THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JULY 10. 1911. i Wi T I I sk i fl 1 t V, ' V PERSONAL (Omubimo.) TOL'Nfll WOMEN coming to Omaha a s-ran-r ar IniKol to Tint the Yma Woman ( hnetian -. at Ion building at Svrottith St and tH. Marys An, tiim they "HI! be trrM to a it la He board. Bg place or etherwi as-1, ted. Look for ur traveler a aid at the Lbjob ittUnD. O-DAT BI-OOD KEMEDT. Gladdlsa Pharmacy, lith and iKtdg. FTfilCTLT private ronfirm-t hint We find bornr t lor bablaa wbtrt mothers are mot abie to car for them, all Dsvea port tL WE- RENT and rereir an ktnds of sewing machine Ind. a -I'M!. iKmgis m NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. iith and Harney 8ta. BATHS ,ow '' message. Mm. Allan of Chicago, lid S. 17th BL. 1st floor front, room 1 Douglas :1 LOST Cousins: A. W., C. E.. W. B. Com stock; reward for nuni an 4 address of any on a. Address T 77, car Bee. Massage Rittanhous. STJ Old Boston Bids. PRINTING Lew W.Kaber. Printer BEE BLDa ENTRANCE ON COUHf. RIES HALL Ptg. Co.. ICS i 14th. Ind. A-li-4. PHONE IND. A-tWB for ar4 "riming! "Lyngi-tBd Printing Co.. 1Mb and Capitol Ave. OO out to Rmirk Park and root fr Omaha. If Henry Anderson. Hut f. 11th St., will on no a to The Pea office within three day wa will give hlra a tlckat to tha bail um at Rourk park. REAL ESTATE A1ITR1CTI OF TITLB. MTDIAND Guar. A- Trust Ca.. in Far H. H. Naala. prea.; J. CampbeJl. sec, D. Ms PETER JEESEN. Jr. Co.. Tal. Doug. 2t REAL. BITATB DK1LIBI. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldaat abstract ffloe lB.Nebraaaa. 3M Brandeis Theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Tit taenth floor City Nat l Bank Uldg. 1VILDEHI' INFORMATION. TXpar hanging, wall paper reduoed. H. INt BI MOW SON A NORBI, fumaca ad tin work. D. M4B i CITX PROFEITI FOR BALB. FOR BALE A business lot .a bargain it taken at one. For particular aodrea M. K. Boa Ttt. Framaal. N-a. C Fred Haniaon and Oao. T. Morton tor bualneea bargalna) lli Omaha Nat I bank a-ROOM cottage In Bemla park. t2,a; terms reasonable. - Tyler laM. CHOICE ptTKDEE LOT by owner. Will aell cheap. Aocount change In buaineaa. Phone H. I8W or It. VUi. MT RESIDENCE. 1 B. 5TH AVE-- t ROOMS; MODERN. H. D. RHOADES. NORTH BIDE baragtn. t-netn. Dew houae, entirely modern; oak finish first floor. Itrti tuh, baianca. U.trtk. aaaia aa rent. F. D. W EAI), Uul Farnam. FOR SALFl-Two new portable housea. Stephen CrandaJL Ara D and 7tb, Council BluXXa. NEW t-room cottage, south side, $440 rasa, balanra same aa rent, and a bargain. F. D. WEAP. IJi Farnam. REAL ESTATE FARaf AND RANCH LAND FOR BALB Alasaau -" ' ' FOR BALE If you want a tarn or farm landa In southwest Alabama, wa have all kinds, eepaclaUy a-falfa, corn and cotton laud, from 100 to Lou acres. For full in formation writ to us. Hefner Camp Reaiiy Cai. Akron. Alabaxaa, 1 Arfcaaussia."'. ' . let, ml out. tf la cult.. U black alfalfa or clover land; fair tap.; good neighbor hood. Sua. g mi. from town of Lwu; near p. O. and eohool; nearly all amooui up land; la cult.. W. timber. 3o clover: 4 . fal fa. t baartag orciiard. lis feaoad bog Ught; extra good e-r. rcaidence. stora lodga bids., new barn, dark red eandy laaw; good oommunity; delightful louauoa; abundanoa good water; fci.fcA, subjact to e- ImW; loroM oaay. WU. OlLMuRK. Marabail. jara.- 1.IM ACRES rich bottom land, six mi Newark, tl par acre, terms. Fin oraag grave. Florida. Forty acre; ti&M. Other bargalna. A. A. Handoraoa. Newark. Ar ia TRACTS ot laad la Vbe oora aad al falfa district of Deita laad; black eoii. good eobools; lands wiU oouku In value In tore year; now rant from (o la ei par acra WrUa mo what you want. F. C. HOLLAND. ptn BiuXf, Ara. BEST tndt and general farming lands gar prtee la U. aV. ta eearcy Ccv. Ark. Moad tor booklet showing ta to It laad Boa tows, W. M- Haauwa. LaaU. Ara, BH A.. SMOOTH. Sm Ki. railway atauoa, M foneed, culc. small boua. tw weila, two pubilo roada, L-KnX L'nioa bank Truat Co Raai Ksu DapC. Naarcy. Ark.- BERT IN AMJUCA FOR PRICB. Ail claimss at timber, farm aad fruit lands la Arkansas. iuiana aaa jaiaaisaippi, from i t par acra. Wriv J. U. Bay aolda. Camdoa. Ark. . COTTON plaataaoa; l a ores, oieaai te-room dwelling; p,ent teuajii beusea; aoad barn aud ouibtuioicuta; rich, aiack loam; wlU grow bale cotioa or i busaett n per acre; woven wir fenoa. Aw acres coltlvauon; av marcnaniauia iiuioer, nara uml . healthful locauua; uuica truoi kiwi Lawn . good ta,g:ibi nuod; naar achuoi and church; priea IM.Ouv; raaaunabt lera.a AAdraas Johnston A Warn, caia Bouuisrn Trust Co. ioiu H.oca. ai .. OZARK. LAND CO.. Oravetta, Ark. tack rancbea. I run laraia. berry tieida, mail tracta. Install maut plaa; nsi prup- exty , jsuaiaeaa agiaw wa. ftX A. L'MliniOTUl cut-oft timber hand; much fine Luuir et on laud; to I aL from Eureka fcyiui; fine lor fruit, raach and general tazuung; (7 Jo. Special bargain in improves larma, w to ea V.V1 JLNKlNi at CO, ' Eureka tiprtngs. Ark. i BEST Cruit and general arming lands for unoa in U. b.. In bearcy Co.. Ark. nd tor booklet showing b to lit land near taarK. w. a, naoaon, Liia. ara. , . Canada. ta ACRES, aloa to town, Saskatchewan; p aero la wheat; ti acre; third oaab. baiano to auiu Write tor torm. ut Auwdlo 8L. Fcrt WUUaiua, OnU. Caa. OOLDEN wheat kanda fwr oala lav proved aad luUinpreved prairta farms, any also. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Wood hood coy. Wairoua, Beak. Caav " REAL ESTATE I have a largo list of laoda ta the Oooee aad Eagle lake district, ava botiar la Caaaula. . U. P. Ian r.k. at use leva, aaak FREE valuable InformaUoa to Canaduia lead aeakeia Frank Crawford, Ware biock. FARM lands la the Canadlaa west, town lots tn railroad divisloaai potnla. properly In atroua. the C aria bad of Aaric, Write Wv M. OaJbraiia. W atroua. baa-Xalchewan.