OMAItA. SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1911. 9 . DHPASTKEHI 15 IN A HURRY ' Eamliond Ordered to Wire H- ceiyta for Ureal Tear. CCr;CEATI05S PAYUG TAXES , , UtrrMl Reewaaa Celleetleeie In n- H Yea Bad Mtor Slant u4 I 1 ' ' 'r ""areate y - V order from the Internal rmnnt de- Bartment haa twt received by Ross Ham- ftnond, collector of Intnul revenue for the district sf Wehraska. to send h tit rt- I "'Pts ef tne fcm .ssent ror the fiscal i r I 1 vi - 4 yser ending Jot. M -.a Washington Friday sight by wire. This bj a general .rdiir which has bam (sent tJI ever the country and win mans It pboeatble for tha Washington authorities to ou a statement for the department for he whole year by the alanine af July 1. rears past the atatamant has never raady before J sly IS. aa tha various offices sent In their raporta by mail any lme after tha flrat af tha month. Voleae tha corporation taxes and liquor taxes coma la with aa Increase evar tha past fw days tha rrport for tha fiscal 7ar ending FYwUy night will not ba aa large aa that of teat yaar. which waa sent from tha Omaha sfnee. Whan tha office i-ilf4 Tharaday n.ght tha receipts were ' smaller thaa thorn af laat yaar by ahou K.. A Urga aurnbar af corporation, and Uquor own streamed Into tha Interne. reveaue office all day and It la as pet-tad that theyeport wUl snow larger receipts Kaa la Dnwtx II nr. Tha eorporaUoa taxes for thla district wtll amount to about fcjs.0 and at laaat two-thirds af that amount la already la. After o'clock IMday night tha corpora Oons which hairs not paid their taxaa win ba entered delinquent. Saturday mornlnf the second notice or command will ba aaot aa tha earloua cat pot a Cone, giving thaea a daya la which ta pay their taxes. Should thaaa delinquent fail ta par tha txa by July U a penalty of I per cent tha tax will be levied and tha rata of 1 par cant per month on tha total ba placed against them. Should thla fall to brief in tha taxaa tha matter will ba turned ovor tha United State district attorney for ''aVoUeeUea. Laat yaar thara ware but two aorpora tlona wha tailed to pay their taxaa by July M. but tha proepects era that a large number will ba behind thla year at the explratloa of the tarn daya. Young Women of Omaha Being Taught How to Swim "After working la aa office aU day. a girl neada aome phralcal ax ereiae ta of? art tha mmtal train."" aya Sfiaa MaM Balmon. who to tralntEa tha cxmtera af tha Toons Women a Chrlatian association in aS aorta of athletics for women. Thla young woman who la aa athlete af no small ability herself declares that Otnaha weraen are reallntnc mora and more tha Import ance of physical training sad that tha enthusiasm in outdoor .porta repeeially. la growing by mpa and bouada. She believes that in hot weather aa wail aa la auld, woman need physical exercise In order ta keep In good condition. hUao Salmon, who Is tha daughter of Mr. and htra P. P. Salmon, grad uated from tha phralcal training de partment af tha University of No braefea this June. While there, aha not only taught cl. ... bat also made aa enviable record la track athletica. winning first place in the high jump and second place ta tha hot-puL Every Monday and Thursday after noon and Tuesday and Friday even ing. Mlaa Salmon gles swimming laeecma la tha Toung Women's Christian as sociation pool at the association Building, whore glrla and women find relief from tha heat In taking a cool dip In tha water. When not at tha. pool. Miss Salmon la at Qyniwocka camp at Tarter lake, tha center of outdoor good Dmaa for tha Toung Women Christian aaanilailuu glrla and women. 