13 ' TITE BEE: OMAITA SATURDAY, .TXTTjY 1, 1911. t AND PRODUCE MARKET Ppring- Wheat Trade Balliih, Antici pating Another Hot Wave. MARKET MAY SEEK HIGH LEVEL V krat Followed the Lead In the Cora iltairt and Ileported Hot WfKher Helps to Ad. viarf Prices. r - OMAHA. June 3D. 1911. Temperature are risttur again In the spring wheat states, making the trade bull ish, anticipating another hot wave and further Injury to the growing wheat. . On the other aide, beara noted the heavy and earlier movement of winter wheat and Pilmary markets are feeling the weight of h rising sales. The hot, day weather continue over the western corn mate, Knowing on lit Ions pre dated failed to tleveloi;. The hot wave la undobutedly lowering the earlier favorable rop condition and without relief the mar ket will aee new nigh levela. Wheat followed the lead In the corn ad vance and reported hot weather again In the northwest helpa advance prices. Cash Wheat waa unchanged to He higher. Iark of rain and continued hot weather In the corn belt sent prices sharply higher. Cash corn waa 2'u2kc higher. 1'rimarv wheat receipts were 531,000 bu. and shipments were 156 000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 300,0j0 bu. and shipments of IM.000 bu. Primary corn receipts were 489,000 bu., and shipments of 702.000 bu. against re ceipts last year of 656.000 bu., and ship ments of 470,000 bu. Clearances were 78.000 bu. of corn, lli bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 209, OuO bu. Liverpool closed Vd higher on wheat and $d to Id higher on corn. Omaha Cask I'M res. WHEAT No. J hard, 84&K7Vjo; No. 3 hard, 8386c: No. 4 hard, 7ri814c; re- iected hard, 64(7c; No. 3 spring, 86',ygWc; to. 4 spring, tUVirtfsAc; No. 3 durum, 82ft t3c; No. 3 durum, MfcH24c. CORN-No. i white. RHVfTMHo; No. 3 White, 5ifR4c: No. S color, 67 Vo&S'.ic ; No. t yellow, 671,fff8c; No. 3 yellow, 67',V8,58c; Ko, 4 yellow, 57ffr7c; No. 3 corn, 67H"iMc; No. 3 corn, 67VKirVSc; No. 4 corn, 67&7V4c; Bo trade, Wtffrtc. OATS No. 3 white, 43H'ff"Mc; standard, ,4J4iU43c; No. 3 white, 4.1V6c: No. 4 , White, 42?43c; No. 3 yellow, 43j43c; No. yeuow, . 11ARLET No. 3, 77(W4o; No. 4 No. 1 feed, STiiTfc; rejected, 82'a72c. JlYE No. 3, tOttfSBc; No. 3, 81&S3C. Car lot UerwiaitB, Wheat. Oom Chicago 10 313 Alinneapolls U2 Omaha 8 3 Duluth 13 ures, firm: July, (is 10'ad; October, 6s $i4d; lieoemher, fs h. UHN-FHit, firm; new American rnlged. no stock; old American mixed, 6s 4td; new Amrrlan, kiln dried. 4a I'd; futures, steady; July, 4s Wid; September, 6s SBW YORK CR.IEnik MARKET a Varlaaa 72S2c; Oats. KS 12 CHICAGO GRAIX AltD PROVISIONS . Feat a res of the Tradlaar and drains; Prices oa Board of Trade. , CHICAGO, June 30. A black rust scare roused the wheat pit today. The plague was reported In Manitoba. Denials were prompt from Winnipeg but the market here closed at 6-8c to b-RVfjc advance over last night. Corn made a net gain of Vtp ll-8c to ll-Wlttc Oats, however, finished , l-8c to e down. Latest trading left ling products strung out from 6c decline to lac train. Wheat traders here would not be sur prised If the talk of black rust in Camus' rhould prove accurate despite the denials. The bulls were also encouraged by a re turn of hot weather In South Dakota and by the strength of prices for corn. More over, the seaboard sent word that twenty five boatloads, mainly durum, had been old for export. On the other hand there was steady hedging In July wheat by country dealers who were forwarding bills of lading for shipments of newly harvested train. The closing tone waa weak. High and low points reached by the September option were 0V449 -8c, with last sales 4V8c up at S9-fc(fc(i 7-8c ' With the west persisting In alarm about corn, that cereal climbed. An official re port gave the condition of the crop In Oklahoma as low as 60.8 per cent against S3 a month ago. During the day September ranged from ll0cto tlc but closed easy at 61 l-Sfcjtilj, a net gain of 1 l-8c. Cash grades were firm. No. 3 yellow finished at 6Ufu5BVaC. Realising sales were heavy In oats. Sep tember varied between 444i45c, closing l-He net lower at 44W4H4 3-Sc. The provision, market ruled higher with corn and hogs. In the end pork was 10c ko 16o up, lard unchanged to advance and kibs Irregular, about 6c each side of last blent. i 'rices In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Groin company, 70S lirandels building, Omaha; telephone Douglas 2473: lArticles. Open. Hlgh.j Lew, Close. Yes y Quotations of the Dar Commodities. NEW TORK. June SO. FLOUR Steady ; spring patents. S4.!"W!.ir; straights. $Sv?74nj .winter patents, 34ff4.V; spring i tears, HTSflt lO; winter extras. No. 1. $.1 XU3.t; winter extras. No. 3, l-i.li US.2T.; Kansas straights. $4-1094-26, lie celpts. 22.HU bu.; shipments. 14.4ol bu. Rye flour, null; tnlr to good, 3n.0UiS.26; choice to fanev, t.".)5.45. CORNM KA I. Firm; fine white and yel low, tl.204jl.26; coarse, $1.1601.20; kiln dried, 13.21). WHBAT-Ppot market firm; No. S red, W4c elevator, and :c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 3.06V4 f. O. b. afloat. Futures market ' was firm and hlgher'on high temperatures In the north west, bullish reoorta on the croD outlook and on some Improvement In the export demand but prices were easier at the close, under realising at unchanged to He net advance. July closed, MVo; September, 6 7-16o; Dec.. ftStic. CORN Spot, streng export new No. It corn. hoc t. o. b. arioat. Futures market was without transactions, closing lV(j'lc pet higher. July closed, 84c; Sept., tooc; Dec, 67Vc. OATS Spot market firm; standard white, 60c; No. 3. 60c; No. 3, 4';; No. 4, 49a, Futures market was without transactions, closing nominal. FEED Firm; western spring bran, ino lb. sacks, $23.25; standard middling, 100 lb. sacks, I2S.C0; city, J 00-lb. sacks. 134.00. HA Y isteady; prime, f l.ixVril.4v; No. 1, 31.30411 36; No. 2, 31.U-S1.20; No. 3, 80fj90c. 31.U136; No. 2, $1.10yi.l6; No. 3, 0cv1.00. Hol'S Firm; state common to choice, 1910, 21k&:i2r; , 2Xtf22o. Pacific coast, 1310, 244 J7c; iao9, 19rVc. HIDES Easy; Central America, 20 21Hc; Mogota, 2iy4g22fcc. LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts, M fj27c; seconds, 224jWVio; thirds, l!s320c; re jects, Hwibc. PROVISIONS Pork, quiet; mess, 117.60 618.00; family, S18.0Mil9.60; short clear. 316.73 17.00. Beef, sleady; mess, 3U.004T11.&0; lamlly, 312.004112.50; beef hams, 31!6.O04U8.O0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 3IO.004jl3.lKl; pickled bams, 314.0O($14.6O. lard, firm; middle west prime, 38.304jti.40; refined, dull; continent, $8.tv; South Amer ica. $ 6; compound, 17 624j7.76. TALLOW 8tedy; prime city, hhds., 6e; country, 5S4fific. BUTTER Steady; creamery specials, 26c; creamery extras, 24c; creamery firsts, 21V& ii23c; creamery seconds, 2iff21c; creamery thirds, 18'nlUc; process specials, 20Vsc; proc ess extras, ZOc; process firsts, 18H'a'19c; process seconds, 1717Ho; factory thirds, LS'a lC'c. EtlOS Firm; fresh gathered extras, 20 vile; fresh gathered extras, firsts, I7&18c; tresh gathered firsts, 164j lrtc; fresh gath ered thirds and poorer. 