TTTE HEK: OMATTA. TTEPXESDAY, JULY 12, 1011. Rourkes Hariri ft'niiv Rlanl- P.iiHq Win Whilp OisirifQ T ncp- Tiorprc: Rppr ArhiWirc RODRKE SHUTS OUT CHAMPS Home Boys Take Third Gam, Which , Wat B&dl? Seeded. COLLEGE' MAS IS GlYZN TilAL Rsirkr'i Meat 11 Ay Better Than at ..., . Aar Tim Daring the Seeeea TkoatH U III a liar ' ! with th Bat. Pa Rourkt's Coll lii1 It thrco straight when they shut tb.. Chrpp out yesterday afternoo nth third and. last am of lb erles. " Hall, who d.ld,th ehurllng for th Rourkeo, was ln,.rr,eondltlon and allowed but four hits, and but thirty man faced blm during th Xante, behind ail th other member of, (fee 4ani faayed th beat ball of the eeaeoa eed got-, away without an rror.- it ' -. , - For Sioux City another college pitcher from Missouri university by th nan of Harper wa wnt to the tnound and pitched a alaaay article of ball and allowed but even hit. ' However T lh heavy wielding' of th willow by Thomaaon proved too much for Harper, and he made three of the area hita, one of which oord two man. la th flrt inning Harper peaaed a man and a hit brought In th aflrat ran of th gam. x Up t the eewenth, Uutlag It waa a good fcattl between Hall and Harper, but when th Rmvkee deoided. to open ap on th Champ In th seventh Harper waa left far 1 nth rear." 'Two-hit earn in that Inalng and, Kan ww, bit with th ball, which rultd la two run. Again In th eighth. Kneeve waa hit by th ball and waa cent galloping-, fcam whan Arbogest hammered cut a glean doubl to left la the end Haa bad tMettT of th -argument. H struck out five man and peaaed hot tern, and all th other ball sent from th bat war mothered by Rourk fleldera, who war going at a terrtfla ellp yeeter- MUlea, wfc waa at th receiving and of th Champ battery wa a trifle off oolor and th way tha home boy took advantage af him waa a ham. Eight man stole, dur ing tha gam. Nlehoff got three of th eaofca, la th fourth inning be got ta flret M a hit, tol eeoond, and then third and mold gat no further. Artogaat, howerer waa Jut tha reverse In form and refused to let on of th Iowa bay gwt to aeoood an blm. But two af tha Mou CKy ptay. r got to aooond. and only na got to third, that being Captain Andrea who wa picked off at horn by th troety ana of sVmoonowor, ht th flret Inning. McXee, who haa been umpiring her for tha past week to making a hit with th Omaha fan, although Mou City went away with th Idea that he had gtven them tha worat and1 of tha deal. McKee, work ing at all Umoa during th gam and I paaalng with th critic, ta a dever . man ner. B follow th bail at ail time, and ha not a yet ceiled a decision until th play ha been mad, .On ball and strikes, h I eapeoleHy good. - ...... Pick .apeoed . th saana for the Rourbe try drawing a pea. He got ta aacond when Kan Xlw m.te Dawson and aeorM on a hit to right by Thomaaon. In thwairnt. Wefpgot to' flret when ArH fcogaat waa thrown out ktioond.'- Ttck; waiaaa. Kan waa hit by a pitched ball and filled th base. Thomaaon followed with a amgltbi eT coring Hall 'and1 Pick, In thxt WnlnVKnW w' soaked 'I ra in naak'Wltb UN' ban by Harper.'- He tola second and rooren when Arbogaat sent th ball to th right field fence for two Wt 'naAti7 - - - V-ti,' -OMAHA. ' . - AB. R. H. O. A. E. Tick, lb.... S 1 1 4 a Kan. lb......... 0 0 . T 4 . Thomaaon. Of.. VA.V...- ' ' a ' ' 'J Bchoonove.iUU ,f a 1 16 S'hoff.. ...,...... J r 4) 1 J. 0 Hal p 4 1 s i e Totals. :..w.....nj - T -BIOUX.-CSTT.- 17 U . - AB.t Andreas, 2b H. O. A. E 1 I 0 . . I ... 1 0 1 0 4 0 I 0,4 01 ' 4 S o 0 I 0 ' 0 1 ! ' o j 1 e 1 i u. "1 t iU I I 1 1 -I a a a-s 1'aweon. It.:. 7. So Hartman, a Rellly, Sbvt.fcaw.i;. I s K?.lm' 'foWmk -;' 0 Miller, O.....,..,,!, 0 Harper, p.v7........ 77.. i A TotaI..U..V.'r.-..l ' Omaha ' '- Huna ...w.i..'.t..:i.: . -t 0 1 Bloui City Runs a a a Hita . Two-bi y .1 Sri. 1 bit: ArboaaeL. Three-baea hit- SCHREIBBR HOLDS PtTEBLO TEAM Oriaallea Blank VUltore and Oe4 rire Haa Easily, rF.NVK, 7i,y U-achrelbr allowed T. V . '""w "its o.iay and Denver l'HIbl?-J--' n,v on vlto? reachod aecind We. Caseidya brilliant one-hand tolv in th ninth w. a till lurtA, ocor : DENVER. - -. , ... , AB. R. H. I.loyd, 16 .UJl..vA..-4 . . . u" uit nan, 1: orf Har per, 4 Hit by pltohe ball: Kan. Kneavei ,r,ck?ut;,'.By l Harper, t. 8ao- ,fiS? fc'.'V Wlllam. fechoonover. H.iriV. etem. Stolen baaee: Nlehoff (S). Thomaaon i?)V.0,Ve'1 (2 Wl'llama. Hita: Off Hal : off Harper 7. Left on baeea: Omaha. S: Ploux City, S. Double play: Nlehoff to Kneav to'Kan. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Ho e. ,nm.' Molt. . k 0. v.A. 1.4 0 I --- 1. 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 "8 0 T 0 10 17 , 10 "o O. A. E. 4 0 4 8 1 0 0 0 8.8 0 1 . 0 J ! 3 f 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 4- 14- "l I. uumor. ir...U...4. 1 Caaxldy. rfrt....,.,4 .J Bean, it ..r?..;rr' rr! Quuim. ....v.!&:!4 4 Undsay, lb , 4 0 Coffey, as. a. v.... v S ' Jrambee. e.,..y.,H Bchrelber, p ,."..4 1 1 1 if Tou!.... a , w 17, io 0 ' " ' AB. Vlddleton. cf 4 Kerar, se 4 Beldfn, If 4 Hushes, llwlh t n Iavie, rf t 0 11-. A. ........ v V Claire, 8b. I ftch Kc Puehln V A A A A . 01 OS-! 8to.1fn foffey t). Two-base hit rL T: IhrSe-b5" h,,: faaeldy .?ri; flce hit: Beall. Struck out: Jly flerlbner h.t' a,rrT,t on balls? oTf Schr,iber. 1; off.Perry. 3. Double play Hughe to Beraer, to Shaw. Left on bases HasieTi.'1 PU,b'V5- T.'m: "CrJ! r ' -i aPPLEOATU ALLOWS UVT OJIT HIT Aatelepea Defeat Topeka by Sear af Three ta Oae. TOPEKA? July ll-Appleal held To-Kor- M u"co' won? I ta 1- TOPEKA. AB. R. H. O. I 8 I ' a Hafford. 3b .... King, as Whitney, !b .... Beecher. rf Chapman, if .( Krtbs 2b .... Balr. cf Clark t A. Crisp,' i 8 0 to X A -.-3 4 - 1 '.Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. W.I. Prt NAT. LEA IV K. W.L.PCI. Chicago 4t SS .41 Philadelphia o & Denver 48 2 Lincoln 44 SI .f7 Bt jM.nh . 