Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1911, Image 5

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L'oqaiH" Ttitt Sod deal 7 frm Heart
Ihseue at Cascade, Cola.
Young Girls May Learn
How to Handle a Needle
Enrn P. Ware. -IrooeulU.- th famous
poet. United Stales penatoa eoea-
iMw President Runt llt. and
sbo ef tho best known lawyer ts tho vast.
M J J wily from kenrt mm teat debt
af Cases ila a nnmr n.u--. several ad)
af thla my.
P. War eras bora la Hartfwrd.
CMa, Mar 9. UL and w ia yovn aaeved
ta Im with hJa parecta Whan year
aid. be Joined the Drat Iowa mmtMr
r4tuxtit oa tho day Fort Sumtar was
fired anon, aad rvd throurhout tM
crnl war. Ha waa mustered eat aa cap
tain af the 0uth Iowa cavalry.
After the cVoaa of the errU war Mr. War
moved to Port Scott. Kan . and later want
to Cherokee county. It u ther that he
stroma IcU-mH la the study of law. Ae
ardlnr to th story teed by Mr. War, la
aanttiiawara Tanaas. vrber at that time
white seen ware few. be spent hie leaver
time ta the effie of a Justice of th peace
and ta many eases where the Justice waa
rwratred to decide point be would aak
Mr. Ware opinion. This started the Kaa
aaa to studytar laa and after Mm ad
aaltted to the bar he I "tinned te Port
Scott, wbere be becaa te practice.
V9 to tow year are Mr. War took
ta pontic, hsvtnr aaeved
te Topeh In lift He
In the Kan
waa appointed cmmplae'unei of
by Pieldent Roosevelt ta TP. He
two yaara later.
tVeee Hot Like Jah.
Acoordlnr to eloee frlenda. when Mr.
It offered Mr. Ware the piaos be
eermr be did not like the work.
To thta Mr. Ruueeielt replied.
Jwat tho nna I wast yea to take It.
tanaror yea boM the Job the laaa yeaH
The raaaaa atnealad, tfc posttjoa May
It. SOX aad It at said bU reels-nation
lie lit at the disposal of Mr.
Mar XL IMS. bo accepted two year
aa active part
frana Port
nerved five
and '
ou-M to know bow
to w. This tart cannot be over
eenphaetsrd." dclarea Mm Rath
Tompeett. the younr chosen
te Street the Bewiy estsXsned atx
weeka summer course ia plaia sew
tnr at the Toon Weir.rn's Chrtetlaa
aaaertaTlnw berlaiunr July II.
The comae ta for hib echool ffr'm
aad Utaae of the ': 1 and etrbth
trade who ar too buoy to the
school anaooa with hiaurry. Let In
aad algebra to (We attentlea te the
practlcai arte of cutttnar acd fittlnc
baeuac. beoimlac aod atttchln.
Mia TerEpaett maiBtaisa that
elace womea will ta all proteiMHtr
aJway have the cloth to
eontead with. (Irla caJtaot htgin too
yeanc to leara to aew.
"Cbrla do taf Bore natsrany
by atartlnc aarfy." oar Mies Torap-
aett. Por the rri of tnoderat
mean, a kmewteic of oewtRr ta
tavaJvabie atneo with t! abe canaot
only make her aw jarmita bat
aaake over bar old on to toa
form to the rarreat taehioi. Era
tnr the womaa who caua m.TVmi to pw y ti tin
bae her dothea asade a knewledce MIfa RUTH TOMP8BTT.
of eewtsa' hi adraKtaa-eona. berauae ahe eaa mm lnt!:iic-ntT eitiaaa her diea
No poor Tta for the wemaa who knows how to aw."
Mlaa Tana pea et. who atteodd the Taacber' coilec. Cotumbat BBiverattr. New
Tors, aod th New Torfc Hcheol of Art. taught manual tratnlnc ta the pubUa
echool laat year. She will ft a ahort course ta draeica; and water-color
palntinc Wedoeaday afternoons at the Tones Womea's Ouisttaa aesortattoa
V,, .'"-.'
- J - .
- .. - .
