Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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-iave tot Mat n.
tlUI ri aa siaeoa in.i..
ew Hotelrr Opw. OciU i latent
1 tHrjr. tf, ae riotel M Mw ta
vrrmttom hsvtng beea opened ea SMvrtir.
U.mccr Fleber boaea to bar cverrtnleg
-o.t4 by taa en ef ta areeeat ea.
t ta tae sneeattm t reeelvlnc a atnai
aassber of g-oeots. .
Bw W ant a Half Day ftd
raia!- vr.nmer IwVn, both aaioa aa4
i.oaimkL have voted ta does their shops
it u eclotk uwJa!r. This erttoa rw
nkea receat bwtiR( a4 the Millard
hotel ana. Ths barbers Bar ther veto
le put the new coring Um lata effect be-
aaiag Juy 3.
fsr Large Sana For tha low o'
- nM foot ui three r.ngvra off the
CM kaaa Charles G. Jm, a arnaatnea.
-ena eait acaiaat tna Great Western Rail-
ia4 oeaspaar for KtoA retard? ta 61s
;rx CMit The aocidest acevrrrd Aug-uat
J". Mwei OnuU and Bouts Omaha
cad ecx-urres ia switching
Ice tea Co&Tisra4e4 Tag mora
aoajBanies. the Crystal Ira company
' tae C. L Jaiasaa lee eoempaay. fall
laeer taa eUaanevaval of Jena Gnat Pan
T uweaar aatutf for short weighting, and.
although tneir 4niwi were'aet caught br
ibe taapectar la the actual act af eeUing
a abort weight, taa aceles vera la tbetr
-la ttucm of
i bo crop scare vkka arnal to So a buge
ki ia taa grain market An aar l. Bran
Seel found that aa Me acres af wheat aa
hia farm, three Bailee Bert af Kraft- park,
taa rW araa twenty-free beabeia ta tha
acre. Threshing was started aa this tana
eerlr Tueaea aaeraing-. Tba grata, tented
out la a. trade nruca bigrher than tha rtaid
C. r. SU1n IkaatJb CLaiaa MaxietU
Maraara. adiattikatramg aX taa asUUa af
Jaotfo B. Mayaara, waa araa klilad la a
railroad acmidoat at Baataa. 2aks, April
U af ahia year. arht aost ia diatrtot
eaart Taaaaar afalaat taa Cataa PadHa
KaUraal aaaaaay far SUM aaaaacaa. At
taa aaaaa tlaia taa oaaaaaay fifed a cwa-
( 'at u a af ii1aanwt tar tm
K aaOBa taa
ckataa at taa4 Ocara. -
Carta af Daa Mataaa. araa waa tajprod to
taa aata aaaaaaaa aaxat taOaa aat aa taa
bad read Sataroay. aa flora aat a auo
c mat td apojaUoa ax at. Jaaaaa'a aaajdlal
aavaral rtaa had oooa naalai aa taa
ta-a Dvrar aa
taa oaajraaoa.
taaaa ia
araa 4ra tail
IrtTjholj TuTM 0t to See Btrnum
arto oa hairtB Caaa to
Towa aod Crrklf toar Hlkro
k rooad la flora ta boo Elo
adtaata aa Aoroaata.
j Xaa It aat-aona that .a tba cnrM of
j loan tot, l tha aopfairta of tbo ctrciai
apoa ma arartd a lib dilToroat aea
Evarr aar they paaa Utfouch erovdod
klcfcaaj a. Aad ia taa Taraaeaiar that haa
6r Moeod, taa word -mat" m aMat t
aiprtoa ooerrbodr that doa aot fold aa
hla teat aad atoal aar ta taa aaibt. da
Oaoaaa huraiak a "rah- ttrmm and tba
Jaraadoat dty of tbo atvtrra ;!r atood
aoarr rata aad hail atarta ta aatch
tha araeodaia of that mtirrr. a cjrcua
parada. throoch tar atrorta
A ctrroa craard la a clrrua crc-d ur
t:aoc aadr tha sua. Oradno.fra ith
taddUnc louasmrra foucht anta vim aad
tlor for place of raataca aloac unBta
r t)anaTaa'or nrnam. ar otnrr au-aru
ahera tha ehail a-ara to aua.
