TTIE BEE: OifAHA. SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1311. '7 - - Ha,r" Qtry Sal I eei; TP0 -e - . .1 E i L 1 It aw, k IJ, I a, l S I r I S 1 fl ii ii I 4 C U "I teJ-K If You Have Not Already Profited by this Great Bargain Opportunity Come Saturday -Mint UM(Eir 1 if ! t 25c RIBBONS, PER YARD, 5c Saturday will be the tiir Ribbon Day; plain ail-eilk taffetas, worth. yard; fancy all Uk printed warp, -worth 25c yard; all go at one price Saturday, only, per yard 5c This l the bigjfest and -Vest bargain e-r offered In niga xads Rib bon. 25c Ribbon a for, per yard 5c Ribbons, 3 yards for Sc A special for ths IMtls girls Fonrta of July nfcbons; all plain color, ail purs silk. Noa. S and 7. regular Fries Sc per yard, sals price, Satardar, 3 Tarda for -5? LADIES' HAND BAGS A bi$ special sale on Ladies Hand Bags Saturday. TTe hare just received a big sample line of hizli grade all leather 1-ucs ami Saturday will be the special sales day on this line. $2.00 Hand Bags, 89c This an all-leather bag, full leather lined, with card case and purse; a regular 10-inch hand baa:; irsrclar price $2X; sale price Saturday, S9c The balance of this sample lice will be sold at JUST ONE HALT PRICE. 25c TOOTH BRUSHES, 10c A die line of high grade Japanei and French tooth brushes, regular 25c and 35c values; special sale price Sat urday, each 10c 50c Porch Pillow Slips, 19c Ws har porrhnsed from the manufacturers a big line of porch and hammock pillow slips. All finished rssdy to al!p tbs pillow in. Also a big line of extra aixa Laundry Bags, regular 50 values, sal pries Sal nr dar, only, each 19 Our Entire Stock of traveling Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices . Cut Your Vacation Expenses at the Start Genuine Cowhide suit cases, with straps, $5.00 values at $3-93 ; others $4.93, $3.95, $6.95 to.. . . $14-95 Genuine Cowhide Bags, leather lined; $5.00 values, at 3.95; others $44)5, $6.05, $3.95 to $154)5 Canvas Covered Trunks with tray. $5.00 values, at $3.95; others $6.45, $10.95. $14.95 to $29.95 On Sale Saturday, July L W Bought the Ffoor Stack of the Manufacturer of the High est Cass Straw Hats h America Con:isting at 2,000 Hats This entire stock Is placed on sale SniaiW morning at a earing to ra f t and more. .fM aod S.f. Straws at SATS IX.eS and Straws at SUM tl.Be Straws at Sl-SS Straw at SSe Panamas at. ja t 0- Puuiiu t. .......... ti Panamas at SXsS 4 0 Panamas at , SaJia Bora and cbildren'a fine braid straws. to ll.Se Taiuws at 75e Trio ruum at ae bee Tautae at. a6e TURKISH TOWEL SALE Lt OUR HIGH GRADE UK EM DEPARTMENT SATURDAY Extra large Bleached Oriental Turkish Bath Towels, hem- 9 med, heavy double twisted urday, each i..-29c Fringed or hemmed large Turkish Bath Towels, worth 29c each: Saturday, at 19c Cream and whit a. Urge aiu Baxh Towels, heary and absorbent, rood alzea. worth 25c, Saxurday. each .."... .-X5 Fringed and hemmed, cream, or white Oriental Bath.' Towels, good aixe. well worth 15c, Saturday, each -XO-? liquor Department Specials 6-year-old ilarylaad Eye "VThLskey; per fall qt.75c per gallon $2.50 8-year -old Schenty Weldon Springs and Cedar Brook Whiskey, per full qt...