Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1911, Page 3, Image 3
TTTE BEE: OMAHA. TTESDAT. JULY 4. 1911. 1 t r Nebraska BAUIIAN AND CONDIT FINED Sheriff of Dodft tad His Deputy to Ttj 100 ud Cost Etch. r02 LOLLS CT TO LETT ISTXSOJ ram jrir ! Ka artio- ill with Giiiwit Mf eaeeta IMrfrr 1M Aatt- 64ft Art. (From a CorraeveBderO IXJCCOU. Jalr 1 Sprtal Te!err-m- Aatoa Bananao. Jr.. sheriff of Dot4." WMtf. aed W. C Condlt. his dotr. were kiwwM as aafnrs Federal Jade T. C V maw of tbe eoort hr today for ran- tarns, of eoort ta allowta vl Huns rf tMf cRr. eaateeeed to a h"tx-day term ta the aoaatr Jsit at Frerooat trr noatiiK th federal Bonor etattrt. great liberty a reaentns; aeoat tha streeta aa4 sawaoae mt that aleea TW aaea vara Bead . and root spier, t'ant ta be aaaa tnr Monday, Jaty 2 la saaiaslne tha floa against tb rFeoaoet aaa Jadge Mast scaUsinsly arralarned " taoaa. urtint that aurd opsei aad Ta- rraat eoatatnpt of orders leaned by tha federal eovrt of tha land as aTsbeard af. Sheriff Ban man, following; the annorroo M( af tba penal ry declarad that be bad laaauUf aM throiiah a financial rrbae aed tarn lad that be would not ask any of kla triaada far tba money aoreasary to re daaea tha flnee. ending wlta tb plea to th Jadaa that aa rei-hta wM ba committed right aow." Jodge funrr 1o'd tba orfe atMra that they woa'.d have the extra ttn to make their remlttanoee ta tba clerk af Nebraska 1 1 Aart-Gtft Law la Dtaav. ta favor of tbe en- famaiuapt of tba SJrtl-f e grift act. pasxed at tba lata session of tba leer: eis-- mai ArJt watch a restrain leg" order waa ls- mtm4 today by Judge T. C Manger af tha federal court. ri:i eom to Lincoln July ta aoafar with Attoraar General Martin aalaMia ta fighting tba aiatter. Tba Bti- tt 1a believed, will cans consldar- i si asm ton between members af tba ra- tafl merchants orgaciaaaoa over tba atate and tassa storekeepers who have never be- afTIHatad with tba orgaaisatkXL. after tha tirSnf of tha appUcatU ha tha fadaral court bara aa tha part of tha Bpatry-Hutctibiaoa tradtii atuop eon aara of Kw Jaraer. another appUeation I in mil, tins tha llairaxiDa asd Book erm paar af Sea Tark City, waa a'aa filed, both batac craatad thetr reatraiidna' ordera today. Tha lattar eoDcers, whila eperatlrsc i ono or two I iMntbt alpo atalra that ha baa maCned la aava a.ffmat t)pttaa. out d rtK name thrti uL " runr. th e?nlnara arrarad an evrrpt that ih rrtl waa at t'lrx-a htT4raX Ht r-xr of r-r hf a !lxm-t-ii. wumut; :n tha akd 4 Ua phTtx-am ta maka a cwortt' atory. D-inoa the last rfn reara f l-r l:fa aha aa bei m-arrratl ta acwiHtala foe th lri-are r-r pi-nn taa pmw tart of the time. The eKlK tKa-t aha haa oe I'mnna or hl)nnatioet aa abowa by hr ta.ktnc to tmaclnary pww and btxrf the anaatlon af ijwtta rreenr nndrr tha ealn. Imw-diaTly after tha pr.riw rt"a eft br he became ncOeat. whtrk m a j!t orcurrora. rtrantnc w and dwa the hail ri,; and bewailina; hr roiw'itJon ami avwttMra. rmn:naT from one mom ta another to ei-a1e the phrsv-iana and Nratin them because of her belief that they would imK after her wefre. "It ta the UMClmo'jt optnioa of the board that ifbe la a auieanca aad Fhad be retsoved from the tMiaon tmm1iti or eie a-ji table proTlHra be made fnr her oara at the prlaon remote from the other prtanoera. The board are not acrexd aa to whether or eot aha i artnall In Kane bat a majority of the board ia of the opinion that It would be proper to re move her to one of the hoypitaia fir the tnaaca. at leaat on til proper provisioa caa ba aoade at the prteon. T'R. R. H FPRADUNOl Tr. J T HAT. -DR. H. B. C