Waaiea K aahr carriad. aot btB
ragatrod ta diar-Ur a Ikbbb kumbrr. raa
daa a akrver pederaiaaa at a-llL Tha dm
treca tha country tried hia cooacianoa
oralr. Ha Boodod rajn. hat arhy did H
hava ta coeae oa akrrua darf
A 'Uteir iLboora Vurkaoaa anaJi. totrd
ta-e KtU kota aitand tf tha fcaad.
avlaa Hat to toar.
"Had ta arlBd tha k.Ua aoa," a rx
i'laaaed ta a atraaar aa aa atepaed aa his
foot ia tha mat "I aua t cara tea- dr
ruoae. aat tha aiaa had ta eoana. ja
Lmv '
"Llstaa ta that blufjar." aaaarred a
trleoC etaadica bablod tha first speaker.
"Ha is a bach alar aad barriered tboaa
baa far aa excuse."
Pietlr ta craar araMrd. Who evar
kaear a parade e ba oa tUnaT kuf coaa
plaiata vara board, bat tbd baarfcha- aaras
Caailr haraMed tha oya ta came. Tha
aravd bad acmatparad ta laadaquata abal
tsra la taaa af tba etena. bat aaaa foucd
ta vay back ta tha adjaa af tha aida
valka. Tvaa taa aasao aa ta tba dare af Tore
the paraaa. Tba rata aad ball bad doaa tti
Vark. ar aaxad aaastrleanea aarrr
1nlli aVlpaiac bareea. bricht ealors
' atasJr. the tranbeae plarer choked
vbaa a ailaaatara Jahnatoera diaaster vaa
usaalid la taa baO af hla bora, the ale-
H. K. led-ikAaga. waa vaat as WreaaaeT
for his boaKa, vaa ta Onahav Tnaalsji ta
a rasnpraa; aatfit vbaa be vSl b
aaaeaataly rotora aa further osjoy hia ra
caOoa. Ba vaa no aajy brava aa a harry,
hut supported a baach of whiskera, vkaeh
vaald pat a ltssalas oouat ta
a Jeroaa tlasa that ba aeea aot know vbaa
ha vm rotaxa aa- vork.
say A- MP. MBbaa. Try Lisa. IXXltt,
Vklqaa VrnkemOmr mt etaaspa Ott
"on, ijaauam Tkoe eaaaal. baa ta aa)
Shut-Ins of Omaha to Have
a Real Outing on Friday
Atcd, Ui and enpp- etovt-tne of
cir.aha VJd South Omaha aad tboe
utsfort taaa tea aba are kept ta tba
1 rax round by povertr aad rata, are
ta t ciea the treat af their lives
for four delightful hour Frttay
afteraooa provtued the plans of
Mim Ida Jatita. reaeral atciatary
of the Aaeorlated Chantrs aad
Miss Nyllia Mag. miksioaarr of
the City Mkaaloa. do aot miararr) .
Mias ioatt and Mas bUe plaa
ta take the shut-is caea aad aomea
ta automotaioa aaay frota taolr hot
iTtca- piacee. ot tnta the parka
ad attractlra outdoor spots la aad
around Omaha. Tbr are askinc
Utiseas aha oi a aatosBoMlrs to
docate theta for lb pleas utt af
their ahut-ia brothers aad Bisters.
