Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1911, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. Every body Tha Deo FCHZCA5T. Fir Nebraska Unset e1; coaler? For Iotj Fair: cooler. .VOLk XLI-Ka 13. OitAIIA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 3. 13 11 -TEX PAGES. SINGLE COt'V TWO CENTS. HEAT IS TRTSG ON THE .MES Prwidaat Tail I IV f He During last Tw Eham Vy tie Sea. V VIST IHZ3 ABX CC3TS- Eat Weather Xatexf em wit Ltp1 tioa at WuhiBtoa. 07 CCTGZH3 S2C3X Democrats Fix Date for Cottox Be riiioa BUI to. Bsxa House. ST ATI? SCHOOL 07 ECS7SIXII05 ef miMto tw Bw s T bev. Bsdasjlasj Saaaelos letw St-vtas; DnnlrX Ctotk aa Set Fat-Ik tat Tariff BUI. WAaHIXGTOIf. July a (Special Tele irtm.KUu ouuir pounds have you lost?" That la tba quean .on which has superceded the Inquiry con earning the reliable date of vota oa the reciprocity I neary In Waahington. since the hot ware! urtirlr it-m nut nnil rM f i i It U r-oid Pt saant Tart we-ned jturt be- fore he lift for Bwlr. aad the aoaiea .howed him lea potmde lighter tha a be w tw- wehs mo- The preatnent U aid to , have ee-UMiely nlder-d porp-ning hi j : ,in m h a um- - wh-n ha naaitai A i hi Imwnf waiat meaaAtreenest, V'c. PreahAnt Sirmaa, Speaker Champ laik. .enar Boe Penro. dlie Jame. General Hlichoock and pracU - . . . . ' . ta!l- all of those tt. smen who in In - ' . . . . elinvd to emhantKHnt are find a onmpan a- tai for the work an.i tha fearfully hot s -j-tu.'.ar Is slowly eontrai-Urg waist llnea. Men Hint Senator Root. Lwi Follette and Cammna. representaUras Bartlett. Hard- j pToc against htm for seduction, the wick and "Unler. who are built more on , klnm of (imj had begua action for the Unea of tha ' hin and hungry Ca-" Bp,ch of contract on the ground of over iu.V nM t.t element of oamptma-1 miLfed leave, and the German Stage as-"'n- j aoriatloa has officially blacklisted him as awraorw Hew raat Haas. ja eonsract breaker. . i jia avmntr at mar up uunrr in npai better than t.e republican most of the J Jmiuw m m R'mtnar f1 tiri tfom win t ! anif ha. Ing arcl irattd t U s heat aa It were. fait, the Uuuse L muciaii ara actuai : rlin n us IhixiEti they were thoroughly; eoster ted to tmy on through rh whole j wmtner fw ti a r,o. when t-y bring , In their revision of the eottoa schrdula tot the tmuie. they Intend to start a achont of lostrurt i n for the tereflt o" repubil: ana i and democrats alike. Revrewntat'.ve Rair.ey of riumra will be one of the teachers. Mr- Batney propoea ta bring eatton aaniplea paatid oa card knard the offic al dreeription of the doth as tet forth in the tartt k U. taidt caiid bektw it. la addition the Information wttl contaitt the rates ef duty imp oar t upon this etota endor the TMnsiey and Parne lawL aad usr hn-orpVrt democratic revialnna. This method of Uluatratioa wss pracUced by the repnbilcane in tha senate In the 1MB tariff debate. Mr. Bainey may have some extra samples with him for general dla tributton among the members In order that they may follow hia arguments. KsriBaattast isnaat As to the teilswd cortoa schedule itself, the democrats aow have experts m the treasury at work estimating ths amount of revnue certain proposed rales of duty will produce. They have finished the actual btll except for the tnsertlon of these rates. If the present plans of the democratic leaders are carried out. the cotton reviaton bill will not reach the bouse until the sec ond weh in July. If the mil la completes In time it may be passible to bold a party caucua oa It tha latter part of the first wee In July. In all probability it will take about tea days' Urns to pass the biU through tha bouse. Meanwhile the democrats will busy themselves with tba sugar aad steel sched ules, with the Intention of bringing thorn before the house later If the senate persists tat its pi asiiut rata of leglslatlva limgieaa. One effect of tha beat was to make ths senate establish a nsw record for brevity Saturday, when it held a ssuston laatinc sxat-tly three minutes and then adjourned until Wednesday, secretary Bennett called tne senate te order at nooa In tha absence af Vice Prt-stdent ohennaa, there being aa jn-ssldrnt pre tern of the senate at this Uma. There was a brief prayer by the chaplain, a