THE BIX: OMAHA. TTEDNTSDAX. JTTLT 5. 1311. 1 I r Nebraska REGENTS QLL im fill . Bwd Iastrocta Elm Jot to Enfrissi Spwtken Outside of Ficnltj. j GUSH. TO "TGHT El IXGT3LATTTZZ' i ty. Marfsaaa of riHM Catva! lolai Had ei if mt XfkU j U raar TO Taw j am Ufl aw RMarte (Tram a "taff On leanoitdont.) ; U?COrj. July . Special.! For th; aar and Dm In tbs lut btmnlum the Cni- ' wt slty Board of Regents Una taken time J MKnifa In their deliberations to consider 1 tna case of J. L. Mr Brim. the former) state supertmendent and pi nt head f ! Um unlveiaty extension work, who hu in tbo past been tna object of mwh cntl elsm bsrause of allewed pnOtirai activities is astjajaetlon wits hia carrytna; on of the W'n k. Thl tuna the ma Issued an edjk-t whirls waa promulrated in entirety ta Mr. McBrien to the effect that tt would bo wail fhr Um to employ no outside ansaHsra whatever for bis work unless t.-. reseats did. eo tfienueJvea. Otherwise only anarabors of tiie Mare university faculty era s be used In spreadlne" the university wnrs f wtrirfc be la the bead. The action of the board of rea-enta com so a saajunl to the attempt of Senator Tb beta of Hastlnas last winter In the Ies3s laAttra to eliminate the department an to gether. The result of the board's action, it la tboiurbt, will remedy the thine com plained of by tfta senate, namely, that ex pub! la officials, lawyer and partisan pub lic, men bad been sent out in the work and that It had bees, nude more or lean af a political bureau since McBrien bad as autned the bead of the extension depart ment. lame mi a Kir be rale. Tie board, yoaterday filled two Im portant faculty vacancies. Jamea D. Hoff maa of Pnrdua university waa elected pro feaanr of mechanical enalneertn. to fill tba vacaaey caused by (he resairnatlnn of Deaa C. H. Riehardm The chancellor was nvado acting dean ef the eollesa of engi neer! net, Bendlna; final selection ef a dean. Assistant Haallrtrac E. M. Rutledge waa appointed serlna- registrar, vice P. J. Har- Detailed Census of Nebraska Counties fie direetnr of the eensus hae uintmnrH the population of Pawnee county, eeT"orilnc to Its minor civl dtvswana ae follows: -wtn tT"w TWa PaOTWWT; COCNTT. .. ! J it ortrtnrt '-. t'lear "re-n ptmcT.. Inrlurtlna- Stelnauer vtlUspe ra steinaoey villus. r Mil" nremrt. (m-nirfln part of Bun-hard villas . TS rVir-nard -Itlaa-e nnrt nr j Tai for SurrmH in Miles and Plum Cr-rH prertneta... sis W-wnii frelt oretnn -J Pi tir-rnrt. Includina Pwrew dry Pawnee n tv . ..... Lg Wird ! Worl I Ptum t'ri M or Inn. metnrttne part of Bnrchard el Lae.. . "I Biirrhard viilase (Dart of 4 SOie-aan or"-tTt-t 12 South r"'nt twerinct. inciartina Dnbola vlllac L ruihots vl 1 1 iure .. .. a . teitianer preenct a' Table HvH rfe:fet. tnrludlna; Tabie Rorb villas..... 1. i Tahte Ro-l v'Hese ....... 14 Tirtf "re" or-tFit -'t Wet Branrh prertnrt (7? " t.w VZ :7 rT 1 fas HI a Mi I N held to the Panish ehnreh at Tweitv ' rhtrl ami It wre r. Imti nent WU be In j Laurel Hi'l ceotetery. I Unet Pe. whw dler! SilTKlar of Son j etman. wll le tiir-ed Tiopitav immi i at 1 '-t-k rm Larli;n oariora. TSe .'inerl will In eoarso of t?ie Pat ; 1eotwier r rmn. Tmer-nent will be matte j In Everareen cemetery m Omana. I The lne-xl of M'ee Anna t'amphell will aite pe-e Weliiikae mimmf at n'rlori I mtT'i t. Fiinerai perine will he hed m .t. Ar-e etiur-h at o'clock. f -r wnlen j inter-neot wll be made In Holy Sepulchre j cemetery. STORY OF FAMOUS BOND DEAL i ! Par Played by J. P. wim lvvelaard 6a4d Bleeid U w lewi. I tnj tkw AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA EepublicuM Organize Board of Edu cation in City. particularly baauitltal feature of the oc casion waa