-. " I OWN a aartioa of good waoat laad pltuated leaa thaa two mllea from growing towa la baskatcnewaji. V ul aau foe fas awr l Addroae. M 1. Carrot bare. F O. boa Wuvnipeg. Maaitoa. Califarata. FRUIT aad iecalyptua land. No Irrt gsUiig. ao drainage, ne crop faiiurea. Cll Suata soil, tranportatkia tariiitlee aad Baarkat tba beet. L. K. last, ill MoOagu. Calorwde, NORTHWESTERN Caiorada wboat laada, Ai t lit per aero. A few Uaiareved faracA. la la Ui Write J. b. Raabhardt. wucxUAg. t'HaUi. FOR SALS cheap two cbolca. smooth BaanaaMaad raUaqaoahmaata, Joiaixul ana fewovA, with aecer-taxaag ahaiiew wejl; goad own wwtar. Must aail both, K-S REAL ESTATE r'.fM AND HO(H Lln roll BALE faloradc aliased. I-ACRE beet Irrigated farm. Colorado.' finely improved; Dew rO-ruum dwelling. . . ais; pv'.elo cilar nold it tari'jaaa, j sere wheat; b acre alfalfa, no west ' and. ety foot under oid water right. t.m another farm, can't work both. miiea noun of Denver, at trxlea sotitl. ot Oreeley. C. A. Oratory. 4u Mack Bid Denver. Colu- lowK. j FOR BALE OR TRADE-My equltv la Sk ' section of raw land t m,lee of '.renta. 7 miles Kit Caraon and t miles Wild Horse. Ccynoe C. Calo ; U. P. By., lay; ehsilow water district; I mile to river; a Italia crown successfully nt-arb). . 1 rice, gj per acra, encumbrance 11. 2j. .- I tlonal at par rant, due May U. j:. Will trade tha equity. list!, tor reeidenca I quel value. 1 alas have k sectlow Joining thia which at clear, to trade fur town prop erty. Sam prtve. Would carry back fLwa) I en tma at a per earn. V ailer n. Hat New too. la. A PROFITABLE SMALL. KAKM. I LTV acrra, about Cve miles out. or two pooo roada. beautiful upland sloping ; gently eaat. Uood -roora houae with comanted cellar and outalda cool cellar, bam. wall, ciatern. wtndmni. Several larxe chicken bouaea and aeven a'rea. Two acra raen. buiHt ail bearing fruit of profit able klnda and in good condition. A fine vir.eard of about four ai;rea, on acre jSeerJ acre biackberrie and several hundred appie, cherry and plum tree. This I not ao ordinary run down place, but one of tha beat and In beat condition we have een. It will pay. well from first yaar and la well worth the price of H,lu HULb HMb HBlAJa. iJU. lu Pearl KL 1N ACRES. Cane coaaty, Iowa, ftna Im proved and welt located; prloa. (lio per acre; aay equity Is I la.. Want aoathera Minnesota ut takjt land, cleai. No In flated prioes considered. One 10-hors pvwer portable gaaolino engine for what have youf Addreaa C. W. McCausilaiid. Caas county. Loraa. la. FOR SALE Excellent :0-aer farm la corn and blue grass belt. Adams county, Iowa; farm all well frnced, acre b -g ught. 1U acres tiled, and ail In excellent cultivation: IX-room bouce. arge brick orllar with cement fior, cerneut wa'ki, aJIt new barn and mill, with good Fair banks engine, new h"g house, jther cui building, all in good repair; good siocK and barnyaid?. Iar:e grove and good or chard, four god wells, excellent wat r. Iw windmill. For further pmrtlcuiara addreg Mrs Anna M Naah. Uj8 High DC, Das Moines, la. FOR BALE Splendid farme. wall Im proved, ranging in pr.oe from t to Bt prr ei. This is choice Iowa bind. In wail Im proved eooiBBunltiaa, near town and scnooia Tber Is no mora fertile or beautiful part of the state than Osceola county. Writ tor particular. r. B- Kadmond. 61ble. l.lOa-ACRR farm 7 mile eoutheant Baa- sett. Rock ooucty, Nebraska; tug acrra ia twu tha year, large acreage In timothy and clover; good aet of lmpro emenia Prloa. tli.bC -per acre: ona-thtrd cash. bei. aaco oasy terms at per cant. CAUL It.NMi, ta F. L. A T B dg., Sioux City. Ia. 140-ACRE estate, all the vary choicest at land, nothing nicer in th state. t6.uu or hior of improvements ail In good shape. miles from two aiood trn. Musi be sold and soon. I have the exclusive band- ling of this. Pnoe. MS per acre, Marsn t aeiivery; ni cash, baiance t per eaaL at. emery, ortawooo. la. chandlaa. tS.fti to Ui.iO, In for gowd 1 arm near Ho. la. ia., and caah; faint AnnlAina krr.i mi ..rirn lutu.. kapn ut-Mi Piioa,lM aa acre, subject t .,, iuity. F. K Loonr. Koife. la- ue-ACHE improved tarm, 7 rail from Maausi City, t tnilea trum smaii town; 17i an acre; easy trrma and spiendid bargain; 144-acie uniuiprovea :arm u mil front ,V. aaoa Cliy. tht atuV fr jm j atnr townav nl set an acre. Wa be tn best bar giOna in norihern Iowa Come ano aa. klaaon ClU'. ia FOR SALE Two iota, numbers t aad 17. block E. a.ngiewood addiuoo. . Highland Park. Address J. H. fctennatl. &kaiwoea. HAT land to leaae,' lug acre, for ahare or cash. P. Finch, Humboldt. A REAL ESTATE SNAP. T2g acre fa- m la Poiakontaa oountr: ear. ner rlaht in t.sii: building one block f r.,n depot ai.d ereamary; tea-room house aioety lurniineo. una grove ana truit trees; beau tiful building s te facing south; catUe bara MiRl 24-loot posts; stanchions for about fifty cattle; two alio Mm; room for lus tons ct nay; ai teoa cutter, cor gnnaer and la-hera power gaaoliiie engine; aore baia tor it boraea. with hay loft and grain b.n., windmill ana thre water tsaks; farm meed In six tieida; 1 acre hogtigbL Frica, tlus per acre on very ewy term. . A. CARROLL Kolfe. Ia. Kg ACRES aad IT acres of soutbera Iowa land, improved, well located, good soil, right price, for sal or trade: I7.ut equity la brick store building; a Aret-clai unernie property. ior aaie or trade, quick, ea land, mercbandiao ur automobiiaa. Ad areas Box t. Diagonal. Ia. nt ACRES. 