Tba ride will and at I p av. a
ttat owaera of snachmes wr bare
ihetn for use la tba erectcc. M'.sa
Jimts voutd like to bear from aay
ooe vho wiJ (tra the uaa af bis
The piaa is ta aaaeanble the sna
chioas ta Croat of tha city hall at t
e'riatk Friday afteraooa. Lasts of
ocupaats for each asartlae will be givaa dflrars who will call at plaors des
israated. The social workers will te at the booes of the shut-tns asd Uava
ihem ready aad aaaist tha lata tha soaehiaea. Thea tha guests will ba drlvea
ta an of the parks where Mies Mat aad bar asianaata wtu hare a picol
sapper spread tor tbeso. Miss Maea bad betweea t3 to tit left from the Cur
Miaoion ptrnic aad thia will be need to bay refreehmeata.
Twenty -Ere sutoenobllrs will be aeeded aa It hoped ta taka W ahut-las. Ota
of these t a bttl womaa who has bat oaa le. and arts around with a rrvtrb
la da the waahlfig-a. whirs ears tha food aad bouse root for beroalf and foor
ehildrea. Tbore are stany whs- have bad knf ilia eases aad old ftrfka wha hare
hera sck from tba beat. There are tvo tiled vamea who. although they
can aot see too aaiaeers. win aajoy taa ooOAg.
jOaly VToniLi Cffirtr cf Ciril Wai
Tiiits ia (hriik.
Caaaaitaatoaed by the CoTeraoe of lilt
Bote. Mafoo Strjaelda raatlaaee
' vttb A roar I atll (lew of
the War.
handled, aad Claspstra rode ba stats ta a
Kflaad aarsa aad gnawed a basBburrar
aad "tagrwrs- and
Place, a cor wad
taa aaptare af tha only
"bio ad s a oaring beaamath' aad a eal-ly-a-Pee
broat ap tba rear with traku af
Tay Dava oa tba Wssiist,"
9tor taa p aaslua paassd astacatk
aad Herwey stiaats. tba aua eaasa aut aad
soooaod ta aaalja "Thvs day. bet wheal did
rsa arar kaav tt aot to raia aa etreas aar
A ropotaUoa snaet ba -tilped "
Tba veal bar relented at aeea aad tha tat
artsa out.
Special Trail U Cany th Seofters f
S'ebrakka to Bottoa.
ata-ely of rare ar Sanaa. It la ssads ap of
shoo U.a atampa aad taa vbote aartaas
la alaa feat ksas aad algM fast atx tatdisn
vWa. "AO tor Uasaa ladastry - Is ha-1
rod aa it ta eoaars, aad taa aata af Its
snaaufafltara, OR, - iBiathaa flas aad
sUaar deal gas are varkad oat miauteJy
vHb atampa of dig ar aat oalara. Tba aai-
aadar is aa display ka Mr.' Wattff
iaat -tare a
Mrs. (Vila
Kocbtal. widow af tba kua Bat Hock tea, as
aaaaraiasr the koos of Law) iiaati af teofisg
s vstghta that tbd aat proea taa heavy
far a gaac af talevwe darlac the boat af
Moaday. Mra. Ibaobtal bad SJI abeex eaavod
fraoa ber fanaar boose at T1S North fllx
teeeth atraet aUa ta tba aft araa aa ta aar
oow reiildairi at MaVa raraaaa streot vbaa
taa vaa drtvara avartooka thtrty rold&d
aod weights vblobt had booa baft la tha
arttclea. bad tboy vara aot there. Tba pe
sos have bora requested to Cad tba -'-Ti
a X
sway before ber
be obtained by bystaaders
hftavry oaly by a aarrov asargto ta Croat
af tha Board af Trada bufldJa Taaaday
ainrrilng A large pot aianatnlnc a plaat
af tba puhactty bursa a af tba Obasasaratal
elub aa tba fifth floor of the -"ag am
tba high wind which prevailed kstwaaa h
aad U a'olock. Tba pat tea ta tba alda
valk. hast graatag tba abaiaar af tba
w a is is. waa waa oaa ftba arowd that
bad gathered oa raraaaa street awaitta
tba 1"f of tba drcaa parade.
U. P. reak bays aUa Caeapaar aaaa
Csasaitlsa arttk reaa oe Oral a
faaspssy mt Ca.lneaTa.
