Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee
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Slag! Boom! Ah!
Cheer up. It could be worse.
Be sure to keep the lotion bottle
In case of fire, turn In a fire alarm
without delay.
Many an effervescent vow Is made
over the soda water counter.
Note that the unchloroformed Dr.
Osier becomes a baronet at 60.
Remember how just a year ago you
were standing around the bulletin
It would be the Irony of fate if
any of the Steel trust barons landed
behind steel bars.
When Jim Corbett wore his hair
like Senator La Follette's they called
him "Pompadour Jim."
There . Is one advantage in this
Jump-off from winter to summer it
cuts out the spring poet.
Men who cannot swim well should
be careful about attempting to drown
sorrows by the old method.
It would be interesting to know
whether the Hon. Timothy Woodruff
has discarded his fancy vests this
Your Uncle Samuel Is this day
celebrating the hundred and thirty
fifth anniversary of his birth. Get
the number straight.
' Hugh Nlchol is lieutenant governor
of Ohio, but he may never hope to
become as famous as Hugh Nlcol, the
"Little Nick" In the yesterdays of base
It is possible, however, that so far
as putting In the time goes, some
members of the present congress may
earn their salaries.
Nellie Bly says she has been robbed
of f 1,600,000. Nellie was considered
something of a dreamer when she
wrote for the public prints.
A senator who reached the chamber
'three minutes late the other day
missed the session entirely. Oh, how
hard, those lawmakers are working.
The president tells congress he can
stand It In Washington as long aa con
gress can. Yet it would be anomalous
to refer to the contest as a game of
Probably Senator Paynter of Ken
tucky, who has just been defeated for
renomlnation by Ollie James, wishes
now he had let Bailey vindicate Lorl
mer by himself.
The fact that Mr. Roosevelt had
started this fight on the Sugar trust
of course, will not stop the mouths
of his detractors from saying that he
recoiled from the big game.
At any rate, despite all the ominous'
portents, this glorious republic has not
yet vanished from the earth, and ours
Is more a government of the people,
by the people and for the people than
It ever was.
If a 84 -cent passenger fare Is not
unreasonable for South Dakota, the
demand of the railroads to be allowed
to go back to the 3-cent fare in Ne
braska is surely unreasonable.
' The Denver Republican calls Mr.
John Arthur Johnson America's un
crowned king. Just as we were about
to protest we chanced to remember
that the Honorable Jeffries was an ex
king. The Nebraska Progressive Repub
can league announces officially that
it proposes to continue to advocate its
loyalty to principles rather than to
personalities. That is all right so far
as It goes, but eventually it takes
persons to put principles Into practice.
Earthquake Shocks on the Coast
As near as it Is possible to make a
comparison from press dispatches, the
earthquake shocks felt In San Fran
cisco and other California cities Sat
urday are nearly Identical with a
series of shocks experienced there on
January 1, 1906, especially as to time.
There were four distinct shocks, how
ever, In 1905, the year before the
awful calamity that came so near
wiping out the city.
It is Impossible to predict what
nature may have In store for San
Francisco, of course; whether the city
may be visited by another terrible
earthquake or not; but one thing Is
certain, the city Is better prepared
today than It was five years ago to
withstand such a shock. It Is today a
modern-made city.' It has been recon
structed on a steel and fireproof basis.
It must be remembered that fire
wrought the chief end of the 1906
devastation. Moreover, the modern
San Francisco is not only a fireproof
city, but a city equipped with fire
fighting facilities It did not have in
1906. With a vast ocean before it, it
lay a helpless prey in the lap of the
ravishing flames five years ago, be
cause its water system was antiquated
and Inadequate.
The dangers from an earthquake
In San Francisco today, therefore, are
very much less than they were before.
And It Is only fair to Ban Francisco
that this fact be duly emphasized In
any discussion of the phenomena of
nature that periodically visit the city.
Much criticism was spent at the ex
pense of San Franciscans' loyalty In
maintaining that their city was de
stroyed by fire and not earthquake la
1906, and yet that Is largely the
truth. It was a frame-built city then.
Some of the largest and most famous
of Its many famous buildings were
composed of frame, both in the busi
ness . and residential districts, and
when the earth quaked beneath them
they fell, and, catching fire, they
burned like tinder and to add to the
city's misfortune it had that inade
quate water system, whose pipes burst
and became Utterly useless.
