Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1911, Image 1
t The Omaha Daily Bee. THE BEE 13 DELIVERED to mora Omaha hornet than all other paperi combined. WZATHIR FCEECAST. For Nebraska 8howT: cooler. Kor Iowa nhowrr; fooler. VOL, XLI-NO. 15. OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY MOKN1NU, JULY 5, 191 1 TWELVE PAGES. JSINULE COPY TWO CENTS. TAFT AT BANQUET AT INDIANAPOLIS rreildent Dclivtrt Address on Seel proclty AUr Spending Most Itrennom Dij. CITT OAttY DECOttATF1 FOE HIM EmcuMti) Rerisw & - nrth Pa rade in Monnmei . EECIPTIOS AT MAX CLUB Spends Soma Tims Watch Athletle ConUiU. TEADTSIX5 BECOME HIS rarvrt Kim ta) Stat fair Ornaad o Watrh llearfaa tIMala ! T . l.HrMM Leave f'Hr . far Waablnajtaa. INDIAN AIUl. I". July 4 -After a few hour' rest at the hum of former Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks, ir21 North Meridian street. President Taft erne this mumlng with the most etrenu ue day of I'Ih western trip before him. from the tint heduled for him to leave the Fairbanks tome, the president did not have an Idle moment. Indlanapnll wen gaily decorated with the presidential and American flass and hunt las. The residents of the city were bestir early along the line of march of the bin "esn Tunrth" parade, one of the features of the rtlhratlon. Mr. Taff reviewed the parade In Monument place. Following the parade, the presidential party went to the Marlon rlub for an In formal reception to the memliera and at noon the president waa the guest of the Columbia club at lunrheon. At l.SS p. m. he waa escorted to the Atneriran Association ball park for the athletle contests and awarded the prise to the wlnnera In the morning parade. Railway trainmen became the hoata of the preeldent after the ball pnrk exerrlma and escorted him to the atate fair ground to wltneaa the head-on collision between twa ' locomotive The preeldent returned to the Fnlrbsnks home at t o'clock and rested until T, when he attended the Marion rlub banquet and made the principal speech of lit trip. , lYesldcnt f aft chose "Reciprocity" aa the subject, of hi banquet address. In the ad dreea the preeldent defended hla repub licanism In making the agreement with Canada. Doing direct from the banquet where 600 platen, were placed and which waa at lMded by leadera of the republican party front all over the atate, the president and hla party boarded a Pennsylvania train for Washington at 10 46 o'clock tonight. Bosy Tint Way. With the temperaature In hla private car above loo for houra at a time, President Taft hurried through Ohio and Indiana, yesterday. Ha begun apeaking from the rear platform at Cleveland after . break faat and; did not . wi thremgJi -until' ( lie cloaed with two addreeeea at the na tional home for dlaabled volunteer, soldier here. The prealdent apoka of war. but more of peaoa and arbitration to the vet t rana. To the bankers and editors of the tuleventh congressional dlatrlci ha talked about the Aldrlch plan of currency reform. On tba way over from Cleveland tbe prealdent made nine rear platform tatka. rkmellmes ha talked about the heat, aa othera he argued for a "aafe and aane Fourth," and aeveral tlmea turned to proa parity and Canadian reciprocity which, he ul, would bring more prosperity. Two) Ware Esrrsvted. In the epeech to the old aoldlera the prealdent declared that all of the former ware waged by thla country, except the war of the revolution and possibly 'the ilvll war. could have been aettled without bloodshed, through arbitration. No fewer than five tlmea, eald the prealdent, haa tbe United . States Intervened between South and Central American countries and paaceful persuasions averted war. "t am not a wild enthusiast or a blind optimist." said the prealdent. "I do not look forward to a complete restoration of peace which cannot be disturbed In the world, even If these arbitration treaties are adopted. ' Morality of nations Improves only step by step and so the making and confirming of these treaties must be re garded only aa a step but aa a long step toward the securing of peace In the world." Tbe speech to the banker and editors waa la the nature of a reiteration . of hla addrees to the New York state bankers at Manhattan beach, - "1 do not know any function," aald th prealdent. "of greater Importance, exer cised by. tba government, after the pres ervation of law and order and tba main tenance of liberty and rights of property, than the duty of the government to fur nish the people a currency system which shall glva them a constant and unvarying medium for the measurement of values and the Interchange of products that ahall enable business to proceed In a normal way." Mr. Taft Is the flrat prealdent to visit Marlon after hi assumption of office and tt'ontlnued on Second Page.) The Weather FOR NEBRASKA 8hui era. cooler. fOH IOWA-howfr. t-voler. Iraisfralirr Omaha Yesterday. Hour. leg la. m. . a. m . 