12c: fresh gath ered, dirties. No. 1, 12ftl2ttc. I'UULTKY-Alive, dull: western spring chickens, 23c; fowls, 14H316c; turkeys, 11c Dressed, quiet; western broilers, 184125c; fowls, 12V(l'16Hc; turkeys, 124?16c. Corn and 'Wheat Rearlon Bulletin. Record for the. twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m. Friday, June 30, 191L OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- Rain Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Pkv. Ashland, Neb.... 104 77 .00 Clear Auburn, Neb 105 74 .00 Clear IVken Bow. Neb.i04 74 .00 Clear Columbus. Neb.. 102 74 .00 Clear Culbertson, Neb.106 68 .00 Pt. cloudy rairnury, XMeD...ltt 711 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb.. 102 T5 .00 .Clear dr. Island, Neb. 103 73 .00 Clear Hartlngton. Neb. 99 70 .00 Clear Hastings. Neb... 102 74 .00 Clear Holdrege. Neb. . 102 76 .00 Clear Lincoln, Neb.... 103 78 . 00 Clear No. Platte. Neb.104 74 .00 Pt. cloudy Oakdale. Neb.... 191 72 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb. .....101 78 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb. ..103 71 .00 Clear Valentine. Neb. 1(4 78 .00 Clear Sioux City. Ja..l00 70 .00 Clear Alta. Ia 97 7 .00 Clear Carroll. Ia 99 71 .00 Clear Clarlnda. Ia 100 72 .00 Clear Sibley, la 93 (A .00 Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No. ot Stations. 17 20 a 25 26 21 HO Temp. Max. Mln. .Wheat I I July... fefffiS 6ept...SiiSiBla Dec....91V2 torn July... bept... Dtx... iData July... Sept... Deo.... )Pork July... Sept... July... Sept... Kinu July... Sept... 58'559 ,0-H 4MiT 146MM71 15 60 15 70 8 26 8 37 8 37 8 60 90 WV4 93 59 tilV I 44 4t 47 15 60 15 70 8 27 8 40 8 45 8 63 89 8RT 89H 911 94914J 434 44i 48 15 SS 15 66 8 22 8 36 8 35 8 47 58V57ff",i. Mtt'tflOOruiO'l, wft!t8',4ji I , 43H 4414jhj 44'Vs 4H a. 15 40 15 25 16 66 15 45 8 22 8 22 8 37 8 37 8 85 8 27H 8 47 8 40 Cash quotat on were as follows: FLOUR .Steady; winter patents, 33.Xj 4.4); winter straights. 33.70(14.20; spr.n tralchts, 83.654i4.lj; bakers, (J64j4.30. RVB-No, 2. t7c. BARLEY Feeo rr mixing, 754j85o; fair w cnoice mailing, mcjxi.uj. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, nom Inal; No. 1 northwestern, nominal. Tirao- Vy, jK.W7ill.T5. . Clover, 318.26. PROVISIONS Pork, mess, per bbl., 116 M v iu.o-7. jiiu, per jw ius., aa.su. csnori ribs, s desHlocse), 3:.'2.4jS.374; short clear men (unxKD. t.nx.jo. Total cleaiancts if wheat and flour were qual to iiiU.OJ) bu Exports for the wetk, as rhnwn by Biai'slrcet s, were equal to I,0;8.Oj0 bu. Pilmary receipts were 64.00) bu.. compared with 380,000 bu. the corre ponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 34 cars; corn, 2t'4 cats; oats, 13) cars; hrgi. p.uw neao. Chie-a6u Cnuh Prices: Wheat, No. I red tsViiKtm; No. 8 red, jftfiHaVfec; No. 3 hard krtiVM; No. 3 hard, S?ii!90c; No. 1 northern soring, ikicoti.o"; No. . t no rthern spring, e,i!o; No. 2 spring, tttj:ic. Corn, No. 3 eash, wcvwsac; no. whUe, !A.tiwf : No. I whito. 6.59e: No. 3 yellow, 69'iju9u; No, 8 yellow, MaftV-c. Outi. Ao. 3 cah, fc!o. No. 1 whit, 44r45li: K, 3 white, 3i,i'i44oi No. 4 whits, 44nilo,, standard, 4wiii4Srt. lil.'TTElt-Htcarty; creaniwm, 1922c; E3U9 Sleudy: receipts. f.nt! aaee; tnartt, cases Included, llii(lH, l';8ts, 13c; ttiuw ftrsts, 14Vjo. CilEl'E Steiuiy; daisies. Wf'.i'ie; twins. 13c: ioung Aiiieiloas, UIM;i2o; long IM.'I III1. 1. 'U'iG. IiJTAlOts- Firm; old, l..04jl.20: 80 90 Bti 82 94 W 88 100 102 64 W 63 68 70 '64 74 74 high Rain fall. .00 District. Columbus. O... lulsvllle, Ky Indianapolis, Ind. Chicago. Ill St. Louis, Mo Des Motors, la... Minneapolis. Minn Kansas Cltv. Mo. 24 Omaha. Neb 18 Temperatures continue western part of the corn and wheat region and continue to rise In the eastern portion. Temperatures above lou were general in Nebraska and Kansas. The only apprecia ble precipitation reported within the last twenty-four hours was moderate showers at four stations In the Minneapolis district. 1m A. WlfiLSU, Local Forecaster. Weatner Bureau. In .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .40 .00 .00 the f? Loo. Is General Market. ' 8T.- LOUIS. June 30. WHEAT Cash. higher; track. No. 2 red, new, 86S44j87Hc; No. 3 hard, 8&4j4o; July, 88cl September 87c. CORN Higher; track. No. 3. 604c: No. 3 white, SuVatUc; July, 664c. oats Higher: track. No. 2. 44c: no. 2 white, 454c; July, 46VaC. it x E unchanged at 930. FLOUR Weak; red winter patents, 34.25 W4.to; extra fancy and straight, 33.604j;5.2O; hard winter clears, 32.604)3.00. CORN MEALi 4)2.60. It RAN Weak; sacked east track, 8Sc& $1.00. HAY Firm; timothy, 818.0025.00; prairie, PROVISIONS Pork. hlgheri lobblnar $16.00. Laid, unchanged; prime steam, $8.10 tja.20. Dry rait meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $fa.62S; clear ribs, $f.62'4; short c I curs, $a.O0. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra short, $9,624: clear ribs. $9.&1'A: short clears, $10.00. POULTRY Firm: chickens, 10c; springs, 16?jl9c; turkey, MlOVsc; ducks, c; geeae, 60. BUTTER Steady: creamery. 184T2340. jMius f irm at ijc. Receipts, Shipments. .... 10.300 ,000 ....108,000 21,000 .... 89.000 36.010 .... 73,000 52.000 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. .. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 30. WHEAT July, 9&S": September. 96i'r7'Jv.c; Decem ber, 90'4SKi'k),c: No. 2 hard. Mc; No. 1 norinern, 97WflW!M.e: No. Z northern, 83?4 Wo; No. 3, 81(a(KV4o. FLAX-42.07. BARLEY-66tj98c. CORN No. 3 yellow, 684j584V OAT6!-4;H'W43c. RYE No. 2, :ic. BRAN $19.WJ 19.60. FLOUR First patents, $5.004i5.20; second patents, 3t.50ij4.76; first Clears, $3.3 6; second plcars, $2.3S4j2.50. IMl L1K Alive, new, Uc; weak 1 . turkeva. ,lrkena. hens, llVc; nvi A gs. lac. CKA)j-Steady; W to iMb. wts., 8fir; I to 85-lh, wta, fl0Hc; 86 to 110-lb. j., llo. Wheat, 10 cars; corn, cars. Estimated To il cars; corn, tiA cars; tJasS r.rs; oats, I Inorrow: Wheat, on La, 12t care. Kanaaa Cltr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June 30. WHKAT tlarkct Mile hU'her; No, 2 hard, SMytfiMe; Ko. 3 hard. (Basic; No. 2 red. SiSiiKiioc; No. t, S3;iS4i-; July, hie, bid. CORN Market UHtC higher: No. 1 Eilxed. lH'yi.le; No.- 3 mrxed. 6144jiilVc; o. 2 white, tl&!Vac; No. 3 white, file; July, 10, sellers. OATS Market lc hegnVr; No. 3 white. $CVfi47c; No. $ mixed. 4- j44c R1H 7Fmn0c. HAY Inchanged to 60c hluher; rholce timothy. $la.0oulu.00; tholce prairie, $lt.0u'f i$ 60. BITTERCreamery. 32e: firsts, 19c; see ml 17e; packing stock. 1(''4. KtKld Extras. 17Hc; flrxts. ltUc: see- snas, ao. . Rtcelpn Wheat, bu UJO'O Corn, bu 49C0O Oats, bu 0u0 Philadelphia Prodoee Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 30. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 2Uc; nearby prims. 