Tha suspaaskat af bualaaas by tba Paavay
Orala campany af Cktcavga wll sa aa vay
effect the eperaUaas af tba graia saosara
wbsch bears the um aaaaa ia taaaha. ae
sordiaa; ta a Stan mast sna In by XL P.
Peck, vice piesidtat of tba Orsha lew
paay. which baa ertaaafra fQaas la the
build lg-
Acsowivnofnant waa stavaa hs Chkfade
btaaaay that tba Peawy wTsny voakd
laapuat biaSaaea aftar the aasita of tha
lata Jaaeaa PwttJ. aroatdaat af tba kaotlls
Oaa. bad booa found ta range betweea K.
ad N aad. tLUCem
Tk aeeupaay af which Mr. Pvtttt waa
tea bead waa is aa way ones acted with
tba Ooukha ooaoora.- said Mr. Pock. -Tkis
ai a separata argaalsstiaa aatCraLr. holrg
aMMrporatad aaaar tba laws af Nebraska.
I kaav a at blag vbafssar af tba aataUa
af tha Peavey aompanya hmstfiass la Chs
saaraj utanda af what I read ba tha tele
graph report la Taa Baa, Thia compear
nsiitT realty ta pay at sans say haaebtad
aaaa that ataada adklaat tt."
T. 0. Hsfteinagar ka pi isifliat at tba
y Hakea vvt lalt ad
the I aarsratrat Cslssad
aalsl Ctab.
Judge Kantasdr ruled
bj tbo tbjaactiab aat bra ugh t
Chief af Paoa risihao. aad AatiBa
rbtof Boary Deata by Charles aV CWilaana.
Has gar tba laiipialist rakOcsi aad
ucssi alaa. dMrioaT tba jitttlia af taa
tetter far aa hxftsaraoa, reatra-aiad tba
City HaU Officers
Fight Orer Shares
of Circus Tickets
Sciitidcr and Btkr Caiiaot AfTet
.Tpoa IriTitioaj of Spod ."oTliea
Cireu Comet to Tvwn.
Tba war that ta oa at tba city hall every
time a etreue cesaea ta tarn a raced with sa
aaual faoartaboass Tuesday Baarnba. There
hi always a eerambie to eea how atany of
tba afDctala, artachaa and employes win get
a share af tba liberal ajlovaaee of cirrus
tickets whack b always oa band. XMck
achaeuaer, Bcenao btspaater. aad Daa But
lar. city cssrk. both ctalm tba rigtit to dis
tribute tba apotla. and aertber wHl give
frtaada af taa other a chance. It happasad
this Mibo that tba Ucketa vara delivered ta
taa atty clerk. They vara glvva oat acoord
maT to Butler ta tba crty rouacUrara and to
ompej-a who d so erred theaa. Tba frkends
of Crested sr. however, aad tba rlovator
osaa, who howled loudly ta the corridor,
aad tba hast a af aoovrtaaonts who thought
taay bad sobo rtgbta.- vara aA left aut
km tha astsL Bchneider. betog a aarsoDal
friend of aa adust af taa riroua. saauad
aoaa af bis swa cards with this aoaa's X
K. aa thooa and that a; Prasad a few of the
dlsappotatod BDea. Tba aiayar. of course,
received has Individual quota from tba
advaaoa aasa, but tow at the other chiefs
la. taa hulidlatT rwoarved say poaca oCer-
mca. A few of theaa did aot rvw,
that they vara brtng aaaasd. hot aama
loud ta their eomplalats.
ftovooi Aatbaalaad
statlwes ta Bo keseo-ted
by Ksewattva Coos aat tree
Advert too sCarvara.
taleates frets Osaaba ta Boatea ta at
tend tba eeaveatioa at taa Associated Ad
Clubs of America were nominated at a
Beotlnsr af the Ad club at tba Hone haw
hotel today. OffkMrs af .the ttate Pob
Bchv Ins roe vera praseat.