$l per gallon $3-50 Sunkiat California Port, Sherry, iluscatel and An gellica Wines, per full . quart 50c Home Made Grape Wir.e rl or white, gallon $V.OO 2 qt. bottles high gradi Beer lor . as5c NewsSfotes Swadwaiftalal. The nil we. a nf ispymsnatd are prapaRas tor llxar annual pintc la ba baud on At Sat i. Mr. W. T. Cbrtfceiunci. preaident of tha A inert LAO State tjkvua. baa mn-ed Uls tim tiy bers front lo-a. C. Z. Smith a Ad J. si. EDwell were alartad man&uara of he ftrl wf E.I;ifBtl j at t:e trjeartlbs. ICaa Daunjarmaa acd Mr John Nottle aiaua were ftiimel at Plaitafurd Welnat-6r- SUrr tw. F. T. Coanrily ufllclatwi. When Aarreat la aeartr oier The yleid wnl a. (arser tcaa usual. Cera la ksoaina; f tie. .No rain of Unportaiica haa viaitad (.ism nana tur aaarir aia at a a Mlas PHr of C2ucao la a ret at the home mt Osiaraaaiiiaii sod i4ra. i. P. Lia(-a. alra. B. X. Mlttaat wee host ess Taaaday e eutns at m oinna aoewar, a f-""r'i' i eat lecuered Maa Rrutuur. Mr. and Mrs. J. 9. Pr entertaiaed at 'ucrMva on Wedneedar eewmas m huoQ.a f Pru. aad Mra. liuy Wllliama el Lanouia. poettiuMKiw X. M OawwU aad wife and r. L'enanea and wife are retteries" aver e amvaul of aanasnirie UtUe girl bad)es thrtr tuuaea. .V Vix sactal at tiia Aene of Mr. and "re. P C- Peterata S bueer axes awf .xi'iror aeetutis see case of the pi i in -La. futteti4ms that tooa paaa In tue -intrY atar?b of tmra d'trlns tha laet -ark. Wednewday areenna; at e'elorh armreed trie muniui' at Jatr. Fred Jim-a aad M.aa ikujrj iirauaar. tare at Tea a una s ami,aj- thread; regular 50c values Sat Hardware DepL A purchase of 2,000 feet of -incl Hose, guaranteed for two years, 50 ft $5.00 Biiir Lawn Spray 49c 50 Bacine Clothes Baskets 'Arge size 50c Tlj Killer 3c 500 Mall Boxes (worth 25c) Bath tuh at. white nameied, 29 Toilet Paper holder, worth 65c. 2 Garbage Can 10t tt. double gnlTanlnert rlmn Una 2f iO tt. cable Clothes Line . . Alnmtnam Diinklng Cops ..XO from Omaha's Near Neighbors younar people. The erlde u a teacher here laat year. The a; room la anpaiyel In tha Jack 4c Son haxdwaxa store. The W omen Relief enrre made a raid upua tha home of Mrs. EJlxha Moirulre last Sauurdajr n-eeinar. tha accaMua aeuis bar birualav atuuaramry. Seevaerkaw atrs. Klrknatrck la entertain Ins- Mrs. Dense at Omaha. Mra. Stout of Lincoln ia a niast of her dauatnier. Mrs. Vllea attmaOan. Mr. Vu B urea aad wife of New aastnr dam. N. Y . are vuuunat BUf- J. W. Vaa Bursa. Backer West ta tonkins avar Georgia aad Fiona w:ut s vtsw is ausna Saary la A. F. Sturm la takms as extended trip tfcrouck the nwiaiaim and liininar reslubs eC the nwruaawat. Mra. Smna s aatenainlnaT a doaea of her (Utiaiiiar Oenrude a aumnty from linouia- Te asnan aaul Haatmss at a TaUlev. The V viler Womaa'a cluk baa adjourned far the aauaiaa taf Jour acd Siurusu Br. Dr. lllauta at Ufneba Breached la toe MaKbudlaa. cuurca sunoaur taurnuis. The f.liclreo a day brusraao of the Pres. bytenaa Niaoar at'bou was urtaMiniad rtun oar erasing. Tha ainmnt af the Tiilrr Hih aehoal save Ue twit a anaual banquet at tna ttn.t htuel KrKiay eveauus. Cira were laid fur thirty-are. The tauiles Aid sf the Mittrwtlet churn The Greatest Bargain Ml Other Sales Are Any roat, dress or suit; no mat ter what the former price whether $50, $75 or more Sat urday your choice for Do lew Realise WTia This HrarasT Just ttiinX of l ' a poaaibllltr of securing the handsomest strle and He eat quality