the OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: 'JULY 9, 1911. " i Fny missed hi putt end the acorn stood vn I . For wad back the hoi lt on one. by taking three, making It 4 to Gal nee' 1 For With a long drive and ft braesle shot Into the ro1, mad cm approach and one pult, while 0tne missed Ma putt. Thl made For I down, o n on the after noon pity. . r"o7 went outelde cm hi first drlv on four, but tha oon4 went up th course H yards, and OaJfloa came along a min ute later, tha am distance. Both ap proach shot were poor and Gafnea mlesed on of bia putt making It aven I for tha kola. On number flv both man were on the green In J, and Foy mlawd a three-foot lutt. Nur jmber six was tied although For had it ron. -oBth mn mads a good drive and ' approached In the same manner to within twenty yards of the hole, both balls lying . In tha am dltoh. Gaines missed tha ptn ten feet on hla approach while For waa much n.rer. :' Gain putted, missed tha hole and stymied Foy. Fore tried to roll around tha stymie, and roala a pretty 'troke; but tha ball passed on tha dg of the eup and refined to roll In. Number vm Foy (leo loot on bar luck. Ha made a fair drive and approached three feet from tha cup. waa far en the other aide of the hole and missing tho hole,' he stymied Foye. For a brief eeoond tha ball hesltsted an the brink of tha sup and then a strong ruat of wind blew It over Into tha hole. Foye made it in I, tying aOlne. Fare I.oeea lt Caaa. Tha eighth- bole both playera were on tha rreea In S, after both had landed down la the long grass on tht aecd ehot. Foye dubbed hla putta, taklnii 4 to down the ball and Galne won the hole with S Mrokea. Thle made Oafnea 10 up and aa there were ten more holee to play It . waa up to . Foya to win tha next hole or loee tha match, aa tying tha neat hole would leava Wro only nine bolea to win back tea hole lost. But Foye waa unequal to tha emer gency and they played tha hole In tha alow time of i each. Oalnea won tha match here, 10 up and Mo play. The aoora. outride nine Oalnea Foya . 11 I I I I' I I 1-49 4 4 4 14 4 14 4 U Hal Wlna Direct ra' Cap. Frank W. Mala of Happy Hollow won tha director1 flight of tha tournament over W. R, Wilson of Miller park, playing him up and 2 to play. Wilson turned In tha beat scor of ' tha duy despit tha strong Wind that waa blowing, making a 79. .Hal played a steady game all through, although Wilson had him 1 down at on Point. Hla .(core from the outside round waa 43, but on the Inside h came la atrong making It In I under bogey, M. Tha auora: - . Hale: Out ... In : ll 1 1 i I 414 Tl I 4-41 4 4-4 Total . Wilson: Out ...... In ....... 4 4 4 4 I I Total , 84 Mvrphy Tabea Secretary' Cap. E. P. Murphy, who won th director' flight of th tat tournament laat year, proved conclusively that he got In too alow .a das In the qualifying round by defeating H. McCoy In th .final of th secretary' flight thl year in 4 and 3. Murphy' vlo tory In th final ws merely th finish of bl apeedy playing all through th flight, winning most of his match with ease. ' Murphy' greatest strength In hi playing in hi long straight drive. , which leave him a easy approach shot and a ehaac to place himself on th green for an ay putt. Rourkes Get Three ; ' : ; ;Ilxtra,Home:Gam3 Dfttei Scheduled for De Moinei Will Be Played in Omaha at Hetnieit . . ,of Eifgin . '. ; Th three game which wra scheduled between . th Rourke and Da Idolna for iuly 12, tJ and 14 at De Molne hav been tranifarrad to Omaha by Tip O'Neill at tha uggtlop' John Utgglna, owner of th team. , Report the effect that th Pea Molne team waa sold yesterday were disputed' by Mr. Kiggma yesterday after noon and tha fact that ' th game war transferred bear out ' tha statement of Mr. Higgint. , - Th transfer :of tha kamaa to thl city will b home Until a week from neat Mon day without a' trip. 