Gas Prtera, Drirer for Ice CoiapaEy,
I Die af Eeat IrottratioB.
hust to hold msr X4ASS
tee ad t.
lee A eaa M. Caaapbell D
ni1 Heaadtal. Pel fceweaT
Sictt City
-The atetle o Rlcbaaawd' at the
Tfc lairrahaiB Stock competT becao the :
elosnta; week cf Its aumiaer Ham at the
Geycty yeatardar. paj" The Bei e of
IUchmoM." as Its farewra. A:thooa;b the1
beat wse bBtenae the aod.eace tamored It ,
eotcpieteiy. as clooeiy did they follow the:
Ktt i of the play- j
The FT. of Rjchtnond. ia a nolo- j
Gas Peters. refMlns" at Twenty -eJitb and (rtnt with a plot trat is old eoocfh bi
Q streets, m drtrer for th South Omaha ! Deny of Its talis, bat ih a denouement ,
Ice eotcpaBy. waa otu.'Pie by the heat that has a refreahtnc aot. The elliain ta-
B ut.y aaorBtnc at H Je eaer tn Q street
nadoct aad died aa boor biter la the
South Orcaha bospitaL
Peters bad complained of bdna; 111 Satv
day. but nM te lay off beeaoaa the
f.rm waa short of drteera. Saoday aaora
ItLf be had cueied hie rceralar roato and
letuined te the warvhoosa for aaother load
of Ice. After bavin loaded the wacoo be
eat down to rest In the shade of the Q
street -riadwrt As be arose from a etttlac
positioB be waa aeea te starrer. Whoa
asaistaaco aniTcd he remarked. "I era sot
drank, but feel awful diary." A moment
later be became unconeckxxs. Dr. P. O.
Beck was called aad ordered the Iran to
the hospital Th paueet stiu reraised
As "IroexrnCr" Mr. War beramo
for th abort poena be pabtiabed.
that attracted attach Bodee was
Dewey" a Vory over th Spaa
ta Maafla bay.
. piababry the poem which breearbt the
ere laat raaiiciiiriii was "The Wash
Automobile Comes in
Eeach of Everybody
Tibertj-Bnuli Offered at Hone aad
Sicxr Trie to the
ta the aoto-
aobUo hadaatry has )ua( baea sat eft by th
TThAed tassa Motor esvpaay. abas aa-
tbat the oocapaay
aftVlit aeta-
Prominent Physician
of Council Bluffs is
Found Dead in Office
Dr. Jeka 7. Spriak Succomba ta Heart
TailBre Ihie to Ante Indi
fertioa. Dr. Jena P. Sprtnk of Coaacfl Btnffa.
president of the Mercy hospital staff aad
secretary of the Council Biaffa Medical
ocksty. was fonod dad ta his efflc ea
the foortb floor of the City Nat tonal bask
bofldlBC ta Council Bhtffs shortly after i
o'clock yso terday nomir. Th dlacwrery
wee made by Mlaa Hetca Sprtnk, his
stater, who want to his office te seek htm
wbea she feood he bad not returned home
dormc the Birht. Death waa doe to heart
faOnr. tadaeed br the bet weather and
aa attack of stomach troohta oa Prtday
aftei-aooB, Dr. Sprtek bad tone been
aiff ertnr frota a weak heart.
Tho doctor apparently died before mfd-
alrht. Mies Sprtnk found the door of his
enter office unlocked aad la hla prhrmt
ffle d3acoeered the body of bar brothet
lytec face downward en th floor.
Dr. Jennrnca was ban-tod !y caJled and
arrlred wtthla a few aaiaotea. Aa a
amtnarloB cooTtnced htm that Dr. Sprtnk
BooBaaaaBsad waa aaad
Th ear Is Be mod the Uoerty-Broah aad
am liai taapaeta ft liaanblia the popolar
Jarwah raaaknK. It kt apaaa cf rrery
sjail. aad hi beak wttk a power piastt that
a aa aliWrlaai te '-4ig the nhiiaisat farm
aa WaaaBjartiiHna. ft waa as tho arrrraj af
Tae Uherty-Braali la expected te flad Its
avflmi I an. raraj free imM wy carriers,
patjatitana, ceetracters aad l aiiat of other
Bees af beBftaess; kt fact am jaaa who
aeea a bene aad beery eaa rat rhasatr.
ojehchor aad rraatar sat iV . froaa this roa-
Ob Prlday Dr. Sprmk att
apptea aad drank a number of rtaases
soda water at the Clark dror store, eat
tec aa aecnta attack of Indirection. It Is
balleeed that this attack aad the tstenaa
of the eeeolBT broarht about heart
bat re need haj death.