1 mile out. 100 In wheat; V to buer; bajajioe pasture. The late raia and aaow as urea bumper crop, level aa a tioor; tubti par acre; tersux W. B. Ca) bertauo, acou Uty, Kaa. m ACRXd, six ml lee from Mlnooia, sot acrra in wheat, one-third to buyer; new Hwo houae, a table, well, mill, tank, pas ture teiicetl; rich black euU; baa ratacd good crop every yar since broken out; sieat oarttaln. IS per acre. tenu. The &r C beard Laad Ca, Minaola. Kaa. WK have soma choice bargalna In oora, wheat and alfalfa land for sale la Bentoa and Kuan counties; writ for list at farm bargalna American laveauaoBt company. noising ion. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP M acree. I- nitlea out; Law acre in wheal; W delivered to buyer, level, rich. Beep soli; good well and windmill. tfc.av; term Ulnar wheat aud aifaiia landa, all Ms and pnoe. L F. acnuhmacnar. owner, alcana, avaa, tag ACRK& V miles good town: fenced. well improved; all amootk land; rich black aoii; good orchard, R. F. D.; phone; fin urrounoinga, sua; gooo lerms; wiu ox change for hardware, lix.pimenta or gea rai matchn1u W. U. Molt. UarmguiM, I3I ACRES la alfalfa: 10-room house. large barn, granary, etc ; two mlleo to Lamed. Pawnee county; su acre pastura baiance ia cultivation: rich, deeo soli, abun- eano of water, welia and Bulls; I a.aO); terms. buate Keaity .o , idutctunaon. Kaa Loelalaaa. . VERNON parish. XA.: th land of run shine, soli, ciiniaie. ntarseta. water, health. good, prices cheap; wnie ueesrvuie Real Latata aad Improven-ient Co.. C M. Mo- i ariand, c y-. ueesvuie. XOUI81ANA farm and Umber laada good for truck, com. cattle, etc; oa ac count of cotioa peat, cheapest lands oo h -ark at. 11a. 1. g.iaet Eider A Benctt. Monroe, Louisiana Mia areata. 1 1 t tteog eaulLr la srood Quarter la south era aillliawiai , -'- fc . , hi amm uvia aajiiu, vita law iwm, dm. aianair ana lauce. v. a m.' ia. wvm v, j wuw. pneo M per acre. Beni- A. Coue. Window. aaioa- ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERB. t gklwk Ihlhklha . 1 m Ml 1 BT Fat tlfiaT II wa w -.vaaaB v w w - BTMI. ... ar.a j4U.FllUa It BI BJ BTBwVtTa we sap aaaj im www a prw wy tb- aiur ci our iVAA4la ia Minn-rda, NertA r.oi-b n4 lloDUnft. W ca .ait yu f OH W BAA) IK, BajWwl waAB BWC . f WB I wbwi (rots m wiTti ta 1 KX WUiigvm & ulbfcMtkf. I n,- L- kAr.aa g. P AT natBUWwVal Ming A SNAP; UlT BB QUICK; FB-acre lm proved farm la Murray county. Minaesma. baa ftrst-ciass bulldtuga, faacea. apiondid grove, orchard, two nie irvca laws w Mia jona iioiaaa. jr. uartna. aaina. 1M ACRES It sal las from St. Paal. I Bailee frota iuaaeuront. all feacwL alack asaia aau SO acre cultivated, baiano pasture aad buvck oak timber; oaiy us paw aor gag tsa BtrOiata aale. half cak. lpvaore Improved farm M mllea from at PauL 1 tui.e frexa Klch aiier ataxies alua-roooB house, w wdmiU. largs bar a aad ether butiginea, an tu good condiUua black luaun aotl. nay subsoil: alwae cuiuvaled by aaaar; tie) aore under Piew, 1 acres iruii uwaa. snaiii appia. Si laasi cod timber land. Bpeciai Price and lariat. W. F. A R- W. Mont. Pinna) 1mm BaOC-a a, raw, avina.- A Beautiful Ludwig I TTi 1 tn D! I .QaDy urana jriano Valued at S750 On Exhibition at Haydcn Bros. Is the Fiist Prize in the Beey'Ad-Getter" Contest You can help some contest ant win this beautiful prize by giving them a want ad when they call on you. You are helping them and . w.rig jour business at e same time. REAL ESTA1 E F ABM AND RANCH LAND FOB BALB tla 9M0 acres In St. Louis and Carltoa eountie. Minnesota, near rltle of Du Inth and Sui-erlor. at price within the reach ot all; I to III an acre; easy terms; four teen railroads now entering these two cities furnish cheap and quick transportation. A !0.aj0.e steel plant now building by the cnneo state cteei corporation near lanoa Poll Is fertile and well adapted to diversi fied farming, dairying and garden truck. Ne long hauls or transportation char gea, but right at tn door of th beat markets of th United State, with constant demand ana) high prtoea. Write for full Inlormatiea. Boetoa A uuiuib f arm Land ta, leu At- mag.. Duivth. Minn. FINB farm home. 120 scree. I mile from good tews; black loam , eoU. Ail fenced; large frame dwelling, barn, gran ary, machine sheds, etc, list acre in field. Q acree timber, balance clover and tim. othy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm, ttt per acre, oae-thlrd caah, balance easy terma. M. J. Kola. Foaatoa. Mm. FARM. SNAP tm acres level frairt land. jg In crow, baiano pasture aad meadow; good bu lid lags,' 171 acre. Morelian A Atchison. Mankato. Minn. LANDS No. tad. 180 acre Tl miles Twin Otis; good tlllabl soli; state mag mailed with as-page book tor tu eenta Hobart Land Co.. Pbenix Bldgn Mlnaeap alia. Mian t I HAVE a farm ot 120 acre I miles from good town. 3 miles from Minneapolis, .60 aces undtr cultivation; about . a acres meadow, balance Umber; caa all be opened up; rich soil, good bouse, barn ano other bulldinrs. Price. 132 per sera Ala ttl-acra larm two mllea from good town; a acre under plow, it acre umber, good rioa aeti, t-room bouse, two barns and other out buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or chard just commencing to bear. Price, U.bM; easy teraaa. Write owner. Charles E. bwaaawn, Elk Hltar. Allnav foe a Hat aif tnsT fine ImDravafl . . . , . m LI in,. , , I A ' -Mr . h,vu hun. dred of pleaaed customer. C. K. Brows Land Co.. Offioaa Madelia and New Rich land. Mlna. FOR BALE la acre ot good ow hard wheat' land. near Walhalla. Peinbiua eountr. 