ITOfiya. Aldrich Gets No Reply to Recent Suggestion Offer to Eed Ppr ea Interference of Federal ConrU Brmfi K Sise from Zatt fTroni a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jur l (Special Gororaor AJdrtch. who aeveral week ao wrote ta tha oommittee on arraoa-einenta af ' tha aorernorr athern to bo held ia New ifT in pert em her offerisc to deliver aa addresa or read a paper on federal court tnterfrr-nce la the mattter of atata rera Iatloo of public aerrica eornorationa dotn bualbeaa under intra-atata Jariadictraa. baa had no refty from bit lattar. Ia apeakiec of tha matter today tha fscrveroor aaid mat arter ail it might be he would be watina- hia time to attend rach a meets iaasmurh aa -all tha aiik hata who might ba there would be afraid to apeak above a whioper. for Ilka Harmon of Ohio they are atraddlera and afraid to matter any thin alood for fear they will love politi cal praaUae aoma placa." Snca hia remra. Governor AM rich baa bad a rommunJcatloai front Governor CTilaoa ia which the Sew Jeraey mai exerutrre asked bin If ba had any ana aeationa aa ta what tba governota might profitably talk about at thetr meetltnc- Governor Aldrich'a reply, which waa abort and to the point, atated that be had made recommeadatlona about the Free Sample Clip Coupon on Page Eight. ulWi ! . r u 11 aahUnat tat Uua aa a different ayeiem than the trait tr ataiBB aehema baa a plaa whereby they ara aaai acinar tnerchanta In bu'Miac as their trde. which faUa vnder the provtalona af tha aow law fal.'y aa roach aa tba com pany which fUed tha Crat auit. Tha haartns oa makina; tha ksjuncuoa tha atata permanent, will be haid otty. July 11. Tteanuer Will Bay BtaXa Traaaarer Gaoraa haa daddad to Voy d-SO af water bonda Issued by tha town af Keoeaaw otwltbatandmc tha re cant heavy loaa ta tha buaiceaa portion of tha town by Era. Tba bonda ara aext to tarn oa tha reenter of bonda offered to tha atata for aale and tha traaaurar win accept thmrv Tha aaaeoaed valuation of tha town la V9.M and bonda have been vatad almost to tba limrt. Tba treasurer ballaaaa tha town ta amply able ta pay Ita debts not withstanding loaaea by fire. Tbo atata traaaarar baa also agreed to buy tattm af bonds Issued by tha dty of Chadroa and SC.a Issued by the dry at Crawford. Ftaaks BeappaiateA. Govarmor Aldrtch haa raappoiated H H. Baaka of Nebraska City a momber of the board af traataea that has control of tba atata acaoot tor the blind at Nebraska City and tha atata school for tha deaf mi Out- Mr. Haaka la a democrat and la reaa- aatated on account of hia efficiency and tha la Mi eat ba takes ta the work of the BaejoAettsem for tan ant, Tha govwaor haa taaoed a roqulalTJon for tha rot ara af AJbext.Sharweod ta Facbard sob coBaty aa tha charge of obtaiasa' snaiwr aadar faJaa pretense. Ha la bow at Tanning. aQch. Ha la charged with trying to aefraad tha Balam Rural Telephona coan aaay by samag to it a Bcara and coA for pa aad ranraaanttng that ha owned the matter some time ago. Populists WiU Hold Session at Lincoln Populist Party Calls Co&TeatiuK with 5 SO Delegates to Adopt Sew Platform. i OSCEOLA, Neb, July 1 CP pedal) The meeting of tba people's Independent state committee decided on oldme; tha state coaweatioa hi Ltncoia th.a year. The basts of representation will ba tha bum as last year, which wUl caahe a coo rent ion af SM delecatea. Tha eoavantloa is tailed to meet at 2:3 o'clock, the date being; fixed by rt atata aa Jaly 2S. J a addition ta the adop tion of a platlona for the coming campaign there win ba elected a new state committee and aa effort made to arrange aa1 a more