Dr. Sprtek was B years old aad was
era ta Council Bluffs. He received his
early edncatloa. ta the pohMc schools and
tvod a dorrs of bachelor of arta at
St. Bonedlcf a cotter . In tehiaocv Kaau
la IBBJl la I9C bo cnsploted bis medical
course at Crelrlttoal untveratty. evadoatmr
with klrh honors. Ho waa unmarried aad
hla homo with hla sister. He la
am 1tod by bis three Batters. Mr Aojr&st
Spies of CMumbus. Nab.: Mrs. P. J. Emir
of Omaha aad bOea Helen of this city. The
fuaeral win bo bold tomorrow mornlar at
I o'clock from St. Peter's Cathooc church.
Death Comes to Him
For Throwing Beer on
Friend in a Saloon
Joha Katwa Dies in South Omalia
Fonowittg Blow Struck j
Janet Carr.
The aenoum omam marks aa spsck ta the
tnduetrr and the aalvatlasi af
t nap aofhtar tf the lai i aaaa
of actloa which It suppOaa ts ths
la bultt ta tho Detroit
of the Catted States Motor coca
I wta be aaarkacsd tbiavirb tho
bee built up.
Th deaLrs of the ear to
am all ad from maay yaara
ta butldlar atlBty ranaboata.
for tw passe
the utaaoot eaa of control
of apeed equal to oiaty
ar utaty.
aa tbe
It baa
aad baa
and a
Borzo. Union Pacific
Laborer, Found Dead
Kaa't Body DiseoTered is Back Yard
of Boarding Home wita Brsisea
Aboat Head.
Wayne Moore's Body
Is Taken to Eed Oak
Iowa, for Interment
The body of tho lata Warao Moor, who
died ta tho Clarksoa beepttal Juno 13. after
aa operettas necessitated front Injuries
sustained Bear Waterloo while oa aa auto- I
mobile trip te Premont, was removed
ft Miu tho Connor maimilmia In Holy Bep
etcher annum y Sunday for fnaJ mtarraaat
ta the Moor famBy hartal piat at Bed
Oak. la.
Lata Sunday aftarBooa P. C Hoaf ay. Vaa
aixlailalai who has esnducted all th bur
lals for the Connor family, transferred th
casket from th reatT-jtr portioa of the
Connor vault te the Holy Sepulcher ceme
tery to a sealed BastaJSc receptacle which
W.a take tt to tho last reseinr place sails
Warns Moore s father at Red Oak.
Azrered becanse John Ma term, i
for the Swan Lerarn cement works, threw
beer upon him ta Mike'a saloon at
Thlrtyecond and Q rtreeta. South Omaha.
James Carr. a former employ of that ctty.
dealt Mataon a blow whlck la said to hav
broken his neck. Matsoa died at 2 'eleek
Sunday afternoon.
Dr. A. H- Koecir. city physician of South
Omaha, found Mataon dead upon hla ar
rival. While reeervrar a positive statement
until after the aatcpey. he expressed aa
op.'nion that death had been canoed by the
Mow. Carr. arrested a few minutes later
A Pteree Attack
of malaria, Hver deranremeet and kidney
trouble Is eaa'Jy cured by Electric Bitters,
the ruaraeteed remedy. Me. For sals by
Beatoa Drcr Co.
by Officers Dworak and McGuir, waa held
su the chars of betnr a suspicious
Eyewitnesses say that Matson had per
rhned in attempts to force drinks upon
Oir. who was known as his friend. Carr
bad refased twice aad each time Matson
had thrown some of the beer oa htm. Ia
anrer Carr struck Mataon on the left side
ef the neck. Maurice Dtrrte and Dan
Connors ejected Carr from the saloon and
carried th fallen man to a bench te ths
yard. He died within a few minutes.
When told that Matson was dead. Carr
eon peed tat the office of the Chief Briras.