Arraag-etBeata bkva booa snade far a aps
claJ trala which win leave Omaha for
Boot on oa July ZX. Tba Nebraska daiega
tloa win taka this trala, which has beea
coetracted hy tbo StaU PubBdtr leaa-ua.
It a plaaaed to have at least oaa delegate
frost all of the larger towns af tba state.
Ths Omaha delegaOoa vm eaoalsi of aewea
authorised reprwaeetatlTea. vbo will be
picked by tha exectmva eomsnlttea frota a
list of tbirty-fTva nra aamlaated at tba
meeting at ths Henahaw.
a. R. McElvta, A. U Gale and Victor
Whits are planning a route east cf Chicago
which will permit ths great eat aawunt of
adverttatng la tba states af the Allaattc
lope. Mayor Tela of rran,, j
Hawkiss of Norfolk aad P. P. Podraa of
Omsha have giaaaval charge of the adver
tising. ataroontlcaa slides iUostratlva of tba ra
virona af Baataa ware akhPjftad at taa
crating af tha Ad dub ta order ta arouse
taterast Ik tha aoavaatlak.
Xtilk, Batter ud dseese Are All Ad
Tanciar Steadily.
Uk as tp Oao rat aad
taplee Are Eiarrtrt ta M
tpward With la a Day
or Tva.
High coat af living etaustiraens may now
tare their atteotioa ta mtlk, batter aad
choree. Burning' paaturfa art sot con
ducive of a groat output of dairy products.
Tha result hi that mUk has advanced 1
cent a aaart this week, aad it ta predicted
that both butter aad cheese will he higher
fey Saturday.
MUk is now selling for I cents, where
last work the consumer was paying 7 cents
a quart. Creamar butter Is selling at JO
cents, with country butter commanding
from It to 21 cents a pouod. Both wig ad
vance by Saturday. H 1s said. Cheese will
fa up at least 1 cents a pound, according
to tha predktloos of saJermeo.
Mkor B-I'e frtoiJ. the only wowiaa
ever comirlaaior- lTit tii Vnlted Slates
army bv a orrrtnt of a state and who
ia ns.tir.g Captain T. C. Shelly of this
city, ears that the frequent interviees with
reporters kre;o the battle of Pittsburg
Landlcg rotitinually tefore ber
Major R?no4da has Just returned frota
ths fiftieth arr.tvereary of the tsusterlTg
cut i-f tht Seventeenth I'.Unois Infantry,
which was held at Jjl-r. 13, sad will
leave Oauvha ths latter art of this werk
for ber borre ia Farna Har i:a CaL But
thlrty-fjTe of her old rorr rades cf the dvQ ,
aar were left to attend tlie meeting
"I would cot tur gone to ar, said i
Mrs. Reynolds bad not try l.uabenl joined
the artr.y ahea Liacola cabled tor volun
teers tor three years. The I. rat rral battle
t ever aitneased was the battle of ELDoa
I did not take J art ta that, but a ben the
battle of Pittrhurg Landing occurred I was
on the field of battle and assisted with the
sick and Injured. j
"At that tin we had Do hcovpitala and
had ta car for the Injured and ck ng"M
aa the battlefield. I remember times whoa
I hav walked miles aad miles because
some poor soldier was sick or Injured and
I would let him take my horse. However, 1
did not mind those hardships then, as I
was teterarted la ths work and 1 felt that
what was good enough for my comrades
was the same fnr me.
"After I had been with tha army for oaa
rear I was commissioned by Governor
Tates of Illinois as a major and havs the
distiartloa of being tha only woman wha
was ever comtrJasioBed by a gfrreraor of
a state. It was simply aa honorary com
mission, without pay. but I re me x ber bow
happy I was the day I received a; cotn
tmasiea. That was a long time age. but I
can remember It as If It was yesterday.
Mrs. Reynolds said she had never seen
Presidetit Lincoln until after tha aar, la
Washingtoa and has seen every president
ef tha United States sine. General Grant
waa aa especial friend of hers and many
were the timer she talked to him on ths
battlefield. She said there was but one
other woman with her en the battleCeld.
but aba left before the war doeed.
