ITIE BEE: Oj-IAIIA. WEDNTDAT. JULY My t V MS S 1 - AsiUC'viA'iTt B '"" "'"' '"I'l"!.'''''''!' ' h"' 1' ' ' " " "' ' iil,r't,m1'- -miw mi mm i...n i i mi,.. 1 .JLj ' "i'lBV.In m lirfWffHULiffl 1 If .liWMffOT JOODS, Per Yard, 10c. Th dainUewt and prettiest Fatf-rns !n f.rrt!ie Flaxon and Lin.-iir cllmki; have iien sii:n at 18t aad 23c CU-anag Saie Prim from th boit, at. yard. . . 10c WOMEN'S UNTSHntED HATS Blank chip. Milan aad Home hair braid hats, hoods turbans and large shapes; second floor . 25C and 49c CWMCnT OF A XT WOMETS SUIT OS D2ESS I OCR EXTIRE STOCK 'o matter whether the) for mer pdca was .$23, o. 4,or p, at. 15 icon nooa, Ilea's Shawknit ; socks " mercerized iilit fin- istied, full swam. less; 25c quality at pair. ... Wsmrrt mml Children's PUIX A.D LACK HOSIERY White, black aad fancy ol- era; worta up 1 5e pair, at pair.... 8!c Women's Wool .-TAILORED SUITS Tneiw ara good, awrrlcaabla auita la ixp-co-data atjUm. worta. np U 20. at ncoia noca. Children's WASH DRESSES Varfsty of patterns, all aizea, worta - up. to 1 180, 39c atscon nooi. Fine Embroidery. Edgings aad'Inaertiona Also lac 4gns and laai t5on, worth op to ..3!c lOo yard, at yard xaiw ruoa Women's Neckwear Byron Collars, laundered and and embroidered 1 1 1 J v trimmed, at. each. ' m ra nooi School Board Kikes Awards for Cas te liar aad Central Park. $20,000 FE.Q3I FTTSD F03. SITES Cmrl KV Karrtas AttMtiy flea mm rtw t Brlaar FiMMdlasa t Caadraaat Contracta tar tn construction of the Caa teller and . Ontrai Fax schoot bulid tnn ware awarded taqr Ui Board of Edu caOun Monday, thm fbrmar to Bridtfaa, Hot A Co.. and tne tatter to "ti A Sttkrinaa. Bridgea, Hoy A Co. warn the Job wit a bid at ta.318. while tba etkar waar let oa aa aaOniata of fTQ.xe). Ia m&kina the report tor awsrtllna- tha uontracm, the bulldtna and arounds turn BiittM, tbrousb ChMrlaa Caaraua, almir niita. offarad thia report-: Tour ciunmlitH on biiildlnci nni!, round In auin aver tua utbiilaLra atata- auaoX of hiUa oa Ui CaataCar anil the Cen tral Park KhiniU is coiifr ium1 with ma tuilowinn l:lemina: Tha lawt bid on bvta .bonis, wlun lu iimuna" "d plumbina aaatrai'ta ara tation Inui cunautrratlnn, riwl trie bmi) limit of I.'i.vMt ttir aacb atbol about tid.Ow, and they, tharetora, hi-aitata to brlna n a r:nmnndU(in tor tna . wardln g ut tnaaa eontratita tor teat rvaaun. ttuatw. it would aeern that the achooia aa outiinad and planned by the aivhitoet are- idMti anil eonforin te th eanreeewd potlrrr of the txmnt tor a etandarillauton of the achoola ta be hereafter built; and tt would amm to vour oumrnutee muxt advtKabi lint the tiuia be let upon the f.iruma auhnutted. withuut ut chouses or euhatimtliin of matertaia, and it wmno therwfora be tw the- best tntrwata of ma noerd to. aooroortate. It poawble, frtini some atfcw runit. Itwtmmit treea 9ita ra4. Befiire actlna pn tha report, Courtney susw gveted' tttat the board tr izu- axerutlve aaaatua ta aJaeuaa tha -'.-s. Hiav plaai waa araahln, aad thi :r.mtv tidjourned te the eommittee room. Vivr a ecinn waa held that axtendad a.vV .lour and eae keif. When the board reeoavened. Courtney efc-red reawluttoas awardina tha cantracta, wtiic-n rcr paaaed without a daaenua( votav "The adiliUanaJ money required will be taken Eron tha O.oue. which wajt voted at the bond election fur the purchaaw. of aitae and the making af improvements te kuild tcfo threushmit tha city." aaud Alfred lCainaly. nreaidunt of the board. "About C-U.JW wtU be aaraaaary and we can tue th:a money fur the purpoae of aompletiaa' the buiUilna-a.