14 t Fh-I New Torh... 45 R'i t'ltliburg Ft. Louis.. Cincinnati Brooklyn Boston ... s si .mi 41 IS .6M SI 42 .425 n 47 .3. fcloux City.. 40 M .52A Omaha it it .4M ropeka 29 48 .87i Des Moines. 18 M .231 AMKR. AKS'N. W.LPct. IS (6 .MS AM b JR. LBA'1 b. W .L.Pct. Pertoit (2 24 .6M Philadelphia 4 W .f3 New York....) So .63 Boaton ...... 40 S6 .bX Chicago 3H 3i b2 Cleveland ... S7 42 WashlnKton. 27 W .301 bt. Louis.... SO 16 -2CT MINK UAUuu W.Ll'ct. phenandoah W 21 .oi3 Auburn M 21 .bM Kalis City... 25 21 MS Clarlnda 26 .47U Humboldt ...21 2t .447 Neb. City... .20 27 .CM PnlumkHa A eVf rn v vi u i.i VBJ t, j DI .IJvV! KanM City 44 .6i M 1 riMakai rmll. il aA nl 'inimpviig TO wr .o l n Mllwauke.. 42 42 .5001 Loulnvllle.. 41 43 ,4v St. Paul 41 43 .4S Toledo 41 44 .42 Indianapolis S7 48 .4J6 NEIl. LRAill'M i Fremont ,...S2 24 671 W.UPct. Cdperlor ....32 24 .6711 Ur. Island.. .22 24 .6fc Maetlngs ...28 28 . 600, rward 29 27 .51N Kearner ...17 a 4S21 loiumoui ..a B .4411! fork It 86 . 362, Yesterday' Heealta. WESTERN LEAGUE, floulx City, 0; Omaha, 4. Pueblo, 0; Denver, 6. Lincoln. 3; Topeka, 1. -Des Molnes-fit. Joseph, raJn. NATIONAL LBAOUE. , Bt. Louls-BoHton. train wreck. . Pittsburg, IS; New York, 4, Chicago, 6; Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati I; Philadelphia, 12.. AMERICAN LEAQUE. Boston. 0-; Chicago, 4-4. New York, S; 8t Louis, 1 Philadelphia, 8; Detrlot, 14. ' Washington, 1; Cleveland, 1 AMKRICAN ASSOCIATION. v " . Milwaukee, S; Mlnneapolla, 8. , Kansaa City, 6; Ht. Paul, 6; ten Inninga. Columbus, ft; Indianapolis, 1 Louisville, 8; Toledo, . NEBKASKA ISI ATE" LBAQUEV. Kearney, Grand Island, Fremont, 10; Columbus, A.. , Hsatlng, $: Beward, f i : .. , . Superior 1-8; York, 4-4. . . ' MINK LEAOUBl. ' . . Auburn, 9; Humboldt, 8. ' . Palls City, 6; Clarlnda, :.''.. r . Nebraska City, U; Siienapojoah, 7. Oaraes Today. ;-. '' Western Leasrue Omihi at "nm Unit,.. 81oux City at Bt. Joseph, Denver at Topeka! Lincoln at. Pueblo. , ' - ' National League St, Louis at Boston, Chicago at Brooklyn Pittsburg at' New a vim, viiiuiiiiau at. miiaoeipnia, American League Boston at Chicago, New York- at Ht tmia ihiiainh Detroit, Washington at Cleveland. a m en can Association Milwaukee at Mln neapolla, Kansas City at St. Paul, Co lumbus at Louisville, Indianapolis at Toledo. Nebraska State Leaa-ua rnhimhm at Grand Island, Fremont at Kearney, Su perior at Beward. Hastings at York. Mink Learue Auburn a Mary vllle, Falln City at Clarlnda, Nebraska City at Shenan- Hoeva, -. Durbln, p I 0 0 0 t 0 . I4' 27 1 1 26 -13 i Cobb hit by batted ball. LINCOLN. i . , . AB. R. H. O. A. B. Cole, cf 4 0 1 5 0 0 Cobb, , rf 4 0 110 0 Dundon, lb S 1 11 t 0 MoCormlck. If, 8 1 1 4 0 0 Tbomaa, lb t 0 " 0 13 0 0 Oagnler, s I 0 1 0 S 0 Cork man, (b 4 - 0 . ' 1 0 8 0 McOraw, e ., , J 0 ... 1 ., S , 1 0 Applegat. p ;v 1 ' J. 0 .3 0 Total .....SO - I -f S7 - V- 0 . SCORE BY, INNINGS. Topeka ,.,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Lincoln ...0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1-4 - Three-base hit: Oagtllnr' Sat-iiflc hits: King, Applegate. Hacrlflce fly: Thomas. Double plays: Balr to King to Krebs; Kreba to Whitney. Stolen banes: Beecher, Dundon, XcCormlck,.Appleaa,te,. Cock man. Base on balls: Off -Darhln off Aoule- gat 3. Struck out: By Durbln 2; by Ap plgate 3. Hit' by pltWier-,.; By Apple' gat 1.- Paased ball; , MsQrw., , Umpire: Morgan. . , . Shenandoah Loses , to Nebraska City -. ' ' " " "' j Clarinda Keept Up "Winning' Streak, Beating' Tails City-Komboldt " Loses by Narrow Margin. SHENANDOAH. Ia., July TL (Special Telegram.) Shenandoah was" beaten today by Nebraska City, the'vlsltors out hitting the local team. Scorer ' '' ' ' R.H.E. Shenandoah ..0 0 84 0 0, 0.07 7 Nebraska City 3 1 o"3 MS I 011 IS 4 Batteries: Shenandoah,' Johnson and Castle; Nebraska City- Wells and Pinker ton. Umpire: KlBsane -. CLARINDA. Ia., July 11. (Special Tele, gram.) Clarlnda kept " up ts winning streak today, beating ' falls' City again. Score: R.H.E. Clarinda 30003010 4 11 0 Falls City 000401000 575 batteries: Clarlnda, Burchand Harmony; Falls City. Woods and Vanderhlll. Um pire: Krastberg. ., AUBURN. Neb., July ll.-Speclal Tele gram.) Humboldt lont - the isama today through a little hard luck. Score; R.H.E. Auburn 0 0400203 12 4 Humboldt ....4 00100300 111 3 Batteries: Auburn, Zanderman and Kran Iger; Humboldt, Oswalt and Diet.' Urn plr: Sag. , DES MOINES BACK FOR THREE Ichedaled for' Dea Moines Will Be Played la Roarke . Park, Beglaalag Wednesday. - - "Dad" Hlggins' Hopeful from Des Moines will again Invade Omaha Wednes day for a three-game - sertoa. The . game, which are to be played her were sched uled for Des Moines, but owing to the poor support of th team in xLt Moines, Mr. Hlggins had them transferred here. Fol lowing th Des Moines serlen, Denver will com for three . games, following ,1 the lineup for Wednesday's game: Omaha. Kane Nlthoff.. Pick Kntave. Position,. .. First....... ...Second. .. Third .. Short...... ...Lefr., ..Center..... ...Klb'ht t'alcli, Catch...... ... lltch...-.. .. Pitch ... Pitch Pitch .. Pitch .r Pitch...... Des Moines. ....... Dwyer ...... Oraham ........ Korea . , Culilgan Bchovaover. Tomaaon.... v llllums..., Arbogast... Agnew t...uuw Hall Cook , Lots Robinson... Demon v ,.. Curtis .. Mattlck Anuerauti I'ltowskl . ' liachant ..... Bens .. Hem he Heuston Northr up ,. Mltchel Wlloer Take Two Games. WILBER, Neb.. July ll.-(Sieclal.-Wl. ber defeated the Stors-Corona team ' of Omaha here Saturday and Sunday. The first game was a free hitting game and Wllber won, because of th best hitting In th pinches. The second game went to Wllber by a score of 10 to 3. Score. . R.H.E. Wllber ..'.....:.! 