Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Entered at Omaha postofflce aa second
clase matter.
HutiOay Bee. on year $1 30
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Address aU complaints of Irregulsritle
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Communications relating to newa and
editorial matter ahould be addressed
unmha Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit liy draft, express or postal order,
'payable to The Bee l'ubllshing Company.
Only t cent stamps receWid tn payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks except on
t'mnna and eastern exchange not accepted.
ll,ue of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as.
Uwlght Williams, circulation manager of
The Bee Publishing Company, being duly
aworn, aays that the average dully circula
tion leas spoiled, unuaed and returned
copies for the month of May, 1911. was
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed in my presence and aworn to
tefore me this 1st day of June. 1911.
Notary Public.
' , Subscribers leaving; the city tem
porarily should have The Be
mailed to them. Address vrlll he
chanced as ofteu as req nested.
Well, July can hardly do any worse
to us, anyway.
Goodbye, June, we don't care If you
never come back.
1 If we cannot have a safe and sane.
'Fourth, let us at least hare a decent
It might pay the Chicago Tribune
to hire as Its legislative reporter Hen.
Jack Johnson.
(. Our weather man must be standing
in with the Ice man in his extortions
on the Omaha consumer.
If this thing keeps up, old King
Corn may find Sir Potato trying to
crowd Into the seat with him.
j A Washington man of 84 dies while
fishing In a boat. We always knew
that was a dangerous way to fish.
The commission form of govern
ment may not relieve all our municipal
Ills, but at least It will be different.
Perhaps that English novelist who
aid American girls lacked sentiment
had been chumming with Nat Good
win. - ...-. ..,".- -. ,
In the meantime, 'the oher fran
chlsed corporations are no doubt glad
to have attention directed away from
Seeing that young Mr. Shotwell has
re-elected us all down at Washington,
. .. . V 1 .. Ik... I- k ..Ul - .
be said or done.
With the Latter Day Saints and
Sinners mixed up in this sugar deal,
St. Peter is likely' to have a sweet
mess on bis hands.
Omahacs can appreciate the feat of
the French aviator who flew 102 miles
the other day, since 102 was exactly
the high mark of the mercury here.
No one Involved In the recent post
office Investigation Is to lose out for
telling the truth, but It is plain that
somebody has not been telling the
A Kansas postmaster is charged
with robbing the malls and a. Minne
sota mayor with robbing a postofflce.
What ia official America coming to,
Should Senator Lorlmer lose his
seat, why not give it to Illinois' favor
ite son, the Hon. Lee O'Neill Drowne,
who helped IHnes boost Lorlmer over
the transom?
Mayor "Jim" will tear a few feath
ers out of the eagle's tail on the glori
ous Fourth just to keep Jn practice,
even though he is not running for
office Just now.
Mr. Bryan has announced flatly and
finally that Governor Harmon will not
do. Tet the people of Ohio re-elected
him governor by 100,000 plurality.
What simpletons! '
I , -
"Some day," shouts Victor Berger
from the socialist watch tower, '.'there
Is going to be a volcanic eruption in
this country." Aha, somebody mov
ing old Vesuvius over here? ,
While the present Lorlmer investi
gation committee may be after the
facts, the distinguished witnesses it
has recently bad before It seem bent
upon an entirely different object
The Springfield (Mass.) Republican
reminds Champ Clark that only one
speaker of the house has ever become
president, and that was James K.
Polk. But it cannot scare the Mis
sourlan off that way. He will stay to
be shown.
There mutt be something in a name
after all or there would' not be a
scramble both In Omaha and at Lln
to be Incorporated as a trust com
Vny under the new Nebraska law,
and file upon the name, "First Trust
company," In each Instance.
Steel Trust Indictments.
The Indictment of nine so-called
"Wire" trust companies by a federal
grand Jury jn New York on the charge
of restraint of trade la violation of the
Sherman law will be taken a-preag-lng
the Indictment and prosecution of
the parent concern, the Steel trust.
The nine companies are component
parts of the Steel trust. The latter Is
now being Investigated by a commit
tee of the house of representatives
and the commissioner of corporations
of the Department of Commerce and
Labor has Just concluded an exhaust
ive Investigation of It and submitted
his report to the president, by whom
It Is transmitted to congress.