- Blew otlm Weeaedu On new otllver aad three uacumbents Were, elected tar the eaamua year. Carl Herrta u at-lei:td aa aiturney af tha buarA tu auectwd Ed Baird, who waa aot a Candida.: tur re-iecton. V. X Burseee) ! wee earned wntary and Jou Slay nerd euatediaa hr ananimoua vote. Duanraa FUa. laraua au re-elMcted aupertntendeut af feutldtn9 hr a vote at ? ta t Cort. BuarU Win. aVara. WUlUmia and BUauiedy ep- ;i8!iaarnv,wv,iv.'vrw'ffuii,r,nirj 1 "im'-.i r-.' in " " w I ! 1 J VUH I' TV LIllJ TVRll V'UMII V T 1 - w. ettp H4 27-inch Hemstitched at. btthti -r n siv-w es i - at p s w . .n ,. . . EilBEOIDESED FLOU?TCr??GS. Also IS-inch embroidered Coancings, skirt iaff?r corsft coverinzs, insertions and Filloons; all kindj, bijr bargain square. Worth, up to 40c a yard; clearing Q pale price, per yard, at . IvC Maia riocr New Sicre. THOUSANDS OF YAED3 FINE EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, ALL KINDS WORTH 10c and 12VjC a YARD, Per Yard, at K3E Wednesday, ALL OUR This is Brandeis Stores Semi-Ann ual Sacrifice of every yard aad piece of merchandise in stock at a m-. rvn-, t u i t anything until next seaaon, because it is our rule to open each season with all new cST tw ii T n acttul,Tala- We will not carry over - A saving to Omaha !woraen of thoand, f IJI!? Therefore, we will sacrifice everything while the demand is .till at its height THIS IS POSITIVELY the GREATEST VaaaSSaaaaXSBS&ESfiHfiEpSPSSfHBKVSKSaSS WASH WAISTS (CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES 11 slzea; for vacation; worth ap to $3. SO; Ail aizea, nicely trimmed. nw atylea 39c and 69c " 84 Drapsry DepL Clearance B.iSE3CEXT ail the 40-inch Drapery Swiss, worth 10c per yard, at - se All the Etamine and Stencil Craah Curtains, worth np to 4 pair, at, each 40 All the Printed Etamine and Cross Strip Scrim,' worth up to 25c yard, at, yard 10 Ait the reralar 12 c silkoilne. of! the bolt, at, Td gt Full size Muslin Curtains, worth up to $1.00 pair, at, P . 63 All tha imported English Cretonne and Art Ticking,. worth up to 50c yard. at.. ............ ....23 A. 11 the Bobbinet Curtains, trimmed with 8-inea lace worth $2.50 pair, at. pair . ?1.49 All. owr BsrJo- and" mee 'Net thafaold Tip td80c yard, at. yard. .. . . .... ..... .50 ' Stisees and Juniors WAftH t DRESSES Clearing- sale price-. 9Sc Iwoiaat Faacr I LaValUeres I That sold up I to $1, mala I floor I 19c Silk and Velvet Moire BAGS Also $2 leath er bags, leather lined 79c poewd. Tbey supportad Andrew Kiewit. Tha attorney was instructed to begin condemnation proeaedinga for the acquialr Oon of two asrea of ground at Bancroft street and tha boulevard to be uaed aa a alte for tha Bancroft achool building. Tba aaw alte la located about a) teat east of tha praeent building. Tba ground sought belongs to the Smith heira. .. requeat. from the- Monmouth. Park School District Irnprovement dub for the uaa of the Monmouth Park grounds was referred to tha building and grounds oum mirtee. The petition atnted that tha mem bers daaired ta. uaa the eampua tor tha purpose at balding meetings to diacuae the eumnuaaloa form of govartunent. Butt Aeka Ezteaaiea. John Htrta. eon tractor of tha high achool baltdlnar. aakad an axtenaton of twenty days within which to complete the arma ture. He stated that he had been delayed this lengtn af time, aa ten days elaeaed between the opening of bid and tha turn ing over of tha premises and tea days by cluuucing- tha boUur room and amokaataok. His request waa referred to tha building and grounds committee. Tha purchaae of a parcel of ground, with a frontage of ITS feet oa Hamilton etreet. with' a depth of 10 feet, waa ordered, tha eonalderation named being C.S40. The ground will be uaed aa ptaygraunda for tba WalnutKm achooL Alice I Harper waa placed on tha re tired lint of teaiJiara becauae ef dleahillty and her penaiua waa Axed at CS7 per year The acceptance of