THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1911. OFFERED FOR SALE M lacrlla Cwat la a eft. M".XlS-FOOT m-BunnL I flM vail ,a fTi A-l rendition. (J. Frank J. Hughes. Webeter 474. HAVING disposed of rny suburban hnm, I1 H. P. gasoline en sine on hand wtlchj had Intended using In ronnocUon with my aatrr plant: nmr hn never OSTEOPATHY Alice. Jehnson, r Prandeia Theater BMg. Katharyn Nikola. tU- Brandeis Theater. ' PATENTS D. O. F.ARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red-7117 WILMRH FPDT. V. K. Pat off.. Clal eoliclttr. VM City Nat. Bank. Tyler 17.30. HIRAM A. 6TUKGF8, reg. attorney? tie Brscdvis 1 bftw Bldg. Douglas (4S. PERSONAL MW'HANO THERAPY. Mas km treatment, stomach trouble. Dr Mai caret Hal.orsn. LB-I Nevi.l Blk. D 776L - DR. B L' Rit, I.iumi of women, Omaha. TMU00Ut'tn"rtiU Mr steei. - f' , ,, Wl . A11.U, ft 11. JAMES CORK KI.KITRIl'!fflUPiKT oved to i . Uth be Douxiss uu. YOUNO WOBKS coming to Omaha a stranger Br -.vitad to visit tha loun .Womsu a Christian association building ai Seventeenth St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they wil b directed to suitable places or slharwiee sasihted. Luok lor our traveler aid at tha Colon station. UNITED Brethren church service 10.) m., t p. in. lrta and Lothrop. MASBAGC-Swedlsh movement; nothing better (or rheumatism. Ladles, II; gentie Knen. P.-Ml. Apt, t, ima Farnaro. Hrs., s to 4. Good Samantjm M.temlty Hospital 'licensed.). 740 First Ave.. Council Bluffi. la. uiifi asnrnictt nHii. ...,.- - .. ...... Kabv.9V wtuil, radiator and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat J, loth and Fierce. Doug. 4i. MASSAGE T-dhKi7i1Mr'- -. . 107 b. Lth, Id floor, room i. ADETUQHT hair food crows hair; sea J" Freyer, Magenta Stnt'y Co., lith and J ax asm. THE SALVATION ARMY aollclu cast-off clothing, in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 1M N. IHh St., for coat of collection to tha worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 412s and wax una will oali. , HINDOO " TABLETS will build, brace, trengthen. Hie, BKLL DKUQ CO. . MASSAGE Mrs". Rittenhouee, 30. Old Boston Store Bid. . STRICTLY private confinement home. .We find homes for babies where mothers Are aot able to car for them. stag Daven port BL, t-DAY BLOOD REMEDT. Gladdiao, Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing tnachlae. Ind. A-10U3. Douglas ISO. NEBRASKA CYCLii CO.. t i liU and Harney Bta. CATI1S e,lt Tlow and maasaa-e, Mme. f1- Allen f OUcao. 1( 8.17th Bt., 1st lloor front, room L Dousjlas 76i. PRINTING Lew W. Eaber; Printer BEa BUX. ENTRANCB ON COURT. EB HALL, Ptr Co., 10) & 14th. Ind. A-tfe. .-PHONE IND. A -2620 for e-t wrlntlna! Lyna-rtad Prlntlnt C., lstb and Capitol Ave. - REAL ESTATE ' - ' .TACT" F"tlTLB, - ' MIDLAND Ooar. aV Trust Co.. 1714 Far. p.. H. NeaJa, pres.; J. Campbell, sec. D. itotf PETER JESSiiN. Jr. Co., TeL Doug. ZOi. UAX BIT1TB DEALERS. TIEJSD ABSTRACT CO.. oldest ahitrt ffioe In Nebraska, tot Brandeis Theater. REAL, ESTATE TITLR TRI7HT IYI mt. toenth floor City Nat l Bank Bide. ClLrERI' I.HrORUATlO. raperhan-ln waU paper reduced. H. 1804. MftfTTT J F.Nf Job work and repalrlnt;; w,iii .ti contractlnr. Doua. fcju. HASOXHY BKICKXAY1NQ. FLA8-Th-HHsG, CEMENT AND r,ON,CHETE "WORK. ESTIMATES FTiEJaJ. IS. RAYMOND. U7 N. auto. Doug. 774. " NOT1CE--V.. E. Hoover Is the expert tree trimmer. I will not be responsible for urisatlafaotery work done by anyone tearlnc Ujla name. , BiJIONSON NOBBY, turns oa aud tin. urk- IX seek r. . MESSR. PLUMBERS. Sewer and water connections put In by Fred Hansen, au No. Kin i. Dwug. Ul CITY rttOfKHI' V i'UH lALk AT cut ; PRICE Just completed, new (-rooni ' bunpalow, Jtr Dundee at tM Webster St. Has hard ..wood fialab. sun room, full sise basenM-nt, aaVce Itrtaa roorn and dining room, large closets; in fact, a fine borne. Price, $3.00. Want offers Motidsy. This property will sold Jfor what It will bring. See it U ' ciy. Open Sunday, all day. PICK UP THIS SNAP. ERNEST SWEET. IX 1471 1ZS City Nat l Bank Bldg. i BARGAIN $1J0 75-FOOT FRONT, WITH ONE -KOOM UOl'SE AND TWO -KWM llOU.sES ON THE PIACE: PAVFD HTREiT. MUST BE SOLD IN A FEW DAY(i; OWNFR LUAVING CITY. DONT OttiiLOoK. THIS BARGAIN. MELCHtOR LEIS SON, Insuranee, Real Estate. M3 S. rotb bu . Phone. Douglas iA FOK SALE BY OWNER : A beautiful t-room cottage, wltk ty water, fruit treea fine (rrase arbor, seven shade tieea. chicken )ena. 24-foot chicken house, bara and bugy - sbed: will sell oa assy pay ments, Apply at H07 AVENUE C . Council Bluffs, la. New Cottage . IUM TAKKS IT 4 large roc. ma and Vatii roaui, vwHeated cellar; porcii. flue lew5 clu r. V ulua Lu s Bid. Pa i Mew; clu in; l.s caah. kialance monthly. Uulu Luwn sad laeuuaut Co4 110 Bee 4 Bids fkN' aiNMigias XK. tXTTAGli AND LOTS. H.. fc" cash, balance monthly. This ai a oomiortsn:e little house with four good, high. 44-foot lois; barn, gardea, etc-, near tnaha car line aiid do m booi. Too cau't tsar duivlkatt it La Omaha. JJoJEE BEAL ESTATE CXV, M Pearl St. Cuuncjl Bluffs FOB, liALK-Jl bua.nexa let -a. aargaia If takes si or-. K'.l articuars aooras 14. K. I. l.cii, T!C Fivniuuk Ka. LOO K THIS UP . NtW (-rooui boue, tort.r I:d Avs ana VlmoB 7 o fu,i l,.ia. east front, on car lias, i'eka 44.UM. Tarsia. Csii Souts aa, REAL ESTA1E CUT OrriCUL NOTICE. (Continued.) $1,000 Overlooked Tea, last week we advertised a t-roora modern house (but beat) at T77 Chicago St., with a email house ta the rear, "'"be front house rents for US and the bouse In the rear for (10 per month, total rent being M per year, or 10 per cent on 4.K. We offered thla property at tt.000 and It was simply overlooked. We will offer It again this week at the aame price. $500 down and the balance like paying rent. O'Ncil's Real Estate & Ins. Agency l.VW Famam St. Phones Tyler 1024, Independent A-S31I. BU N. Mth Ft.. Pouth Omaha. Phones South 1SI, Independent F-1191 Big Lots in Florence $175, 5200, $300 Located within two blocks of car line and macadam foad on terms of $10 down and U a month. Some are only one block to car; hlh and ciahtly ground; big lota, D-ft frontage. Thene prices are far below what they are actually worth, if you want to look at thee lotg today, call up phone IouKlas 1006. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1M4 Harney St. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargains. 916 Omaha Nat l Bank FOR 8 A LB OR TRADE Four clear lota, west Hanscom, mar center; piefr aire property; some improvements. O K04, Boe. . REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANCU LAND FOR IAUC Alabama. FOR BALE It you want a farm or farm landa In south went Alabama, we have all kinds, especially aifaita. corn and cotton land, from lou to l.oou acres. For full in formation write to us. Hefner Camp Realty Co., Akron, Alabama. Arks BEST fruit knd general farming lands for price In U. B, in Searcy Co., Ark. Bead (or booklet showing $3 to lis land Bear town. W. at. Hanson. Leslie, Ark. 1.600 ACRES rich bottom land, aiz miles Newark, tlV per acre; ttrms. Fine orangs grove, Florida. Forty acres; 7.5uu. Other bargains. A. A. Henderson, Newark. Ar kansas. Z.S A., SMOOTH. I'-m B'.t. rail ay station. 10V fenced, 40 cult., email boue, two wells, two public roads, C500. Union Bank 4k Truat Co., Real Est. DepL, Saarcy, Ark. 1C0, mL out. 10 In cult.. IX black alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood; fc, MO. s ml, from town of t.ouo, near P. O. and school; nearly all smooOj up land ; 6 cult., bsX timber, 16 clover; 4 al falfa. ( bearing orchard, Ui fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, stole, lodge blot., new barn, dark red sandy kuajn; good community; delightful looatloa; abundance toud water; &1.600, subject to s year toaa (MO; terms easy. WM UlLMuHl. Marshall, arc, ' '-A U N LM FRO V Jtl ewt-off timber land; much tine umber yet on land; t to I nil. from Eureka Springs; tine for frmtt, ranch and general farming; 7J0. Special bargain In Unproved farms. 110 to ML WM. Jt-NKINS A CO.. Eureka Bpnnga. Ara. BC8T IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. All classes at Umber, farm and fruit lands In Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, from li to 46 per acre.. Write J. ix Key bolda, Camden. Ark- COTTON plantaUun; 4M) acres; elegant 10-rooin dwelling; p.t-nty tenant bouses; good bars and outbuildings; rich, ruack loam; will grow bale cotton or vs bushels corn per acre; woven wire fence, 2U0 acres cultivation; 2ti0 merchantable timber, bara aood; healthful locatioti; 4 miles from good (own; good neighborhood; near school and church; pricu UO.Ouu, reasonable tarma Addrena Johnston tk Wei lis. care Southern Truat Co.. Little Rock, Ark. 60 TRACTS of land in the corn and al ts If a district ef Daits land; black soil; good schools; lands will uouble In value in three tears; now rent from l to fj per acre, write us what you waat F. C. HOLLAND. Pine Bluff, Ara. OZARK. LAND CO., Oravetla, Ark. Stock ranches, fruit farm.), berry Iisida, small tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty. Business bouses, Write ua. BEST I'ruit and general farming lands for price in V. S., In Searcy Co., Ark. Send for booklet showing Is to (Id land near town. W. M. Hsnaoa, Leslie, Ark. Camada. OOLDEN wheat lands for sal. Im proved and unimproved prairie tarma. any sise. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Weodaead coy. Watroua, Saak., Caa. REAL ESTATE I have a large list of Isnds la ths Goose and Eagle lake district. bo better la Canada. H. P. Leech. Boae tvwn. Saak. . FREE valuable Information to Canadian land seekers Fiar.k Crawford. Ware biock, Omatia. ALBERTA, CANADA. FARM, to acres. 1 mile from railroad station; ten nuies from city of 14.000; under new fence and In winter wheat; first crop, n .aiti i rop easily pays tor the land. Part caah. balance terms. No trades. Rea sons tor selling, closing partnership. Price t.,0. Big bargain. uiUiara Realty Co., Uiuiam, Ma 2.V ACRES, close to town. Saskatchewan; liu acres in wheat; H acre; third cash, balance to suit. Write tor terms LM b rod is BL. Fcrt Williams OnC. Caa. FARM lands In ths Canadian west, tewa lots In railroad divisional points, property In Watroua the Carlsbad of America. Write W. M. Ualbraun. Watroua, asa katchewan. I OWN a section ef good waeat land situated less than two mliee from growing town in l.icn,TUi. Will sell for lis per acre. Address. M. J. Carrothara. P. O. Bos 1.7, Winnipeg. Munltoba. Cwloraga. NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat lands Lis to SU per acre. A few improved I arms. IJK to (2. Writs J. B. Bsinaardu bterUng. Colo. Ii0-ACRF. best Irrtgsted fnn, Co lor ads, finely Improved, new 10-room dwelUug. i am; o.lo cellar hold lit carloada, en acrea a bent; M acres alfalfa; ne waste laud, every foul under old water rignt; Lave another farm, can't work both; 44 miles aoith of Denver, 4u mliee aouia ef Greeley. C. A. Gregory, tot Mack Blds Denver. Colo. Is la ACREA Cans a uaty. Iowa, tarss tns prwved and weii k-cated; prtee. 41n per acre; my equity Is tis.suv. Wast svataara Msnesiita r Dakota lsnd. elevr. Me lor Csia4 prioas cousadered. Owe IS-horee SMwar purisbla gasoline englns tmr wast Save yeuf Address C W. -Hl-d Cssa ooii4y. Lwaa. la- FOR sUii OB TRADE My equity hi section of raw iaasL 1 sa.les of Surenta. I nUea KM. Caiawa and t miles Wild Hevew. CtiSi tiujm Co.s; s c- r. Ky-; isis good, atisllev water custricu 1 toS3m le river; a s grows auutwsafally nearby. Priue. s-s per scrs; rnwoiknum tl.&g, up tiutia) al 4 pu ceuL due May U, il14. Will ti ao the equity. Hsud, tor residcnoa r" equal value. 