Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1911, Page 2, Image 2
TITE BEE: OMAIIA, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 191: g ;uj Our Store TO Be Closed AH Day the Fourth A. t' Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale com mences bright "4 early Wednesday morning. Watch papers fox price reductions in all departments OWM F I a I J, ! 1 IVaf 1 VI Jl 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET Th oat are being cut and the crop will b very light. On poor land It la necessary to cut ome pieces with a mower. Early potatoes ara badly damaged and In many tnatancea will hardly return tha seed. Tha paaturea ara dry, but tha stock la doing well on tha grasa. Tba hay crop will ba light. HOTTEST OF YEAR IJf NEW YORK Hur Deatk and Prostration la City ad Vlelaltr. NEW YORK, July 8,-At 11 o'clock thla morning tha official thermometer, 8f0 feet up, reglaterad 97 degrees, with every Indi cation that It would continue climbing. Thla la tha hottest day of tha year and within two degree of tha hotteat July I recorded since the weather bureau was established. Ona death and many prostrations were reported early. In Brooklyn Eugene Cort nell, erased by the heat, ran amuck with an open kntfa and, after attempting to stab two policemen and several cltlsens, was shot dead by an officer. At Newark, N. J., reliable thermometers registered 100 degrees at 10 a. m. One death was reported. The heat caused ten deaths and over sixty prostrations Sunday. Tba rush of bathera to river and ocean beachea due to the exoeaatve warmth was Indirectly re sponsible for nine deaths In thla neigh borhood from drowning. PHILADELPHIA, July t.-Nlne deaths have been reported aa a result of the hot apelU A light breese tempered the heat thla afternoon. Two Deaths la Baltimore. BALTIMORE!. Md.. July 8. Th temper ature here reached 96 at noon. One death waa reported and ona heat erased woman took her own life. Foar Death la Plttabars. PITTSBURG, July I. During the fore seen four persons dropped dead, one com mitted suicide and two were drowned In the river while bathing. The thermometer had reached S6 degreea at noon. BOSTON. July $. In the last twenty-four hours, four deaths due to heat and numer ous proatrattona occurred In thla city. At Boon it waa W degreea. Tot Deaths at St. Joseph. ' ST. JOSKPH, July I. There were two deaths from heat here last night, following the season's hottest day of 104 degrees. Philadelphia Coatlaaea Warns. . PHILADELPHIA. July 8,-That Phila delphia and vicinity are In for another ex tremely hot day waa early Indicated by the government weather bureau thermometer which registered 91 degrees at 9 a. m.or nine degrees higher than at tha same hour yesterday. A high percentage of humidity added to the discomfort of the extreme heft. ( Hotteat Night la Kaaaaa City. KANSAS CITY. July (.-Following the hottest night In Kansaa City alnce the es tablishment of thweather bureau here twenty-three years ago, tha local fore caster predicted no abatement today for the aouthwest. Most of Kansaa City that could slept out of doors last night. Thou sands who had n.t tha advantage tf sleep ing porches made their beds in fire escapt a: d In the poorer quarters of the o ty hun dreds of nun, women and children lay down on the curbing. In the suburban d s- trtcts after midnight many slept on the lawns with or without cots. The govern ment thermometer registered 91 at mid night, the same at 1 a. m. and just before sunrise itocd at S3, the loweat trading of tiie twenty-four hours from T to 7. At T o'clock this morning tha tempera ture waa from B to 19 degreea higher than normal for that hour throughout the south west. The mercury stood at M In this city, at 80 In St. Joseph, Mo.; TX at Omaha and 90 at Wichita, Kan.; Springfield, Mo.; Ok lahoma City, Little Rock, Ark., and Fort Worth, Tex. There were no Ind cations of rain, the forecaster lad. and tha prob ab titles are that today's temperature would crowd closely the,highett of yesterday, which was 104. The temperature here reached 101 de-J greea at p. m. ana by 1:1a bad fallen te 9. Elaht Deaths la Chirac. 