energetic campaign ba the state than haa been conducted by tha popoBsts for aumber af year. - N XZ7 REFRESHING, NOURISHING, COOL AND DIFFERENT There's a big difference between COLD drinks and ' COOLINO Drinks. The COOLING drinks are the ones to orders v For Free Sample Clip Coupon on Page 8 A Cold drtika shock tb stotaaxb. narvea, aad wheat the reacticn eemea. "roa'ro hot ter tba a ever." rr-MU-Lje Is aervod cool not chilly. It cools tha blood gTsduaily sad naturally. After s fw days ot rer-Xll-Lave throe UiBsjs Cmj, your blood temperature is lower. That's because Fer-M!l-Le clears tha blood ot impurities, toxic poisons, etc It's tba greatest summer tonic erer pre. duoed. sad it kas tba most delicious flavor errar put into aay drlsk. Psopis over fifty years old should drlak St erjr Cay, tor it kssps them almost im- ClraBSlAC tha rra tavt sreas daws bubs from dlseaso. tool x disease srea tissoea. All we ssk Is that you try rer-MO-Laa tor flayor. Tsull LIKE It so well ttst you'U keep a sad set all the benefits. Made ia s silver lined machine trout fer mealed sad specially processed rick creamy aaUk pure aad absolately digssi able. Get your first drink today at aay soda fountain, buffet, cafe, loach room, hotel or dub. Family Bias bottles delivered daily to your houao by tha mm Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co. (aUf. S4aaauaa. , 1812 Farnam Street Phone Douglas 411; Ind. A4411 All i iv"ViVs aja iaw 'Wiio K0RR1S AFTER BROWS'S JOB Skslla Sayi CoagressjsAa from FifUk W&ats to Be Senator. PROGRESSIVE EXPT3LICA5 PLAJ Sapparteta af Sarrto Are Wsrkbig ta Sceaura far Htaa tba Tear Saw Warm by the Waa freea 6 aaa 18008 Brother H Or. C AUArlch af Johaaoa City. Tana.. heather af Governor Aidrich. arrived ia XAaeaia this afternoon, accompanied by Urn wife aad two children. Dr. Aldrjeh and sua family win visit Governor Aldrtch aad family for a tew weeks. FAINTING BERTHA" MUST SERVE HER TIME IN PRISON Baoetal C. starters Will Ba Waa la PrwoaaVooI Treaeae aasaaSBal From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOU. -July . tSsodaXr-After go ing over e report fUed by the state My board relative ta the mental eo dittos of Tainting Bertha- Liebbeke. Govoraor AJdrlrh today asserted that the awooning eae would hare to complete bar prison sentence aad that If there were act proper uuarters tor her detention at taw state pesiteauary arovisioa should be aaada for them at aac. Mesas hi ie Bertha will be taken to HaatlBsa. where aha will ba kept only until the quarters caa be fitted for bar at the penitentiary. Gover nor Aidrich emphasised the tact that tha woman oould have to serve her time out at the state "pen" and that her removal to Hastings woukd only be tempwary. GREATNESS OF CUSTER COUNTY Aseeosaseat Ball Shoos that It C tolas Two Mil 11m Dollars Worth ( Horace. BROKEN BOW. July X-t5peial.) dus ter county remains one of tha greatest ag r. cultural eounrics In the state and tha re cent aaaeeamena for the year sbowa a very aatufactory condition amocg he farmers. atareh I there were head af hora of ail ages on the farms In this county, valued at SZ.K9.Ci. according ta the as sessor's echedule for this count?. There were head of mules, jacks aad jenne ta. , vaJoed at C.a; 7S U2 head cf cattle, val ued at CMS. SO; there were ITS head of sheep and goats, valued at 3e. M,M head af boga. valued at tSSt SSS: there were St.tKl buchela of wheat, valued at t3.4S; W.TM bushels af corn, valued at 3 Z.;44 bushels of oata, valued at leLaN; with f.Z2 bushels of potatoes. . buabala of rye. 1.75a bushels of barley. U bushels of flat. 1.SS1 bnshols cf grass seed. CTX! tons af hay. The va-'ae af the carriages; wagons aad ethos vehicles waa tlSJEa, There were LC3 cream separators on Cus ter county farms, with aa saseaaed value cf f3. an The value af harness sad sad dles as returnod by tha various township asaeaaora was COL 710; LSei dogs war val ued at C-SS-. taa vsJaof the agricultaraJ implements was placed at CUM. which did not Include HS threat-. ing machinaa with a value of t3a.I3a. or 122 eora aheliars val ued at CSTS. I From s Staff Correspond ec t ) LINCOLX. July . 