7 a. in.. a a. no... a. m.. lu a. m . II a. .. L' rn I p. ra . t p. m., 1 p. m 4 p r.. i p. m r- m.. I B. n.. a S4 0 s 91 10 Ml ......Wl KS 1C :h VH n '5 VI 1 4 aMratt Loral Hrl. mi ii ta i a 1IUSM iurj4)f h M as si !( ... u J 4 m kt Mian inteie uj SI " Tt J lr4Uik U .U .i i.rfm. at. fit'iiiNs nvparrures fr"m is u. itMi. Svl tcnivit jr 74 vt w aa t.,r a J l v m .nc- March I t Hrnui M.rij-i mu-t II Ineh I-f . - h iiw dv 14 In eli 11 ii nnlot Kur irch I T ft men Klnn ..- Mk! 1 1Htirn 1-f i a. t. (. rit.S In fl 1 tuehe j."! ia r lv tor t M 1 In 1 I. 4 Inches i. A. LUtti. LH AWecahour. Town of Newcastle is Nearly Destroyed b ylncendiary Fire Almost the Entire Business Section of the City Mai of Rnnini Lou $100,000. rONCA, Neb.,' July 4-Hpeclat Tele gram.) Twenty-sis buildings In the town of Newcastle were burned ' here at noon todsy. It Is thought from a fire started by an Incendiary. Home of the city hone used In fighting the flames was burned and crippled the fire fighting forces so that trie flames burned almost uncontrolled. Newcastle Is eleven miles from here In IHxnn county. All telephone wlrea are out and communication with there la Impos sible. The sheriff of IMxon has gone to New castle and aome arreat are expected In an effort to fix the blame for the tire. Among the burned buildings are on liv ery stable, two meat markets, one bank, th Edwards-Bradford Lumber yard and all but two stores. Newcastle haa about 1,000 population. Bullet Into Prison Kills Man Sought by an Avenging Father Proipector Oldi Meets Sadden Death in Jail at Globe, Ariz. Mnrderer ' Unidentified, Says Jury. GLOBE. Aria., July 1 Klngsley Olds, tbe prospector who attempted suicide after the drowning of Lulu and Myrtle Ooswlck, the two little daughter of hi mining partner, on June 24, waa murdered In hla cell In tbe county jail her today. When the officer finally ascertained whence the bullet ?iad come, no. trace of th assassin could be found. It w'as dis covered that he had gained entrance to the building In the night by means of keys belonging to the janitor. From a judge's chrmber overlooking Olds' cell window he sent his first shot between the bars Into Olds' .'ungs, causing Instan taneous death. The coroner's Jury i,,. . aiternoon ren dered a verdict of death at in hands of a person unidentified. A brother of the murdered main arrived tonight and will begin' an Inveatlgatlon. Olds was found on June 4 by cowboys making hla way to Globe from Bait river. HI Jaw was shot away and he waa unable to talk,' but wrote that while In bathing In the river with two little girl. 10 and 13 yeara old. who had accompanied him to Globe from their father'a ranch, he had been shot by a Mexican or an Indian. He had fallen unconscious, ha aald, and - did not know what had become of tha girl.. Their bodies were found In the river, tha next day, . ' ' ,'. a The pass found no trace. of tha' parson fOMs -MaM:iMs)r hlm.vml It wu charged that ' b" pad 'aaaafaUad th girts and drowned them to Cover his crime. Tha bodies, whom found,, bora no trace of vio lence. ' ''.v! . Wesley Ooawlek," father of the girl, was disarmed th jday' his daughters' bodies were discovered, .a he . waa coming to Globe with tha avowed Intention of killing Olds. Olds later confessed that ho shot himself In an attempt at suicide. Sheridan Citizens Win Point in Fight City Council Decides to Put Off Grant ' ing" Franchise to Power Com pany for Two Weeks. jBJBJ ' SHERIDAN, Wyq., July 4. (Special Tele egram.) In th controversy In which the cttiiens ana taxpayer' or Sheridan are trying to prevent ' tH cfty .'council from granting a new fifty-year franchise and exclusive street lighting contract to the Sheridan Electric Light and Power com pany, tbe cttiiens