few brief anaouncamsats -"1 then a motion to adjourn was marls by Keaator Smoot and carried. senators wha were three minutes hue hi reacatag tha chamber missed tha entirely. Aeeldeat a VrVTA. CITY. L July 1. - Special. W!ta a frectarnd skull, due to a blow dealt by a falling timber at a neighbor's "bars rais ing. Juna 3rnnan may die aa his farm, west of laws City. Hs haa bean a early aa aonadous sines the mishap aad the at tendant Burgeons are ta doubt aa to the outcome. The Weather For Wtira-ka,-Overcast, with moderate U mperat ura Fur luwa Caaettled and oaular. Trasmtara at Waa a ha T a. sa-.. a m. iS M a m. ,-, a a, m. U m N 1 a. at te I . si ...ism t p. m.... ;a, - - .....m S a m . , -' - o - I al Wei sad. uni. lars ma R-sT.eet yaeteniay H si M .5 Z Z I! Pia.pitauua as . .at .5, Twsierature sad predpnaiiaa uepartures fra4 tha y-armmi tii .rarura TS Irxcana fur tan lay ............ 15 Total exeeaa a nee- Marea 1 Normal wv UHlaiioa . .IS inch ItBiiw tur tna d.v li ism rt-iiniai.ion slaca kirrii i 7 17 tai-hee "wtt in. e Jturcb 1 JS la.-ius j y a r. pet-Had. di ..Js.iT tnencs a-. .n-m.-, kX. ,rUi LUeU Z icunatta mus of prectiitsMao. 1 A. w tLoU, Lwcal s urscasts-. eerarday. I a m- J - m , gs 7 - II Was x-t w a a eaa j Taa u tMMjf 1H j Ot - King of Saxony Sues His Court Singer for Breaking a Contract Eerr Btjrriaa Unable to Sing Well While Hub-ad of Els Secretary Eaagi About with a Gua. BSHI f. July 1 Sc-iaI Cablegram.) Aa angry kin. a paisecute 4 opera stager mad a maligned vvmu am 1 stary. figure Im aa extraert linary theatrical ease now on trial la da n avtncini court at Prague, B hernia. Tba pi uooi utur la the klnc of Saxony, who roes hla ctrart singer . Herr Carl Bui i tan. tba popular tenor. well known la Amartea, for breach of contract. H T Burr lan s defense Is Rias tha king baa no standmg nt the matter, and that he was prevented from returning to Dresden by urgent per ami al rwini. The de-t-Bda t states ha .w aa engaged to stag at the Royal Opera. Dresden, forty times a 7er for ROD. la Aiig"ast. Dfs). needing a housekerper and aw i alary. Herr Burrlaa engaged a worn aa named Dlngea. who told him ahe waa divorcing her husband, hut that pend ing the hearing; of tha esse she waa entitled to live apart from him. Then her huaband appeared on the arena and took to ahadowina; the tenor with a feoler. announcing hla Intention ef riddling him with bulleta at the first opportunity, Herr Burrian went ta CU aa engagement - n tha fnitad fttalea. WHn ha rptirnwl ha found tha huaband rUll there and wlUaj . Biny tne revolver, wnenerer uerr Human un. the man waa In the audience aad the j tenor could only sing under pollre pro-j tert-nn, with the moat dlnturolng resulta " bis -oral corda and general health. The I cuvr7rr" c" un lam w",u"" " waa rejected, but the huaban-peU- t m nurao ... '. "-o-r-tmndent. waa S"" The tenor, who waa la America, decided !, . ... . . . it was Impossible to return to Dresden, but . . , the manager of the Boyal theater refused to reiea him. t Returning to Europe, the luckless tenor ' frtunrt the husband had started criminal , . tilOCOiate LanQV aUCl Oranges End Mutiny Officials of California Eeformatory far Gir'a Innw Ea W ta Brinff About Order. WHll'TlER. CaL. July Sper.ial Teie- gram.) Chocolate candy and oranges 1 played aa Important part In ending trday j , the mutiny wnicrt broke out in the state I reformatory tor girls hers yeetrrr'ay. Ten I pounds, af CBocoete candy and a cartlrad i of eraagae eausvt the ssrantr-etx gtt la j who esmposed "nufljry ta suiTendar I their arm.. fuDia a .belUoa wh ek left j rwin m iiniiai KJmun mwaaaar a- I mm wrtrRP If ti-e "waderr of j the mutiny ara ha tha cw ire )all hare. t Tha slrl reheia aluim the Hotlas ami ! mutiny was due to peorty sacked frod aad ) Inhuman treatment ca the part of tba man agement. Officials of the reformatory, however, say the trouble waa started br a recent arrival at the institution, who. when she at tempted to escape, waa lock ad up. Much furniture and many windows ef the tnwtl-tut-on were smaahed by the. riotous g.ria. OMAHA IMPORTS GROWING Keeeapta as Faefesaa Haaas few Hmr Stse-e Bl laeiwaee O-wr sasaa Seat Las Tear. WASHTJfGTOW. D. C, July t f Special.) The Bureau of Statistics haa Just Issued a report on Imports of dam antic and foreign merchandise for May, and eleven months ending with May from which tha follow ing figures are taken: " May Imports. ia 1SLL Xnrth and South Dakota. ts. rU3t Sandusky. O. ..... J.y 41.37? Atlanta, Qe t.