1 3 3 3 0 Wis 1 Btors-Coronas 001001 1174 Batteries: Shlmerda and Shestak; Gor don and Myers. Umpires. Kaufman and Shestak. Vllber 10 114 1114 -27 17 4 Stora-Coronaa 01043304 318 SO Batteries: Dyke: Krebs and Myers; Shlmerda, Luc and Shestsk. Umpire 8hestak. Alma Team aa Toar. ALMA, Neb., July 11 (Special.) The Alma ball team left Monday for a tour of western Nebraska and Colorado as far as Denver, where a series of three games will close the trip, July 28. Manager A. V. fthaffer la planning another trio to cover eastern Nebraska and part of Kansas, at the close of which a big tase ball tournar ment will be held at th Alma fair grounds. Raaalaar Races la Three; Towa. GRAND ISLAND. July H Special.)-' i nree more town have been added to th jsenraska running circuit. Races will be held at Beward July M to t; Wymora, August I to t; Beatrice August t to 13. CUBS BATTER DOWN DEFENSE Two Errors and Two Hits in Fifth Bring Three Runs. - SIX TO TWO IS FINAL SCORE Chicago geeares Ta Bans la Math Ipnlas; a Triple by H, Ilmaier. mil and Home Ron by Day la. BROOKLYN. July" 11. -Chicago took th first gam of the series here today. 4 to 2. In a battle that was evenly fought up to the fifth Inning, when the Brooklyn de fense broke up. Two errors and two hit let In three run and the league leaders added two more In the ninth on a triple by H. Zimmerman and a homer by Doyle. Score : i CHICAGO. BltoOKMTN. AB H O.A E AB H.O.A E -.Wk.rd, If. 1 1 1 0 Burrh. cf....4 110 Ekhiilta, rf... 4 I 1 Dutwrt, lb. I I t t I Hofm.n. lb . 4 1 II 0 Wheat, If.... I 0 11 Zlm'ao. lb I t I 4 Toliy, W...4 till lnvl, (b.. 4 1 ft I 4C.iul.on. rf.. 4 S I 1 Tlnk.r, M...4 11 I E.tlm'in, lb 4 0 I 1 QnoAt. ol.... 4 I Smith, lb.... I SIS Archer. ....! I I Rrwln. c I 1 I I Brown, ....! 11 0 Barser, p.... I 1 1 Totals M 1 IT 14 1 Totals 10 I 17 11 t CIiii'mo 1 0 u 0 0 8 0 (i Jr-t Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 Left on banes: Chicago, 1; Brooklyn, 4. Two-base hit: Erwln. Three-base hit: H. Zimmerman. Home run: Doyle. Sacrifice fly: H. Zimmerman. Sacrifice hits. Sheckard, Daubert. Plrst base on errors: Chicago, 3. Stolen bases: Sheckard. Tooley. Double plays: Tinker to Hofman; H. Zimmerman to Tinker. Flret bane on ball": Off Brown, off Barrer, 1. Struck out: By Brown, 2: by Barger, 3. Hit by pitched hall: By Barger. Sheokard. Umpires. Johnston and Eason. Time: 1:87. Phillies rtrlTC Smith from Slab. . PHILADELPHIA. July ll.-Phlladelnhla easily defeatel Cincinnati, knocking Smith off the, rubber In four Innings by piling up iourten hits and ten runs, score: PHIUADf.I.PHIA. CINCINNATI. AB 1I.O.A.E AB H O A B Knaha, lb.... 4 II I DMKhar. If.. 4 1 4 1 Pankert, cf.. 4 I S 1 Htft. rf I I S 1 ft Lobtrt, lb... I 110 Hohllll, lb I S I 1 Walsh, If.... I II 0 Mtchelll, rf.. I 1 I iMdarva,. lb., I I 0 Pownay, aa. . I 1 I 1 1 Thomas. rt..l Orant. lb.... 4 4 0 0 Doolan, aa...l 111 I Esan, lb 4 I I f Doom, a i o i tkLMn, c... l Okalmen, ..! Smith, I 0 1 1 juui, p s - Totals.. . -.M M IT U I Alamalla .. t 1 ' Totala. ..... II 14 I 3 Batted for Smith In the fifth. Cincinnati OO014OOO18 Philadelphia 10341010 12 Two-bate hits. Hoblitzel, Downey, Pas kert. Three-bsse hit: Bate. Struck out: By Smith, 2; bv Juul, 2; hv Chalmers, 3 First bsse on balls: Off Rmlth. 2: off Juul, 4; off Chalmers. 1. Hits: Off Bmlth. 14 in four innings; off Juul. 3 In four innings. Tim: 3:18. Umpire: Rigler. ,, Pirates Poand Giant Pitchers. NEW YORK, July 11. The Pirates ham mere d out al lsorts of hits off th New Vork pitcher today and had a winning lead at the end of the sixth inning. Wagner, Clbron and Bnodgrass each made four h.U an dthe game contained three home runs, two triples and seven two-banners. Score: Hatted for Ames In seventh. Pittsburg -. 0 3 0 0 0 6 8 1 1-13 New York 10000008 0-4 First base on error: Pittsburg, L Bases on balls: Off Camnitx, 8; oft Ames, 1. Struck out. By CotnnlU, t; by Wiltse, 8; by Amen, 1; by Crandall, 1. Left on bases; Pittsburg, t; New York, T. Home run. Miller, O. Wilson, Doyle. Three-base hits: Leach, Merkle. Two-base hits: Leach. Wagner (2), Miller, Olbson Bnodgrass, Flttcher. Hacrlflce hits: Clarke. Millar Camnlts. Double play: Wilson and Wag ner. rassea Dan: oioson. wna pitens: Ames (2). Hits: Off Camnita, 10 In seven and one-third innings; off Ferry, 1 in one and two-thirds innings; off Wiltse, 10 In live InnlnKs; off Ames, 8 In two Innings; off Crandall. 4 in two innings. Time: 8:u0. Umpires: O'Day and Frary. RAIN SPOILS OPENING DAY "No Raring at West Point Tuesday Be. caste of Hesry Precipitation - Begins This Morning. WEST POINT, Neb., July 11. (Special Telegram.) Heavy rain throughout th day prevented any racing on the West Point track. Large crowds are here and the sport will begin Wednesday morning if th weather permits. RESULTS IX THREE-1 LEAGUE Hock, Island Banch lilt and Win from Pcarla. DECATUR, 111., July 1L Decatur lost Its fifth straight game today, Waterloo win ning In th first of th aerlea, I to &. Score: R.H.E. Waterloo 8 11 0 Docatur I I I Batteries: Stower and Wolfe; Bchroeder and Johnson. ROCK ISLAND, 111., July 11. Rock Island bunched hits off Walsh and Schmlrler and won from Peoria today, t to 1 ttoore: R.H.B. Hock Island 4 11 3 Peoria .3 0 Batteries: Lakaff and Oonding; Walsh, Schmlrler and Jacob. QUINCY, I1L, July 1L Davenport won from (Julnoy, 8 to 4, In a gam featured by long drives today. Boor; K.H.K. Davenport 8 16 1 Quincy 4 10 1 Batteries: Fink, Dick and Coleman; Prendegaat and Forney. DUBUQUE. Ia., Juiy 11. Danville won from Dubuque, 10 to 6, today In the first Ksme for th leadership of th league. Score: R.H. J. Wnvllle 10 1 Dubuque ta 1 Btterles: Chapman and Massing; Fosberg and KrelU. WOLGAST WILL FIGHT WELCH Lightweight Champion Will Meet Asplraat Thanksgiving Day. LOS ANGELES, July U.