Mataon. who was known as a- hard work.
ptar srajL. to survived by-a family ef five.
hie wife and four children. Aurust. Albert.
Ruth aad Elsie. He waa a years ohl
Deputy Coronor Bernard Larktn took tho
brdy ta charre.
Mik Dtrris. proprietor . of tho aaloon,
called at the police ststion afterwards, and
declared that . be was at homo when the
trouble oveurred- He said that drinks
were betnr served, but that they were
Peters waa about et years of era. Hs
Isaves a wife. Deputy Corner Lawkta took
charre of tho body. PuneraJ
meets will ha announced later.
Joafcklm Bora.
effte shape, was teas
yard ef hla boardiBC
at tho UaJon Pa
nt SU Laaveo-
o clack
Leiuie Reavroua. wb Uvea at the easae
piaoe. was arrested early this naaraiar by
the pottco horaisa tho two men c. narrated
about I a o'clock last alrht aad Borso
struck Beavroud. Aaale Waaofaky. who
raas the boardlnr house, aald ah thourht
the Q-ieurei was aot aertoua.
Bora wai sz aeea alivs wbea he walked
out of the house the ejarrei.
Gabriel Mecry. hta roommate, m'ssiit hia
and upon imM:4itiit fousd th
body I) -c la th back yard. Tae
waa brslaed.
The dead man waa reported to bare been
drtnkias last airht. The polios ar tarffntd
te thmk feat death auy hav
Body ad K. C Slaaaasias. Who 1
Oilinel with Heat lataraay,
ta BelnsT Held.
Puaaral arraisinisBta
(ar B. a
ssona. wba died Saturday airht at the raei
deaca of Mrs. C CUacy. SM North
Eirhtaeath strast. after havtnaT boon ovor
coavs by boat am hie way homo from work
tm the patat af tho Johnson Stock Pood
win aot be avado until hta t
la ViaaarhiaiattJ have been hoard
Mr. BnuBoas was M years od and has
been ta Omsubn for ever four years. Toe
body to at Dodder's BBdcrtakiar partc-ra.
peadlnr instructions front th dead man's
Teeth Wb Waa Severely layered
it at aeederar Has
ays Ml
laatlu la Thai
aad M
CI Laaa te
Frits Xymvsrd. the mechaaldaa who was
mjured la the six-hour auto race held at
the Omaha speedway. June II. wbXo ridlcr
ta a Cadillac racer drives by hla brother,
left the Wise Memorial hospital Sunday.
Nyrsard sustained Injuries to his head that
threatened to develop Into a concussion of
th brain case that asirht mean death, but
D pwMa mi mis WH17.
Nyrsard went at oaco to his boms, tlft
xern South
Dakota, where am tor wheat
arowa IB several pacea
eaccees. caa be coavertad nita a etnter
wheat rrowtsr aactioa, anajouairad a i apart
af Cee9 BaJmoa. paiat phystolorlst of tho
Department at Atrrtculture. today. Tho
report pointed out that Wyeinl n aad
Moetaaa. wher the toil ar-d sttfjato av
atmusr. pr-jdjeed TX4.d fcal
t reea De teats aWUe.
The J S. Cross teeaa. (oraan-ry te Cp
un. wen (he ri.a 1 game ef tae ae toa
euscay afTeraceei truea ute Neoraeaa Trie-
Pi-oe noiiaair. br ue acere of to to 1
Tm fi tK -k hit the (Mil t'Jt taeaty-foar
rate e.ei aff Hike a S-Jvr. ad rma ta
ha tl tul Uutr inr fur Oeee and
isei ap f)( in tu mitLkl hidwr
ia orrd ar'.i at ht tse rounds. Gna
b. aod intrui ae tfxd aoeae eiaaay
f.afca. aad bat tew hews) ware nmaii
Will Ran a rmtriwtta, bat
e Cole ben tt af Lake
always stands far a
Fsea-th af July ta bis parks that aball he
aa patriotic aa tho father f tho rapublto
wwald bar had ft and aot a Chinese eeie
braaoa. Thar wta be Cars aad patriotic
atuaae. but ao noise and the famines aad tn
dmdsais te wham such a day appeala wui
fmd tt at Manawa.