'Tha game which would hav been played at Da Molne waa . a trip tn Itself and 'th ' Rourkaa would have to return for three game with Den ver, hut following tha Sioux City aerie th Xea Moines im will be tack. - SHOWER OF GLASS FOR OMP '. : '; ' . . Continued on lg Two.) KmeUkr, UMU I ptsoe, U... tvtna, ri.... Mowru. 1. 4 1111 Lveerut, a. ii44 i. tk . 4 1114 , rl.. 14 111 OikM. l..l 11 t TtamiL Brwui'lu. ell Ixxltu, ke... I , IB... IlklS 4 1 1 1 Steel. B ' IMMln, . v Ixui, a I 1 TeUis 1 I) II I Humiihrr. Hral.l . 1 ( Tuus t 1 ' ' ''!' .' tUI. ?ttd fr Burn in mvth. , 4 It 11 I Halted for Lehr in ninth. Ran for Titu in ninth-. Ft. Louis 00000110 3-4 Philadelphia ...1..... 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0-3 Two-base hlta: Hoggins, Evan. Three base hit: Heuea Hume ran. KonetcUy. Ptruck out: By Steele, -4; by Burns, 3. Bases on balls; Off Steele, J; off Bums, I; off Humphreya 1. Time: l;tt. Ctnpues: Jobaatoue and Karon. Valeatlaa Defeate Kasaett. VALENTINE, Neb.. Jcly I pev;sl.) At LoriK Una, Valentin beat Baeaet by a score eii 2 lo 1. The gain was very t'eht and wa featured by the splendid pitching of Grimes for VeUctlne, hs allowina oni fuur hits and two of thtoe were of the Sciatchy order. Vslentlne's run rani iu the ninth vim no one oul UuuHttt only run came in th ftrt Inning. 6Lore; R ki Bastt , 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 4 Vslentlne 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 31 4 Butter!: Bassett, l.eona-d and t'urtlns; Valentine Grime and Fischer, btrvick out; By leonard, 1; by Grimes. . Two-baw hits: L, t'.icbw, Luooard- Umpire: Holt. , NEW RECORD "FOR ALTITUDE Aerelaate Lartdaa Goes l Mas Thaw T Ml lea tm Elkty. Three Mina'eo. . MOURMELON. FrAnce, jujy fcero plalnlst Lurldan today reached aa altitude of 10,ia feet. The time tint of ascent was 42 minutes. This Is claimed as a record. COMflKGNE, Frame. July 1 Tb dirig ible talloen Clement Fayard IV., which tartad at 10: .o'clock last night on tweiy-fur hour trial trip flying between air at 1 o'clock this afternoon, having beaten tnA world's' record for Um and d'.in. over a Rsed olrcult. trdrera af ekerltf la.atarad. B MINKLAN DKR. Wis.. July 8. Tae litluuiB. a h j Ulaily shot Slierlff Badcllfre at I-- h.tvr iwi days ag. hen he attempted ' ' "t lliem on a charts of white slsvei yw were captured by a pose t'nlay afier a fiKlit, in tU'h both the liai.ans au4 e of the poe were nightly WIXXER OF - THE STATE GOLF ToumTAKnrr at rnxD club. FRANK H. GAINES. LEADERS LOSE TO HASTINGS (Continued from Fag Ona) Telewram.) While Lefty Davl waa se verely bawling out hi men. Grand Island waa giving Green gilt-edged support and Buchanan wa nailing every man who at tempted to steal second. Both pitchers had on a full head of staam. Score: TORK. AH. R. H. 0 1 0 O. A. E. I o e o-i 0 e 1 4 I alt 0 S 0 a It ! O. A. E. 1 0 4 I too 0 0 0 3 0 4 W 0 8 3 0 4 I ' 0 1 S 0 27 II "o Farrell, lb. fcmlth, 3b. .!. Hehnissey. If. Harms, cf. .. Payne, lb. .. Iavla, rf Dye, s, ..... Kelly, c. ..... Wllklna, p. .. 4 Total ...24 1 4 GRAND I8LAND. AB. R. Cook. cf. Smith, ss. ...... McKibben, If. . McLear, rf. .... Hariris, 2b Armstrong, lb. Buchanan, c. .. Ward, b Green, p 4 1 Total ..33 McLear out on Infield flv. Jor. 10 0 0 Grand Island 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 I 0 4 -7 turned runn: mm l nn4 t.i. n t Two-beHo hits: Hennlssev, Dya, Cook, Buchanan. Ward. Three-base hits: Harms, Payne. Smith (Grand Island). 8tolen bases) Cook. McKlhben. Hararls. Armstrong. First base on balls: Off Green, 1; off Wllklns. 4. Struck out; By Green. 1; by Wllklns, I. Hit by pitched ball. By Green. 1;, by Wllklns, 1. Double play: Green to Hargla. Umpire. . Edwarda. COLUMBUS BUSIED DEEP D0WS ' l '' ' - 1 essaaaaaiasna-M ' ' aperior Main Olxteaa Hlta Off Hay and Spade. COLUMBUS, Neb.. July 8.