&m vThauaaonga. Tann ......... X.917 Council Blutta. Ia. H Kansas City. Mo IDS.8T3 Knoxvtna. Tenn... av Lincoln. Hr.b . ........... Tt.ttl Louisville, Ky .. a "73 Memphis. Tatin . . . 17.11 Nashville. Tean 1A73S Onmhn. Xeb . ZM51 St. Joseph. Mo U.SC Eleven months ending May. 7 4;; 17 3 Ss 53.47 23, TUB X3S.7K! S.4OT Imports Bl. !91L !lorth and South Dakota. SI.2C.7ni a,H3.! Sandusky. O ai.tljfl .TS Atlanta. Ga- lui 4 2e).3w Chattanooga. Tenn i Tat Cuurnal Bluffa. I a 2.12s BM1..W 33. S L6K..S 13.B4 L4M rran !.3r 19s. 4 Kansas Oty. Mo . "LsuSmC KmixTiila Tenn 7.TOS Lincoln. Xeb W Z Louisvllla, K J . . 51.33 Memphis. Tnn WLJal Nasnvtile. Tenn . TZ Omaha. Xeb V .1 St. Juseph, Mil . . 177.32 Fall ea geafrald Fatal. 3SOXTICELLO. Ia. July i-(9peclal.) Two killed and two badly Injured la what It baa east in lives and broken bones to partly build a larre barn on ths Peter Kirk farm. Fallowing the tragic death of the carpenter who was killed earlier in ths week, a scaffolding fell terry feet late yes terday with three workmen. John Feather stone, aged 7T years, waa killed and John Kinney and Will Golden, hia fallow work men, were badly Injured. Shipwrecked Passengers Say Officers and Men Lose Heads SEATTLE. Wash.. July l-Brdragg!ad suit I vets of the Pacific Coast Steamship company's steel excurslan steamer dpoaana which waa wrecked in Seymour narrowa British Columbia, late Thursday alght. ar- rivad ea the steamship Admiral Sampsoa . . ..... 1 iouy matt mrrt onij . unn bviu a nxaaa meatinsT. I aknaatlonal charges were made regard- lag the handling of the wrack and a com mittee was appoiaied ta confer with O. W. flAndrawa agent of ths Pacific Steamship onmpany. Tha esmmlrtao eoa- . " Daalei Ml Lard of Calcaga, F B. Ltnosley of &sw Tors. Judge K. F. Harria ef GaJvaston. Tex... aad David H- Pans ef Phiiadfipl-.ia. Henry W. Farnanx, proff ssor of 11 naiiiulis at Tale, waa ehoaen preatdent of the matu I saw two sailers try to Ukum k a ufe buat and leave It banging from eaa davtt." said C K. Pearsail ef Eureka, CaL "Aa VETO BI1L AGAIN EODSESESGLAND Unionist Leaders Have Decided Definitely to Call on Xing to 7ack Lords. 131 tJ TO FOBCX A DDL0CI Will Insist Upon Aaiendaieati Sure to Be Bejected. EISPC33TSILITT FOB PBX3HE2. Asquita Xast Sao ' Eaad on fcnpor taat Question. 7LA3 07 ACTIOI ALBZADT KA2E ta Die t Hesse Bale Kaieaniae Pear Kleetlsav. LCXDOW. July l Ppeetal Cablpgra . j Tha anioalat leadera hara decided to t eat the lorda' eto bill to the death and to . compel tha government to appoint eoouKtl new peen to pam it if they have the re. Te j aad the power. Th. conduslca haa been reached at eonfetnoea between the !ealer of tha utrti nlta '.a the kirla and ormmona. Th' nalr decided to force a deadlock on rhn trill and rt'l thin nhl'ara the rrTTeiB- ; ( ment to resiirt to a creation of peers. The report of the vrceedlngs at the uaicniktj conference that has been Issued sarar ' tl haa been decided to press oa the gov-1 eminent In the House if eLxds, with the foliest power of the majority, amendmerts to tha parliament bill excluding from the operation of that message pr-ipt'sala in volving constitutional change. On the cer tain re'ectl. n of these ame'idmentx by ministerialists hi the House of Commons they will. It Is now understood, be In sisted oa by unionist peers. "A complete deadlock between the two nouses Is thus tn clear proepect, and the responsibility of dealing with a situation of the utmost gravity will be thrown upon tha government. Whether a prorogation of Parliament and a new session, with the retntroduction ef the Parliament bill, would be necessary or not. Mr. Asqtiith must then, it ia assumed, disclose the pnwttlon of the government as to the creation of new This eventually has. of course, been fully considered br the unionist lead ers and it la their deliberate opinion that I A C3.0W fire completely destroyed the the Parliament bill, regarded aa the means J buJ""'" section ef Dundee at Fiftieth and for the parang of a home rale mil. ahouid j Underwood avenue Sunday morning, ex be resisted m this manner and to thi' eeptlng ne drug- store, and seriously point. 