'CHICAGO. July (.-Today was the hot teat of the year and followed the hottest - right ever experienced In thu city. Eight deaths wsre rep ji ted to the pol ce and there were hundreds of prostrations. At the temrerature waa officially reg istered at 108 degrees at the stie;t level and 99 degreee In the observatory tower, There were aeven deatha from heat and eight prostrations Sunday. The death rate among bablea la extremely high alnce the beginning of the hot wave. Tot Stricken at Iowa City. IOWA CITY. la.. July (.-(Special Tele gram.) Tha thermometer registered 100 de grees this morning st 11 o'clock. Oeorge M. Xenyon, aged M years, waa stricken with tha heat and probably will die. William Nicholson. 47 years old, went ineane from tha heat and disappeared. It la feared he committed aulcida by drowning. I Twt Deaths It. Si. I Aula. i ST. LOl'Ii July I -The heat wave e n vnutd over eastern Missouri and southern Illinois tday. Here last night the gov einment thcimometer dd nut tall below 79 and at T o'clock this morning re.;Lieied 83. At 10:30 the temperature wai 94 and rising. ,- Police reports ray that two men died last night from heat Heavy Ralaa la Arlsaaa. PHOENIX. Arls.. July 9 A record- breaking rainstorm In thla section begin ning Just after midnigrit Saturday ended at 8:40 a. m. yeMerday after doing thou sands of dollars worth of damage. Lower levels of Phoenix were flooded from one to three feet by tonenta sweep ing down from the Phoenix mountains ten miles to the north. Large areas of farm land and the Artxona. Grand and Salt 'river Irrigation canals were washed over. Adobe bouses In the path of the flood were leveled. Preetratlea at Harvard. HARVARD, Neb.. July Z.-(Speclal. Overcome by the beat. John T. Fleming waa compelled to leave his office and go te his home, where he died at 4 o'clock 25 (TOME yesterday. The heat brought on apoplexy. Mr. Fleming, came to Harvard in June, 171. taking a homestead two miles south where he resided till after making proof, when ha removed to Harvard, where he had during thla time been In business aa a drugglat and dentist, and had continued the dentistry practice ever since, associ ating with It other business at various times, among which be has been city clerk several years which office be held at the time of his death. Ha was about TO years of age and leave a widow, and one brother near Scott's Bluffs, Neb. This has been another day of heat with. mercury better than 10 in the shade. Damage at Hsaea City. MASON CITY. Ia., July l.-8peclai Tele gram.) The Intense heat of the last five days la causing damage. The oata yield In thla time has been reduced 60 per cent and the drouth is damaging corn. Leave are twisting and turning brown. MITCHELL GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Klbhee Cele brate Fiftieth Anniversary with Reception. MITCHELL. 8. D., July I. (Special.) Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Klbbee celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of thslr marriage and which was recognised In an Informal way by Inviting the general public to a reoeptlon, which waa held at the home of their son, H. R. Klbbee, presi dent of the Commercial and Savings bank. A severe storm came up during the even ing and prevented many of their old time friends from attending. Mr. and Mrs. Klb bee were married fifty years ago at. War ren, O., and then movod In 1868 to Eldora, la., where they lived until 1880, when they moved to Mitchell, living ' here .thirty-one years. Mr. Klbbee enlisted In tha war tn the fall of 1862 for three years. During hi absence Mra. Klbbee waa a member of the Christian Sanitary commission of the period which - collected supplies and sent them to the soldiers In the south. She has been connected with patriotic work In connection with the Women' Relief corps ever since and for twelve years was presi dent of tha local corps. At Pierre, two weeks ago aha was elected department pres ident of the stats corps. The worthy couple have a large number of friends In the city and they, are living a quiet and happy Ufa. They have two children, H. R Klbbee and Mrs. Oeorge Rowley, and four grandchil dren, all of whom were present at the an niversary celebration. Their neighbors presented them with a handsome cut glass water pitcher as an appreciation of their friendship. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Dates Anaoaaeed for Teste at Appll- cana for Wark la Government Departments. (From Btaff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, July 3. (Special Tel), gram.) Civil service examination for the departmental service in Washington will be held aa follows; Nebraska North Platte. October U; Omaha, September 12, July 25, September 11, October 18; Alliance, September 88; Beatrloe, October 8; Broken Bow, Sep tember 29; Fremont. October t; Grand Island, September 10, September H. Octo ber IS; Holdreg. October I; Llnooln, Oc tober I. July 15, September 13, October 14; Nebraska City, September IS. October 18; Norfo'.k, September IV September 15. Oc tobrr 18; North Platte, September 18. Boutli Dakota Aberdeen, September 13, September 13, October 18; Deadwood, 8 p tember 23, July 25, September 13, October 18; Huron, September 20; Mitchell. July 26; Pierre, ' September' 20, July 25, September 14. October IS;, Rapid City, September Ji; Sioux Falls, September 19. ZIONISTS KILLED AND INJURED Convention at Tanneravllle, IT. Y., Receive.) Cablegram Regard. . lag Riats la Austria. TANNERS VI LLE, N. Y., July l.-Tha Zionist convention In meeting here received a cable today from Dr.' Btraucher, the leader of the Jewish parliamentary group at Vienna, stating- that twenty-nine Zion ists were killed and sixty Injured In a riot In the parliamentary bye-election In Aus tria. Resolutions were adopted encouraging the Austrian Zlonfota to continue their ef forts to combat and overcome the anti Semitic majority. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Cordelia, W. Harmon. The death of Mrs. Cordelia W. Harmon, widow of tha lats A. J. Harmon. Sunday marks the passing of another old Omaha settler. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon were pioneers In Omaha, having come here In ISo. The funeral of Mrs. Harmon will be held front her late residence, S14 Pierce street, at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Inte.'ment 111 be In Prospect Hill cemetery. Charles M. Cowan. BEATRICE. Neb., July 3. (Special ) Charles M. Cowan, for six years a resident of Beatrice, died Sunday morning at ths age of IS yeare. He came here from Liberty, tbia county. He Is survived by no one except his family. Henry Weber. WEST POINT. Ia.. July 8-Leernlng of hla wife's death, which occurred Saturday, nne ne was In 111 health, Henry Weber, father of County Attorney K. C. Weber, and one of the most prominent ploneera In this part of th state, died here today. He was years old. The two funerala will be held together. Mrs.. Anne Perkins. Bra. Anne Perkins, wife of J. M. Perkins, a4 Oorden street, died Monday afternoon. July 8. The funeral will be held from the house July S. Interment will be In Sprlng wel cemetery. Mrs. Perkin a as 2 ysar of eg. E3SESSSS3 r i t rr tit NO LICENSE TO CARRY GUN Attorney General Passes Upon Point in Hunters' Law. NO BULL FOE TUItmO IN B0 AD Muttrbl tr Air Vehicle Ahead led Not Tern Oat for Oa Fellavrtaav " Reads Have Not Bees Marked for Danger. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, July ' l (SpeoUl Tele gram.) The attorney general today ren dered a decision that will lntereat all hunt er and persons who have guns In the state. He waa asked by the state game warden If a license could be required of one) who was found merely carrying a gun across the field , and who claimed that he bad no Intention of hunting. Tha attorney general found that this could not be done, and that the mere carry ing of a gun was not sufficient, that while It was prima facie evidence of Intent to hunt, it was not a sufficient basis for exacting the hunter' license. The attorney general also decided today that under the Iowa laws there ia ne rule of the road In regard to the paaaing of vehicle