'North Dakota. For particular ad dreaa owner. A. Lucaaa. Xai Third Ave, N.. MiBBcapoila. AUbb. MlaaomrL THIRTEEN sections In Dawson county. near hMdaey, one of the beat towns ia the Yellowstone valley; also have other lands that we are retauuig la any Mas urn yu want. Write your wants. Prices ara right. Th Hay ward Land fcN-, Glen din a, Mont. FOR BALE Finest farm la Leavenworth county, Broaddua farm of ISO acree, tw mllea from Fort Leavenworth. 15,000 brick residence, sot et-year-old wainuta, 100 augar maple tree, natural gaa, two teiepbonea, tree delivery. 1' mllea from banta re ela tion; tiamuu premtaea aad writ Mra. 1. L. aUrby. IM Failx Bt. fet. Joaapai. Ma. IN MISSOURX Finns arty aiso tor aale. 130 to tlBg nor acre, improved or unimprovad, cash, Lai, time, or i-io cash bal. ten years at Aa Write your Jwaa.s. Flf ty-flv mile eaat f Kf City im U. A I. a. W ALTAR C. CliXlttt ULALA X COL iliggln villa. Ma. STOPI Doa't go a alas fartbar thaa Dougiaa county, dowa la the beautiful Osarka, raise anything; oora 10 to 00 bush tls per acr. all othar crop In proporUoa; cheapest good laad aa earth. It to 4 per acre. Free Information, liiuaa Raai ksiata Ava, Ma to-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine bouse, barn, fences, first-class condition: fin Spring water; I mllea from town; 7 mua frota railroad. Bouibaaet Missouri iaua gratloa Co plodmoBL Mo. FOR BALE at farma. larx and amalL between Muuilaslppl and Missouri rlvera. average 3t per acra Write for big price hat. -wmiacn itw. wngat t-ity. sto. MISSOURI FARMS Nona better oa earth. Highly Improved lis) acre, raise anything, wm. other oecaaed bargalna, Wrtto ua. QUI lam Realty Co.. aiiliam. Ma,-' MISSOURI farm, M acre; t-room house. barn; 100 acre wheat, M acres cor a, level, black dirt; I mllea railroad, taa acre. Chaa. K. liucksup Really Co. Li berry. Ma. MlaalaelppL FOR SALE One of the best aad cheapest farms tn ths Misalaaippi Delta, consisting of l.sut aoree. 7u aore in etuuvauoa. in bun flower county. For price and terma writ to ma. J. D. Rigga, Selma, Aia. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA. the coming farm a lata, lli S to HO per acre. Write for description. Shaw A Clark Land Comjiany. Hackney Btdg.. Bt, Paul, Mlna. m-ACRI Bomeatead rollnauishmenta for aa.. also one hotel, eoe bakery, one general store, one saloon, oaa feed aiore. Aadreaa, Cbarlea F. brown. Gala la. Meat. FOR SALE Hi tier Root Valley KB acre baa fruit land; old Bator right, beet sec tion f the valley fine proposition for sub divtaiaa; fair building, easy terma. AA draas ewacr. aw O. Lewuv Siaveosvuia, bloat WHEN anwrtnaT sdvertlaemaats fouad tn fhs Waat Ad eolumns. pleaae tnennoq Tb ilea. Nebr wens, t-room houae. barn, granaiy a f b ica en beuae. telepuone; S mlie to school. This at aa eacepuonally fine and a snap. WlU aell on easy fira. tieorge K. Coiana. owner. Atklasoa. Neb. FOR SALE. tSO-arre rancxt. Va mile from Rchtiyler. Keb. ; 100 acre la corn, balance blue graae and clover pasture.; running water througa tl.e ranch; aoll black, aandy loam, suitable fus- culling up late email farma This la aa eaeepijonall fin raaoB ba4 a eua WlU aaa on oasy terma W. KINO. Owaar. Ill MoCacua Bidg. lot ACRES In Chaa count r. Nebraska. It mile south of Elsie: if taken soon will aectloa aad can all b farmed; will lak a good Dig or 1111 automobile on the deal ana carry irto oaiaBce. r. a. oaxiaad. IbarlUaB. la. a aerea a ilea from Emareoa. Mas ; rtne ImBrovemenls. land lsts kuod. caa BoaJie at-asadid ta ma. and the price Is lit to IA lea thaa adjoining plane are betas prtovd St. For particulars call on or writ V, JU liKjeuuae bi Jarvry S n,-m FINE teVacre ranch. It mlie from tows. I umr tam bay. balance wild bay and pasture: eiv acree leveL baiaace auxhiiy REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANtU LAND FOR SALE R ebreska Cow tla aea. HOSTEBTEA D CO acre for HbO In caah; snout 70 mile out; good ptow land; no sand. Another on for MTi: IS cash and H a month. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. "T North Dakota ONE of the fjBesrt ta.m la Rtchlasl ciunty, ooniUrtitg of ra acres of good, preducdv land, joining yndmer. Kiaa larg buildings, lata of trlt. nice giur, snd Bvwr-Xailing riewiaat wwlL Price W'M per acra. Easy terms Marcs Paulson Laad Co. WyBdmera. Nona ci lata. FOR BALE Aa oxoopUoBalr fine lat. galles ot elevator, six miles of Wndmere good, heavy, black aoU. VV Ud rtica fivef ikrougu paat'ir. Flit hew building, wet. f excellent water.- windmill, etc, AA p acra ikis ta a aaap. Luck Beg IA VAyadmeia, Nertk Dakota. AUCTION SALE North Dakota; choice Weil and Stutaman county farms at public suction Juns , lull, on easy larms. Writ lor Information. A. F. Beicoer. tiniea Mir. bkeaioB. N. D. Oklakoaaa. Forced to saorlflo go also !) aerea beat Cherokee Indian farm a, rich, deep, black aoil. partly Improved; dose to county seat richest county of America in natural re source, real bargain for conservative in vestor. Pleas Investigate. will trade for merchandise, or anything I can turn into money. Cheap for caah. Any reason able offer accepted. No comrnlaaion All letters answered. Address owner, box 13 Benson. Neb., or phono Benson 161, Letters preferred. Ore gea FOR BALE 1W acre efeotcc apple. Bear. chertT. grape land In the weeC aix miles (rota town, on mil from' railroad: aoii deep volcanic ash, Tb Dalleav Uia.. prise winning lena. 10 acre, la mllea from town. new. mad. rn houae. bain. teD-sment; 16(1 pear prune, bearing; LtoO young trees. l.Ouu grave vine, good water; wood. Or-will sad to acres with ail imiroveinoaj-.; -iBveatigaUoa huuh. aa. naowia, i