1 threatned a ranvbei-ef nearby residences. Caateefe PtesT . I That tha cabinet haa not decided upon jits plan ofartkm appears undoubted. but whether It sheet (ta hand aa aeon aa the most ardent liberals predict la questionable. It la possible the cohinet will give the lords time to send the bill to the house and then reject the antewdmentii ea bine by ana vote. declare Its puma and perh.p. glv. the H. of Commons an opportunity to vot. j rar HW au St -US aao&ASJ WIS SJng W3 hia prenigailve to'create liberal peers. rmn eonaerratlva aonmM enaiM a Alf- f - nt .k- ki.. i 'Globe claims the highest authority for aay- bur that tha government will ask the king to dissolve Parliament. The conservative whip. Arthur ateei-Maltiand. also said that the government proposed to have another election In which the home rule question would figure. The Spectator, the organ of the most ex treme conservatives, pleading with ths lords to accept the bill, says the conserva tive members of the House of Commons privately admit that the liberals would gain an increased majority If another election was held and that home rule therefore would be certain. NOW -MISS RUTHERFORD IS TO MARRY 0GDEN L MILLS ef Jaw York, Bla pea tad EaataaTad Before, Haa laatkf a fries ta Her Saw. SEW TOBJC. July 1 Special Tele gram.) According to dispatches from 1 Parla the engagement Is announced of Miss Margaret Rutherford, one of the i daughters ef Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt. sr.. of this city, tn Ogden L. Ml Us. aiao of this ; city. Ths marriage ia expected to take place tn Paris in ths fail. Within ths last two years Mlaa Ruther ford has been reported engaged to Prince Francia Joseph of Bragansa. whose father renuuncad hla claim to the Porguese throne, aad to Ksrmit Bnoarvelt. THREE EAGLES PUT TO FLIGHT la a Bksxtla a Law Craw ta Tpshsisr Defease tha Say-Ceiled Saaarrka , af taa Air. SPOKAJtK, Wash.. July Special Tele gram. Three bead eagiea housed In the 1 aviary at Manltou park In Spokaaa, were put to flight by a crow tn a pitched battle a few days ago. Tha crow made the at tack by ripping tha shingles from the roof of ths house where the eagles were. The eagles showed fight, but were routed by ths smaller bird pecking their heads. Attendants at the bird huuse say that but I woke nearly every one In the peaceful vll for their interference' there might have. lags and people came from all directions in been one or more jobs for the taxidermist. ! every sort of undress. W amen stood about Ths crow escaped without losing a feather, 1 in curl pajvera and kimonaa and men in while the aa-cailed -monarcna of the air" will be kept busy for some time in getting their plumage In shape. far as I was able ta ascertain there were no seamen ta help tha women paaotrigaia into the boat. The male passengers did ths work of lass iiing ths women." Otto Irving Wise, international president ef B'nai B' Rlth. offered a reaolutioa eom mendlnaT the management ef the Spalkaae by Captain J- E. GuprtL -I eniered a protest." said W. M. Butler of Si- Leuia. "Ths eo-'-t of the crew after the smash was inexcusable and the officers were responsible fur the Me. Wise thea withiirvw his auUua Mlaa Georgians Dow af Slew York said: "There were two life preservers in our cabin, but there were aa members of the crew to tea us what to do. A number uf omen were thrown lata a llfeaoat with no ana to raw it to snore. Several stokers lumped tram the aaca into the boat and caps' sed it. It waa with difficulty that we were pulled 11 heard aoother hJCeooac" Fmiu Oie Philadelphia Reeord. DUNDEE STORES ARE BURNED Besii-nce Snbnrt Eas $23,000 Fire Sunday ULaming. BUILDIIG3 0WIEEJ BT J. E. EABTZ Drajg Mm aad !arby Beeitleae Saed by Rmns Depai laail O-at la Tin Ptw eat Spreaallaa. Tns stores of The viriaxe. consisting of a grocery and meeg market, a bakery, a plumber's ahon, a herher shop and a ahoe repairing shop were all In a two-etnry dnuble brick and a one-story frame build ing, both the pronerty of John A. Hart a. eontrai-tor. The drug store, the property ef George G. Galnter. was directly acmes tha IWJ'liai ml I ill tn tlMai mm nf t nM nd m Hvwt Br . Khmrai upllnltlon of chnmi( ..wr. Tb.ldenc. of lars. - J. -A.