1D3S hULBSXi SALMON. "Half Price" NOT "Half Bunk" If 70a bars ANT Judgment about you, 70a KNOW that tha paoplt who Inula at THIS location arc NOT (otac to ataa4 for HIGH pries at ANT stsr of to fains. And ret. they ar POSTED and want tho 8TTLE aad GRADE. Consequently wo hav to bo tno clavsraot TALHE OtTXRS la Omaha to satisfy OUR following. Wo don't DARJE to put fancy prlcoo on clothes, srsn early ta tAo araooa; and when i aay "Half Pries' It must U "Half PRICE and NOT "Halt Bunk." Price OB Eight into Men's nSnaits 6TUT A TT 7 "0(9 9 .JrliLi V ILi are CUT atmrday Yes Sir! ANY suit at half! ALL suits included. Clean, refreshing clothing, and NOT "Special Sale" goods. It's just an unrestricted, unprecedented chance to buy seasonable, stylish garments at HALF of their actual VALUE. ,7 Court Awards Ely Damages for Foot Sues Updike Grain Company for Fire TLoTuand aad is GiTen Damages In Tail Amount. Far tha lews of hla left toot Marion Z3y sweurad a verdict of K.OW against tha Up dike Grain company Triday In district snort. Tha jury gma him tha toll amount asked for. - 7Cyn foot was caught ba tha whirling ym" of aa eiectrVa steam ahoval need la .oadlna: arain cars and torn oomnletaly frora hla leg at lbs ankle. Tha accident occurred tat October, gaa Be baaed his claim against tha company npoa tha oon taatad faot that ha was not notified of the tarnta aa of tha power. Bishop Williams Makes Statement About Miss Conway afaXTM Has Been Given Considerable Annoyance by Publicity Given in Horn Case. Tha notoriety givn tha profeaaionai Bums, Mlas Conway, by tha atatamant made by Mrs. Bern In tha Horn cans when it waa up in tha dUainct oourt a week age has been causing that young woman much annoyance because of tho sensational man ner In wtlch It was played up by tha newapapers In Philadelphia, where her folks aad frlaads live. Mlaa Conway Is stiil employed on the staff of nurses at Clarkson hospital, aad her retention there Indies lea that those In charge of tha hos pital put no faith tat complaints made by Mrs. Bern It develops that Mrs. Bora made her charges against Miss Conway first to Elsitsp Williams, who referred them for investigation ta the bouse committee, onm- posed entirely of women, and this eomm.t- tee waa convinced of their groundlossnt as, since the records of tha hoapttai show M as Conway's presence there all c f tha time el tea by Mrs. Hern, ahe having been eff aa leave only once and that fully acoountsd for. Wa knsw about the Brb matter.' says the bishop, "at tha time Xlss Conway, I wba haa resumed har maiden name appLed for admission to the nospitai as a nuisa. and we felt trat ws were doing a charitable act to snabia bar U gat away from tha da- preaslca that had followed her acquittal la that trial, and help her start over aga.n and try to make sonvthlcg of her Ufa Bar anfortunata aeqnaictanca with tha Horns was purely Incidental through living at tha same boarding house, and I cannot conceive of any good motive that would lead Mrs. Born to try to implicate Miss Conway and to harrow her by the trouble aba had left behind her In Phila delphia.' Miss Conway feels that she has been pot aire In a falsa light by tha Impression that tha Burn case is a divorce case. when. In fact. It la a suit for separate malntenanca, wtth no formal charge entered of a corespondent. ROOF OF U. P. HEADQUARTERS IS TO BE BUILT OF ASBESTOS Takes ANY $1250 Suit $50 Takes ANY $15.00 Suit Firm Wklrk