2Se. EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free canes. Si. 65 per case: current receipts, free cases, $6.10 per case; western firsts, free cases, $5.40 per case; current receipts, free cases, $4954j6.10 per case. .CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, fancy, new, 124c; fair to good, HMjl24c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Horement of Stocks Betrays Uneasi ness Following Wire Indictments. STEEL WITHSTANDS PRESSURE Erie leasee All Ieerelop Pronoaaced BtreaaTth and Rise to Highest , Price of Year Copper Trade Morei Act I re. NEW YORK, June 30. Movements of siocks today betrayed the uneaalneae felt on account of the government's action against wire manufacturers, made known yesterday after the close of the market. Indictment of various corporation officials ha been foreshadowed In reports for sev eral days, so that the effect upon the mar ket was lessened. Intimations that this step represented only one branch of the Investigation which is being carried on by the government. In volving the activities of the United States Steel corporation, disturbed speculative sentiment further. The bears, however, failed to Inaugurate a movement of suffi cient slxe to give the market a decided Im petus downward. United States Steel lost less ground than did other stocks not directly concerned In the events of the day. The attack of the bears against this stock has been no per sistent that the short Interest Is thought to have reached large proportions, placing it In a strong technical position. The Harrlman Issues. Southern Railway preferred, Chesapeake A Ohio and Kansas City Southern were the weakest of the railroad group, while In the industrial list Amalgamated Copper and American Bct Sugar experienced setbacks. The Erie Issues all developed pronounced strength and rose to the highest prices of the year. Recent developments In Erie, In cluding the favorable May report of earn ings and dispatches from Canada telling of a conference between representatives of the road and a Canadian Pacific official, were followed by buying orders from what were said to be Important sources. In the afternoon trading In Erie was the one feature which gave an appearance of life to the market. Reports that contro! of the road might pass to Canadian Paclfio were followed by a brisk upward movement In Mlnneff oils, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie, a subsidiary of the Canadian line. Despite the weakness In Amalgamated Copper, reports from the metal trade told of Increased activity. No large buying movement, however. Is under way, and some price shading has been reported dur ing the week. Domestic deliveries ot copper during June are estimated at well up to 70,000,000 pounds, a figure which foreshadows a considerable decrease In stocks on hand as a result of the month's operations. A considerable loss In cash by the banks Is indicated by known movements of cur rency during the week, due In large part to heavy payments to the subtreasury on account of subscriptions to the fanema bond Issue. Complete returns from all no tiolial banks, as submitted In response to the comptroller's recent call, showed an increase In loans and discounts between March 7 and June 7 of nearly $63,000,000. Bonds were Irregular. Total soles, par value, $3,290,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Numbar of sales and leading quotations in stocks were as follows: Sales- High, lot 1M( Cora Kirnann National Rani Stock.. Imiarll Illufla. la.. 4. 1114 Cltr et timaha school IM1 Cahr Parkins . la, 114 Fairmont Creamor? lot - a a. roirmvm v rwmmrj r T p. a OS Kaoooa Cltf two, IMO 1(4 71 Omaha Water sa. !. Mtfc Oauha C. a St. Rr. la. ia;l M Omaha tea. St. Rr. a, 114 ISO o c. B. St. Rr. M ( . a., - n Omaha C. B St. H7. com., 01-dlT aa Omaha C. B. Rr A Bridie at Omaha Oaa . ltlT ... aa Omaha gin. U a P. k tt!t M Omaha fclor. U. p., pta.... Sa. ('!. Citlsna la, lilt harldan final, ptd Inlon stock Yarda Mock t'alfm ctnrk Tarda la, ml Trl-Cttr F.t. A U , ptd Wlae Idomortai Hoaoltal (a. lrU. , 104 rH4 M aa laa M4j 101 u laa lot 14 tl rl ns$ 101 rr lot iai rj 104 44 11 REPORT OP TUG CLKARIlfQ IIOL'SB Traasoetlona ot tfce Associated Daski for the Week. NEW TORK. June 30 Bradstreefs bank clearings report for the week ending June snows an aggregate ot $'2,iUH.l.is.uOo, as against s.t,iM).8iu.tJ0 last week and $2,897, iat.titw In the corresponding week last year, The following Is a list of the cities: CITIE3. Clearings. Ino, Deo, Alira-Chalmera nfd Amalgamated Copper ... American Agricultural .. Araerleaa Beet Sugar.... American Tan American C. m P American Cotton Oil.... American H. U ptd... Am. Ice Securttloa American Linseed American American 8. A ft.... Am. 8. A R. ptd Am. steel Foundries Am. guitar Reflnlni 'American T. A T American Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Minim Co Atchison i Atchlaoa pfd, es-dtv Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Urooklrn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclfto Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central o( New Jersey.... Chesapeake A Ohio Chios cu A Alton Chlcaso O. W., new Chicago Q. W. pfd..., Chicago A N. W... ........ Chicago, M. a Bt. r C. C. C. A St. L Colorado F. A I . Colorado A southern Conaolldated Oaa Corn Products Delaware A Hudson DcnTer m Rio Grande D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Brie Erie 1st pfd Erie td pfd General Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Or etfs... Illinois Central Interborough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harreeter ... Int. Marine pid International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City Southern K. C. 80. pfd, ex-dlr Laclede 6aa Loulavlll A NaahTill.... Minn. A Bt. Loula M , Bt. P. A S. 8. M Missouri. K A T M.. K. A T. ptd Missouri Paclfle National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. of M. Id pfd... New York Central. N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacific , Pacllle Mall Pennaylvanla People' a Gas P., C, C. A Bt. U Pittsburg Coal Pressed 8teel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Heading Itepubllc Steel Republic Steel ptd Rock Island Co , Rock Island Co. pfd St. U A 8. F. td pfd.... St. Louts 8. W St. L. S. W. pfd, ei-dll. Sloaa-Sheffleld 8. A I Bouthoru Pacific, ei-dlr.... Southern Railway go. Hallway pfd Tennessee Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. L. A W T . St. L. A W. ptd, ei-dlT Union Paclfle I'nloa Pacific pfd t'nlted States Realty I' sited Statea ItuMcr t'nlted States Steel V. 8. Steel pfd I'tah Copper Va.-larollna Chemical Wabash Wabash pfd Western Maryland tYefcllnghoue Eloctrte Wealeru Union Wheeling tc L. B Lehigh Valley, ei-dle "Ks-diT and ex-ngnta. Total sales for the day 4,600 400 1.200 MM) roo 400 ino too t.000 1,500 100 1,100 too 1t tl MVi an Low. MS, 65 7 1H 11H 40 4j 7H 139 V4 11SS 102 11H 1Vl 139' 4 11SH 10244 too 10H 10 l.too 1,00 1H 141 141 7,000 1114 nt 1. too 100 100 MO 100 too K. 14,400 1,000 600 1.400 '"ioo 1,400 too mv, 'iiii 4S i4 171 tsvt 4St Sl tOVt 4 St 11 H7ii ui" 17 40 144 171 67 S 44 47 6'T 47 I3i u'i 17 4D 200 17 17 100 too "400 too 400 I.4O0 1,000 '"too too too 00 . 