won a signal victory this evening when tha council voted to postpone final action on, th proposed objectionable ordinance until the third Monday In July. By a three-fourths vote It 'was also de cided to-retain Attorney T.VW. Laflech of Bherldan, Who haa been one of tbe lead era In the fight against the new franchise. aa special counael for the city. Tha city council -was scheduled to pass the ordinance tonight, , but deferred action out of deference to public opinion. It la now believed that the ordinance will ba killed. W. HILL LEAVS BERLIN THURSDAY Reports that Ambassador Is t Re main at Post Are In- ' .... eerreet. BERLIN. July 4 oiatements emlnatlng from Washington that Dr. , David Jayne Hill, the Aemrican ambassador to Ger many, resigned, has been requested to re main at his post for the present are in correct. Th ambassador will laava Berlin prob ably on Thursday next for Swltserland, where he will continue on leave of ab sence status until he has an opportunity to present his leters of recall to the emperor. These letter. It la understood are 'now on th way from Washington but are not to be presented until tha return of his maj esty from hla Norwegian trip. It Is stated at tha foreign office today tha? a successor to Dr. Hill hsd not been designated but that It was believed that the prealdent had made a selection for hi' post. Horse Rears at Throwing Man Out on Headt Th ft rat accident due to the Fourth of July celebration In Omaha occurred Mon day la front of a restaurant at Uli Far Bam atravt. Ernest Brishau. of Red land. Cal., waa Ihrowa from a runabout and rectlved sever bruise oa th head ha th hor behind whkh h waa r.diug became filchteaed at tha explosion of a busAh of "parklr.'' Fred iiaha. aoh of Dr. Uuatav Hahn. S1U Doualaa aueet. with whom brtahau la vital in a. was driving. According to th story at a won empioya of tha raatau- "SAFE AND SANE" CELEBRATION Absence of Fireworks and Noise is Feature of Observance of Fourth in Many Cities. NEW YORK HALL CENTENNIAL Mayor Gaynor Speaks at Celebration of Anniversary of City Buildinj. HITCHCOCK SITS ON THE LTD Postmaster General is Only Member of Cabinet in Washington. KANSAS CITY . WITHOUT NOISE Water Sports and Band Concert In Thirteen Parks Are Sahatttato for for Fireworks -Historical Pa. raaa In Several C'ltie. NEW VORK, July 4.--Th' local ordi nance tamed every element, of the old time .Fourth of July celebration here ex. cept the weather and except for sizzling heat New York br;an Its celebration of the day under conditions "safe and aane." Tha princlpul feature of the celebration was the exercises at the city hall in com memoration of the centennial of that build ing. There were addreKaes by Mayor Gay nor and others. Joseph Garabalrll, a grand son of the Italian liberator, who gained distinction In the Mexican insurrection, was the chief figure in a celebration held by the residents arotim) Washington square. The Tammany society listened to oratlona by several prominent men, . Including Representative Oscar W. Underwood and Harry D. Clayton of Alabama. 'I believe the democratic party has passed through the period of the storm of defeat and Is facing a long period of success and triumph," wrote Governor LHx, who waa unable to attend. "Next year will crown the work of the party by 'the election of a democratic ad ministration In Washington." Similar expressions were received from William J. Bryan and Champ Clark. .' Waahlnaten Without' Fireworks. WASHINGTON, July 4 This citty cele brated Independence day without a fire cracker or a toy pistol, the law prohibiting tha sale of explosives being rigidly en forced. Official Washington was deserted. Postmaster General Hitchcock was left "sitting on tha lid," the only cabinet offi cer In town. Vice President Sherman spent the day at his home In Utlca, democratic leader Underwood was speechmaklng In New York and most of the member of both senate and house were either at home or making addresses to patriotic gatherings through out tha country. ' In tha seclusion of his private office at tha capitol Speaker Champ Clark alter nately mopped his brow, dictated corre spondence and wondered when the senate would, act on the measures which the house psaeed over to' It, PHli-ADELPHIA, Juty -Desptte th safe and aane Fourth' of July camo.l CD waged here, there were many minor acci dent last night and early today, but the number was not. nearly so large as In other years. . Historical Tmbleanx In Chicago. CHICAGO, July 4.