Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Third D7 f Torrid WaT Bringi
Mora Abnormal Temperature!.
Tbraa Deaths la ew York, la la
!, rear la rfclladetafcla,
r la Kaaea City
Faae la Detroit.
WAHIN1TO.y, Joty -Th ih rd day ef
th heal v spread Ilk a hot b arket
from New Pnglsnd lit western Ksnsss
nd brought no hop. of fnaiked relief. A
light baromotrto dfr'lm) ahirh the
w ather (harp ar la now frmlnf In tie
northwest, la th only hop now he:d out
,VnlM it grow to. a fullfledgt-d rain
form, ttiera la no Immediate pmapct el
reenii from tha abnormal temperature
and oppreselva humidity whlnh hav rol-le-fed
a rorord-breaking toll of death and
suffering. , '
"No material change salt of tha Mlls
Ippt river during tha riest hlrty-rU
, hour." aald Iho .weather man today.
"Comwrd. N. H. In tha beart of tha
Now England mmiflff enttsg auction of
,oot hllla and brwty'sa shore, tb
hottest place In shs Untied "tt at
o'cnh thia morning. Tbo mercury regis
tered degrees. In tha towering altliod
of rtagaiaff. Aria, It played around 44.
Tare Dm i ha la aw York.
NKW TOBK. July 4-Th h.-t wava rf
lesed Ita hold today, tiHtiowgh tha weather
wa warm raouglr to' cause dlaromfort ard
dtath and prostration from h heat.
Tha offlo'aJ tempera tur at It o'clock wn
tt. erm pared wth M at tha tlma ye-
tarda. A thunder atorm off tha eoast
early th a morning and. brink sea breessr
war responsible f T tha change.
- Thre death war recorded todav, bring
ing tha total fine funday morning up to
PIlltADIUJPTtlA. JnTy 4,-Whri tha
temperature tiere at I a. m. waa 13 drgT-"
lower than at tha aama hour yesterday,
when It registered tt dvgrees, the day was
Just aa unomfortsbl brai of tha tx
trmly high percentage of humidity. T
tarda? morning It waa K per cent and tbla
morning It waa 6. Fifteen desths havo
heen reported during tha, h at wsv.
Mlaaoart Valley Tvmpr r4area rllajs).
KANSAS CTTt, July .-Thrs wera four
daatha from heat and, a deien prostrations
hero today. At' 1 o'clock tho go'mmot
waathar bureau,.'' tweW tort abov tha
treat, report d ,101 degree. ,
Tha minimum temperature hare for tho
twenty-four hotfn ended -at T o'elaclt-Trrrs
morning waa M.atid, a.' m. today. The
thermometer te-a'.at- M at m'dnight and
at 1 a. ra. felUra. lawna and In tha
poorer quartaray avan the at reel wtre ra-
ortad to by pereono aaeklng a breath Of
breaio and alaep.-1
At 7 o'elookt thia morning tho tempera
ture waa U. at Kt Joaeph. Mo.; at Okla
homa City.' t W. and at port Worth.
Tex., TO. Kairlng a trace at Oaage City.
Kan., laat . rtlght. there jiaa been no rain
and none a predicted today. Thouaanda of
lawna la the city are burned brown. Ia
rompanlea are begging the con turner to
bo oeonomical that they may havo enough
to auppry tho demand.
At noon tha temperature recorded at the
weather, bureau waa 100. A temperature of
Kit a( noon waa reported from' Topeka.
Atohlaoa and Ballna, Kan. Bedalla. ito..
reported a temperature of 101 at noon, i '
fctaa Daatha la Chleaara.
CKICAOO. July 4-Nlne deatha. .and
twenty proatratlona duo to tho Intenae. heat
were re'portad In Chicago up to 1 o'clock
today. Ai light hot breeao from tho aouth-,
weat added, to tho clty'o auffarlnc. . j'
Rata la It. raal.
T. TAVI July 1-Baln which began
falling during th night and continued al
most ateadtly until nearly .10 o'clock thia
foronnon. aooled the tamperaturo In the
aarty part of tho day.
Tho official '(emperatare reading today
waa at V o'elo-fe when tho mercury ahowed
tt degree.
Weet of atlnneaota cooler temperaturea
prevailed today, v
Two IWataa la C3olaabaa, O. "
COLCMBU O.. July 4-Tha heat wave
contlnuea In Columbua' today and two
deatha thia mornlni arc attributed to th
high temperature. Tho thermometer today
to higher than yeaterday. but a -alight
braeae afford eome relief. '
Oaa Ioah la t. Loala.
WT. LeOClS. July 4 One death from the
heat waa reported to tho police today. The
temperature at 11 o'clock waa H degreee.
TJia weather forecaater expect tha govern
ment thermometer will reglater 100 degreea
today, tho aama aa yeaterday.' The mini
rrt'iro during the nht waa tt.'
Faar Deatha la Detroit.
fETBOIT. July 4.-four deatha duo to
heat were reported today, making a
txHal of eight in Detroit for three daya.