100 400 600 100 l.too 14 ioi" 167 tl 144 44 '60 137 66 11 100 44 104 73 134 18 44 107 161 11 142 14 134 66 31 10l 46 104 73 144 1.700 124 114 1.100 i 1 400 14.400 too 100 1.400 46 im 0 M M 36 164 10 3 12 Close. 29 64 67 63 10 66 61 26 22 11 40 7 104 41 114 134 45 31 40 113 10! 12 10 33 61 41 29 100 20 42 !9 23 144 131 66 4 64 146 " ro 24 67 14 37K 69 48 Kl l'T 41 I lii 49$ 11 14 11 42 16 4 M 107 160 40 141 34 44 49 137 64 41 109 46 M, 100 73 134 17 124 104 44 19 3 141 16 169 New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia Pt. Louis Kansas Cltjr Pittsburg Ban Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans lietrolt ...... , Omaha Ixi s Angeles , Ijoulsvllle Milwaukee , Seattle St. Poul Atlanta Portland. Ore. Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Providence Richmond Washington, D. C, Ht. Joseph Kort Worth Memphis , Halt Lake City Columbus , Albany J acoma (Savannah Miokana. W'axh Toledo Hartford Rochester Ies Moines Nashville Duluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland, Cal 81oux City New Haven Grand Rapids Kk'ranton Birmingham Jacksonville, Fla... Oklahoma Syracuse Augusta, Qa Worcester Kvansville tprlngflcld, Mass.. Dayton Por.land, Me Wireeiing, W. Va.. little Rock Charleston, 8. C Kncxv.lle Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport Wilmington, Del.... Mobile Wl kes-Harre Kalamazoo, Mich.. Sacramento, Cal.... Torek a ,.. Cedar Rapids, Ia.. Macon rail River Youngstown New Bedford Springfield. 111...... Fort Wayne Canton, O Bloux Falls, B. D.. Akron Helena Columbia, 8. Lexington .... Fargo, N. D.. Erie, Pa Rcckford, 111. Qulncy, III... Bloomington, Chester, fa Springfield, O , Kouth Bend, Ind Lowell Jack'on, Miss Bjnghamton Dtcatur, 111 Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vlcksburg, Miss , Jacksonville, 111 , York, Pa , Waterloo, Ia 'Houston Galveston 10. i SI-: c. Ill' $1,B72,2S7,000 2ft 1. 7 24 CO" 14S.SU7.0CK) 140.872.O00 63,6ta,00( 42.U,0t)O 49.S.10.0oii 88,2f.l.l0j 32, 8W AJU0 22,071,000 15,5n2,00l, ls.4ttj.O00 15,792,010 17.U1.000 12.M2.0U0 16.237.000 11,077,000 U. 040.000 8.13,000 10.2ti!),000 8,0.'3,00l S.1W9.000 8,;o.ooo . 7,790,000 7.8M.OOO, e.Lotx),, 6.599,000 6,4iS,0O0 .... 6.92b.000 . 4.410.01H. 4.40.01K) 22.0, 6,47r.O0O( ,313,OHO;., 6,413.0001.. 8,9:15,000 .. 4,O.T7,O0O 8,7G3.00O., 8,779,0001 ,8M,000 8,597,O0O s.muooi 3,873.0K 2.2.SO.OOOI S,961.000 ,14 $ 6.5 6( 1.4 $.6 8.8 15.01 20.7 15.8 8.8 10. 0.1 12.8 1.7, 12.71. 11. Si.. 0.91.. 0.8... 0 9 12.0 8.3 15.4 19.4 0.4 "4V2 11.8 " oii 12.0 18.8 8.8 14.1 29.3 'ii'.i' 20.61 27.0 'i'.i 2,l713,O0Oi 7.0 2.8i!5,O0O 15.3 2.411.0UO) 10.4 2.482,000) 6.3 ; 8.304,0001 11.31 2.729.00Q1 6.11 l,94li.OOQ 8.4 2.443,000j 13.0 ;,445.tHiof ( 32.6 . 2.2.17,000 17.8! 1.191.000 1 8.1 2,346,010 4.7 2.0ril,0W 9.7 2.000,000 9.0 1081.000 17. L714.OJ0 4.8 1.4I2.TO. 18.4 1.346,00O 6.0 1,10,100 .4 1,4-ii.OO .7 1,813,000 4.8 1.211,0(0 12 7 l,23.i,000 12.3 1,419,000 6.4 I,2rt4.000j .6 l.sie.ojo 2.0 617,000 3.8 1,187.000 7.1 1,4)7,00 2S.7 l.(81.0C0 20.(j 2,2U,OIO 26.9, 8M0 9.1 9K2,00 1.6 817,000 H.7 796.00J 9.6 1,176,010 32.0 1 '1,063,000 ...... S.J 721,000 -'3.0 ' ' l,8o6,OCO 70.3 ...... 8W.000 20.2 . 6X1,0 0...... 21.2 810,00 ' 87.0 842,000 5.5 7t9,000 6.6 - 80;,000 ' 634,00) 8.3 ...... 614,0)1 8.9 670.000 2.0 600,000 . 624,00 3.5 403.000 17 .9 282.000 2.7 446,000 1.3 ' 857,001) 16.2 SK2.O0O .6 2.V4.000 11.7 1X8,0(0 7.4 257,000 24.2 843.0UO 8.8 1,062.000 21, 2.6 12,896.000 2.5 OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Unusually Good Cattle Trade for a Friday. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS UP Fat Sheep Con mead Firm Prices, While I.amha Are stroni to as Mark as Ten Cents Higher Than Tharsday. SOUTH .OMAHA. June 80. 1911. 7t m ... so 70 H7 ... M 10 t.t ... I 10 71 110 SO f no 1 W 40 .40 44 144 ... 4 9 0.. !.. 74.. 4t . . ... 4 40 ..104 120 4 40 .tit ... 40 ..IS7 I 4 40 ..tot 40 4 44 . .Ill 40 4 44 rtecelpts were: Oif.clai Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday . Offcllal Thursday Estimate Friday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.180 8,464 , 6.25 8. h , L300 6.903 18.621 13 144 12.264 8.400 6.'.31 6.1b 4,079 2.228 6. 6o 65.229 61.186 6(1.871 61. 2M 67.063 46.WU 23.706 10.42i 15.11 14,919 HUN 18,641 Five days this week..l7.3" Same days last week. ...15,2o9 Same days 1 weeks ago.. 15.870 Same days 8 weeks ago.. 17.0M Bame days 4 Weeks ago.. 14, 775 Berne days last year.... 11.673 The following table shows trie receipts of cattle bogs, and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date aa compared with last year: in. , 110. Inc. Cattle 497.322 470,176 27.146 Hogs 1.WS.665 1.111.9.) 27t,iOU Cheep 770,697 691.47$ 79,22 The following table shows the average f trices on hogs at South Omaha for ins ast several days, witti comparisons: Dates. I 1911. 1910.1903.1908.19O7. 11P0J. 190i June 21.. June 22.. June 23.. June 34.. June 26.. June 26... June 27... June 28... June 29... June 30... t 17T 9 40 7 631 6 22S 9 17 7 6S 6 77 620 9167 46(64 6 14 24 7 40 6 92 9 26 7 48 6 67 6 11T 7 68 5 61 6 1 9 13 I 66 OSI4 9 00 7 64 17S 8 99 7 2 t 99 6 29Ta 9 02 7 2 6 SO 6 91 6 8: 6 36 6 S9 $ 62, 6 2- 6 83 6 86 5 U 5 12 6 16 6 20 5 19 6 23 6 43, 6 82 t s6 I 44 I M 6 92i 4il ft i. 6 46 6 17 6 08 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nion Stock Yards. Houth Omaha, for the twenty-lour hours ending at p. ni. yesterday : RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. 6lieep.H r s. St. P. C. M. & Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific east...'. west.... & O.... C. U. & O.. east C. B. & Q., west C. R. I. & P., east.... C, R. I. & P., west.. C. O. W umun rsciiic C. & N. W., C. at N. W., ' C. Bt. P.. M. 4 2 2 42 32 6 16 'i "i Totals 66 129 21 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. H"s. Sheep, Omaha Packing Co 194 1.044 661 Swift and Company 4;e 2.006 6.10 Cudahy Packing Co 870 2,696 1,8!4 Armour & Co 165 2,206 1,731 Cudahy, St. Paul 276 Murphy 85 .... Hill & Son 72 Huston & Co 30 J. H. Bulla 18 Other buyers 143 Not Included In totals because containing other items than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. June SO MONEY On call, steady, 2i2hi per cent; ruling rate. 2Vs per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2ty per cent. TIME LOANS Dull; sixty, days. 244 Per cent; ninety days, ma2K per cent; six months. S'Afi3H per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 44V4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.8425 for sixty days and at (4.8610 for demand. COMMERCIAL BILIS-$4.83. SILVER Bar. 52c; Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. 