Major Reynolds stayed with the Seven
teenth Infantry until the war was settled.
srw rrsAsciAL slcbxxaey or
Corkeyof Cork to
Speak Wednesday
Well E&owm Gerfymaa to Grre Pint
of Half era Lfcctuei at Jtit
ionATj SchooL
Baw. Alexander Carkey ef Warn. Kob,
vaa win gtwa tha first af tba pistferm too
terao at tha missions ry enmaner school and
eanfaranca at tba CnJveroity of Omaha
Wadaaaday reaamc. Is a natrrs of County
Cork. Irelaad. aad oaa af a notable Una
af Corkers.
Ia aH thara are algnt Car keys of Cork,
tntaar aad aewa cons, af whoa tbo
Bow. g ta I sod aa darker le aaaa. an i
fkthar aad aeea, ar Prasbytartaa mlnirters.
Tna rather has bald tha aama pariah at
Oark, IrolaaO for Ofty roars aad etia holds
K- Ooena of tha aarai have ministerial hold
mgs ka Ireland aad saim ta Amartca.
Bow. d Inandor Corker has beea hi the
C sited States far twenty years and ta
Xsbraaka bast atatwt. Be as aat w
laetarar. aatbor aad anlnlstar. Es has had
ckiimga ta large parktbaa. bat asoftra tba
uaU oae at Wayne, since it gives bin
tana for hla nterery pura-a!tB. Hla latest
hooka are "Ths Vlotaro at iitu Biui-
aad Tba Teetlag Wa," His slrlraas oa
Wad&aeday weoiag via bs A UtIba
ta A
wra.a dad tba Palae tmm tk. - -
tliadaaii ad blasi at tba atooa.
aaat ad "
panoe treca saasrtarlac with taa dab am
Joagw ZaaaaAy faand, toad Vkua tt vaa
a arraasa ak aaA fM rtghaa aaaauO he
mrofally g-aardod aa path, gamhrlad' aad
asaa ssrrlad oa op oaly ta tba dub re a an a.
Taa etab aa aaanaoaed ad taaared aaaa aad
kg saaei t a are oa
loath Fsiirtseaitb atroot.
bacod a lervw a a elk w
arera that gsaibllrvg
aad a witness who
tba third Caar at ba
Tha euy uatro-
araa carried oa there,
aware that bo had
tk Btaytac ta the
At tha raartartr abasOa. af tha TrV
Chvr Baraaa aaioa ta tha first Caagraga
OaaaJ abarek afnarlsp ovoaind' tha abvaa of
the htatbodmt cbarek af Osnaha, whieh had
taa karawot aaaabar af aaaa pwiiat, wan
t Baraaa baeaar Car tha third nnv T-s,.
aaaaar U cloak as the eUaa haata. ths
of mm
sals ota aaa- sarrlaa.
vttk a fifieea-
Ql C. Cranli m
tha Xaota MssasraU Baraaa presiding at the
paaaa. Tba Pn-st Bapcat chBrab af Oaaa
aQ Blufts gave a daissa aallaa of Urn aaaa
aap Bible vork. Thara waa a saw at aas-
tha Baraea aaawontloa. K. C. Craft
rear lad ataroopUoaa vurws af tha n.
Ckty eaawaatlaa. After the oaootlna- ro-
Two Are Sentenced
Under the New Law
Has. Wh SmiAhei Vf Oaly Way Auto
it Girea u Indeterminate
lAoyd PraacU. wha took a wild; Joy rida
in aa automobLa btlong- ng- ta tha Omaha
Transfer company oa the evening ef Jena
K, arraigned in district court Tuesday bo
tore Judge Eaiella aa k charge ef grand
larceny, is tha first aaaa ta Nebraska to
he sentenced under the indeterminate aaa
tenco biH. which wast Into effect last Frt
aay. traccta catered a plea of guilty aad ta
datca- as vent ta taa penitentiary few not
less than aaa year aad aot mors than
seven, tha Bantmua and tha aaaxtoam on
a grand laroaney ooavictloa. Ia all feioales
except faar. Burner, araoa. rape and kia-
sapplns, tha trial judge by virtus at the
hill 1 :aas hla former paver of fixing the
sentence to be Imposed.