AH these things were kept in mind
In the rebuilding of the new San Fran
cisco so that today it Is probably in
no greater danger from the wrath of
nature's elements than any other city
In the country,
The President's Trust Cruiade.
The country probably Is not sur
prised to learn of the president's de
termination to enter upon a "trust
busting" crusade. It, is quite fitting
that this herculeao'taBk bhould be
begun, too, upon the most formidable
of all trusts, the steel combine. If the
proof of the pudding is in the eating,
the president may well be taken at
his word, for the Department of Jus
tice,, under hla direction, has already
done quite a deal of effective probing
of the big combinations.
The president causes it to be known
that he proposes to see that the crim
inal clause of the Sherman law shall
not stand as a dead letter on the stat
ute books of the nation. The people
may entrust to so sane and careful a
man as Mr. Taft the administration of
any law, so that there need be no
excited fears of persecution instead of
prosecution of the trusts in this cru
sade. What must have struck' most
thinking people as foolishly remark
able on the part of the trusts Is that
they have not sought to evade prose
cution by trying to bring their busi
ness within the limitations of the anti
trust law. Certainly they have had
warning enough of the government's
impatience of their conduct. They can
not complain of snap judgment. Ever
since Theodore Roosevelt came into
the presidency they have known of the
government's intentjon to prosecute
Industrial Institutions violating the
Sherman law and President Taft has
emphasized this notice to them. Yet
they have not heeded until compelled
by court order'to do so. The gigantic
combines convicted and sentenced to
dissolution by the court of last resort
declare their determination to comply
with the decree to the letter, but they
never yielded an inch until they had
exhausted their last recourse at law,
nor has any other trust pursued a
different course, before or since.
Eugene F. Ware.
Eugene F, Ware belonged to that
class of transplanted New Englanders
who gave to Kansas its spirit of fierce
patriotism, fearless Idealism and bold
Independence. They were are still
a sturdy, yet often erratic folk, erra
tlo on the side of anxious solicitude for
their views of the right. It Is as
natural for political and social reforms
to grow in such a soil as it is for corn
to fructify on the fertile plains of that
state. And Captain Ware belonged to
that school of versatile men who pos
sess a certain peculiar aversion for
things just as they are. It Is more a
form of Intellectual honesty than
Iconoclasm, and yet there have been
a good many iconoclasts among them.
But theirs is chiefly an airy freedom
of thought and action that attracts
rather than repels. They love personal
honor. They delight In their Inde
pendence, though now and then some
imitator has arisen In their midst, who,
too lightheaded to stand in the clari
fied air of their Ideals, has toppled
over and dragged down with him all
In temporary contumely.
But Captain Ware was not one of
these. In the profession of law, In
letters, in his civic life and politics,
he held to his ideals without bringing
them into reproach. That he bad a
touch of the eccentric about him could
not be successfully dented in the light
of hla career. When he reluctantly
agreed to accept from President
Roosevelt the office of pension com
missioner, he laid his resignation in
the president's hand the next day, to
be effective two years hence, though
he served out three years.
Most of these old New Englandera,
who have infused so much of this im
petuous virility into the life of Kan
sas, joined the army of the union
when their country needed men of red
blood, and Captain Ware, then living
in Iowa, was one of them, and after
he had completed his four years of
war service, he settled In Kansas,
then, as now, a hotbed of unionism In
the fullest acceptation of that term.
Old Sol and Waist Line.
Woman, about whose varying and
vanishing walBt line so much has been
said, may look on the fat men of
Washington with a good deal of quiet
humor these days, for Old Sol is con
vincing them that immutability is not
a property of the masculine any more
than of the feminine waUt line. He
has already succeeded by his ardent
and prolonged embrace in dislocating
a numbir of them. It Is only a ques
tion of time how long these corpulent
lawmakers can hold out against this
vice-l' ae grip of the sun. Some of them
havr done very well in staving off
decisive action on a number of meas
ures, evading the direct issue of tariff
revision, while talking much of it, but
none of them has been able to with
stand a revision of the waist line
under the pressure of this heated hug.