Rrevatly Of flea ta Omaha Haa tha Cam tract. Ths new Union Pacific headquarters building Is to have an asbestos roof, which is now being put on. Tha contract for this waa secured by tha H. W. Johns Man villa company, a new concern in Omaha, which haa offices at 10ns Farsam street, where It occupies three floors of tha building with Its offices and warehouse. This Is ons of tha largeat concerns of Its kind In tha country, the chairman of tha executive committee being J. O. Cannon, the New York banker who waa recently in Omaha. Tha company owns and operates exten sive asbeetoa mines snd a railroad In the province of Quebec, with several manufac turing plants in America. Tbs company la now building a magnificent structure for Its own use in New York City. J 0 $20.00 Suit On Saturday takes choice of ANY Man's suit that sold at $10 the day before. $-( I 25 ANY 8 $22.50 Suit $f g. CA Takes j fcMOU ANY yj $25.00 L Suit Ojjra $30.00 w Suit And the makes we carry are known wherever news papers are printed: "ScrottsB Bros.," ''High Art." "Miller Make" "Wentworth Sya tem." "A. A. System" and "Union Made." CLOTHING COM. PAAT COR.i4H & DOUGLAS. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns The Advertising Columns of The Bee Point that Road. 1 i 1 1 1 1 0 1 A 1 1 .aaaaasa M Va X I SC SF X W. Tk-' t J I dPtsv - . SBTSS" - aaaaaw mm va vfc. n W fk v. wrmr aaTaaBBBV " f .wv 0 BTsTaasBSBBBaBnBBsaaaasasBBBBW v'B aa Bw aV ' a ssn f r all I m a t . , I ear I . , -T A. Pa-Cr1! V i t ' f f . 1 mkY snai 1 r : i l. v-r m 1 i ear- w t r-w ,t- . - ,r tav imm i 1 1 vvJtVi iti r ljm yfi, i v v 'iT -.,.". j j, . 1 ant 1 M J 'S r Itn " HvXT7 iw - 1 H I T iast" a I W Jvitr II I Tka T kmVM IX. -aA U usasWii" . 1 1 I f si Tm naT i - r r 1 1 w m . . i Am asf . . 7 AT THE RELIABLE - ..HOUSE OF RUBEL'S s 4 0 4 0 't G2 his is a muMmo IR-cBdlTUKcttSoms f First of all nermit us to assure vou that this is a true and genuine clearance and not simolv an excuse for a big "hurrah sale." It's V X x y genuine thoroughly genuine with GENUINE REDUCTIONS which prove our sincere desire to close out all goods in their season. We have won the confidence of the public here our short business career of one year. We intend to hold that confidence. It means more to us than silver or gold. We cannot afford to make any. mis-statements as to values and we would not if we could. Now we want to show only the newest and best goods at all times and to do this we must not cany goods over from one season to another. So spring stocks must go. Cut prices are intended to hurry them away. Extensile relactioas have been made whether it is a single article that you want or furnishings for a complete home, we urge you to make your selections now while the possibilities for saving are so great! Come tomorrow. ajo-oa cauTrorraa. 1 a Chilf ra .fr.. iliji Clilti Jtl.ers j ... i ii.Se Ciui loruara fa-SS .a a J .aa-a .- .aoe.ikj HailtTM la thla sale are offered a number of esceedlng-y nna piseaa, especially in Draaaare. Chtffoaiera, Draaaing Tables aad Wood Bade, la gaouli.a , BMtnogany. bauitlful Orcaa aiaa walnut, and ether rich wooda They're a.l cut la price to the very Unut. flISS Dreaaera tTJSJ I ls.eS Uraaaara eS-M il.e iraaaers ---ea UV lrasara ir e .!.. I iraaai-ra low .. Lr.aaera ti to l-resaere N..IM t l L-reaaaf. j4-rf0 Lreaaera . :. cuniun. tll ltiliiurr t jd aa Out foniara ChLflumers 1iwt ( tul f ''niars .. Chiifnieri savsaaxara taiiii. tl Uraast t. Tauies : LrvmAd . a- .:i.a Lree,4.i4 l.uita . H.J Urm,k.