mm latMH ura. BoBth Csrallsa, T Ajnft CflUt nar aura maila nnvin. ei ay monthly payments, feea Island orcharil iwpawy, vuaimiaia ;a. n oath Dakota. FOR SALE becuon good, raw land: all fenced, tfwi liowlng well; t miles froia PiankingioB. o. i. r or panic s writs J. B. O Maiiey. PhiUp. aV D. 100 ACRLS IN DECEL CO. S. D Cloae to th Minneaota line; heavy black soil; clay aubsou; lie very level and all under cultivation. Musf be sold within as says to close sun estate. Halt of thia year's crop goes with the price, (a per acre; easy terms, ta.000 will handle it and It it a anan. No stones, no foul weeda Aodresa W. V. McOe. Lake Prestos, B. !. WILL, axchancs choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of South Daaoia, for good lowa or iteoraaaa hub, wuai mri ) ou to ofier Wcat Land Co., Fieri a. A U. TOR BALE 100 acree lmptoved. valley farm land, Brule couniy,- twutk Dakota; runBing aater, talepaooa aad rural man, easy terma. Addreaa the Wbitbeek Lumbard Bank. Kimball, a. D. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR BALK, V a hav a list of rm-iooe couaty land (or aaie at trom lis and up per acra, if mtereeted writ ua for parUeulara aad w will aend our pncea and pocket Baaa. AX you own land In South Dakota list u wlta aa- Our motto la "A bquare Deal to Buyer and Seller. Qtve ua a chanc to prove our statement. Hasvold Land Co Mlna. Kdr biubu county, aouta uaxota. ON aV FOURTH SECTION F1VB MILES FROM TOWN. Fair Improvemenia. Price, tf.ega. Eouity. LA Akaaka Real Eatat Ca.. Akasxa, B D- eOO-ACRE oora farm, oat trwm Sioux Fail a excellent lm pro ernen ta, larg grev and fruit; all In cultivation, price tor quick aai PA easy terms; also lav wed Improved, easy terma, and lis) acree unimproved. Tbea ar bargalna for quick sale- R. A. Btivtua. wear. Sioux Fail. B. IX ALFALFA THE KINO OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. Thia la the laad w have. Free aom stead; rellnttuuhraeaia and deeded lanoa tor particular writ F. O. Wonder A Co.. buffalo Oap, B. D. FOR BALE Imnroved CJ0 acre farm In Dowel county, 8. D, with ail personal property, ind tiding 12 head of cattle, I bead of borsea. t oolta, ail farm ma chinery, etc, for taO per acr. Wtil accept ti.000 la good Ineom properly If so id la sett aixty day a Q. W. Allan. Caaby. Tosaa. TEXAS INVESTMENTS. Buy arcnard and garuaa land Bear Houston, the greaieet and meat proa per- oua dty la the eouibweet, where vaiues are going up all taa time aad fortune Biade in real estate in abort while. Lasy term If desired. Addre E. C. Robert- son. Vsla, 'i a.. aad a lt-acr farm In ta Hio Grande valley, wnere the farmr cask Income ia aa perpetual as the oaj-s that come aad go. S. ii. Jackson, 7ut Flr issiaunai su tuom- Aaouaioa. 1 ex. WB ars subdlvVding LAO acre of fertile farm laad la Jackaoo county. tSpWndid trope every year. Rainfall about right, at mcnea. aor aeeewtpuoo. putt aaa price rn JOHN RICHET A CO DS E. Houston Su Baa Antonio. Tax SAN SABA VALLEY, th g arc en spot ot Texas, boms of the paper shell pecaa. We caa buy land for you or Invest moae. I per cent aet to you secured by mortgage oa inea lands. Lorrespotaoeace aoll cited. Re fer to First Nai l bank, aaa babas-Nat'l bank. Ward, Murray A Co.. and ta mem- bera In Cong res from Texaav Kali y- burleeee L.. Btua Baba. TBI Waaklagtaa. , WRrTE for Informatloa about th laad Empire, " also Spokane, its aMLrooolla Farrxui fruit landa, dty property. Make our office your baadauarters and lnforrna tloa bureau whea tn our ol ty. IOWA REALTY COk. aU LaBdelle Blh-, Bpoxaaa, v aaa. Wyoaatagr. WTOMINO farm and stork ranch: Im proved, fenced, well watered, fca) aerea Will be Bold beat offer aeit aixty day a Writ earner. Andrew WUsoa, Parker, REAL ESTATE PARI AXD RANCH LAND FOR BALB Wreaala.- stli I FOR SALT 1 1W sere In larsml I rounty. omlre In Ooiden Pralrl dis trict; 't.taMe fnr farming; now storked ! ll esttle and sheep: will aell with ranch: I 111 enhance for eastern Nebraska or I Iwa farma J. T. Bell. Owner. Chayeaaa yo POULTRY AND PET STOCK I FOR BALE Orplnrton chick. H 2!JnUV?,'d: V Or-Plnirton chicks. 21 montha ' old. Phone Webster ITit. ! WHITE RAPPITS tor sale. 'aIso a I .'n!',,Tr; w1" Tv n dollar 4: , Corhy St., or call Bell phone Webster 3S 100 WHITE LBIHORXJ. mostly pullet, reedy to lay In August or September; bred .rr,J"," ,iOFk ,n country, yulok sales wanted In lots to suit. Webster tr2. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE vyE eschanga propertlee of msrlt. H. H Culver. ii:-H t N. R BU-lg. D. TWi. iaJl0fi EA''E or trade good modern houae. rteitrfce. Neb. 8t Wr,U E R McGl"' r.WiLT chnS- k Rord rounty. Neb . ood level farm Und. balance hay and iture I mlies from town, fair niprovementa: tino zyt a.; a No. 1 fine lying corn and slfalfa land with good Im provements; In Inwion county. Neb ; for smaller eastern Nebraska farms. Ubl A Prau Prague. Neb. r.R r5.u,c!t see Dean. 17 Bee ridg. Douglas ism. i ii. 1 , 7 room, all modern house; 1 block from Farnam. OOi monthly In Iri innt" iiood hom toT ,ar femilv .-i.un Ior rental proi-erty and pay some difference. Address. S S66. Bee. HAE western Iowa farm land and In- coine property to trade on western So. Dak. ranch land. What hav you? Address FOR 8 ALE OR TRADE. Vr0 Ph'1''!' Co.. Colo.; 0 mile to railroad.; all level: can all be cultivated. C.ood soil for wrest and corn. Slrty acres broke n it. Address Owner, Box T. Kene w. Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE A section' Of nice level land In Rtanlav county. South Dakota. It can all be cul tivated. Will sell for I2S per acra, or will tak good Omaha or South Omaha prop erty as part payment O'Neil's Real Estate & Ins. Agency 1505 Farnam Street, Tel. Tyler lOSi. Ind. A-3311 J4th and M Streets, South Omaha. Tel. Bo. 1M. Ind.' F-UW. INCOME PROPERTT. A 11 tO W . rm r . v.M k,.l,i ,ia, feet, on comer Price la svn,i.i- m ? Submit offer. T. Omaha it. r-n'nrii Bluffs. I a. FOR SALE or airJianaa fn Pnlumkn. O., property, six -room cot tax- t desirable reeioeai 'portion ot vinaha. got Brunson Bidg.. Columbus. O. f REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans amd warrant w. Farnam Smith A Co.. Uj Farnam tit. CITY and farm loans. Benson A Mvaira Co. Ci Omaha Nat l Bank Bidg. LOANS to home owners and home build er, with privilege of making partial par. menu semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, isl f irst isauonai nana Bidg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Alwgyg on band And (or. sale in amount from 1300 to $3,000. .BENSON & MYEES, 411 New York Life Bids. w.nv smco., aaa iioar ra, x. L4te. aov to llOO.OOO on Unproved property. Ne delay. e , mriw o-, . , u w ... . . CHEAP MONET. Retires en Unx th Penn Mutual Life Taa. Co- with a'l ot over IU7.0u0.0uu. I am f re pared to aocept all the good loan f ered en Improved Omaha real catata Business and residence loans made wiia ut delay. 1 MUM AB NRENNAN, City National Bank Bids. CITX and farm. JOHN N. FREN7ER. OMAHA ProDertr aad Nebraaka Owe KITE RV II. rSTlTl! Ct BDJ New Omaha National Bank Building. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca tlM to tlAOut maila snnatlv f. a tM, weaa iag, ISLh and H-lt Brandeis Tneaiar Bidg. WANTED. FARM LOANfL Knaka In. Cc Omaha. ft Sr fiU, Z. r"y nd tarm pre ' ' B. MEIKLE. AA Ramae Bid. WANTED City .loans, peter Trust Ca. SUMMER RESORTS THE HERMITAGE Hermit Island. On of th famous ApoU Islands In Lak Superior, near Bayfield, Washburn and Aahland, Wia. It 1 on of nature' own beauty spots and w her cool brese and abaoluts comfort can be found In hot weather, combined with other pleasure of a summer resort. For information address The Herroltags. Hermit Island, via Bay field, Wis., or US Plymouth Bidg., Minne apolis. WANTED TO BUY BEST prtre paid for Id hand furniture, aarpeia, clothing and shoes, lei. D. 7L SELNER pay good prices tor furniture. aarpeia. ctotbee acd ebeea. D. teuL WANTED t buy invalid' rec fining roller chair Call Harney UIA, WANTED For cash, a small cigar and tobacco bustnees: give location and price. Addre T It, car Bee. vv ANTtu-vA good cat. i-none xted sna. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Day work, boiasecleanlnc washing. C all W. tea TOl'Nfl lady colleg student desire posl Coa oa Saturday. K 7ul. Rea I FARM work by middle-aged man. R liabls and experienced. Addre, F 7M Bee.s fclTTATlON wanted by neat young colored man; will do any kind of oi a. Address Ed Arthur, lit Davenport Bt FOR fUsl-daaa practical auras can D. ICt MIDDLE . AGED wotnaa wants position a housekeeper. Mr. J. L. Short. 4u4 si Broadway. Council Bluffs. WANTED Work of any kind by Indus trious man and wife Kefereaca. If re quired. Front room, first floor. Oatl-fui-nla EL, Oman. Phone Doug-lag CaU. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued ) FOR tho who ar seeking employment Trie re e will run your itutioo want d fRKE until you get the dee l red result. Bring j our ad to Th Be offic or tele, (hone Tyler LOOO. BE a boater for the national game of bsae ball. If R o. Swgrd. Kilt Isard St . will com to Th Be office within three dy we win g'v Mm a ticket to th base ball game at Kourks park. LADT caahler want position, or wui mb rtltut Address K KB, Be. COMPETENT young man with good sda rstlon desires a business position with rhsnre for sdvsncement. flood reference. W E Bakr1il. Believu. Neb. DAT work and house cleaning. Web. 433 Ol NO man wants position as auto re pslr man or chauffeur; years experience; can gi reference. J Ttrf. Re. FIRST-CIPS French-German chef Is open for work; club house, hotel or first- rlaas restaurant; slat prlc you pay. R 7tl, Be. WANTED Bundl washing t tak horn. Phone Douglas 1140. WASHINO snd Ironing at horn or go A.",0r 119 " 1,U 8U rhon Int r. 'A.TED CJe.nlng work by th day. Call Webster li7. S420A8HINa n1 CU,JB- Harney OOOn colored laundren want day work. Phone Webster 1151. BUNDLE wsshlntr: work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Harney 1114. FOR RELIABLE fruit rannlnc or a iirai-cisss wsitresa, phone Tyler ItSI. I WASHING WANTED First class work. Hsrnev 41. TOl'NO man want place to work tor board and room. Phone Dougiaa 4284. COLORED chauffeur would Ilk position with pnrste family; no bad habtta. Call Webster 174. ACTIVE young man of 10 want position. Phone Harney Ml". Bl'NDLE and family washing; reason able. Webster 177. EXPERIENCED laundress want work by th day. 'Phono Webster KM. FA MILT washing and bundles; first class work guaranteed. Phon Web. 1234. SITUATION WANTED By middle aged man as collector or any outside work: beat reference and bond. Address R-710, Be. AN elderly lady would Ilk position as housekeeper for widower: no objection te going to country. Address, 1904 N. I7th St. Phone Webster U& ELDEIRLT woman wants pwwtlon aa housekeeper; small pay. Apply lit North 17th SL FIRST CLASS Graduate chauffeur, ex perienced In garasr work, prefer driv ing for family will do repairs oa In aay line H. 73, Be. LEGAL NOTICES aTOTTCR OF BALE. On th 11th day of July Itil. at II o'clock A. M., at th Pearl Ktreet.or West front door of tn M. J. O'Connoil Mercan tile Store, opposite the Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs. Iowa. I will aell for caah th antir stock ol dry goods, clothing, boots, shoe and general merchandise lately owned by th said Morris J. O'Con noil. together with fixture and all right under ti e less of him the said O' Council, or one Charles 8. Voorheea I wll Intake said ssls as Receiver of th eatat of (aid O Connell. and as an ctllarv Receiver nf the estate of Charles 8. Voorhee. pursuant to order this day mad by th District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Iowa, Western Division, alttlny at Council Bluffs, lows, July 1. Ill- Done this July 1. 