from behind and that the vehicle ahead need not turn out and give any of tha read. Iowa Cltle Are Remiss. Not a city In Iowa has compiled with the provisions of ihe new automobile license law which requires the posting of signs at intersections and curves, prescribing the maximum speed at which cars may pass those places. Officials In the office of Secretary of State Hay ward have d la covered that thla provision I on of the most mandatory In the entire law which goes Into full force tomorrow. Murder and Suicide at Ida Grove, Iowa Charles Westfall Shoots His Wife, Blanche, and Turns Gun Upon Himself. ItA OROVH, la., July 1. -(Special ) Charlee Went fall, aged S3, shot and killed his wife. Blanche Phillip Westfall. agel 80, Saturday night, and then shot and killed himself. A Quarrel that began when WeetfaJl came home and discovered that their adopted child, Blanch, I year old. had pulled up a tomato plant while playing; In the garden, ended in the murder and suloide. Neva Hlgglns, aged 10, daughter of the next door neighbor, was sitting be side Mrs. Westfall when the crtms was committed and waa the only witness. She aay Westfall had been drinking and was Quarrelsome. The row began 'when he found one of his tomato vlnea pulled up by the roots. Finally without a word he walked Into the house and oame out with a revolver. He first fired at the baby, but missed it He then shot hi wife, the bul let striking her on the tip of the nose and penetrating the brain, and then pressing the weapon against the side of hi head shot himself Just over the ear and died In stantly. The family lived In a two-room rhack on the edge of town. On the table was found an empty beer bottle and a few erusts of dry bread. On the floor waa the baby's milk bottle half filled with sour ourdled milk. Th murdered woman was a cripple and could walk with difficulty, but ahe thought the world of their adopted child and slaved for her. Westfall wanted her to move to Dakota with him, but she would not go. He also thought that the child's oWn mother ought to take care of her. Thee two things were the cause of many quarrel between them and be had before threatened to end It all for the whol family with" pistoL LIEUTENANT 0SEBURN .COMMITS SUICIDE Senior Easjlaeer of Ganhoat Taooma Kills Himself oa Veaeel la New York Navy Yard. WASHINGTON. July 8. Lieutenant Thomas L, Oseburn of the United States navy committed suicide on board the gun boat Tacoma yesterday at the New York navy yard by ahootlng. Detail of th affair have not been received. Lieutenant Oseburn waa born Id Murphyaboro, 111., and -was senior engineer officer of the Ta coma. NEW YORK. July S. The Tacoma ar rived here about two week ago after more than a year of patrol duty along the aouth American coast. On June 14 Lieutenant Oseburn began the teat walk of fifty mile In three days, required by the department aa a test of physical fitness. He completed the teat., but returned In low spirits, com plaining of pains In his head and hip. To som of hi fellow officer he volunteered that an automobile had struck him during the third day of his walk. Thereafter he bad little to aay and hi messmates saw him only at prescribed time. A wife and a daughter 4 year old sur vive Lieutenant Oseburn. LUMBER SECRETARY IN COURT Harry A. Gorsnch of Kaaaaa City Plead Not Galltr aad Give Beat. A " KANBA8 CITT. July I Harry A. Gor men, secretary of the Southwestern Lum bermen's association, waa arraigned before United States Commissioner Roy Thomp son here today, charged with violation of the Sherman anti-trust law In connection with the lasuance to dealers of lumber price list by his association. Th arraign ment followed the receipt today by United States District Attorney Leslie Lyons of the Indictment returned against Gorsuch two weeks ago by a federal grand Jury In Chicago, when aeventeen other secre taries of lumber associations also were In dicted. Gorsuch waa releaaed on 82,000 bond to appear for trial In the United States district court In Chicago September L MALL0Y IS SENT TO PRISON Hapld City Maa Who Had Pleaded Gallty to