-Chlcago celebrated Ita second "sane" fourth today with an Independence day parade consisting of his torical tableaux. The substitution of this sort of enter tainment for tha cannon cracker, toy pis tol and fireworks In tha celebration of In dependence day Is now an established cus tom her. There waa a marked decreasa in the number of fires and accidents com pared with a year ago. The first death due to fireworks was re ported shortly after noon when Ira Hor wltx, 4 yeara old. died at the county hos pital as a result of bums. . . No Noise In Kansas City. KANSAS CITT. July 4,-For the first time In Ita history Kansas City began a sane fourth today. In sharp contrast to conditions In Kansas City, Kan., th day cam In - without noisy demonstrations. Fireworks and noise making Is forbidden. Water a porta and athletics were resorted to as means of observance of the day. Morning,, afternoon and evening concerts by thirteen bands in parks and squares In all. quarters of the elty were arranged by the city In Kansas City, Kan., tha old style Fourth waa observed. Before noon several accidents were reported and one baby, frightened Into spasms by 'a cannon cracker, waa dying. A sane Fourth was observed In most Kansas and Oklahoma towns. TOPEKA, K4j., July 4.-Topeka Is hav ing Ita first sana Fourth of July today. There haa been no shooting of flra crack era within tha city limits. The sale of ex plosive In the city was forbidden. Ener getic tradesmen, however, erected stands Just outside tha city limits and did a thriving business. Eliot Speak In Fanenll Hall. BOSTON. July 4--Boston's Fourth of July celebration bad th aspect of a "sane" observance which, local authorities have been working for several yeara to secure. Roxbury celebration of It 281st anni versary led In the festivities of the day. President Charles AV. Eliot of Harvard university delivered the patriotic address of the day in Faneull hall. The day was marked by unparalleled heat. At 10:45 the mercury had reached M degrees and was steadily climbing. Historical ! at lu llaltlmore. BALTIMORE. July 4.-A historical pag eant was the feature of Baltimore's safe and sane Fourth today. A marine parade which ended when the key of the city were presented to "Lord Baltimore" and (Continued on Second Page.) "Sparklers" rant, the young men lighted the fireworks. Harm declared that some pedestrian threw a firecracker under the horse. At the explosion of the ponder, the b rs reared, and lioth occupants of the run about were thrown to the sidewalk. Mr. Uriahs us fell upon hla head. He waa un conscious tor a rew minutes, but was re vlved before th police ambulancs an- ptared. He was taken to the Wise Momor. ial hospital, where he was treated b. lr Harm. It waa declared at the Halm borne last night that Umhau' injure aei, not sarluua. 1 "Nf.i From the Cleveland Plain Ialer. Sleeping on th WOLGAST KNOCKS OUT MORAN Champion Lays Britisher Helpless in the Thirteenth Bound. FAST, EVEN FIGHT UNTIL END Honor Well Divided Until Champion Bend Rlajht Hand L'ppercut to Stomach Following; with Two Similar Effective Blowa. ARENA, SAN FRANCISCO, July 4. Champion Ad. Wolgast, fighting true to for mretalned his title this afternoon by knocking out Owen Moran of Birming ham, England, In the thirteenth round of their scheduled twenty-round battle In the Eighth streea open air arena. Wolgast knocked' out the Englishman In the first minute of fighting In this round. The lightweights had been going at a ter rific pace up to t the very end with the honors first wlrtt on ,ind then with tha other. i Wolgast, rushing the Britisher Into a neutrsl corner In die thirteenth, ripped a righthand uppercut into , the stomach at close quarters, following with two similar puriches ' that aent the game ' little Eng lishman to the catyas helpless and gasp ing While th arm of th referee tolled' off the tea seconds.' ' J" , . - t Round 1 After-. shaking hsjldsrhey losetf in siowiy, ana almost immediately Mita crowd yelled for the referee to break them apart. Moran protested that Wolgast waa "outting ' and the crowd Jeered. Wolghst broke a clinch with two powerful lefts to the Jaw and they mixed