(Continued from First Pag)
tfcouaead of people turned out to see him.
War Mat Bellttlea.
Ta hi speech to the veteran th presi
dent said In part:
"I am far from saying that war ha not
la times past accomplished much ta th
progress of th world, wbathet tho earn
progree migrtt save seen - achieved la a
Mar peaceful way. It la unaeoeaaary to
dlaeusa. Probably not.
"tt was by war that tbla country gained
h Independence of Great Britain. If Eng
land had been better advised probably war
aeuld aot have ensued, and wo might now
be, aa In the case of Canada, cherishing
attachment ta tho mother country without
Cttsfiplete independence.
The war of U1I might certainly har
beaa avoided by arbitration. Th questions
th ro presented were queetlon. all of-which
hive been eettied by tho judgment of man.
k.i4 la favor of our aide of tho contro
"The war with Mexico though there la
nm disiHit ever this waa one of tha
qjeetlon capable of aolutioa by an m
irwrttal tribunal.
."tvbetber th civil war could havo been
at tided la a ery difficult question to
er. When slavery ha become em-sM-)4
la th social fiber of a country It
1 pbie that only aa excision by a war
ni( cue reawve th cancer.
.' J'o shall I attempt to answer a similar
aueatiua as to tha iipanUa war. It la one
vf times taalaaces of Internal dlsseaslon
!U Ike civil war and yet I believe the
ajbmisiu of the leue to a tribunal mtrfit
have affevted gpaia'a treatment of Cuba
ks each a way that wo could have avoided
a rert to arm. (
('adttlaaa la tew Anerleaa.
"The awful coaaequeave to tw heavily
aree4 eeuairieo u4er avodera. conditions
f er have beva a great deterreat of war,
but the trrospoaaibtUty of mea ciaimlng to
tea pairiota aad destrtag to overturn exist
lag goverasMnts wbera law aad urder are
w welt eetab(uh4 ha led to a greet deal
f gwemlla warfare aad to th suffering of
a.ucai people, who ftad aa real prktctple
tauled sa ta taa eoateaViag parUea ex
cect thai of a h. ;ian for pwer. 1
"Ma f lh luod a wrk ttaa occurred
-. " '
In Sonth America and In Central .Amevfca
and in the dere of guardlanahlp which
tha t'nlted Btatea muet feel over the re
publlce of thia hemlephero. In maintaining
their Integrity agalnet European Invaalon,
a ought to welcome every opportunty
which glvea ua a legltlmat Inetrument by
which wo can make lea probable auch In
ternecine etrlfe.
'In tbo aaeertlon of that eort of gnard-
lanrhlp we have to be careful' to avoid
the charge, which la alway made" by the
eueplclou that w are eeeklnf' bur on
aggrandliemenL It I an Unfounded
charge, for we envy no power If' territory.
We have enough. But wo have been able
to fend off war In five or mora'lhetancea
of recent .date because of our attitude' 'aa
an older brother of theaa omall govern
ment. ' '
Iteetrletloae Omitted v'
"For tha farther aecurrng of (peace and
aa an example to all tho ' world of th
poenlbllltlea of th ueo of arbitration w
have Invited England and Franca and' Ger
many to make a treaty for the arbitration
of all difference of an International char
acter that In their nature can be adjudi
cated. We have left out thoee exception
which have heretofore always been excluded
from arbitrable controversies Question of
a nation's honor and of It vital Interest.
"Of course I cannot aay with poeltlveneee
that all these treaties will b. madar.and
confirmed. -L can-'only say that th -prospect
of an agreement with "the executive
of one of the countrleg I reasonably, eure
and w have every hope a to tha other
two .-' -.. ,
"Objection haa'been made than an agree
ment to arbitrate a queetlon of national
honor ought not to be entered .Into, for
the-reason that when one'a honor is af
fected ohe. will never consent, to ''have the.
question arbitrated and therefore that to
agree to do ao In advance 1 ta. sarreo to
do something that one will not bA willing
to do and that one doe not Irit'j l ,'tJ do
and therefor It savors of kyp(n'viy; and
ought , not to bo adopted as a'" national
policyr - - . . ' J
"I cannot concede th premliee oj. this
argument. ' I look upon a treatyfiii thia
sort aa a self denying ordinance, 4, self
restricting obligation. A willingness of
great countries like Oigland, France, Ger
many and the United State' to submit all
their ..difference, oven. Involving . their
honor, to an Impartial tribunal will bo ft
lep; forward in the cause of peae for tha
world that can hardly be estimated." . ,
Tho president told the banker that the
Aldrlch -plan oould not bo regarded a a
politic! measure and should have th sup
port of men' of all political parties. '
.(Continued from ; First Page.)
"141 trews Margaret Brent" represented by
Sheriff John J.' Hanson and Mies Cather
ine Self, was fol lowed by a large parade.
Haadred Thoaaaad Slnsj Asaerlea.