Belllaa- l.lqaor ta J a. dlaas (ilvcs Year. SIOUX FALLS, B. D., July 8 -(Spclal.) James Malloy, formerly of Sioux Fails. J who waa ona of a number of persons who were arrested at Hapld City and vicinity on the charge of selling liquor to Indians, appeared before Judge Elliott of the United States court tn this city, to receive sen tence' on his plea of guilty, which waa entered during a recent term of federal court at Peadwood. Judge Elliott sentenced the- defendant to a terra of one year and one day in tha federal penitentiary at Leavenworth and In addition fined him 8-1OO 810 on each of the four counts in the Indictment against htm. ' gerloaa Aeeideat at Bars Ralalan. IOWA CITV, Is., July 8. (Speclal.)-Wlth a fractured skull, due to a blow dealt by a falling timber at a neighbor' "barn rais ing," John Brennan may die on his farm, a est of Iowa City. Ha has been nearly un conscious since the mishap and the at tendant surgeons are in doubt aa to the outcome, . , Mr. Bridges' Letter Denouncing See r is Read at Trial It Calls Him a Villain and Says His Honse One of Shame Mrs. Bees Tells of Book of Truth. i CHICAGO. July a Mr. Felicia Re wa the first witness today In the trial of Evelyn Arthur See, but before she took the stand a lettef from Stephen Bridges to hi daughter, Mildred, waa read. He upbraided her for leaving him and re ferred to See a villain and his house aa one of "shame" to which, the letter said, Mildred went "with your mother' sanction " and approval." , 'A for your mother." the letter con tinued, she never will disgrace me any longer. I .know you hold no love for -ma. Tour love went when that villain got you In hi power and you think no . more of m than a yellow dog. I will apend the rest of my life and every dollar I have in the world but what I will land him (Bee) in state prison." Mr. Reea, answering Attorney Cantwell, of the defense, said she had written an evening prayer In the 'book of prayer' which form part of th "book of truth." Attorney Cantwell read several excerpts, one of which follows: "Do not think of ex aa Impure. Sex being the symbol of mystery, cannot b spoken of privately. They are coming to that which I have appointed." "What does the T refer to T" th wit ness wa asked. "To God." waa th answer. "You wrote ltr "Te." "Does that part where sex 1 referred to mean 'free lover " 'Absolutely no." OMAHA PIANSJUSY FOURTH (Continued from First Page.) people will take part a well a the ohil- oren. Music will be furnished all dav hv electrical instrument loaned by Oeorge E. aucKei. Water Carnival. The Rod and Gun club and the Tounr Men' Christian association will hold their annual all around atbietlo and water oar. nival with canoe races, tennis matches, nail game and ail other event which make up a full and exciting day. Cricket tr.a will cle&h at Miller park under the leadership of Captain Forehead and Cap tain Vaughn. The Omaha Gun club has dubbed Its shoot a "jackrabblt shoot," and a large crowd of target expert are ex pected to gather at th ground on the Iowa aid. The cool spot. Manawa. Courtland beach and pubUo parka, wUI be playing to capacity, aa well aa tba Gaycty and the Rome summer garden her In the city. Taking It all together, th day promise to be Interesting, If not quit aa productive of casualties aa usual. At Roark Park. Judging from tha advance aalaa the largest crowds of the season win K. In attendance at th ball games Tuesday morning ana afternoon at Rourke park, when the Rourkes win htti .uk e. Joseph. The morning game will be called iv.tu ana the other at 3:45. Nearly every box for tha af tarn tfWtn sVnte-Mst ha been aold and but a few more remained at noon Monday for the morning game. iiwrve sats lor both games have bad heavy sales. Tha aft rtlAnn erat m. HM ise to bring 6u th largest crowd of the day, and It Is expected that It Will equal the opening day crowd. Lea Hlboaz Plealc. . One of the larara Fourth e t..i.. i " - yiuuiCT Planned for the younarer hi win v.