The president himself is finding this
power irresistible, though he laughs
with a good deal of satisfaction, since
he is as much In favor of a reduced
waist line aa he is of such tariff re
ductions between this country and
Canada as are contemplated in the rec
iprocity bill. So not a grimace, but a
smile comes upon; his face every time
he reaches for the belt to give It one
more Jerk to the next hole.'
We believe, all in all. Old Sol is
doing; a good work and that ha ia on
the people's side, for it is quite a pop
ular belief that congress has been in
session all too long now, and should
either adjourn or do something:
finally. If he can squeeze action out of
It he can do wljat neither the people
nor the president has succeeded com
pletely in doing. Old Sol could make
even-a greater hit with the people out
this way if he would concentrate for a
time all his radiant glory and power
upon the seat of government and those
stubborn statesmen who sit therein.
Let him enter Into their little same
of filibuster. He ought' to make the
finest old filibuster that ever visited
' I
Omaha merchants are evidently
doing business when their imports in
the month of May alone amount to
$135,783 and for the eleven months
ending with May $810,347. Kansas
City's May imports came to $188,345,
and its eleven- months' total to $1,
686,856, which by comparison shows
Omaha off to advantage.
As if it were not enough to charge
25 per cent more for ice in Omaha
than is exacted In neighboring cities,
the ice man is being accused also of
giving short weight. How would you
like to be the Ice man?
Wa It Worth While.
Kansas City Star.
Th fate of the Cunningham claims
must causa Senator Ouggenhelm to won
der If It's really worth whlla to be a states
man, i
Inslnnation of Prejsdlee.
, Chicago Record-Herald.
Out at Omaha a debating society baa
decided that th bora I mora delrabl
than th automobile. The society must
be .made up of people who get wages In
stead of salaries.
Head Wind im Washlagtoa.
Philadelphia Record.
Opponent of reciprocity hav th voices
and the supporters of reciprocity hav th
votes. But it seems to be necessary that
th voices should be exercised until they
give out befor th votes can b taken.
Aa Impressive Lesson.
Baltimore American,
Th experience of Charles W. Morse
hows that whll It may be bard to get
rich malefactors Into prison. It Is eVen
harder to get them out Th lesson
ought "to carry its own moral so that h
who runs may read.
Dees Shstwell Shew Straight!
Sioux City Journal.
Franklin Shotwell la a stirring man of
Nebraska. 11 Is th secretary of an or
ganisation known, to soma extent, as th
Nebraska Progressive Republican league.
He say Nebraska will b for Taft In th
next national convention of the republican
party. The information please Senator
Hitchcock a little bit. Th indications ar
that there will be no serious opposition
In the mid-west to th renomlnation of
President Taft.
Too Hack ( a Geo Thing.
Sioux City Journal.
On Tuesday Omaha voted on th question
of issuing s, 360,000 In bonds for th pur
chase of th water plant, and th propo
sition failed by a narrow margin to secure
th necessary two-thirds majority. A propo
sition to Issue $100,000 in fir engine house
bonds wa likewise defeated. Douglas
county, Including Omaha, at th asm time
voted on a proposition to Issu 1200,000 In
bonds for the oompUdon of the courthouse,
and that met a similar fate. Th combina
tion represented too much of a good thing.
"Wild aa Wewlly East.
Kansas City Time.
Th new of a train robbery near Erie,
Pa., recalls th fact that th east has
furnished a number of "wild and woolly"
stories of that character during th last
Par b It from th west to attempt re
taliation for past grievance by pointing
th finger of scorn in that direction during
th tlm of trouble and humiliation. But
diligence should be maintained by the
peopl of th east to curtail so far as
possible th dangers of travel through
that part of th country.
It really ought to be as safe to rid
through Pennsylvania or Massachusetts
on a railroad train aa it Is through Kan
sas or Missouri
Auburn Orangsri Th recent stale pre
meeting was peculiar In en respect I Th
members hurled many bouquets at them
selves because of their having outgrown
Wakefield Republican t A war eaalnst
Sunday baa ball has been started at Cedar
Bluffs. This is a novel way of letting th
world know that ther is such a town
Sidney Telegraph i If Mrs. Napolttano
goes fre ther may b a great wav of
husband killing In America, for ther are
plenty who need th ax as badly aa Mr.
Napolltano did. - ,
Plattamouth Journal: Bird Critehfleld
seems to be greatly surprised because be Is
among th Indicted lumbermen. We Inow
some cattl men who wer Indicted a few
years ago that felt th same way. But
they had to walk th chalk line just th
Wayn Herald: Th state commission Is
to be commended for Its firm course In
dealing with th railroad company who
surpassing nerv led It to virtually Ignore
th order for a new depot In Wayn. It
should not be necessary to force an Im
provement so manifestly needed and war
ranted. Th railroad company ouglrt to
net the demands of a territory which
It serve and from whloh It gains large
revenue, without being prodded on by a
stat commission.
Alma Record: Th guarantee of bank
deposits law will go Into effect by July 1.
and th first assessment will raise a fund
of $166,63&2 to guarantee a total deposit
of 168,258,668.72. The fact that th guar
antee fund remains la the o us tody of th
banks assured gives rise to a demand for
something to guarantee th guarantee.
Sine January l this year over a dosn
banks have nationalised to avoid th guar
antee fund and many did likewise in W10.
York News. Whether or not th blocking
of th opening of saloons In Lincoln by
an appeal to th technicalities of th law
was "fall" from th standpoint of letting
th peopl rule, on wis from th consid
eration of future contingencies, th contro
versy was certainly Interesting to outsiders.
Th law is full of quirks with which the
legal mind alone la supposed to b able
to cop and th interesting situations which
may axis from th effort to en fore a
law or even from a laudable deslr to com
ply with it, ar without number. Ther Is
room for doubt at times whether some
w wer ever intended to b either fol
lowed or enforced.
What Freed am Meant This Country
ad to th World-
From oration of John Quincy Adams on
July 4. 1821.
And now, friends and countrymen, if th
wise and learned philosophers of th older
world should find their hearts disposed to
Inquire, What has America don for man
kind T let our answer be this: America,
with th same voice which spoke herself
Into existence aa a nation, proclaimed to
mankind the inextinguishable rights of hu
man nature, and th only Jawful founda
tions of government America, in th as
sembly of nations, si no her admission
among them, has invariably, though often
fruitlessly, held forth to them th hand
of honest friendship, of equal freedom, of
generous reciprocity.
She has uniformly spoken among thm.
though often to heedless and often to dis
dainful ears, th language of equal liberty,
equal Justice, and equal rights. Eh has.
In th laps of nearly half a century,
wimout a single exoepUon, respected the
Independence of other nations whit. . .
lng and maintaining her own. Sh has
aostainea rrom interference In the eonoarns
of others, even when th conflict has been
for principles to which sh clings as to the
last vital drop that visits th heart. Sh
has seen that probably for eenturiew to
Com all th contests ar that A
European world, will be oonteat between
inveterate power and emerging right
Wherever the Standard nt e--- .
, tcuvw WQ
independence ha been or shall b un-
lunea there will her heart, her benedlc
tlons and her prayers be. But sh goes
not abroad in search of monsters to de
stroy. Sh Is th well-wisher to th free
dom and Independence of all.
8h la the chamolon and vfn,ii.t.
of her own. She will recommend th gen
eral causa by th eountenano of hr
vole, and th benignant svmnath. i
example. Sh well knows that by onoe
enlistln under other banners than her
own, wer they even th banners of for
eign Independence, sh would lnvolv her
self beyond th power of extrication, in
all th wars of interest and Intrigue, of
Individual avarice, envy and amMti
which assume th eolor and usurp tfca
lanaaro. or xreeaom. Th fundamental
maxims of her Dollev wnnM h..ivi..
Chang from liberty to force.
in rrontiet upon her brows would no
longer beam with th ineffabl splendor of
freedom and independence, but in Its stead
would soon be substituted an Imperial dia
dem, flashing in fals and tarnished luster
th murky radlanc of dominion and
power. Sh might become th dlctatreas
of th world; sh would no longer be th
ruler of her own spirit
People Talked About
William Loeb, jr.. collector of th port
of New Tork, would rather catch a moun
tain trout than a smuggler any day.
Th prlno of Wale Is IT, and It Is high
tlm he thought of getting married. The
business of selecting his wife Is th next
big thing th royal family will hav to at
tend to. '
Benator Jo Bailey was believed to be a
confirmed automobile hater, but h ha
succumbed. Astonished Washington now
hold him la an electrio runabout
Mrs. M. A Cotton of Tarpon, Tex., Is said
to hav th only room In th world papered
with th scales of tarpon. Mr. Cotton Is
called th queen of flsherwomen la Texas
and holds th record of having caught four
gam flak la less than an hour.
Freak O. Lowden. who declined to run
for re-election to ooagrese from th Thir
teenth Illinois district last fail on account
of 1U health. Is said now to b giving
serious consideration to th request of his
friends that h b acorn a oaadldat for th
republican nomination for governor of
ho? V
The Glorious Fourth
ess History f tmnrlag
vesta Baited a Vale
ea4 inn 0lbrUoa
"Let th day we greet again
Be completely safe and Sana,
Olv the orators a chance
And put away th ambulance."
So warbles an up-to-the-minute poet
Good Idea, worth pushing along. Orator
ar few and far between, "pouters ar as
dangerous to listeners as cannon craok.ra.
To tho disposed to give serious thought
to th meaning of th nation's birthday, no
means of observance rival th inspiring
story of Independence day.
During th third week of Jun th pree
carried ooplous stories of th pomp and cir
cumstance attending the coronation of Eng
land's king. George V. How many Amer
icans giv a thought to th fact that on
of England's Georges 1 largely reeponel
bi for our midsummer national holiday.
Th third of th Georges started th busi
ness. ,H did not mean to do it Tried to
prvnt it with all th resources at hi
command, bnt h put th match to th
fus and th cracker attached have been
exploding ever since. Doubtless the good
Involuntarily don by Gorg m xplaln
why som patrlotl Americans cheered th
erownlng of th fifth member of th
George family.
Th wayback George of Independence day
began kinging wh nh wa 20 years old,
rlts th Nw York Proas. As th first
two Georges had too much on hand In th
way of amusement to mak name for
themselves In politics, this one determined
to mak a horn run th first tlm h' went
to bat and show folk what h could do.
Besides this, his mother, who probably was
conscious of th family falling for sport,
kept egging him on all th time by saying:
"George, bo klngl George, be king!" So
ther waa really no way out of It for th
poor ohap. And he succeeded In a way,
for he soon bad a powerful grip on th po
litical rains of th country, though almost
a corrupt as a political boss of this land
of th free.
But where our wily politician hav brains
behind them, George lacked, and Instead of
recognising th fact and surrounding him
self with wis heads he was a regular dog-in-the-manger
to any on who wouldn't
truokl te hint and b used aa a mer tool.
That is just what started th revolution,
for th king got mad because th colonists
refused to b run over, and determined to
whip them Into line. - Th most horrid pun
ishment he could think of was to do some
thing to deprive them of their afternoon
tea, but did not stop to think that th
exhilarating western air mad that stimu
lating beverage much less a necessity her
than In ths mother country. In fact, ths
colonists wer si willing to do without It
In their home that they used Boston har
bor for a teapot and mad a good strong
brew with three shiploads of th king' tea.
That was th limit-all that perfectly
good tea wasted and th bull-headed col
onists still unable to recognize their mas
ter I Th king now passed a whole budget
of very ugly acts all at one In what was
meant to be a crushing way, but they
cam back boomerang fashion, in th nr.
ganjxation of th continental congress.
Mr. Paul Revere of Boston, after wrap
ping up a light lunch of baked beans, was
given a fleet hors and sent out with let
ters intsnded to rouse the peopl of New
York and Philadelphia, but it took him so
long to wake up all th Pblladclphlans
that tn Sons of Liberty hadj taken aeUon
for a congress befor he reached New
Patrick Henry en a ted a great deal of
exoltement, boo. Pat was of Scoton par
entage (though how he even got that fiont
nam is a mystery), and Vas slow and
shiftless as a youth in everything but get
ting married. He took this fateful step
three years befor reaohlng his majority
and immediately went to Uvs with his
father-in-law, an Innkeeper. Pat became
his assistant, working two hours a day
and taking an hour and a half out of that
for lunch. In spar moments h played
th fiddle and seemed well oontented with
his lot
Th father-in-law was what might be
termed "easy" In these days, but finally of
his own free will Patrick took up th study
of law and was admitted to th bar in
short order. However, his clients wer
few, far between and without question en
tire strangers to that locality.
It was after ten years of married life
(in which tlm he no doubt gathered many
fin points from bis wife) that he suddenly
found himself and burst forth, on th pa
tient public as th most loqunt speaker
of his generation. In on speech he Insisted
on having liberty or death, and, whll vary
close critics might claim that It left on
In doubt as to which xs tat b really pre
ferred. tt majority of the people, knowing
bow long he had been married, took It for
granted It was th former, and th saying
mad quit a hit
Another tlm h went over a list of kings
who bad th bad luck to hav been killed
In politics, and then started to say some
thing about George III. but som loyalists
In th audience Immediately took him up
and shouted, 'Treason I Treason!" How
ever, Patrlok was a diplomat a well as a
speaker, and ended up tn this noncomm ttal
way: "And George III may profit by their
example. It that be treason, mak th
moat of It" Nobody wanted to mak th
moat of It and Mr. Henry, with raised
eyebrow, calmly stooped to pick a whit
raveling from his continental trousers.
During th aarly months of th revolu
tion no declaration of Independence bad
been mad, but young- Thomas Jefferson,
thinking one might be needed soon, had
been sitting up vnings to writ It and
had it tucked up bis sleeve all ready to
pop at th correct moment
There were peopl who eritloised ths
declaration said It lacked originality and
might hav been written better, but w
ar Inclined to believe their waa a Jealous
criticism. Of course, Thomas Jefferson
was not out for a oorapos Uon prise, but
for th good of th people. He may hav
left out a few commas and forgotten to
cross a t or two, but ther was a wbol
lot of good, solid, practical stuff in th
declaration, and eongres recognised th
faot and adopted it on th vnlng of July
4. 1771
Th members signed It at a later data,
and thl I th way they lined up professionallytwenty-four
lawyers, four doctors,
on clergyman (ther wer three other
who studied for th ministry, but had re
formed and gon Into som other business),
one manufacturer and nln merchanta
Not a duke or aa earl or a lord In th
who) lot and that at least was original
for thoss days.
The people went so wild with entbus'asm
that they broke a real good bell proclaim
ing liberty, and to this day as w Ameri
cans stand befor th old relle w scratch
our heads and wonder which w are the
most proud of th bell r th crack In It
Tb enthusiasm of those old patriots
stayed with them, too, until with th sur
render of Lord Cora welll at Tork town,
their declaration was insured perms aoy.
Architect of renniylrania "Home of
Scandal" Goes to Jail.
coimcnoN sealed by coukts
low Jaetle aaa Death rare. th
Cemsrlraiwr Whe Robbed the
ah, Stat f Mllllea
f Dollar.
What Is regarded ae the last chapter In
th Pennsylvania capltol frauds close with
th Imprisonment of Joseph M. Huston.
architect of thl gret house of scandal,
who conviction on charge of conspiracy
war affirmed on May 22 by th stat u-
prmn court The eas of Huston was
th last of th criminal trials In connec
tion with th conspiracy by which th
tat or Pennsylvania was robbed of mil
lions. Pour other men wer convicted and
sentenced to Jail. John H. Sanderson, th
contractor, and William H. Mathue. x
state treasurer, died before their sentences
becam effective; two of their confederates
James H. Shumaker, ex-superintendent
or publlo grounds and buildings, and Wll
Ham P. Snyder, ex-audltor general are
serving terms in prison. Another defendant
pleaded noil contendere, and reimbursed
th stat to the extent f 214.0O0. In civil
suits th stat recovered approximately
It I Improbable that much sympathy
will be wasted on Huston. Th tlm has
passed for that, for Pennsylvania has had
enough of Its capltol scandal, which earns
to light nearly flv years ago In Ootober,
isw, in th oourse of th Stuart-Eknory
gubernatorial campaign. Th peopl want
to forget th grafting and th greed that
made It possible. They want to turn down
th leaf and begin with a new sheet
Huston declares h wa convicted by
malic and publlo clamor, but the facts
were against lilm, and the republican ma
chine, which countenanced his acts, waa
powerless to sav th young architect
Tried Alow Three Tlsses.
Huston aotually had three trials. Hav
ing obtained a severance, he was not called
to th bar with th other four defendants.
On th first trial h was acquitted of the
chant of conspiracy, but was again called
to plead to an Indictment based on his
certification of bills for work and ma
terial In whloh overcharges had been mad.
The second trial was delayed by Sander
son's death, and when called In January,
1910, It waa postponed because the family
of a Juror had been quarantined on ac
count of scarlet fevr. Th third trial re
sulted In the architect's conviction In th
Dauphin county court, on April 2 of th
same year, after a bitter legal fight of
four weeks. After being sentenced to th
Eastern penitentiary for not less than six
months or mora than two years, and to
pay a fin of tfOO and costs, h took an
appeal to the supreme court, his last re
sort That body decided that he had been
Jegally oonvloted.
On curious feature of th trial was th
Jury's action in first reporting that they
had found Huston guilty of "defrauding
th commonwealth." They were Informed
by Judge Kunkel that tnl was not a
proper verdict. Inasmuch aa Huston had
been lr. dieted for conspiracy. II sent them
back to their room, and finally they re
turned with a verdict in accordance with
th Indictment They deliberated twenty-
six hours. Naturally, Huston's lawyer
mads th most of thl singular phase In
their effort to obtain a new trial. Th
superior court, however, was satisfied that
th trial Judge had not acted Improperly
In advising th Jnrors.
Telltale Mahasraay Desk.
Perhaps the most damaging evidence
against the architect concerned four big
niahogany desks which were brought Into
court from the capltol ss exhibits. Th
prosecution offered tbera tn proof of its
declaration that th desks had been incor
rectly measured; that th stat bad been
defrauded by being overcharged for them,
and that, furnished by Sanderson and cer
tified by Huston, they wer exoellent speci
mens of th fraudulent material which
went Int th capltol building.
According to witnesses, the desks wer
elected out of regularly listed and cata
logued stock of tb Derby Desk company
of Springfield, Mass., and It was shown that
only alight alterations from th stock de
signs had been mad In thsrrC
Huston, as capltol architect, received a
oommlsslon of 4 per cent for th building's
"specially designed" furniture, Tet the
desks on exhibition wer made, with few
alterations at Sanderson's order, and with
out any plans or specifications being fur
nished to tha Derby company. For these
four desks th stat paid $1,086 90, and they
were billed by th oontractor and paid for
a containing fifty-eight and one-half feet
Tb desks wer measured in court and war
found to hav a total length for th four
of twenty-two and one-fourth feet
To show Huston's part in th controversy
th stat Introduced two letters from Hus
ton to Hampton L. Carson, tb attorney
general of Pennsylvania, In these th archi
tect mad himself personally responsible
for th correctness of the measurement of
th capltol furnltur a they wer set forth
in th bills which h had certified. His
statement, in addition, virtually formed a
denial that there were any falsely meas
ured articles in th building. .
Death tha Trail.
A striking feature of the capltol affair
was th extent to which death thinned th
rank of th defendants and witnesses, in
addition to Sanderson, th contractor for
furnishings, and Mathue. death took
Deposited in the Safings Department of
the Omaha National Bank during the first
10 days of July will bear interest
from July 1st.
Savings pass-books issued and
interest compounded semi-annually.
Omaha National Bank
17th and Farnam Sts.
Ctpit&l $1,000,000. Serp!os tnd Profits $600,009
J. H. Millard, Pres.
Oeorg F. Payne, rrntractir for th build
lng Itself: James C. Jeffi-rs. hi rent clerk
In th auditor general's cfflre. and John
E. Stott secretary of the Board of f
Grounds and RulMlnaa. Jeffers and St
both witnesses, wer found dead In thel
rooms. Another viHne, J. Herbert Pteven
son, bookkeeper fr Ssnderson, drowned
himself In the Delaware river.
In round ftgvrts. It has lren estimated
that, of 113.134.708m expended upon the
capltol and Its contents, f.VWVOno was In
excess of a fair price. An Investigating
committee found that the construction
work tinder the Cepllol Building commit- )
ston was well done, snd the commission
was censured only for permitting the
Board of Public Grounds snd Buildings to
expend about In completing tha
building, with floors, marble walla, etc.,
when the commission was alresdy supposed
to hav completed It wtth the original ap
propriation of $4,000,000. The board wa
composed of Governor Pennypacker end
Rnvdwr and Mathue.
With regard to the work don under th
Board of Public Grounds and Buildings, it
was charged that the specifications wer so
Juggled ss to prevent Intelligent competi
tive bidding; that the "per foot" and "per
pound" methods of computation, and the
absence of qualities In th specifications,
opened the way for fraudulent charges;
that th fighting fixtures wer not bronse,
but brass, and were loaded with hundreds
of pounds of unnecessary weight. In order
that th contractor might charge $4 90 a
pound for useless metal, worth not more
than 80 cents; that furnltur was meas
ured by cubic feet and charged for under
the high rate fixed for "specially designed"
articles, ' when It waa only ordinary stock
stuff, snd the contractor who presented
th bills, the architect who certified to
their correctness, and th superintendent
of publlo grounds snd buildings, th aud
itor genera), and th stat treasurer, whe
approved, audited and paid the bills, must
hav known they wer fraudulent New
Tork Post.
He I understand the speakers at th
banquet used a great deal of hyperbola.
tfhe Well, to Jurise from th way their
wive hav been telling how they com
horn that night, they used a good deal
more than was good for 'em. Baltimore
"Why hss your son decided not te gt
Into the mlnldtryT"
'Well, we've thought It all over and eom
to th conclusion that he ain't fitted for It
He dnnt' like chicken." Chicago Record
Herald. New Reporter (bustling la) I got the
story. How many wordsf
City Editor I don't are how many, so
you omit these. "When the locomotive
Struck him he hurtled through th air a
though shot from a catapult" Chicago
"Md you hear about th awful way la
Whloh Mrs, Newport Sett was stungt"
"Mercy, no. Tell me."
"Why, she married an Immensely wealthy
contractor without making any Investiga
tion of his finance and didn't find out
he waa hopelessly Involved until sh asked
for alimony."
"Mercy I How careless!" Cleveland Plain
"Didn't It give you a thrill to realise) that
you wer exerciser th glorious privtleg
of th franchiser'
"Yes, wasn't it Just lovely? Ton know
Tom Is on the ticket, and I Just had to gig.
gle when I put that kiss after his name."
"That fellow Is evidently a poet.
"I've seen him at a good many teas,
but I never heard him reolt any poetry."
"Maybe not; but look at him eat.
Louisville Courier-Journal
The horrid thing." exclaims tha ladr
who has Just clambered over and throusrh
th barbed wlr fence, leaving her red par
asol In the pasture with the angry bull.
'You horrid thing! I shall reetn at onre
as president of th Antt-Vivisection society
snd secretary of the Society for Preve-t'on
of Cruelty to Animals, and shall with
draw my application for charter member
ship In the Vegetarian league," Chicago
Post .
John Kndrick Bancs In Leslie's.
Th red of her Hps 'tis a rich, ro-y r1;
The popiy befor It ,1s hsnelng Its bead.
The sunsrt itself when 'tis glowing at e'en
Hath nmer a redness ss lnvolv T wan'
And ss f th cherry whose color Is sun
ay troubadours old, middle-aged, and
Its rare hues are paler than that which
doth II -On
Phyllis' lips to the loverly eye.
Th Whit of ber browah. y lilies o
How saffron ye seem to thst purity there!
Tb whit of th light man hav vaunted
for years;
Ths white of the pearl hath been likened
to tesrs;
The white ef th rob of th eherubio
That fill ail th heavens with anthem and
Less pure, on and all. ar these emblems
of whit
Than Phyllis' brow to th loverly eight
The Blue of her eyes well, th heavens ar
blue, -And
seas ar Intense with that marvelous
And blue Is the violet there In the close:
And deep with Its .wonders th rar
rapphlr glows:
And blue la my heart when th garden's
With weeds of regret and th flowers of
But never a hint of such ssur I find
As deep as those eyes to my loverly mind!
Ah, Phviila, th Red, and the Blue and the
Rare emblem of purity, Joy and delight!
Who would not rejoice In th lied, Whit
and Blue,
And cheer for It daily embodied In yout ,
A banner all glorious, f lunar to love's skv.
An'd spesklng of bliss as it ripple in high
wi.m miner, i (riBr juu wiui miner suia
O'er the Iand of th Pre and th Home of
th Brevet