-(SpeclaI Tele gramsColumbus iot aaraln today. Score: , '. SUPERIOR. AB. R. H. O. A. E. .. 4 I 3 t 1 0 .. 0 0 t 4 1 .. I I 1 0 1 1 .. t I 114 Allen, cf Michael, s , Coyl. rf McDowell, lb ..... Ppellman, F. Boekewlt. If .. D. Bockewita, lb Dorech, lb Irwin, p .,. Stevenson, p Lancaster, p ..... ..6 13 ( 10 .. , 1, 0 0 ..1,4 3 14 0 ..310 13 0 0 ..101 01 0 .. 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 " Total ........44 14 COLUMBUS 18 17 IT AB. R, A. E. Mtlxell. rf , R. Brown, lb ... Graham, lb VVelMenberger, cf B. Brown, ss ... Qartee, cf-lf-2b Leach, If-cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 J 1 Corhett, lb Aicnew, e . Hay, p ... Siade, p ..' Kissel .... Total , .34 0 11 27 1) Batted for Hay in third. Superior 1114 Columbu 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 I 1 1-11 4 0-4 Twa-base hits: McDowell. D. Bockewlts. ! Irwin, Dorsch. Three-base hits: D. Bocke- ; wits, Afrnew. Home run: Spellman. Sao- liner hits: Michael, Dorech. Stolen bases 14 1;". BocHewiti. uorscli. Hiruck out: By irwin. s; oy ianoaster, I; by Hay. I; by Spade. 3. Base on balls: Off Stevenson, 1; off Lancaster, 4; oft Hay, I; off Spada, 1 Hit by pitched ball: By irwin, 1. Wild pitches: by May. 3. Time: 3.16. Umpire; uarieiu Sioux City Plays , , Omaha Team Today at the Eourke Park Secosd Viiit of the Champt This Sea- ion Some Warm Time ; v Are Expected. For th second time this season the Sioux City team will Invade Omaha for a three-game svriee. The I euro will e-rrive this morning asid play tba first of a three- game series. Th last time the champ were here they Jook two, gamea out of three from tha Ruurke. and also two at their own stamping grounds. However, U dope count fur anything, th Rourke ought to clean up on th present aeries, aa Dea Molne took four out of six from th Champa recently. The linup in today' game win be: Omaha. Porkurney . Kane Nithoff Pick , ivneaves ... t'ohoonover Thotnaaoa . Poe'tton. First First .... Second . . . Thud filu.rt Lfi Center.... Kit ht , t (atch...., r"iuh Pitch lltcli Pitch Pitch pitch Sioux City. Stem ... Andreas Hellly .. Hart man Hi .... Holmes Amaler Miller Towns , Clarke Hurler barber Lasuff Wtl lame ... alArbogast I A gnw Rhodes .. uaMolt .. Cook Lots tvobinaqo . Wilauu t-se Oil Klaa Has Birthday. CLEVELAND. .. July .-John D. Rockefeller's seventy-second bmlidv ar rived today, but he did nut islrbrate It In any way. He played oif arid ate his birthday dinner wlin his family, lis la In eacellent health. Tbe Key ta the Situation Be Want Ads C0LD1IBDS REGAINS THE LEAD Toledo Defeated by Score of Serea to One.1 FE-tEL'S SI5GLE SC0SX3 MA3ILE?G Darkaeea af Aaarwevcalaa; ttaraa ta Oaana la enth After Celaaaa Hn4 Bred Five Rase. COLUMBCS. O., July I. Columbu waa returned to first place today by Manager Friel'a alngla In the sixth with Mahllng on third. Frlel had to go In When a foul tip off Carlsch'a bat split Catcher Rapp'a finger. Darkness of an approaohlng storm slopped the gam In th seventh after Columbus had scored five run. Beor: oolcmbv. Toutno. IB M O. A. M. 1B.H.O.LI O'Rnark. IM I II 4 KMm. r....4 144 W Hi'ei'a, III I M I K Nl's'i. Itil 4 I 1 Cnntalion, til I I K kikTm. lb I I 4 4 DvwnL lb. .. 4 III Borne, II .. 1114 pemns. Ik.. I VUhllDg. M.. 4 CMweii. at... I U'Pf. a t Krl.l, Uebhertlt, p I 4 It I I I t 4 J J rilrk. rf .. 4 ankt, Ik. tOrtx'h, 1 4 Butler, aa... t June, p..,, wn, p... .111 .1414 111 .14 14 4 4 4 11 .444 TUti M 11 II II - 4 41 4 I Cailed on account af darknese Columbus 0 0 0 1 4 1 4 T Toledo 0 1 0 4 0 0-1 Stolen baaea: Down. Odwell. Nile. fc riflce hits: O'Ruurke. Hlnchman, Bronkl 12). Twe-baae htts: w. Hlnchman, Mahi lh, Odwell, Hohnhorst. Base on balls; Off Lelbhardt. 1: off Jamea. 