To Change System
of Teaching at the
School for the Deaf
Prof. P. "W. Booth ArriTci to Take
Hit Position as Sew Superintendent.
To rei!ev R. E. Stewart as supertntend
eat of tho Nebraska School for th Deaf,
and to inetail the oral vysum. Prcf. F. W.
Booth arrived ta Omaha last Friday aftar
Booa from Washinrtoe. D. C
Prof. Booth to of tho belief that the
sirn lasruare wh:ea Is now ta use will
sooa he dVsplacod a i ar tho country by
the oral system. He expiates that by
UsUmnr the deaf to read tho oral system
which Is merely reediar th movements
ef th :ps the deaf ar moved to a hirher
Win Celebrate
Rev. Jamea P. McMaboc a newly sr-
darned pLluat and a native of South Omaha,
celebrated hla first mass this mornlnr at
St. Brtdref church at J a'dock.
For th occasion elaborate preparation
bad bees made by the pastor. Father T. !
CCaHarban. nd the parishioner. It was
tn St. BrMret's church twenty-three years
aro that Father McMahon was baptised.
His father. James P. McMahou, to foreman
at the Cudahy packlnr bouse. Th youcr
priest was ordained te St. Louis last Fri
day by Biabep Jamea J. Otecnou.
At the ceremonies this me rater ths fol
lewlnr dergj men participated: Reva.
James AJterne, T. O'Cartarnaa. Charles
Muran. J. P. Hennessy and T. A. Flanaran.
Rev. D. W. Moriarty of Benson win preach
the Bermon.
Wowld Taane Ante Drrvwra.
Mayor Tralnor aad Council maa Jack
Walters are on on th propositloa of put
Unr sotno restraint upon reckless auto
mobile drivers ta South Omaha. City At
torney Murphy, tt to understood, has under
consideration aa ordinanc relating to the
speed limit tn the ctty.
Th mayor win Insist upon motortota
ustnr soma kind of horn or warnlnr when
eroentnr corners. It has rotten so ot lata
that drivers come and ro at top spaed
without sound of horn or strea. Thla to
particularly danrerous at the s'jeet ciuas
tnrs where the hrht Is bad. It Is expected
that the matter win be brourht to the
notice of the coancQ ana chief ef police.
Miss Aeea R. Caaapbe-U Die.
Anna B. Campbell of Ml Madison
died Sunday noon at St. Joseph's
hospital foOowlnr an operation for the
removal of a tumor. hOas Campbetl. who
waa S years of are. resided wKa nor
parents. Mr. and Mrs. James C- Campbell.
Recently Mias Campbell was called to
Arkansas to nurse her sister who Is El
Three days after her arrival at the home
of her sister she was taken BL She re
turned nome aad was sent to the hospital,
where she died. Mtos Campbell to survived
by her parents aad a aumber of staters.
Awattinr the arrrraJ of relative from
New York and chrwber. th funeral ar-
ranrements have aot
XarrVe Ctty Goeatp.
See HOWLAND Lumber A Coal Co..
NiTW LOCATION. SL1 North feth. Pbone I.
Mr. C M. Rica ta apeaains- a month at
Tacoma. feeatti and Poruand.
Miss Blanche Haunter is th ruost o(
Miss Marraret Hart at Grafton. Neb.
John A- Duff of Hastlnr. Neb., has
returned home after a visit with his
brother. J. L. Duff.
Mrs. Georre Bryaon and daughter ar
vlsltizvr Mrs. Bryaoa's brother. Fred Gar
low, at North Plana
Th Woodmen of the World win meet at
Twenty-fourth and M streets Tuesday
mormnr at i to o'clock.
Wanted board In private faint? for man
and two children. Qua Bennke. Cudahy
Packinr Co. Phone South ZTS.
K- W. Creviston. a delecate te the na
tional convention of the Modern Woodmen,
is expected back from Buffalo tn a coupte
of days.
James Dunn and Councilman Geor-re
Hoffman and John Riha left - Saturday
niht on a lismnr tnp to the moutn of toe
K.Arte. After a few days at the camp
Mr. Dunn will re to his old home In ht-cc-tran.
The two councilman will remain
near ahout two weeks.