E. XT. QrafT aa super intendent of achoola fox a term of three , yaare and of C B. Raid as vice principal of the high school Cor oae year were re ceived. Tba Judiciary committee reoortod that 1 the 1111 eenaua enumeratloa bad been aum pieted at a coat of PVLSi. It waa announced that teachers who took the oaaminarloB, fur allgibillty undn- theae umtMrt had bees eucvaaeful 3U, fil, T. ana and Foarteen took the examlnaxlona which Were held June a and n at tha high, svhool building; aaisnaaaamt mt Jaalfee. Janitors for the varT oa achool bulldlggs were analgned aa followa with thia cayt FEHMANK.NT LUT. Board roome, . W. J.mraon iiM Hlga ai:hooi. T. H. FltaaTeraid.... j u Comeniua, W.lilejn I'lam.n t j, Farniun. Willinm Payne .......II. aw rranalia. Jiela dimnne tUS Howard Kennrdv, C. it ff filrean Lite) Keilom. T. EC !. . Laja Lake. Virt-r Pan eiam Liua urftvt!nvwuit 1 nomaa ctamiin. M...H.. yau Lui.-oln. J J. Ka lna.................. tithrop, Lmorge Kill, tr . , Vun. Lmin Peterwn ... j I-aiaflc. W'll!m ("arnra 1 1 1 ara-ea. Rubrt il ia r-a aaumiera. Loula Miir na Li ON B TKAa. LiST. Baneroft, J. ii- tiurt ...... t fcee-a, J. D. LMai-wuod J Lo lui, T. Leffvpa , ... lij Cti:ar. J W Mrakimaau.. Centra B. W. Hmsia eg jjjj Central Para. Ueurga Chapman CvoLrai. atnaa. Henrv tiaiialay t' irton Hul, hariea Ring I'tM ( iiftiin H.ll annaa. La liaa MAihieU-.T. M Cuiuinbia. U. eL eauautterg ilm H'ruid luil. Mary A. Vnarford.-.,. Oiipunr, Krry fongar . o Edward Kaaww, Anion Vlkouah" Lt KiniMffl, A. Hu Mrmn , , , -tm 13c ORGANDIES Per Yard, vt 6c. Organdies and batistes, that have Wen oa display in our Donjlaa street window; dot?, firnres, stripes. checks, Persian and ot one yarrt reserved, all from the bolt, per yard, at fas At w'swaa-BBBwa Beginning Wednesday THI3 STORE WILL CLOSE AT 5 P. PL Except Saturdays Kindly Arrang to Do Your Shopping Before 5 O'CLOCK i BESSSBSi - - - - i, in. - in ii ii - mi ii ii-i-mi i -- P. mm ilulv 5th. 8 a j BMW SUIUIER GOODS STASIPED HUCK TOWELS Stamped to embroider, ize ISz3S; also 80 alupa. at. each IToS rioor run ftOMSTS and tmi. D REX'S SWISS RIBBED COTTOX VESTS Low neck and ale-. less; worth 15c; main floor, at. . WOMETS ami HEX'S EMBROiDERFn tXITLil HLVtDKEB- CHIFS Ail letter si worth up to 15e; m :n noor. at .5 Womn ! and Chil rfrem's Plain. Whit Hmnatithed B.AXD KERCHIEFS, at,, eav y- -1 Cent - 9xia Brussels RUGS Seamless, ex tra fine; val ues up to $:o. at $11.75 1 1111 1 11 1 1 11 11 inn 11 11 1 inn 1 n BATH RCGS $2.50 quality, blue an d 3- white, Root 98c Long. a. W. Stioa Long annex. Frank Hammond! M4 P2 . 7W . rae i-uinrop, jam AndfiiHin Stiller Park. John L. Benaon.... M.nimouih Park. John Ailcorn.. Park. Jua Falk Sherman. A. M. Clark... Tram. H. G. Bailbeck Vinton. T. L. O'Connell. Webeter. CharleavEL Faik... WIndaor. George W SUina . A3!5IGXBU3. Bancroft annex. Krancea X. Txiutorf . . 43B rranaiin engineer. L. C. Sanderson Wainut H-U, Burton V. Palmer........ LOS0 Nebraska Endeavorers Go to Atlantic City Tairty-FiT Deleatei from State Lear vita Ctaers a Special Train for East Thirty-five deleaataa renreeenttne- nr.... tlcaily the whole of Nebraska, gathered in Omaha Monday afternoon to leave en a special Northwestern train af l a ,.i-u lea route to the nm nnni u,UM.4n . Cbriauan Endeavorera at rlnrln City. Rav. J. H. daiabury of Auburn waa in rhur at tha Vimi. m . - ' - wwvawMUO. acuiuj aa ataia tranaportatioa manager. lUy G Fletcher, at ate president, waa a member of tha band. Karl Lehman, field secretary, and International orgaaiaar. waa aiao among tha Nebraakana. Mr. Lehman has been, mainly reeponaibie for tha 1U.JW new Christian Endeavor suciotlea mJnit aji tn creaaa of nearly Ldea.ilW membera In tha laat two years. In