3. Struck out By Liebhardt, 3; by James 1. Hit . by Pitched ball: By James, Odwell and H. Hlnchman. Hits: Off .Tames, 11 In six and one-third Innings; off Bwsnn, 3 in no inning. Time: 1:24. Umpires: Ferguson and uwena. City Tennis Tourney Starts Saturday at the Field Club. Nnmerom Frisco to Bo Offered to the Vinaeri Ci&nxpi Defend Thtir Titles. Th twenty-first annual city tournament of Omaha will open at th Field elub Satur day, man's alngle and double being played. The tournament will laat ten or fifteen day, playing being acheduled only In tha evening. ' v Three men. Harry Koch, Ralph Ralney and Robert Howe, have been appointed th committee In charge of tha meet.- Entries may be sent to Ralph Ralney at th United Statee National bank building. ' Entry fee for single will be ft and for double teama 12. Arthur Scribner will da fend hi title as city champion thl season as will Cuthbert Potter and Harry Koch, the championa In tha doublea. Tha city tournament will probably b larger this year than aver before as there ar many mora tennl players each year In the city. Th Field club will have tha largest entry list, as ther are more tennis player there than at any of the city clubs. Tha Rod and Gun club and th Happy Hollow hav many enthusiastic player of the clay court game and each jvlll send a good representa tion. The Rod and Gun ciuo is now eon ducting Its own club tournament and the playera from the lak resort should be in fine fettle. The Country club will hav a few of tha younger men entered, aa will' the Diet club and three af four private clubs about tha city. Last year In the many tennl tourna ment that were conducted In Omaha many young player gave promise of becoming experts at tha game with a little more practice. ' It would not urprls many of thoee who - know the players of the -city well If tha prevent championa would hav to fight hard to keep their honor. Drawing for tha. tournament will be made the night before the event start. -All enttle must be In before that time. See Will Not Testify in His Own Defense Action of Hit Attorney in Retting Case Without Hit Taking tht Stand Surprises State. CHICAGO, July l-Tha defense In tha trial of Evelyn Arthur Bee, charged with th abduction of Mildred Bridges, concluded Ita caaa today without tha leader of "ab solute Ufa" taking tha witness stand In hi own behalf. Tha announcement that the defense rested wa made at th opening of tha court by Attorney Cantwell and cam aa a surprise to tha prosecution, who con fidently believed that See would take th stand to tall hla own story and Interpret certain passages from th "book of Ufa." It 1 said that See was anxious to testify. but finally waa persuaded by hla attorney to keep off the witness stand. The state announced it would call Police Captain Max Danner and Mona Ree In re buttal. It la expected th case may ba eonoluded and given to th Jury Monday. t CASTRO HAS FOLLOWING OF ONE THOUSAND MEN WILLEMSTAD. Iland of Curacoa, July I.Th Venesuelan government Jias posi tive new that Clprano Castro, tha tailed president of Venesuela, effected a landing In th western part of Venesuela and today has a following of 1,004 men. Rumora reached her thl afternoon that Gumerslndo Mendes. president of the state of Seulla, Venesuela. had been killed by a bomb. s THIRTEENTH REGIMENT RETURNS TO LEAVENWORTH LEAVENWORTH, Kan., July .-The Thirteenth regiment of Infantry arrived home from San Antonio and detrained at the poet here at I o'clock thia morning. The troops mill remain at the-home post until tomorrow, following n order from the War department They go to the Philippines, which probably will be about August 5. The troops were given an elab orate welcome by Leavenworth cltlsena. RIDES ACROSS CONTINENT Mlaa Asplawnll Finishes Horaibaek Trip Irons Pan PrsseUes ta . Maw York. NEW TORK. July 8- Wearing; a short kirt and a bright red awlst Miss Nan J. Aspinwall rode Into City Hall square and dismounting presented a letter from Mayor McCarthy of SaA Francisco. The letter certified that Mlaa Aspinwall on eptembr 1, 110. had aet out to rid across the conti nent. Mlatatea arbolls Ael4 for Alcokol. YANKTON. July 8. 