-Ad WolgTLsL lightweight champion of the world, and Freddie Welch will fight twenty rounds for the title her Thanksgiving day, No vember 30. This was practically deolded upon today when Wolgast and Welch met after their two unsatisfactory conferences last night The terms accepted by the fighters from Promoter T. J. McCarey call for an un published amount for Wolgast, said to be jilS.OuO, and 16.000 for Welch. Wolgast will Kei oi per cem ui ma receipts irum me moving pictures and Welch There will be no side bet. The weight will be 13S pounds ringside. the fight to be refereed either by Jack Welch or fc.ddie bmlth. After the conference Wolga&t left with his wife for his home in Cadillac Mich. His manager, Tom Jones, w.ll sign th oon tract for th fight tomorrow. Wolgast said before he left he would take on no other fighter before meeting Welch. Tlldea Clan sleets Defeat. PIHRCE Neb., July 11. (8peclal.)-The Pierce ball team beat the Tuaen club on the local diamond this afternoon by a score of 4 to 0. Bovee, for Pierce, pitched a two hit gam. He also drove In the first score by a two-base hit, virtually winning pa own game. The Plerc team fave their pitcher excellent support, mak ng but three errors. Klngdon, the THden twlrler, pitched aa eKcellent gam also, but Pierce showed up a Itile better at the stick. Tllden has lost but one game this season an.d claims th championship of northeast Nebrsska. Pierce plays teams from Norfolk, Wayne, Wlnaide and Os mond this week at the North Nebraska District O. A. K. reunion that will be held at this place. So far Pierce has played fourteen games, winning eight and losing It. Batteries: Bover and Tift; Klngdon and Nam. Defeat for Dewltt Nlao. BEATRICE, Neb., July 1L (Special Tel. gram.) Th Northwestern buaiuMi col lege base ball team of tills city today da feated tha Dewltt nine at Dewltt by the score of f to 8. The college team will play at Dubois. Neb., tomorrow. Magrea Iadeflaltely Saapcadeal. PHILADELPHIA, July 1L Sherwood lie Ota, outfielder of the Philadelphia National league baae ball club, who yesterday as "ilted and severely Injured Umpire John Plnneraa, waa today Indefinitely suspended. CHAMPS WIN, ISLANDERS LOSE Fremont Tied with Superior for First in State' Leagme. HARD HITTING Be! ATS COLUMBUS Kearney Loses to Third City Player by Score of Sla to Five Sa. . perlor Defeata York . Derisively, COLUMBUS, Neb., July ll.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Fremont took the last game of the series from Columbus by hard hitting and spectacular work of Tin pin In left field. Score: FREMONT. , COLl'MBt's. ABU O A E AB.H.O.A.R Pondaau, al I I I 1 Meliell. rl.l I I I 0 FtillMi, lb.. 4 4 10 0 0 e. Brun. lb 4 t I Hnntt, rf.. 4 1 1 0 0 (Ir.h.m. It I 1 I'S 1 PoFinar, rf... t I I 9 0B Brown, aa i II 0 Ntlt. o f I 4 t W'a'b'grr, eft X 1.1,1 Turpls. If... 4 I II Olxh, If.... 4 1 t o laroy. lb. .'..I t t 'I 1 orbott, lb.. 4 0 t t Thnmpa a. tb I 1 t Anw, e.... f. I T 1 1 Rouir, p 4 114 1 liar. P 0 0 (I t 0 F-aul. P 0 1 1 Totals 7 U S7 11 SKlaMll 1 100 Spade 1 0 0 Totala 40 LI 17 11 I Ratted for Paul In ninth. Hatted for Hay in sixth. Fremont 3 0 0 0 3 S 2 0 110 Columbus 1 0001 1 S0O- Two-base Jllw: Bonner, Mcixell t2), Weis enbtTger, Gittbam. Three-baKe hit: Agenw. Home runs: Bennett, Neff. Carey, B. Hrown. Sacrifice hits: Rondeau, Fullen, Turpln, Hay. stolon bases: Bennett B. Brown, I -each. Struck out: Bv Rouse, 8; by Hay, 3; by Paul, 2. Banes on balls: Off Rouse, 4; off Hay. 2; off Paul. 1. Bases for hitting batter: By Rouse. S. Wild pitch: Hay, 1. al'Hxcd ball: Agnew. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Garrett. , Superior Wlna Twice. YORK. Neb.. Julv 11 fSneclal TelearamI Superior took a double-header from York todsy. York lost on errors. Score, first gam: SUPERIOR. YORK. AB.H.O.A.R AB H.O.A Allan, cf 4 1 t Pavla. rf.:... 1 0 1 0 Michael, aa.. 4 114 Smith. th.. .5 114 1 Ooyla. rf.... 0 1 Himnlue?. lit I 0 Mr ir well, lb 4 14 4 Harm, ef....l 1 1 1 Kpollman, r . 4 0 4 1 0 Payne, lb.... 4 1 19 1 a.B'ke'ltt, If S t 0 tiarllns. b.. 4 tail D.B'ha'tr. lb 4 t 11 0 Dye, aa 4 1 I 1 nnrarh. lb... 1 1 1 I 0 Kelly, e 4 1 1 0 Olbeou, p.... 4 I 1 0 Tlm'aman, pi 0. 4 0 Totala 14 I 71 14 Totala II " 17 n " Superior ...1 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 07 York 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Home run: McDowell. Two-base hits: Hennlssey, D. Bockewlti. First on balls: Off Tlmmersman, S; off Gibson, 3. Struck out: Ry Tlmmersman, 2; by Gibson, 2. Double plays: Tlmmersman to Dye to Payne. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Edwards. SUPERIOR. YORK. AB.H.O A.B AB H O A E Shan, of. .. 4 lto ft Davta. rf 4 1 0 ( Michael, aa... Silt Smith, lb.... 4 I 4 I 1 Coyle, rf I 1 I A Hannlaaey, If 4 1 t MrD'w.ll, lb 4 S 1 I ft Harm, rf....4 1 0 4 Fpellman. e . 4 4 I 0 0 Payna, lb.... 4 0 11 1 F.B'aVttt. If 4 1 4 0 Darllnar. lb.. 4 oil 1 D B'ke'ti, lb I 11 Tr: aa I 1111 Dorach, lb... 4 114 0 Oppla. a.... 4 1 t Lanawter, p. 4 1 I Wllklna, p... 4 I ft I o Totala IT It IT It Totals It "rM I 4 Coyle out In eighth on Infield fly. Superior 1 0 4 0 1 0 1 1 08 York j,.. l Q (10800004 Two-base hits: Harm. Dye. First baae on h.U.. i t t , 1 " 1 1 1 : ,. . . v - nemo, vjn nuHina, oir i.ancasrer, a. Struck out: By Wllklns, 8: by Lancaster, 8. Double plays: ,Smlth to Payne to Darllnp, Iye to Payne. Tim: 2:06. Umpire: Ed wards. Kearney Manage to Win, . GRAND IST.AND, Neb., July 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) Kearney brok Grand Island's winning streak today In an uphllf gam for them.- The locals had five scores., when In the sixth and seventh Morse was found for hits coupled with errors. ' Jar rott two . hits broutht In four scores. Score: ' r KEARNEY. . . GRAND ISLAND. . AB.H,A.'1. AB.H.O. A. E.' L. Oray. If.. 0 1 Cook, ef t I ft 0 Downey, aa ,.f:Jis. Btnith, aa..., I 1,1. , Paglea, lb..-? 1-r 11 0 MrKlbbes. If 4 I I 6 Jarrott, rf . .. 