200 4&L ti MUeraukre Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 30. WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.0141 1.02; No. t northern, tSc tl.W); July, 8Dc; September, 89,0, OATS Standard. 44'44Vc. MALTING $1.06 1.12. I Ml. Shipment-. , fcfr, 4'.um 1; S4 O)' N1 4,OJi frorla Market. PEORIA. June SO -t'ORN-Higher; No. $ white, 57c; No. I yellow, 6;c; No. 2 yellow. $.'v..c; No. 4 yellow, 64c; No. t mixed, loe; No. 3 irlxed, btic; No. 4 mixed, 64W OATS-Klrin; No. 2 white. 44c; No. $ white. tiSc; No. 4 white, ii'ie. Liverpool .rala Market. LIVERPOOL. June rtl-WH EAT-Spot firm; No. 1 Manltnba. 7s 6d; No. t Mani toba. 7s 4d; No. 8 Manitoba, 7a ld; d. Duluth Grain Market. DILUTII. June 8O.-WHEAT-N0. 1 nnrthein. 97c; No. 2 northern. 4(3t6c; July, 97c asked: September, 96o asked. OATS lsO. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June S0.-METAL8 Stand ard topper, dull; spot July. August. Sep tember and October. $12.2512 Si. I.ondon market, dull. spot. 57: futures, 67 lis Id. Custom hout-e returns show exports o far this month of 27.498 tons. Lake topper.' $12.76o13.l4); electrolytic, $12.6'W U7i, and casting, $12.37io l2 50. Tin, dull:, sput, i4.6.L5u: Julv, J4? 5of(i-t3.50; August. 441.ia43 0o: Seutembtr. t41.6nrnm.Si). her, 441 ii'i42.J5. Ijndon weak, soot MW futures. 11'. Iead. oulet. ti 4Mi4 Ui ew York: 84 3uu4 X7U East at itnia- London, 11. 7s, od. Smelter, quiet $5 70 a new Tors; Xj.aWBf.is; East St. Ixiu's. lxndon. 24 15s. Antimony, dull, Cook sou's. $8.50. iron, Cleveland warrants. ia 3d in London. Iocally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern, $i5.00jrle.S5; No. 2, $14.7ui'la.U); No. 1 soot hern and No. f southern soft, $14.75gl5.2&. ST. IOl'l8. June 3u. METALS Lead, firm, $4.47S. Spelter, steady, $5uin.Uta. y too , 13.400 . l.MJU 400 UK) 700 40) t4. a 7,;oo wo I0 l.MO 100 4(10 too Ioi 40 401 I, W0 40 ItSA, 51 71 114 Vt 444 1MC4 41t4 1t 11V4 44 '4j 1(H4 "4 o4 Mi 174 40 121 St 41 71 tu 'to" 484 188 41 1 ltd 49 44 1414 I's 40 7r,v. 74 3s ITS ss 444 46 It 44 44Ti 113 ll 7144 41 7 20 44 Hi 4 f4 US I lit 4 li 1 14 t 75 71 175 foMrW ... II Mohsvk ... 4 Nrvscls Con ... ... t7 N'lplulns Mine ... IS North Butte ... ... 4 North Lsks II. 14 'lid Dominion , 1144 Oxsolt KS. 100 shsras. Loudon Stork Market. LONDON, June SO. American securities wero , oulet and steady during the early tradlag today. Prices ranged from H i above to H below yesterday a closing. lloston Storks and Donas. BOSTON, June 30. Closing quotations on !M 4'l upie us Alloues Arosl. Copper .... A Z L & 8 Artsons Com Atlantic B. A C. C A S. Butts Coalition .. Cal. A Anions 64 Psrrott 8. "Cal. ac HOCIS.......4I0 ,wuin7 ... Cantenntal It Ehsnnoa ., t'op. RaliK C. C. ... 41 Superior .. East Dutts C. M 14 Superior A Franklin 12 Superior Ulrnui "on. ; 4 1-14 Tamarack Gran or Con 3'J 'V. S. . R. AM... I7i Orron Canaiies ...1. 7 do rid 47 Isle Rojrals Copper.. 17 T'tah Con 17 Kerr Laka 4 t'uh Copper Ce 49 Lako Copper 47 Wlnoos La Ralle tripper..,. 844 Wotrarln Ill Miami Copper U Ks-ll. New York Mlnlna; St'ks. NEW YORK. June JO. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Totals 1,431 8.036 6,093 CATTLE There was a very fair run for a i riday. fifty-six cars being renorted In. For the week the total shows a gain of over 2,000 head, as compared with last week, and almost 6.000 head as compared with a year ago. The market aa a whole was In splendid condition. 1 Beef steers were in active demand and everything desirable changed hands very readily at good strong prices. As high aa $6.40 was paid for the best cattle here. It was really the most satisfactory Friday's market from a seller's standpoint experi enced In a long time. For the week the Kood kinds of cattle are safely 15&2Sc higher than last week's close. Cows and heifers were also in good de mand and desirable kinds sold at strong pilot k. or l?23c hlgner than last week. Common and Inferior kinds have shown but little change, still they are lully steady with a week. ago. There were very few stockers or feeders In the yards today and the market was without any change. There has really been little change In the situation all Week, prices some davs showing a little strength under the influence of reported rains, and a little weakness other days, when the- weather reports Indicated dry weather condltiona. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beet steers, $6.00&'.30; fair to good bee steers, $6.766.O0; common to fair beef steers, $5.00 good to choice cows, $4.605.00; fair to good tio.75; good to choice heifers, $6.005.05; cows and heifers, $4 00&4.50; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.O04.0O; good to choice stockeis and feeders. $4.404.86; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.50 64.40; stock heifers, I3.00y3.75; veal calves, $3.607.00; bulls, stags, etc., $3.26i6.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 44.!!! 44.... 100 1011 ...... 474 ..$... 78 1161 1164 1U7 1161 ..liil rr. 4 40 6 16 6 16 4 46 4 16 I 80 4 0 4 03 4 14 No. tl.... 14.... 4.... II.... 41.... 16.... 47.... 17.... 44. A. ..1404 ..1371 ..Uul ..1204 ..lhM ..13M ..1404 ..1114 .1477 T.. 14., I.. I.. I.. I.. 6.. 10.. 14.. I.. 4.. I.. rr. 4 10 4 16 4 10 4 In 4 46 4 14 4 46 4 IS 4 44 I SO 4 20 4 10 4 4 85 4 44 STEERS AND HEIFEKS. tai 4 40 11 1020 717 I 4 " ID 1144 COWS. 440 I 44 4 437 960 I 00 4 1111 461 I 10 1 1060 1010 I 40 1 Ut0 1144 4 00 HEIFERS. 170 I 0 1 464 t 40 4t I 40 14 Til I 40 430 I 10 4 46 t 40 44 I 30 4 471 4 00 464 I 45 4 164 4 It) DULld. 111)0 I 00 1 1610 I 60 CALVED. SHEEP It was n rattling good trade In the sheep barn, everything selling either on a firm or stronger basis ss fast aa hov ers could place bids. Pens were practically empty before 9 30 o'clock, even though clearance Involved a supply of almost twenty doubles of stock. This estimate con sisted largely of grass offerings, as has been the case on previous tlavs thla week, but the dry-lot arrivals, while I mlted In numbers, at least had plenty of qunlity. Range sections of Oregon and Idaho fur nished about two-third" of total offerings, sheep supply being somewhat larger than the lamb run. In most Instances good grass muttons failed to show Improvement, but the demand was none the less brisk and prices ruled easily firm. Oregon wethers landed at $4.10 and Oregon yenrllncs moved at $4.ST. both sales being quotable dupli cates of yesterday's $4.lnr,i4.30 business Spring lambs from the west, a five-car shipment, reached $7.16. Indicating a strong price list for toppy stuff. Offerings from the corn bell found an equally keen demand and usually sold a shadn to around a dime higher, if com parisons are permissible. Two small bunches of spring iambs scaled at $7.2.".