8peclal.)-KTank I Cerny, a pioneer farmer, aged M years. I who resided Just across" the line In Bon Homme county, I dead from accidentally drinking carbollo add- A son had arrived from totwn with two bottles, one containing alcohol, the other carbollo add. The old farmer on reaching the house took a big drink as he thought from the aioobol and waa dead twenty mlnutea. Ho lived long enough to tell hla family of hla mistake. LAST TZAR'S GOLF CHAMPION, WHO IS BEATEN BY GAULS. W. J. FOTE. RTTNNER-CP. SENATORS' MISTAKES COSTLY (Continued from Pag One.) York, 7. First baa on balls: Off Lang. 3: off Brockett, t; off Klepfer, V Struck out; By Frockett, t; by Klepfer, 1; by Lange. 4. Time: 1:60. Umpires: JEgan and Biieriasn. EASY VICTORY TO ATHLETICS Keler Driven from Bet and Xape Lose, Nlaa ta Foar. CLEVELAND, O., July S--Philadelphla defeated Cleveland, driving Kaler from the box. Score: FHIUArieMTTIA. CtVrt,A!fT. AB H O A R AH U.O.A.B. Lent, It I II Oreney, K.,.4 I t Oldrlng, cf.. 1 t rank. cf... 1 Murphy, rl.. I P.k.r, lb ... I 0 1 Molnnee. Ik. 4 I 10 ll.rry. I t Perrlrk. 3b.. 4 14 omit. ...- I 4 4 I JftrkuB, rf., 4 I 1 RtATtll. is... I 111 I I Blrm'htm, et 4 I I 1 Orlst. ib... 4 111 0 Turner, II)... t 1 I Mill, tb.... t Thomas, e... 1 .111 Eartorly, .. 4 1 41 .4111 Klw. s I 0 1 I PIniltB. B.. 111 Ba4er, p.... (11 Totals... 84 It 37 IT n.nch.r ....1 t ' , ejajole K-mp ToUls I U 17 17 4 Batted for Turner In tue elghtn. Batted for Blandtng In the ninth. Ran for LaJol tn the ninth. Cleveland ..,..v 3 ! 0 0 1 -4 Philadelphia .1 3 4II4IM 1- Two-baa hit: Jackson. Easterly, Mo Innes 121. Lord. Hits: Off Kaler. In five and one-third Innings; off BUndlng, 3 In three and two-thlrtSslnnlns:s. First base on balls: Off Kaler, 3; off Blandlng. 8; oft Bender, 3. Struck out: By Bender, 4. Time: 3:02. Umpires: Evans and Mullln. j ST. LOUIS TAKES FIVE IN FIFTH Br Lead ta One lanln Deata Boston Americana. ST. LOUIS, July 1 Five run In tha fifth gav the local team a lead which Boston vwa not able to overcome. Tha locals played an errorles game. Score: T lUia B06TOTT. thotten. ft.. . 1 I 0 Hooper, rf... I Autln, tb... 1 111 Oroner, .. rwlt, it. 4 1 I (Speaker. St., Delllata, Ik. 3 1 I lwl. It Hir.n, If.... 4 1 4 ( ( Terkea, ... Clarke, .,.. 1 1 , Wagner, 2b., Black, lb. ...4 (11 0 0 Myart. lb.,., Wallace, as.'. 1(11 Williams, ., Fewell, p.... 8 ( Hall.i ,...., FP. Totals 37 I 17 I t Engle . Tbonay 1 1 Totals.. ;... 1 34 U 1 Batted for William In ninth. Batted for Papa In ninth. St. Lout M 0 0 M 0 -7 Boston 0 0 0 6 0 0 S 5 Two-baa hit: Sneaker. Austin, Lewis. Bases on balls: Off Hall, ; off Papa. L Struck out: By Hall. 8; by Pape, 1. Hit: Off Hall, 4 In four one-third innings; off Pape, 1 in three and two-third Inning. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Connolly and O'Laugh- LOUISVILLE POUNDS PITCHERS Hone, Una, Two Triples. Two gtalee and Error Net FIT Rams. LOUISVILLE. Ky., July l.-Loulsvill batted Webb and Brady hard enough In tha second Inning today to win th game from. Indianapolis. A home run, two trip les, two Blnglea and Mo we' a error netted five runs. The batting of Grlmshaw and Stanabury and Gets' fielding; -were th feature. Bcore: LOU1IVIULE. INDlAKArOUa. AB H O A.IE AB H.O.A B ReMneoB, a I 1 4 Hoffman, ef . 4 Hulewiu, Ib, 4 1 4 4 ( Woodruff, If. 4 Flatter, If ... 4 Hallnaa, H.I Harden, ..!( ( Howmt, lb.. 1 Grr.haw, lb. 4 I 11 1 I aim, tb..... I tanab' ry, Ik 4 1 I ( Rltter. S....4 cf... I I Williams, tk 4 Hushaa. ....! Ill I Mowe, aa.,.. I Hrbotbam, (till I Wabb, ( . - Brady. ....! TaUil M I It If McCart ... 