DENVER, July . "My Country, 'Tie of
Thee," sung' or hummed by 'more than
IW.OOn person marked the celebration of a
sane Fourth in Denver. At 11 o'clock the
booming of a great bell In the tower of a
down t-iwn department store gave tho sig.
nal for' Mi beginning of a military and
Industrial parad. Th crowds packing the
streets, in the parks, street cars and the
unfortunate In offices and stores joined
In the song of the republic. A eoot breeao
from tho mountain - tempered tho sun'
ray. - . : . - ,
Compete Uptake la At. Laala. .
8T. tOUIrt, July .-Vlebratlons,j lrl-
t ended ta be ai and. sane, were scheduled
to ho. rfhj re vjqday- amj .tocljrljt. ;Vdar
tho auspices- of the . Central TradeaPand
tJibor union And tho Building1 JfraHo, coun
cil, a -proteek meeting Was held. Samuel
Qompsrs, . president of the Amerloan Fed
eration of Labor, and Frank M. Ryap,
president of the Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers, addressed tha mooting.
No Firwworka fa it. . Joseph. ,
ST. JOSEPH, Ma, July 4. St. Joseph en-
Joyed Its first "an Fourth", today with
th discharge of firework prohibited. The
heat la Intense, wljh Indications of oquaillng
yesterday's record of 10.
Moaasaeat ta SfaeGahaa TJavelled.
NEW IXINUTON, O., July , A monu
ment to th memory of J. A. MaoOahan.
an American Journalist, whom the Bul
garian call their "liberator," waa unveiled
her today. ' MacOahan worked In this' be
half, In conjunction with Arthur Forbes,
in rousing Europe to tho point of putting
an end to the Bulgarian atrocities. Almost
a generation ! ago th' remain' of McOahan
were brought back from Constantinople on
a man-of-war.
ClerelaneT Wlthoat Fireworka. '
T CLEVELAKD, O., July, tWNot .a single
firecracker, toy pistol or gun was fired in
Cleveland today. A parade ddrtng the
day and public firework tonight were the
feature of Cleveland' Fourth celebration.
ST. PAUL. July 4. Governor Eberhart
and Mayor Keller, preceded by a band, led
about 1,000 youngster through th city
street to Harriet Island City .park, on
the Mississippi river, today, for the Com-'
merclal club's annual "safe and sane"
Fourth of July celebration.
Ambassador aad Mrs, Held Beeetre.
LONDON, July 4. Tho Fourth of July
reception at Dorchester house by Am Be,
sador and Mr. Raid wag even more largely
attended than usual on account of. the faet
that a large number of th American who
cam over to attend th coronation are
still In London. Standing at tho head of
th grand staircase for two qoit, tjia am
bassador and Mrs, Raid wsri constantly
occupied In welcoming a stream of-guest.
On tho lawna and tarraoea of th Reld
mansion buffet tents had . bean erected
for refreshments, which were served to
th guests. 1 - -,
American FlaaTo la Rea.-' '1
ROME. July 4. Many American flags
waved hero today In the vicinity of the
American pavilion at the International ex
hibition. Mgr. Kennedy, . rector , of . tha
American college in Rome, gave a dinner
to tha studeuts and many ptelateal num.
boring WO. . .
Big Celebration ta Maalla.
MANILA. July 4. There was an Ideal
celebration-of Independence day her, fine
weather contributing Ua ahare. , Th Fili
pino Joined with th American resident
lo th publlo exercises. . Fifty thousand
persons turned out.
Freak Mirk Attacked 'at Klxteeatk
aad Vlatoa tree Is, Tesgki
, Dilvtrg a peanut wagon around tha corner
of Sixteenth and Vinton streets, at. S:3p.
o'clock last night. Frank Nick SOI North
Twentieth atreet. waa attacked, by .a gang
of young men who, it ia aald. make that
corner their favorite haunt.
Nick was pulled from his wagon and
beaten by a dosen of the fellows, while
others demolished his peanut wagon.
A. Vogt. loll Vinton street, cam to the
peanut vender acslstanro and reoeived a
severe besting at tha band of th gang.'
A riot call waa turned Into tho (Ue
station and policemen arrived at the corner
to find tbo gang had disappeared. Mer
chant told tha officer that tb rowdies
had made it a custom of "banxlnr about
that ooravr and btj( .ua. 1J. Lfsjgrfc"
(Continued from First t'age.)
about the ring, during the minute's rest.
At th gong he rushed to Clove quarters,
sending bla light -to the kidneys. Moran
crtaliated with two atraight rlghta lo the
fftce and tb champion swung back wildly.
However, he landed several hard right and
left wallopa to th stomach and they cloeed
la. flgbtlng at an awful pace. Wolgaet al
most sent the .Knglishman througn the
ropes with neart punches, but Moran came
back gamely and scored frequently on the
body. Another rally followed with both
fighters apparently tiring from tha hurri
cane pace. Wolgast had the better of the
round. '
Hound JO "Wolgaet forced the issue, but
waa met with a straight right on the jaw
and they slowed up With the champion
swinging ills left to the JaW And almost
sending the Briton through the- ropes with
riant, and Jeft-to. the body and face. Moran
brought the Crowd to Ita feet aa he met
Wolgast at his own game,' beating him to
the punch and starting tho bio fromd the
champion's mouth. Wolgast slowed per
ceptibly and they rested In a clinch, Moran
swung a hard right t othe Jaw and they
were In another- slashing rally when the
belled .clanged. . It waa Moran' round.