Nebraska Stf so-! eietlee helped to make up that Increase. The Nebraaka dwlwaatlnn win enent jiv S at Niagara faila and will arrive at At- 1 umuc City Thuraday morning at o'clock. Their headquarters will be at the Linden hotel there. The oonventlaa opens Thura day evening. It is estimated that ,0M delegates from all over the United State will bo in attendaaca HEADS CF THE NEBRASKA PUBLICITY LEAGUE MEET WUL Hattal Saeeiew a ike Reaaaaw m Jmly 1 ta reeTamaeatei Plaaav A meeting of the eaecuttve committee of tha Nebraska Publicity league wlU he held at the Hen a haw net el July 19 tat perfect plana for tha vending- of a tram toil of Ne braska, booatera to the aatlonai ouaventiaa af the Asaocisxed Ad. ciuoa. Liacola and Omaha will be represented by larga dele gations and amaHur parttea will be sent trooi many of the more enterprising amailer ctuea. The trala will probabiy Imvb July 2a, as tha contention opeas Aa eat X aad the tnp la expected to take about two weeks, although the party will be dlaperaed at arrtvsj aad deiegatea may return as thsy r hooaa A wail kjy". a es Moinae woman after suffering mieerahly Car ls days from kewol anmiiluiit mu . -x wa eiiea af Chamberlain's Ctalie. Cholera ana Diarrhoea nanmi. ear asm ay ail asaisrs AND BA7ISTX3, 63c rouxASDs, pes yaxd, &: 23c All our 6Dc anI 73c Foulards j m.Tny are the waterproof kind, navies, blues, browns, new blues, old roee, rweda, grays, white and blaok and black combinations. Best Foulard values ever offered; bargain QA square, per yard, at.. mUC floral designs 6c " mAX noom nxx anrr. " "' "' ' ' ' "' n w www ta Mawa' my wT1fT!rlTBlhMMMaTmiw citt iBfffl r . i y iiiumniirmiiir MUST GO NOW REGARDLESS OF THEIR VALUE SALE EVER HELD . -ft- Women's Sampi WAISTS at i OU TheiM Include the finest sum mer waista In our stock ele gant, new designs. - . Women's Long Shantung Coats Newest ideas, wirt'S'np to $10, at. .. . r"n, . .$3.98. Soft Finished LOXG CLOTHS And fine yard wide muslin? 10c values, 4a basement, at per yard third CITY GARBAGE CONTRACT LET Omaiu Ecaderhi2' and Feed Company Secures Three-Tear Concession. WEIGHT OUSDrUCE DISCUSSED Searteer'e Plan ReajelriesT Sale ef AU CaeaaaaelltlM Br Wtil Iaetaad Measare) attm4 t Ceeaaala. sew foe rartan Ceauiaerstieaw T. B. McPheraon. moving apirit in the Omaha Randermg aad Feed , company, which fatieaa hogs on city garbage, de livered to him free of charxa. acored an- ether victory yestarday afternoon, when na influenced the council to grant him a three years' contract, which will give him aa the garbage collected by tha city. McPheraon contended that to properly handle the garbage and dispose of it. aa tha health commlaaloner wants, ha will have Ut make Improvements in his plant at Sixth and Grace streets which, will amount to more than. J6.00S Ha also- cantnrf.l tiiac. he would not be warranted in making eucn extensive Improvements unleaa ha was assured of a aupoly of exrbaa-e for a term of three years at least. Faint opposition, which availed nmhin. but canveraaduu. was raised by Mctinvern. end gchroedor. Health Commiualoner Con nail and Membera Funk house,. Bridges, Hummel, Devla and Brucker cams th. front for McPheraon. anruinsr that unlu. he diapoaed of tha garbaga tba city would., ae up agatnat it" for aome place to dum the garbage. The Judiciary committee waa inatructed to draw a contract and u present U to the council fur approvaL. Wetakt OeeUaauaewe Ca. Weight regulating ordinances cams la for aome attention. One, introduced by Johnson, making It a ... deal are In materials and nnnKiii short-weigh, or ahortrsaaaaura. was recom nsndsd for A 0n,n,u.wri. from the Commercial dub, and a petition. aqpiea oy coal dealers, were offered in favor of the measure. A. L. Havana of the Havens-Whit Coal company urged the passage of the ordinance, saying that legtumaie dealers could not mam, 1.1. deauare who ahart-weighed. "Tbeee fei-lowa.