In explanation of the New York In
dictments, pains are taken to state
that "there Is no indication that evi
dence gathered by the bureau of cor
porations played any part In the In
dictments." A reading of the report
of this Investigation, though, tends to
strengthen rather than weaken confi
dence In the Indictments. It Is diffi
cult to see how a combine could be
more complete and compact than the
one formed by the steel Industry. It
begins with the ore and goes to the
last finished product. According to
the government's report It may be
traced to three specific causes:
1. The restriction of competition
through combination.
2. Integration, that Is, the linking
up of productive processes through ac
quisition under one control of raw ma
terial and manufacturing plants (and
in some cases transportation facili
ties) and through extensions and co
ordination of manufacturing processes.
8. The creation of a great amount
of Inflated securities.
Nothing seems to. have been over
looked in forming an air-tight com
bination. And as steel-making la
basic, affecting the whole Induatrv of
the United States, Its workings are in
deed a matter of vital public concern
as well, as private Interest. The gov
ernment would seem,, therefore, to be
facing its crucial task in trust prose
cution here, not even excepting the
Standard Oil. With the commission
er's report before it the house com
mittee should b able to facilitate its
investigation greatly and wind up af
fairs so that the Department of Jus
tice may go to work without unneces
sary delay.
Corporations and Courtesy, i
One of the, big railroads entering
Chicago, as well as Omaha, Is laying
great stress upon a new rule promul
gated to its employes, enjoining upon
them the importance of courteous
treatment of the public. .By this code
courtesy is made "the first essential"
of the railroad's relations to its pa
trons, and woe to that employe who
ignores this! -
Instinctively the public responds to
such gracious deference to its comfort
with, a hearty commendation of the
railroad management. It Is a great
thing when large corporations like
this, with myriads of minor details
confronting them, take the time to see
that all their employes, big and little,
are polite to the people who ride upon
their trains. It sa happens, however,
that this very railroad has for years
been the object of fierce attack In Chi
cago because its trains along the lake
rront pour out their dense volumes of
smoke and cinders, creating a public
nuisance. No amount of Dleadine-
coaxing or threatening has yet per
suaded it to abolish the conditions
responsible for the nuisance.
The point ia that, commendable aa
Is the growing tendency of steam and
electric railway companies toward In
dividual courtesy, that, after all. la a
small matter when compared with cer
tain other rights of the people that
are sometimes Ignored by these earn
corporations. The people are some
times made to strain at a gnat and
swallow a camel, while the public
service company shows off to good ad
vantage at their expense. No douht
the people of Chicago would appre
ciate it very much if the managers of
this 'railroad would be courteous
enough to remove this long-standing
smoke nuisance. They might even be
willing to overlook a flip remark from
a fresh employe now and then in ex
change for the larger favor.
. Eegulating Cold Storag-e.
Strong opposition to the Heyburn
bljl, which seeks to surround cold
storage of edibles with restrictive reg
ulation, comes from cold storage oper
ators, who declare the measure to be
radical and unfair. Taking up their
plea, the New York Commercial says:
Legislative reatrlctlon of the business is
bound to coma but most of the proposals
for It to data ars unreasonable, soma of
them preposterous.
That may be, but if it is If most
of the proposed methods of regulation
thus far are unreasonable and Drenns.
terous it is due to the very pro
nounced feeling of Indignation
aroused by the extremities to which
some of the cold storage concerns have
gone without any government re
straint or regulation. This being the
case, it is only a matter of time, we
venture to predict, remembering the
meat Inspection law and Its conse
quences, until the governments regu
lation will adjust Itself upon a baata
fair and acceptable to all.
Cold storage of food products la a
virtue that may too easily be turned
Into a vice by abuse. And that la all
the government seeks to do in lta pro
posed regulation to conserve the
beneficial character of the Industry.
nut the Industry is not beneficial to
the public when it is made the means
of speculation, when food products are
kept in storage for unsafe lengths of
time aad juggled by stock market
gamblers for their own selfish profits.
This Is one of the things the govern
ment is called on to stop and one of
the things that must be stopped be
fore the Industry
ought to be.
becomes what It
Cleanliness and Hot Weather.
Tho free use of water on the person
Is quite important In hot weather, as
well as at other times, for bodily clean
liness is always essential to good
health. But cleanliness In other forms
is equally Important. People should
be more careful than ever these hot
days to see that their premises are
kept clean; that no vegetable or ani
mal matter la left lying around where
it may decompose and breed disease.