- by Lea Hlboux. Tueaday afternoon and evening at the country home of R. F. oacon, north of Florence. Almn.t ...... young people will comprise the party. Novel entertalnmenta, games and races modeled somewhat after m .' celebration of th holiday, will make up ""wnoon program. The party will also explore the old robber' cave on the grounds. Decorations will h. . large display of firework will be set off in th evening, before tha ... r W DlUJUl home by automobile. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller win k. .k erone. Th committee Howard. Harry Carpenter, Herbert Ryan., uacon. jack Bowen, David Bow man and Ralph Doud. Th party will consist of: Misses Marlon Carpenter. Marthena Moore. Luclle Bacon. Nell Carpenter. Margaretta Burke. Mildred Marr. Ulah Renner. Gladys Robertson. Esther Lynch. Adelaide Funkhouaer. Clara Jones. Marjorle Uowland. Henrietta McCague. Messrs. Harry Carpenter. Ralph Doud. Isaac Carpenter. Merle Howard. Robert Loomls. Banford GIfford. Oeorge Grimes. Robert Thompson Phillip Payne. Kenneth Norton. -Max Flotow. James Durkee. Henry Howes. luise Bedwell. Helen Van Deusen. Helen Buck. Eileen Patterson. Ruth IJnitu.v Uarda Scott. Helen Chase. Haxel Evans. Luclle Patterson. Helen Jngwersen. Ruth Gould. Elizabeth Hamllng. Anna GIfford. Meun John Bowen. Evertt Kurk Cheater Nleman. Aridur Klopp. David Bowman. Chester Arnold. Walter Klopp. Wayne Selby. vaugnn tacon. Warren Howard. Herbert Itvan. - -Richard Payne. frank Bel by. Clarence Patton. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big Make SIZZ your 4th of July Drink EASILY MADE Just stir two teaepoonsful of Blzz into glasa of (ce cold water and the drink 1 prepared. Make it at borne Everybody will like IU !5c bottle makes II drinks. Sue bottle niakei 30 drinks. 81.00 buttle make JO drinks. lht Greatet. Dan. oa the Htrket - THE ONE BEiT DRI.tK Leo Grotte Mfg. Co. Omaha, Nebraska Two Men Killed in Wreck at Camdcn.NJ. Express Train for Atlantio City Side Swipes a Local Passen ger Train. PHILADELPHIA, July S.-Two persons were killed and seventeen other Injured when a Pennsylvania express train for At lantio City sldeswiped a local paaaenger tram at Lucaston, fifteen mllea north of Camden, N. J., today. Dead: THOMAS OODEN, Unwood, N. J. Forest B. Henry, Berlin, N. J. Railroad officials say the accident was due to a brakeman's throwing a crossover switch Instead of the siding switch. The coaches of the local train were derailed and partly wrecked. The killed and Injured were In the cars. Little or no damage was Inflicted on the express train, but It had a narrow escapa from an awful accident. Its' schedule calls for a speed of a mile a minute a)4 It was usually long, being made up of Pullman and steel coaches. Had the Impact occurred a fraction of a second later, both trains must hav been wrecked with terrible loss of Ufa. BIG DAY AT C0URTLAND BEACH Boating, Bnthlna-, Fireworks aad Other Attractions at the Lake side Resort. Follow the crowd and come to Courtland Beach today and celebrate the Fourth in a aane manner. Fine display of fireworks on the lake front tonight. Display cost $2,000. Excellent boating, bathing and fish ing. The finest bathing beach in the middle west, with hundreds enjoying the cool waters of Carter lake every day. Come and sea for yourself. Ride the circle swing and the roller coaster. Trip the light fantastlo In the superb dancing pavllllon. Muslo by Lamp's celebrated orchestra. The finest roller skating rink around Omaha. Come and be convinced. Museum of stuffed birds and animals. A great educational exhibit Band concert afternoon and evening by Huster' concert band. Cool shady groves for ptcnlo parties. Excellent street car service from all part of the city. Th Id oai resort for the Fourth. SERIOUS FIGHT IN LOS REYES Bight Men Are Killed la Clash Be. tween Two Bodies of Ma derlste. GUADALAJARA. Mexico, July a In a clash today between two bodies of Mader 1st In Los Reyes, state of Mlchocan, It Is reported that eight men were killed and ten wounded. The fight was the outcome of the organ isation of a force by Sabaa Valladare, the son of a wealthy planter, who had aasumed charge of affairs at Los Reyes. On hear ing of this move Marcos