1 1 1 t 1 Totals 17 4 14 U 3 Batted for Mowe In ninth. LouiMVllle 0600QOOQ x I IndiHnapolla 0OO0A 3 0 0O 1 Stolen base: Stanley. Three-base hits: Stanabury, Higginbolham, Williams. Horn run: unmsnaw. smcrmce nits uets, Stsnley. trouble plays, Gets to Williams, Hulswlft to Grlmshaw. Hits oft Webb. I in one one-third inning: off Brady in six two-thirds Innings Struck out: By Itlggincottiam, s; ry wett l; by Brady 1 Baaes on balls: Off Hlgglnbotham 6; off weiin, i; on raay l tut uy pitcnor by Hlgalnbotham, Mowe, Time: 1:30. Um plree. llayea and Lddlnger. CUES OUTPLAYED BY GIANTS Now York Asaanes First Place tn a,4laal Leaajoe Race. NEW YORK. July (.New York assum ed first place In the National leagu. race today by defeating Chicago, 6 to 3, In game tn which the latter' error proved ooitiy. Marquard not only pitched ef fectively for New York but made a homa run off Mclntire In the third Inning. Score; Batted for Goode In eighth Inning. Batted for Brown In eighth Inning. , NKW YORK. CKU'AO) 1 AB M O A E. AB.H.O.A g Cavera, It... 4 I ( Sharker. If. I I I I I U Dorte, lb 4 I I I I R-huUa. rf... I 1 I I Bnoasraae, at 1 I I Hofinan, lb.. I I I I I Murran rf., 4 1 ( ( (Unman, lb. 4 I I 1 Mora la. Ik.. 4 I t 1 I J. borle. lb. 4 114 aa. I 1 t 1 (Tinker, as.... I 111 FMoaar. Ib.4 1 1 Oooaa. U....1 (1(1 Mr.ra, s 4 1111 tlhaaa 111 Marquard, B-4 1 I 1 t'olllaa. ef...( ( Arrner, a ... 4 11 Totals. I It I kieleiire, p.. I 1 raaa, ..., 1 1 urakam .... 1 I ( ( Cole, ' Totals 5 X .2 u I M I 4 Chicago 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 New York lvIDI-4 Two-base hits: Tinker. Home run by Marquard. Sacrifice hits: Goods, Brtd welL Stolen bases: Tinker, Goude. Struck out; by Maniuard 7: by Mclntire 3; by Cole 3 Basra on balls, off Marquard ; off Mclmlre 3; Balk: Marquard. !ouble lay: U Boyie, IWwell and Merkle. hirst on errors: CMcago 1, New York 3. Hits: Off Mclntire 4 in five Innings: (none out in sixth) off Brown 3 in two luninna; off Cole 1 In one Inning.- I -eft on bases: Chicago U; New York 7. Umpire: Kicra and lirennan. Tim 3:10. Kiaai Wlai Pacaeb (iolf Till. VEH8A1L.I.ES. France.' July 3.-Charlea W. tevana, jr., the American western open golf champion,' defeated J. G. Andersuo of West Newton. Mass.. in the final round in the French open amateur gulf chainr lionohlp today. ! - s : : - ' -.'. , .' " P i it Iadecx Pourout is to LThe WW B2H foy it is to I viAXfe jail in love vw The tdmole thinrfs ( Grovel Copyright, 1910, Tke irri WHERE GAME WAS CRADLED Great National Pastime Waa Bora in Hobaken, N. J., Way Back la Eighteen Fovy-ria. Aa ranouil hall in Boston waa th cradle of liberty, so la Hoboken. N. J., tha craaie of baae ball. Th great national pastime waa born In that city away back In 185. Authentlclsed record do not state what team participated In .tha nrt game. Neither ha th oldest Inhabitant and th survivor of the Mexican war been able to agree on thl point. Through many long, hard winter, when they were not poalng for their picture to b used In patent med icine testimonial, they hav at around tha stove down at tha fire headquarters and argued this question, but never hav com to an agreement. Base ball was an outgrowth of the old pastime of 'rounders," which wa piayea back In ISS.'and which ha been played by men now but little past tha meridian of Ufa. To this generation, howvr. "round- era" la unknown. Tha first ball that waa used In a gam waa mad of sections of an old overshoe, wound with woolen etrlng and covered with coarse oewhlde. None of tha player wor a glove, tha catcher atandlng about thirty feet back . of tha plate and picking up Ihe ball on the bounce. Her 1 th set of rule used: Th base shall ba from homa to