Bound 11 Moran opened with two lefta
to th face and a moment later shot two
mora to tha same place and escaped a re
turn. They clinched, and exchanged rights
to tho face. Moran after blocking several
rights, drov his right to th face. Wol
gast countered with slashing body punches
but Moran did not. give way an inch. The
Briton swunx rlaht and left hard to th
Jaw and clevdrly thwarted a vlcloua as
sault. It waa Moran'a round and he ap
peared to be gaining strength.
Bound 1 a hey clinched, -hammering
away at each other' body and face. Wol
gast sent two right uppercuta to the body.
Moran then ahot a atraight left to th fare
and another o the nose, Wolgast retaliating
with two forceful body punchee. Moran
swung his right to the Jaw at long range
and quickly followed It with a left to the
same mark. Wolgast started Moran s
mouth bleeding wlfh a hard right Just as
th bell rang and the Briton spat a tooth.
Brltoa Kaaeked Oat.
Round 12 Wolxast rushed desperately
and finally forced th Briton Into a cor
ner. I hey had not been ngnting thirty
seconds when the champion shot hi right
with terrific force to the pit of the itom-
a h. The Impact of the blow waa heard
clear across the arena. QulcW aa a flssh
Wolxant sent two more rlxhts to the stom
ach and as Moran began to fall a left hook
found the jaw. Moran went to the floor
with hla mouth open and hi eyes glassy,
lie wAi counted out wltil in a recumbent
position. -
They Relate to Moaqaltoea and th
v Beat Way ot Bateetalalag
"' . Them,'1... ' ,'
A little heed' now lo'tncle Jim Wilson's
official thought on mosquito bite and you
may save yourself many ; an , itch and a
lot of unnecessary scratching In the Imme
diate future. Th secretary f agriculture
haa Just Issued a bulletin telling how not
only to "doctor the bites, but .explaining In
detail how to catch a tnosq;tifto jon the bed
room ceiling at th very first Jab.
Incredible a this latter" statement may
seem Oven tr th ' beat of bedroom aero
Imts, Secretary Wilson certifies that It
his been don in several' part of th
United State. Tb feat as' accomplished
under Secretary Wilson's dlcertiona, I not
however' entirety .devoid of excitement.
There 1 a chance of dropping a, little kero
sene ojl'into your upturned face.
"A home-mads apparatus" is, necessary
for this ' improved bedroom campaign
against th "skseter." As described In tb
department bulletin It consist of a tin cup
of tin can cover nailed to the nd of a long
tick In such a way. that, a spoonful of
kerosene can bo placed in th cup.
"The cup," say the bulletin, "may then
by mean of th stick be pressed up to
th gelling so as to enclose on mosquito
after another." ;.
A soQn as th mosquito perceives that
ha la. cauxht under tha ouo ho bee mea
n&nicslfcken and file right dew, into
th kerosene. It is an interesting; pay etio
logical -fact that the human hand.,' appa
ratus has no such effect upon mosquitoes
of any variety, for ther are many well
authenticated -lnstancea where . they hav
been enclosed' In th hand and -Instead of
beating about trixdly' far an opening, hav
lurked quietly . In a. finger crevice with
vary- -evidence ot self-possession and
sanity. "
Secretary, Wilson, however, has great
faith in tha tin can macnod.
"By It" he says, "perhaps th majority
of 1 mosquitoes In a,, given bedroom cer
tainly all or those resting on tho oelllng
can bo caught befor one goes to bod."
Some objections havo been heard to this
method because of. Its lnexpertness, but
It Is understood that none of tho fault
finders his yet tried ttfe tin cup and kero
sene method on sidewall or lac curtain
mosquitoes. j
Secretary Wilson also suggested a mos
quito trap after a model Invented by H. I
Maxwell Leroy of Indiana. Till trap I
a fpot long, a foot wide and nine Inane
deep, lined . with dark 1 green . balsa nnd
having a hinge door.' aJ small hole, to be
covered when deaired by a revolving piece
of wood or metal, ia cut in th top ot th
box. This trap l designed to tak ad
vantage of th mosquito' desire for a nioa
cool resting placa after a hard night's
work. Th agricultural bulletin tell how
to set this trap;' ' . .
"Owing to th habit of mosquito," it
says, "to eek a cool shady place in which
to rest, such a; a dark comer of th room
or a bookshelf or something of that sort,
they will enter tho trap, which I put In
th part of tho room moat frquented by
mosquito, all other dark plaoeo being rea
der ed uninhabitable aa far as possible
They gre driven out of bookshelves with 'a
duster or tobacco moko and got Into a de
sirable sleeping place for the day. The
door is then closed 'and faatened and Into
th mal hoi at . th top of th hog a
teaspoonful or' lea of benslno Is then In
troduced. .TW kill th mosquito Inside
and tha box i ' thoroughly aired and re
placed." ...