(ii7.40 and cornfed shorn lambs acted creditably at $U!Vo .10. The latter price Is the hluhest paid locally for some time and calls for a prime article. During the week grangers from the west have been the principal market actors, about 75 per cent of a good sired supply showing up from Oregon, California and other range states. Prices paid were rela tively low as matched with those of a year i-iii ii'iimno nas Deen neauny and small advances have been scored. rai graoes or sheep and lambs are clos ing about iodine higher regardless of man ner of feeding, but common and trashy stuff proved slow at all times. The feeder demand has not yet attained any volume of consequence, so that strings too poor to kill out are decidedly draggv. Quotations, grass stock: Spring lambs, natives, $6.76-97.40; spring lambs, good to choice. $;.40'fi7.15; spring lambs, fair to good, $r..40Hi.40; yearlings, fair to choice, $4.00i4.50; yearlings, feeders, $3 0"'U3..'i; wethers, feeders, $2.753.25; ewes, fair to choice. $2.7.V(i 1.60; ewes, feeders and culls. $1.7f.!r2.40. Quotations, fed stock: Shorn laniba, fair to choice, $.-)..V(i.40; shorn yearlings, fair to choice, JlOOiio.OO; shorn wethers, fair to choice, $!.50'fl4.10; shorn ewes, fair to choice. f3.COtfj4.00. No. 261 western shorn lambs.... 13 western lambs 10 western lambs, culls... 6 spring lambs 60 western spring lambs.., 84 spring lambs 10 spring lambs, culls , $1 spring lambs..., , 6 spring lambs, culls 85 weatern ewes , 63 spring lambs, culls , 816 spring lambs , 77 spring lambs 59H spring lambs , Av. . 78 . 74 . 70 . 75 . 62 . 72 . 69 . 5 . 61 . 118 . 49 . . 60 . GO . 69 Pr. 6 40 6 75 4 00 7 25 6 60 7 25 6 00 7 40 6 00 4 IS 4 50 7 15 7 16 7 15 CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET Demand for tattle Slroag IIom Higher Sheep Steady CHICAGO. June 20. CATTLE Reoelpts, 1.000 head; market strong: beeves, $4.65t) 6.75; Texas steers. $4.60416.00: western steers, $4.70g5.76: stockers and feeders. $3.25u.4u; cows and heifers. $2.25&5.75: calves, $5.75 j8 00 HOGS-Receipts. 16.000 henrt: market To h'gher than opening; light. $6.25r4i.7;i; mixd. $ ..ft"'u6.70; heavy, t6.164i6.67A: rough. KIMJ 6. Pi; good to choice heavy. t8.3nci.67V4; pigs, $5.8V..40: bulk of sales. $64Mi0. SHEEP AND LAMBS ReceiDts, 12.000 hend; market stead v: native sheep, $2.50?J 4.40; western sheep, $2.75iffi4.40: native lambs, $4.50(9)7.66; western lambs. $4.60cov7.50. St. Lnnls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 30. CATTLE Receipts, 700 head. Including 2u0 Texans; market steady; native shipping and exoort steers, $5.2.W6.40; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4,504.41.0:); steers under 1.000 lbs.. $o.0Ofj;6.t".; stockers and feeders, f2.66(ff4.75: cows and heifers, S3.0Oft'fi.6O; canners. $1.0O3.00; bulls $3.00t(5.0; calves. $5.00&9.25: Texas and In dian steers. $3.2536.00: cows and heifers, $3.iW5.00. ' HOGS Receipts. 7.S00 head: market lf.o higher; pigs and lights. $4.0o4t6 75; packers, $O.l5u.ti.70: butchers and heat heaw 4ti ..; SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.W0 head; market steadv: native muttons. 13. no tit.oo: lambs. B.Ooa.SO: culls and bucks, $2.00412.(6; stockers. 11.263.oo. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 30.-47 ATTLE Re ceipts, 2.000 head, Including 700 southern."; market steady; top. $0.50: dressed beet and export steers. $6.0u$i6.50: fair to good, $5.25 i.i.'.: western steers. X4.oWtfH.2ts: stork.-rn and feeders, $3.75iU5.4C: southern steers. $i00 410.6O; southern cows. t2.ftKtt4.WI: native, cows, $2.40ii5.00; native heifers. $4.25nf6.Jn; Duns, 3.ooro04.75t calves. $4.0tKfj4.7fi. HOGS Receipts. 8.500 head: marks Kffa 10c hlu-hpr hnlkr nt a: Tjr,a a?. . unn .... $6.30(fi6.50: packers and butchers. $6.35M.50; usiiib. o. ootun.oo. SHEEP AND T.AMRSW.f-olm. ,vm head; market steady; lambs. $fi 75W7 M; yearlings. $4.25Er4.75: wethers. 93.7ikfr4.l6: ewes, $3.0003.50; Blockers and feeders, $i.00 63.00. St. Joseph Live Stoask Market. ST. JOSEPH, June 30. CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head: market steady: steers. $.f4ii6.35; cows and heifers, J2.D0q0.2U; calves. $4.0O'a7.00. . hogs Receipts, 6.000 head; market Cif 10c higher: top. $6.60: bulk of sales. 6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,00) head; market steady; lambs, $6.00(7.10. A C... B. M P. C. .... 49 .... 1 ... 10 .... 41 .... 47 ....101 rii . 11 . it . t . 16', Alio 10 Com. Tunnel stack.. t& ao bonaa It Con. Cal. A Va. 130 Horn Silver 26 Iron Silver tct Lesdvllle Coo. It Otferea. I.'ltle Chief .. Airs Iran OnMrlo Ophlr siundarvl Yellow Jacket . I .43.', .m .ton .io . 40 74 1-14 Louisville A N.... T4 1-14 M . K. A T .. 71 N. V. Central .. 4 Nortolk A W ..IKn do pla v ..10., Ontario A W. Ill Pennsylvania Consols, money do account... Amal. Copper Anaconda Aukiaua do ptd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific 24s Kand Mines. Chesapeake A 0 4 Mealing Chlcsao O. W U goutnern Rr. Chi.. Mil. A St. r..l0i do ptd. .166 . 17 .111 Bank Clearing. OMAHA. June 30. Bank clearings for today were $2,070,831.76 and for the corre sponding date last year $2,478,925.47. Bank clearings for the month ending to day were $ii2. 103.648 31 and for the corre- Onaaha Hay Market. OMAHA, June 90 HAY-No. L I. $14; packing. S; alfalfa. $14. Wheat. 46. 60, rye. $6.60; oela, $7. $13; No. Straw; 1 Southern Pacific. .. 1 Inlon Pacific. .. 6t do pfd .. 1 1. a. Steel.... ,. t do pfd .. w Wabash .. II do ptd ..144 U beers Ixnver Hie 0 do ptd Krle do 1st pfd de Id ptd Grand Trunk lilluoU Ceutral.. Ex-dlvlder.d. blLYER bar. oulet at 24 6-16d per ounce. .MONEY lA per cent. The rate ot distou.u In the open market for short bills is 2 per cent: for three months' bills, 24i2-li per cent. i ! apondlng month last year $67,802,313.41. . 44 . 41 . ' . "1 42 . 74 .124 .le . 17 40 .121 . 17 . 17 iirrr s srs .ojret jjsrsf 1. The following quotations are furnished by Logan Ac ttryaa, members Now York Ktock exchange, S 15 South Sixteenth street. Bay State Oaa 41 Inspiration Butte CualltioB II Laruee 4 Cactus 14 Nevada Coos 14 Clilao 12 Kewuouae 10 Chief Cone lie Ohio Copper 1 Divls-Dslr a Ha .hide Coalltkoa... I Kir Cone m 6erllt Pk(. Co lot Olroux 44 Superior A Pttta.... II Belmont 44Jtl Tonopafe Mining 4 Greene Cauanea 1 lulled Copper It I .steal reurltlre. Quotations furnished by Bums. Co.. 44 New oiuaha Nat l bank Beetrtos Creamery, pf4 -.......- CoKuubua Bioctrte Llsht ia. 1I14.... IMr hauoaai 4)auk Blag . Sid Brlnater A building. Bid. Aake4L St 114 420 120 ISO 110 B'lOClvilto 144 I 2i , 47 I J , 414 6 76 I tl I uo I 60 I 00 4 00 4 I... 1... a... 176 124 li.0 m e is 4 26 4 60 4 64 AND FEEDERS. 7 62t 4 40 T 424 4 10 t 40 4 10 iioGS-llug trade hud plenty of action; movement was lively from tho start and the enure huppIv passed over the scales before 9:,i) o'clock. All buveis entered liu market in vigorous lashion and put up their droves without quibbling -.