The proper disposition of wastes is
very Important in the hot season. Be
careful of your garbage. See that it
Is deposited In the proper place and
removed entirely from the premises as
frequently as possible. Such precau
tlons will aid materially In the cam
palgn to exterminate flies. Files flour
ish upon filth. They have hard sled
ding where everything is clean and no
filth is. Swatting the riy la a good
thing, but that is a cure; prevention
is much better. Kill off the files by
destroying the conditions on which
they thrive. You may get a fairly ac
curate idea of the state of cleanliness
about your place by the number of
flies there.
Givin? the Case Away.
Among the post-mortem interviews
on the water bond election Is the fol
lowing from Charles R. Sherman, a
member of the Water board:
or course, I wanted to see the bonds
voted, as a member of the Water board
and as a private cltlxen and water con
sumer, but 1 do not think the defeat of
the proportion wa fatal. The bonds will
be voted without anv auestlon when the
time comes. I do not see that the success
or defeat of the proposition on Tuesday
could have had any effect In hastening or
retarding the actual possession of the plant
by the city. What It did do was to delay
the construction of an additional main
from Florence to Omaha. We had theen
gineers at work on that proposition, and
If the bonds were voted It would give us
the money to go ahead and dig the ditch
and put In that main without watting for
tne outcome of this litigation.
This gives the whole case away and
confirms what The Bee has said all
along. It also flatly contradicts what
the Water board spokesman pro
claimed before the election that the
voting of the bonds would give the
city IMMEDIATE possession of the
plant. Why were not Mr. Sherman
and other members of the Water
board frank enough to have divulged
this fact before election rather than
As to expediting construction of the
supply main, the Water board seems
to be in no great haste, otherwise it
would have accepted the offer made
three months ago by the water com
pany to build the main and the work
would now be in progress.
Crime Waves. "
The Chicago Examiner points out
two chief remedies for the intermit
tent waves of crime "that disgrace
Chicago In spite of the supposed ac
tive police force," which may be of
interest as well to Omaha, prone to
charge Its crime waves upon its police
force, admittedly Inadequate in num
bers. These remedies are:
(1) A law making it a felony to carrv
firearms without a- special police permit.
punishable with a heavy fine or Imprison
ment, or both.
(3) A repeal of the present indeterminate
sentence law and a radical curtailment of
the parole system.
The Examiner goes on to say that
while we hear a good deal of non
sense about emergency legislation
about legislation so pressing as to
warrant an extra session here are
two real emergencies. Some crime is
unforeseeable and Inevitable, but a lot
of crime is committed because we
make it too easy for criminals to use
weapons and let them off without pun
ishment after they have been con
victed. There is a lot of good common
sense In what the Examiner suggests
for Chicago, equally applicable to
Omaha and other cities.
The collector of Internal revenue at
New Orleans has been disconnected
from his job for countenancing a
shake-down of civil service subordi
nates for campaign contributions. Is
a shake-down of civil service employes
put across In the Omaha postofflce any
different from a similar shake-down
In the customs house at New Orleans?
Possibly, there Is some consolation
in the fact that the department army
headquarters men cannot take the
building along with them, and that
the possession of space here available
free of charge should be an induce
ment to Uncle Sam to utilize it for
more government activity.
Here sings a Georgia poet who strikes
a true note:
The only true philosopher
Heaven ever made
Laughs at the weather
When It's M In the shade. Atlanta
Ninety, yes, but what about 109?
Howell said the value of the plant, based
on the appraisal plus the Interest, was
I3.31J.493 SO. World-Herald.
Surely he does not want the Im
pression conveyed that voting f 8,250,
000 would leave the city short of
money to settle.
Another pertinent question. Had
the bonds carried, would our water
logged mariner have appeared before
the Board of Equalisation demanding
a raise of the assessment of the water
plant for taxation?
And now a Washington policeman
took charge of a man Insane who waa
going to give away 11.800 in real
money. To a policeman there could
be no more conclusive evidence of in
sanity than that.
The San Francisco Chronicle says,
"Our potato crop la very large and
prices are fair." Dear Chronicle:
Please forward by return mall three
carloads of your spuds, 'cause our'e
Is very shy.
A l'luna-e Into "uds."
Washington Post.
Having reduced our champagne bill by
Ii.Qrn.nw and rut our diamond bill In half,
we are now prepared to begin a thorough
Inquiry Into "what is beer?"
Something? of n Jolt.
Indianapolis News.
The idea of the secretary of the Interior
that the law should be enforced because
It fa the law will doubtless seem rather
revolutionary to some of our enterprising
captains of Industry. k
Blddlnar for tho "filar Mill."