the reception ef the sacrament y the parents and Immediate relatives of the youna; priest. Immediately after the masa the cemm e- j cation rled op to the altar where youna; pneet imparted hia benedict, on. Wliat has sll ths appearance of bHnd the true "tnetde story" of the famous Cleveland sold bond teens of '.. tnrlud lna the interview that took place between Morgan and Cleveland at the White House, is published In the April Metropolitan I magazine mm one of the chapters tn Carl Hovey'a "Life Story of J. Perpont Mor- aM wt up io urn very ibbt against a onna nsue to a synturate or backers: that It was not until the Spriniter bill, au thoring a popular loan, had been de feated and the Bold reserve In the treasury had been reduced to a few millions that he would consent to ses Morran. and that In the neaotladona that fM lowed between three two tr was Monran himself who BAJLE L002C Ef FOIL EEffCCLATS ' A'r th mo prlesta and rests of the occasion were driven In automobiles to the Jary s-atd la Ca taa He Was taaleet tw Heart D lee see. Bat katsea Will Mm Held few lone try. Perhaps never In the history of the city was there such a dear cut victory for a minority as when the two republican mem bers of the Board of Education took their j Monday night and by a well laid i noma sf P. J. McMahon. 3 street, where a reception waa held. Vhe fbllowtng were the officers of the man: Father T. I (ycallahan. assistant priest; Father 0Hearn. deacon: Frank ITennew h. deacon, and Father FTanaaan. master of ' 1,0 '""d out ' P""t tbm statute by eeremomea. ! wnicn prtvata loaa could tts made The siesta of the occasion were: constitutional. I Stephen Dowd. Michael GJuha. D. Hurley. Mr Movey a account. Which la foil of John Zapnotnlk. Father dubs. Eujrene F. ,' raMul ,na nirnerto unrelated ar Moora. P Cooney Cornon. J. W. Stenson. ! rumstnr' " dtly derived from an ; liitneti sonrre. letrntlatlona had been bexun Dlan releemted the democraite malnrtrv t. 'J ,T- onarn:y. otan an inionretuentiai diecard. lie defeat of waa plainly evident as the members took their seats. Immediately at the concilia on of ths routine meeting Rudolph Techout. retiring president, vacatsd the chairman's place and took a seat on the floor ef the that what Mr. Korean bad sald was per fectly trua. that thta act waa known as sertion Tto. XmV and that from a casual examination be thought R waa ! la force. Mr. Cleveland quietly took the book from his band and arth dees ciiik "il trail on read the art to himself. "Ei it roK tn the mem sat in the sileacs if drp suspense. When the pietiln bad -om luded the reading of the m-i tina be ATUNT1C BOCSTEnS ARE BUST f rla tailed far Early Mara ew Boaa Valley Head. d ATLA.1TIC. la. JHy 1 .3pecl Ten gram. PreetoVnt McWald of the At'.antlo Booster duL will call a meeting soon of m .4 antliueBat WM flhimttnilflAh inl aid the boob slowly en his desk and then . , .rt.., Mlt h.s face Mghted up wh almost a smile of , Bolnm nl , ,,,, m I think j,BmtoBn tr, Manning and then?e via that It t . ,. . T ,. . TSi. relief and be amid: Mr the act Is ample for our wttl sorva ths situation. "After the details of the loaa had been dlsmased all arose from their neata. and someone said: 'Mr. Morgan, wbst Is that brown powder oa your trousers and ctotbea and ail aroimd your chair" Me looked down quickly. It waa bie after breakfast cigar that hs had been balding In hia hand imllghted as be entered the roam and whlrh. aa be aat there, be had tracon- a -1-t.t n tv n n m e. noi iim of nv.e"nr' i" (or tjie ln I-i i..N -iW r-'T-- nl (r d' w tt "le A I ck ;i4 r t n.i l RveMn e- - M i o vte4tiv t" r--s- hm''ii of kr LfM::nr' seven tv Oi-M 1thtlr A dinner in tfe -r"v ami Ki"l r-!n morn nee on he t a -f um a-n'Si pit muwr rminiied . :.l ;nd tmi"l t -e ctel feaTur" of tle ito-nn-'iTt. a-. T. R. "1MP" 1 ,M- Mei-v iiin, 4 anl t- na Id M.iut" we-e rn' t':o e wo parT'.r'pitid in ?ie f. !t'vtiifii of the rtav Mr To.