-' -Johnnon. "m !ort!r TTtletfi f- ? street Ivinx direct !v in tha nath of the fiames that railed high, acrnas the street. most endangered, but the work of friends kept the roof snd sides wet snd prevented the Are from catching: The Intense heat burned the telephone pnlee and the grass on the lawn. Detailed Leasee ta nwaera. The losses ar estimated aa follows: John H- Harte. building. CV with about C:.i insurance. J. P. Eski'daon and C. R. Maxwell, grocery and meat market, known as the j Dundee Grocery company, about COW. with little insurance, I Irvtn Hadlock. barber shop, about Stfe. not covered by insurance. C. B- EKKida. plumber shop, about C.toa, not covered. Sam Ferrantn. shot repaar shop. JtMO. covered. J. Beck, bakery, about C.(w. Including nearly (Lflw ta a fresh consignment of sugar and flour, not covered. Total loss. d. T. about two-thirds cov ered by Insurance. The origin of the fire has not been dis covered, but it ia generally believed to have started In the Beck bakery. By l:3t a crowd of nearly I.'.K people had collected around the roaring biaxe and although nothing could be done to save the stores the one hose cart of the village was brought out and used to save the Johnson hums and nearby residences. The Omana fire department would not respond at the first request and not until the business block waa beginning to fail in was there any real work dune on It. By that time the barns in tha rear near houses on Cali fornia street, also ths property of John H. Harte. were beginning to go and the firemen soaked them and Vhe Guinter drug store. J- P. Eskildaon and hia partner. C. R. ji ax weii, wno uve within a block were 1 among tha first to reach the plana and ' immediately carried out their store of gaao- ; una ana 011 which were already near the Cames. Ths safe also waa emptied but nothing of the stuck could be reached. Srraauga- Crowd ed SeiewtaUore. The crowd which witnessed the fire was an amazing turn out. The heat and noise bare arms and slippered feet. At daylight a number of people cams out from West Omaha in automobiles to see tht last of the Camea Mrs. eGorge Guimar who Uved above the drug store, owned by her husband, became hysterical and bad to be treated by Dr. W. S. Gibba She was better during the day. Xj one else was injured or hurt. It is expected that the stores will be re but:!, Mr. Harte has nut yet decided what he will do. but the lawa of the village forbid the erection of business buildings ex cept on Underwood avenue, and it la likely that business will be resumed there aa soon 'as toe ruins eaa be cleared away. UNDERTAKER KILLS HIMSELF a . .ieisee ef Has Sarraap Leasee Jmmm iarlsg Lite la - Fares. HOT SPRINGS, a. D-. July J. Special Teiegram. Leaving a note to hia son say - ing Ufa was a tares, Junes W. Joyce, a .ending undertaker of tnla cuy. took his Ufa yesterday morning by Mending a nfis bullet through hia heart. The tragedy or- cumd in his "deo." one of toe living apartments over hu store. Xuthing of the ahuuting was known to his family until thy sent to call bun f ir breakfast. Joyce waa aoout -m jemrm ox age, was well known busines and prominent lodge man. and enjoyed a lucrative bueuiesa His un- accountable actios ran sod a great ar.ocs. Sanity vs. Gunpowder King and Queen Will Go to Ireland anrt I hRTi on I onr i Wales Will Be Visited, Then a Trip j to Scotland, Betomins; to London Late in July. LON130N'. July t perial Cahlern.) The king and queen returned to Windsor today, th'ia dosing the coronation program. Their maj ntlea and the court will begin next week, preparing for the Irish urogresa i Thsy will learn for Ireland Friday next. ! and will not return tn London again until , July a. in the meantime visiting tTaiea j for the Investure of the prtnee of Wales. , and then making a visit to Scotland. The 1 muster of the Irish nobility a large nam- 1 ber of whom cannot be aaid to be very con- vindngjy Irish-arUI be considerable In : Dublin during the royal visit. Lord Iveagh ' has a large party of guests for Use oc. caaion. his man won In St- Stephen's Green, j and Farmleigh. on.y a few miles distant ; on tha outskirts ef PlaneniX Park, being . "aiway. available for orcaicn. Lor Trea-hw-e-tertahA(Ir rwyalTy; at j both his restdencea and- the duke and i duchess of Connaught occupied Farmieigh for a season, before the duke, on hia ser vice in Ireland, took up his reaidenes at the royal capital. Kii main ham. Lord and Lady Ardllaun will be at St. Anna. CJontarf. quite dose to Dublin, where myaity also has been entertained, and will have visitors. Amongst those going to DubMn for the week will be Lords and Ladles Londonderry. Lei trim. Longford. Dunsany. Clanwilllam. Donoughmore. Dar- trey. FtngaU. Pembroke. FltxwUliam. and many others sufficient to make a lordly j "court" at Dublin castle, whither the peer- age haa of late years very little repaired, Wild Cattle Roam Among the Mountains;' Eumes, a Guide,. Finds a Eerd of Sev eral Eaadred on lTusewallips Bifer. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 1 (Special Tele gram.) Although the state of Washington has Its "no trespass" sign tacked on the herds of elk in the Olympic mountains, and the open sea son for deer lasts but three months each year, guidea are returning from the wild regions wfth larger game wild caule. unprotected- by law. Grant W. Humes has just bDsught In ths shaggy hide of a wild bull he killed near the headwaters of tha Dusewslllps river. Humes, who haa lived tn ths Olym pics for fifteen years, saya a herd of sev eral hundred wild cattle are at large near tha source of the Dusewalllpe. He aers other herds teed on the thousands of acres of wild hay In ths plateau reglona In dian legends aay tha stock was brought to this country by a colony which landed from a Bailing vessel In the early '4as. SCHUMANN-HEINK'S SON WEDS Ma at flea Xarrara fitrt WTka ta Aeeasa. seals aa Osa ad Hla Tearaw CHICAGO, July t Haas Sen urn an n Helnk. son of ths noted grand opera singer, Mme. Schumann-Heink. waa mar ried here today to Mlaa Zeida Llna Marker of Evan anil le. lad., a pianist. Ths romance ,.t mnalHnna hwajl ill FvaASVilla mOIS thaQ yw MO the bride has since been an accompanist for Mr. Schumann- : Helnlc on OB. of hu tours. The bride la years old. and her husband gave hia age as 2 years. Sister Finds that Was Notorious Hotel Thief; CHICAGO, July t 1 Special Telegram.) Ths remarkable case of James St- Louis, who led a Jekytl-Hyde existence, was brought to light tn a dramatic aeries of in (tulents today when his body waa Identified in aa undertaking establishment In Wabaaa avenue, first, as that of a nutorlus hotel ! thief, known to the police of a score of jciiiaa, and then by a a later, as that at her brother, well connected, and a property j owner of soma extent. A photo of ths lead man. which was j minted in ths CTnicago papers, resulted in : hta Ulentlflcatiua bv hie reiaiivea. j In keeping with the life hs led. tha death !af James St- Luuia waa mysterious. He was I the victim of a strange murder. j The polios were called to Peek piaes and j South State street, where they found a man J bleeding from a crushed head. He waa J u-a to as. Luke a aisnJial. where he died, v. MRS. REES SHOULDERS BLAME , Eigi Priestess Of Absolute Life Cult a witness. I SEE BEUETED 07 B2SP03SrBIirrT Defease riaiaaa rmmHea la Bawalt a a Ceaaair aey Berwrea Pallee sad tba H waaapare af . fa lea aw. CHICAGO. July t imperial Teiegram.V-1 Mrs. Felicia Raea. mother of aTona Reea, high priestesa ef the absolute life cult. to. day cast a mantle of purity about the shoulders of EvHyn Arthur See and testi- flrd that she Is the author of "The Book of Truth. " the wnpubllrhed bible of the reveaer." " Without a blush Mrs. Bees read several chocking pa es from the manuscript and traced their origin tn the Bible. Mrs. Rees waa railed upon to prove that fVe did not write the doctrines which are ailaged to have lured Mildred' Bridges aad Wnca Rum ta tha rnnohat-a 1am U,nwlm " at.aea annvtanLlr. taa two. aav- changing knowing- glances as she told "he atnn goe deaied having read any portion of the manuscript either to Mona or Mildred. So far in the trial ail witnesses have de nied teaching either of the girls tha doe trine of anaoluta life. Charge af raasplrary. The defense In the See case insists that It ta prepared to show a police conspiracy