4 I I 4 0 Mr bear, rt..l I I 0 Elark, If.... 4 1 V I Harsla, lb... I t - I Clair, lb. ... I 4 j, 4 1 Ar'atrong. lb I 111, 1 Fewer, lb... 4 0 t lejokarat. o... 4 14 8 1 ldas'kuitb, 0 4 4 1 9 Ward. lb.... 4 11 Balllelt, p... I 111 t Moraa. p.... I 110 Totals. ..,..14 mil I Totals.. ..40 11 IT 10 T Kearney .............0 0 0 0 0 3 S 0 0-8 Grand Island 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 06 Kerned runs: Kearney, 8; Orand Island, 8. Two-base hits: Jarrott, Ward. Three-base hits: McLear, Hargls. First on balls: Off Balllett, 2; off Morse, 2. Struck out: By Balllett, 2; by Morse, S. Left on bases: Kearney, 6; Grand Island, 8. Double plays: McLear to Armstrong; Smith to Armstrong. Umpire: McDermott. Krrorlesa (lame at Seward. SEWARD, Neb., July 11. (Special Tele gram.) Hastings defeated Seward today In an errorless game of bans. 3 to 1. Crawford pitched a good game, only allow ing five hits, but his team mates fould not score when they got on bases. Seward Is playing good ball at the present time, winning two out of three games from Hastings. Superior comes tomorrow tor a tay of three days. Sere: HASTINGS. - SEWARD. AB.H.O. A.B AB.H.O. A.B. Wataos, lb.. I I 4 4 Stanley, as.. 4 I I I fortmao, aa.. II 1 0 Cooler, rf.... 4 1 4 nromiey, ci.. I v v - o XMI, lb 1000 Katl, lb 4 0 I I 4 Henry, et....l 0 4 ft A Cooke, lb.... 4 1 I I Robinson. If. I 140 O'Brien, if.. I I 1 t 4 Pallas, lb... 4 110 Donnelly. If. I 0 1 0 Luoaa, lb.... I 4 14 0 Coa, s I 1 14 1 Wally, s 4 I I I Orth. p S 4 Crawford, p.. I 4 4 ToUla M SITU Totals, .j... It rT 10 Hasting 1 0 10001 08 Beward i. 00001000 01 Two-base hit: Stanley, Watson, Co. Base on balls: Off Crawford 8, off Orth 8. Wild pitch: Orth 1. Struck out: By Crawford 4. by Orth t. Double playa: Orth to Watson to Cooke; Fortman to Watson to Cooke; Coe to Kats to Wat son. Umpire: Held.. Tim: 1:46. GIRL UMPIRE BACK IN GAME Mis Amanda Clement Will Officiate at Carnival at Iroaaols, Saath ' Dakata Today. BIOUX FALLS, B. D., July It (Rpedal.) Miss Amanda Clement, tha famous girl baa ball umpire of Hudson, after having been out of th umpiring gam In South Dakota and adjoining state thus far this season becaus of an Injury to her knee while running, which necessitated th us of crutches, baa recovered to such an ex tent that ah will on Wednesday of this week again make her appear anoe aa an umpire. She will b on of th feature at th ninth annual sport day celebration at Iroquois to be held Wednesday. Perhaps the most interesting event during th cele bration will be a ball gam between th Carthage and Howard ball team and Miss Clement will act aa umpire. For some week th member of th two teams have been at sword's point over their ability as player and In anticipation of tomor row' gam both teams have been hiring the beat baae ball talent to ba obtained for tb purpose of strengthening their lines. Th purs for the gam la 1125. divided $100 to the winner and 36 to th loser and this sort of a division wll b an Incentive to both team to do their beat to win. A full program of th small sport also haa been provided. Carnival feature and a reg ulation midway will add seat and enjoy ment to th annual sports day celebration. Muslo for th occasion will be furnished by th Huron band. Cy YoaasT lavlaelhl. TOWA FALLS, Jj.. July 1L ( Special.) Cy Young waa invincible today and Farmer Burns' Farrelis defeated the Iowa Falls ball team by the score of 8 to 2. The heavy hitting of the Farrelis again featured. Hronek'a hitting wa especialTy notlcaabla He got four hits out of five times at bat. Score: R. H.U. Farrelis I 003101 0-1 114 Iowa Fall ....0000101-341 Batteries; Farrelis, Young and Miller; Iowa Falls, Kephart and Fort. Olaats Defeat Tekaasah. TEKAMAH. Neb.. July 11. (Special Tel egram.) The Omaha Giant defeated Te kamah by th tun of to I na fast and xcltlng gam and It waa anybody's game until It waa ever. Slugging of both team featured. Batteries: William and Davis. UcKlnnl and Alachu)r. WHITE SOX SPLIT WITH REDS Chicago Plays Even, Four to Nothing and Six to Four. OGLE SPOILS WHITE'S RECORD Second llasemaa'a Three Safeties Oaly Hits Secared Off Pitcher's De livery la First tiaaie Itwb Two-RaarBera. CHICAGO, Njuly II. -Chicago and Boaton broke even In a double-header today, the former winning the first game, 4 to 0, by coupling two hits with two errors and a hit by a pitched ball and the latter win ning the second game, 8 to 4, by bunching hita off Baker. Score, first game: CHICAGO BOSTON. AB.H.O. A.B AB H .0. A.B. lto'theny. If I I 0 Hooper, .rf... I 0 0 1 Lord, lb 4 114 Oardner, lb.. 4 0 110 ( allahan, rf. 4 I 1 1 0 gnraker, e . 0 I 4 Uodle. i'f.... 110 0 Lewn, If.... 4 0 10 MTon'ell, lb I I l'OYerkea, as... I 0 111 fcelder, lb... I Oil Kngle, lb ... I 1141 Tannehill, aa I 1 4 I 0 Janvrls, lb.. I 0 II 0 1, a..l 0 4 1 0 I'.rrlg.n. .. 10 10 White, o I 0 1 I 0 Wood, p I 0 0 4 0 ToUla n I 17 11 0 Totala 21 I 14 13 I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-bane hits: Tannehill, Hortie. Stolen base: Callahan, Double play: Speaker to Janvrln. Left on bases: Chicago, 3; Boston, 4. First base cm balls: Off White, II; otf Wood, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Wood, Dougherty. Struck out: By White, 3; by Wood, S. Time: 1:60. Umpires: F.gan and Sheridan. - BOSTON. CHICAGO. AB.H.O. A.B AB.H.O.A.R. Hooper, rf . . 4 0 I 0 Do'fharty, If 4 1 10 0 Oardner. lb.. 1114 0 Lord, lb 4 1111 Speaker, cf.. 4 1 4 0 0 Callahan, rf. S 1 0 0 Lewia, If.... 4 110 0 Uodle, c( '4 110 Yerkea, aa... 4 1 I I 0 M'(n'all. lb 4 0 110 Entle, lb.... 4 0 0 1 1 Zelder, lb... I 1110 Janvrln, lb.. I 0 4 0 0 Tannehill, aa 4 1 4 11 (arrlaan, lb. 1 t I 0 Payne, e I 0 I I 0 WIMIama, e.. I 0 I 1 0 Raker, p 10 0 1 Tape, p 1111 Lame 0 0 0 0 4' ToUla II I 17 II I Totala. .1... 11 117 I I ratied lor Laker In ninth.' j Chicago 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 4 1 Boston 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0-8 Two-base hits: Pape, Lewis. Three-base hit: Dougherty. 