-li'l-g rm to Warf-sn cfuntv in IK'.l. eod hin rn ted on h firm In Kag'an towinnip frv-,v e '"ais. An ordinary raen of .Iiarrhoea can. as a rule, be eured bv a single done ef "hamher lain I C.iilc. Cholera nd Dlarr?uea Remedy. This remedy has no mperor 6ir bnsvel .-nm- read alii touch Red Oak. Elliott, tlrlewo.d. Lewta. Atlant'c. Evtra. Brayton. Audubon. Templet cm. Manning. Arcadia and Wall i ' plaints. For aia by aJ dealera. It will be dragged ard marked wttk wh ts poiei str'ped with red. Henry Field, ths seed man of Srtnandnah. and Hanker Van Tke Frelalae Jtry. Th Seiaittiril voting- nnwinur enter! lha '"order of Audubon, and Banber Deleboyde box in her own bene f. of Exlra. t-gnher with McWaid af At-! "What is your a. misa""' avKed rke antic, jra tne rhlef borsrera. The meet- . . am ,. . i " ' " I "Fortv-eisht. was the eta.v renlv ijo.ur sro.iu ptecea-onui n. imon ; tn tvl decide on tl:a offic iai route through- The fmmine lurv rnun, ,. he.,,,, w th the carpet. The president laughed, and reaching fbr a bog of dgara. told Mr. Mor gan that tt was time for him to have a smoke and added that he wished Mr. Mor gan would remain while be dictated Uie special mensaga In order to see If It incor porated ail the details of the plan." Perwetent Advertising Is the Rosd Returns. o Bl the countrv ill probably be held here this week. Thv mad will f.allow the rtrer to rtv" . ad bttwan here and ILiii a. twenty nulee. Iwwa wai latva L-OtAN Different committees are hard t eork prepar-na to entertain thoee wtto tfote toe celebration here trni'Tme. Aa tie -her Wmdl ine n r Mleii Va ley cel i biate. a large attendance a antic pa ted. an mirilbie iittle ntn. and sat. tncre nma. 1 How mitrh did you pay fur l.e list you are wmnn "' 1 "Nmetv-eight renia' ' Are you tru.ty of the crime that la rharxed aaiD( you ."' "No. ' Thus diil tiie wtlv pr-oner attempt to entaoitsh her veracity and then convnee the jurr that ane was Innocent. But don't fortet that thia waa a iurv of women. verdlrt of (nr'rranle ineniry was bmu4ht in. "leveland Plain Dealer . bouse. K. B. Laigb then proposed W: E. risen, resigned. V. K. Greer waa appotntad ! "eider aa temporary chairman, talgb Tba board considered sketches of pra- campus Improvements drawn by Mr. Bodgdaa af Shepiey, Sutan A Coslldge, and by Mr. Etavta at BerUnghbt Davis. Jto acUon waa taken. It was votad thaattaa department of aar ricultural axtsnaton be organised with Prof. C W. rugalsy !a charge. Thia department win have charge of ail aaricultural exten sion work. Including farmers' Institutes. Bsorwaaaatlsar of tba farm departments In awiiiiilain s ' wttlj the creation of this de partment was left to the industrial commit tee wit a power ta act. The new department la vlrttsrally a emganlsarlon of the work formerly carried on by Superintendent of earners Institutes Vai Key aw. Sew Kagrlaaanrlaai Head. J. O. Hoffman, the newly el acted pro fessor of mechanical engineering, grad uated tram Purdue university In UM. being a elaaa mmt of Dean C. R- Rlcharda. whoaa place be now takes. Prior to that time be bad bad considerable practical ex perience la engineering work. Prof. Hoff man, tm medlar el y after graduation, be came an instructor in the shops at Purdue and he baa Bean continuously with that ln stmntaaj; drear aMtoeJ. i,Hi gradually , re ceivel anwKiBnai until hs Is now jrofeesor af acjlneertnaj design. I O Grady. K. Gieescn. P. J. Moran. P. ! or,un oetw-en too Treasury