5pecial Tegram Following the meeting of the officers aad executive committee of the Xebr&eaa Pro gressive Republican league, talk, which before the sataeriog waa but Informal la regard to next year's senator? tap Cgnt from a rcpubUcaa standpoint, has become more intense, interest centering chiefly oa whether or not Congreaanuui George W. Morris of the Fifth district will maka the race. Ta Charles Skalla of StrCook. an acknowledged friend of X orris and one of hia most eathasiastrc supporters. Is attri buted the . absolute . assurance that Mr. N orris wUl get into the game. Mr. BkaOa claims that he knows whereof he speaks ia maktiuj the declaration, aad asserts that every preparation ia betng made by his Red WElow county friends to make the N orris senatorial campaign an earnest one from Its tnceptloa. Aa officer of the Nebraska branch of the progressiva league, oa the contrary, has given out that CongreaemanVNorria la as yet umjetrrmlaed. and has made no definite decision la tha matter. The league official, who wished hia name withheld, states that ha aaw a letter of recent 'date written In regard to tha matter, and Bays that in It the Fifth district coegreasmaa declared that be did not know what he would do. Upon the dose of the present session, aa much aa anything else, believe hia friendr here, will depnd his final decision. As early adjournment, giving him a chance to campaign la the state might induce Noma U coma out, but a lata adjournment would. aa the other hand, according to hia sup porters, prove too much of a load, and streagtheaad by the fact that neat year a primaries come unusually early, would seri ously impair hia chances of defeating X orris Brown, the present senator. While It ia generally beloved that Brown would faro no better because of absence ia Washington, It is conceded that poases sson af the office and an estaMisced aup- Itakia Sew Maa 1 sate aa Eye. BROKEN BOW. July - a (Special.)-. Hil man of this city was operated on today tor tha removal cf his left era He was cutting wood a coo pie of weeke ago whea a stick struck him la tha eye. Inflammation set ia aad later infection and the eyeball had ta be removed ta prevent mora serious troubla Rot Weather Sea ale oa. OSCEOLA. Neb-. July X. Special V All of the churches cf Osceola have arranged to hold union sai k.a each Sunday evening hereafter, to continue for eight ateeka. The Omaha said at tha progressive league meet ing that "I am not saying that I will not ba or denying that I will be a candidate for the United Btates'seeste." NEWS NOTES . FROM FREMONT Felfe Arrest Maa with Beana Draft la Hia reeaeealaa We v. W. H. Baaa ta atraaala la City. x. FREMONT, Neb . July . iFperta ) J. P. Williams, a supect who waa picked up by the sheriff at the Cnicn depot yesterday.