Fire aatd to hav ortrtnatcd throurh
matches carelessly thrown around by boys,
broke out tn the rear of the ice cream
parlor of M:k Gannon. Thirty-third and
Q streets. Sunday mornlnr at 11 3D s'cloca.
The fire burned through to the sajoon of
Lawrence Connors, which tt dsmaaed te
the extent of about &. Gannona place
was slirhtly damared.
Mrs. Georr W. Roberts ltaed up tn th
target rrouods Sunday afternooa with th
at red of btlrr vtalted with any of th
usual perat'les. to told to ro out and ;
make a new start far himself and rTea th '
meess wi th whtrh 1 do tt
Grald Oordoa aod WV!1ara Osmond, th '
former a yeunr htwyer and the latter a i
cashier tn Judat KiH bank, are both'
tn love wtth the Judre's daurhte'. Nrllt. !
who to the beTle ef Richmond. Their j
bewroets ar confused ta delvery snd out I
of tb confusion aidd by Oamood a
knavery and GordcB'a Barnanitn.ty. Nrl1;
becomts th fiancee of Osmond. while '
really lo-rtcr tho tter. Then follows '
an enibexx-'ement errineered by Os
mond, who imp!!'-atea aa mnrcent maa 1
1b th crtm. The real culprit to dis
covered. Gordon makes rood hw rival' a de
falcation, rives him noatf for a new
start and marries tn rrL
Miss Ftoeber plays the belle ef Rich
mend with teteMlrenc ta torpretatloB
and charm ef manner. Mr. Pollard to. of
course. Gera.d Gordon, and redeems a '
rather utrtnf tlur role.
Hot your ticket read "BvrKngton.
Vacation Tours YIt
PAcmo coast. Leta Asreea. FnrUaad. BreuUe. Tacoma,
eaiir ?60
rVa. Fresarssrav. Vom iareW. rortland. rWrtlv. Tacm.
dsDe netil JbT Itn. AaTtlSt 7tb to lltfi aad 14ti to
W. X. A.
iseo daliy anti
IstrlajdtBC MmmCa Roeito $I3-0O Mtkrr.
sershlp additional ea tickets sold te Saa Praa-
jaiy u
TaatrrDl at aVaaae lisair Garden.
Pour vaudevCl artists acd aa excellent
prorram of movtrir pictures are sntertain
tnr itnra st the Rome rummer rar-len
this week The crowds hav b-eti fintnr
th chairs at every table tbes warm eva.
lrs and cotnf crt to aourht rather thaa en
tertainment, but the stnrers 00 th star
are rood enourh to earn applaoaa Ross
and Hbrkmsa. a soprano and baritone, stnr
several popular number. Miss Riss ha
a sweat votes blends w3 wtth the
sturdy tones of her partner, and they made
a pleasinr duo. Tho Hlraesoru Atptrs
ectertAinera, a womaa yodater and a maa
who played several Instruments, are rood.
For July 4. Manarer William MHler has
planned ts rve the returns of the Wobrast
Moraa Crht. and there will be five vaude
ville numbers. The matinee win begin
at I o'clock and th vnlnr performance
at The rnrdea to on the west side
of th hotel where It ts comfortably
shaded durter th
To Cearfttnee' EntraJsra ....-.. . . ?v-..
8id tow frota IjTtsetoa. all accommodations &o,
Tor Tto Gardiirr (melal entTBOCO), !ncldtn rail. Ur
aod hotaja for H Jr 5S4.
la rta Gardiner, ovt rU Yenowstoo. Rait IaUo and Scemie
Colorado, UclndloK rail, star aad hotels 6V dart . JIOT,
TAtU Canatac tow. six dara, all aceoramodatlona . . . .940,
Holm's FJLchvdaj Canpln Toars, from CrxJy, Wromlng . .0,
Ttrrowxlj alwperB, Omaha to Gardlaew Entrance.