Secretary Wilson say 'Mr1. ' Lefroy has
been vary successful in catching mosquitoes
In this way. He has averaged aa many as
eighty-three a day.
Ur." L. O. Howard,' th department's chief '
entomologist, who .prepared the pamphlet
for Secretary' Wilson, ' says tha best mix
ture he ever found' to' prevent mosquito
bites - waa mad of . oil ot cltronella, one
ounce; spirits of camphor, one ounce, and
oil of cedar, half an ounce.
"Ordinarily," aaya tho official bulletin,
"a few drop on a bath towel hung over
the headf of th bed will keep the common
house mosquitoes away. Whey they are
very abundant and persistent a few drops
rubbed on th fao and hands' will auffic.
Th government officials . acknowledge,
.however, that even thia .mixture won't be
good for all night and that If ou want a
real- sleep. -you" will t havo. to get up and
dose yourself again just befor dawn.
New York Sun. x ' r
Meaaaer of Caaasalttea Make It Plain
What View Ho Taken (
llllaela Kle-etloa.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia., July -Special
Telegram.) Senator Kenyon la a Chautau
qua address la this city this afternoon
made U plain to tboussnds of people that
he believed Senator Lorlmer. was elected
through bribery. Comparing the Bishop of
I)., a character in Victor Hugo' Le Miser
able, to "present day political leaders, he
made the etatement, "Had we more men
yejnn todgl. Ihera. would.' not J) whole
township In Ohio bought or legislatures
corrupted in-our neighboring slate of Illinois."
Tb statement waa greeted with vocifer
ous cheers from thousands.
Activities aad goeaeeeea at Heary to
tlaXsea Before tho
Canrta. -
Henry L. Stimson first cam promi
nently Into th publlo eye when, aa United
State district attorney', ha conducted suo
ceesfully a notable series of prosecution
against half a dosen of tha big railroad
s stems for giving rebate to th Bugar
trust. Those prosecutions closely followed
his appointment by President Roosevelt
early In M08. After he bad twice con
victed tho New York Central befor a Jury,
th Hock Island, the , Bt. Paul and th
Central Vermont all pleaded guilty and
the Ureat Northern, which held out, met
th same fat as th New York Central
In a Jury trial,
Ther followed in cloe succession th
prosecution . of various paper combina
tions, and th beginning ot the case
against the American Sugar Refining com
psny, .which rssuited In verdicts ot guilty
against th trust Itself, as well as against
Charles B, Hleka,, Ua treasurer; th u
perlntandeat of -the Havemayer aV Elder
refinery In Williamsburg and various men
under blm-.-.Th Sugar trust custom
frauds cases and. other prosecution for
violation t t th' c as to ma laws brought
in fine and back duUea Into th
United Statea treasury.
Th other big financial ease of tho Stim
son regim in th United Statea attorney'
office was the prosecution of Charles W.
Morse aad his conviction tor wrecking tho
National Bank of North America. Mr.
SUmson was still engaged la winding up
the sugar " cases when he - resigned and
wa succeeded by Henry A. Wise, In th
spring ot ltn. He continued aa special
counsel to tbo government until tho last
Bugar tcuat defendant waa convicted. Then
cam a period, ot the practice of law, In
which he had been engaged from tb time
of hi graduation trdm th Harvard Law
school In 19L
When ths republican progressives got
control of ' the Saratoga convention last
summer Theodora Roosevelt mad Mr.
SUmson his candidate for governor and
brought about ih nomination, which waa
followed by hi defeat. '
Since the first of the year Mr. Stimson
has delivered several addresses that at
tracted attention. In which he placed him
self In th progressive wing of tbo party.
In state affair ho has' declared himself
a believer In th policies that Governor
Hughe advocated, HI moat recant pub
llo activity has been as head of tha new
firs prevention bureau established by th
Cltixens' Committee of Safety. Thl work
wa put under way' following the Triangle
Shirt company's disaster, and waa a volun
tary service so far as Mr. Stimson and
th other organisers ' of tho bureau are
concerned. "
Mr. Stimson ia 43 years old and a mem
ber of the law firm of Wlnthrop ae Stim
aon, of which Senator Root was a member
before ho entered ' President MoKlnley's
cabinet, aa secretary., of war. His oity
horn la 176 Lexington avenue and hi
country placa at Cold Spring Harbor, Long
Island. New York Time.
"Niae-Ltve Datcalo," Pnlntln;
Tradesman, Survives Inna-
-I'M nterablo Palls.
b ,T ' :r.m n,L ' ' '
RsFeHow worlmMBt4kJ tni'mixii., . j
,0MprEvan Sherman. ,wio la ,a0 years old.
anu live at noo rWMt On Hundred and
,'Twsnty-flrst street,.,. Nw York. "Nln.