1011. W JOHN BALDWIN. JR.. As Receiver of the estate of Morris J. O'Co.inell. and Charla 8. Voorheea, Bankrupts. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON. Nottc Is hereby glvea that on June XT, A. D. 10U, there was filed In the office ot th Governor of th Stat of Nebraska, an ap plication for th pardon of Charts Pum phrev, who wa sentenced to the penitenti ary for life, by the District Court of Doug, las County, Nebraska, on a conviction of murder In tha first degree, which sentence was subsequently commuted by the Gov ernor of the State of Nebraska, to seven years In the penitentiary. The said application for pardon win be beard before the Governor and the Board of Pardon, at the penitentiary of the State of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, on Thursday. July . A. D. 1911. at the hour of ten o clock a. m. of said day, at which time and place all parties interested will appear and show cause If any they have whv said pardon should not be granted. Dated this ffth day of June, A. D. U1L CHARLES FLMFURET. Applicant. Jt-lO-17-MAE. RAILWAY TIME CARD VNIOR STATION TomtR ssi Msua-.ww CbIbb Psvelfle- Depart. Arrive. Ban Praa. Overland L. .a I 44 am a T 40 pm China and Japan F. M.a 44t pm a I t pm Atlantic lOxpres a 1:41 aa Oregon Express all tt pra a 1:10 pm Los Angelas Limited. ..a 11 41 pm a I SO pm Denver Special a 1 04 am a T-.1T am Centennial State Bpetyi all lO pra all:B am Colorado Express a I N pm a 4-50 pm Oregoa-Waab, Limited. all 60 pm a 1:11 pm North Piatt Local a 1:11 am a 4:46 pm Grand Island Local. ...a I B pm alO M am Stromburg Local bll:41 pm b 1:31 pm Ckleag, Rock lalawd A Pwclfla EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd.. all B am The Mountaineer a I 46 am Omaha Day Express Chicago luteal Pae....bll K am Chicacp Express a 4:10 pm Des Moines Local Pass a 4 17 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.. a I ut pm WEST. The Mountaineer a 141 aa Local Pass to Lincoln a t ei am Colo.-Cal. Express ....a 1 It pm OkL dt Tex. Express. -a 10 pm ChL-Neb. Ltd. Lincoln Rocky Mountain Lld..aJ0:4t pm iaaearl farlfle aJ0:M pm a T at am a 4 to pm bl ) pm a 1 10 pm alt it pm a T.-47 am a : am B 4 00 pm allief am a I :tt pm all.M am K. C. A St. Is Ex a 1 10 am K. C A BL L. Ex aUOt pm a T:9 am a 14 pot Jklease A Kartkwaatarw NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a T:4t am alO-rM pra Sioux City Local a 146 pm a I M pm Minn. A Dakota Ex.. ...a 1 Ut pm a l it am Twin City limited a I 45 pm a T.tO am Minnesota Expreee all .-) am EASTBOUND. Carroll Local a T.-Ot am B 1:11 pm Daylight Chicago a T:e am alt: pm C hicago Local alj iX. pm a I Z irs CoKraUoChlcago a s.10 pm a I it pm Chlcsso Special a l ot pm a I 40 am Pacific Coast-Chicaro...a I om a t 2g pm Lo Angaias Limited-. a l:M pm aixso pns Overland Limited a I ts pm a tit am Carroll Local a 4 0 pm aUrOO am Faat Mall a 1 1 pm a I.S pm Cedar Raptde, Sioux City and Omaha :B nra Centeo n: si State Tim ... 1141 am 11:31 pm WESTBOUND. Lonv Pine B 1:00 am aU Norfolk -Dallas a l-0 am al0:U pm Ixmsr pme-LaneaMB ....a l it pm a k: 10 Urn Hasnings-Supeiior b I It pm b l:M pm Ijeadwood-Hot Springs a I tt pm a IB pm Cassor-Lander a I t Pm AllidOam FremoBt-Albloa b I JO pm b 1:H pm CIsli sTB. MIlwsskM A Bt. Paal. Overland Limited a TM pm 1 11 am Omaha Chicago Ex....b 7 li am Perry Local a I AO am 1140 pm Colo.-Cai. Express ...Alwpa I M pm Colorado Special a 1 1 am 4 to am Perry Local b I -it pm U f pm Wabaak Omaka-SL Louis Ex.. ..a IB pm all! am Mail and Exproa a tl am all It pm bian by Lot (froea C B ib I 00 pm baOOt Cltraa BkeoaU Wee en fWcago Limited -a I I pm Twia City LimitaB..... I It pm a f at am Twla City c.xpreaa...M.a l.lsj am a I to pm Chicago Expreaa a 1. 41 pm . . . . . . . -cai raateasw ....... - pm Illlaol Ceatrsvl Chicago Express a T 00 am a I 41 pm Chicago Limited a 10 pm a I AO aaa Mina.-t Paul Ex......b Ik am k jaa,-bu Paul Ltd.... .a l.w iia a 1.00 bar reataeeet atarllasloB ttatlea- Iwih aaii MttM Barllaatea tepsrt Denver A California a 4 lu pra itiget Bound Kxpreas. a 4 10 pta Nebraska points a 1.20 am Black Hills a 1.10 pra almoin aiall .ol.jepm NoMheeat Exprees . .. all lo 1'rn Nebraska points a t JO sm Nebraska Express a I U am Lincoln Local tchuvlsr-l'isttsmoutk ,.b I pm Lincoln Local a J pm t'lattsmouth-lowa a I IS ara Believue-plattamouth...alt .10 ptn Chicago Pr-eclal a i li am Denver special all M pra Chicago Lxprees a 4 10 pen Chicago Past Express, a f Ai pm Iowa Local a lilt am Crston t!s Loral b I pm St. Louis Express a 4 M pm K. C. A St. Joaeph. S10 S pm K. C. St. Joseph.... A I II am K. C. A St. Joreph a 4 M pm Arriva a I i.i pm a I 44 pm a 10 pm a I it pm L 1j a a I lu urn a is (itt bit sm bio h sm llM pm Is am i. J pra li U pm a I 00 pm a 15 pm a f no am 10 pi am Mo.ti am all 44 am ltm 1:10 pra Webalrr Otatlaw -lBth aad Webster. Mtaewwrt Faclfle Auburn Local yvpart. b I n Ml U sm (hires. St. Paal, Vaitt MiaaeapoIU Depart. Arrive. ,...b I X pm bllOa pm .... - c .'i pm .... . O.Jf pm ... b I 41 am ....e 1:96 am b a oo pm b 0 10 am Sunday - tcj Sualay Sioux City Express. Omaha Local ....... Sioux City Pass.,.. Twin t.'ity Pass Kloux City Lorsl... Emerson Local tb) dally, except only, ta) dally. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBUEO-rUIERICAN lxndon Pari is H ambarg Amr4k. July H 11AM Tia Uacel. JIT M Prea urM . .July IJ Kali 1 Ml Ag. I Klii-Carttoa t la Carta B.iaiirat III call at Plrametk ai4 rbarbasrg. TWO CB,X7TBXB Xmrjew 110 CAYS OOBT $C50 as ap. XselnAiatT AU TBsesssary XxTaee AVcsrA - ut Aster. Wt Ratv. By ttt ri ate-tag gaamaala. "ClVBTBlVAJrP" Tee tw-a a Vaaa N York Oaaaaar b. ISU. Tta sm4 te lea taa Fraa alSD Feb. 1 U).t Asaaai B-eat Yna la On , tttx A Fa., Mia, hf lat Craw rcms Late, U.tot wna - ambarsT-Amsricaa X-laa, iBO Aolpb BU, Chtoa-, II L, or a sat. TURNED HIS. GROUCH LOOSE Offers B Few Warm Pe-etwerlpt t a Lssg . Letter to Mother. 'Tm writing a long; letter to my mother." said Mrs. Krmlh, as she refilled her fountain pen. "Is there any little messag you would Ilk to send herT . "Te," replied Kersmlth. laying sslds nig book with vlolenc. There ws a baleful light In his eyes a k roue from his chair aad began fussing with his cost. "Tou say ta your mother, as coming from me, that thlg reciprocity scheme Is a base con spiracy on the part of the eastern manu facturer to force up the price of carpet tacks and thus grind th faoea of th poor. Tha president ha been misled by th corporation cormorants and ia being mad B tool to saddle upon this country a nefsrl- o-j Incubus that will rob th poor man of hi Jack lanterns and Increase th hold ings of malefactors of great wealth. Tou may say to your mother" 'For the land's sake, Richard Kersmlth, what has corns over you. that you talk such foolishness? What doc my mother care about reciprocity T , Tou may aay to . your mother." con tinued; Kersmlth. Btern"rj '"thsTJ the ar-jbl- llaauon of troops on the Mexican frontier was another scheme of th money barons to rob the orphan ef hit automobile and deprive the stricken widow of ker cigars Wherever we look w - sec ths tentacle of th octopua. and whtl the country It staggering under Its burden our congress men ar mailing garden seed to their constituents, snd ths garden seeds won't Brow. - Mention these vital ' facts to your mother and ask her If ens ran suggest a remedy." "Really, Richard, you scare me! I never heard you talk in such ei axy - way be fore! What do you mean, anyhow?" "Tou ' may say to your mother." cried Kersmlth, his voio. vibrating with agony. that I was not feeling well this morning and cams home at noon to spend the after noon, and I anticipated a happy and restful tiro. I bought B book for th accsslon. I am so busy sweating for a living that I haven't read a novel In fiva years and I was hungry for romance. Tell your mother that I seated myself ia my easy chair with th book In my hand and. read Just far enough to learn that th hero ha a hawk Ilk faos and ths torso f sn athlete, and then my write asked m tn go and look at pom flower shs had planted tn th front yard. I looked at those foolish flowers, and Ued about them. sylng they wer quits pretty, and returaed to my book. T had to start at the beginning again. as I'd hav a proper idea of thf hero with hi magnificent torso and hous of Gurgen- helmer clothes, and then my wlf asked me to go upstairs with her to ee if I didn't think th northeast bed room seeded pink wall paper. I went upstair and looked at tha northeast bed room aad Ued about It, aaylng it did need pink wall paper. whereas it needs A bomb mora, than any thing else. And then I cams down to my chair again and tried one more to get en to th curves of that hawk-faced hero. w Just reading about his remarkable exploit as b foot ball player at Tal when b nelgbbor woman dropped intp th kitchen with har ilttl girl, and my wlf. wboee early training waa sadly neglected, took ths Uttls girl la her arms and brought her in to m and asked If I didn't think the dear little thing had ths sweetest blue eyes, and I bed again. Just to bs poitt. and eaia sn naa tha sweestest blue ayes, whereas her eyes looked like glass alleys MSDUk your mother severely for not having trained her daughter in th way shs should go. If your mother was the right sort of woman it would be possible for har son-in-law to spend a comfortable afternoon in his own horn and find out hat became of th bawk-faeed hero. I am going to take my book down to the uvery nam and spend the peat of the day ia B box stall, readlar la comfort. Tell yoar mother all about it and draw B few charts and diagrama. sa shell b surs to unaerstACg." Chicago Nsws. New Bsik at Aldea. IOWA CALLS, la., July I. Special Several towns are represented la the new bank that Is to be opened st Aldsn and to be known a ths Farmers Savings bank. E. W. Miller of this dty is a director and bis son. WUlard Miller of WUI lams will be cashier of the new Institution, William Wblaler of Williams Bill be presi dent and John MoCarley ef that plac second vie president aad William Keating f Aides first vice president- Besides th above men .the following will compos th board of director: E. F. King sf W abater City aad E. B. Prttcbard and O, F. Wag bar of Aldan, Taeata Cawae galclaa. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. July l.-Th mlad becoming- unbalanced because of tauats of bla friends concerning a otery which had been circulated about him, a. M. Ralls back, tt years old and unmarried, commltteed auleid today by cutting tb ar teries to hi arm aad sa allowing poison. His body was fouad by bis father la tha hay mow f th bara. RAILWAY TIME CARD" eea-Sr Cruising THE WORLD