department . y-v n . ! and knpvui tn rmllmmm lh. aMiiartMi hut A. forecasted tn The Bee. Schneider wm;'"- aanan. , - " " " elected preadent of the board. K. R. 1 wl ,n" snowing were guests - .u , , hi. . . . I of the family: MSchaal Enftllab of St ! tlon- Thm morning after the defeat ol dent and John Silvan secretary cHie : M1" Catherine English. Mr. Md - Springer bia Morgan left for Wm, board at a saJary of Va . yr A c Mra. Tom McMahoa. Mr. and Mrs. Chanea I iDgWa accompanied by bis partner. Rob Pancoaw waa etaeted attorney for "the - M" Andestaaia. Mrs. Robert i Bacon, and hui lawver. Francia Lynda , . va o. .. w ; Wonee. Dr. and Mrs. Soain of St r.n. Stetson. Secretary af Waj; Lusont met elected chief engineer and truant officer. Mls" Fleming of Kansas City. Miss ! Maran at th" Xation and Informed blm I respectrrely Jiary amnion ot uak:and. Mr. and Mrs. w. ! -'" The reorganisation waa preceded by a I C"" Mary McCune of Nash- j boBa Md wo""1 ot are him. routine meeting of the old board. Restraint ! rli1- Tenn- and John Hayes of Co- J Morao "d hl" w"nt to ,h" Ar,!n- Iumbua, O. j "" wnere iney .jorum irom treasury Father Mor-anty preached the sermon of ' ,fPcUJ" of Imminence of the crtsia. ths day on the "Priesthood. - Father Mc- j Moran sat up ail Bight playing solitaire. Mahon wilt receive aa appointment in Th" nKCt nornina; be told his partner Omaha within the next few weeka. tbat he bad evolved a plan. Ha lemein- Cm . . k be red that when he waa a youna; man r- T, r p-u- Uncoln had faced ths crisis of aa empty u h 1 '"";n lD treasury, and that b. bad had an act del.JoH "DL. " UP" ti,B ! Ped mithorlxin, the president to pur fntf. 1 oliaM" rendered a verdict chlS(, whenBTBr th. tovmmeat : " ' aT m : needed It. and that w uj tunes iarr in. Wnen Srhneidsr declared nominations in order Leigtt nominated Schneider for the J permanent ohalrmanahlp. Al Hunter sought to checkmate tba move by nominat ing Leigh himself for ths chairmanship. Schneider waa elected by a strict party vote of three ta two. Mr. Schneider In assuming the duties of the chair thanked the board for the confi dence reposed tn blm. Ba indicated the policy of the new administration when he declared that there must hereafter ba a monthly report on expenditure. He said be wanted the taxpayers tn know just what was going on. He concluded by reiterating; hia promise of a "square deal for aU. When the nomination for secretary waa placed in ballot. AX Hunter, democrat, objected to raising; the secretary's salary to COOB a year. Ha said the present sal ary of MM waa enough and that the extra SeM could ba devoted to some other uses. Mr. Schneider declared that It the work was well done In the past It seamed strange that a threat of grand Jury investi gation waa necessary to obtain a report from ths socrotary. 'Seeretary aa Fell Ttaea ' Mr. Leigh, then' tank: thm Soar and toid the hoard that In view at tba fact that tna new board proposed to have the new Prof. Hoffman a specialty is beating and I ry dsvota aJ at bis time ta work af uie scaaaa ooara waa little enough. Besides tba Increase' was warranted by tba new charter, which waa legislated during tba reign of ths retlrma; board. The. motion of tba increase was carried forthwith. Kd Ryan, 'ra-eiected engineer, waa an other bone of dispute. Hunter objected to htm on the ground that ba bad not aa engineer s license. A motion ta make It necessary tor him to procure a license antecedent to being eanfJrmsd in his posi tion waa overruled by tna new majority. . A mottoa by the president nominating a oommlttee ot three to hire aa expert ac countant to audit the accounts was carried unanimously. The aomnnttsa at composed