productions of the saa acs In S Silk or Wool Draw. it or Cav No matter whether an original or reproduced Imported garment formerly priced and wonli $5 0.0 a, J73.00, $100 uo or more yo can hav an unrestricted choice of our stock Saturday for 8X2.30 Pre-lnventorj Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Wash Dresses Ladles' and M;sea Gingham and Lawu d re satis in colors and white, trimmed with lacas and Insert: oca, made to sell at $5.00, all sixes, Saturday, X.98 Ladles' and Misses Hne Lingerie, Lawn, 31arquisette and AUorer Em broidery dresses, trimmed with linen Iscas. insertions and embroidery, made to sell up to $15.00, your choice Saturday, at SfS.OO Ladles' and Misses Long Linen, Repp and Poplin Coats, with Urge shawl and aailor ooilars, worth $10.00, Pro Inventory Sale Price $3.05 Satardaj in the Waist Department LOT 1 Fins Lingerie and Marquisette Waists, trimmed with hand embroid ery and fine Insertions, ail the best makes that sold up to $7.50, choice Saturday for $2.05 LOT 2 Lingerie Waists that sold up to $5.00, Saturday choice, at $X-05 s2?f- Saturday Special Big Sale on Lawn Rockers, Chain and Settees for Saturday Only, 25 Discount $3.00 Large Reed Rockers $1.9j $13.50 Brass Bed, 2-inch posts 9-50 $5.50 Folding Go-Cart, S3-K $23J5 Bed Davenport $15.00 35 Rockers, one of a kind, Saturday at about Half Price 50 Dining Room, Chains one to three of a kind, at factory cost. Grand July This will hm tba la dr before Jn valeinc It's to your interest ta take advantasw of this asia. 1 lbs. bMt Grnulated Susar ft-lb. hcu bMt Fanuiy Hlii Grada Piamond H Flour $1-15 It bars Duunond G or Bat-'Em. All boaa 25o I lbs. btmt bulk Laundry Starcb i'aa Gailoa cans Apfae 30c Gaxioa cajia Go.aen Tabla Byrna 2&o Brotnansalon. Jexlrcna or Jail-O. packase 7H 1-th. cans Aasnrre Suupa... 1-ih. m m Cura Starca. ............ 4a 4-lb. paiaiasa Pyraimd Washlas; POV4IT 1 Tha bast Soda Crackara. par lb. ...... .tc Try C3 Don't Forget bel d tha rearalar monthlv meettnic at the home of Mra a. H. Kuacard. Mra. ohaw ker and at.aa Shepard assisted Mrs. How ard. Tha annual meatlns of District 21 was had la the Valley iiiaa aeaool builduuc Monday eveAlnc. A nine-mom h term was eMra fr next rear witn a bmr of at AS. The foilowtss are tha neanv elected mem. bera: Mrs. J. H. lxixram. for two yuara, to fill uneiujwi term, and B. F dizuLn and Lit. H. . B rare, tor full terms. Wee lms; Van, H E. Saxsent and family are camped at Skonn T ass. La-, fur a few weeks' ncrm- Tha ritx eounrll la nreparlna; ta aa ahead enta tha eautu.ieiinietn oX aa atecuna iistit ShertfT Quintoa has noated alertltai pror lainaiions ia Lbs trartoua warai and are- j ciuc la. Chartea Phl!pett will eanrt s new artok auiiuwx, eULaa feet. anu baaetnent. Uie lower atary ui be cxKniuied by Bert Phil pet Brtts a saras and repair aat?n. The aeeand alary arul ba hlied as aa enefs buiiee. Thraahins marhinea are busy m the fleiaa. Te yieid will averase at lea at twenty-Ore buatieia D-r ecre the eeunty over. Ia Uua vtcnuty there are tew ficua that anil maae leas tban thirty-two ta thirty-Cr tKianeis per at -re. tM haa auMl I.1U1 buabeia at Ti centa. Mra. EL 'X Glo-rer went to frmzT-t-ti Thuredav ta are a new sranden..a. nite---. Mr. Oseenkon. awt her aad tney etaj-tied to Uie oounirr la a bu-gy. The