1 aisa bsva Vi sscUost uusmg II. . shicii is clear, to trade tut wan prup arty Same price. Uwu4 carry Stack sLscS) u (bis st t par rwnL bskc U, BvS .ssln. la. REAL ESTATE FARM ABD KABIM LSAI1 roit BALE lews Cetln4, FOR SALE BY OWNERs-acre fertn In loaaa favorite com belt, only thirty-five miles south of Omaha; all In cultivation; fertile, well Improved; grove, fruit trees; sujointng prosperous rsilrosd toas; south west corner one biock from depot; good school; three churchea. Address osnsr. Box 22. PerdvBl, Fremont count', leas. FOR SALE Excellent : 40-arte farm ia com and blue grase belt. Adams oourtv, leva: farm all well fenced. acre, h tight. 1V acres tiled, and all In excellent evitivstion: 11 -room bouse. Isrge brtrk eelisr with cement floor, cement wsks. large new bara and mill, with good Fair banks engine, new h g house, jiher out buildings, all In good repair; good Block snd barnyardi". large grove and good or chard, four good wells excelirnt sit r, iwg windmills. For further partiru'srs address Mrs Anns M. Nash. 1U( High St., Des Molnea, la. WANTED A good stock of genersl mer er, entile, IWOUO to n for good farm near Bolfe. la., and cash; farm contains 154 acrea. six-room bouse, barn, Kx40. 1'rlee. 1100 an acre, subject to 06.74O, equity. I.N F. R. Loomer. Rolf a. la FOR BALK Splendid farms, well Im proved, ranging In from S0 to 0 pr cie This is choice lows lsnd, in well im p. oved communities, near town snd sckoois Ihrre is no more fertile or besutlfiil part cf ths stste than Osceola county. Write for particulars r. aV Redmond. Sibley, I40.ACRE estate, all the very choicest ef land, nothing nicer in the s ste. t.w or more of improvements ail in go-d shape; , miles from two Kood tunx Must be sold and soon. I have the exclusive band l.rg of this. Price, pfi per acre. MaicS I delivery; cash, balance 5' per cent, s M. aLmery, North wood. Is 120-ACRK improved larm, 7 miles from Mason City, t miles from smsll town; 17 an sci-e; essy terms snd spiendld bargain, l4-acre unimproved farm IS miles from .Ysaon City, fVi mllrf from two otner towns only 140 an scrs We have the best bar gains in northern lows Come and see us, MASON CITY REALTY CO. Msson City, Is 1.100-ACRT; farm 7 miles southeast Raa sett. Rock county, Nebraska: 2U0 acres is corn this year, large acreage In timothy and clover; good set of improvements Price, per sere; ons-thltd caah, bal ance essy terms st per cent. CARL TENNIS, v CO F. L. A T. Bidg, Sioux City, is" FOR BALK Two lot, numbers I and 17, block , Englewood addition. Highland Park. Address J. H. Bennett. Oakaloosa, la. A REAL ESTATE SNAP. .tZO-acre farm ia Pocshontss county; ear ner right la town; building one block from depot ar.d ereamery; ten-room bouse nloely furnished; tine grove and fruit trees; beau tiful building Site facing south; est tie barn 44xM, (4-foot posts; stanchions for about filty cattle; two alio bins; room for lot tons of hay; als feed cutter, corn grinder and 14-horse power gssollns engine; horse baia for U horses with hay loft and grain bm; windmill and three water tanks; farm fenced In six fields; 7 acres hog-tight. Prioe, 1106 per acre on very essy terms J. A CARROLL. Rolfo. Ia. 130 ACRES and 171 acres ef soatharn Iowa lsnd. improved, well located, good soil, light price, for sale or trade; 17. OW equity in brick store building; a flrst-clss income property, far sale sr trade, ojulck, on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad dress Box &, Diagonal. Ia. HAY land to lease, too acres for share or cash. p. Finch. Humboldt. Is. FARM, 160-sci e. for sale, thi miles from Kaoxvute, is.; 2 sets buiiaings, I acres .ug Isnced, 80 acrea smsll grain; crop goes itn farm It sold before tur3Shing ; iu corn; running water si! time; under go id fence; two Isrge orchards; other frutalso; good reason for selling. Address A. Q. Dsvia, K.Doxvi.le, la.. K-ACRE FARM. FOUR miles east of Council Bluffs. Most of It seeded In alfalfa; smooth upland, not over one-fourth acre waste; 4-room house, nearly new; good cellar, large porch, good sell and wind mill, cistern, with pump In kitchen; fair barn, new crib, granary snd wagon shed; chicken house; two pastures fenced hog tight; nice .yard and gsrden with shads shrubbery snd fruit, (4.S00. ILfluO cash, balance easy terms st ( per cent. MoGEB REAL ESTATE CO., US Pearl BL Council Bluffs S20 ACRES m miles out, 200 In wheat; H to buyer; balance pasture. The lata rats and snow assures bumper crop; level aa a floor; 112.8.0 per acrei terms W. B. Cul bertson. Scott City, Kan. WE hsvs some choice bargains In corn, wheat Snd alfalfa lands for sale In Benton and Rusk counties; writs for list of fsu-m bargains. American laves Unent company. floiaingiou. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 240 acrea. ! milee out; 130 acres in wbest; Vi delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soli; good wall and windmill, t6.K0; terms Other wheat snd alt alls lands, all eias snd prices L. JT. Scauhniscber, owner, Meade. Ksn. C ACRES, b miles good town; fenced, well improved; all smooth land; rich blsck soil; good orchard; R. F. D.; phone; fins surroundings tei; good tarma; will ex change for hardware, implements or gen eral merchandise. W. H. Mott. Herlngtna, 04 ACRES, six miles from Mlneola, 404 acres 1b wheat, one-third tn buyer; new 4-room bouse, stable, well, mllL tank, pas ture fenced; lick black soil; baa raised good crop every year alnoe broken out; lirest bsrgsln. IS per acre. Terms. Ths Ray C Beard Land Co.. Mineola, Ksn. S3 ACRES St In alfalfa: 10-room house. large barn, granary, etc.; two ml lea to UniM, rawnee county: so acres Dasturs. bslsnca in cultivation: rich, dero soU. abun dance of water, wells and nulls; t2a.ou0; terms Bunts Realty Co., Hutchinson. Lwalslaaa. VERNON parish. La.: tha lsnd of wim. shine, soil, climate, markets water, health, good; prices cheap; write LeesvUle Real Estate snd Improvement Co.. C. M- Mo Farland, Secy, LeesvUle, La. LOUISIANA farm and Umber lands, good for truck, corn, cattle, etc.:' on ac count of' cotton peat, cheapest Isnds on market, ttsu, tlQer Bencit, Monroe, Louiaiana. Mlaaeasta. (9.000 equity in good quartsr In eouthern Minnesota; quarters two miles from good