It, each fighting viciously. They went to close quarters wwlth Wolgast hooking his lett viciously to the Jaw. Then he started the blood from the Briton's mouth with a volley of short arm lelts. A body blow by the champion, delivered with great force closed tuts tound which waa decidedly In Wol gast's favor. Rounu a Moran's supporters shouted at him to keep away, but the Englishman rushed in. vVolgast rocked his head with short arm punches and paved the way fur a volley of lefts, by sending In rights to his stomach. Moran, fighting back gamely, aent Wolgat tottering across the ring with a hard right to the Jaw. Wolgast bled from the nostrils as Moran followed his advantage by clipping the champion sev eral tunes with hard lett and right punches to the face and head. Moran' round. Third Round Even. Round J Wolgast covered up, crouching low and missed a terrific left swing In tended for the Jaw. They roughed It head to hoad, both scoring frequently while in this position. Wolgast almost floored his man wwitn a lert swing to the Jaw and then closed In, lashing out with left and rlirht. wolirast shot thr lnfta In nnl,w j succession to the body and received In re- turn a stiff right to the Jaw. Tha round waa . even. Round 4 Wolgast's riKht eve waa some what discolored and Moran'a mouth waa bleeding as they totd the mark. Moran shot a stilt left to the face and again they roughed It with their arms locked. Wolgast aoing me greater execution. Moran drove a straight right to the jaw and then clouted the champion with a left to the same place. Wolgast sent his right with great force to the body and they seemed disinclined to break from a clinch. Wol gast hooked a left to the body and drove the Briton against the ropes. They were quickly back In th center of the ring, fighting like tigers. Wolgast's seconds tauuted Moran, to which the Britisher re. plied: "He won't get me today." And then protested vigorously to Referee Welsh that the champion was Intentionally "elbowing" him. Moran had Just a shade the better of It. Round 5 Ttiey clinched, with Wolgast upperrutting to the face with right and left. Moran Jarred the champion with a short arm right to the Jaw. Wolgast swung wildly and Moran rammed him twice more with right to the face. A long clinch followed, Wolgast breaking It with a hard right to the face. They danced about the ring and Wolgast landed twice to the jaw with a short right. Wolgast seemed the stronger as the bell ended an even round. Round The flphters slowed up a bit at the outset of the round and then M rnn shot a straight left to the face. They went to close ranse, Wolgast landing a -v-eral rl?hte over the kidneys. They fouRhl at a hut pace against the ropes. n!i scoring repeatedly. Then followed a smait long ramre rally, both landing lefts to the fuce and both shlttltjK blood. Moran. hr,aklnif from a clinch, rocked the cham pion hexd with a right Look and the round ended wilh the men mixing It at a fast clip. The round was about even. Ileferree Purta Fighters. Round 7 I'p to this stat;e Moran ap- Larantly had landed the cleaner punches, ut teomed to be the weaker of the two. '1 hey ut once went into a clinch a.-; a heart-breaking followed, Moran t.iv ing much the belter of the wicked ex changes. Wolfciist crowded Moran againct the ropes, the Englishman muking a de termined stand. Referee Welsh filially parted them lor the first time. Wolgsit, steadying hlmsell. ripiwd uppercut after uppercut to the body with telling effect ni:tl M.uan reeled across the ring to the roi es. olpabt shot a left to the jaw t'uui ent Moran hurdling against the ropes and ne tu n eiuHU the round inucn in tuvor of i he champion. Round j Moian found Wolcaat's face thrice with liis left. They clinched and 1 oltjast dne his rtishl powerfully to the kidntta. Moran almost sent the champion thiounh the ropes with a rut-h and ih-n went nearly through himself from the f y u of his ousiatiKht. VVolgtiat drove u ten .lie left t'i the stomach und followed it with riKht uppercut to the Jaw. Wolnaat h(a! the blood in a lrt-Hin frmn nu Hi It , moiiili a.'.d M rsn wi'Kd like a leaf. Wol- icust rent in a ft urn of hlows. loll., wing hla I ' ,Z .' , ,1,. , .7 " . . 