- aaid Havena., "take eontracta fur less than the coal costs and than u by abort-weighing from M to aJS pounds per wagon.- Schroetlar's ardinanca. requiring the aaia of ail commodities by weight, tnatead of msasurs. was referred to the Judiciary committee, after Martin Sugarman. repre esaiiag peddlers, stated that the ordinance would work untold hardships ea his clients. He seamed that peddlers were forced to buy their supplies by- measure and If they were fecced to sail by weight, would suffer heavy losses in etirinkage. Hummel. Davis, Bridges and others opposed the ordinance. Ia requesting the passage of the Johnson ardinaacs. coat deaJera offered to pay tha expenses of ail deputy inspectors woe would be required ta enforce the ordinance. Tha erdlaaace requiring drivera ef auto I -i viiannii- 1, ! frTSgrr..,,. , &wr tjw - 1 1 1 --B ' - ..,.. n--"- t j y Beginning Wednesday THIS STORE WILL CLOSE AT 5 P. H. Except Saturday! Kindly Arraags to Do Your Shopping Before 5 O'CLOCK upreme Bargain Event IN THE GREATEST DRESS GOODS Strictly aa wool back and colored 38-lnch Panamas; 9c rai ues, at. yard..2e? Ma rolor MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Gwns, skirts, corset cov ers and drawers; great bargain lota, second nor 98 iS3 Women's Pure Silk Hosiery Black and fancy, lisle soles, spliced heels, "5c quality, mam "cor 39 g lengths, Light and Dark Punjab Percales Light and dark, yara wide; 15c a:ue, " -7t $1.00. Turkish each Women's WOOL SKIRTS Hemmed Qond, aervlaeabla tyl special, Choice of and all enUira and aizM , JlaiyLn- fat at 1 lLw Women's F.IXCT JEWELKT That sold up to 69c; mala floor 1rlw!r - -nil mmr iff Axminscer RCU 36x72 aizer $S values; ralrd floor WASH Late sum mer styles; worth np to $5; second floor, 9-2JM, S1.S5 19c $29 mobiles and motorcycles to coma to a etnn when approaching atreet cars at corners -nere passengers are taken on and put off recommended for passage. This la In accord with the state law. Street Commlaaloner Flynn's appeal for funds for weed cutting waa referred to the committee on finance and claims, while a petition from property owners in tha vi cinity of 924 North Sixteenth, asking that Max L. Woolfson be gives a permit to operate a dry scales, was placed on file. Woolfson's petition will be sranted. The Board of Trade building was ex empted from paying aa occupation tax on the aubway which connecta with the Uchilts hotel. An affidavit was offered which stated that the aubway waa used for fire escape purposes only. After Rome Miller, president of the Board ef Park Commissioners, appealed to nhe city council Monday morning for co operation hi securing ground for boulevard purposes, a decision to start nsw proceed ings for the acquisition of ground was reached by in am bars of both bodies. Two propositions were before the council, one asking that two tan lots near Twen tieth and Grand avenue, be eecm-ed ao that a new to Carter park can be had. and tha other for the condemna tion of a lot oa Nineteenth and Ohio streets and another an. Twentieth . I acreets for the improvement of Florence oouievam. Some time ago the park board requested that these grounds bs aecurad. Tti cil pigeonholed both requests. Since than Mr. Miller hss secured aa opinion from the city attorney that a request from tha uuara waa mandatory an the inii ti- ao advised the members of the council eaying that if the petitions were to be ignoreo, the park board might ae wad be abolished and tha council run the affairs. Councilman Hummel, chairman of tha para ana parkways