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Baltimore has bid $100,000 for ths deo
cratlc national convention. What dors
Reno offer T It promises to be a much
better mill than that little affair that con
vinced Mr. Jeffries he could not com
Modern Ilolely Alliance.
Wall Street Journal.
Demand for automobile tires keep the
manufacturers busy. Fine chanoe for
some heat-affected congressman to Intro
duce a resolution calling for an lnvestlga
tion of a possible unholy alliance between
the tack trust and the tire trust.
Yon Can't Beat 'Kin.
New Tork World.
Reports from the coronation said the
American pceresres were the moat beauti
fully dressed women of the court. Ueport
from Paris say the American women were
the most tastefully dressed at the Long
champs races. Could we get reports from
heaven we Would learn that American
angels wear their halos most gracefully
in the celestial choir. These things are
Hard Knocks for Qnackerlee,
Philadelphia Record.
According to the Interpretation of the su
preme court the food and drugs law, while
making compulsory a true statement of the
Ingredients of patent medicine on the la
bels on the packages, puts no curb on ly
lng allegations as to the curative proper
ties of tho pills or potions so offered for
sale. President Taft desires such amend
ment or the law aa will bring within its
interdict the lies on the labels. The rec
ommendation of the president should be
followed by prompt favorable action In
congress. If congress can so legislate as
to parry the attack of nostrum venders it
win perhaps be tho better able to deal
with the more subtle quackeries of political
doctors, so much depends on the labeling.
Supreme Conrt Justices I'nable
Keep l'p with Work.
Chicago Tribune.
Shortly after Chief Justice White's
polntment some old friends called on htm
and asked him to deliver an address. His
answer waa to take them Into his Work
room where they could see the stacks of
briefs and piles of .volumes of evidence that
had to be studied. lie said he had to keep
at them early and late, and had no time
for anything else. What Is true of him la
equally true Of flh? 'iflher members oi the
lAxa, - '
Most persons found the chief justice'
opinions In tne oil and tobajcoo trust cases
too long for. reading. Think .of the time it
must havo required to prepare them not
the mere writing but the preliminary study
of ducuments and the long deliberations
with associate justices. There must have
been hours of argument to convert some of
them to his views.
These two opinions were but a fraction of
the work accomplished by the court. Dur
ing the term which has just ended 609 cases
were filed, of which t&4 were decided. Dur
ing the preceding term 60S cases were filed
and only 895 cases disposed of. So, In spite
of the Industry of the court, It Is unable to
keep up with Its work. There is a summer
vacation, . but, unlike most judicial vaca
tions, It will not be a perfect respite from
toll. There will be under advisement during
tne summer about a doxen cases which
were argued during the last term, but have
not been decided. Some of them are of
sufficient Importance to give the justices
much food for thought-
It Is apparent that there will soon have to
be more legislation for the relief of the
court. There is a full bench and all the
Justices are hard workers, but It Is Impos
sble for them to cope with the Increasing
volume of business.
People Talked About
Diversity t of occupation Is Mr. Burn
ham's long suit. He is president of the
Association of Theater Managers of New
York and cultivates a small farm In Con
necticut, so attractively that the natives
threaten to send him to the legislature next
New York is to give Big Bill Devery, ex
pollce chief, a 13,000 pension for his pic
turesque services, which would seem to be
touchln' on and appertainln' to New York's
long suffering treasury.
The trustees of the New York Cathedral
of t, John the Divine have dismissed the
original architect of the building, Chris
topher Grant LaFarge and George U
Helns, and have engaged Ralph A. Cram of
Boston to carry on the work. A determina
tion to alter the design and make the build
ing distinctively Gothlo is the reason given
for tbe change. As a result discussion of
the question, "What la Oothlc?" promises
to push off the map the old favorite,
"What la a democrat?"
Western boosting methods are getting a
firm grip on the live ones down east. Na
turally, tho youngsters catch on the quick
est. A fine eiar.iple of youthful push cornea
from the students of the classical high
school of Lynn, Mass.. whose combined
talents are reflected in the Industrial num
ber of the High School Oasette. It shows
Lynn to bo a city of beauty, of homes, of
Industry and prosperity and the portrait
of the editors supports tbe accuracy ct
very statement. Tbe boys know they have
a good thing and are pushing It along.
pRoowin pjji Jr'l
A&lm Jfs II J
ii Miff CMARLC5
1 .BURhrtAr
1, 1911.