1 Home run: Speaker. Sacrifice hits: Dougherty, Williams. Stoltn bases: Zelder, Lord. Double plsys: Payne to McConnell; Tannehill to Zelder. IWt on baspK: Chlcnxo. t; Boston. 4. First base on balls: Off Pape, 4; off Baker, 3. Miuck out: fly Baker, 4; by Pape, 1. Wild pitch: Baker. Time: 1:56. I mplres: Kgan end Sheridan. Cleveland Wins First Game. CLEVELAND. O., July 11. Cleveland won the first of the series from Washing ton by bunching hits In the first and third Innlnrrs. Score: CLEVEI.AND. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O. A. tV AB H.d.A B : Oraney, It... 4 110 Milan, cf ... 4 I - 0 t Olann, aa 1 1 4 4 1 Brhaefer, lb. I 0 11 0 Jackeon, rf.. 4 1 0 0 0 Elherfeld. tb I 0 1 0 Biovail, ID... 1 10 1 0 Oeaaler, rf...4 10 10 Blrm'ham, cf 4 I I 0 I-elWelt, If.. 4 1110 Ball, lb 4 114 0 MrRHde, aa. I I 0 Turner, tb... I I I I 1 Conrojr, lb... 4 0 ft 1 ri'hor, a I IIS o Henry, e.... I 0110 Falkenb'f, pi I 4 1 Hushea, p. .. I 0 0 10 Walker, p.... 1 0 0 I 0 Totala It 10 17 II I Aln.mltk .. 1 0 0 0 0 . ToUla II I 14 14 Batted for Walker in tne ninth. Cleveland 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 "2 Washington .4) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Oraney, Fisher. Hits: Off Hughes. 7 in five Innings, none out in the sixth; off Walker. S In five Innings. Fret base on balls: Off Falkenberg, 4; off Hughes, 2. Struck out: By Falkenberg, 8; by Hughes. 2; by Walker, 1. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Evan and Mullens. Tigers Win In Terrific Rally. DETROIT, July 11. Coming up under a six-run handicap today Detroit was but on run behind when the eighth inning opened. Detroit then started a rally, forced Coombs out of the box and got Plank for seven runs, winning, 14 to 8. Philadelphia knocked Summer out of the box In th efourth, but were not able to find Covington, a recruit pitcher who replaced him. Delehanty was the star in eDtroit's attack. He hit a home run In th seventh and tripled with two runners on base in tha eighth. Score: ' DETROIT. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O. A.B. AB H O.A . Jonea, If 4 1 .1 0 0 Lord, If I 14 1 Bueh, aa I 1 4 I 0 Oldrlng. of.. I I 3 0 ft Cobb, ef 4 1 I 0 0 Barry, as 4 1 I I Crawford, rf. I 1 0 0 Baker, lb.... 4 1111 Deleh'nty, lb 4 II 0 0 Mrlnnee, lb. S 0 7 0 0 Mortarty, lb. 4 0 1 I 1 Murphy, rf.. I 1 0 1 O Leery, lb.. 4 111 0 Derrick, lb.. 1 0110 Sunaga, c... III 0 Lapp, c I lilt Summers, p.. 1 10 1 0 Coombs, p... 4 10 0 1 Covington, p I 0 - 10 Plank, p 0 0 0 0 0 Lafltte, p.... 0 0000 Mullln 0 0 I 0 Totala tt I 14 II 4 Dosovaa ... 0 0 0 0 Totals 14 II 17 14 1 Batted for Covington In eighth. Ran for Mulligan In eighth. Philadelphia ........0 03400100 S Detroit 1 0 0 1 8 0 8 7 14 Two-base hits: Lord, Oldring (2), Stanaga. Three-base hits: Oldring, Delehanty. Home run: Delehanty. Hits: Off Combs, 13 In seven Innings; off Plank, 4 In one Inning; off Summers, 7 In three and one-third In nigs; off Covtgton, 3 In four and two thirds Innings; off Lafltte, 0 In one Inning, tacrtflce hits: Ildrlng, Derrick. Sacrifice ilies: Baker, Crawford (2). Stolen bases: Crawford, Morlarty. Left on bases: Phila delphia, 8; Detroit, 8. First on balls: Off Combs, 3; off Plank, S; off Summers, 1; off Covington, 2; off Lafltte, 1. First on er rors: Philadelphia, 1; Detroit, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Coombs, O'Leary; by Cov ington, Murphy; by Lafltte, Oldring. Struck out: By Coombs, 8; by Summer, 1; by Covington, 1. Tim: 2:28. Umpire: Dl neen and Perrlne, s Hlgrhlaadera Tatke Oaeaer, ST. LOUIS. July U.-HltUng Lake and Powell at opportune moments gave New York th first of th series of four. War hop waa effective In all but two Inning. Score: NBW YORK. ST. LOUIS. ' i AB.H.O. A.B. AJ1.H.O.A.B. Danlela, ef.. 4 ft I 0 1 Shotten, ef . . I 1 ' 0 0 Wolier, rf .l 0 4 Awtln, lb... I 0110 Hartaeil, lb. 4 I 1 1 IS'weluer, rf. I 1 0 0 Cree, If 4 140 Hallloan, lb. 4 4 1 Knight, as... I 111 0 Hogan, If.... 4 110 Chase, lb. ... S It Clarke, a.... 4 111 Gardner, lb.. 1114 Black, lb.... I I 17 1 1 Blair, a 4 14 10 Wallace, as.. I 0 -TO War op, p... I OPoaall. p.... 0 010 Lake. ....... 4 1110 ToUla 17 IH1I I Ctus I 1 Totals. .....SO I It 10 I Batted for Wallace In tue ninth. New Vork 0 8 1 0 0 0 8 0 1-8 St. Louis 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-8 Two-base hits: Chase, Clark. Home run: Cnaa. First baa on balls, Oft Warhop, 1; off Lak. 8. Struck out: By leavke, 2; by Warhop, 3. Hits: Off Powell, 8 In one and one-third Innings; off Lake, 4 in seven and two-thirds Innings. Time: 2:00. Umpires: O'Loughlln and Connolly. WISNER POUNDED INTO SAND Unfile' Colta Trim Visitors by De cisive Scores Each Time. CREIGHTON, Neb.. July U.-(Spedal Telegram.) Huffle's Colts defeated th fast bunch from Wlsner her yesterday and today. Excellent support was given McKay of creighton in the Sunday game. Dunaway for CrelKhton today struck out 17 Wlsner men and allowed but two hits until the ninth. Score, Sunday's Creighton 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 S 6 1 Wlsner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 Struck out; By McKay to: By Ryan. 6. Baa on balls: Off McKay, 2, Ryan. 2. Batteries: Creighton, McKay and Lucas; Wlsner, Ryan and Tbelsen. Monday s game; R H E Creighton ....0 4 1 1 3 0 0 8 010 11 3 Wlsner 0000000- 8 3 Struck out: By Dunaway. 