemed to be well absorbed. Particular attention was directed to United States Steel because of unconfirmed rumor that the corporation Is Interested largely tn the contracts to be awarded for subway con structlon. In view of the uncertainty as to earnings of steel companies following the reduction In prices of finished products, unusual In terest attached to the quarterly statement of the Lackawanna Steel company, which ahowod a falling off of Income of more than half. The total Income of the com pany for the last quarter waa 2816,000. a de crease of 21,194.008. The bond market was firm with marked strength In American Tobacco 6s. Totsl sales, par value, 22,237.000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as fellows: Balea Hlfk. lw. Clou. AHIe-Chattner pll Amalgamate Copper .... American Agricultural .., American Peat Bucar..... 2, sort KM) 1.000 son loo tn 100 o 17 1114 11 4 MS M it 11 M 4 U 10H 41 1t 10T M 11 IV, MS H1 It) i American Can American C. St r American Cotton Oil American H. A 1 pf..... American Ice Securities... American L4neae American lacomotlTe .... American S. at R Am. S. A R pM Am. Steal Foundries Am, 8uar Refining American T. A T American Tobece afd.... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Oo Atrhteon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic CMat Lin 8.M SO 11 l ace hit, muj u ne M MV M 100 ! tl H one iuv( ins li'H loo loin ioi4 vn 110 111 1SH in im ie iVi m u is 10.40 14 H U 1.1 I.W0 Stilt 141V, 141V, 100 t'i 04 100 100H lOoVt ' 100H J 1.10 n si mh to SOO KH ttVt' "S 44V1 100 147 14H 144 t.60 124H 1"IVi H 4O0 844 S 4H 14 14 14H 170 800 4 tV it 100 7't 87 67 SSH 8.70 17 U, tc SCi I.M itVi U M 47V4 400 1MV4 ll ' Ml l.etD lit 114 134 100 41 l 1 00 144 141 143U. 400 111 11 17 no ro r,o no 100 lH 121 131 17'4 100 11 11 11 100 41 41 41 too 11 10 1 700 84 15 800 U . 47 700 107 107 107 1,(00 1U 164 164 ' 700 141 140 140 1,400 (7 14 S7 4 ' 100 4 4 44 188 10 86 M ' -, ao 00 10r) 104 m 100 45 45 45 I 800 10 101 1OT 13 8,100 111 111 111 M 700 114 114 134 10 ' 10 8 8 84 1 17.600 10 H JSS'4, l 2 8.40 81 It 12 .Baltimore A Ohio. Bethlehem Steal Brooklyn Rapt Tr Canadian PaclMa Central Leather Central Leather Pd Central of Na Jersey.... Cheaapeaka Ohio Chicago A Altos Chicago O. W.. na Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W Chicago. M. A St. P. C C. C. A St. t Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern Conaolldatod Oaa- ......... Oirn Produeta Delaware A Hudson Denrcr A Rle Orande. ... t. A R. O. pfd Dlatlllera Securities Krla Kris let pfd Erie 111 ptd General Klecttie Great Northern pfd ftreat Northern Ore etfa. . TJItnola (Vitrei Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Ha treat er ,. ifft. Marina pfd International Paper ....... International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa Ckr Heathers K. C. So. Pfd Laclede Oaa lAularllla.A NaahTlllo... Minn. A St. Lout M . St. p. A S. A el.... Mlasourl. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd Mteaourt Pacific National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. of M. 24 pfd... New Tork Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Westera (North American jNonnern racinc Paclflo Mail Pennarlvanla People's Gea P., C, C. A St L Plttabur Coal Preened Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading Kcpubllo Steal Hepubllo Steel pfd Rock I aland Co , Hock laland Ca. pfd St. L. A. 8. F. id pfd St. Louie g W ftt. L. S. W. pfd Hloaa-Bheffleld 8. A I.... Southern Pacific Southern Railway , So. Raltwer Pd Tanniaan Con per Texaa A Pacific T.. St. L. A W T.. St. L. A W. pfd...... t'nton Pacific Union Paclflo pfd United State Realty United States Rubber United State Steal 1!. S, Steel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical . . Wehaah v, Webaeh pfd Weatern Maryland ' Weatlnghouae Glectii ... Weatern Union Wheeling A- Lake Brie.... 10 46 "ioo to' 44 44 11 71 41 7 .ioo ui 1:1 m . 11. too '. l.f 10 . 1,000 U 79 2 : 73 41 tl 7J 40 t 21 41 : 400 in 4a 4 47 l,0n ! 17 17 in ! ' l too m 86,iwvi 15 41 T 7t 4t 74 41 711 71 1.000 111 11 11 l.tn (0 49 4 1, 86 14 M It 65 too 1 II 44 75 0 l.ona 800 4 71 W Lehigh Vallay 174 174 174 Total aalaa tar th Say, 111. 00 ahanm. New Yarlx Meaey Market. NEW TORK, July 12. MONET Steady at 1 to SVfe per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2hi fer cent Time loans, stronger; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, 2493 per cent; six months, 24 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER ! to 4Vs per cent STERLING EXCHANGE Steady with actual business In bankers bills at 84.8475 for sixty-day bills, and at K8640 for. de mand. Commercial bills. 