second base, forty-two-pace: from first to third. forty-two pace equidistant x Th gam to constat of twenty-one counts, or ace,- but at tn conclusion an equai number of hand must b played. (This meant that th first team reaching a acor of twenty-on In a limited number of In ning wen.) Th ball must be pitched and not thrown for tha bat. A ball knocked outside of range of first or third base 1 a foul. Three ball being struck at and missed, th last ona caught, la. a hand out; If not caught It la considered fair and tbe batter must run. A ball being struck or tipped and caught either flying or on the first bound la a hand out. A player running th bases shall ba out If the ball Is In tbe bands of an adversary on th ba or the runner 1 touched by It before h makes hla base; It being under stood, however, that In no Instance 1 the ball to ba thrown at him. A player running, who hall prevent an adversary from catching or getting the ball before making his base, la a hand out. If two hand are already out a player running borne at th tlma tha ball I struck cannot make an ace If th striker I caught out. Three hand out, all out. Player must tak their strlk tn regular turn. No ace or base can be made on a . foul strike. A runner cannot be put out In making one base when a balk Is made. But one bas allowed when th ball bounda out of tha field when (truck. After i, few gamea the rule were changed so that th first baseman did not have to touch the runner In order to put htm out. The first gam wa played between two teama. chosen promiscuously from a crowd ' that had gathered on a vacant lot. But on June 14. 1MB. a regular game between two team that really had name wa plsyed at Ely si an Fields. N. Y.' The clubs were the Knickerbocker and the New York Cltya. No tally record of this gam can ne found In any book at the county morgue, se H la presumed that the score was for gotten and there were no fatalities. For thirteen year tb gam wa per mitted to drift along and then, in 157. a leag-ue wa formed In Nw York. No aal artea were paid, however, and It waa truly a " Fourth of July" leagu. Soldier plsyed th gam on tb field of battle during th civil war. and. returning home faactnated with th (port, gav It a ow lease of Ufa Ho speedily did tha gsm advance that JAMES VHITCOIIB IULEY hear her smdto hear her sim is tx) near me oiras ot ounuu itrcwes on blooming tneir blithest roxmdelqps. hear the robm trill Ttiornind. or the luDDoorvvil At dusk,v;hen stars are blossoming To hear her sing . to hear her sm. hO hi2arlir shd It is to laurih of childhood iinmclear In v9oodp path orgrassp lane Our feet may never fare again. r her suiff. tea 5? every lovelier than words ar the bulbuls voice rTbe throat that tTilled Lalla Rookh: ?What vender v?e in homage uur nearts to ner to near ner sinp;. Uobba. Merrill Cempeay v In tha early 'err umpire began - to call ball on pitcher who could not pat them over. ! In 186t a bold New Englander started s factory for making basa balls. They were much upeWor to the old handmade ball and caused Increased interest in th gam. Three years later a salaried team waa put In tha field In Cincinnati. This grew. into tbe famoua. Cincinnati Red Stocking, who. In 1869-1870, played eighty games with out a defeat, setting a record In tha pas time that has never been quald. When Nat Hicks, cateher, slipped on a mask and moved up behind th plata in 1S78 hi relative began to doubt tha validity of hi lit insurance policy with a suicide clause attached Tha breast pad followed a few years later. Not until IHf were glove used for the left hands by any . other player than the catcher. That waa the year XBases City broke Into th National leajru and, Inol dently, finished next to last with a per centage of .347. Kansas City Star. HUSBANDS WON AT LOTTERY Philadelphia