of EL II- Leig-h. chairman: Horaces, and Schneider. Thursday night tba board will mast again, at which Urns tt hi expected that the teachers and prtncdpaJa will be Mmtwr Saw Cosaaalttaea. The following are tba standing; commit tees for the ensuing year: , Teachera and Janitors Laagh. Schneider and Horaces. Supplies and Repairs Horaork. Leigh and Hunter. Buildings and Grounds Schneider. Ho racek and Techout. Claims Horscek. Hinfer and Schneider Judiciary Hjairr. Y em out and Laugh. t:our of tud Techout. Hunter and Schneider. ventilating anitlneerlng. tn thia branch ot tba profession ba la a recognised authority, having written a book which baa been favorably Received by engineers through out tba country. Ha Is also the author af a text book on machine design which is used tn many engineering schools. Includ ing ths trnlvaratty of Nebraska. Ona year ago Prof. Hoffamn waa preal- dont at t3k American Society of Heating and Ventilating engineers. Ha ta alas a asm bar of tba American society of me chanical engineers, of the American so elery of esfrigerating engineers and of the sadety for tba promotion of engineering ed oration. K. 3L. Fuitiedge. acting registrar, bas baa. a assistant registrar for four years. He graduated from the ard vet any In the class sf BB l-i. that being the class which received degree- at the dose of the summer- session, and of which Mr. Rut ledga was president. Fatal Auto Accident Near Beaver City Er. Bl 0. Header Hit Skull Fractsrei Wbea. Hia Cax Strikes Bridg fcad Torus Tuxtls. BEAVXS CITY. Neb... July 4 ?pa iai TetesTram.) Dr. H. A. Reagnr waa proba blv fataily injured tn aa autu accident aear Beaver CSlty this- mornins. The ear in which ba and Mrs. Reagnr and a pit tv af fneods were riding was guing at a lapid laasd wheal it struck a br d";e .throwing tna doctor out His skull was fractured be sustained Internal' Injuria. Tie oortar say aa cann-.t llv annl mom sr. Ha waa to have pitched tor Beaver C.ty tn oae of tba games at Arapahoe today. ctwrr Brfin TBiaj CTTT WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SELLS BUSINESS ta. Paal Flrw aad kariae laaansaa - Cew It. fFrom a Staff Correspondent) LEfCOLX, JuJy . ifpwial Teoxraai. Bv tba terma of a deal Just announced the Wesiers Ftra Insurance company of taia e Casssstttea Hakes ml US,le few Tear. According to the animate of the finance committee it will coat the dty of South Omaba T.5w tn run tty , machinery dur tcg the next tweiv montna. This waa the report made to the dty council at its regu lar meeting Monday afternoon. The meet ing Itself, except for one evidenca that the discipline of "Insurgent' STUIer la still on. was as orderly aa a prayer meeting. The member from the Fifth Introduced an ordinaiu-a to grada Forty-second street, from to L street. Oa a vote Miller's motion failed of a second. Councilman Huffman th m in trod need tbs morion and it carried without a second's hesitation on the part of the members. Miller laughed as the vote was recorded. An lncsacnt ef note was a petition from tbs I rear room of Miko Dlgglns' saloon on Sun day afternoon at S o'clock. Carr waa held for further 1nv sstlaMl Inn. Ths Invest; Ration brought out the fact that Mataoa a death waa not caused by a broken neck. Dr. Sam McClanaghan es tifled that tba autopsy bad shown that Mataon bad died aa tbs result of a cere bral hemorrhage caused by a tall or a blow. Matson's heart waa also found to be in. a bad condition. Ths testimony of the witnesses waa tn accord with tbs story of the lulling. In ths he thought .this statute still on the books. While at breakfast Pratadent Cleve land sent for him. The story continues: "The president's greeting waa very