17: By Oor . Two baa hits: Pryor (3), Dunaway, Baker. Three-base hits: McKay. Dun away. Batteries: Creighton, Dunaway and Tift; Wis oar. Gore and Cola. BIG PRISON CONFERENCE COMMITTEE IS TO MEET Will Select Saeewsaor to Dr. W. K. Davidson, Chalrasaa af Rr. septloa Coiaasaltte. Th general committee having In eharge th meeting ef th Amaiioaa Prison asao elatlon In Omaha, October 14 to IS, will meat Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. m., at th Commercial club room to select a suc cessor to Dr. W. M. Davidson, chairman of th reception committee. Dr. Davidson at In hi rest nation whan h decided t move to Washington. D. C. Other matter in connection with th convention will b discussed. England Wins the International Athletic Meet Deciding- Event it Ulile Ran, Wen by Baker of Cambridge Rhodes Scholar from Kansas Wins. QCKKN8 CLUB, July 1L-Wlth America end England tied at four victories each, l hllip John Baker of King' college. Cam bridge, turned th scales for th horn team by winning th one-mil run today. It waa the most, exiitlng international university contest ever witnessed. Th staying power of the Knglishmen at long running, with the assistance they received from the Rhodes' scholar. Put nam of Kansas, who won the hammer throw, decided the day. The only running evrnt captured by lh Americans wa the half mil won by U. M. I"rebl of Harvard. Baker wolf the deciding event by flv yards. Amid great enthusiasm at the finish the crowd swarmed on the field, tha band played "'Hod Save the King." and Bakir was carried away on th shoulder of his comrades.' In the first event, hammer throw, the American team whs beaten by an American, G. E. Putnam of Kansas, a Rhodes scholar at Christ church and a member of the Oxford-Cambridge team. Putliam mado 151 feet S inches; Child, 10 feet 7 Inches; Cable. 137 feet 10 inches; Bower of Cambridge, 130 feet 8 Inches. Running Hitch Jumn Won hv W,.,.ter Canfleld of Yale,-whose 'mark was 5 feet 11 Inchea; Albert D. Barker of Harvard Was second- with & feet 104 Inrhes. Iter Canfleld made 6 feet H Inches. ime-iiunaren-Yard lah Won bv Dun can Mac.Millun, Trinity. Cambridge: time :10'i. Fred A. Reltlv of Tele was second. Two-mil race: Won by E. Qowan Taylor, Pembroke, Oxford; C. p. p rter. Itraa.-noM. Oxford, second; Paul R. Wlthlngton, Har vard, third; William F. Ryan. Harvard, fourth. Time: S:aiV Quarter-mile run: Won by F. O. Black, Pembroke, Cambridge; Dunchan MacMll lan Trinity, Cambridge, second; John H. hiewart, jr., Yaie. thud. Mtrlx i . Kc. ley, Harvard, fourth. Time: 0:4!H. Half-mile run. Won bv H M Preble. Harvard; Anderson, Oxford, second; jaques. Harvard, third. Time: 1:B?V l;t)-yard hurdle: Won bv George A. Chea holm. Yale; J. B. Cummlnge of Harvard, second; P. R. O'Rourke, Phlllllps, Pem broke, Cambridge, third; W. 1. F. Mao Donald, .e, Oxford, fourth. Tlm: l '- One-mile run: Won by Phillip John Baker, King's, Cambridge: W. C. Mo.-re Kxct Oxford, second; ; H P. Lawless, Harvard, third. Tim: 4:27. Senator Brown is No Longer a Land Luhber Gets Back to Washington After a Cruise with the President Full of Information. ' tFrom a Htaff Correspondent WASHINGTON, July 10. (Special Tele gram.) Senator' Brown returned to Wash lngtori this morning with the presidential party which has been curlslng along the coast for the laat three day. It wa Sen ator Brown' flret voyage outside of land and In consequence he ha a world of thing to tall about th ocean, it deniiens. the president' cruiser yachts th coast Una of New Jersey and Virginia and the magnitude of. Chesapeake bay. Tha whole trip was a fairy land to th "land lubber' from Kearney, and he has been kept busy telling his Impressions to Interested au dlence In the cloak room all day. "President Taft 1 th beat travelled man I have ever met," said Senator Brown "And he kept th bunch from tha states represented keyed up to International pitch The president showed a remarkable mem ory as to place he had visited sine h ha been In publio life, and hi descriptions of event and of publio men touched upon during our . thre day' trip gave me a more Intimate Insight into hi character than I had ever anticipated. . Taft I a very great man and that th country will reaiue it, l nave no rear." The nomination of John Ptelnhart to be postmaster at Nebraska City, vie Frank McCartney, is looked for at any time. F. 8. Emerson of Sioux Fall, 8. D., called upon Senator Oambl today. Mr. Emerson, who 1 an Elk. I en rout to th convention . of , that order to b held at Atlantlo City this week. George F. Jonea of Sioux Falls, 8. p., was today notified that he had passed th bar examination and wa admitted to th practice of law before th court oi the District of Columbia. G. A. R. REUNION AT PIERCE Governor Aldrtekt Will Bfaho Addrcas to Veterans on tha Opao. - la Day. FTBRCH, Neb., July 11 (Special.) With a splendid rata af over two Inohes Sunday morning th O. A. R. reunion at this place this week start off most auspiciously: Th twenty-acre grove la fining up fast with tent, attraction and concessions. A splendid program has been arranged for this event. .On th first day Governor C. H. A Id rich will give an addrees to th old soldiers. Bass ball and other attraction will follow, with a camptlr In th even ing with good muslo by a band and glee club. The reunion will begin on Tues day and clo Friday evening. Ex-Governor A. C. Shallenberger ha been secured for th closing day of th event Ante Telescopes Cottage. CLEAR LAKE, Ia., July U.-8peclal.) A wild automobile wrerked th Cliff cot tage located on tha camp ground. A Rock well resident had driven hi car to tb lak and left It standing near tha cottage. There waa quit a high .wind and it I supposed that, this gave th car a little tart and with a leak In th gasoline th car wa set In motion good and plenty. It struck tha cottage, telescoping It. but tt didn't present so bad look as did th car, which, was vary badly smashed in th encounter. X TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING I THE LEADING BEER W THE MIDDLE WEST Family Trad supplied b Cfaaa. Mors, Pboate VFobeioi laSOt lalepada4 B-1U1, SAINTS BREAK TIE IN TENTH Jones Wins Game for St. Paul from Xansai City. SC0RX MADE EVEN IN THE NINTH telger A I meet latlnrtale latll Ninth When Two Hit aaa Walk rill Bases -Jones Makes Ken- . satloaal Catch. ST. PAl'L, July ll.