- had as his only assent a draft far tP&Ot, purporting to have, beea drawn aa the Commercial National bank of this city by Hendcickson A Sen of Kansas City through a Kansas City bank wha haa no existence. He eras at the back earl er in the day and obtalaed a ,Maak d-aft- Re-r. William H. Boss off the Coogregar tatal cbuTcn announced from the pulpit tria mcrning that he would decline the call g1ea him to the . First CoasTegatiooal church ef Tcprka. Kaa.. and rcfiala in Fremont. Tfce local church had unani mously reuwerted him to runaln and hia many frienda outside the church a'ai urged him to decline the call. Mr. Buaj came to Fremoet ta U from Lead. E. D., making hia pastorate one of tha longest cf any m.Lhe state. NIHILISM SEALED HIS DOOM Oa af the Meet Draaaatte Tbaatrhta la taa History af Baeatea taJse out a blue bic ijM.-a, in U2 and evea the terrorists shuddered at the contemplation of the ghastly rcece which was to f oDow. Tet the minutes flew by. and all was going well. No machine was sees, to be falling like a atone through the air, to be ahivered Into a million fragments aa it struck tha ground; aod. to the aston ishment aad Indignation of the watchers beneath, the aeroplane, looming larger and larger, finally came gently ta rest at the feet ot the cheering crowd for Maaene wltch. as an officer of tha csar. had found himself unable to break hia parole. At the tribunal held la the dty that cra ms f. it waa unanimously resolved that the traitor must die by hia own hand within taenty-foor hours of his sentence. At "dar break the following morning Ma sea witch wheeled his biplane from its shed, sad. climbing bate the pi lot' a seat, rose rapidly td a height of VBM fee. Some few moments later the spectators below were horrified to sea the machine, for no apparent reason, dive suddenly for ward and. turning over aad ever in the air. fall Bke a stone ta the ground. London Opinion. Some months ago speculation was rife amocg Dying men as to the cause of the terrible accident which befell tha weT knowa Rusalaa aviator. Captain Maxene witch. who. for no apparent reason, fell from a height ef 2.4W feet, being Instantly killed, by -his fail. Light haa aow beea abed upon tba mys tery the confession of an arrested ter rorist named 'Anev, who, by his confes sion, lifts tha veil upon one ef tha most dramatic episodes la tha history of Rua siaa terrorism. Captaia MaaeuaaltLh. though aa officer of distinction, waa, nevertheless, at heart an ardent nihilist: and. with the birth of aviation, Maaeaewitch. together with his conspirators, realised that the Eying ma china had put Into their hands a novel aad effective means ef bringing about tha de-atruc-tioa of a certain general, a high dignitary cf tl emperor's court, a maa who. by his sweeping reforms and puhti- The following is the report made by the ' a"" outdoors aad the state tasaauty board to the governur with ! Pa1" ot the various churches concerned reiatloa to the n-ocnaa a bo haa caused I are to alternate ia conducting the meetlnga. trouble for the po'Re cf mure thaa a j aosca clues of the atuddie nest; j i ae wnr. t. neater M Aldrv-h. 1 IJacola. St.: We. the pemitenuary nt-l csl board, have tba asy eaaauned Mrs. J. ' Armstrong, conunoniy knoma aa Faaung ! rrU.' a prisoner at tae peaitecu ry. No. mSX. aad find as fliuws: , Tbe pnsoaer answered all oueatioee promptly and coanprenuu-veiy. S&s gate , a history of ber lit about aa fuliwe: iSi aa onm-ii iun. it, taiily-tsro eare asa. At about the age ef sekemeea haa hst tr ortt call M Vitus at auoot teat ume she the votes . necessary to win the coveted repubucaa non-nation. Senator Brown a attitude on the Vtll preaideetiai caatpaiga and hia open admiratraa for Taft haa admittedly worked against him na i , wxirrwLa vu s4jmm j maa u i tnat wrun, a . tee more opu anistic believe that George W. X orris could defeat the Kearney maa without f -Tiber campaigning. Tha possibility that both Norris and Brown, ia the event that they were arrayed against each Other in a eenatortal f rbt. might both be defeated through the en trance ef a third candidate "who was Johnny-oa-t he-spot, beea ef their ab sence at Washington, through both the present special and the aomung regu'sr east ion, have given aupponers of both mure or less concern since John I Kennedy of - snaised about ai-e mcaibi j time betoeea te v y coanarawai at taieowood and j was mi ta t a aiaa a no tra W". S her aad taught her the a st to the institute for feeble as nded at! uieavaM. law atier she remained about nine saoatha. Sooa after leattcg If. at ln atltutioa a e waa aent to the a p.t 1 for tbe insane at 1 lartada. la. a hers aba r -so. oervda of her . )ariBla aa eid as MMit of t k- " poc-ata Later, ami in l.i.-ao. r was anested. oVtl ef steair and ated to th peiuteaury at Juliet for a perud of from oa t fourteea vara. Whiie weder 1 1. m sentear abe a aa aa la riat ofatb b-orital tor toe insane at -' tor a rni of about tune month, at tae hospital fur th mean at rmria (or a period ef at-out taro eara and ax tba boapital for tb tnun at K-nasae fjr aeveral ssaaTha. a ben ah n ta-ra ba-k t th pnsua at lo. and rVscJ b peuro on . leatlbg Joliet she states that ah " ri i in nosi'aj fur " w pa. sto.. fur sever Detailed Census of Nebraska Counties" The director of the cenaua haa aaaoancod the pocuis-ion of Otoe county, cording to lis minor avii dinuoai. as follows: OTC.E COl-NTT Belmaat precinct I tin precinct, indudlna; Berfla vin'.Ve""""""" '" Berlia vtilaae ... rJaare precinct, tnc!duur Dunbar tUlage lnnbr vtare Four ili.e trrurt Heo.irca preexart. including DougUa village. Iwuiria villaatr. McWrbams iT-.trt, lacludiog Lortoa and Talma! IMtOO VtiOLC. . .. Tiinatv vute. Nebraska City... .... Ward I " Ward 2 ' Ward 1 Mtr North Braarh avweinct ttiace acenw-t . . ... Ot orecmct lUniTra precinct. lacJudlsc Palmra village rutmra vuisae ... ......... Pock irea Precinct Kusa-rll irjM-t uscluduig I'naditla nliag t'nauia viilase ?" iouia t iivi precanct, Ircluaiag Burr viajce... burr vinare br village ... Wyuoomg prtoact might be enough ia his favor to i rmJ oeiieis. naa maoe nusseu tae oeteatea enemy ox taa revol u tloolsta. Tbe general was kaowa to have the greatest sympathy with avlaiioa, which at that thne waa little heard of la Rus sia; hence Maaenewitch. having obtained ' leave of absence, was dispatched post baste by his comrades to England, so that he might return as a killed and proficient ariator. well fitted to carry out the tank allotted to him. Captain Maaenewitch first visited Brwok- lands aerodrome, but subsequently left for Fan. Wtthia a few days of commencing his sp eatlceship Maaenewitch was exe cuting spectacular flights In a rough arind with laubf sang-froid to the tonisemcat of his fallow pupils aad in structor, and articles appeared ia Eagiisa papers at the time, forecastiag that a bniilaat career aa aa ariator lay Wort the courag-eoua Ruaaiaa. Oa obtaining hia brevet Maaenes-iurh re turned to Russia and proceeded to carry wut eating evolutions ever the dty ef Peteraburg. As th terrorists had fore seen, it was but a matter of time before tbe exploits of their comrade wooid re ceive recognition, and. la due course, th imperial court, among wfcora was General N , paid a private it ait to th C-.