short and formal. Mr. Morgan looked at blm and saw that he was not smoking;, so ba did not light his own cigar. Ha and Bacon aat down at what waa des tined to be a memorable conference. Mr. Cleveland reiterated hia determination not to consent to a sals of government bonds to a syndicate of bankers or other wise. He discussed . the situation with room were four attorneys directly inter- j hlS ofr'r11 d'ra wWI Morgan and ested tn the n n, r n - - Hacon sat aa spectators in the scene. Ths for Mike DlTgin. proprietor of tba saioon ! mmu,M rew lnto nour Mr- Morgan WM in which Mataon was killed. Bob Mc- ' not tn make any suggestion. The Nalty. attorney for tbe Matson family, j VrmmiAeat was striving with hia own ad Dean Ringer, attorney for Carr, and Dep-' rt'ra ta nnd wav at JSfrjculty aty County Attorney Magney. j and w" determined to- do ft. if pofsriblo. I At last, a memorandum taken from a KalaJwiwIcr rtaaa. telephone message showed that there were Louis Kulakofsky waa fined U and costs i k, n . r.a r i.rr i v.- vrt. me imm court lontiay mornicg for peddling without a license. Immediately after passing sentence Judge Callanaa set aside the Ona The case vma the autrowtti of dry Prosecutor Mentally s determination to pro senba ths custom ot tbs mayor tn Issue Permits. Aa to the case In point Kuiakof k waa granted a permit by the mayor at the solicitation at ths Jewish charities. subtreasury. At -thia point. Mr. Morgan broke his silence. He aaul: 'Mr. President, the secretary of tba larassi t -knows at ona cheek- outstanding 'sr. SU.0Qa.4W. - If tMa is presented today, Ik 1a over.' ' "Mr. Carlisle bad told him tba evening before at the hotel about tula check. He had had it tn bis mind svei f minute autre that time. The secretary confirmed this no Intervened because or h tiiabirbv'. I inability to procura a llcenW at the time ! tU?"d " MontM to" Br tta" The man. it la said, bad lust recovered from aa illness and was In dire distress. Mayor Trainor granted a permit for a couple of months, with the understanding " a-ajaaoiaay would procure a license with the opening of tbe aew fiscal year. Jake SmaiL a policeman, refused to recog nise tbe permit and arrested the peddler In a few hours. Chief Brtgga. after having released the man once, considered his reareen a dis obedience to orders and accordingly sus pended Small. A- - r " W, Teasala Beat Pre. noath Omaha lodge Xa win ceietjrate on July H the event of having the Ancient i Order of United Workmen temple free of ! oeoi. a committee of fifteen baa the matter tn charge and ta arranging for a larga program. The grand lodge officers of Nebraska will be present and a number of prominent speakers from the state have also bean Invited. The Omaha lodges will participate tn the celebration by coming bere In a body with their band. They will be met at Twenty-fourth and J streets, where a Parade will b formed to march through town aad to tbe temple. Traaiaa Carekea Xeiieas. John C Trouton. state f!re warden, when hs went home Monday night found Joe G- Mexican, trying- to break into hia residence at 1S North Twenty-fifth street. Trouton attacked the Mexican, who Hod at.breaknevk speed toward Twenty tourth street. Tba Bra warden la some aprinter, bow over, and he overtook the wouldbe night artist In front of Ths Bee offlca on Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Trou ton ta a scuffie with the man narrowly missad being Blabbed. Hia dothlng waa cut through. The Ere warden overcame Uie Mexican nad took him to the police stauun, where li&asa told the polios that ba was only looking for a Bight's lodging. Ha ta employed In the sewers Ceattartera Gwt Cut, One hundred and fourteen