84.84. SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, film. Closing . quotations on bonds were as follows: li. S. ref. kv rag. ...10 lat M at. 4 41 do eoupea 10 Japan 4a U V. A la. rag So roupea 2J. S. 4a. rag de aoupea AUIa-Chal. 1st 8s... Are. A, ta Aa. T. A T. a 4a. Am. Tobeoee a de ta Armour A Ce. 4a. .101 do 4a 4 .W K. C. So. lat la.... 74 1 L. S. deb. 4a Ml.... J .111 LAN. unl. ta... . 7 M , K. A T. lat a. 7 .101 de gen. 4a 17 .10 Mo. Paclflo 4a 77 . 7'4 N. B R. of M. 4a 11 .104 N. T. C . I 17 . do deb. ta M Atchlaon ea 4a.. oo c. 4a e . Sa. A. C. L let 4a... Bal. A Ohio 4.. do oo B. W. 8. Brook. Tr. T. 4a. Otn. ef Oa, Sa... ... a n. i., r. n. at at. ...111 cr. ta in ...li N. A W. lat a. ta.. n ... 6 o er. ta....: 108 ... II No. Paclflo ta ... i do la 71 ... to O. . L. rfdg. ta.... 4 ... r Pana. er. Ia iu.. 7 ...ioii o coa. 4a im ... Reading gan. ta hu On. Leather ef N. J. g. 128 St. LAS. K. fa. ta li u. Chae A Ohio 4.. .11 do aaa. aa. 1 e ref. a St. L. s. w. a ta... M Chlrag A A ' d lat got ta.... t C . 11. A Q. i. ta... 7 S. A. L. ta.... sot. do sen. 4a M Bo Pas. col. ta.... M C.M. ASP. g l da er. ta nu C. R- I. A P. a. ta. 76 do lat ref. ta.... 4 4 rfg. ta so. Rellwar ta. loss SCelo. In, ta. 76 ae gan. ta 7 (Ailo. Mid. ta... 4 Union Paolrla ta 101 C. A S. r. A . 4e M do o. ta io D. A H. ct. ta M de 1st A rat. ta... M P. A R. O. ta tl. A Rubber ta 1 de ref. Sa V. 8. Steel 8 6. ...10 natulan ae 77 eya.K'ar. Cham. e..lonu Brie p. I. ta Wabaek lat te Is ee saa. ta. 1 lat A as. ta.... de a. 4a, aer. a.. I Wartera MA aa. tt a a genea a "it want. aiae. er. aa ev. la.. l 4a Ir . M J Oea Blee. ev. M...in wta. Caartnl 111. Cos. lat rat. 4a M Me. Pa, av. lat. Mat. 4v,a 7I Paaaaaa Sa ai. e04len. Near York Carb Market. The following Quotations are furnished by Ixgan A Bryan, members New Tork Stock exchange, 11a ui oixieentn street: Aomt. Tabeooe .16 lalretloa Bar State Oaa.. Bulla Coal It tee t at-tua Chlae Chief Con Dala-ralr Sir Central ..... Pranklla Oicoaa BelBaoot .... 11 Laraae .... l Kit. 3en 11 Nawkoeae ... 11 Okie Copper ... 1 ft.. aide Cealltiea ,.. f Rar Central ... I Batlft Pkg. Oa..'... .... 11 Vetted Coeper ... ... 4 Hoaeoala .. a ,. 1 . 1 .101 . 17 . 1 Lu4n Iteek Market. LONDON. July 12. American securities opened a fraction higher and Improved under the lead of the Pacific stocks. At noon the tone wss steady, with prices 4J aho- e yeeterdiy's New Tork closing. London cloalna stack onotatiiuui' Cr.nec.le, aaeaer ...78 1 Leutertlle .ill e accenat u ilo , kaa. A Taiaa. M Amal. t eppar AaacuiNn .... Ateblen .. 14 fw tor tenlral.. .1111 ... 1 Nnrfalk A Wart era .tilva ...11 da pfd at pf ...in Ontario A Waaler.. 4 te Heare J Sonthera Pacific Uenrer A Klo O do pfd rl se let pr o U pt Grand Trunk .... .1 .! . 1 .III . lo . 17 :i I oton Paclflo 0 da pfd V S. Steel... (I do pfd 4 We baa h I o pfd inmate cantret K1L.V4.H Bar, ount'e. steady at 244,d pea- VtONET-I per cent. Tha. rattt f srliaranari Ih Kaa r 'I'rl.yj1' ! P?r eEt; tor three ........... uii, 1 per cent. utaa not,. a J- 9fTON' Ju,r '"-Closing quotations os i'k Alleuaa .. .. M Mokaek .. t Nerada Con ... .. M Nlplaalng Mine Amal. Copper A. S. L. A S Art inns Onia f . 1 . - 11 . I . 47 .101 . II . ; . 11 . si . 6 . 14 . I . 411 . 14 . 49 . I .111 s . v- s. 'm: 14 i-a nana nutte ... 14 North Lab .... II til ftninlnln. ourie coallllon t el. A Atirana lii, 45 Parrott A A C. tentannlal , Qulnef Cop. Mange C. C... (0 Shannon KT.Ti & M "'4 Superior .. anhlin Ulroux Cos.".",".",", Oranbv Con It Superior AB M. 1 Tamarack 84 V. a. S. R. A M. a. aa tlrepne Cananea" L"it.,l'"L1 "ta" " rtah con. ".v.'.'.'.:: Kerr Lake I 1 ..h v.. iT1. ff"!? ' " ttlnona Miami' Copper Jt.lT. tloctoa' Copper Market. The following quotations are fumlshsd by Lngan A Bryan, members Boston Stock ex- .1 r " ' " onicfian street: Adrenture a, Mlcbtgan Calumet A Arlaoaa.. 11 Miami ... ... ai ... is ... ,...12 41 ... 17 ... 11 ... 2 . 84 ... ... 41 ...114 ... 1 ""t ar. fiocta... .aaa rviptrajng Copper Itange o Narth Butte ... Oecoola 11 Old Dominion .. 1 Rar Cotu tl fihannon 14 Sunerlor Cbppae 17 Tamarack ....... v. a. a a... 17 do pfd I Wolverine 1 Boatoa dtBlr... lalr-weat Raat Butte Fleet National ... Hancock Indiana ,, ale Rorela ...... Keweenaw Lake Copper ..... La Sella Maaaacknaett ... Neve Yark Mlalaa- Stacks. NEW TOR V T,il 10 m-.t- ...1 or mining stocks were': nce 171 ewttle Cklet a .wm. i-annei Clock . . IT Mexican tfui oo eondo Con. Cal. A Va Horn stiver Ires Sllrer Leadrllla Con. . Offered. 