tn which certain newspapers are the pro moting influence. The argument of the at- ; tarT"'T for the defense probably will be one of h "" unique listened to for many A-y- " n Intends to urge that Evelyn i Arthur 8ee ta a aacnnce to the daman da of a Chicago publication, that its prestige be upheld, and that Captain Danner of the Sheffield avenue police station never ae- ! cured a confession from See, Mildred Bridges or Hons Reea. In support of this theory, the defense j propose to put many women on ths stand who will, it Is said, testify that they eon suited See about religious matters, that they were advtoed by him in such matters and that they were never approached with v of ,h. nnrinaa which u, 1 of having spread broadcast among hla wo men communicants. Forty Offers af XerriaaTe. If Mana Reea. the "perfect woman" of Evelyn . Arthur See's absolute life "love jungle." and her associate. Mildred Bridgea, "mother of the race.' desire to retire from tha limelight of a "spirit truth" career for ordinary housewifery, they have all the chances in ths world. Mona Baas la declared to have had forty offers of marriage within a week from men of means ta many instances, aad tha ad dresses ef ths aspiring swains cover tha country from Mains to California hi a thin, but ardent, love vein. Mildred Bridges baa not retell1 ed So many letters, but one of them la declared to have been written by a man named Colquofton. ,the poet laureate of the Sierras.' accord ing to description. It is so Cried with fervid love passages that Mildred doesn't care if aha never receives another so long as aha lives, at least from a western poet. MAN KILLS WIFE AND SELF'"1''""- m uai! Omaha, numy of whom Ida Srewe Maaw After ttssiraL Skeata Weaaaa aad Child. Thea Takes Life. lua. liROVE, la. July 5. Charles Wesi- tan 01 1 nis piaoe. aner a quarrel with his wife tonight, shot and killed ths woman, I fired at their Vyear-old adopted daughter man wea eeu a emiet mrougn nis Drain. Brother One suspect was arrested In connection with th case. Hs rave the name of John Powar. is being held at tna Hameoa street police atatkia. The body waa taken to Rolstna ued-r. taking establishment. Ths first clue to the mas s Identity was tna photograph of him seif. found la a socket. Than ths cans was brought to the attention of the bureau of idenaflcaUoa. Detectives bad just finished Informing the uisdrrtasers of the Identity of the man ' when two women anta-ai nA .-t..- . i the body of the- mu . n v i -r. .. . .. undertaking rooms where one of the women gusped: "Ira brother Jim." The avatar never suspected ber brother 1 to be a criminal. Their father saa a prfje- j pereue hotel proprietor In Xew Tors, and j at hia death, the sua in her! Lad the bulk .f ota nruoerty. X0 RELIEF FROM HEATAPPEARS e Citj Swelt-j-j x;- tie itterenry Best ia? at 131 for Iiret Hour. XAST AB 0TZBCCX3 BT E1AT Police Are Busy Kiahn-r ia tie Prostnta TictLna. IiaUOa EZLP3 OUT CU) SQL Weather 3Caa Sees So Prospect of a Guars at Present E3M STATE 13 SWELXimd Prmlml at Harvard Dl Psi ta the state kes lb- Mrrear-r H laser Tha ut Oaaka. No rellaf frm tha Intense hrat vtilrh Haa I bung ov.r the citv for tha laet four dsva j in flcht. acrnrdlng vs reports trtm tie jweiither bureau Inst night. Tha w-ather j v-nterday was xtrmei- sultn-. and the .piftemans would hare taken oath that the mercury soared hisher than any other day (this vir. hiT in reality the maximum tr the d-v waa but ni. whli'h held away nvr the city frr.m until after i o'clock in he aflemoun. J The aim beat down from early mttmmic. j At 5 o-cloi-k the mercury In the tube regis tered m. which was ths minimum for tha div Al 7 nVlb I. m, . . hour It Jumiwt fvt. degrees. From that time on it gradually crawled up until at " 101 waa reached and the temperature remained i4innry for ever two hours. .Laat year, for the corresponding day. the mercury reached ninety -thr-e degrees anl in 3w it was ninety-four. Three years ago (, v-iuin jjij - was regrstcrev ; tbr many years. It being but sixty-two de- frees aiiova gar. ,t ,he hottest hour of (the day. j Thirst empoHuma and public parka ware (the main attraction yesterday and from ,earv morning until late at Bight the tree. rion company waa kept busy hauling