committee, explained the lack of action on the requests by saying that the appraisement on the 'prop erty at Twentieth and Grand was too high. He aaid two lots were apwaiasd at, when fL5t would have been a high price. It was then decided ta mar - ceedingm. The weekly payroll was alee passed by tha council, which bald an ad journed session for the purpose. FROM SHAM BATTLE TO OFFICE CF SURGEON SasisaJav IMaa rve a Pwaw DeHsje Mawtc rigtks saat is IaJaawSL While easing which waa the better dodger In a rock Bght aarty last night aakrais Blaine, 14 years of age, waa at ruck in the head by a atone, inflicting a sever gun. Ths stone wsa thrown by his aides brother Fred. The lad was carried front tbe scene of the chain battle to ths surgeon s room at ths Jail, where Dr. C. H. Peppers attended aim. Fred and some artier t. . in the Cfeht assisted the Injured lad ta tha statloa and back to hi hums after the wouno. was aewe HIGH CLASS 50c WASH FABRICS, Per Yard, at 25c 27-in. to C8-in. summer fabric, including imported French and English voiles, im ported tissues, marquisettes, printed French organdies. Bilk, and cotton fancies, c?t. trail bwisses, etc; bargain C5 square, per yard, at...., xiOC GINGHAM APRONS Practical aprons made of good grade blue checked ging hams; actually worth 25 each at Baaemeat STORE in the WEST I nl H LINGERIE DRESSES Clmvmr. new yl, worth mlrtaummfi is. cond floor Seettnd Floor. Clearance of Linens BvlSEMEJTT 3.000 yards of fine mercerised table damask, in worth up to 75c yard, at, yard 100 full size crochet bed spreads, Marseilles patterns; hemmed ready for use. Thla la regular $1 value at, each Extra large, heavy Turkish towels with names ui, iic Tsiuei, ai earn . 13 Best gfade Turkish towels made, extra size and heavy weights with names woven in. These towels are at, each 49 and knit wash cloths, regular 6c values, at, I......... -su. half towels, made of best grade hack; at. eacn any bath rug la the stock, worth up to All the- odd pattern cloths and napkins at of their regular value. SLIPPER BCCKLES , la Peart, em bossed Ger man silver and (old plate, pr 19c PERSLUr COTTO CHAXXttS From the bolt, basement, at yard 3Hc Eetailers at Den Are ShoWn Sights and Enjoy Scenery Sen Zeceiyea Coatleu Brigade with Xnmberi Scarcely Depleted by the Heat The retailers of ths e.ty mat the enemy Monday ia the persons of Samson' s hosts at the Den. and In the words e Sir B. Haagdytf Knott, chief of the Gymkhana cavalry. "They are theirs" The beat wa Intense and the k nig his preaented the appearance of a ohlrtwaiet Ulgnde. aa there wa nrt a coat ta be eeeo. How ever, there was aot as great a failing oft Incumbers as might have bean aa nectcd and there was more than enough to give the retailers a hearty welcome. Th paid membership for the week wa announced at L1L Although thla la not any great lnoreaa over laat week. It is Indicative of th steady gain that are looked for from aow on ta make BH1 a rec ord year. Tba membership is still far ahead of laat year at th aame time. Changes In the cast Uat night were re sponsible tor considerable fun. "Caruso" Gardner," who ordinarily plays the role of Lord T. Hellyer Satgh. waa auaent from the ety aad Lichen wa faro.d t j take hi place, even though he wa not hie understudy. To aay that irita the handi cap he did credit to the part la putting it mildly. M ies Grsenleaf, author of ths piece, sub tttutsd tor one of the Chinees aervanta la waiting upa his lordahlp. GreenU af la tha exact oppoait of ail that ia Lilliputian, and Listen la by ao msana a Goitath. Ia one piece of stags business tha original China man Is supposed to piaoe a ladder against uia original lord and master, aad climb the ladder to light hla