1 Ontario 10a .11 Opblr S2 . Pt 8tandard loo . M Yellow Jacket M CHICAGO LIVB SlTtKTK V MARKET DemaaA to Cattle Weak Hoars aad , Skeea) Straaa. CHICAOrt Jutw 10 niTerw.o 1 - I.v09 head: market m u k....u um Texas steers, 4.GO(8J.10; western steers. 7i.,w., iimni anu ieeoers, e3.uuu6.TV: COWS and hcifera. t9 IKMt 71. , u. . m , vmTn, eo.fo tfi.76. HUG8-Recelpts, 23.000 head; market, strong to 6c higher; lights, .35(jn.80; mixed. -8; good to choice heavy, 2&3&w4.76; pigs, fv.ivvu.w, uuir ui naies, o.ao.taj. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16,000 head; market, strong; native, I2.60ai4.ti6; western. xX UitfiU Tilt vuriinv. e. an..x iu. ' - -, . w (, v. w , im live lambs, 4.2537.u0; western, 4.767.00. Kaaaas City Live Stock Market. KAKSABJ CITV I,i1v H PiTTtr r- celpts. 6,800 head. Including 1,800 southerns; ma.! ftri Bionur to jatc nigner, caives Zoc hlarher: ltreeMt hMf n n H Ar,n. . 6.10.75; fair to good, W.OOrftAlO; western steers, S4.6ua!-2&; stockers and feeders, 13.00 4TM.P6; southern steers, $a2nfj)5.00; southern -"", -u i.wf native cowa, ez.zuv'n.oo; na tive heifers, $4.0lKgi.4O; bulls, 22.76i'4.25: calves, M.00r(J6.25. .en-, HOGS Receipts, 17.000 head; steady to 6o higher; bulk of sales, SA3QQA60; heavy, $64cflt5.6T.; packers and butchers, $&30tU4J.50; lights, 86.3(54(8 50. SHEEP AND ' LAMBS Receipts, 6,090 head; market strong; lambs, lti.W?.0; yearlings, 84.505.60; wethers, 24.00a4.26: ewes. 83.2S'9l3.7n: etorkera etui feautara toon j.3.00; .. -... St. Law Is Live Stack Market. ST. T.OT"IR .Jnlv 10 f"ITTf.irL-ri...ini. 5.800 heatj. Including 1,800 Texans; market steady to 10c lower; native shipping and export steerffS0.00fr6.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, o.8i6i.25; steers under 1.000 I ha li AtV tat rnli.p. on4 C-. . I. ,1. 54.80; oows and belfera,3 006.50; cannere. iv-y j.uv, ouiia, u.irut(tJ.nt; calves, WW(P 7.76; Texss and Indian steers, 3 25O6.00; cows snd heifers) eS.OCijo.OO. nuuo-riaMpu. iz.ouv neaa; market steady; nigs and lights. K00f(6.75; packers, ln.ftotaJs; butchers and best heavy, 26.60 j6.7o. . BIIKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.800 muttons, 83Zc,4 0O; lambs. 800(ffi.00; culls and bucks, $2.mA-S0; stockers, (12o3.00. St. Joseph Live stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,600 head; market strong; steers, M5t&ti.3ft; cows and heifers, l2.60tB-tS.00; calves, 13 OdfttJ.00. HOUS Receipts. 7.600 head: market steady; top, 8666; bulk of sales. S8.20tSA4f. on ttr ajnu UMB8- receipts, looo head; market steady to strong; lambs, 24.60 CJ7.00. Stack la Slckt. Recelnte of 1lva atctck n r eiv rwlnctnttl western markets yesterday: , cattle. Hors, Sheep South Omaha .', St. Joseph Kanaaa Cltv .... 4.100 12.800 2,000 .. 100 .. 6.800 .. 6.800 ..18,000 7.500 17.000 12,800 23.000 1.608 6.000 6.800 16,000 St. Louts Chicago Totals' ........ ..86,400 78.100 21.800 Coffee Market. NEW TORK. July 12. COFFEE Futures closed steady at a net ' advance of ltj(0 points. Sales. 39.230 bags. July, 11.71c; Aug., 11.66c; Sept., lL44c; Oct., 11.20c; it... 11 1 '1 .. . T . I -CW A IlM W HUT., Al.ldu. XSW.j i CU. eilu .1. U 1 , 11.06c; April, 11.070 and May and June nose, spot corree, steady; no. i Klo, 13c; No. 4 Santos, 13c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 14Cplo. Dry Oaade Market. NEW TORK. July 13 DRT GOODS The cotton goods markets are very quiet with prices neia moderately steady. Knit goods are quiet. Worsted yarns are slightly lower. Many buyers are In town, but their operations thug far have been light. HYMENEAL . Taeker Davis. FAIRBL-RT, Neb.. July U.-(PpeclsJ ) Misa MabeUe Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis, was married to Rosco E. Tucker of Hastings Tuesday evening at I o'clock. Miss Moll! Q'Neal, one of the graduate o the Falrbury High echool In tha claaa of 1911. played tha wedding march. . Rev. Mr. Gilbert pastor of the Methodist church, officiated. The couple were unattended. The ring ceremony waa used and about twenty-five Immediate friends and relatives of the contracting partlea witnessed th marriage. After the ceremony refreshments were served to the gueejts In tha dining room. The bride Is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis and was reared and edu cated In Falrbury. She was graduated from th Falrbury High school In tbe claaa of 1910. Tha groom la a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tucker