Mendes, command lng the regular Maderlst force at Zamora, went to Investigate and In the resulting fight won a victory over Valladare. TORRON, Mexico, July 8,-Aa the result of a fight In the plasa here yesterday when a number of federal soldiers tried to desert from the garrison, the captain wa killed and a body of the deserter took to the hi 11s. A force of Maderlsta, which had not yet disbanded, assisted the deserting federals to escape. AUGUST W. MOTT IS DEAD Grandaon of Foaalber of Bis; Iron Works Dies Saddenly of Ma lignant Cancer. NEW YORK, July 8. Augustus W. Mott, vice president of the Mott Iron works o which hi grandfather waa th founder and well known as a yachtsman, I dead at his home here aa tl.o result of the develop ment of an ordinary pigmented mole Into a malignant growth. The mole, which was on Mr. Mott' right arm, showed the first signs of Irritation less than a year ago. It developed rapidly Into what la known aa melano sarcoma. Medical science has no cur for the disease. Mr. Mott was not yet GO years old. Until his death he had always enjoyed good health. Epwortk League Convention. SUTHERLAND, Neb., July 3. (Special.) The fourth annual convention of the North Platte district Epworth league will be held at Sutherland July 11 to IS, In elusive. The program Is to be the b'est of the kind In the history of the district or ganisation, and it Is expected that the at tendance will be !arge. Wednesday morning renews the bargain festival Benson at Thorne's semi-annual clearing sale. 81a Horses Burned to Death. MASON CITY, Ia., July a (Special Tele gram.) The stable of Liveryman Nelson at Clear Lake, together with alx head of horses, grain, harness, eta., burned last night. Look ahead by getting school shoe for the children now. Benson & Thome's semi annual clearance sale Wednesday morning. Fifteen Bushel to the Acre. TORK. Neb.. July 8. (Special.) Harvest In Tork county Is about over. Wheat will average about fifteen bushels. Corn Is going to the bad every day and will not stand more than one more week of exces sive hot days. There haa been only .35 of an 'Inch of rain In forty-one daya In this vicinity. Orange, Lemon. Celery and Root Beer Flavors, go at all Boda roan tains. K y ji Cotton Crop Will Exceed Record by One Million Bales Official Estimate Says Beports Indi cate a Condition 10.3 Fer Cent Above Ten Years Average. WASHINGTON. July S-Offlclal esti mates of the cotton crop r?port of 1911 in dicate that It will be the largest In the history of the country, approximating, ac cording to th present figure. 14 425.IK bales of 800 pounds each, exceeding by al most a million balra the record crop of 1904. . lr. N. A. Murrav' afn rhl.f r,t (ha crop reporting board of the Department of Agriculture, today made the following atatement subsequent to the Issuance of the cotton crop report: "The report shows the condition of the crop to be higher than on any correspond ing date In the last ten years. A month ago the general condition waa 8.5 per oent aoove the ten-year average. Today It la 10.8 rer cent above the ten-year average. "The acreage of cotton this vaar ) ihnui 85,000,000. Allowing for the average amount or anandonment-about 1,000.000 ncres-th Indications are that anoroilmatel-r S4 oooonn acres of cotton will be harvested. The condition Indicates a probable yield of 802.8 pounds per acre, which on 84.000.0OJ aores would mean 6,89R,O0O,O0O pound, or about 14.4;5.O0O bale. "This calculation allows for average de preciation. The critical period In cotton growth Is In August and September, so that any atlmote at this time must be taken with some allowance. "The largest previous production of cot ton In this country was in 1904. when It aggregateed 13.679,954 bales of 500 pounds each." Crawford Recapture- af Reno. BEATRICE. Neb.. Julv 1 (Knui John Crawford, a former Wymore resl- aeni wno broke Jail at Monmouth, III., re cently, after being arreated on tha of bank robbery, was arrested at Reno, ev weanesaay, and taken back to Mon mouth. Crawford, It la thought, figured In the Kansas robberies last winter and l