'LUH corner wnh a bloody face and appeared j '" Ul ;n "rt ftant. Wolgast had all the '"V"'" ' 1 "' f',"""1 ' ,,h Moran tiring fast . """"d "Igaat c""d with hi. friends 1 tCiiuiiuucU oa becuod, Pa-e.Ji During the Hot Spell j W e porch tnese hot nights isn't what Many Senators Will Listen to Lorimer Case Members of Upper House Wish to Get Their Impressions of Testimony From First Hand. WASHINGTON. July 4.-Many senator not engaged In the Inquiry have expressed a desire to observe the demeanor of wit nesses before the senate committee charged with the Investigation of the election of William Lorimer to the United States senate. Their desire to watch th wit nesses, particularly the confessed bribe takers, who are expected to. be examined after the committee reconvenes, nine days from now, . I with a view to Informing themselves in connection with the case when it comes to a vote In the senate. So great promises to be the ' attendance of these ouislde senatora that a large hearing room will be procured If possible for tha coaimlttee sessions to replace th present cramped quarter. It was largely- to afford these senators an opportunity of attending th hearings and - because of th commute' members wanting 'to remain her In connection With othr legislative matter while. Congress veranlna In, sesaion that tba committee de cided 't continue its hearings -In W ah tog- ton - instead or reauming them 4n Chicago, deferring that trip until probably In Au gust. During the recent sessions the dally attendance haa been so great that senators who came. to the hearing room late had difficulty In getting good seats. John H. Marble and J. J. Healy, attor neys for th committee, taking advantage of the recess, are searching for new evi dence. Hundred cf letter have been re celved by tha committee investigating new lines of evidence, commenting on the char acter of witnesses already heard by the committee and giving advice generally. Alt these communications have been turned over to the attorneys and anything that promises to be valuable la being Investi gated. Camorra Jury Threatens to Strike ' a ' ' Members Are Demanding Higher Pay Because of Unusual Length of the. Trial. . VITERBO, Italy,. July 4. The jury be fore whom the camorrlsts are being tried for the murder of Qennaro Cuoccolo and SI 8 nor Cuoccolo threatened to go on strike today and It was noon before they could be induced to take their aeats and permit th trial to proceed. A bill now before th Chamber of Depu ties provides a special Indemnity , for the jurors serving In this capacity, but the extra allowance Is made payable only from July 1. The trial began March II and the Jurors demand that tha extra pay data from the opening of th proceedings. To enforce their wishes they began ob structive tactics by absenting themselves for several houra this morning and threat ening to remain away altogether unless their wishes wer granted. President ' Blanchl Interrogated IJeuten ant Marensl of th carbineers of Naples, tha superior of Marshal Gulllant. The wit ness corroborated In full the testimony which his subordinates had given against the prisoners. The mother of , Signorlna Sentlnl, the singer, testified that a theft from her daughter had been organised by Uennaro Cuoccolo. MOTSmHTI Or OCEAJT TXAlCSaTira. Port. Arrived. NEW YORK BOSTON Plrklm BAN FHANHSCO. Tuirin.rl ThIESTE rrplhla 1N!XN .1.. Minnehaha SINDAPOHK r.lHKAl.TAR. tlVERPOOL PHILAHKIJ'HIA ... Monrollao 1-HHJsTIANSANU.. Helln (Mat LIVKKPOOL. Admiral Dupcrr Sallad. Saauula. Antllorhiia I'aniinnia. Carnaois. e Intense Cold Delays Ice Cutting at Carter Lake .-a Forecaster Welsh promises a let up In ; soon to b relieved aa the crust Is freeting the weather within a few days. ' solidly Jhst wagons will pass along on The Icemen who have been cutting Ice during the past week at Carter lake de- clare that It Is becoming almost ImpoSMlble to da so because the ice la getting so thick snd hard that the saws will not rut ; through It. A workman. an Icelander. m nH Nelson, was knocked off ! 