of Hasttfigs and is em ployed aa n electrician. They will make their home in Hastings. Girl Takea Drtak ml Lye. GARNER, la.. July 12 f Special.) ! perate and discouraged on account of III health and an unfortunate love affair, Mlas Mamie Monahaa attempted to commit suicide by drinking lye yesterday. No sooner had ahe swallowed the fiery mouth ful than ahe began screaming for- help. Physicians resorted to heroic treatment and believe that her life can da saved, although she Is frightfully burned. kail frae-taree! veltSi .Haanaaer. ' IOWA CITT, la.. July 11-(Special.) Joseph Cooper, struck by a big hammer, alleged to have been wielded by bis former employer, Andrew Dunn, at Kellogg, la. Is lying In a hospital her wtth m fractured skull. The surgeons have taken out the splinters that were Imbedded In hi brain, but Cooper's condition la critical. FttillMitM a , 1 . 1 . Canadian Pacific ..j44- Han Mines .T T ta ' ""- A hla., 14 Rcedtng nZ IM. ureal Want cm . 21 Sautbern Railway .. Ut t M . Mil. A at e mil . .,a i OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Vfc!ne Practically Unchang-ed, but Trading Lacki Snap. HOGS AEE Fm CENTS HIGHER Rrasaaakly Rread Demaad frasa All Qaartera le tke Mala Factor ' fceep aad Uaa Trade le Dell. POVTH OMAHA, July 12. 1911. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Slitep Offl.l.l Mnnrinv S.tS V 4.8.H Official Ttlenriav 4.796 1S.7W ' I.0M Lstlmate Wednesday.... 4,100 12.800 2,0fJ Three days this week.. 14, 429 ' 38,448 .8ti7 Bamo days last week.... 7,518 1.V447 2 S90 Same days 2 weeks ago.. I!.n9 24,!78 14 878 Same davs 2 weeks ago.. 10,348 29.3:- 7,74 Bamo day 4 week ago..l2.Ml 4n.6.8 12.311 Same day last yesr.... 11.422 17,116 22,687 Th following table shows the receipts of cattle htiu-a and eh.ra at couth Oina,ta fr the year to date aa com Da red with last year: inn. 1910 Inc. Cattle 628.840 491.077 87.8G2 Hogs 1.491.191 1.1W.M3 2,874 e'heep 781.637 738,334 j,au The following table shows the averse price on hog at South Omaha for th last several days. With comparisons: Dates. 1911. 1910.1999.1908. 11907. 1908.1905. July 4.., July t.. July S... July 7... July 8.... July ... July 10.., July 11.., July 12.. V Kki t' 7 Vi'l" ' I VfV 48' I 8 25',,! l TO 70t ! J i 26 6 81 6 78 1 691 S 26 48 6 2 6 29 s 8iy 8 661 7 6S S 16 6 74 - I S K 8 62 a 7 671 18 6 69 6 64 4 7 ft? a 6 291 6 68 2 32 t 82 I 23 27 8 44 6 66 6 23 T 66 I 74 64 Sunday. Receipts and disposition ef live stock at the Union Stock Tarda. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending st 2 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r s. C. M. St. P... 2 6 1 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 6 Union Paclflo 69 44 8 C. A N. W., eaat.... 2 4 C. A N. W., west:... 26 j 64 .. 1 C, St. P., M. A O.... 12 6 .. C, B. A Q., east.... 6 7 1 1 C, B. A Q., west.... 81 28 , t C, R. I. A P., east.. 2 1 .. .. C, R. I. A P.. west .. Illinois Central 8 .. C. O. W 8 Total receipts ....166 182 t 14 DISPOSITION. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 462 1,698 Swift and Company 840 2,635 if Cudahy Packing Co 817 4.424 290 Armour A Co 238 2.638 808 Murphy 1,903 W. B. Vansant Co. 42 Benton, Vansant A Lush 88 Hill & Son , 225 P. B. Lewis 110 Huston A Co 47 J. H. Bulla 85 L. Wolf 12 McCreary A Carey K9 S. Werthelmor 213 H. P. Hamilton IS Mo. Kan. Calf Co 2 Sullivan Bros 7 Schlmer 2 Other buyers 704. ..... 886 Totals 4.126 12,696 2,250 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were sub stantially the same as on yesterday, and about the only change In the quality of the offerings waa the Increased proportion of half fat and grassy stuff. There was little change In th general market, both local packers and shippers taking bold of the desirable, well fattened grades freely at. fully steady prices and shading values wherever possible on the medium and common grades. There was not the same snap and activity to the market that there wse yesterday, but the cattle kept selling and a very fair clearance was effected some time before noon. Demand for cows and heifers continues broad, and while supplies were somewhat more liberal than recently, the movement waa reasonably active and good atuff ot all kinds commanded fairly steady flg urea. Stock cows and heifers have found a better demand so far this week and prloes have firmed up more os less and the canning grades have also shared In this improvement. In the main, however, It was a good, steady trade and everything changed hands In good aeason. Veal calves were in liberal supply and weak, but bulls, stags, etc., sold at steady to strong fig ures. Improvement continues In the stocker and feeder trade and there were a number of country buyers tn the yards looking for good stuff of alt weights. Compared with the low time last week, values are 25$36c higher, and the tone to the trade Is better than for some time back. Volume of business, however, continues with mod erate proportions, although a good clear ance. Is made every day. Quotations or. cattlet Uood to choice beefs teers. 