TIIE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. JULY 3. 1011. uaasminift 3 PPo o ft M4esi si ever -lire m the JB SS '.V fjr " r 1 1 " IB H fUIr Nllr ' r ?A t iy ill J fM a r i i.i a Power Plant that IFill Run 35,000 Miles En AS a declaration of independence - for the horse, we announce appro priately at this Fourth of July season a new model Liberty-Brush car which will occupy the same position in its class as the famous Brush Runabout docs among the thousands who satisfactorily use it. The $350 Liberty-Brush is the re sult of long experience in manufactur - ing a car of this type. It insures: ' LIBERTY to eo where you will, when you will, without dependence on the movements of others whom you cannot control. LIBERTY to go anywhere easily arid comfortably without regard to steel rails or the ordinary limitations of travel. LIBERTY to go to your destination directly and quickly without delays, with a minimum expenditure of time on Car the way and to do more work in less time and at less cost. The new Liberty-Brush car means for you : FREEDOM from crowded street cars and the discomforts and delays of street car travel. FREEDOM from the necessity of catching trains or waiting for connec tions. FREEDOM from failure to keep appointments, loss of time traveling from one' customer to another and the loss of money that such failure . ans. Everybody has wanted a motor car and has waited for the time when it would be within his means. The Liberty-Brush fills the want. the The liberty-Brush, built onstandard lines, and a thoroughly capable car, is made possible by our tremendous manu facturing facilities and the fact that we are willing to manufacture for a small profit on each car. It is a car for salesmen, collectors, solicitors, canvassers, and for anyone who must get quickly from place to place. It is an ideal car for family use, as a boy or girl of fourteen can drive and care for it. Most important of all, it is the prod uct of the United States Motor Com pany, which immediately assures its position and its worth. 1 It is an epoch in the automobile in i dustry, marking as it does a response t by a standard manufacturer to the demand for " a motor car that any man can buy and maintain. We have 1800 dealers throughout fhf COiinf rvRrllincr mir vnrirm rruTnf-e ' J - - u u vr A VV U.lt7 but shall need more dealers to handle this car. We require a representative in every county and a rare opportunity is offered for men of energy who wish to enter a business with a great future. Write or wire for our proposition to dealers. . - We shall continue to manufacture the Standard Brush Runabout at $450.00, the success of which is at tested by the thousands in service. .m For catalogue and booklets describe ing the car in detail, address the Sales Manager, Liberty-Brush Car, at the New York headquarters. Tl rasti Runabout Company 5utl5!S NewJJTprk Division of IjTNITED gTATES flffOTOR QOMPANY ' OEr"?T- jL ft s