'n'0 the icy waters of the t hannel last 'evening by a float. nK borg but was rescued ! i,y hla companions though numbed and nf.r,y de(, ,, ,he ,.old I The auow blockade oa r'arnam atreet Is it is cracked up to be. POLICE HAVE MURDER CLUE Believe Bridge Toll Keeper Murdered and Thrown Into Biver. K0 TRACE FOUND OF THE B0BT Ma n In Comfortable Clrcamstaaoe and Detective Are Following Theory that Ha waa As saulted by Negroes. Tha police of Omaha and Council Bluffs are hard at work on tha theory that H. K Fallers, the toolkeeperf at tha Douglas street bridge was murdered and his body thrown Into the Missouri river shortly b f n r Unniliv A series of blood clota on tha footpath of the bridge near th middle of th structure led the police at one to suspect murder. The railing of the brtdg on th north aid was spattered with blood and th cable which run along over the water wer like wise blood, stained, which la believed by the police to Indicate that Fallers waa flrat beaten up and then thrown overboard In a final effort p hide tha crime. Captain Henry Dunn of tha Omaha po lice department, detailed Detectives Dona hue and Hettfelt to aolv th mystery of tha tollkeeper ' disappearance, and tha po Ae of Council Bluffs are. also working on "tha case.' ,' . :. . , . Fallars resided at MM Third avenue and waa known to ba In comfortable circum stances. It waa learned by th polio yes terday that ha Invariably carried as much aa IM of his personal funds with him. Aa far as could be ascertained up to a late hour last night none of the toll money had been taken by the men who are supposed to have made away with Fallers. Thre negroes who had been seen hiding on tha Iowa side of th bridge, are sus pected of having murdered Fallers and the efforta of the polloe of both cities are di rected toward locating them. Last Seen by W. A; Laury. Fallers was last seen at 10:36 o'clock by W. A. Lary, 614 South Seventh street, who paid him 46 cents toll, and tha police be lieve that th man disappeared shortly after that time aa his cash register showed th last toll to have been 46 cents. The street car company was notified of his disappearance about midnight. by per sons who had passed the toll gate without finding a collector. Tha police of Council Bluffs and Omaha and mora than 100 cltlsena of tha two cities started on a search for tha missing man but up until an early hour yesterady no trace of him could be found. It Is known that Fallers had 18.46 In his pockets at tha time of his disappearance. Twenty-one dollars waa found by th po lice In a secret drawer 'in th toll house. Tha cash register waa Inspected by offi clals of the street railway company and showed that .7.46 had been collected sine Fallers went on duty at o'clock laat nighty FaUev it la sajd, always placed his col. lection In his pocket and rang them up In th cash register. When his pocket waa tilled ha emptied them Into tha aacret drawer. ,,., , Arnold . Clark, a atreet car conductor on a Council Bluffa car, told tha polio tliat ha had seen three negroes hiding behind a barrel nar th toll house thre minutes before th time W. A. Lary said h had paid Fallers 5 cent toll. Fallera la about 40 years old and had been employed aa toll collector since he was injured In a atreet car wreck ton years ago. , . IOWA MAN MURDERS WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN SHOOTS SELF DVBUQUB. la., July 4-Leslle Miller, who lived near New Hampton, la., mur dered hla wife and two of his five chil dren and then committed suicide this after noon. H. flrat killed the two children with a ahetgun and then went to. town, whera hla wife was In a sanitarium. II called her out and shot her and then ahot himself. loi ,h .0,"l,l, Xo ",ore dw"h 'r" cold have been reported although there ! have been luunv frosen ears and hands ulld bualneas baa been paralysed by the Impossibility of going freely along the I streets., The mercury thermometers In the , poaloffk-e have fruxen up and alcohol h is been substituted for the nulck silver. j Thirty-seven below as registered st I o'clock last night snd with a high wind jit looked aa If there would be ar.o her ,e, ort breakerbefore morplug. And then ha oke up. BLISTERING HEAT SCORCHES 0MAI0 Official Record Shows that Mercnc Reaches One .Hundred Five De. grees at Four 0'Clock. DAY HOT FROM VERY 0UT82, Only Once in Thirty-Nine Years i July Temperatures Higher. LAST YEAR'S RECORD EXCEEDED At Fife 0'Clock in Morning of Four 82 Degrees Registered. HEAT INTENSIFIES RAPIDU Darin; Day Mertary Climbed l a Tab by Leap and Bounds, Maklas; Te and Three Dearees Dnrlus; sjavoral Monrvi Maaintuni Teiuperata Valentine M Chicago . North Piatt ,, MKnnsaaCI ty. nioux i;ny VH Phoenix . lea Molnea o Tiiscnn .. Davenport