tewa, having house iKxiai. new bara &1I4U, with gsble roof, small granary snd fence. Wsnt machine, ato-k of dry goods. Price 19 per aors BenJ. A. Cone, Window, Minn. 60.006 acres la BU Louis snd Csrlton couiiUea. MiaseaoLS. near cities of Du Uith and Superior, st prioe within the resoh ef aU I to 112 sa acre; easy terms; four teen railroatls now entering these two cities furnish ehasp snd quick trsnsportstlon. A Hu.ouu.uu steal pisnt now building by the United States Steel oorpo ration nesr lands SoU la ferula and well sdsptad ta diversi fied faru.tng. dslrymg snd gardea truck. No loug bauls or traaaportslioa charges, but right st lbs doors of the best msrkets of the (Jul ted states, with constant eeissnd and high prices Write for full tulurmauoa Boston e Dulutb Farm Lsnd Cev, lsu At worts Bidg Duiuib. Minn. ATTENTION, HOHKSIEKEHA If you are UuiiSlBg of uwuigrauiig west this year, write ua fur descriptive Utae a.ure ml our Isnds la Minnesota. Nana Lakota sad si on La ns. Ws ess suit you ae susttsr what you wsnt and where ou waat It. and rsa sail you anywhere froua 4S acres to l.tue. W uusos B. oibsuaa. Lock Bos s Cormorant. Wlina LANDS Ns SM lat aares Ti atllea Twin Clues; good til labia ami; ateta map ai'rj with es-pags book fur 10 aeois Uobart Land C-. Fbaus BldgV. Mlaneas- A SNAP; MUdT BE QUICK; SOS-acre tm preseal tana la Murray ouunty. Mlnnassta: bas Orat-cuaas buildings, fracas, sylanaid gruve. erubard. two miles tiwns taws W riva Jobs Ueldaa. ir-. Gsrvhs. Miss. lat ACJLE le Baiaa traca Be, PstO. I Dalles truas li issat: all fssaeed. kasa I lira seul: SS sores cul .j v scad, kalsnoe pasture sod hiaok east tlaiksr; anly est par aara ttaT lav Us-euore tmpreved tsim Ig mfles from St PssL 1 anue treua ruck V alary etaxieui; lure rwssa iiauae, asudinul, large bars asS otber buliamsaj sU la guud eeuaiuva; blsck Team saiU c'isy Subsoil; always baas uioested by swaor; las aaaa under plow, I sera fruit trees, sostiy applaa, balasyee sod t SDoer Isiid epecai p, l and tsrtas. W. F. A R. W. M-u-ltX Plnnsar Press Hag, si. Psui MHuv REAL ESTATE FIRM AD HI .MM LA A U rog 4AL Mis I HAVE a farm of (JO Seres r miles from good town. miles from Mlnnsapolja, iUW aces under cultivation, about Ht acres sneadow, bamnee Umber; esa all be opened up: rich soil, gooe loan, barn and ether buildings Price. U2 per sere. Also 0-acrs farm to miles from good town; e acres under plow, is acres tln-iber, good rieh aoil. t-room bouse, two bams sad otbar out buildings, windmill, fine natutsi grove, or chard jut commencing to bear. Prioe, H.uCO. easy terms. Write owner. Charles E swsnson, E.k River. Mlns SEND for a list of our fine Improved southern Minnesota lands: we have hun dred! of pleased customers. C. K. Browa Lsnd Co.. ufflsee Madella aad New Rich land. Minn. FOR SALE mo acres ot good new bard whst land. near Walballa, Pembina mnnty K'nHh r.,k.t, War .. ....... . - dress owner! A. Lucases, 2J7 Third Ave., i .. ssinnesioiia. suna. FINE farm home. XX acres, S miles frnrn aAftri , n m r. - ttla"!, 1, m i . . fenced, isrge frsme dwelling, barn, gran- nai-...jw anvua, awu acrea in rieio. aQ ... a f.mlM. la . ethy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm, (at per acre, one-third caah, ba lanes easy terms, at. J . n.oio. soastoa, Jains FARM. SNAP ISO acres level prairie lsnd, uo in crop, balance pasture and meadow; good buildings. (7i scrs Morelisrt A Atchison. Msnksto. Minn. MtssaarL THIRTEEN sections In Dawson county, near Sidney, one of tha best towns la tbs Vellowstons vslley; also hsvs other lands that we are retailing in any sise farm ysj sent. Writs your sants Prices are right. The Hay ward Land 4o., Glendine, Mont- FOR SALE Finest farm la Leaven worth eounty. Broaddus farm of too seres, lis miles from Fort Leavenwertb, li.wa brlcx residence. 0 4o-J ear-old walnuts, 100 sugar inapls trees, natural gsa, two telephones free delivery, miles from Ssnts Fs sta tion; examine prumlsea and writs Mrs. 1, L. Klrby, 1100 Felix St- fet, JoeepM. Me. IN M1SSOURL Farms any also for saia. (N to (ISO per sere. Improved or unimproved, H cssh, bsi. tims or 1-10 cssh bsi. tea years st Sk W rite your wants Fifty-five miles east sf Kansas City an C. 4k A. R. K. WALTER C. CHILES RALl Y CO, Higglnsvills . Ma FOR SALE 65 farms Isrge and small, between Mississippi and Missouri rivers, average (36 per acrs Writs tor big prioe list- William Crews. Wright City. Ms. IN THE OZARK. S. Farms, ranches, orchards, town property, unimproved tracts, cheap. BRANDB-VlLLE-hlGSHKONoNQ FRUIT LAND CHtAP. Farms to trade for marchsndiaa or lsnd. Box Ua. Wast Flams Howell Co, mo. MISSOURI FARMS Nona ' better oa earth. Highly Improved 1M acres, raises anything, (NO. Other decided bargains Write us Olllism Realty Co.. Oinism, Ms- ETOPI Don't go a step farther thaa Douglas county, down In the beautiful Ossrks, raise anything; corn 10 to SO bush els per acre, all other crops in proportion; cheapest good land on earth, K to (20 pox sera. Free Information. Gross Baal F.state Co.. Avs, Mo. M-ACRE farm, sll cultivated; fine louse, barn, fences, first-class condition; tine spring water; I miles from town; 7 miles from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co.. Piedmont, Mo. MISSOURI farm, no acres; g-room house, barn; 100 acres wheat, ika seres oorn; levsi. blsck dirt; ( miles rsilrosd. (fis sere. Chaa, E. Huckstep Realty Co. Elsbernr. Mississippi. FOR SALE One of the best and cheapest farms In the Mississippi Delta, consisting of 1.M0 acres 700 acres in cultivation, in Sun flower county. Fo4 prices and terms write to me. J. D. Rlggs, Selaoa. Ala. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm stste, til. B0 to (30 per aors Writs far description. Shaw A Clark Lsnd Company. Hackney Bldg., St Paul. Mien. . . m.. . .. i (20-AC RE homestead " rail aqulshmssts for sis; slso one hotel, ene bakery, oae geaeral store, ens saloon, one feed store. Address, Charles 9. Brawn, Gslats, Moat. . FOR SALE Blttsr Root Valley gat acrea fine fruit land; eld water right, beat see. tion of the vslley fine proposition tor sub division; fair buildings, easy terms. Ad dress owner. K. G. Lewis Stevens vllie, Mont- . Wears ka. FTNR 40-aere ranch. IS mliee from town, 1 quarters tame bay, balance wild hay and pasture; 4uo acre level, balance slightly rolling; heavy black soil; two flowing wells, t-room house, bars, granary sou chicken bouse, telephone; H mile to school. This Is sn exceptionally fine ranch sad a snap. Will sell on easy terms -George E. Collins, owner, Atkinson. Neb. 100 ACRES in Chase county, Nebraska, 12 miles south of Elsis; If taken soon sill lake (17.(0 an acre; this is a good quarter section and can all be farmed; will take a good 1910 or Ull autoaaobtle oa the deal and carry the bslsnos. V. A. Garland. Charlton. Is M0 acrea i miles from Emerson. Neb.; fine Improvements, land lays good; caa make splendid terms and the price Is (10 to (2s leas than adjoining places are being priced at. For particulars call on or writs J. K. LENNOX. ALLEN. NEB HOMESTEAD HO acres for UK tn cash; about 20 miles out; good plow land; not sand. Another one for (176: (2R cash and (10 a month. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Nsb. FOR SALE. (00-acre ranch. 4H miles from Schuyler, Neb.; 100 acres In corn, balance blue grass and clover pasture; running water through the ranch; soil black, ssndy loam, suitable for cutting up Into email fsrms This la an excepiiocall fine ranch and a snap. Will Bail on sssy terms. W. S. KING, Owner, (1( McCagus Bldg. 130 ACRES. t miles from Rosalie. Neb., 7-room house, bam. rranarv. corncrib, falliuul aS M Ml ...caa I . . r-w, ... ., and clover; price. fc aa acrs Address twi eta. uroua nta rtb Dskata. ONE at the finest tarma hi Rlchlaad acuaty, oonslsting ot M( scree sf good, productive land, Joining Wyndmsra, Flas Isrgs buildings, lota of fruit, a Use grovs snd nevsr-taiilng flowing weU. Prioe, li.7.60 per acrs Easy terms Msrlia Paulson Lsnd Co , Wyndmsre. North Da kota. FOR SALE Aa exospoonshy flae 101. I atllea ot ciavator, six miles ef Wyadmers, good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rice liver through pasture. Fine new buildings, wail ef excellent water, windmill, sta, (A par scrs 1 his is a snap. Lues Bos 11 wyndmeie. North Dakota. , AUCTION SALE vNortk Dakota; choice Wella and Stutsman county farms at puollc auction J una . lull, on easy terms Write far Information. A. F. Belcher, Ssles Mgr, Skaaion. N. D. Oregsa- FOR BALE M0 sores e km oe appls. pear, ebeny. grape land tj the west, six uUss trvna town, oae mile from rsilrosd; soil aeep volcanic ass. The Iial .ea. Ore, prise a Inning Isad. les seres l-m miles f -m town, new. mad era hsuse, bags, tenectent; aw pear pruia, bearing; LBS) young Ueea. LOW grape vines; good saler; wood. Or will sail SO acres wiib ail ImprovieiMBls, loveatigstloa souuitsd. C Id. Webaici. lbs Usual, o. LANDS (liaO aar for sims res aa ti acre snaas grwwlag figs M laiaaos Orcasros ea essy msalhly pa; is Sea buaad Orcaard S Im IBs ACRES Cf DELHI. OCV, ft. D. Class ss tSe Miaawsiala. Use; beary black aotU clay eaSaaai. lies rsry level and aU under call! i si sea. Mast be sold within M days ta urn aa sate is Half of thai year's cswe gwee wits l ptios (as par aors; easy tarma, (Asia wtO bsndls It and it is a ansa. Ns gravwLoe stenea, as few! weeds W. j. Mskse. Lass Prewtaa, aV U FOR SALE Swctlua good, raw land', ail fi.oed; t"-xt fiaaing well; 4 mile treta rkankingtwa. A D. Far partteuiara writs k O Msiiey. Pallia. B. WI1A, exrhsngs sboios faren lead near Pfcerte, tbs capital of South Dsauta, tor good le a or Nebraska laud: a hat have u ko oXtart W eat Laud Co, Placxs.Jk U- REAL ESTATE AI.M AND R A.N CM L4MI FOR SALE Swath Dakota Cwatlaees, FOR SALE IN acres Iroptaved, vslley farm land. Brule eounty, Soutk Dskots; running water, telephone and rural mall, easy terms. Addreaa the Whltbeck A Lunibard Bank. Kimball. S. D. 400-ACRE earn farm, out from Sioux Falls excellent Imprevemente, targe grove snd fruit; sll In cultlvstion; price for quick sals &, easy terms; also NO well Improved, essy terms end 100 acres unimproved. These ara l.aiaains fur quick sale. R. A. Sllvlus owner, Sioux Falls S. D SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE. Ws have a list ot jkdmunds oauaty lsnd (or ssle st irom (is snd up per scrs It Interested write us for particulars aad ws aili send our prices snd pocket msp. if yea own lsnd la South Dakota list It witk us. Our motto la "A Square Deal ts Buyer snd Seller." Give us a chance to prove our Statement. Has void Land U, Mlaa, A4- tnunds eounty. South Dakota. ALFALFA THE KING OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. 'Ibis la the lsnd we hsvs Free home. steeds; relinquishments and deeded ianos 1 or particulars writs F. O. W ander et Ca, uuiiaio uap, s. ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIVE MILKS FROM TOWN. Fair Improvements Pries (o.OOO. Equity, f.efO. Akssks Rssl Lststs Co., Akssks IX Texas. SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot ot Texss, home of the paper shell pecan. We esa buy lsnd for you or Invest money, T per cent net to y ou secured by mortgage on these Isnds. Correspondence solicited. Re fer to First Nat l bank, ban Saba Natl bank. Ward, Murray A CO;, snd tha mem bers In congress from Texss, Keliey Burlesos Co, San Ssba. Tex. TEXAS INVESTMENTS. Buy orchard and gsrden Isnds near Houston, ths greatest snd roost prosper ous city in ths southwest, where vsluea are going up sll the time snd fortunes tnsde in real rstste In short while. Kaxy terms if desired. Address EL C. Robert son, Vela, Tex., and a lC-acre farm la the Rio Grande vslley, where the farmer's cash income Is ss perpetual aa the days that come and go. S. H Jackson. 