Tba length of aantcnos aftar the prbwnei
has beea oommltted ta tha paallantlary Sea
entirely vttk tba board af pardons.
Prancta ruined tha msrhlaa. which he
borrowed, ta a big amass tip at the
Iowa and of the Deaglaa street bridgs
wboro be struck a d.lch.
Ouy ienea. arrvlgaed an a aarccsMtroaa-the-persoa
charge, pleaded raQtr and alaa
received aa tnartermlnata ''timi. tha
ma a Imam and minimum penalties ta his
ca helng; tha same as these of tha farmer.
earn Baxter Charles Philbcrt and Prank
Maraa. were arraigned oa a dum mt
highway robbery and pleaded aot g-ollty.
They are aa boys. Baxter la colored. Pfcil
hert and Mama cava their agea aa It g
W years. They are accused af holding- ar
Howard Biaaa ea June x, and relieving
him af Ok
Goargs Svaaa pleaded aat srulltr ta
charge of braaktas and entarin.
I "wo M win Ba Eltatbte
Divorce Annulled,
Allowing Woman
to Inherit Estate
Wife Eu Ecr Dircrce Set Aside
Whea Eer Euband Diet and
Learei Projrty.
Attornos for Mrs. Lexia Levy secured aa
order from Judge Kennedy la district court
Tuesday abating ths decree of divorce from
her has band granted ta ber ths first of last
month. The ground for the abatement of
the decree waa none other than that Mr.
Levy died Is Bait Lake City last Wednes
day after an Illness of only two days. A
decree does not go into effect until atxty
days after Its signlac and this time hmit
had aot axpatide by quite twenty-debt
Tha reinstatement of Mrs. Leon Levy
as tba widow of her near -divorced bnsbaad
puts ber lk lino to Inherit the property of
the dead mas, which, besides some real es
tate, includes a Ufs Insurance policy of
It ta the Woodmen of the World.
Mr. Lrvy"a body was returned to Omaha
and the funeral bold last Sunday at tha
residence of Mrs. Levy, HIT Xorth Seven
teenth street. Tha cause of her husband's
death, as received by Mrs. Levy, was ta
adentlfls kwnav' stars and aha is rat hi
Ignorance of the nature af his short sick
ness. ,
Tbo decree vaa gran tod Mrs. Levy aa
grounds of cruelty. It gave her tha cue
tody f a minor child, hut carried pa sJ.
moey with it.
Ia as Test
sew aVetlrosaBt
Ik aaa year front restaroar Cfciar mt
Boa Bonahaa will arrive at the rotirtag
point af sonius for tha city ef Omaha
twenty roam. Ha vaa nine reara aa a
office af chief, nana ui lug Mama White.
aa paw na peastaa fund, which would re
tire aim aad give him a min ts a rear
snore, waa isrgsiilasd largely through his
efforts and has beea kept BP tbreaarh tha
it be aaa given tt
l. aaa: Xkaurtaar Loot twa'waaaa""
vttk Prwa tea Bake
WkUa Csti sr visa
takes ta ass rah ef
ar inking the
cninti tat Plenty at baas right at baone.
Two Omaha ltahersaaa have aaaghg rt
bass at Carter lake daring- the knot tva
waa a a They imparled frags from
to Khs
oeold boy aothlag beoer tar femala
link, svane hack and bldaoy traabta
Deetrta Bitters, tea, per sale by
Dnul Oa.