neavrv. OHorado Rcrln-. rnoNo . ?17.r0
Eatcw Park, on cf tho most attractive, of Colorado's parks $7.10
Salt Lake Oty aad Ogdrw. with stopovera at Colorado re
sort S30.50
Hot prlacs, S. Black HUla reoort BOtad or tta plucx
baths and aaaltarlaaia . .e. 915.75
TneraMyaotis, Hot 8nriac, WVOl Osok Mowrttalna. . J31.75
6tarldaa aad Kane heater, atyiwitan, Katrrayp to the pop
ular ranch resorts la ths) Bl( Horm HoantalBS. among
them: Absaraka Park. JEatoa's ranch. Plnry laa. Tepee
Ltxlre. Mountain Home rarsck. and others S35.T5
Codr. WvwenlB;. East and aceate entrance to Tellovrstone
Park. Gateway to resort and ranches along the Sho
shone Rlrer; 3 Bar Ranch. Waplta, Pahaaka Ina. Holra
Lodge, and to the Forest Reserve and b! game region fl30.75
BOMXSFXSXRS FARES. Mrst and third Tneadari to the West
and Northwest, Including many destinations sot In the scheme of
aummer tourist tarea.
Free Illustrated pnbHcatlncs on requeet.
TViat Const Tours, "CaiUomla Exrnr
I'uu. "leuowstone Park," "Big Hora
Mountains,' "Homeseekers' Eicirrtlocs,
"Colorado Hand Book." "Estea Park."
"Holm's Tours," etc.
Let me help you plan a tour of the Coast
or a vacation In the Moan tain region.
. B. RETyOLDS, City rvwvrrr Agent.
1502 Faraaa Sc. Omaha. b.
Bell PhoskB D. 1238. lad. A-SS2S.
Altai a y ad Behaol
Bo ateappetated at
Cart Herrtttr win likely b named as at
torney for the Board of Ed ore. Hon at the
meetinr which wtH be held tonight, when
officers ef the board win be elected foi
the ensutnr year. Baird. tho retlrtar in
cumbent af the offlrt, does aot seek the
post Hon r-
Bj Cuticura Remedies Which He Rec
ommends for Stin Troubles.
decree of acholarahln-
Prior to cominr ,0 Omaha Mr. Booth ws. T" r.LTof :t
a teacher acd a departmeat suserlntendest
la the Pesnsyhracla School for th Deaf.
H waa also connected with th Vo-'t
Teachers Leave for
the National Meet
Serea Start from Omaha to Attend
CoaTeatioa of Hatioiial Edaca- .
tional Association.
Seven teachers tn the Omaha public schools
'.eft Saturday urht for 6ea Francisco,
where they re to attend th coa
vention of the National Educational asso
ciaOan. which cocvenes on July I for a
five cays' session.
The party constated of Miss Em Reed,
principal cf the Keilora school. Miss Ivy
Reed, etrhth rrade teacher In th Cbmenius
school; Miss Etta Smith, prtncinal af the
Monmouth Park school: Miaeea Carrie Pair- '
ehl-d. SteUa Flanaran aad Vivian Alvlaoa. I
teachers la the Monmouth school, and Mlas !
IsaheUa Doyle, prtnejpal ef the CUftea lii
Tae other scores were- P. Caspar. 14: L.
Caspar. ZI: Cheas. U: Ford. U: Brtrr. 3:
Jorrawn. 2: Menaurh. ; Morrill. U. Hoff
man. Sr. Gocaana. I. Foma. St. Tost. 2.
ForUk wtm the pockeTkrafe. The cup
wont t Ford and the medal to Bnrra
t . J
"IThSa attendmc school st Tehanon. Ohio,
kt 1882. there was a anaul-poz scare, and
we wet aU vacrinaied. Presumably tram
Btim virus used. I barazne aSicted wsih
Bona. w:ucn lastea tat aoecx
tw yeara, whea the alTlrtina
asused th torn of aa
eczema an my face, the lsw9
part of nrr face bemr hv
flanted most of th time.
There wooid be water-blBtera
rtas cp. and open, aad
wherever th water would
tonrh tt would burn, aad
caua another an to rise.
After the bUvtar would pes,
th place would scab over,
aad wonld burn aad ityi mn
as to be akBost BEbarahie ai Uaori. Ia this j
way the aorea would spread tram one place ts
another, back aad iorth over the whole ef aty
upper Ep aad chin, and at tunes the whcea
lower part ef my face would be a acujd sore.