hiaree scared at aa utiaauuiia. apaet Uie bue&r, Uacturad Mr. .aaeiii a s duiar i Insignificant When iMJ ' W felt J i ; .'vliQl , h' ' m - 1 li CJemrtB; Sale ta the Children- Dept. LOT 1 Children's fine White Dress s, pretty new summer Btyles, worta from $5.00 to $7.50, choice Satur day, st $2.95 LOT 3 Children's Dresses In dainty Lawn. Gingham and fancy wash ma terials, all sites, worth up to $2.50, Saturday 05 LOT 3 Big lot of Children's colored Wash Dreoses. in newest styles, worth up to $1.50, choice Saturday, at GOt MILLINERY The prettiest line of new white hat3 it has ever been our .pleas ura tu ahtrW-. 250 brand new beautifully trimmed white hats; fifty of these; the regular value is $10.00; Saturday, for. $5.00 200 to EeJeot from at $6.75, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 All the new shapes ia white Chips, Jlilsa and Hair, solid white or whits with black facings. Children s Hats An immense line to select from two special- groups at 60s? OS 500 untrlmmed hats, all the new style In Chip, Milan, Iiair and Rough braids, value to $2.00, choice : 25 Grocery Opening Sale Saturday Tha best crisp Pretxels. per lb 5c J OH or Mustard Sardlnea, can ..4c .BUTTER. CHEX5K AD EG-UH Tba beat Packasa Creamery But- tar, ib JLc best Na 1 Crsamarr, in tub, lb. 25c CXiOSXTO IX Extra Fancy Fiend Fruit. Each TSa feSc ltc, i:c'- Pw dusen c 11.2 . II. 40 ' THE TM.K OF OMAiiA aAlCK.Vj , FHESH VEaKTABlE PHICEH. Fmah Paaa, quart Ec i i auncbaa frett Raaiuhva. io . FreMi tufflt si-uwa Caulifliwar. auch c bunebea of Oiuuna fur . bo ; bona aad quits seriously Injured Mrs. i uiovar. i Waltriaa. W C. Chapman Is hose from ths Black HJlla. Mrs. F L. Falser of Pierre. S. D la Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mack. I Mj a Sherman and her arrandson. Hans I Sherman, hate moved ta Omaha Judxe a. I Sutton and family of Omaha aoaeil Sunday at tha Noyea heme. Mra. Anna Swansea of Juleaourx. Colo.. Is "flnr her broLner. A. W. Ailiaon. CnmnUMHUrr John Lynch and farmlr made a anort riait to Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Muhart. Mlas Mar-In and Miaa Holland of Fre mont were eewiinx ua frsenua oera Tueaiiky and Werlnmaiiiir. W. T. WaJdist and famllr moval to i Waterloo Saturday and are ooruprma; the Mr. Rk-hax-d S. Jenlscat of Auburn and Mies Henrietta Decxer were married at Uie hone of the bnoe a parents Tuesday, j Mr and Mra. Anderson Readlnar of Raven Ruck. K. J.. and Mrs. Maurr McAiean of Dov iretown. pa.. are namae Uttar raiatlvea. tha William Myers family. B. B. Baldwin's bant Is neartng ormple- J- (I. Saefua mad a bu amass trip to Baet Willow euunty Uils weak. Fall wheat la about all out. While ths ylaud la uaht tha qiia.Uy la sued. Carpenter Merer la puttlnx on the ba tamor f rnan of Poatm aster Witts B house. Charles Powell was down fy.ra Alliance. Na.. r'attlns hla auuwr, Mra. Jerume Powell, last week. A. J. Iwtwjh ajiued tnsca Alliance Wedneaday erners hs Wwax. exaacunc Ui aettie aa a aUnaaid bumartevl Aftr a aew surrey had sees Buvoe ba foauiS sis AYOSKl9 First - . - gggaa Opportunity Compared With This Ladies' Indian Head Wash Skirts, la colors and white, $2.50 values. Satur day $X.45 Ladies' Lawn and Percale House Tresses. $2.00 values, all sixes, Sat urday 05 See our Little Tots Imported Dresses, at 30 73e $1 $1.05 $2.05 Remember that Hayden Bros is a Dependable Store one price to all a child can buy as cheaply as "a grown up." Croquet Sets $4.00 Croquet Sets $2.93 $3.50 Croquet Sets $1.95 $3.00 Croquet Sets $1.75 $2.00 Croquet Sets $1.39 $L50 Croquet Sets 9Sc $1.00 Croquet Sets 65c FLAGS of all descriptions at from 5c to $4.00 each. The beat 2Vo. 1 Country Buttar, ia tab. lb. ic Tha boat No. 1 rairy Butter, lb lim The bast Fresa Esss, aothlns rlnr, per doaen l"Hc Fuil Crwa Chw. In. .lie Naufcnatel Oieeaa, each. ............ .3C X buocnea of fresh Beela far ........ 5c 4 bunciiea fienh Carrota for .......... &e 4 buncbea fresh Turnips for. ........ .Sc Laren Cucumbers, each. ............. .So 2 Green i'eppara 5c Fancr A:pe Tomatoes, lb. Hc 1 lai-KS nunchra frea P'nplant. ...... .ia Fancy Wax Bmci. ib .Sc 2 buuehea freaa Paraiey &c claim was of the rerr poorest, roues and ' .ir- .i ouneiaeniiB; 1 1 wortn a nv )ears' residence and uiuluis ta find another locatmn be decided ta return. Sparks from trains set Are in TT a Sails a paaKurs twice In me last week. Pas tures generally ars rerr orr m tms ncin ity and macy are feeuun uieir stuck nay and sraio. WILUAM H. HBNSUCH DIES BLa-stdeet sf Owaaa rtfteww Teas seat Waa Caaaecta-w. Uk YeaeC William X. Heinbucs died of dropay Tliursday at tha family resMlenoa, tX'.l South. Thirteenth street. He was 57 rerc I aid and real rt ril In Oouvua &ir almoat tX- j leas years. Mr. Hatnbuch Is surrived by hla widow and four ciuldren Mlsass Aii- Stuns and Lailu and two auna. Edward aal , William all of whom lira at htima. Fii- , neral smrn will be held at the home ' Saturday aftamaua. onnducted by Rar. I Edann Hart Jacka. pastor at tha First ; Presbyterian church. The body wU be i sent ta ClrM-lnnatl. Mr. HaUibucaS eld j bums, tar Interment. Mr. Htdnbuch was onanected with ths Feiaehmana Yeast oumpany fur aver twesty-flva years, snd for auout fourteen 1 years was msnagty of tt Omaha branch at the eonoaru. known aa tha FViachmann- , Blreralds Yeast omnpeny. unul h retired ua a nnudun almott a year asa. Ta Dan aat tax Is painless wan pared with the weak, buns Sacs kiday thoubie nausea. E3ectras Bit ters Is tha remedy, t&c Far saOe by toa Dy Ca, Best Underwear Bargains Ever Olhred la rarnhaa mt ftM rt aroair Snua of U4'i', Staa'a aas Cilaraa's rjaa UMrrwMr 1 a I Sf-n. i in Ttus ii'K li.t mnlH pwrtv-t n n-tf trv r.i. a;id ISrn qua ltT rwan m patent Jm brawsru. t ...... S5S ii-n Sit si.a Um Union Puna. t laia at ........ 1. 46 4 " K Vnlon Fmij. t r. Mr r- m ami t"n Sun, at . . Se Jae-n t'-nt n-.i ion Suitk. in whit cr filcr. wortrt I! at 4c an t Gas Man's Ba bHr-ran f-t:irr nil Zth-i ' 1 -jj In w 11f. mrn l-i t at SBe. IS r 4 -1 Sr. 4 1 rnn t"nil ShlrK In wliila nn1 at 10a 10a Mir't ar.r hir! ami Irtwws, Bfy In ail aisfw. m aair at .13a U1lM' 2Sr 'muor Veta In wfiit". l".nk ml F'tie. at S Lji )' ?(r mi7 Vn"s It xtra a"1 mtuar tr--L tt sa La.lir' tr.c M it ---! 7d Vis in extra rrtiar slaea. at 18-a Lat11f' :('C S1ik Li V;. at. SSo Ladlen' tl 3l'.k 1re Vmi. at o lai-s S.".j Ions Vwt. a m UK-'it kns or amhreila style panTK. at 1S Ldlas' H. and 14.00 Itailr.a sum -is in pink, blue nit wiite at !