70C First National Bask Bldg., Houston. Tex. WE are subdividing MOO acres of fertile farm lsnd in Jsckson county. Splendid crops every year. Ralntsll sbout right, 44 Inches For aesorlption. plat snd prices write JOHN RTCHKT ft CO.. fflS K. Houston St., San Antonio. Tex WaehlBB-taa. WRITE for Information about the "In land Empire," also Spokane, Its metropolis. Farms, fruit lsnde. city property. Mske our office your headquarters and Informa tion bureau when In our city. IOWA REALTY CO., 411 Llndelle Blk.. Spokane, Wash Wyoming. WYOMING farm snd stock ranch t' Im proved, fenced, well watered. 020 acres. Will be Bold best offer next sixty days. Write owner. Andrew Wilson, Parker, Kan. FOR SALE 10.000 acres In Laramie county, Wyoming, In Golden Prairie dis trict; Btvtabls for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep:, will sell with ranch; will exchange tor eastern Nebraska or Iowa farms J. T. Bell. Owner. Cheyenne, Wyo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit. BL H. Culver. BU-U O. N. B. Bldg. D. 7864. TO EXCHANGE 40 acres good Minnesota land U miles from Minneapolis. Valued at (40 an acre. Want aa even deal. Prefer sheep. Whst hsve you In first letter. P. O. Box A Summit, g. D FRUIT LAND FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Equity ef (17.2X7.00 In l.l&l acres In Mis souri; (a,7M. due on land. Want inoome property or merchandise. - J. W. BLACK, Marshalltawn. Is. FOR reliable ssles snd exohsngea. see D. M. LKAM1NG. it Brandeis Bldg. . WESTERN LAND FOR OMAHA PROP ERTY. Jao. L. Barber. UK City Nat'l Bank. FOR quick results aee Dean, 07 Baa Bldg. Douglas 1381. Palisade-Colorado I have severs 1 choice orchard homes ta exchange for farms la Nebraska, Iowa or Missouri. These orchards are in the beautiful Pali sade fruit district. Writs for particulars ' H. R. HOUGH. Palisade. Colo. IF YOU can't sell, trad a Ehopen ft Co, 140-41 Paxton Block. Both pbonea. WILL aell 7-room, all modem house; I blocks from Famam, W.ftOO; monthly In stallments (3E. Good horns for large family. Or will .exchange for rental property snd psy some difference. Address, S 064, Bea. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants W. Famam Smith ft Co.. 1XW Famam (H. C3TT and farm loans Benson ft Myers Co. 424 Omaha Nat l Bank Bidg. I A4 V-fl 4a kntwkab ssn abtl AUftll tanes-iss tftssllatL. era, with prtvlicftt of m-Uin partial pay inu Mml-aanuaUy. W. H. THOMAS. Ml v. a. D.ab CXllaw W U svwawwesassms aeiugt shub). CITY and farm. JOHN N. FR ENTER. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Aiwgyg on hand snd (or sal la amounts from J 300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 411 New York Ufa Bldg. CHEAP MONEY a. K .v.. ja. Representing ths Penn Mutusl Life Ins Co., with assets ot over (117.0o0.0ue, I eat frepared to accept aUl the coed loaaa ac ered oa Improved Omaha real eatata. Business and residence loans made with out daisy THOMaS BRENNAN, City National Bsak Bias. OMAHA Pro party and Nebraska teusaa, O KEEFE REAL ESTATk. CO., toll New Ouia-ha National Bsak Biuidiag. OARVIN BROS, M Door N. Y. Lffs M to (lOu.OOw oa Unproved property. Na delay. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Cs (100 to (10,000 mads promptly. r, IX Wood, Wead Bldg, Uth and FarBsm. LOW RATES. BEMlS-CARLBEHa CO. tiO-SU Brsndsu T a ester Bldg. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY REAL EftTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO, s4 BRANDiCIS BUILDING WANTED. FARM LOANS. Kluka Ids. Co, omsha. 5 & 5V ? VLZS biX WANTED City loans r'elers Trust Cs WANTED TO BORROW tHOO) WANTED. Will pay 10 per cent laterest and five aa security s first mortgsgs oa a good ato aore ranch. Improved in western Neb.; worth (0.000. This Is for quick action only. Bex 474. Omaha. WANTED (S 500. I year, t par cant lat.; gik-edged security. Address 1 (U, Bas WANTED TO BUY BEST prioe paid far at band fumKur. aarpeuv cletnlng sad sboaa. lei. D. MO. SkTLNKR psya good prioas for fsnUtara, arpwts. eiotbes aad shses D. seOL A BICYCLE. J WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RITN'T Well furnished housekeeping rooms for two adults, mother snd son Give full psrt'rulsrs In first lei isr. G, F. Jsaklhs Bea tVliiwuvl WANTED SITUATIONS FOR flrst-elass praotlssl nurse call XX JOTS. FOR those who are Seeking employment The Bee will run your situation want ad FRKR until you get ths desired results Bring your sd to The Bee office or tele phone Tyler 1.000. LADY wants day work. Web. M72. POSITION Dispensing soda In ths even ings from 7 o. m. until clnaina and ana. days and holidays Address K-OaO. rare Bea. POSITION by experienced colored houseman. W. H. D., 41 Barker Bldg. R ITT ATI AM . w- I architectural draftsmen; can superintend a,iiucutm, Aoareaa I (as, Bee. WANTED By an experienced gram msn. well acqusinted with the grain trade Of Nebraska, sober and induatitous. pisltlos as traveling for mnslgnmenta with a k d. reliable firm. Address Y U, car Bes LADY wants wanning. So. tad St LEGAL NOTIES NOTJCA jo CVNIHaCTORS. S1A1E BCILDIAGS. Plans ana speciiicatiuns sill be prepared and on tile la the of flee of the secretary of state and commissions "f subtle lands and buildings for the st' bulidir-s to constructen as provides- by appropriation! made by the Ud eeaetoa of the Nebrssas legislstura, vis. I Buildings tor Hospital for means Lincoln (MM.OM 1 Hospital building for B. ft 8. horns Grand Island 11 Out I Lsundry building at Hospital for lnaane, Hastlnga .... Kbit 1 School sf Agriculture. Curtis 1 Dining room addition at A and 8. home. Ml (ford UM 1 Dining room addition st Feeble Minded Institute, Beatrice 4,004 Plana for the buildings at Grand island are now ready for inspection. ADDISON WAIT, aejretsry. Board sf PubUc Lsnds sod Juiidings. Jl NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON. Notice Is hereby given thst sn June x7, A. D. mi, there wss filed in the office of the Governor of the Stste of Nebraska, an ap plication for the pardon of Charles Pum phrey. who was sentenced to the penitenti ary for life, by the District Court of Doug, la County, Nebraska, oa a conviction of murder In the first degree, which sentence was subsequently commuted by the Gov ernor of the State of Nebraska, to seven years in the penitentiary. Ths said acDltcetion- for nsrdon will be heard before the Governor snd the Board of Pardon, at the penitentiary of the State ot Nebraska. lAncoln, Nebraska, on Thursday, July M, A. D. 1011, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at which time and place all partlea interested will appear and show cause If say they have wny asia pardon should not be granted. Dated this th day ot June, A. D. Ull. CHARLES PUMPHRKT, Applicant. Je-10-lf-MAR. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE QUARTERMASTER, Fort Logan. Colorado, July L Ull. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until 11 .-00 a. m. Jalv Zl. 101L for furnish ing and delivering aVO.OOO pounds at hay, required during fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, at Fort Logan. Colorado. Informa tion furnished on applies tloa. Envelopes ta be marked "Proposals for Hsy, at Fort Logan, Colorado. T. T. Ftissell, Captain and Quartarmaster, U. & Army." Jy l-l-(-e-3-Z7 RAILWAY TIME CARD TJJTION STATION Tenth ssl Maat.wa falsa Faalfls Depart. Arrlvs Ssn Fran. Overland L..a 1:46 ara a 7:40 pm China and Japan F. M.a 4.-0S pa a t:4C pm Atlantlo xpress a (:4S am Oregon Express sU:S pra a t:10 pm Los Angeles Limited.. .s 11:48 pea a : pun Denver Special tl-M am a T:ff ara Centennial Stste Spee'l.sll :0 pm al2:K am Colorado Express a (:M pra a 4:M pm Oregon-Wash. LtmHed.slS.aO pra s (:JR pm North Platte Local a ( 1 ant a 4 4t pra Grand Island Local s 1:00 pm aiO:M are Stromburg Local . bll'41 pea b 1:M pea 7hl arw. Mllvraabee ft St. Paul Overland Limited a T-sO ara t:lt aaa Omaha Chicago Ex....b 7:U ara perry Latcai a (:U am 11-00 pm Cols-CeX Express .,..s 4-00 pm 1 2a peg Colorado Special a 71 ara 4 AO sra Perry Local b l:U pra 12 .ia pra v Dmaha-8L Louis Ex. ...a t:M pra a :1( am Mail and Expreas a 7:0t am all: 14 pes Stanb'y Ld (frara C B )b IHM pra bl0;U aa Jaicsgs ft Nartkvresterst a NORTHBOUND. Twin City Exprsrs a 7:0) ara Sioux City Local a ! :4a pas Minn. Dakota Ex.. ...a 7 00 pra Twin City Limited a 1:45 pra Minnesota Expreas EA8TBOUND. . Carroll Local a T-ut sua Daylight Chicago a 7:4 ara Chicsso Local aUimw fiu Celorsdo-Cblcsgo a i:10 pm Chloago Special a (:0t pm Pacific Coast-Chiossm...s (:U ns Lea Angeles Limited. t ic pra Overland Limited a 7:ue poi Carroll Local a 4 pra S:J0 a :T a :1S a 7:30 all .00 a:l B10.-40 a - S 1:24 a 4 a s SUM a s la SlO.SO a IM ,B : U:ll Sll -to pra ptn ara sra am pra pra tf.i pm am pm r ast giii a ( w i pm Pa pra Cedar Rapids Sioux City ana umtni Centennial State tJm.... 1:40 ara WESTBOUND. Lang Pine a 1-00 ara Norfolk-Dallas a (-00 ara Long Plne-Llneou ....a Mi pm Hastings-Superior b 1:1 pra Dead wood -Hot Springs.a 1:46 pra Casper-Lander a 1:6 pra pTsmoBt-AIbloa b i JO pm llllaels Ccwtrsl Chicago Express T OO ara Chicago Li mi tad a (:00 pra Mlnn--SL Paul Ex b TrOO ara Hxis-SL Paul Ltd a 0:00 pra S10:U a l. b t:M a t:M all 04 kl pa pra pra ara a 1:46 4lMI a ( -00 sat Cklssa-a, Keek lalaaS A raetli EAST. Rocky Mountala Ltd. .sll M aa Ths Mountaineer a 0:41 aa Omaha Day Expreas Chicago Local Paee....bl0H am Chlcage Expreas a 4:14) pra Dee Moines Local Psse.a 4 17 pm a:S5 a T 44 a 4:M blOlO a 1:10 Sll:ll a 1M al: a V-vV all:4l s t:M all or) P sra pra pra pni pra Chlcaga.Nebraska Ltd .s I.-4S pat WEST. (Tbs Mountaineer a tM ara aa sa pra ara pra Local Paas ta Linooln s I si ara Coio,-Cal. Expreas ....a 1 14 pm OkL ft Tex. Ex press.. a t .-00 pm Chl -Nsb. Ltd. Lincoln Rocky Mountain Ltd..aB):4 pa ' Chlcsga Crwat Wastarx Chicago Ltmlted a (: pra Tana City Limited .tM pra s trig Tw in City Express .a : aaa a M Chicago Expreas a (.44 Leoal Paaeugr Jk 4:14 pm M Wo art paattla K. C. ft St. L. Ex a :M ara a 1:40 K. C at St. ia, six suli :ii pa a oAO Pra pa Barliagtss Statlsw Barllajrtsa- Denver ft Csllfornia... Puget Sound Kxpraes, Nebraska polata -lata aad Miss Depart, .a t in pra .a 4 ui put .a t: sat 4.10 pan .a l.av pas .ail . A pis .. I-at ara .a O.iA ss Lb 1: pm -a I a pa a S ta an. Arrlvs a 4:44 pm a (:4s pat a s:10 pra a t:40 pra alalia put a J:0 sat a (.M pat a 0:10 pra b 0:ut sis bl:i am s I M pm a IA0 ua a (.40 pra all.U pra a 7:0 pot a I it pm li t sat sio ao sm bio.M sra ail ;46 sra a at ant a t:M pra aaaceia Jasll NerUiwssi Kxpreaa .. Nebraska points Nebraska Bxprses.... Liuooin Local Scnuyiar-Pistlantouia Lincoln Local PiA.itkmoutJ-.-laws Beiievus-Pisttsmouth.. Cluosgo Spectsl Denver Special Chicago Express Chicago Fast Kxpreaa. Iowa Loss! free ton lis) Local.... -aU.M pin .a f li sra .sU .4 pm .a 4 30 pan .a 4. so pm .a :U ara .b (JB) pra .a 4 10 pra atO at a,n St, Louis Express K. C. ft St. Joseph K. a ft ac josepa... K. C. sc Joseph.... -s ( li aaa ..a 4 .40 pa bb swel Wetaassw. Depart. Arrive. b l:s ara bil l em aaJa MlaawajasUa ak Auburn Local ta . pepsrc Arrlvs Blowx City Fii ssg b t 3b pm blies pm O mans Locsl c 4 BS pta Sioua Oty Ps-s 0 34 2 Twin tiiy Psas. ..a (ft ara Sioux City LocsL e I I sai Emersoa Locsl b 4 is pm b 0:10 aan b) daily, except Sunday. lei Suatal tsj daily. AFFAIRS ATS0UTH OMAHA iTorrsia for Big- Fourth of July Cele oration Announced. kaut rmzxs roa contestants Every h la Paeslbla Will Be Daae ts Pra vide far Cass fort sf Waste a aad rhlldrva Iweststers Scbsel. der Deflaes Pwaltlva. Rnuth Omaha's gala dav arTrosrhes with the Fourth and evaryth ns ut being made ready for the big ahow. Show windows along Twentv-fourth slreet sr gay with the rations colon and the streets generally present a restive appearance. It Is ex pected that a hundred thousand people 111 be present an the occasion and every preparation la being made for their proper entertainment. For tb women and chil dren especially tha committee of arrange ment ha gone to th extent of providing an Immense loumrtng