Lives Dutchi," and his . old schoolmate
dubbed him "Kitty. . , th Human . . Cat."
both sobriquet having to do with Bher
mon's ability to fall from heights varying
from ten to 100 feet without hurtina- him
self.. H himself estimates that he has
nad about 100 falls. But be show him
self without a scratch, and is sura that
no isn t going to die that way.
,Ho fell eight stories recently from the
Scott Bowno building, near tbo Brooklyn
bridge, about 100 feet But he was stlU
th "Human Cat" of youth, for he landed
on th flagstone on , his , feet. x And it
wasn't because of Injuries that h went to
St- Gregory's hospital. His trousers were
torn and he went to the hospital to wait
Ull another pair was sent him. Hi knee
were somewhat bruised, and one hand
Ho was standing on tho outer sill of a
window In th eighth story when h slipped
and pitched out Into th air. Criea of
horror arose from those who saw him
from the Street, and' they turned their
head away to avoid tha sight of seeing
the man killed. But "Nine-Lives Dutchie"
saw on his way down some telegraph
wires, and h grabbed for one. He caught
it, but hi weight tor tho wire from his
grasp. However, this act brok hi fall.
He landed on hi feet and aank to hi
knee. For a llttl wb.ll h was atunned,
but when th ambulance got ther he waa
sitting up.
"I've been falling ever sine can re
member,"' .a said Sherman. "I tarted by
falling out of my high chair. When I was
a boy. th other boy called me 'Kitty
th Human Cat I wa always oUmblng
up somewhers and falling a good part of
th Uma I hav fallen out of fruit trees
about twenty-five time. I guess. I nay
toppled off barn or out of th hayloft
about twenty time, too. Tve fallen off
tenoe about. thirty times, off boats six,
and bicycles eighteen. '
"Only, two weeks ago I tumbled off th
fourth story of a building, and I wasn't
A bit hurU Tv had o much practice that
I'v kind ef got -th knack of failing on
my feet l)kh pussy cat do."
The human tumble-bug said tbat during
his fall he bad his faculties with him all
the way. .. ,
"When .! started to shoot dawn V Wln
of got a hunch that say good luck In ths
past wasn't going to Assert ma.'? Shermon
explained. But thia was sur th biggest
ever got., xou bet my brain was
working fast. "-New Tork World.
Pet Cat ml Flresara Discovers Pint
Iaeet af Klad Thl Season
nan Adopts It.
A lusty seventeen-year locust, discovered
by the pet cat of hos company No. 10, has
diverted th attention of a Urge number of
persons from ths weather.
The notorious Insect was serving as a
substitute for a mouse for puss, which had
dlscovsred It i under an arc lamp In front
of the engine house, when the winged pest
waa rescued. A, C. Nelson, of th ho
company, aald laat night that he was fa
miliar wijjj. th appearance of tha locust
and that he was sure of Its Identity.
The chirping noise pecullsr to this
species of ths cicada was produced at will
aat night by gently 'squeeslng the Insect
back of th head. .
' JoUy-Hapkiaa.
MILWAUKEE, Wla.. July 4--8peclal
Telegram.) Oaa of the prettiest weddlnge
of th year wag that today of Peter M
Jolly of Norfolk. Neb., and Mia Ma A.
Hopkins, daughter of an old Milwaukee
family, at St. Patrick's church this morn
ing. Ther was a large array ot local social
notables a ushers and bridesmaids, a
well aa among the guests. The bride wore
a beautiful gown of white satin, trimmed
with old lace worn by several generations
of brides of her family, caught with pearls.
Th bridesmaid mad a pretty seen In
whit, with picture hats and carrying pink
roses, while tha maid of honor wore palo
green aatin.
Roster of Aeeldents Dae to Fanlt of
MerheaUm and Reek
leaeaeoa. -
In the volume entitled "The Aeroplane"
(LlppincotO. of which th aeronaut, Claud
Orahame-Whlte, 1 part author, chapter
ar devoted to aeroplane record and th
achievements of aeronauts th world over.
and th atory of progress revealed 1
heartening. A full analytical account ' 1
given,-' too, of all the fatal accidents of
which th detail ar known, and with
no disposition to minimis th risk, th
author and th other airmen who col
laborate with him express confidence 'that
th cause of accident ar In considerable
part removable and that th aeroplane
will som day be made a safer carriage
than th automobile. Even at present tb
risk of flying I not ao great as 1 com
monly supposed from th numerous acci
dents recorded. In th first place most of
the accidents damage tha machln with
out Injuring th aeronaut, the elastio struc
ture serving to break th fall. . In th
second place, the proportion of accident
to flight la. smaller than Is Imagined, be
cause It Is not generally realised how
many airmen there' are at work. In thl
book (ketches ar given of som TOO, but
tha total - number runs well above 1,000,
some placing tho figure as high aa 1,000. '
In a little more than two years, from
September 17, 1908, to February 9, 1911,
there wer thirty-four aeroplane fatalities.