- a4 Sl3 Ladles' IT . iI!k t-lals Union MUn. in a.1 sirJea. at - ae 1'Jt'i ft ! "-la 5 Bigger and Belter Bargains Than Ever in Men's Shirts of All Kinds "ZZJZ Meu'a 93 and $.1.30 Shirts at est styles and colors of fine Ponsee snd Merrerized Madras, w,ta senarate conars. tarn back cuffs and coat style the best shirts made worth $3.00 and 12.50. go at 91.45 ad Men's guaranteed Sorss. at 8 pairs for tU)C Ken's 25c Lisle Socks, at 12 Mt? Men s 35c Shaw Knit So. ks. at. 0 pairs for 81. GO Men's lac Socks in black, tan and fancy colors, also black with whits feet, at 6 for 4fr Men s 33c Siik Tie and collar to match, at, for the set Men's Pyjamas in mercerized and madras, all nicely trimmed, worth to 12.S0. at 91.45 J8 Mens l-00 X:ght Gowns, at ..-4i? Men's Crown Belts, worth to J1.00, at 23a 49 Men's Suspenders, all kinds, worth to $1.00, at 2I 3I and 4iX JeYjelry Department Cut Glass Tumbler Set. $1.00 value; Saturday, at 50? $6.00 Cut Glass Vase. Saturday, at 93.0O $2.00 Cut Glass Decanters. yS $1.00 Uals Finger Rings, at 25e $1.00 Hat Pin. Bar Pin and Beauty Pins, at 2TC $1 Culf Links and Tie Pin. 23 $3 Gold Filled Bracelet. 31.50 PRE-MVEHTQRY SHOE SALE SATURDAY It will pay you to bring the family down Saturday and fit them out in shoes or oxfords, as the prices have been almost cut in two. Women's $3.20 and $4.00 Oxiorda and Pumps $2.50 Misses' $3.00 and $3.50 Oxfords, tan or black $198 Misees and Children's barefoot Sandala, up from 50a One lot of Infants' tan ankle ties, worth 75c I5J Child's patent or tan, one-strap $10J Pumps .-75f Women's $3.00 Oxfords, blucher or button, one and two strap Pumps, in patent or gun metal $1.S8 About 200 pairs Women s Oxfords, a good many small sizes, worm up to $3.50 a pair $1.00 Snaps in Crockery for the Fourth 2-qt "Water Pitchers, grlass and china 25c Handled Sherbets, 6 for 10c Splendid Water Glasses, G for 10c- 12-ounce Soda Glasses. G for 25c Large Lemon Squeezers, each 5c Larsre Handled Cups, tj for 20c Plata WBlte Saucers. 6 for IO? 8 -inch Dinner Plates. G for 25 Unhaadled Cups, 6 for . 12c DAN CUPID RED Hi THE m:lJ"l2m.X j Bin t my fault and Tva bees tramin ta . , ! naadla this Una at fancy bcuaery for Ion. He Work Orertixna aony Tetry .nough. just wsitttf for Lm. to set mar Department Stare Girl. HIS CSSLACGHTS A3TICIPAI) Wise DauBUarl. lai Paeeaeefs SUetleav, Dec lave a tixat It ta laa Heat aaal Sat Lave that 1bvs the D. Cupid, the ubiquitous and irrepressible sod of love had a murhtr tuasie with ds- parrmt -tor. manaser. during tha month of June, but aa usual ha waa notorious. ) in no use In that wtv. itnt-r areauas Us-thwuc-h his fa cm la red aad his quiver is 1 mediately i acued, the chief. nearly empty. Ha has earned a rood vu Lion. Ia Bennett's store about fifty sir's fall v-tima of Cupid's darts isu-h year, must of rhara dunce the month of June. So tt is Is rhe Brandeis store, at Hay den's and other pi area where a large number of girls are employed. At one of the telephone of area Cfteesi young ainnm Ttav gons out to stew and tua 'ever onok stovea. The tuatioa mlsht beet ba explained Is ths following monulugua. which originated in tha imaginative mind at a reporter: Marine, did yeh know I'd (iroinotedT Yea. surest thing. Cauaa XJaxla want an got married. Gea, but the Soar aker waa eoie about lu Ha aaya to ma. T.:uy. ma dsah girl. It's hard aa as buat- trimmed Cn-n i IK. at S&e Iil:f Tar an I $. 