tent, which will be Pitched In th vlclnltv of Twenty-fourth and O streets The tent will provtd a grateful protection. In th city hall tb wives and daughter of th committeemen will receive th rueet sf honor and minister to their com rort. Lunch and refreshment will b served m the eounell chamber for the speaker and guests of honor. Including tb officer from Fort Crook. In th parade th offlolal of the city and th members of th committee will ride la carriages The renreenutlvcs of th pres will have a "prsa car" at their dis posal during th parad. According to th present arrangement of th committee th day will be filled with events from the sound of the reveille sua at 0 o'clock In th morning until th lat rocket shall have spent its glow. For the convenience cf the visitor pro rrsm of the dav'a even is will he dls- trioutea on in streets darins the day. It la tb alra of th promoter of tb cele bration to make everything fre and ahow the best civic plrtt of South Omaha. Th following is a Hat of the fre atro ticma and eon test, of the dav with the Urn and place of tb happenings and the Prises awarded to th winner of tb dif ferent rests: Bslloon aacena on at I p. m. ara 7 p, tn. Twenty-fourth and O sti f Aerals Cliffords, ; tj. 4. ... Oat 7:30 p i irV-founn a- d M .tree is. fouK a"" na V m . Twenty, fourth and O streets. Trampoline snd casting act. a.a". fo?t "ace. to yaids, first teas. iL?.!r ? "ho: ateond p.- sc. i in cs-h. ri"' race, 60 yards, free-for-all; nret nrise. one hii aaM,..a tn in cash. ' 1 " V On-ls (under 14) foot rsc: first pr ts. an - pair of sl.ppers; ateond prise, tl 60 In CBsn. Girls' foot race, free-for-all; frst p tae. iTSv P"1 'awing machine; cond pr ae, (l.oO In cssh. Young women's (0-ar4 race: first p. its one (6 hat; second prise, tl .W In csh Ytung women's ffi-ysrd dsh; first pr.xe, (A hat: second prise, (1 Ml m cash. Married women's 60-yard dash: fir t prise, (10 hat: secend prise, (C wor.h if groceries; third pr ae, (i.iO sor.h o( gi ocerles. Fst men's racs. 50 ysrds; first prix. (.; ectnd prise. (2.(0. Bicycle race for boys under 17, MO yards: first, 3; oond prlxs, (2; till, d piixe. 11. Prise for capturing the g ey pg aot returning the same to the chalrra.B of apoita committee at Twepty-toutih snd X, ('. la cash. Pony potato races; prises, tit. 110, and Stetson hat. Turners' contest; first prise, tlO; second prise, ta. Far th best colt there wl bs a prix of (10. For tha beat t-yesr-old a prise of (10. .For bet team a pr'.xs of an oigsn. For best cow on Twenty-four. h street during tha day one ton of hay will bs th .. . . .......... All wishing to enter the contests will cvmmunicate with . George . Kennedy. 'I hona South 1883 or F-1KM. . Beldea the above mentjoaed contest there will alao be th following prise drill and contest: , Fraternal order having greatest number of men in line, 125. . -- - Best decors ted float In line, t2S.' deco sted automobile in line (If ten ara In line), 2t. ( p. m., c lupetlt v drl. . to be Judged by Fort Crock officer. Its. ' Orxantsation having g eatest number of nrlformed men In line of march, 124. ( p. m., packers' fire dspsrtment wet hose race. (it. Fifty dollar to be d str.buwd betwaea burlesque trooper. Behaelder tor lre Deal. Athough announced to- meet Saturday night for the disposal of outstanding claims th school board did not com together. W. S. Schneider, In speaking ot tha claims, said they would amount to (14,000. ' Hs ex pected th new board to meet Monday evening and tak up th regultr work of th board. Mr. Schneider, In discussing hi affilia tion with tha two republicans, declared that h had don ao of fre choice. Ha assarted that tha democrats had ottered him. tha presidency if h would refus tn Invitation of th republican member to tand with them. "What I have done." said Mr. Behaelder, "I hav don la obedience to my conscience. There ara some things ts be changed aa tha board aad I now have hopes to aee then changed. I believe la tha aquar deaL I will try to give every, ana a square deaL I wsnt especially tha teachers to have a aquar deal at aU tlmea." Mr. Schneider declared himself in favor of open meetings He also said that hs ball v s4 thst every teacher who had taught flv years should be placed upon th per manent list- Mr. Behaelder said h didn't know whether be would be a candidate two years hence. "Ia any caa.' said be, "I will do aa I ae tha right without regard ta anyone or anything except my 00a- Elght Ara Candidates. To b Justice of tb South Omaha police court Is the aad and aura of all dsvout desires la tha hearts of approximately sight eltlaena. Some of th number hav already filed, aome ara about ta file and some sr still flirting with tha temptation t make a try for the Judicial ermine of th pollc court. James Callanaa. th present Incumbent, will aithout doubt run again. The fact thst ao many candidate are apringiag up around hint gsema to indicate that na has aot well pleased tha powers that be la th democratic party. Against hlra ara align ad John McMillan. Joha Meroell. Journal clerk In tha office of Ua dty elsrk; W. p. Conigsa, formerly af th pollc fore. Besides these th aamea of Edward Han ley, barn bo for tha Cudshy Packing company, and J. E. Bsdnar of tha law firm at Ringer ft Bednar are mentioned for tha nomination. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS IIAlIBUEG-AlIEEICilN Luadon I'aris Hsmbarg "sis. erfS,WJ I ia. Orat....Jely xt ' 11 I'lSS LlBoels. July niu-canwi e ae tares wlaurael. Saoaa Cstos Oolr. ' Will Call al Baalaoaa Calls st PlysaMt s ss twwMai-g. Criils!:.2 WO ClOUJ alaurwtioB II CATS OOST CG50 aad ap. aaalsaiag All Teceaary Bapeaaes a baas ssd A SIMMS. "CI.aTJ-X.AJrX- ; Tea) ' The Prat te laaee Be terk Oeiaaw XV. ISU. Tka eaoaa h, taaTe Baa Pu mmm Pea. (. su ssl Bvaat rnm IS Oax, ISU. a Pk It 11. Mraa Crum ta g s Vwaant Lalaa. M M teaa .THE- VORLD aatbarg-Amsrluaa t-laa, wsst aVaa- aaipb a a. 4aosgo. Aa, or ii ! 1 sgeat.