P'J liilavlll Huron m New Vork Ht. Paul PJ Boston ... Ivnver 4 lmiuth ... St. lil WO . .. i ..u .. I ..II .. With tha mrvoury registering 10R degre Omahans dragged through tha hottest da of th year yesterday. f Only once In thlrty-nln yeara hat th temperature gone higher, that being I July of 1894. when the official thermomeU registered ICS degrees. From th very outset th Fourth of Jul In Omaha waa marked for a scorching. A 6 o'clock In th . morning th day w started with a tmpwaj.ur of M. Frtil that time on th mercury went up ' b leaps and bounds, reaching, a maximum I 103 at 4 o'clock, , , , ' Yesterday wsa probably th hottet Fourth that haa ever been officially corded her. Laat year on thla day It wi 88, the year before SO and In 1909, Rg. Th record July temperature occurred on th 27th of last July, when th mercury ragli tered 104. Even though th temperature went aoal Ing to a record point tha day passed wit a reasonably few number of fir. Thl was largely due to the fact that Omahao Indulged In tha sanest Fourth in th till tory of the city. There seemed to b i general tendency to dlacard explosives an enjoy tha day with other forms of pleat urea. Vp to 7 o'olock last night onl eleven fire alarms Were turned In, - Th most serious fire of the day occurred l Sixteenth and IxrcuM. whera thre barn burned Incinerating several horses. According ta ' reports received from al the principal citiaa of the United Stat Omaha waa tha hottest place on th ma on tha Fourth. ' Tha area of high tampei aturea seemed to begin along tha Mlaaoun Ponca, Neb., reports unofficially that U degrees waa reached on th trt then but thla marking ta 4int accepted aa it wa mad a in tbe suit au iona'Jeloba ho street of tha town. The aara apparently (n not Ing to th northeaat. In tha southern staff temperatures ranged In tha tlghtle an ninetlea, and In tha northwest aa tow aeventy degreea was reached.' LINCOLN, July 4. (Wpaolal.) Lincoln celebration of th Fourth was much tb same aa other celebrations of yeara pal save that mora people journeyed out 4 town than usual to nearby park or grovt whera they might picnic to their heart! oontent. Thoee who atayad at horn In th city wer treated to on of th most furs ace-like atmospheres aver experienced a the nation's birthday, the. thermometer 1 o'clock registering 104 degrees In th shade and one degree above that shorU afterward according to tha United Stat weather bureau. A big Woodmen celebra tlon at Bennett, prlvat picnic parties a Epworth park, and different, excursions t woods wlthjn driving distance of tha MS were tha objective point of many thorn and capital city people during the day, Woman Mayor Gets Ungallaut Council ' to Meet with Hei HUNNEWELU Kan., July 4. -At las the city council met with Mra. Ella WU aon, tha mayor, tonight. It waa tha fir regular meeting the aldermen have al tended atnee a woman was (elected tbj head of th city government on April 1. Th meeting tonight could hardly b called a victory for tha mayor. But ta piece of official bualneaa wer transact1 Th resignation of Alderman W. L. Lewi waa accepted and a resolution provldlr for repairing th town pump wa adopt1 Every appointment tha mayor asked tb council to confirm waa turned dowa. Mrs. Wilson first proposed the name Mra. E. R. Hilton for city clerk. Tb) councilman smiled, nodded approval am then refused unanimously to confirm Urt Hilton's appointment. When th mayor nam ad Robert Hoy for city marshal. Alderman J. F. Klchard son said: "Wa don't need a marshal. There wll be no arreat a her." Th mayor then aald she would ae tha there was a marshal and that ha woui find something to do. Finally tt was moved and seconded tha the council adjourn. Without walling fo the vote Mrs. Wilson dm lured the meat Ing adjourned. But th aldi rmen did n move. "What ar you waiting tor?" aha U manded. This question brought a laugh from th council, and then some one explained the It waa the mayor's duty to put tlja.pig tlon. Boxes of O'Brien's Candy. Round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. Quart bricks of DalzcM't . ice cream. All given gwgy tree to lb a li find tuelr namee In tb want ail. Head the want aJa every day, four uatu will appear loiualiUi may be tuore thao once. No putties to aolv nor ukrrio tioua to gel Just lead the waul ads lura to it wat 4 (.aa- I