cigarette. Grea uau Buriesquee: we usual "stunt" with much cue coa The-K'jmhes of the evening; becauae of th brat, were very few and ahort. Harry Huasie af the Jcbn Huaei Hardware aiav paay waa tha chairman of th evening: aawam auer. postmaster at Lin coln, was eaa of the apeakara. H di aled aay connection with the retailers, un leaa it wa la the tact that be sold atamna H spoks of th aadonai convention of the postmasters ef the first elsse offloe. which la to meet la Omaha in September. A epecial night baa beea est aaid for the poatmaoters at th Den and Mr. alser urged tha kntghia to slve them th. h uwv Victor Whit, of the Hyei.wiu company, told a few stares with soon, sua- cees mat it gav th 11a to hla UngtUh birth. B. O. Tlkleo me New Tark r-(,. . tailar who t traveling through to Ban r ruosa via auromoMle, aiade a few chart remarks defining enthusiasm and aa the two essential of th auoeesafui re- FANCY LAWN KE1I0N0S. These short lawn comb ing jackets are so pop ular for hot weather, all sizes, large, Q full cut, at CC FLOWERS FOR TRUDHNG SAO don hn ported ror, forfct-m-not, to lets. t.. In ail dfffllrabl nolnra. lanrw follas clusters, at 5c and 10c PRINTED LAWNS Thm kind Ufcat hara bn Mil- from tS bolt, Wt- ncadar. at, yard . lAiiajJT. Women's Fine Ribbed Gauze Cotton UNION SUITS Low neciL. alwTeleaa aad cuff kAM. worta p to 30c. at, aacb 15c iulxv noon. Women's Long SILK GLOVES Elbow length, double tipped fingers in tan, brown, blue. pongee ana DiacK, a $1.00 value, at AMf pair. katjv rtooa Women's New WASH SKIRTS Just the thing for hot weather wear. Will laun der perfectly; two 1.50 big groups; 50 "d kasssenrr. j3 25c LINEN SUITING, at 10c Material for wash dreasea and children's wear; nat ural color linen m a mill suitings, stripes aad f I ?p 234 checks, at, yard . . . woven 32-inch Wide KHAKI ZEPHYRS 32 Inches wide, worth 13a per yard; from the bolt, per yard Sc very -ti c 777 if 1 EGYPTIAN TISSUES 89 H Season's bent' atvlM &nf rt iracuon h orinaa: more than tic 50-bo Its on sale, at. yard . , Wappenstein Guilty - of Taking Bribe Former Chief of Police of Seattle Xut Accept Penalty for Eeceiyinf One Thousand Dalian. SSATTUE. Wash., July 4 Former Chief of Police Charles W. Wappenstein was found guilty toniirht ef of H.0QB tor permitting Gideon Tupper anal Clarence J. Gerald to operate dlsorrlarl v houses hi the old King street vice district.' The Jury wa out seven and hours. FORMER LEXINGTON MAN WEDS MINERVA VANDERBILT tw 1w Tar at mm Daaarhtew f Xsa Wka Married ar Ssaaael rayaet. BOSTON. Mas.. July A Ht.-l.I T.w gram. ) Charles Verner Knherta e-- of Lexington, Neb., aad now of Pbiladel- Pma. waa secretly married to vin.. Vanderbtit of Brooklyn. JT. T.. a.. urday. Miss Taaderblit waa th durhr of K. Ward Vaaderbilt. who hi iur .w- age ef odd years, became eanvlrtmA spiritualism and married the medium. May Bcannei rep per, giving her before aad after the marriage much valuable property. Hi daughter sought to bav the marriage an nulled but did not succeed, since tha tlm sh ha been living with, friend la New Torn- . Roberta la a surveyor and ha beea ens ployed In the Philippines and on the Pan ama canal aad until coming her, with the government reclamation service. Th couple bad their Brat meeting while Rob erta waa a student at Pratt Institute. Brooklyn, twelve years ago. Roberta told tha reporters today that his only Dvlng reiauve is ma nrotasr, Edward, of tagton. Neb. BRIEF CITY NEWS stave mmt Frist Xk. Mar A. Bain. Frlnae. Try him. D.m. H sisnaiT. (j jmyriuiiitcrcSale cf Ttttzzziczs Bargains Begins at 8 A. AL, Wedjaen da.j. It will be a history making event in Omaha. Furniture Business. STEWABT & BEATON CO, 13-1-1T aoath SUteemta Bt. -! Huawaw saaa,