- 'lea.ea . a.aJ BXsa. One lop' of email elan Iroa feeue. worth up In cau4je' e.T ruii also Iron Baca. m-h I - at Honosuma irva baaa, &..m 111. "ey niMiti Iron ueua. wrm 114. at Vary Iran Beds. uru II. at la. wuria i (U .iv a rja una z biaaaiva Ureas Buda, una 4S aal-daj li.iaiM.rata Hraaa bi.a a una J K.atH.rata Brass ia la. -rr ITi . XM attisa and KlTTtSMLa a.i a-laga( fena atiu iu aut, aoa ta prica. atnreaoaa of all sradee rut la ntut u the iu axa-k. Convenient Terms Credit accounts will ba opened with ail who deal re to avail th.inaeivaa of ue privilege of paying for their purchaaaa at their convenience. Those be already have accounts witn us are Invited U make their eaieeuoea and have the amount or their pureaeeea added ta their praaent aocounta boala S.'OjeJ bae-M Tcrrtnioi IS SS Kx tension Tables 7 4 Extension Tables !. Extension Tables Saves li.6S Kxteaaion Tables a-30 ili.l Kxtenaun Tables tlX.20 luxteaaion Tables aiasw 117. SO Extension Tablee SSS-SO tit Extenalon Tables aaavaa tii. TI Exterauin Tallies aST.d Exiecaion tilt KxtenattHi Tah.ea 1JI Kxiansioe Tau !: luxtanaioa Taoioa siaxa a cm traa 11. iS L-ining Chairs 0e it Dinlag Chara irS tuning Chairs ai Dining CSiaun saVl tuning Cuairs ti.0O It-la Liucg Cnairs a- T is Dtaung Chairs aU-OO II vl lunms Chairs I "( Linlng Chairs a a. Lsinina' ii.S utuis .naira .... I.i :i 1 Uninf iiiara ....aJ !. liumic CUaara ... atrrrxTS. i:es Buitau .axa,aa $:.7l Bulteta iaJ IUM Buft.ta UM bun.La aadwd s S Bur. eta Bii-ao T"L0 Bufreca aaSa lad OS buiteta a.j tai.ii Bufieta aalvS at a . BaXteta .aTS.00 aiajo 1S.S3 t4 03 ta-aj .&7.a 12 China Cluacts ;i as China Cloaets 111 at Cluna Cliiaeta 47 it China Cloaets ijTi CMaa Cluaels 14 SS CMna Cluscis I i J. 71 China C Wee is 1VM. In thla department Is a won derfully large assortment of Ruga aad aU are now marked for clearance. The variety of pauerna Is so extensive as to Insure perfect satisfaction Li tha matter of aeiactiona There are Ruga of all sisaa and a.l gradta. aome that so id at near ly doub e present prluaa. In all your ex pen. nee yju never aaw belter values In floor cov aringa poauuveiy never. a. partial tint of the many lots" la lven below. iUar ottaara where tha loia are too amail to itemize or mention In detail. AJIT BQTJaAZB. Ragnlar Sale frice Price CS cHse x fast... Kail aU 7Hxs feet. . tlae txt feat -iS H i sixs Ixlta feat, .aaaw tl. one IxU feet UI BBuaaBxa mvoa. QUARTERED OAK LIBRARY SET Less than hclf pries JA.K HA 75 P?.-- '."ftrL- IK- m . XKi aa saefl I I tha v 1 11 1 ii 1 - ii r in ITU U U Sat ot 30 Days' Free Trial Is given on all purcuaaea Thla gives you J9 daya to prove the merit of the gooda yon eelert and fe(ermine ooaltivaiy wneiiier or not you are thoroughly sauarisd. Thus la the only nouae In Omana granUng aucn generous privileges la Its patrona I rixxoa avrrs. Parlor Suits . Parlor bulla . Parlor Suits , Parlor Suits . Parlor Suits , Parlor Suits . Parlor Suits . i ar.or suit. 122.00 l:7.7S S32.Su 117 50 $b:.7 t :is.w tl in Wit Ijini.uu piirlur suits oss Diraia J5 S Odd D it ana IJ3.00 Odd Divans .... i.a.ud vJJ Ui'tM .... .tixaa .tiaas . .B2-50 . S3 1. SO . . S3O.0Q . .asx.oo . to.oo .ai74i acrmoaT cwtraa, 14 00 Chairs It 00 Chairs .. 