Big Stores to Close
Earlier Saturday
Agreement ia Readied to Close Xm
irr Sumner at Sine
Palabd shoppers next Saturday algst
sna Cad the eoars af aa the depart wireit
stores aad large retail shops closed TtTiisss
they should make arrangements to
"oqoeese ander the wire" before I o'clock.
A o'clock rioelng Lav vas agreed upoa
by tha heads of tha mercantile estabUah
aasets Tuesday.
How long this rule win atay In effect
has aot beea definitely deternslned. It vUl
bs ta forca aata Septembor 1 at least, and
thara ta mack eeattmentt T ths shop
keepers ta let the early Saturday night
dosing lav remain ta fores throughout tha
year, with tha eneeptiea ef tha boil day a
Per many snopths tha BBerchacts have
beea trying ta reach a mutual agreement
ta clssi early, aroraay Is tha hsdeat
time of tha week far tha amplorea. Aad
tha hard est part of that day, one employer
af A targe anmhsr af anea and womea
stated. Is tha hour hot warn and M a' clock
ta the vasdno.
"TDverybody ta Just dragged aut by that
time, aad tba publia can arrange ta ret
around earlier without much in convenience,
while It aaaaas a great deal ta tha clerks. -
' -: - . .. ......
'ii4 SSI" .'W- ' . ' '
. s - - - r :
-t - """' '
: - I 1;
A; -A
- - ,. -;. -
Whether you go away or stay at
home, you'll need a cool two-piece suit
Whether your vcatbn is
ppont in the mountain, at
the ashore, cr in the ciK,
yea must have clothes thai
re stTih berond the aver
.pe, that fit loorely and com
fortably on each part of your
figure, and that are cool and
lasting. That is exactly the
sort of clothes we're ready
for you. In fabrics yoa may
chooe-e from English home
spuns, cravenetted mohairs,
and French flannels. In
qualities there is every good
quality .at
$10, $12.50, $15, $18 to $25
Store Closes tX 5 P. IL, SatTirdays, 10 p. in.
,' i . If -mm-m
alii LJ
Home of r-tein-Blorh Ootbee, Krwal 8noe. Hevoa Hats,
Man hat taa Shirts.
Your Summer Vacation
Plan It Now !
J In preparing for your Summer Vacation
you win be interested in the facts we can
place in your possession about the many
delightful lakes, fishing and hunting resorts
in Wisconsin, Minnesota and northern
Michigan, with their hundreds of hotels,
boarding-houses and camps.
J Then, there is the big game country in
the Rockies.
I Splendid train service and low rates ia effect aH
"The Best of Everything"
The North V estern Line - .
Full informatioa aad
free oa request.
oVao iptlvT. boaUeal
14C1-14C3 Fcmam Strwt
Z Here's V
taa Baal
stern H
war CIbb ta taa
Qoartors were discusses1 at a Sim ting af
tea VnrverettT cJva ia tna CnsnsnarciaJ dab
nteaaay. Taa snoot favereg aaa was the aid
reaais af tna RaUway etna la taa Barker
Meek. FlftoeaOa aad r amain atrasta. Tna
fsrattsra nt tnasa room a. wntch aeienged
tna Ilaflway eraa. racaatla- was aar-
BT tna now errenlanrioa. jt. c.
pas1osnt of tba club, aatd that
mm vat UrOa aacbt thai tKa R.n.
ray eras reeaas art!! be laaatiL
Never leave noaaa
a settle af
a Jonraejr without
waea ea board tna ears ar eftaaanenjjel
Far sale By ail dealaiA
To Your Good Health
and Pleasure
'til VOU ioin the merrv thrnnrr X ill
t J t f Vr
of palate pleased men and women ifX
who have quit seeking for the one best
katraenf& tA... a.1 1 1 . f
wugc ucau!c iney ve iouna it
Real satisfaction in every glass snap and
sparKie vim and go. Quenches the thirst
cools like a breeze.
Sc Everywhere
Send for
our interest
iag booklet.
ft.- wr t
uc - a ruin
About Coca-Cola"
Atlanta, Ga,
you tee an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola