The Omaha Daily Bee THE BEE 13 DELIVERED to more Omaha tomes than c3 ether papers combined. TXATHER FOEECAST. For NerratkB uow-re, cool For ! I'nsettled, cooler. VOL. XLI-XO. 14. 0MA1LA, TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 4, 1911 TVELT: PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. GERMAN Y AWAITS ACTION" OF FBAXCE Eaiser Hope Eis 3Cav Will Lead to General Diirauioa of K-oroccaa Situation, WAITS ISSTE IIJALLT SETTLED Otherwise Grrmini Will Stay Until Franr and Spain Withdraw. President Taft Makes Plea for Safe and Sane Fourth FRENCHMAN WINS RACE TO LONDON "All Ready Let Her Go." Zxeeatire. la Addrett at Gertlaai.! . . Prise for First Half of Interna CL0 yli . AdTocatet Lawi Fortiddiaj Salt of All DaajeroTii FierworaX ri F-vyyAVT) jaiy ArriTin here at T a today aa bia ay ta lndlanapolla. F2A5CE WATCHL7G ETTIJATIOS j . i to A 71 dir. EEITEH EOU?.SE 13 AiTETTE) It Oyft Uwrr kf raM of Mwwm Agftatleat. bet peesa ln Psosis -. ;i nr Beads Xertic Waahlngrtowu BERLIN, July k-.-n lag Um l-! bud j ta sending tbe gunboat Feather to Agad:r, i M;"rocou. Giiw; is awalt-tns Uw atloa of France, which. It ts expected, wili be taWa only after eonicl'.alioB wtti Great fcirtaia P.uwtla. It ta bored bel that the ale? taken by the ( foreign office will lead ta a fwi! dlsciwsioa ef the Moroccan sltua tion ay the fuvi' puwees principally Jiixr sled and the jUCn definitely Bellied, Otberaiae tha Uern-ace will remeua la Morocco IL.J.U tb Fraaco-Spanfati expedi tions bare been wiihdrewa. A setarai European oaelereaco la not expected. S'rs-aee May t4 UukMt PARIS. July . FortOgn XUnlrter Da Beivea ad awl i-auialn In Paris today, but acoeenpaaied President Falilarcs ta llcV land. Yesterday It waa an iimnred tuat M. Le oeivesa bad changed hia plana end weuid atay hue aa a cuu;uou oC tbe uw a.iuatlea brovtiii etut ib Zle.ocee ay tba detei mlnalloa w Ucru axy La eend a gnabvat ta Agadlr. Premier baa takes a-rer the oon duct at tba lurelaa olTica pending Jd. La Selves' rtttua and w il direct Fraaae' attitude tewerd German iatcr-reeu-oa at Morecce. Ae France wraa merely notified of tba fact aocampllabcd, namely thai a Genua warship baa been dispatched ta Anadir, k to passible that this government wOl eat e.-d a rrvly ta Bortln. but. Ilka Gntaoy. -iU dacida uca a ceuraa ( aX actios aad Uki atloyt It. It iM at aollbrly that after ooaerrla arltb Great Britaia. France may aead a warafal ta JLcad-. aa tba Xlgeciraa act aotbonsae tba poltrlng at tba Jaareocaa ooaat by Fraace ta cacjuntiaa aitb Spala. Aitbourb tba (iennu aettea aa anddes, France baa aaaa anrh-lnatlnj: a aajva ot aum aart by Garmaoy, baoanaa at Mliala'a ateaakja at Ita tallttary apamtlaoa m tba Burtir at Maraaca. - - - . Tba Bauraa opened weak today aa a raaoii at &rmmtut nova ta aaadiaa; wtr abu te atfUtbara Moraaea. Prtoaa ware tower aJB aruanA. A aUfb ral!y Jatar Ja Cba day aa feaawad by wak: Bawa4 effflaaa. ' BrtUah Beene affcwtaA. LONDON. July t. The Moraecaa acara follewu-.c tba ajuounwnwBt that Oarataay would aexd a auaboat ta Adadlr ta tba ur-Sta-iae aad aacocutcrt of Franca, dapreeeed tba Slock eacbaara at tba early tradlnc. Coaaaia fell litoi Farta tarerae. like Caaad-an Facitie tlatoa aad LaBaere cold abaxea and biaiiiaa aad Pbrtucueaa boida vara weak aa aeiea treat that uartar. : Tba apaaa auoa paaaed. however, aad at oaa a eaaral race-very aet la. Vaaaola resalaad JtJorrtcaji aacurlUaa hardeaad b W b tram tbe lowaat, aitbaasb tbey ware auil well below parity. XIK;.,1X&. Morecca. kuaday. Jaly X. Tba aaatr dlatrlct m calm. Tba kalca reeeatly rfu4 ta aaU tba landa tbara te sm faranjina. aa tba XjttcnruM acreeaujit tnede tba eoceaat af tba aultaa Bee iaaa r j ta aacb aaia. aJe Beat ta WaaUaatea. WaaHLNGTOS, jmly I fioriaaj baa adTiwd tbe l altod Statea of tba aeaalac af tba gaaboat I'aaLbar ta Aadlr. Morucoe. WUa tbta garnmeil la waicblas proicraaa af aveota m tha Auicaa aaopsra. it la awe vitally iataroaied at tbe pulitkx ftaae uf tbe aituaUoa. Tba Catted 0lataa waa atgnatwry ta tba AlCaalraa oaBTe&UtM. bat nva auateat aeo tara ta tba devatopanant of JLaaoncaa oao aaarce aad tba proUtctloa of tbe bvoa aad proiHsrty af Its dtlaeaa. Tbla country baa takaa aa action la tba praaeat Uoraocaa aftaar asoepc ta aoaka atrecuf refreeeatattona to tba aullma la reerard ta tba capture of aa tt rnertr an mia laairy by rebel troopa. ... SB a T'ltH a, W. Kah, July a (Spaclal M. M. COaa, praprhatar af tha CUaa craoary Basra, aaat with a aeeere anrtdeat Buaoay ntiralaaT whtla attempting ta ge dosra ha hie oaliar. Ke bad epaaed tba trap door aad wblla still holt&ag tbe aVar la ma hmtt haad a attsp gave away, three-tag bv ta each a soaaaer aa ta atTvareiy tractura km latt a boulder. The Weather FOR a K A I'nsettled. ooalar. FOX IuWA laaattkd. Oder J H. l iw Uua. Hjgtwat yetreday m t ti U 1 a est vrateraav TI 1 J M h'. t-"viiat-i a 'i a, r re.ip.tau jo .. j. a . T leu.n.a.ure ana -ci.WJa aettarturee frveu th ik.nml; Nrriai turiwritun 74 LatKraa fv-r ir djr ) leai iu 11 sime Xlarib L 1U... Nvrnial we t. l iua .u laeh I tni for in li tca Jr.-c-:irtistia ssn,e Varrb 1, T:: imivev Ivfiriency aiate Hart k 1 T 13 Isa tww I-efR-.t-o-y d fur. prrvod, t1-)".. It 7? tex-tiee UHewy lur rur. perv- 1 .. let lutaee 1 atMicat s t pie -t t itei - i. A. a i.L,att. 1.. ai r ierasoae Tesspesatare at Oai r i.m Tseaeidsy I Hour. reg. f 1 Lj a. a ?t y S-, ' - m n ySZ- f a. at si . y-ir- p. m-.. :r -lCr)'.-t. 1" ra Mr fiaii p m 1U J J 1 T p. m m LevwJ CerereU I rreridrat Taxi catle aa early riae aad ki-caatnc en the abaertaUua of a aaae Fourth ef July, a 3d leased eavaiaJ thousand leoele f r-m the rear plalfora af bia car. Wi cocat atatuca ia Aifrkv ba caure ti bna that tbey prjva what a tna: rtia we ara." ul tbe preaideat. 'Zkry are tau;b m.ra tiattu: Mj tLy abew na avr Crrei.ta. etaii;t:c m--rv tx terrible tcea ta tba chl'drcn In Ur aai Umt). Wcawee of aa ia raae aad1 tooi'.ib ubawvajaoe af tba Batloaai boi day. Vi'bca a tblsb if tue way la which tba F.arUi et July baa beta cele brated la the iat aad tbe urr!ble oenaa wa, It aucbt ta njuke ua b-uata tbat we bare net taka taeane ta atop It. "It te aur duty te r d tba matbera e( tba cauatry of anxiety b I be paaalsc of or dtnamwa forbl&dlnd tbe re n-wn cracker, tba tsy plctal ex.4 atbar mm area t J cblbead. La reuta ta aalictiMi today la tbe Hat tX foartaca U'iJ olt.ocra aeiecred i7 tba "Ilucklr.s buard far cuisplaery r-grr.a-Uaa, a a.-ea w!Lb tba preaUest a apreraX Rodney J. Diegle is Found Guilty of Aiding in Bribery Serpeast-at-Anas of Ciia Legialatare Coarkted bj Jary After Orer Two Daji' Delfbcraxtoa. COUTMBX.-B, CL. July 1. Tbe Jury ta tha caaa of Rodney J. SMefle, aarweaat-at-anaa of tbe vtati senate, waa baa baea oa trial eh&rcad wltb aiding aad abettlaa la tba alleawd arlbeiy af State Beaator L R Anarawa. tocay at IX a' clock returned Its verdict fisdias hint cciity. Tba jury bad baea eat ataca IB aldock Friday aftar aaoa. eatabUablrf a record Is tbla county. Tba BpedOc charge afaAnat Dlecle waa t bat be aided la tbe at!tcHa.tia af a bribe af 129 offered Mate gone tor Aadrewa Ja con&ectloa arttb tha Cetaae-WrUemore mutual Cra acaarance bill. ZMerla'a trJ waa tbe eecond of tba pn mu Indicted by tba recent grand Jury aa a result of aa io'vestlg-atioB Into tbe general assembly. , Representative Georra B. Ny of Pike rouaty. tba first ta be tried, waa acquitted af a chargw of bribery, bat other tndk-t-monta are peadlas;. ' Tba Dlegrle trial begaa Joaa IT. Tba state relied aa a . mecbaalcal ae-vtoa. tba "dictagraph." a highly s u all 1 s telepbcae. for Ka atroogaet irteeara Tba dlctaaraph tranmntttar waa aecreted at a oetectlre'a rocn ta a hotel aad a aaait staaograpoar la aaatber raoni reported tbe tsMtrcrsationa 1 which It waa aUesred bribes war offered aad accepted. There are three Beat a saiain aad lev t mtatlvaa aad twa loayteta aader ladlot- mraL It la xrabahlo that thatr trUla wlU g-wvar,iiet9 tba) fall tm f eparp . t- Five Hurt When Motor Collides with Freight Section Car Crashes Into Sear End of Traia Wnea Brakei Fail Six Mea Jama. UOTP CITT. Neb., Jaly l (Fpertai Tele-g-raav e The aactioa motor car on tbe Csloa Faetric branch rrofbed lata tbe rear end of a freight traia about a mile aad one-half east af this roars today, seriously tnJurtaeT five eeetloa hands. Tbe freight had Just left the depot oa tta return rip e St. Taul aad tha motor with eevaa aectloa hands waa following eloaely behlad ta put ant a fire ynat a rnlle or twa aut of tew. The Tretght Blacked Ita rpeed aad airnaled the motor ear. but whaa Feremaa Eee-reld-aoB attempted ta atoa, tha brake would the aettlua hands jumped Before tha eoUhaoa except one. Ha waa cut ewverah afeent tha head, face and haavda. Three ethra wba Jumped were alee hadly hart The freight gathered ap the Injured mea aad backed lata tha dpoC Th injured were: Val MeDonald. out about tha face Bad bead aad body brulaed. V alter Froock. right hip aad right ahoal aer hart aad hi as at crushed. - Be waa takaa ta tbe hospital at Oraad Island. Joha Coatar. left ana brokea at wrist aad half way bete-eea wrist aad elbow, both had breaks. - - Oeorge Gaasca. hart ta hack. Robert Grettar. right ahoulder dhuocaXed. The aectloa foreiaaa said a email holt aMj-ped dowa bate tha machtaary mt his car. preventing the brake frara working. FUNERAL OF GENERAL EVANS Body ef Late Cssuaaaser ef C we toe era 1 Y ram aa te e Parted Vetseaeay. ATLANTA. Ga., July L The funeral af General A. Ev-aas, former ecaamaader of tbe I'a'tsd Confederate veterana. whe died yeaieraa afumoon erill be held Wedaaa day. Tbe body will he fen atate at the Georgia capita! frm 11 until 1st e" clock, after a barb U win be taken to the First alethedist church, abere funeral servlees tU be conducted by Bit hop Candler and Chaplain Otneral F-. Lma Cava ef the t'attad Coetederate veterana ' I'poe) re eucet of tba Ladies'. Hrmorial aseodatloa the body wlU he barled ta the lot heiong- tag te that ersaBtxatle-i ia Oakland cema- tery. near the confederate cemetery si this cnty. "Mysterious Society Woman" in Jenkins Case Discovered NEW TOf.K, July S-.peetaJ Telegram 1 The mate:1as woman te the case ef Mrs erelle Jeakias has been dis- eueered ht the peraea ut Mra William A. stus-vH. . wife ef a wealthy manufacturer i ef 1 1 imbiaj suTipllea la Tonkera Mra I Rueeeat admits that she ts tae mrsteriotis Iaociery wuaiaa." ae fretueatry referred ta la the aceounts Mia Heirs t'awlle Jea j kins has lurciahed ef aa aliased theft ef ) Hrt.ei earth of Jewels from th Hole! Leriejjae. New Terk. iJecrmbe. hen. Mra Ctuseelt eaarwed raat Mra Jeakh.s Bad aaATtaa m. eerie nf uuHti mm threagh tha avewapapera aVthuegk ecUy tional Arittioa Centeit. GILBIXT GET? OTEZH TXOFHT Six 3Iea Reach Endon Park frith Kachisei Closely Banched. ZSTGLISa C3A533L IS CROSSED Coaditisn Art Idral for LfforU of arop;' Experta. I'AL'bL'AL SPECTACLE DT DOTES Clewew Aerepleaes Crwee Caaaael ta Kapld Pareeselsa aad All WIthta Few Mlaataa ?le hert Wise Derer Trophy. 1JKtKJN". Jnly a "ihe fnt half of the Interna Usual circuit aviation I a ore aa eaded at Hendos park aerodieme i Hea don' Juet outside Lxindou tc-day. Andrew Beaumont, a Irene: man. made the speed iest trip from Fans ta Menuoa ar.d as aaaraed tne Loodoa Stajnlard pr-iae of 12,va. kl. G btrt, another Frerchman, woa tbe leaver trct'ty far the fastest pasaage au-oaa tbe l&gueh cbanaeL Tedtmea. VKWrt. KiairDerUag. Beautnoat. Valer.txe and Garroa reached iiendoa ciuseiy ivuacbed. tbatraardlaary SMrbt la Daves'. DOVER. yr.gtmt July L Only by snak ing the ta WKXai jel fUgbi am aatratfrdiutry cu-cnunsLaaces will any avuuor vo b. ate a is mm te gala any paJ-ucuau' -o:r tram tbe tact. After tooay u f Jgbt uiuai be com dn a aa oreVaary af xair ur tba mum jkg aaw be less tbaa eleven aviaiara coateauiig la toe hiropetaa circuit race, wtadmg tbeur way aooaa mt j r runnel aad aiigat m i.vtr a a Ijock af biras aiignt have uoueu laore crrar. sea of tae eleven, Kecau. carried a paaaeager km na btplana. Tbe anoraUg aaa pericct, hardly a braaLh of raUung Hie ot the cbaa ael. aa tha pica of .ureie a expeita heaued tram caiab. len thia tuoit. lue aa- as aa Btlii abea tbey laachoa aa toe dewua A great crowd had surrouBded the land tag piece la anticipation af the arrival a! tba aviators. Tb- bad but a abort vral before Vedrtaaa,' consistently tbe leader in tba previous stagea of tha race, drove tna monoplane Into v. aut of a bank af fleecy cieuda that hang low over tba cbaaaeL He maaa a circuit of the drome aad landed gracefully. Tbe liignt from CBta ana been Bccempiuhoo in about naif aa hour. ,lb tbar owe teaman U toUwwed la auu-k aainnieawa- ' eevea moaopiaue were e iwoet huached, taeB caun tea aiplaax aad (hea aaeiber snnsinpiane BrMtarbi - up m rear. Una by oae the aiarhmia appeared aver tha trees, swept dawa ta tbe . aero drome,' circled tt eaS laaued wtiboat einblatoe'e'a"mlKtiap: ' " . Tbvra" waa Bona af tbe excitement that had characterised the Sniah of tbe pra neua croas-chaaael fUgbta. nor were tba aviators eahauaied. laaiead. taey crawtod from thaur aeroplaaes and camuy walked aaay with fnaaoa tart Made freaa Leatu. Soon after tbe last af the elevea aviators bad leaded tbe wlad began te freaaea aad tt waa decided ta start immediately ea tbe seat stage of tba ooateet ta baorebam aad iheaos ta Lm&ooa. ' l"ba start waa ezual leatly made and with tbe same that had eataractertsed tha arrival at Liever. Tba macbiaaa left at tee-miauie latervala only aoa exceeding that tune aad that aaly ay a few aacead. A number of army affloera were deeply mtarestad peetatora af today's flight across the rfrr"1 Comments were freely made aa ta the possibility, granting the continued developmeot af tba aaroplaaa, at rsn'-g aa tavaduig foree aa Bntiak ter ritory by their ess. Vedrtaes arrteed at Eboreham at 7 -la, f al io ured 1y - ail the ethers exoeptlag Traia aad Gibert. Tba former descended at New liaven aad tha latter at Eaathoura. Again Vedrtaaa led the way tar Haadan at LAWYER STABBED BY JUDGE IMaaMate Over La , Ky, Mar Fatally. a ilt LONrON, Ky, - July a News London today that Joha R arterncy, aoa. of tha lata Cain imams Vin cent Boretag. was etabeed aad aertuualy erouaded at Maachastar, - Ky.. lata last night by IX W. White, farmer Judge at Oay county. The stabbtng fonewad a dis pute orer a suit erh.'ch Baielag had tiled i aga-ant White on BehaUf af Tlmmana H-ar-coart ef Chillieothe, O. STIMSON GOES TO PANAMA eeseterr af War WlU SsMrad F earth at tlaeaw la new Tork end Seal few Cedwa Tksietay; WASHINGTON.' July a-aecretary af War SthT-son left Waahingtbti today, ta be gose uata early la August, during which time bs wia make a miaute tnri i rtnin af tbe Panama canal. He atll spend tbe Fourth at Ms summer home at Huntington. L I j and sail from New Tork next Thursday as ithe steamer Santa Marts for Ouloa. aere- 1 1 the act. whether imparted or not. referrtng ta her asoerrVusly as "wealthy I Tb Petitioner asks aa Injunction agamat Tonkera eudety wemaa ' ta order te la- artorney general and the game com liaaldate a multi-eniiilcnaire from Pernarl- j ntlatuener. pending determlnatlaa of the veaia." j suit. The eonteatloa ia that many tbouaaad W. e. Futts af Newcastle. Fa.. Is the I dollars' worth of plumes Imported before meitl-AiilUoaeire referred ta. By tnad- j the tow went Into effect are still carried vertence Mra Rujeetl let the nana Blip aut curing ber eoaveraaxkia. sayutg ward ana rrgrerted baling done ae. Aa eatiretv near ar.g:a waa trvea tht case when Mra Ruase:l declared she be uVevres Mra Jevukisa te h 1 he saetbfr ef twe children now la a Cbicage tst'tutk-v Their hum la Fuid. Mra Jealuas' sualdm aaaia eaa Fuid. Lead II B T 1 M 1 ' , . . .. - - i i - j 1 I e ..... a. . . 9 - C-" -, - - .- .-- ... . r k C- . : -"-" -' f .. ? '-f . - - - FIFTH CARTER LAKE YICTTM Williaa W. Baxter Dnraoi in One f . - ' Deep Dredged Holes, - TWO BOTS SEE LAD GO ODES ' i . , West at Haal Waa" Kspert wtssaaee aad Plftese, Tear-CMd Lad Drswu stefeew Help Oewld steaeh The fifth wletim of th eaarm claimed by Carter Iake late yeaterdar aft' emooB hB 16-year-old William Welter Baxter mas dreamed la one of the treach erous holes made near tbe weatera haak by tbe dredges operated by tha Park hoard. The Baxter bay, who waa the idol ef his father and mother, left hie home yeatesv day afternoon to take a dip ta the lake ia company a-ith aeve-al other b"ye from tba vicinity of hia 'Twenty -first rtreet. home at 4&U North j He had Just taken leave of his 7-year-cl) hrotber, whose com- j piled with. It was showa that tha section panloB ha has always been whenever his r m quert.ea had not been read to the ac f at her aad mcther were away from home. cused. while that referrtrg te the Jurors Walter, as be has been familiarly cal el by h a playmates, could not sw at and when be went Into the water near Larson's boat bouse Robert Halleok of X14I Asnes ave nue aad Ralph Huffstutter of 53t North Twenty-fb-rt street, hoys ef about his ewn age. were far out ta the water. -. Because be could not rwtm the Baxter boy clung ta a raft and paddled around close te shore until, all ef a sudden, hi feet went from under him la twenty feet cf eater where the dredge had dug a dep hula. Several boys on the bank saw the lad go under, but none was an expert swimmer. Finally H 41ock aad Hnffstut er swam back from tba middle of the lakd aad tried to rescue their little comrade. Tbe alarm was riven br those en shore and Orta Reeve af tlS North Twenty-third street, aad Henry Randaa of XJ Jacktea street, plunged late the water and after dfvlng several soinutes came up with yeung Baxter's body. Ail mauser of artifleal respiration was resorted ta until tba ar rival ef Police Burgeon Pepptra. whe werked far ever half aa hour trying ta revtve the drowned bey. Then the coroner a aa sot Sod. Frank H. Baxter, father ef tbe drowned hey la one of the beet knewa para hang tag aad palatlag contractor t la Croatia The lad waa his especial prde aad tht gr ef ef tbe faniilr upon let mi g of ths drowning was patbetJc w-s unconaolabte. His little bruther Milliners Will Test New York Game Law Mxxen of Women i Eats Object ta Section Prohibiting Sale of Plnmage Erea if Imported. NEW TORK. July S-Tiie Eaatara Mil Uriw association brought su.t here today la the United States circuit court ta teat the ecistwtieeuUity ef tbe amended forest. flab, and gnve law of thia state Tbe , tioa of tbe law abiected ta foraida the sale i after July 1 af any plumage epeciCed ta ta nmilmery stoeka Will Meat Bears with Bewa. ATCHISON Kan. July -James M Cfcaliika and k- - Jarkam. airhers ef this rur. Kft ltdey lor Kiuin Coiuintia. ebere tnry tnlend t bunt bear with hues and enema At Vk-tuna. it. C, they a m be soieed by Will H Tt:eir.;aca. a SaM.e at Urtfj. and Harry Kieardn of ihskioa. t-umaumm arc&er of tea taited S'-ates. Indictments of : Three Union Men in ; : Los Angeles Quashed Tadga Holds Bills Against Connera, ' Beildfr and Maple Irregnlar and . Orders Case Resubmitted. . LOS ANGELES. July X-Judfe VTillis of the criminal department of the superior erurt today euassed - the iDdlramscts against Bert Crnnera. Ira Bender and A. B. Mapla the unioa men accused ef harirg conspired ta destroy the county hail of reoordK -tth draanxte. . The mea were not freed, however. The court ordered their eases ermtnitted to the grand Jury. The g-antJ:ig of the motion to qaah was baaed the Judge's beLef that proviivicns 1 af tbe penal cede providing that a person seed rot testify againrt himself before a grand ?ury and also for the ret 'rem eat ef prejudiced grand Jurors had not been cera- I had nrs been read to the grand Jure rs unt ! after they had deHberated six days and Just before they rerurred the tn-H troeela After - erderlag the indictments quashed Judge Wllhs contlnueci: "And. enffie'ent cans- appearlrg la tha evidence taken before the grand Jury, tt la iMdeied that the case be resubm'tiea by the dlrtrict attorney ta the same grand Jury for further consideration, or tVat ta d cause be examined before a magistrate, t! a defendants are i ema ded for that purpose Groom and Guests Wait at the Church Lady Coiutance-Foljambe of London Decided She Did Sot Want to JCarry and Went Shopping. LONDON. July S Lady Conataace Fol Jamba. a half abater of the carl of Liver pool, controller of the king's household, astonished society by failing to appear at a fashionable church la London this after aeon at the time appointed for bar mar riage te the Rew. A. H. K. Hawkiaa. The edifice waa filled wltb society pea pie who watted aa hour wondering what Lad occurred ta delay tba ceremony. Whea I tl:e bridegroom sent a roeasencrr la great ' haste te Lady Constance's residence, to inquire fur her, tbe reply returned waa that Lady Constance "went aut shopping this saoniiag and has aet yet returned home."" The earl of Lirexpcxa stated today that ha had received from Lady Constance message that she was quite safe and sound. Lady Constance, wba left London ea a traia this morning, had simply changed her mind and decided that she did net wish ta get married. Five Are Killed When Train Strikes Wagon at Crossing NEW TORK, July 1 Fte perrons ware kliwd and two Injured la a croaaizig aoci daet near Oaone park, ta the suburbs, late tday. Tbe victims were la a burns drawn vehirhe. which was struck by a Long Irtand train. Tbe rrnesiag where the accident occurred Is at tbe tttom of a deciivit- and flanked by ohm rectiona which prevent a clear view ia eitt-er d.rection. la the wage mas a irty of lesluecta of the ast at'le, who were otit picnekjng. and a Jriver. Ct the fear e-omeu and tae men le the (eiiiflc. only on a wen-aa la alive w- OMAHA PLANS BUSY FOURTH Varied Prprram of Amusements to I ' Salt All Classes. SAFE A5D SA5E LAY TO BE TBXED ladepeadeeiee Day Plaaa laclede AD Perte ef Casaee aadl Cele. tlwes la All Farta ef the City. Omaha versus St. Joseph, two gam so. 100 aad a:S o'clock, at aVoarke park. atatiase and awaalag parforantirss at tha Gayety aad Smu aaauaer gardea. Athletie aad aeaatle Baaet at . OartaT lake between Tensg atsas Christtaa aa sociatioa aad avod aad AVaa club. Cricket match, Omaha Cricket club, BTU- ler park. Self matches at Field elab, Coaatry etas and Kappy sTLaUow clab. Trap a Host, Omaha trua dab. Celebration for the ealldrea sad athletie Baaet, Prairie Park. Parades aad program for tha ahfldraa. Karma y street between Thirty -third aad Thirty-fifth. Ptosis aad aelehrattoa, Xjai clary, north of Flarsaee. ia Bathing at ataaawa aad Ckxartlaad, Big oalehraUea at Soath Omaha. Tbe glorious Fourth may not be as noisy ar usual in Omaha year, but it prem izes to be eventful and full of entertain ment. Tbe water reaorts and park prom ise to be crowded all cay 1 r g ar.d there are enough special athlwiie events cf every known w.rt to late-rent those a be do not ful.ow th ad Ice cf one man whs re marked hlcnday morting that be waa going ta get cool for tbe one day in tbe muath that he did not hare to work. One young hopeful aeked hia father Mon day morning if be knew tha new way ef pie-rentlcg kids frrm getting killed oa the fourth. Father had net heard aad the sj rep led. K1.1 -na aa tbe third " Ia several communities the "safe aad Bane" Idea win be carried out. At Praine park there win be aa atbietle meet, aad aa Harney street between Thirty-third and Thirty-frith tbe aeighborhood children will be catena ned every moment cf the diy from I until after dark. F. J. Nertoa Is fem ral c'-alrmaa a' t.i relebrau a a;id IJia E. Mitkel a-C; eirect the pr. ! thirty-four acres that aetit thirty-lour gram. The morning a ill begin a-itb a j ""hels per acre and eeigbed siity-four ra ui to the fas. in allien til th; ch IreaJ IX,uncU th lui. On tbe Codington al l n. ticpata After that w.n 1024 a I farm- co B Utile over' forty f'g cr .1 and a parade la the afternoon 1 "u,b1" ei"Bl- Reports from ail parts there w 11 be talleaux, an address by Rev. I , f lt ty 'how that the Wheat is tura J. A. Jenkins ef St. Ma; y e Avenue church. I out bter thtn PI nd tha smail rm. . ..ri . .. 1. .v-i t yield reverted ts twenty -six bushels vmr ' .j, a tlcmtc w.thplenty of Ice enam and cake. Af er that a display ef fireworks will be direct, d bv the men of the neirhb rr.ood. Th. w 11 t-na w,h . J. paneae lantern march rn which the elder (Continued on Second Pace ) nigbt and ahe U ae badly injured she will probaUy die. Th injured person le Richard Creed, conductor of tbe electric traia which struck the vehicle. Tha bodies of two of tbe victima were ground under the train. Twa other bodies came hurtling through the open front door of the first car and struck Crerd aa hel stood ,1 ths a.He. Th rm;art knocked hint aiajcn the car seats e:ta terrific force and on of t ie s-ms mas au badly cruened tt to be as-.uiiied Ths bjdy uf fie fiftb vtctm wa throaa aosn d.s- KAL FALLS OVER PARTSOF STATE Cccler Weather Sveepi Doini trum the Xoontaini to the Weit STILL VEST EOT IS 01CAHA SeTtral Proitratiom Art Reported for Sondaj and Kosday. LOOK F03 ITETEES XXLXEP Weather Han Saja It Kay Ee Sox Cool:r Tail Voraiz:?. MAT HAVE SOKE LOCAL SEDWIXS These rheweee Bar Be Fallowed fcr Cewler Weether te rveltabt the Heart ef the Msay 1 Are awelterlair. WiHuyBTOI. Firy 1 anth skies cZeadJess the eeastry ever today early rw ports to the weather riti ladicated Ciat tst weather records zxigkt be brokea la many eecticaa. Tbe ("ay started with tasa peratmea raagiag from ta If degiaes algbeT thaa yreteray aecrririg in te largea dtlta. Sew Tork teppeag the liat v-uii a rise af treat TI te a darreas. Za Chicagw tt was M a ceatparel with MM yerterday moraisg; la Wazhlag-tea tha rue waa from TI to tt aad at A&bxib frcm 78 ta T8. A saraaietarlc aaprassiaB that bow rovers the acky moartaia regloa. La eordlag to tae haraaa. wiii Crtft slowly aaa-tward, preoadad and attended ty local bowers and thaadsrstcTma, aad will cross the atiaaisaippi Taliey Taeaday or Wedaesaay ad tbe AtJaatic states Thors f ay or Friday. Xt will he followed by ceelar weather ever the plains states, tha atisalssippl valley aad tha regiem east Atthough tbe troprlr fr too In VIonday morclcg and is the early after noon for Nebraska crtlxens to be com fortable, tt aaa true that the t.etnrfTatu.e was a few 6 rfc rx r lower cn aa average thaa oa Sunday morning. Instead ot ri;li teriRg up In tbe a:netlrB and eightiea, tr.e theimometer on.y ahcaed in tbe seveailei aad lower fish tits at 1 o'clock Maniay tmrmlng compared with the aame time Sua day. Cawdltieas at Oaaka. Omaha found itself with the mercury at 12 decrees by 1 o'dork Monday. Tbe ht wind which had made Ille so little worth living ftr the last few days had changed to a otoler hreeae aud there were fewer t complaining of the heat. Aad taatead of ! hir an. t.f the hottest Dlacea in the Mis souri valley Omaha waa several degrees cooler thaa many . Nebraska aad Iowa toaraa. At 4 e clock the trmpetatare reaebad a acaxw J here tha mercury remained ua tel a cieefc.- At 7 e'eleHi M hegaa te dnB starting a degiee at a ttma. - ladlcaUoa ef- ram te opens eaal ward ewer Nebraska te Omaha were felt ta the weet- era part ef the stats aad ta Wyoming and Oororado Sunday aad early Monday snore mg. Light shewers have already fallen la tbe central part of the state and west at shdaey there was a good rata. Railroad raia reports show rata from Grand Island to North Platte ta email Quantities, shnwrra from Kearney te Calla way, Grand Ia.and to St. Paul, tight ahjw era. and Cedar Rapid to Norfolk ligkt rain. A medium Hght rain fell from North Platte to Sidney aad west of Sidney there , heavy downpour. Raia la Nebraaaa. The following towns la the state re ported rain Sunday aad early Monday. Mlnden. sprinkle. Holdrtga. sprinkla Oxford. I I of aa Inch. Orleaaa, light sprlakie. Hcradea, light raia. Arapahoe, light raia. Eckiey, light show era. Bcckleman, light showers. Denver. Colo, tare hours' heavy rant. Imperial, rained eght hour a Lafayette, light rain. Lyons, one Inch. BAiStis. t li of SB inch. Curria. light ahowera. Madrid, light rain. Hthroka light showers. Grower, light rata. Torrtnrloo, light rata. Sterling, light tain. Etc ken Bow, light raia. A. 1. Lecaa. a mill owner cf Burlingtasi Junlon. Ia.. wai overcome hv the bead at Eleventh and Uodce streets shortly after X o'clock that afternoon. He was takaa to police heartni liners, where tem porary aid waa given, and later sent te St. Joseph s hospital. He Is not la i condition. CaeP COXDITIOWS IX XEMARA Wheat la Taralag Oat Well La Swath eeat Hekraaka. ArBCRX. Neb, July a (Special.) Wheat ia turning out good, ranging from twenty-five to forty burbels per acre. James Lock wood near Julian threshed Mny frm" y that this 1. tha ll year m new tney acta aarvested and Ul"0' In J una i Curn diog Its own eaceptionaUy weU I with the hot dry weather. Hum ever it ta being damaged some the last few care. Boxes of O'Brien's Gindy. a) Kound trip tickets to Lakt Mnnatra. Quart brick-S cf Dalxell'i , ice cream. 11 al'Bh away free to ta'jee ha fad t&sir sai&es la th want gdg Kaad tho want ads eery day. jour unt will appear aonvetima a. a ha more thaa oaca. Na psxtlos ta solve nog saktrr'p. tloct to get Juat read th watt BOS Tars t tks a aal a4 Agae-