86.2&S41.60; fair to good beef steers, Iti.u0fe4.2o; common to fair beet steers, 86.004iO.90; good to cboloe heifers. o.iUo.70; good to choice cows, htkbo.ov; fair to good sows and heifers, 24.uui4t4.7o; common to fair cows and heifers. 62.00ttpt.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, I4.764J 6.16; fair to good stockers and feeders, 64-00 b4. 60; common to fair stockers and feeders, 3.25ft3.90; stock heifers, li.uXKtf.4.00; veal calvea, 3.6utf.7d; bulls, ataaa, ate, 83-0u4 6.00. Kepresentatlve sales : BEEF STEERS. . 4a, a. r. . He. A. r. 11 1071 I 71 10 1H1 I SO II Ills K II 1411 I 41 11 1247 I li II .....1411 14 7 1111 11 II 1441 4t M 1240 I II II 1U 8 M II. ........ ...1111 8 18 cow?, 1 IM 8 71 II 171 I II I M0 I M 1 1000 4 10 ' 4 ito I io u 4 a 10. 720 I 16 HEIFERS. . I Ul I 71 8 441 8 71 1 41ft I 71 , I Ml I 10 120 I tS ' 14 I IN I 427 I M 1 771 4 SO I ISO I 06 II 771 4 M I KU 8 11 8 130 4 U 4 460 I It I MW1 4 M U 11 I I I Hi IU BULLS. 1 1214 8 M 1 Ill I 86 CALVES. 17S 8 71 4 IN I (0 4 & 4 00 3.... la) I M I lit 4 71 STOCKERS AND FEEDER!). II 464 I M . 11 IM I 71 1 471 I W ' 17 744 I 71 I IM I 00 10 4M I M 10 641 I II I IM I 16 1 11 I Ill I M 14 IM I N I Ill I 10 I Ill I IS I Ml I 4 IM I 40 II M l 1 4!'0 I 60 14... M IN 1 71? I Kl T Ill 4 - 7 170 I M 81 Ill I 44 1 181 I M 16 I ll 4 M 1 4tj I 71 1 Ml I 7 I Ill I 71 It Ml 4 It HoOti nehtsr managed to obtain anad higher prices for the bulk -of hog receipts, but It was uphill work to put anything over the scales at nickel advances. Sales ranged from steady to So higher, larger drovjs costing only a little more than those of yesterday. A reasonably broad demand from all quarters was the main factor In producing strength, but as soon as this demand began to taper off,, the market weskened, closing Just about steady with yesterday. About l'JO loads were received In all, of ferings ranging from sklppy bacon grades to well-flnlahed heavies. Animals weigh ing from 200 to 36 pounds made up a large portion of the run and quality was none too attractive. This phase of receipts has had ths natural result of merging spreads, and the poorer kinds of light hogs are now selling on much the same basis as good It 0a V aWat During the early rounds there waa a fair degree of activity to the trade, but inquiry late in the session was very quiet (Ship pers called for a full 10 per cent of the entire supply and selections consisted largely of heavy butchers and good lard loads. There was little or no demand of a purely speculative character. Yards were cleared ef bulk before 11 o'clock good heavies selling around 84 2t and decent light moving at or near 8 Si. Heat lights reached S6.42S. a split nickel above yesterday's high price. No. Av. 8b. Pr. Av. 8h. Pr. It l ... lb ... a .141 ... IM i.. aia ae a ao 71 Ill ... M 141 ... kisa ....171 M I M ....I0 I 11 ....IM ... IM ....IM ... Ill U 4 I M i ..It .. ll .2M ... 11 .171 IS 4 H o..t 11... 87... 41 .. ..111 ... I ! ..Kl li use ..CI ... I list ..11 U I 1JS4 ..i ... I list ..IM ... ll4 ..Ul M I 11 ..IM M I US ,.! IM I 26 .171 M I St .111 Mil e 171 ... I7U 41.. U la 7 64.. 71 lit IM I !7Sa 71.. U Ill ... I I7S 71. HI ... Silt II 147 11 I7S II Ill ... Hi U Ml .. 8 M HI SM it in im m a ni ... 6 Kl . . I M M 1 I I It 17 ta 8 I M St H ... I t II IM ... I 44 Ill HI 111 lut It M . 64 Ul M St U7 8 I 8 ,.4 ,.ta .tn Oil aa I II e IK 4 8 38 ... 4 pa at M I t ... Ill ... I ss M IK ... S 11 ... I 17 IM lt 4 I 11 4 4 IS 4 .. 4 I . I le M I an I ... ... 7.... 4 ... .... II.... 71.... II... II.... n.... 71.... .It . .1 ..ta ..IH ..li ..HI ..14 ,.81 ..til ..HI ..14 .. .. i.. ta.. 4.. i. . 7.. M.. 1.. II.. 14.. .Iw an M .t 14 M ! 4 ... tie .c Ml I M .14 Mil .tat ... to .131 ... 4 tn .III I M .It m t tn .141 in a 111 M I M .It ... I .mr IM I M .PS7 W I M .IT ... M .M4 ... M .IM N IS .141 ... I M lit ... la .m IN t K .K ... M ,t7 Mil .1.1 M I M .It M t M III M I 10 111 II 8 M .111 M I M .21 ... IM .111 n .im li at .171 4 I M .17 NO I M Ml ... M tm ... a ta 71... 14... 4... II... 41... 17... 71... 14... li... (... at... ... to... 04... II... ... It... 14.. U... II... 14... ... ... 14... ... t... ... M... U... 17... 14... 1... II... ... 41... (I... TO... ' ... li... 74... ... 71... 44... TV.. ..ta .101 IH I 4 .171 I 4 . 14 .114 IM .17 M 4 40 ... I ... 4 ... I a I 4 .111 .IM 14 I 4 lit 4 I 4 ....IM ....I'M ....4 ....14 ... 07 ....tn .... ....tn ....m ....tm ... ....in M I 40 ... 40 ::: I Z ... I en 4 I 4 4 MS 4 Mil 4 41 ... 41 70. 41. attl'e liamlv enouah'aheaD and lamb arrived to make a trade that would sftord a very reliable Idea of the trend of values. Only eight or nine loads of stock were yarded, three from the range and five or six from oornbelt sections. The three loads ot raimeia were Oregon wet tiers, similar to the 84.26 article yesterday. They had plenty ot finish and brought Kli readily. In a general way It wa a steady to dime higher market for anything fit to kill. The corrbclt offering conaleted of mixed bunches, featured by generally common qualm. A few spring lambs sold as high as 27.00, Indicating a quotable limit of 27, 16 or poenlbly 17, a. Strictly good ewes ranged around 3&o4., and shorn yearlings, lately known as lambs, showed little change of consequence. Denplte the limited receipts, demand had a rather quiet tone and strong spots In the market resulted from discrimination Instead of a bread, healthy Inquiry. Only the bet ter claeses foand free outlet. Nothing much was done In the feeder de partment as both the supply and demand were too small to produce very much busi ness. Inquiry from the country thus far for thin stuff has been notably alack, -but belief Is general that Improved corn crop prospeots will put a better edge upon the demand. Quotations on grsss stock. Snriftg lambs, good to choice. 28.8697.18; spring lambs, fair to good, 8rj.0OSiti.si; yearling, fair to choice, 84.lfx95.40; yearlings, feeders. 23 604.26; wethera. fair to choice. 83.nfuiM.40: wether. feeders, 22.8f.7JS.40; swes, fair to choice. 174 s.io; ews, feeders and eulls. 21.7631.46. Wuotat.on "on corn belt stock: Spring tamos, Bj.zoOT7.Z5: fee run a. fair to choloa. 86.3fy.fe), wethers, fair to choice, Sl&OQ .eu-, tan, rair to cnoiea, i3.0DQt4.Si. Representative sales: 222 Montana lambs, feeders! 29 409 2 60 SOS 7 18 60 4 00 8 80 2 00 5 36 4 08 7 00 4 26 2 10 m Montana yearlings, feeders.. 64 26 sprlnar lamba culls 68 81 spring lamb, culls 86 21 spring lambs T4 10 spring lambs, culls M 47 western ewee 106 86 western ewe, eulls So 111 spring lambs 67 36 spring lamba, eulka 61 10 apring lamba 87 681 Oregon wethera 103 100 Oregon wethera, culls 81 George Decides for American Claimants in the Alsop Case $835,000 Depositor! by Chile Will Be Paid to Owners in United Sttei. - LONDON. July 12. The Times announces that King George has given the award In the Alsop claim to the United States. Th award concedes 187,000 (2935,000) to the American claimants. Early last Auguat th American ambassa dor and the Chilean minister at London presented to the British Foreign office their respective cases on the Alsop claim, which had been submitted to King George aa arbitrator. The claim la based upon large gums, of money advanced to th Bolivian government In 1874. Chile agreeing to assume the obligations of Bolivia to the company when Arlca passed to Chile. The claim amounted to $1,600,000. The United States and Chile agreed to submit the case to the late King Edward and after his death, to his successor, King George. Chile deposited th amount claimed In London, to be paid tn case the award waa In favor of the American claim ant a Exploding Gasoline Tank Causes Panic Neighborhood Boosed by Fetr of Im pending Catastrophe Which Does Not Come. The ignition of a gasoline tank uaed for lighting In a barber shop and pool hall at 318 South Eleventh street early last even ing caused small panic In th neighbor hood. : . f Flladelfi Malone. proprietor of th place, becama hysterical from fright when th flames broke out. Several Italians who were in tbe place ran to the street warn ing passersby of an Impending explosion. Tht firemen arrived in time to relieve th danger, although three were singed about the face and head by the flame. Malon recovered his senses when the blase was extinguished. He said tha fir had dam aged his place to the extent of 159. , 4SafaaaaaTaa7BT Blgr rear! Fa Near Btoatiealla. MONTICBLLO, la., July li (Special.) While clara fishing tn the Maquoketa river near here Sunday Wesley Btarks. a veteran pearl hunter, foand a pearl near the ford at Pictured Rock which I regarded a the moat valuable ever found In this part of the state, it Is valued at from 2300 to 2400. Mareaal Caaraed with MaaslaaTBter. GREEN, la., July 11. (Special.) Marshal Ed Tohn waa today bound over to th grand Jury for- manslaughter, resulting from his kilting a man who resisted while Tohn was trying to arrest him. Publlo sentiment is strongly In sympathy with the officer. Iowa News Nates. LOGAN Earl Mason. Art Gelth. and Fred Reabury of Logan, also Guy iiahoney of the Missouri Valley Times left here yester day for the good road meeting at Mar halltown. LOGAN Funeral service of Mrs. Donald Mauls who died at her home northwest of Magnolia of heart trouble yesterdav morning at T o'clock, will be held at Magnolia tomorrow at 11 a. m. Interment tn Magnolia cemetery A. M. Fyrando In cnarge. CORNING In a special election In which It was decided whether the city would ac quire the ownership of the water plant, ths preposition wss defested with an over whelming majority. The women were al lowed to vote on the question also. But thirty-one availed themcelves of th priv ilege and all but five cast votes against th municipal ownership. RED OAK Both the volunteer and paid fir department, together wtth a band af twentytwo pieces will enter the 'stats fire men's tournament to be held in Des Moines the last week of this month to compete tn the evente for state honors. FAIRFIELD William H. Niebest, former sheriff of Jefferson county, and a proml. nent Mason, Is dead at his home her from heart troubla DENISON-O. H. Tellier deputy dairy cmntlalonr, ha been at Denlson to give the state examination to teeters of cream In this part of Iowa. Me met nearly thirty, th largest number he has yet had at one place. Itlach . applicant must pay the state 82.60 for his license. DENISON The government baa arranged for the establishment of Ih postal savings bank here, beginning July 16. The First National bank - haa qualified as the cus todian of local funds Postmaster F. W. Meyers and his clerks have been posting up and moan to conduct a model depository from the firat- 74 M , !.. r. . SEEK TO LENGTHEN THE CARS Iowa Roidi Apply to (kMml.4oTR for Stock Shipment Order. WANT MOTMUM LEKOTH 33 FEET Grata Mew at Dea Melwea Talak "tail, ways Saaald Pay tMtaira for l.oeeee Oeeaaleaeal mr P-r la Shlpnaeate. (From a Staff Correapondent.) DES MOINES. !.. July U-(Speclal Tl-egram.)-The State Railroad commission concluded a very Important hearing today In regard to tha minimum length of freight cure for handling live slock. Tlie shippers had asked that the prraent minimum of thirty-one feet b continue, and th rail roads Insist upon a thlryt-i foot mlnl mu. which waa In fact ordered two years ago. but never put In fore. Reprenenl. ttvee of shippers and packing houses ap peared and asked that the thhty-one foot slse be continued, declartnvt that this Is demsnded by the-smaller stock shipper of the slate. The commission haa not yet decided. Hold Roads for Delaya. That all shippers of grain, especially mcmbera of the Western Grain Dealera' association, should hold the railroads 11a ble for losses occasioned by delays In ship mania was the principal rewmmenoati of George A. Wells, secretary, at the open ine- session of the annual convention Railroad, accordlnt to his recommenda tion, ahould make good all leasers to ship pers caused by a declined grain market when shipments rJ .delayed. TBey should also pay for all damage In delay In transit, he satd. Wear Mimm Gatfccr. Attorney General Consent stt4 today he will appeal to th Internal Revenue depart ment at Washington . for an order permit ting the county attornryg ot Iowa to sc ene at reasonable prices, lists of th names of federal liquor license holders. A representative of his office went to sot Collector Weaver at Burnngton today and It hi understood that he refuses to make out the Hats a desired. Tha llsta are ta bo kept on file so the publtm may know Who la Illegally selling liquors In the state. ' ' Th annual convention ; of th Negro Masonlo grand lodge Of Icara and Nbraka In session her with 108 delegates, haa Com mittee's at work and will ng ag In an -tenalv program. s Married Ilea Maf Bar . Man-lag by a youn man under year of aire, confers upon him the legal right to .buy drinks tn a arfoon despite tha ftvet that the stat lw prohibits minora from patronising liquor bouses, ac cording to, a ruling announced today by Special Counsel Bobbins of the attorney Car la 04 Saap. Crop conditions er far tter In Iowa than tn any other middle western state and Iowa's corn crop will b larger thla year than the 1910 crop, according" to the monthly report of Ooorg A. Welts, secre tary of th Western Grain Dealers' asso ciation, issued today. Secretary Wells as sert that rain within the xt week will giva tow. a V School of Markaaaaasalp. The state school of marksmanship xor the Iowa National guard ta In progreaa at th state rifle range near Ds Moines under charge of Colonel 8. W. Brookhart of Waahtngton. About fifty of th riflemen of the companies are present. Later In the week there will be others attending and next week they will commence on the state' rifle' contest' 'tvhleh will be partici pated tn by about 200 members of th guard. Captain M. C. Kerth of th general staff of the regular army haa been detailed to visit th encampment here. Ta Atlead Negrra Caaferaact. Governor Carroll has named a list of fifty delegatea to attend for Iowa tha National Negro Educational congress to b held in Denver commencing August 12. Among those named aa delegatea are Georg H, Woodson. Buxton; 8. J. Brown, Des MAtn.i, a J Clark. Oakaloosa: John II Thompson, Des Moines; Charles J. Davis, and P. 8. Pratt, Council Bluffs; P. 8. Bver hart. Red Oak; E. B. Cook. Clarinda, and Mrs. Jennie McDonald, Crestoa. Gaveeraar lavlted Kaaeae. Governor Carroll haa been Invited by Governor Stubba of Kansas to attend the semi-centennial celebration at Hutchinson during the state fair there. H wilt prob ably attend. The date la In September. Th atate educational board has been ad vised by th attorney general that It may use a part of th support fund of th stat eollega for tha payment of dues to tbe American Graduate College of Agriculture If that Is deemed to a a part of th work of the state eollega The Iowa optometry beard held Its an nual meeting today and re-elected Georg 8. Dunlap of Sioux City for president. - B spree Caaapaales Prateet. Th various express companies engaged in business in Iowa appeared before th tat executive council today and preaented their claims to reduction tn the asaeasmaota levied by the slate. They took the posi tion that nothing should be assessed In tha - state except that which la located her, and that thla might Include the Intangible val ues auoh as good will; but gave figure to ahow that the Iowa assessment is very much too high. ... The council finished up th hearings on the railroad assessments and later will take up that of th car, lines and telephone. la Search af a Otoeea. The governor today received from a Ber lin man who says he I collecting a library relating to the doing of the negroes and th Indiana In America, a letter wtth re quest that h forward th same to some on tv ho Is designated aa "Th Queen ef the Maacahukulumbwe," said to be located at Cashton, la. The Berlin writer desire Information aa to this Strang tribe and to have sny book or literature the aforesaid "Queen" ' may have published about her people. It ta supposed the German pro--' feeaor haa read aome wild story given cir culation tn the European paper, as noth ing is known ot it her, a Iowa Weather aad Craps. Excessively high temperature and bright sunshine prevailed during the first half ot the week, the heated period culminating in maximum temperatures considerably above 100 degrees, the highest temperature being 111 degrees In the southeastern counties. While showere oocqrred aver the larges part of the atate oft the night of the Sth, the drouth remains practically unbroken. The showers afforded temporary relief tn narrow belts and spots, covering probably three-fourths of ths state, snd few local Itte reported rainfall sufficient for pres ent needs, but over the bulk of the stats the amount wss too light to give material benefit. Moat of the corn Is still holding Its own remarkably well but soma o thi. earliest planted, especially In the euuth- era counties, has been seriously Injured and If rain does not com nen the crop In those sections, will be light. Maying and small grala harvest hev progressed rap idly under favorable condillona. Thresh- ' Ing haa begun and early reports Indicate a good quality and a fairly good yield af win ter wheat The yield of oats verlee from fifteen to thirty. five bushels. Ths hay croo wilt average between on half and three- lourtn ton per acre, fast urea afford but little feed, and la many localities hay la being fed to stock. Fotatoea and garden truck show serious damae. Walla are fall, ing, and water for stock Is getting atarce. I- ) J