thousand dot lark worth of bonds were mailed Monday morning to apitner a Co- of Toledo, O. and said: 'Have you anything to suggest "To this man who is accustomed to tak ing ths Initiative tn things it bad been aa ordeal to sit silent and inactive that morn ing at the Waits House. Wnen ha began to speak he talked rapidly. He told the president of bis recollection of that "section number four thousand and something' of the United States statutes. "At a word from tho president Attorney General Olnev stepped out of the room and and In a moment returned with the book of leiised statutea Hs told ths president f ' A I Whenever You see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola Think of it anyway and always, because it points the way to beverage enjoyment. You'll find its touch of delicious vigorousness a wonder ful help in meeting those summer discomfortsheat fatigue and thirst, iv,!- ' 7 wrr m Uwi w. 'V fVoIinar n n dron in the temnernture takes the r e r tt t t . t tag out ot tatigue really quencnes tne tnirst. So whenever you see an arrow or a soda j m s a r ea a S. S. Conrannoa asking for Ca dsmages 1 and tba dty began at fur mjunes sustained by himself and dam ages to his horse, buggy and harness as I he result of a fall la sn alley bat eeeu j Twemy-eecond and Twenty-third streets. . "-as w aia 3t inii ; om 0 tn p Th. petition alleges that the row bihi ainm lnsituoa company uf tt. Paul, and will retire from the field nsrmaaenily. According to tbe reports a ilfflcteat amount will ba realised from ' tha sals so that stockholders of the Ne braska campany w 11 obtain face vaiua for their snarea aad something additoaal. TT' a sale marks tna end of tba carperaa. rxlstancs of ths kxal rotnpaay. etltioaer was thrown from hia buggy on Tune 3, sustaining tniuriea to bis back, arm. leg and brow, lie aise avers that he bad suffered internal tolunea The pe- n i. Lyle uf Oeaaka general aifat , meat, stats fur tbs St Paul company, i Fol.owmg tba aortheen eompany's bust- i ths mayor WIUl in. Thia conducted asss In tbatriuiractioa and renreeeniai tbaa througnout in all of the aegotiatinna. Tna Waanjam oompany at tbe lat r TU nad aaeut pustma .neuraaca la f.irc. tition waa referred to (be &lj attoraey. J. D. Joaes, meat inspectiir. rendered a report to the count 11 fur iba month of June. The uufiector condemned eleven head I of t attle. Ova sheep and sal pounds of oaca ta draw aa lo cal banks for tha money. The bonda will caver tbe coat of paving districts Moa. 3a. 3. M. S. SS. and at They pay SS per csntr Interest and are redeemable after ten yearn, maturing at twenty. Aa a eoasequrnse of this bond sals con- Jubilaot Monday. City aVaaalp. Ths United ataiae nostottica will be eioaed at in o el oca thia morning. Juha FeaneU. deputy oty cierk will re turn from hia vacauua after tha Fourth ol Juiy. Levi Proud foil I was called to r'uihv if n I auooay aiani. sy Lae aews ex bx an adurament ta July i j Journai clerk Jonn Men ell nimday ta laka part ta today's cil aas Invited -eirbratloB. It was further announced that tbe Board of Equalisation woadd meat oa July U whale It bad coll rated la t I and 12. et? la prennuma. I Fat bee kalakes kara - - Ths Wesiara Ftra Lnsurancs eonua-iyj At St. Bridget's church where twenty baa been hi existrm-a aligtitiy ever! three years ago ba bad beea baptised T lt etT-cars and Ui gest stuckhoid- Jamas P. McMahoa. era ears ueatrge Moiraee. K. c. Foaara. ano. stood at ths a. tar for tba first ! TB. B. Stephenson. C D. Muitea. HL d tire fur Sidney, ro.. wbwre be wul a pen a ais vacation. Counalmea John Hi ha. and teorge Hoff uaa axtiect lu una. a an a two wee vacaoua in a faw oaya Mike Diga-as aaitaon was