0" Liaip and l i'n Union Suits. male In i,i iTle. fSira -ir r aice, kt 4a aaS 3Sa Iifants iin MerfriBoJ Bamla attOa t . hiiuren'a ioc Wats iud Puma, at lawa ailrtrn's SOe Innn Jam. at . 3&a J.l.ns 12. cO Gowns ajMi Comliir.- tiun duiia. at - sea A1J nuir rna.1.. and trimmed witi iaca and emorciliierT. bast bargain In loan, i.; sea Larilen t-ntioens Saps, at iess thun Lair'."" itr-i;ar pnra. t. : -n:itrita ff'ip, in pink. nine, wniie an! lavemli-r. at 4a 1 nic Im of I-a!!- riite Pnnoeaa Siip nir'ujr inmmed win ia.- anil emnroliietT, matie ! up to i; f.o. at tk-M., ii.ia Iatla i.oc Corset .ove- anil Lii" era. at 10 Li.d:es 13:f'i'.j Sui'a. worth up I l iM. ai IL-M to. S. S3-ML Ijoir a'nta M if in an t Ljo k.rta. Ia-e and em tirol err irm-ni-. ',ui to Ji. OU, at sue, il-e ana --0 J .1ie 11. SO 9iik SIM-Hlnr In h. n tuts and ai cnlor. at 4a aad SSa UaiHea- Mie ilemeriaed iMuaa bt"--1111. at - e Czrra Barratas ta XaMss StaaUa TTiularwaar. Coraeta aatd Stoaiary. II i .-La- Avia Ciot-i lraaeiar. at 4Se ; iloa. Warner BrnssierT, made r Siilc Avis cloth, aummer maieriat itu r-rosa liaca or -ra frnt at-:e. oi sale at 49e Bed mis ,:. O'Tets at SUS Kme tool Dailirts N-1Tlns Non !uetrbie bmed Ctm-I. me.i:nir ml inna- miHleiB. ail fitted wltil 4 and 4 carters and draw taps l- v..,.t ttiBtir wnnn tu 12.". at see, 75a aad 4jea T.iir Lace tfmmed buet m:f!a. at S5o Ladiew li.V. Muslin rjowna. at 4ea AJeo f!ri r.imhlnat'.on Hn'tsi. Crt Cover and D-rawera, wrth to l.-.". at Oilldrena Mus'tn Drawers, reiriiar le quailtv at ,-s Children B 5e MuBtln !. at aia SHirts. made In light, medium aad dark colors, with or with out collars, all new styles, all perfect In evry way, worth ta 12.50, go on sale at ..69 al 4tX and 8Hr Made in ail the ery new 25-piecs Chest of Silverware, con sisting of knives and forks. 6 teaspoons. 0 desert spoons, sugar shell and butter knife; regular $10.00 and $11.50 value, on sale Saturday, at . . . $54)3 Cut Glass Berry Bowls, regular price $5.50; Saturday speclaL. at ..$2.75 Drugs and Toilet Goods Spe cials far Saturday 6e Hlnus Hunap and almuDd Cream Tor .ssa $!. Onmit ai Cream for Sato 6e box jiullnaana Freckle Creaau tor 2&o 2.'c Peroxide Face Cream for lias Zir Bottle of Ey Uum for loa; So bib for nsa 5ic Box Java Hies Kaca Powuer for aj ZSc slza Roger and Oailert R:r powuer ftir 2tr can Mennen'a or Colxate s Taicuin PoNler for 15m ltc. lie and ISc a bar T'Hiet Suapa in one bia; lot so at two bars for lSa lte Wlliiauca ur Coiataa tsUavin oap &4 tfumv Fly Klliar ax two boxes for aba 11 wt silz Purs Hydrogen Peroxiaa for 2Sa ISc .-'iae Pure Hydro fen Peroxide at vhree botut-a for Saa tl t) Batb Bruauea. detacnaliia hn- ilia, for ys, 2tu Hiras' Ruet Bear Extrac-t tor Ua tl 2S lit. R-d Cruaa Founla n Hyrlnee saa $21 .( Mo. 3 Bad Bubber Fountain t-ynr.go fur .....aU-SS ried. Do I move up or doesn't I? and ba says riht back. T"p you go. kid.' ; r.l:. marrVad That I suy ixxis took am t aa awful aweil. ys know, not as swell aa S gruya sot ta ba to set me for better or wars, bat he 11 be R"'"- iu i a-, au nfat, au rr.t, and she I no Venua. ire ratlef Wrleaaly Ha KAXSA.S CITY. June . John MrNxrrey. chief of the Kanau City. Kan., fire d , ..1". The snappy, rich flsvor ot ;nrbreJ drpcng upon rbs grngrr. - Use u m asss aeaea la "f r Uaoa TOS IMS, Owe -- - ii. u.