Girl Battafled with Fat Maa, bat Another klea at Baakfalaaeav, Two young woman recently won husbands In church raffle in Philadelphia, They both purchased "pig In a poke." riot know ing what form of masculinity their prise would tak. On of tha young woman, after Inspecting her winning, declared she would not marry a man whom she could aet for 10 oenta. and ha will be raffled off again, thl tim th pioo&ed to go toward the purchase of a churoh organ. The other young woman found she had won a 380-pound man. and at first refused to think of going through a marriage cere mony with so much avoirdupois. However, she changed her mind, and declared that "so long as nobody loves a fat maa" aha would abide by tha bargain and tak her winning aa a husband. Miss Catherine N. Flanagan, at tha fair of the Church of th Immaeulat Concep tion, won Thoma Ekelly, tha fat man. It wa she who demurred at flrt. but now she think tha wedding will take place eoon. At St. Gregory' church Mlaa Mary Doyle won William Bowera Sh decided Bower wa too bashful and reneged on th bargain. Th experience of Mia Doyle will ba read with interest by an elderly couple who now live In Chicago. Many year ago th bus-J band took a c nance on a piano at a cnurcn fair from a young woman whom ha had .-- . MUSI hJ VP a . SB i ii..- -'. r t ...T-r- ,.r BOUTH ELEVENTH BTFiEET Do your custom zrs live here On South 11th Street, between Arbor and Castellar Streets, there are 11 occupied houcco, and in 11 they take The Bee. Advertif4rs can cover Omaha with one newspaper. J snravs 'ill hear can say. thatihoolc for m. t Dring fair the "drawing" for the piano took place and the young man's number was the first taken out of the urn by the blind folded little boy. Through mismanagement on th part of the people who made the list another man held the same number, and, both agreeing, the piano became a further sourc of revenue throuirh a second raffle. That evening tha young man met th irirl from whom he had, bought the. ticket and said: "Twentv-one wasn't lucky for me." "If lucky for me I'm twnty one." she answered. What followed no one waa told, but the story of th piano raffle and "twentv-one" has been told by them on every one . of their wedding aatver aarie. HYMENEAL " Vaadrford-t levenaer. AUBURN, Neb., July l.-(tperlsl.)-Mlsa Ball Clevinger and Alvln Vanderford were married her at th home of John H. Kearne. Only a few relatives and friends wer present. Tha ceremony wss per formed by Rev. Van Fleet of the Avenue Methodist churoh. Miss Halils Workman played the wedding march and Miss Ethel Miles attended tha bride. The bride's mother, who formerly resided In Auburn, now lives at Marshall. Okl. After August 1 tha couple will be at homa tn Peru ' Adams- Yates. AUBURN, Neb.. July I. (Bpeclal.)-Two prominent young people ot Nemaha county Ed Adams ot near Peru and Mis May Tate of near Auburn, surprised ihelr relatives and friend by their marriage at Nebraska - City thl week. Th wedding I th second of th surprise kind occurring In the office of the Otoe county Judge, in which a member of the Yates family has figured In the last few weeks. ' Hemnael-Bllaa. HUMBOLDT, Neb., July -peclal.-Ralph Hummel of Humboldt and Mis Min nie Bliss were married In Et. Joe at the home of the bride's aunt. Mr. Ida M SUss. Mr. Hummel I connected with th Humboldt - Aut company, and for the present he and hi bride will reside with his parents, Mr. and Mr. F. A. Hummel. Heat Prostration la Parle. PARIS, July I. France Is suffering from a heat wave more Intense Uisn th coun try hi experienced since 1600. Today th temperature tn the shade was slightly above 90 with a humid breezeles atmos phere. Borne prostrr ' ' - nt one dsath resulted In Part. Persistent Advertising Is th Road to Big Ret.urna. I July t, 111. lock 25. t 7