-ins 1 ground outside th dty. It had been arranged ry the society that Maaeneaiu-a. with the genera as passen ger, should nse to a great height, and. when at an altitude of some thuusasde of feet, ahould suddenly tak his band from the lever aad aoaadoa the machine to its fate. After a few preliminary circuits kuttt- wttch arproacbed bis victim, who. all ua- i conscious ot tbe plot caved about him. . accepted 1ih alacrity the offer of a flight ! around the aerodrome. A moment before starting detectives ; stepped across to the pilot, and. la low ' tones, urged tha captaia to give his word, j aa aa officer and a gentlemaa. that he ' would, as tar as aaa ia his power, restore j kla passenger asf and aound. Maaeaewttcn ( thereupon gae fcis parota The engine aaa j narted ua. aad presently te aeropUaa be- 1 I?l. ls , is i3 4 S SJ1 L S3 7 ii li l:.i l S3I i .. , lS7 M" i2 i.4 ; 2M . . tr3 ii Lia lis l t- 4? . 4-4 7.3b !1 l Ifc4l Il L4 n bn a HS h t LM H4 S 1 IS TT.t IW 15:4 1 ' us .f ri !!" 1V1 !. 1 cH m: l 7i ;si Whet Your Appetite toj VA'M'ii As an appcti- r bcrore . 4 A or with J , yourl r MfMM The Modern Wash-day Ume was when The Wash was a weekly nightmare, wash-day dinner a by-word. The New Perfection Oil Cook-stove has changed all that. Once the wash-boiler is on the stove, it leaves you free to attend to the dinner or any other work. You can move a New Perfection vrhere you please and light it ia a mornentJ It requires no Attention after that. A single? ioa of oil lasts all three barriers serea Loan cr more. No coal cr wood to carry ; no fire to feed ; no soot nor ashes. It keeps a kitchen cr h'dry coci and dean. It cooks to perfection, wi the least trouble and expense j M. Us HcftrBe rfcti ion ff-ra. Hi i m, T .1 J 9. LTTTgl sffil trnJr-K!nrtT. arc WssAWKdiVIIV at tW Staadard C3 Ccntpaay' 'sorporaed via vrS 1. 2 sad 3 bws . waa I "aiii kmm esBWeWd 1 1i I ixn-ir fcsiSMrf tas;la. Ths JHrwaeamkWjnW ns a ofesrt sk. wtacdi ssasa wiui migi t w wiluia ; r wrksfw U 'nm csryr a sat asaiaa aaisi s Pabst DlueRibbon TaBarsfQ-far do equal flgTor a 1 at. It exhilarates without uaiue timulatioB aad 1$ a plcn alal to diestiaa- Orier a caas tor. Tm fasat 1 11 TaLDi.alai IT. S.M7S - - . aV . a,, . K -11 1 f a ' JW- ST . 'I 1 ZJ1 '' Hr I A Ride Among the Breezes in a New Touring Car will maka yoa forret the heat anil you'll return rcfreibed . relaxed rested. There are many beautiful ri3-8 along the out skirta of Omaha where pure air, blue skies and green-fields ara to b fouad. Phone Us for Rates All our cars are a?w are operated by to thifta of expert chauffeurs a ho are familiar with good roada and routes ot great eat interest. - QLIAHA TAX I CAB & A3 TO LIVERY CO Phones: lKulas 4G1H aad lad. .S.-.1H7H. 'MH Farnam Street. 7Z2 Csntdian Pac'fic Excursions EAST to Toronto, Montreal, tha Xaa kcka Lakea. Near E inland aad the riahiag and Hactlns son ef Eaatera Canada. (TaM taioasa Inka aU, an WEST Tha ana real scenic route to f ea'.Ue. lacoma. Portland. Spo kane, Vancouver. EeiUashaia. Victoria. sai i mt miss a aa. r Dosoi drttve Master aad tofna. uaa oa apaltrstsaa e aay saussd acaaA. JULCaUef.Set.lsl eXXIssatf U4 . Clark a, rasa Trart an Cairaae . aleetTsel. Caa. IS aVXBCmAaTT. T. s. au. t&l aseiaiss atst- TaaaaaCtta mim r n I r TT 50 ST remodels furs J Special stimmer prices expert work. iL Corner 2Cth and Farnam. Telephone Doug." 3040. ISLini IB hi Is (2 si i Lears Uherc It's Best Id Far Tnlaklsc about kaytac laad? Want aa know tn soil aad climate beat skliad tor canala far sine ? Oar Laad Bareca glvaa free laforaiauoa stout aoll. cl!mite, cobiuobi la all rttrts ot lbs eusatry. -nave eataerad data aad caa taU yoa sraat yea dralre ta laara. Write th Laad laformaUoa r areas, Te TaeaUeta Caatury raraser. Omaha. N6 . tocUy aad rear eaaatloaa will cat prciaDt atteatlaa. Free Inlormatloo