Thb) condttion csntinBed tor tour or Cve yean,
without retticc say better, and in fact rot
worst all La time, so much ao thai my nil
batam alarmed last it prove total.
- Durisr 3 thai time ef bods and -.
I doctored with the best pbyncisas cf thai
pari af th country, but to ao avaO, FtaaSy
I amended ts try Cutfcrara Eemedjea. wbjch I
did. Ukmr the CuticurB Reaorvect fctcr
saiir. aypirfcf ths Cuucds Otntaent to
the aorea, and Data the Cuucura fioap tor
washiEf. Ia a very ahort tt e I besaa to
aotice hnprovementa. and ecctinaed te use
the Catieura Bemedirs Bstt witfcia kss thxa
a year I was well efajn. and bav not bad a
recurrence ot the traubl since, wharh ta ever
twenty yeara 1 hare rerommanded Cctarara
Rrmedks to otters ever star, ssd have r?tat
taita ta thea as remedies tor skkt dtaeuca" 1 fc
(asraad) A. C Brasdoo, Aoorney-at-Law.
UvfflTiiu. o, Jan. 17. 1911.
at the
D. d C. Carp. Dept. SA. Boston, for
1 ef Cuueara Baap sad T-tniaxri
The Cheapest Kind
VThj not avoid erpensiTe accidents to em
ployes! Eliminate dangerous belts and line
shafts from your factory and install our
safe individual motor drive safe because
any employe can instantly shut off power,
from any desired point, in time to prevent
Besides being the cheapest kind of liability
insurance for you this method of drive gives
a perfect and instant speed control and is
always dependable.
Let us prove these assertions by referring
you to satisfied users.
and Other Artraetiaaa at the
Papains- Raeert fee- Hat
What Is nicer the hot dars thaa a
Bluer ia the cool waters of Carter lak
at Court lead beach oa a euperb bathtsr
beach, where trained life savers are con
stantly on dcty and overran Is sura af a
rood time?
Doa't ftarfet th ng aad rwwt-r It
at superb. Them there are many special
attracutaej that hav bean enrased for th
Fourth, snwir which ia aa tt'inii dis
play ef fireworks for the svaniar that has
beea obtained at aa expense of Usak Doa t
A rates Salve.
Scalded by Siestas
by f-re. apply Suckiea'a
Cures ptles. too. aad the
Guaranteed. . Far saue
by Baatsa Draa Ca.
fie the pet Baonkay. ae is a wonder. Th
dan.-ir.r parUicei hi becomlnr execedlariy
popular, as weS aa the roller coaster,
circle nrat skaOar r-nk. bowher alley,
atuffed animal and bird shew, etc 1
Band concerts afternooa and ntutn
j and plenty of room tn the cool shady
' rrovea Eaeellent street car eerWa traai
I aS parts af the cty.
Your Summer Vacation
Plan It Now!
In preparing for your Summer Vacation
you will be interested in the facts we can
place in your possession about the many
delightful lakes, fishing and hunting resorts
in Wisconsin, Minnesota and northern
Michigan, with their hundreds of hotels,
boarding-houses and camps.
3 Then, there is the big game country in
the Rockies.
tj Splendid train service and low rates in effect aU
"The Best of Everything"
The North W estern Line
PbB lul-jt uutton and deacriptre bmAWat
tree oa icqaisa.
1JC1-14C3 Farmam Sovt
Omalu, XL
Cook With Gas end Lassen Work
The Gas Range
is a good friend in the kitchen,
It will make your cooking easier because there no
fire to keep up.
You can prepare the meals more quickly because it is
alwars ready for use.
It will lighten your kitchen labors because there is no
fuel or ashes to carry.
A Gas Range in the kitchen gives you more time
out of it.
Convenient terms if desired.
Prices, connected.
Cabinet Gas Ranges from $25 up
Double Oven Ranges from $20 up
Single Oven Ranges from $11 up
Send for our representative and
let him explain.
..n'ui jiit7' ai ia I I
lg" '",""V'''jev
At mmmm 'WW amjmM f
tr Si
is rrmrgaxaa
People are becoming more and more interested in the
development of the Great Northwest And The Bee,
which has been untiring in creating this interest, ia
read by a vast throng. Advertise your land in The Bee.