In tho year 1910 ninety people were killed
and ' eighty injured while mountaineering,
and the number ot real climber ' fa not
greater than the number of aviators. Even
In crude figures, then, flying seems to bo
safer than mountain climbing, but this is
only a part of the truth. For the work in
aviation dona during this time' was experi
mental, both a to the building and th
operation of th machine. A large part
of the accident may. be traced to cause
which have already . been removed, whl I
others, sure of a sort .which careful training
would, go far to obviate.. Of the thirty-four
fatal accidents studied, tho causes gstghd
are: Breakage, 11; loss, of control, g;
failure of controlling mechanism, g; . wind
gusts, 4; accidents on ground, 4; fallur of
motor, 1; illneaa of pilot, 2; unknown, L-
Tho list 1 suggestive. At least fifteen
of tho thirty-four accidents were duo to
faults of mscbanlsm, which it is believed
can be remedied. Of tha rest, it is safe
to say that a number wer due to lack of
kill at point upon which th operator of
the futur will' be well coached.- Other
war caused by reckless stunts which hav
no place In legltlmat aeroplanlng at the
present stage of the - art, and therefor
ar no more to be reckoned - against th
aeroplane than a oup race accident I to
be reckoned against th automobile. -When
ail these deduction ar made, th residue
of fatalities, while deplorable,, 1 really
not very large for two years' progressive
conquest of the air and tha breaking In of
over 1.000 pilots. It. will probably bo long
befor flying ia safe, aa -walking or trolly
riding la safe, and it Is not a sport for
those who hav other- dependent upon
them. For the, young and adventurous it
is quit a legitimate field- for the employ
ment ot courage and presence cf mind
not free from danger, certainly, 'but by no
means foolhardy. Those who tak part In
th development ot flight ar a very - gal
lant legion In th van of man's battl for
th conquest of nature. Springfield Re
Moat Food 1 Poison
to th dyspeptic. Electrlo Bitters cur dys
pepsia, liver and kidney complaint and
debility. Prlc 60c Sold by Beaton Prug
Poatoffleo and General Store Are.
Robbed of Bla Sam by Gaagr
ef Cracksmen.
SANTA ROSA. Cal., July 4. Blowing In
quick succession the safe of th poatoffic
and the merchandise store of Frank J.
Pool In the town of Windsor, ten miles
north of here, a gang of cracksmen early
today made what Is believed to have been
heavy hauls and escaped after an exchange
of shots with a policeman and several citl-
sens. Stamps from the postotflce formed
a considerable part of the robbers' loot.
'. '
1612 Harney Street.
10 Elegant, Useful Prizes Given Away Free.
th exact amount of which haa not been
learned. Posses ar now searching th
surrounding country for th thieves.
Foolhardy tailors Challeag tha Man
with tho Pike to Da His
Tho tiny yawl Sea Bird, with three men
but no dog on board, sailed away from th
Rhode Inland Tacht club nous at Paw
tuxet Juna 10 bound for Rome. Th Sea
Bird la owned by Thomas Fleming Day,
editor of the Rudder and an enthusiast on
mall boat sailing. With him ar T. R.
Goodwin and Fred B. Thurber of this city.
The Sea Bird, only nineteen feet on the
water Una, lastly tugged at its mooring off
the yacht club houa all th morning while
the last of the stores wer put on board
and carefully stowed away. In a boat of
thl sis ther Is not much room for stow
ago and much care, has to be taken to put
things 'where they can ba reached easily
and not be spoiled by salt water that may
be taken on board.
A big fleet of motor boats accompanied
the Sea Bird down th bay. Bom went as
far as Newport and then returned. Th
yacht by sundown waa making toward th
Nantucket Shoals lightship, from whicn It
will head across th ocean. On th way
out It was met by th achooner Westward,
which was Just arriving from England.
The two boats, ono coming horn with
laurels and the other seking honors start
ing out, saluted, '
Thomas Fleming Day, who promoted
nearly all tha long distance races for smalt
boats and who helped to maka them suc
cessful by sailing In them himself, haa tor
a long time wanted to cross the ocean In
a small boat. Once ho made plans, but
had to give up the Idea because his crew
withdrew. Now he haa Induced two reek
leas amateur sailors to ascompany him In
a cruWe across the Atlantic and tbo three
have started from Bristol. R. I., with
tho Idea of reaching 'Rome, Italy,
Mr.' Day, who is art honorary member of
the Rhode Island and forty-seven other
yacht clubs. Is the skipper of this cruise.
Ho Is accompanied by Theodora R. Good
win, president of tho Narragansett Bay
Yacht Racing association, and Fred B.
Thurber, a member of tho Rhode; Isffifcd
Yacht club. Mr. Goodwin la an abl yachts
man and has don considerable sailing and
Mr. Thurber haa sailed In many an ocean
rac and was on of tho crew of the
Kltclnque when that boat was burned two
years ago while racing from Bay Ridge
to Marblehead.
Tha Sea Bird la twenty-fit feet fly
inches over ail, nineteen feet on the water
line, eight feet four Inche beam and three
feet eight Inches extreme draught. It
Spreads 400 square feet of canvas In Its
working sails and In addition can set a
square sail when th wind I favorable.