-Charley Jones hit orf the first bsll pitched today In th tenth inning and won th gam for St. Paul form Kansas city. to 8. Stelger was almost Invincible until the ninth Inning when two hit and a walk filled th baies. Hyatt then tripled against the right field fence slid later scored the tying run on Bower man single. In the fifth Inning Jones robbed llystt of an almost , certain home run by a sensational running catch. Score. ST. PAVU KAMA CITY . -H.f A R. AB.H.O. A E iar. n. o Parbran, lh. I I Raaumnnt, rf 4 I 0 0 milllrao, of. I I a Mifnilta. lb 4 I I 1 0 Lore, If I I Autrey, lb... I I 1 0 Hrall. rf...,4 I Jonai. rf I I I 0 B'warm'a, lh 4 I Huil.r, aa.... 4 III 0 t'omilon. aa. I V Ruy. r a o a o imwatr. lb.. I 1 lb... 4 1 0 I I Baker, lb.... I a Btalgar. p..,4 0 I I UOdnnnor, 0. 4 I ' . hay I (i (l Totala 1110 10 11 1 jamaa. I 0 10.- MadtloK, p. ., I 1 n 1 o starrt 0 0 0 0 v B random, e.. 1 0 0 0 0 ' ' Totala 4 llrf 11 1 Han for O'Connor In ninth. Hatted for Matldox in ninth. None out when winning run scored. Kaiits City 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0-6 St. Paul o 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Two-base hits: Jones. Clnrke. Three-ban hits: McCormlck. Hvatt. Home runs: How ell. Jones. Stolen bases: Butler. Hits: Off Aladilox, 8, In 8 lnnlnisn: Off Nrandnm 2. in 1 inning. Bhsps nn balls: Off Madilox. 4; Off HU-lKer. 8. lilt by pitcher: By Steluvr, Ixive. Struck out: By Steluer, 6; Bv Ala1 dox, S. SHf-rlflie hit: Hvstt. Time. 2: 10. Umpires: Chill and Weddcge. Colntnhns Wins by llntHneT. INDIAN A POLI8, July 11 Heavy hitting by Columbus In th first and fifth In nings, when they scored fl run" and drove Schlltxer from the box, defeated Indianapolis. I.eaaard pitched a great game for the vinltors. Score- Indianapolis. rgt.iMnrs. AH H O A K All H O A B Hoffman, ef. 1 0 I 0 1 O'Ttonrk. 4 10 4 0 Woodruff, If. I 0 10 0 Hl'rhman. If 1 1 I 0 0 Hallman, rf. I I 1 0 n Onailinn, rf 4 I 10 0 Houarr. lb... 1 0 10 fl Dnwm, Sb..!l I 1 T 1 Oatt, lb I 0 0 1 Perrlne, IV. 1 1 14 0 Bluer. 1 0 4 0 I' MiMIn. aa, 4 1 It 1 McCarty, r.. I 1 I 4 0 Oitwell. tf...l 0 01 WIMIama. tb 4 0 4 1 I Walah. o .... 4 0 10 aio. aa.... 4 0 I 1 1 Leraaril, p... 4 0 0 1 0 Srhlltier, p . I (1 fi I 0 Men. p o 1 1 ToUla II II 17 It I J. McCarthy 1 0 0 0.0 Total! 11 8 27 11 I Uatttd fr Men in ninth. Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 01 Columbus 8 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 08 Two-base hits: Downs. Hallman. Perrlne. O'Rourke. Struck out; Bv Sclilltxer, 3; by Mers, 4: by Leesard, 5 Hits: tiff Schlltner, 8 In four and two-thirds Innings: off Merz, S In four and one-third Innings. Bases on balls: Off Sclilltxer. 3; off .Meix. I: off Les sen!, Z. Time: 2:0. Umpire: Chill. Millers Take Loose Clam. MINNEAPOUIS, July 11 -X loosely Played Kama was Wj.i bv Mlr.ncanol s to day, 8 to tt. Much wrangling the um pires caused dolay. Mclilynn waa put off the field In th seventh by Umpire Blur halter. Ineffective pitching by 1 'oughert.v, McUlynn and Mai .on e.iabled M nneapol to win. Wsddell was easy for the vlmtois, Leever replacing him In the third and al lowing but one hit for the of the game. Score: Batted for Marlon In ninth. Mlnneapolla .'. 18000040 -8 Milwaukee 1 0 4 0 o it 0 1 08 Two-base hit: ritoue, Kusmaii. oren dorf. Home run: Wi.l ains. Sacrifice lilts: Waddell, Htone,- Marsha l "-Hacil,ic n ; Cravath, Clark. ritoleo'tiaeea; Clyrnei (2), Gill, ttosuman. Bnikh. fouO.u a : ...c Cormuck to Gill. Left on hunej. . , ,e apolls, 8; Milwaukee. 6. Hits: Off Waddcll, 8 in two and two-tnirus inn ngs; off ... ..... 1 In six and one-tnird Inning; oil Dough erty, 4 in two innings; off Vlebahn, 1 in thre ond two-thirds Innings; off Mcl.mii, 2 in one-third with none out lu seventh: off Marlon, 1 In two Innings. Bases on balls: Off Waddell, 1; off Leever, Toledo Takea the Fonrin. TOLEDO. O., July ll.-Toledo made it four straight from I-oulsvllle today by winning In twelve inniutfx, 4 to S. Sutler s double to left followed by his delayed steal of third which dre wa wild throw from Howard gave Toledo the winning ivu. Toledo's one error In the ninth had gnen Louisville an opportunity to tie the score. Score: None out when winning run scored. Toledo 100010001O0 1 4 Loulsvlll .. 000001 00S00 03 Two-base hits: Hohnhorxt. Burns, Butler, Fisher. Three-base hit: Maloney. stjluii base: Hohnhorst. Sacrifice hits: Burnt, Fllek. Butler. Bases on balls: Off Ylngilir, 4; off Hlgglnbotham. 1. Struck out: toy Ylngllng, 1; by Higglnbotliain, 1. Difblu plays: Butler, Nile and Hlnchman; Low ard and Grlmshaw (2): Hayden and Giim shaw. Left on bases: Toledo. 7: IxjuIpvIIIu, W.,,J . P'tch: Hlgglnbotham. Hit by pitched bsll. Stanley. Tim: ;10. Umpires: Owen and Ferguson. PETER A. DEY i? DEAD Eagleeer Who Coaatrarted Rock I a. land Passes Away at lovra City Home. IOWA CITT. Ia.. July 11. Peter A. Dev. aged 85 year, th engineer who constructed tb Rock Island railroad and who was president of the Flrt National bank, died at hi horn her late thi afternoon. Prof. Clarion D. Hardy Hesltrns. - o. u. i uijr 41. tBueciai.J Prof. Clarion D. Hardy, who ha been as sociated with Dakota Wesley an univ er sity' faculty for a number of years, has tendered his resignation and 'will go to Northwestern university of Bvanston, m., at th beginning of the fall work. He ha been highly successful with the university and there Is general regret thut he has deolded to make the change. Prof. Hardy wa graduated from the Institution and Immediately assumed a plac on 'the fac ulty. For four year h ha been a mem ber of th city council a alderman from th First ward. A Pleasant Sarprlae follow th first doe of Dr. King's New Life Pills, th painless regulator that strengthen you. Guaranteed. 36c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. J n&3 '