110 00 Ciialra llaao Chairs 2j Chairs 44.00 Chairs . f3.eO ..le-OO) . .a.s .laas .27-OU fl4.M fia.TS .aar. Quarter Sawed Oak Extra WeU Hail Four Pieces Goncxu. ai.M aia-ao 3110: quarter hkii $11 75 Regniar rma tla oixa x feet lie eUxe tllS aa-e prica fcs-i j feet $ia.ia ILiS Sine IxlX feet Da ali a Oxll feet tlaaa This complete set of Living Room Furniture is made in solid quarter sawel m. ueavy ana .uo.Tanr:.. massi'e and wen mailt. The pieces are a.1 of aiurdy miasma design, the ba-ka of cm. n piece are curved to maae tr.em een mre eum fortanla Ail eeata are uphoieiered in a very heavy gnuie of Imperial Leather. This sunt has so id thruu!iuut ununa at J.'i to lx. Ws hava ninraLed them now for ciearani-e. at uniy '. OraXB XIBSIOXr XST. IIO.0 M'aaloa Library Seia. I piece, price eoir.piete tiaTS l.a ii M.aiua Library sets. I plecee, price cump.ets lle.R0 t ti o 1 sviun Library bete, t piexaa, pi- a coino ete 0I1T5 tn i Mission Lmrary Sel , i places, pru-e tomu.ei. id-75 111 il Mission LUrary eu, I pieces, price nmjlfi. IUM M-ssioa Library Seta, i pieoaa. urea comnlete S.f3 121.00 Conches Ut N Couches J7 it Courhea 7.i0 Coucuea tie. 00 Coucnes 7 5 00 .Couches no Cuucnes tlasO cuuenas ....... SATirroata I2S.M Davenports IJJ.jJ iavenuorta lii.00 Lavanpcrta Davenforta Liavenuurta uava-.urta ... Liakenwurta ... i4VB ijavau,eirta ... .aaa-M atvao .aea-oe .muJJ tia-M aua tOTOO S3LC4 Bie-oa mm xtm, Reruiar . . . . Bala rru frua : bixa tall tret tlU 11 Sixe 0x11 feet SBT3-IS Kl also l"xlJH feet aa.TS v" X V a a -T 12.0 Rocaera . 1J 0 Rot sere . i Rockers . .S3.M ft 00 Rockers - Ba SO 112 00 Rockers. f7-aa Jti.0 Ruckers tiaoa 127.71 Rockers it-SS 3i Rmkers IllJI a0 0 Rockers Bea.0S KOI 1 10.00 Chairs I la. Chairs ...i(l Cliirs Hi-0'i Chaira rmaTma, . .aaoa . . SS so .aioan .fla.00 !...ull s.a . . e.o . saiuv 3J Jt JS so .S4.SS se.J a.svaa Sii-aS S-U4 a.aj 100 library Tables 1 11. 00 Lierary Taotas l v Lioraay Taiaee Library 1:7.75 Library Tabiea ii U'l Library Tainea j Library Tama. :j9 Library 1 00 Library Tables T.mtiT caaaav. Library C 1L0 Lierary 114 0 Libraiy c 117. wo Library 120 Library C ii). Lturary tar.nii library . Irt n Library C I7S.04 Library C CUTaP TAB 1150 earner Tables 1 la center Tauiee lil0 Caller Tauiea li.a Center Taklaa It DO center Taoies l-0 Ceaier Tabiea irtraia Casima HLOO Music Ckbioets . SS.TJ 124 Masia Caoineta . 121 tie Muaio Catinaia . .Si a MS cxiaava-rrxa. t 00 Ceiiarettaa ttaTl e.4 Cei.aretlea tmTM rISIITALf. 14. 0 Pedaeia tl OS is so I'mmu.i a 7i Peaaetaia Soma splendid dmigna ta Isdnberta Arts and Craf ta Furniture to ba closed out a a discount. I1L00 lltl Mission Tables . . .00 M. salon Tabiee . . 1110 M'.amon Tables 27.S Mmaaen Tahiea . .ia4 fir hia.ia tabiaa tei.00 ILaalun Tables . .BJaJM sxaxx. .09 aliaaioa Ieera 0 M.aaion taks 1. OS Mission L'eaas 121.0 Mieeiuai i.eaaa tJa.u0 Miaaiiaa Leans iO.Ol 11. 1 1. ..aa-oa . ta-ad .I10.M tl-le ai.aj .SIM .SJad CXXrCXJL 11.00 Miaaion Clocaa ....aaBO I12.U itiaaiua ciucaa . . 7ai l: l Miaaion Cl as . 4.S Misaiea Clocka . .eH3l O CaXT CT.KaBSXCX Every Uo Cart in our entire Una Is marked for quick re moval, one motion Uo Carts af every eeecrlpuon, also read carta, bahy buggies aad par asubuiaiers alt gs now a. a terrific cut In price Poaa lite.y Ike giealaai tallies ta 00 carta giva la any a-e bold la cwuaiia tnta tear Sea 1 11 ... Carta it yeu are la te Iniereaiea 11 a ie Carl. All malkM many and aj dasigna tueu. am. 1 uuis la on.y one of a kin.i. a aiaa now cm Ua tna very tioata. boa t iuttk at a fcurli 14eltir .aa- wnere antii yuu have lira: seen these we are auw cluatim vat a aucn a aacrifaGe. .aaaas -a-i .041 M&.7S a- ni lSSO i.ari aiw 140 0 Pi eel Ranges e.7i eieei H.nae a 1)0 Sleel laucs I I fleet Ranees a t atevi K.aaee II cast Kansas ! i I ut Kaiisss I 'S O Cast Ransea 1 12 Cast Ha -10 s o o o J o eevedvveveve-v L