- tioluy over prices. Bulk of otferiuua sold ut figures lW15c higher, the lesser udvance biliig frequent eanv and thu lull advance uelng general toward the clone. Animals of every weight allowed equal improvement and spread-., remained at uaual mamma. Lard, butcher and bacon grades settled largely at S6.20wti.35. tne toial 1 ecelms ot 130 cars having si aa jii ablu variety. Oidvrs from snippets ami spcculaiois called for almost lu per cam of the run. Cnoice bucoti hogs readied 6 45, the highest 1 price paid since April. A broad demand and rather largo uuiioly during the llvo davs this week nave b;cn tho main featuies of the trude. Present prices average pieitv close to 15c higher than Saturday's values, and clearance Qn all days has been reaaouubl ouli' and practically complete. licpiedcntauve suits: No. 11... 66... 67... 61... 40... 44... 12... 14... 44... 64..: 41... 4... 41... 74... 41... Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June SO COTTON Spot, I 41 i-iusru timet : nuuuiinr unianas. it. sue; mid dling gulf, 15.00c. Sales, 400 bales. ST. LOUIS, June 3U. i.i l TON l"u changed; middling. 15c; sales, none; re ceipts. 04 bales; rhtpnients. 64 bales; stock. S.177 bales. New York 'cotton market, furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Cot ton exchange, 815 South Sixteenth street: Month. Open. High. ' Low. Close. Yes y! July , Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. ...14 61 ...14 64 ...13 5S ...IS 23 ...11 21 14 61 14 6! 13 60 15 24 IS 21 14 61 14 63 13 52 15 17 IS 18 14 68 14 63 15 61 13 1 13 1 41.. 41.. 41.. 44.. 16.. 10.. 44.. 14.. 10.. 74.. Oueaha Prod ere Market. B f'TTER Creamery , 22c; packing, 16c. EOGS-No. 1, 14c; No. 2. 9c. I'OILTRY Broilers, 18c; roosters, 4c; hens, vc; ducks, 10c; geese, 5c Iteek la fllsht. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 1.310 tl0 ton) St. Joseph . 600 6.0 0 rouO Kansas City 2,000 i Soo luoo St. Louis "00 7 ) 4i0 Chicago l.OoO 16,000 12. wo Totala .J.4U0 M.200 41.. 41.. 26.600, ,1.. 47 44 U 4 M 48 II 0 6k 41 11 40 67 4& 44 1 11 II , 41 40 At. ....271 ....114 ....S01 ....i4 ....274 ....171 ....2-1 ....261 ....246 ....1st ....246 ....!:. ....161 ....1M ....mi ....24 ....2j ....lis ....126 ....1U ... H ...toO ....104 ....144 ...144 ,...t2i . .Ml ....MO ....M7 ....2S4 271 161 2a ....271 ....17 ....24 ....W7 8k. 40 ..161 ..267 ..176 ..241 ..HI ..2S7 ..MS ..t?4 ..in . J4 ..1M ..tl ..tit ..141 ..1M ..141 ..141 ..141 ..244 m 40 IDS too 124 44 ii ii Pr. 4 14 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 ro 4 In 4 24 4 40 4 10 I 20 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 20 4 10 4 20 4 10 4 20 4 tO 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 M 4 24 4 26 4 24 4 M 4 M 4 16 4 IS 4 14 4 16 4 16 4 n 4 26 4 14 4 tit 4 14 4 II 4 M 4 24 4 li 4 16 rs 4 K 26 4 16 4 U 4 14 4 17 4 17 4 40 4 M 4 VI 4 M 4 10 4 tt I 44 4 No. 44... 44!!! 44. Av. ...276 ...220 ...2i,0 ...2o0 ...2114 ...221 ...224 ...im ...! ...1W ...271 . . Ioo ..iki 47. ...1.. .14 04. el... 41... II... 46... 4S..I 14... II... 66... 40... 64... II... 44... ... 41... 6S... 42... t'i... 41... 14... .. 11... 144. 44... tt. . 41... St.. II... 47. . 14.. VI. . II.. 44... 11.. 14.. 75.. 11.. It.. II.. ..14 ...2o ...Hi ...1 ...271 ...261 ...26o ...111 ...217 ...241 ...221 ...224) ...260 ...260 ...167 ...111 ...100 ...114 ...14U ...ttO ...221 ...222 ...ml ...SOI ...1K4 ...202 ....211 ...!1S ...2t ...2-11 ...444 ,...1.'7 ,...14 ,...171 ,...211 ....2-1 ....101 ,...141 ....lit ....111 ...144 1M ...)4 ,... Sh. 10 40 40 SuO Pr. 4 80 4 40 4 20 4 10 4 14 I 40 4 14 4 14 4 44 4 14 4 4, 4 10 4 40 I 20 4 10 4 40 4 30 4 to 4 10 4 M 4 14 4 10 I M 4 4 4 10 4 M 4 M 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 12 :r 4 Je 4 44 I 26 4 44 4 44 f 14 4 46 4 46 4 14 4 16 4 11 4 44 4 14 4 St 4 45 4 17 4 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 OMAHA liKM.'tl!. .tltltliKr. BUTTER Creamery. No. x. delivered to tho retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 20c: No. 2, In 3o lb. tuba, 23u; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons. ulo; packing stock, solid puck, ltiVsc; dairy, in 00-lb. tuba, 1j4j20c; ularKel changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, ltVio; young Americas, 17c; dalalcs. 15c; triplets, lac; lluiberger, lCu; No. 1 brick, 15c; imported Swiss, iaic; domestic Swiss, JOc; block Swiss, 16c POULTRY Broilers. Wc per lb.; hens. 13Vu; cocks. He; ducks. 20c; spring ducks, 2ac; geese, 15c; turkeys, 24e; pigeons, per tloz., $L5u. Alive: Broilers, 20c; smooth legs, lie; liens,' 10c; oid roosters, 6c; old ducks, full leathered, 10c; geese, full fea thered, 6c; turkeys, 12'tic; guinea fowls, 15c each; pigeons, per uok.., toc; homers, per out., $3.00; squabs. No. 1, per dux., $l.uo; No. 2, per dox., 60c; hen turkeys, 15c. ElSH tall iroxen) l'ich.'O' 10c; white. 15c; pike, He; trout, lie; .urge cinppies, irioc; Spuni'Jh mackeiel, lUc; eei, ISc; liad uock, loc; flO'JiiUera, sac; ttaeen catiah, l.c; rue bhau, W each; siuid loe, per pan, 4uc; irog leyu, per dor., 3ac!fiS2.uo; salmon, lUc; halibut, 6c; yellow perch, 6c; buffalo, oc; bullheads, lis. HKE? e4-JTS Ribs: No. 1, 13c; No. 2, 2c; No. 3. 1040. Loin: No. 1. lac; No. ... 12-nu; No. 8. lac Chuck: No. I, te; io. 2, avc; No. 3, 6c. Itound: No. 1, 10',4c; jno. 3, lac; No. 3, 2",e. fiaie; ru. 2.. e-c; iiu. :c; No. i. 4c. irRUlTS Apricots: California, per crate. S.'.w. liaiiUiias: laucy select, per imncii. .'.25'42.50; jumbo, per bunch, $2.763.75. Cherries: Home growu, per 24-qu cube. l.i ii2.uu. (tiiiaiotipes: e unioi 111a, suinuaru, u count. lS.W-ui.lJ per trale; pony ciate.i, 54 count, 42.juvt-.rj. Dates: Anchor Ltitnd. I now SO-lb. IlkgS. lU boxes, Per box. S2.00. Ooufcebcrries: lluuio grown, per 21-ni. cans 1 W.vu. Lemons: iiiiioueira oranu. extra I alley, iv size, per uu, ri.uv; u vise, per box. 66.O0: Louia j.innuneira, lancy. aoo eue, per box, S7.O0; SuO size, per box, $7.."u; I 240 sizes. aOc per box less; Cymbal brand. Sin-In) sizes, per dox, fj. latff.uo. uranges: Caniella Itcdianus vaiencius, an sizes, per box. 44.00, fancy Valenclas. 60 M-VM bUes. J3.75. California Jaffa and Medilerraiiean sweet oranges, lit! and smaller sizes, pir uux. 41 ao. Reaches: . California, per box. l.5o. liunis: Calltornia, per crate, $1.65. l'liieapples: l'"loi'ida, 24-30-36-42-46 Sises, per crate, $3.25. Red Currants: 1'er 24 it. caac, 1.60. Ktrawteri l: rloou rtiver. per It ot. case, $4.00. Watermelons: Texas, per lb.. 2c I VEGETABLES Beans: String and wax. per hamper, 42.50; per mkt. bs;c., (wcl.uw. Cabbage: Home grown. Per lb., 5c. Cucum- j bers: Hot house, lVi and 2 doz. In box, per I box, ll.7Uu2.0o; homo grown, per mkt. bsk. of about 2 uux., $1.50. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doz., ll.atKuC.ou. Garlic: Kxtra fancy, white, per lb.. 12c. Lettuce: Extra I Ikncy leaf, per dox., ?5. Tomatoeti: Texas. per 4-bak. crate. iiOciji J1.00. Radishes, l'er doz., 20c Onions: Texas Bermuda, while, ; per crate, $2.26; yellow, per crate. 2.oO. ! l'arsley: Fancy homo grown, per doz., bunches, 45c. Potatoes: Wisconsin, whit stock, per bu.. tl.aaiil.60; - new stock in sacks, per bu.. 2.ti0. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: California soft shell, per lb.. 16r; In sack lots, le less, brazil Nuts: Per lb., 13c: In sack lots, iu lers. Filberts: Pt r IL, 14c; In ruck lots, lo 1 leu. Pei.nuts: Roasted, per lb,, 8c; raw. per lb., tJ'tc. Pecans: Large, per lb., 10c; In eack lots, lo leas. Walnuts: California, per lu., 19c; in sack lots, lu less. Houey; New, tt framed, $3.76. gar Market. NEW YORK June 10 SUGAR- Raw. firm: muscovado. 69 teat. 8.48c: centrifugal, M test, llisc. Molasses BUKar. as test, $.J.:, ltefined. steady. COUNTRY'S CONDITION SOUND 1 ne , . a Dun' Weekly Review Makei' State ment and Gives Reasons. IE0N AND STEEL TRADE BETTER Steel Trade neslnnlnir to I'.ipantt, 1 sport t om meree treat In Ills flarplus nisi Gold Output nntlnnes. NEW YORK. June 30.-Dun's Veekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: The best development of the buMnesg sit tta'lon at the opening of the sec ind half of the year Is the marked improvement In the Iron and ite.-l trade. In w. leh there I a decided Increnso In confidence and a con Fhloiahle expansion In actual output. In view of tho Important returns wh'eti this great trade bears to all the business Interests of the country, both Industital and aKiicultural, this Improvement Is sig nificant of a distinct change for tho better u'l around. The condition of tho country can be de scribed as sound when its steel trade la bt ginning to expand, when the export cc in- mercc Is creating a big surplts 11 favor of tho t'nlted Mate, when tho big tod output continues, when money is plentiful, when Industrial pi-eduction is being hilt to the limits of the consumptive demand, when stocks of merchandise are low on tho shelves, when economy, personal and cor porate, has been long practiced, and when many of the Irsuea which have been per plexing business men and retarding enUr prlse are past. Emphasis Is now given In the primary markets for dry goods to the volume of curtailment at mills; many of the larger producers will close for a week or ten days end the restriction of production will be formidable. The very limited stocks of merchandise In first hands continue to at tract unusual attention from merchsnia and manufacturers. Jobbers and selling arentn expect In July much Improvement over June because of the certainty that many of the larger buyers will be In the primary markets looking for supplies. Manufacturers of footwear are now reg ularly employed, some running full capac ity; others are curtailing production. The leather situation Is healthy; tanneis are firm and quote full prices. The demand la malnlv for current requirements, wtth ho large Individual sale, but It Is well diversi fied and In the aggregate amounts to a ronsldrrable quantity. Tanners continue to trade conservatively In hides on the present high bals, but dealers have operated extensively In pecker native steers, and further advances of 4 cent have been recurert for late June a 'd Julv take-off ahead. The foreign, hldo markets continue very strong. Dry Goods Market.... NEW YORK. June SO. DRY GOODS Tho markets were quiet In all divisions of dry goods for the day. Cotton goods buyers are holding off In the matter of future orders until the cotton report Is out. Yarns are very dull. The local wool markets are quiet. Oils and Roaln. SAVANNAH, On.. June 80. TURPEN TINE Firm, 6mra6Se. ROSIN Firm; type F, none quoted; type G. $6.50. S. Wool Blarket. . ST. LOUIS, June $0. WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums, 17JW40 fine mediums. 16i17V4c; fine, H4J14VC PLAINTIFF PUT ON THE RACK Many Show that Coleman Conducted "Club" as a mind for a Gambling- lloase. Hearing of the Injunction suit brought by Charles Coleman, as president of the Independent Political and Social club, to restrain the police from Interfering In any way with the rights of the members of the club, was begun before Judge Kennedy In' district court Friday. Tho club Is a col ored organization at 209 South Fourteenth street. Coleman Is president, caterer and o-rner of art the fixtures. - His complaint Is that the police are try ing to drive the olub out of buslners by means of arrest and Intimidation. The suit Is brough against J. J. Donahue, chief of police, and Captain Henry Durn, whom he alleges are trying to get possenslon of the rooms occupied by the club for purposes of their own. Affidavits were Introduced by the defense to show that "the club" was entirely nom inal and used as a blind under which to conduct a gambling house. As high aa nine affidavits were filed by supposed members of the club to show that "poker" and "blackjack" were played for money nearly every day behind locked doors ,and that Coleman was paid a regular percent age. Lon C. Carter, secretary of the club for several years, by affidavit said that at the annual meeting there were only two pres ent besides himself and Coleman. The only qualification for membership, he said, waa the payment of 23 cents, and that outsldo of thai there were a large number of men who gambled regularly in the rooms who never were members. TJolemun put several witnesses on tho stund, who said that they had been In tho rooms frequently, but had never seen nny gambling. VERDICT IN STROOL KILLING Coroner's Jnrr Holds lleliner D. JorKensou for Death of John Strifes. ABERDEEN, S. n., Juno 30.-1 Special.)--The coroner's Jury which Invcrtlgatert the dcuth of John Steffi's, who died of a knife wound received in a quarrel nt Slrool. re turned a verdict holding Uclmcr 15. Jorgen son responsible for Steffes' deuth. Only two TvltiicHscu were examined, Mrs. Steffeo and tho physician who attended Steffes nfaor th9 latter received the wound which caused his death In an Aberdeen hospital it few days later. Tho quarrel which led to tho stabbing of Steffes by Jorgcnson grew out of an accusations by Stcffc3 that Jor- genson and Mrs. Steffes hnd been unduly Intimate. Mrs. Steffes was arretted after tlio ttnbbini;, ns well tin Jorgcnson. but after an Investigation rho was not hold even as an accomplice. , FREE W.'i Hi-' vv! .'-tMrtl Wlilsl:ey aged in bond. ,'"? 4er' 4 ,u" W"-4"" t our tiV. 1 t-V''' tl o 1 'I s l r o 1,1 Seiaol Hlfa'f '-YifiwA ti r aiakey, ex lvH.FlS,Ul1 Ureas prepaid. 4 4.4. 9VrilZf?vrJA 4 Full Quarts Oold W'VfVVin Strom f u r e It y ftw&'iV. VVhlakey $ ( JHliTlV J 1 Quart loo L''"K'j;Al Proof btrilchi JULY 4 80,000 BOTTLES OJ" WHISKEY era WISE "lit full Qaarl 100 Proof Btralgac Whisker, 'all Quart California Jort Wine, alsu mass auu Cork screw I'KES. 25,000 bottles of till 4 100 froot Straight '!g - 5VM " m"ey ti.jti ililitdtU 1 Ku" 4 u ar t fine ",!KH"?J, California I'ort . .$l.i& I . tluiilur lirlrai ..t. F.0 ; T; All for $3.75 1 1 Exoress Prenaid Sol. S. GoidsfTom DSs, Go. Address Bos 66. Store 86th and O Sts. OF n. Stock Yards, aouth Omaha, Msb. Americaa Telsphoae & Telegraph Co A dividend of Two Dollars per sharo will be paid on Saturday, July 16, 1311, r stockholders of record at the V'loso of business oa Friday, June 30, 191t WM. R. JJIUVEJt. Treaaurer.