pas enger to and from the parka It was re Ported that Rivet-view park held the larg est rrowd of tha year yeaterday and extra CMr wr put Into service to handle the immense crowd. Court!a?id beach was tha big aoisa and the- bathers flocked to ths i cool water tn drovea Bathing suits were at a premium and an afternoon every bath- ; ing suit waa In use. Mam wa aiao had Its crowd. CI aba Are Poaelar. The various clubs in ths city wars crowded from early morn until lata at night with city folks looking for a owl japot. Some of the more daring and hardy nidlvtduais flirted with prostration by plsy Ing golf and bass bslt The Field dub la the early hours of the aftrrnocm bad tha appearance of a pleasure resort, as tha nlub bouse was crowded with both mew end worsen. sekiirg lis shade. - Missels. Sfaa Oveesassaa.' '"" James Wilkinson, a plumber front Lin coln, residing in Omaha at & South Seven, teenth avenue, was overcome by the beat at Thirteenth and Douglas streets yester day morning and for a Uma it was thought ha was about to dia. Wilkinson was carried into the drug store at tha Mil'ard hotel, where rwstoraUvea were applied, pending tha arrival of the police ambulance with Dr. Peppera. tha eurgeon. After treatment at tha station I Wilkinson was sufficiently recovered ta go ta his boarding house. Before leaving the station Wilkinson told Dr. Peppera that tha heat did not have all to do with hla condition aa hia nervous system waa broken down over domestic troubles which caused bins to leave Lincoln. Lie saw . Hales mmmm . Council Bluffs and the hot weather was blamed by tha Omaha police yesterday for the unusual number of drunken men found ' lyU n """ lM st JfT Bight ! m? Pce assert that heat ' UJ llUor to hmr oDinatlon to beat ' " non of the year. For tha twenty-four hours ending at t a clock last night no leas than thirty men had been found lying en the streets over come by something. Several of thoaa were 1 sent to their homes, but almost a score j found a place tn recuperate in the police j caiaboosa, where the atmosphere waa so ' sultry that tha sweat bug bad to be temporarily discarded. I Ordinarily in this brand ef weather saber 1 folks have a tough time coaxing slumber ! on a front lawa or a bad of down, but 1 the way some of tha derelicts snooaed oa the streets Sunday waa a revelation to ail. who have a kick, against taa hut weather. Ss Inajaes te Be BTetd. Coroner Crosby yesterday decided not to 1 bold an Inquest into tha death of Henry Gus Heyduschaa, tha restaurant employe, who was overcome by the heat while work ing in ths restaurant at SO Suuta Six teenth street, late Saturday evening. The man waa taken to his rooms, US Williams streets, by sums friends after bis condl- ! tinn was known to be seiioua He died soon after. Heyduschka has a number uf - are members of an Austaaa patriotic aad fraternal society to which be belonged. I They will make arrangements for tha fun era! atumlay. r lean all at Harvard. HARVARD. Xeb.. July 1 Special. W Overcome by the beat. John T. Fleming was compelled to leave his office and gi w hll home, where he dl at 4 , clocg I i.w tl, hM,.,.. . -w.n --. Mr. Fleming, came to Harvard la June. 172, tailing a homestead two miles south, where ha resided nil after making proof, when be removed to Harvard, where ha had during this time been la business as druggist and dentist, and haa continued the denuaiery practice ever a nee. aaaoci- aring with it and other business at various j times, among which hs has been atts I c"r -v1 whU: Clc i " Um of but UUB- 1 na waa a vei 7 uwiubaiiaut uan ua uaa various lines ef busmeas engaged ia aa dentistry, and well read la many brancbaa j mdk'ln- truS3at exceptloaallF well qualified. Ha waa aoeut 7S years ef age aad leaves a endow, aad one broth ar near dcott'S Bluffa Xeb. This has been another day of heat with; mercury better than lut ta ths stiada. Craaisa Xaeda BLaaa Stadly. CIUrSTOX. la., July Special. But J of an inch of rata fail bare during tha month of June. Just parsed which la thought to be ths record mark fur any thirty-dar period known. Beidum. if et ar ' bJ thm been axuaiksd for the Uma of I '- nd never surpaaaad. The hot dry "rva that have accompanied the beat iba ve sever iwa aere befura.