Tho area of this sail Is 130 squar feet
Recently th Sea Bird was equipped with a
three-horse power Knex ngln. This
turn a sixteen-lnch propeller. It haa
thirty gallon of keron In tubular tank
under th cabin floor, five gallons In th
cockpit and thre gallon of gasolln for
starting. New York Sun. '.
Pnbllo Health and Maria Hospital
Board Decides laereaaa -Period
of Detention.
WASHINGTON, July l-Th publlo
health and marine hospital service today
decided that with th approval of tho see
retary of the treasury tha period of de
tention of immigrants expo4 on a chol-era-lnfected
ship, arriving at port in. tha
fJnfted "States should b extended'from fl v
days toten Bays.'' This Increased deten
tion, said' Surgeon ' General Walter Wy
man, of the publlo health and marine hos
pital service' after a conference on tho
situation today with Dr. Alvah H. Doty,
health officer of tho port Of New York, 1
expected . to minimise th danger from
cholera bacillus carriers. ; '
Walked ia Peril.
Here was a case where it seemed as if
everything was. settled. The Insurance
company's doctor bad reported that the
man seemed to b ail right and the man
himself bad certified that he waa not en
gaged in any dangerous occupation.
"I lead a aedentary.llfe." he told them.
I work In an office and w hav no dan-,
ger or excitement.
"How about the port?" th examiner
asked. "Da you play -foot bail, base ballT
Do you box? Do you belong to aa athleUo
"No non of tbat stuff. J guess I'm a
safe risk."
"Do you scorch V'
"What do you meanT"
"Do you drive your car faster .than th
peed limit T"
"I have no can."
"What? How, do you get aboutf
"I walk."
"Risk refused. A scorcher Is a dangerous
risk, but a pedestrian haa no chance at
all. Buy a car, old man, Sorry-good
nlghtr-Buffaio News. r-n
itting Glasses
Is our business. Wo devote all
our time and effort to gee that you
get optical efficiency and EVE
tyc Worii Rimed
For the July Birthday
If your friend has a birthday
this month your present houJa
be a ruby. Tho Edholm toro
' ' i ' ' '
offerjkyou a wide choice pf .tbese
stones in rings, pendants, pins
and bracelets. They are of th
latest designs, made np ii th
most attractive sizes and "priced
at the most moderate " figures.
If your gift is a ruby from thia
store, it will be appreciated ior
'. '. v.
Don't Merely Buy Invest;?
Albert" EdbolC
Sixteenth and,'.":'
' . W If
When You Take
j , '- t r
Your Vacation
Leave your sllverwar and thr
valuablea In our burglar and fire
proof atoraga vault. - ''
Tho charge la nominal cheaper
than Insurance and then, some thing
csn't be replaced' with i-Insurance
money. t -f . , . r, , r
Fhono for rat. Douglas 119.
Omaha Safe Deposit
& Trust;Co, ;
Omaha BTatloaal Bank SailAingv ,
traa Sntraaoa. 1HI ftnu '
Hamilton Apartments
Single room and private bath J$G.00.v
' Two rooms and private bath, 3t and f 4
Thre room and'privat bath H. ant
4. -
All advantage of the hotel .at ha,lf th.
price. Away from noise and dust. -
' line Cafe ta Oonasotioa, : M -
Jufy Furniture 5klet
Tremendous BwjfflnsJ
Begins at 8 A. M.','V"edne&T '.
day. It will be a history-;
making event in OmaKa
Furniture Business. ''
,418-13-17 South SlxUetiih,3C.
Best. Farm rape.
sna ssm sa sssa sea
ycAU I .rUisi';
oawsroasi sa M m bsm 'fi m m m m
mat niwmuii
Under Management of H. M. Barnet
New, Cool, Airy IUliroonJ ..with
Smith's Orchestra. ' ' Ba'thinV. Boating
and other Attractions. - Shady park;
Haa Reen Added for Picnic Grounda
Afternoon and Evening Hand Concert
i ; 1 r ,
J-0X.T 4-4-g "' ' '" ' 1 '
galy 4 Morning game eaUsd at' lft i3
' July Afternoon gam aUd at Si4
S1M1I ClUlS lvrL .'..'..'.. '"'
Osrr leave lata aad laraaa nl giap.
Theater Cooled by Iced ' Air.'' ' '
All the Favorites Appear In" rt '
THE UEl.I.K Or i. . uONU "
Holiday Matinee Tuesday, July -A.
grs. lO-K&el fsw at 1 As i Cbiti Watst stats
Thura. aad -. 10c, too.
Vaudeville and Photo Plays
Dine Out Doors
Aimissioa 1ft OeaU '' ' -''
- Si
- i . '.!&';. '
ttt v
iwi- - If
;: I r, u . .
'"-. ..J, a,. .: - .
:-!-"';" -.v, ... r ..;......'-.... :- !,
' : ' "
11.11 t"s ivVv Itt I
iiiuiiiBl i