believed to be the fellow who sold a tour ing car to H. H. Hoerr, the Wymore man who is serving two years In the peniten tiary for bank robbery. Firewater Biases. GLASGOW. Scotland. Julv 1 n.imn,.. distillery was burned causing a los of 8300.000. A remarkable spectacle was fur nished by a stream of burning whisky run ning from the flame-swept building into the Cromarty Plrth. Fireworks Fire at Hatch Insoa. HUTCHINSON. Kan., July 8,-When fire of unknown origin brkoe out today in the factory and rnhmi.. n - . ' . , and notions factory here a large aupply of ...onuma biuitu in ine Duuaing exploded and rockets ahootlng in all olrections en- Tk. vT,j. J 1 naming mo names. The building was completely destroyed. The Tou can afford another aummer suit S3H per cent discount Benson A Thnm.'a eml-annual clearance sale Wednasdav morning. Hamilton Apartments FIREPROOF Single room and private bath 816.00. Two rooms and private bath, $35 and $40. .Three rooma and private bath $40 and $45. All advantages of the hotel at half th price. Away from noise and dust. Fine Cafe la Oonneotion. July Furniture Sale of Tremendous Bargains Begins at 8 A. M., Wednes day. It will be a history making event in Omaha Furniture Business. MILLER, STEWART & BEATON CO., 418-15-17 South Sixteenth St. Beautiful Teeth There are but few people who hav them. Good teeth everyone might have it they would go to Vr. Bradbury. The quickest, easiest and least painful are the only methods employed by us and hundreds of our patients, both In and out of the city, will gladly tell you about the good dental vors and our up-to-date ways of doing things. Crowns and bridge work from $5.00 per tooth. Plates that (It from $4 00 to $18.(0. Painless extrac tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed without hurting you. Work warranted ten yeare. DR. BRADBURY. THE DENTIST IT Tear lam Location. ISO Tarnam sw fbone D. 1750 AMUSEMENTS. !J ..... .... u. 1 Waft - :: -1 BEAUTIFUL LAKE WITH ITS MANY ATTRACTIONS, The Place To Spend a "Safe and Sane 4th" COOL, CLEAN AND ORDERLY A LARGE GRAND BALL ROOM new and airy, with delightful music BATHING. BOATING. LAUGHING GALLERY, HOLLER X)A8TEH, MERHY-fJO-ROl'ND and many other amusement. SHADY GROVE PARK lias been added an excellent placv.for picnic. Free use of stoves for making coffee. Concerts by Covalt's Band Admission To Park, Free II. M. BAR NET, Manager. For the July Birthday If your friontl lias u birthday this month your present should be a ruby. The Edhotm atoro offrrs you n wide choice of these stones in rings, pendants, pins and bracelets. They aye of the latest designs, made up in tlit, most attractive sizes and priced at the most moderate figures. If your gift is a ruby from this store, it will be appreciated for years. Don't Merely Buy Invest. Albert Edholiti JEWELER Sixteenth and Harney John Says;. Tiff! Bang I Every eannon oracker that goea off oa the 4th' costs aa inneh a a Trust Buster do Ci gar. My I What a wasteful nation ws are. . And t o b a e o o smoks 1 safer than gunpowder smoks, too John's Cigar Store 321 So. 16th St.. .' AmuheheVts, Courtland Beach; OMAHA'S IDEAL KKSOItT ' Delightful, Cool and Convenient GRAND CELEBRATION July 4tlv $2,000 Display of Firework Dancing from 1 p.m. to 11:15 p.m. Bathing, Boating, Bowling Roller Skating and Other Attraction Huster 's Concert Band Afternoon and Evening A Cool and Pleasant Hide at. 5c ' Excellent Service BASE BALL OMAUA vs. ST. JOSEPH ROURKE PARK JULY 4-4-B July 4 Horning gam called at IOiSO July 4 Afternoon gam sailed at Si45 ' OAKXSI UUSB SI43. -Oarr leave lath and rarnasa at Si30. AMUSEMENTS. Theater Cooled by icett - Air. LAST WEEK OF THE LLOYD INGRAHAMCO All the Favorite Appear lir TUB BEliLE Of i. .. .O.M : Holiday Matinee Tuesday, July 4. Slvr. 10-6i few at SOei Vbirt Watst stats. - Tnar. ana jvq, nuo. ROME SUMMER GARDEN Vaudeville and Photo Play3 Dine Out Doora ' COOLEST K.AC IBT OMAHA ' DBCKSBTBA BTEBT BYENIXO Admission 80 Cats 1 I 1 1 -4 I LJ.BAUIS HEAVY HAULING I SAFE HOISTING A 1 SPECIALTY I 1818 FARNAM STREET Phone Dougta SS3 ' R Residence) Harney 4283 . D I