ordered doaed Muouay uunuac ay tae Uuerd. uf k in aad. iruiica eonuniaatoaara Tba public schnei children who will par ticipate in tue r ourta mt July canmuaia W"U mmm L. ilMMar avanliu ar r.n, a alive . tsurtn aad O iu at u duck. Rev. A. You will be told there are other Plymouth Gins there is but one original and that is Coates& Ca's made at the Black Friar's Dis tillery since 17S3 the same to-day as thm. The dry sxa with th naToar." Try ic la jvmr Bert rickey. fixx or cock, tail aota tbe ttinereaca. Send for our interest ing booklet, 1 J 1UIU About Coca -Cola" fountain, think of Coca-Cola. Delidoixs - Refresithg Wtclciczie Sc Every where THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. 2 Wheneref yoa see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola r M k W ! m i mwMipa i fc ' fiuaui raua iJavLut j j i ? V .PBfflltE . It ZZ20?' I !! The Dry Gin xcith tke Flavour" Every Hotel. Cuh, Restaur ant and Cafe has Caaies St Ox's Original Pymou'ii Dry Gin it is known tbe world over there must be a i C U. Talmage t Omaha. Bt la and. Jtsapb Oraiagar. C J. k traal j la t aaaiecs a auid or eauglu Dr. KJng-a eurea t!in aad presents sutM Fatfier McManoa from childhood , sais ay to manhood bat ia lanereat tba Wbita Durnr at s4t ur-rin . ) Monday morning' to celebrate auami uu mu-n ive tor M itmmm aim awn uuprovea m. ' w hue will ann all triaem ut Oiua arred mrsttrlia la the eace ef his parents and thousands of rela tives and friends. Ths rerecnuay segas at t.M a'elork. Aa the ma hasn thousands who had Crag Ca (ahUa ba aiasiad atia. Of "Aa foil tk. Ir" tha suuusHomt uf ol".. Flu-u waa find ia inn ajr tuunung ia 11 (3um para. The iwav. whto-a a a in. aunwa f The funeral of John Miaoa wdl taka plaue at Larain a (uaerai .-a..-iars Vvednca- oajr auariMMaa a. 1. ttsi i$4 malt n 2na m cam. Mas, Vtaauiw i tearam avarr eas beea am ewv SiXTY YHAti 4y M.UjONii .4 aoTH-ea ioa kr CtII.i.'Ji. WUJU TKHThl.'iiG. w-th PHyt-'T mtCJ-la. H. S"HTMEs the rHIJIU. aOITHMv the r.Dkl CO! COME WITH US TO OR ADO Where It Is 'Cool and Comfortable "-. Next excursion to the Famous Costilla Irrifratetl Lands in the worufcrful ?ai Loi3 Valley of Colorado on TUESDAY, JULY 11TH Round trip fare from Missouri River territory $'23.rn We furnish free Pullman sleeper bertha from Denver and free hotel ai-rommodationa on the tract to honie seekers and investors accompanying; na. Thee choice Costilla irrigated Iandg -with perpetual water risht? are now sellinir at $3 per acre on ten year terms. Ther mean crop-certaintv, crop-assurance ami therefore rapid increase in value. There i no waitin'r for rain on the Costilla lands. The accumulated, water , from the mountains is always there for the crops. No excessive heat, no drouth, no uncertainty- t ome with us and see for yourself the immense Sanchez .lam and r?wrvo.T ii2d syf ten: of canals waterine this beautiful tract of 10:),0i)f) acres (the "Jrt private irr; (ration project in the Unite.! States), the new towns pprinzinup. t. un.irpa.HWd crpi beinjr raiei under irrijration. Talk with the farmers. Judxre for ymirself of the opportunity offered hre. 0i? don't Trait, Get ready now. COM2 NEXT TUESDAY, JULY 11TH. It's doligrhtful at Costilla now. and detailed information. The coupon SHEDD INVEST MENT CO., Fifth, Floor, Eaare Bldj., Phones: Bell, 4254 Douglas. OMAHA, Aato, 2303 A. ' NEB. Jo.t phone or write ua for literature below will brinr it at once. SHEDD DTV. CO, Banigw P!dt Omaha, Nebraska. Plea.e tni your Costilla, literature. akai Cut oat this coupon -d it today. e :lw nat nwa M UUMHilt. tt ts a 1 aoWLrtv aanaina. aw aai mmf aw k - Mia I I V auotaiaa; eroa." uh r as otaas 1 1 1 mi n aiad. Twcaus-aesusaaaa Mw.