In Other Lands
Ida Lights oa What la Trans
piring Inoif the Heat aad
Far sutlers of ths BartU
A Jury In Paris wasted precious tittle
time In convicting Edmond Duet of em
beszllng 11,080.000 from the proceeds of the
sale of church property confiscated by tho
F.B,k ... ., ... ,, ,
encn gjvrrnm nt una. r the separation act
.. ...... . . .
of mil. Dues Is 47. His record shown at
the trial proved him to be the light kind
of a man to make away with the goods
forcibly taken from religious organisations.
He had embrtsled $100,010 belonging to a
former employe and got away with 1280,000
belonging to societies, minors and wards
for whom hsl acted as trustee. With such
rlpa experience, surpassing nerve and greed
to match, ho easily became the leader of
the flock of vultures attracted by church
loot In France during the last ten years.
The property of ten congregations was
given over to Dues for disposal, and he
went at the Job with patriotic seal and
celerity that called forth the pladdlts of
tho "no church" multitude. The govern
ment, too, chuckled over the prospect of
millions to come. But when an account
ing was called for and Dues failed to pro
duce the coin, there waa a change from
Joy to shame, and the looter waa clapped
in prison. The church property was gone
and the proceeds vanlahed In riotous living,
In bribing officials and In a train of
crooked transactions that make up a
glgantlo national scandal. The t200.000.000
which M. Waldeck-Rousseau promised
France from the sequestration of church
property, has already dwindled down to
the petty sum of 17,000,000, anfl there is no
certainty that this sum will reach the
publlo treasury Intaot.
A cheering report of improved conditions
In Turkey comes from John M. Carson, the
veteran Washington correspondent, now
traveling abroad as commercial agent ' of
the Department of Commerce and Labor.
Mr. Carson states that the improved con
ditions developed under tbe progressive
government of the empire are most marked
in and around Constlnople and In Bulgaria
and Roumanla. "Under the new regime,"
he reports, "the principal obstacles to the
progress and development of the country
heretofore existing have been removed and
legitimate enterprise and trade are given
encouragement and the assurance of pro
tection. Restrictions upon travel have
practically disappeared, and while at some
of the commercial ports the foreign traveler
la subjected to a few annoyances, these are
relatively trifling, and on the whole there
Is as great freedom for persona entering,
departing from and moving about Turkey
as in most of tho European countries. It
la advisable, however, for the foreigner en
tering Turkey to have a passport, but the
chances are that he will not be called upon
to exhibit It. The optimistic feeling among
all classes of men leading In business Is
evident from the Industrial activity that
abounds and the large Increase In the for
eign commerce of the empire, which now
aggregates upward of $260,000,000 annually,
of which about five-eighths are imports."
Last week the peers of Great Britain
shone reaplendant at the coronation cere
monies, lending clothes, color and eclat to
the investiture of the king. This week they
are considering tho veto bill which divests
them of co-ordinate legislative power. It
they reject ins measure their ranks will
be swelled by 600 radicals and the bill
paased. Should they approve the bill, con
solation for the sacrifice will be found in
barring the peerage doors against the mob.
To the majority of the peers social prestige
and excluslveness are cherished prises.
Publlo duties calling for mental exertion
'are a blooming bore." These conditions
aooount for the confidence of the ministry
that the peers will take their medicine aa
prescribed by the radical doctors.
Theophile Braga, president pro tern, of
the republic of Portugal, has been retired
from the executive chair by the new re
publican congress and Anselmo Braam
camp chosen In his place. President Braam
camp comes from the leadership of the
municipal council of Lisbon and possesses
considerable experience aa an administrator
of city affairs. In moving from the city
hall to the oapltol larger problems con
front him on every side. Chief of these la
the drafting of a constitution suited to
the needs of a country suddenly shifted
from monarchical to representative gov
ernment. The opportunities for beneficial
reforms are unlimited, but their accom
plishment will require time, tact and
Most of the jarring notes sounded during
the pomp and ceremony of the crowning In
London were smothered by the avalanche
of cabled superlatives. A, few were rescued
and forwarded by mall. One of the latter
comes from. the Englishman Frank Harris,
formerly editor of the Saturday Review
and the Fortnightly Review. "At first."
he wrote, "when the rulers were rulers.
the crown was a simple thin circlet of gold
Ith three Frenph fleurs-de-lys on it, but ,
gradually, as the wearer has grown smaller
the crown has grown larger, until It
now an Immense thing worth a million
and weighing pounds and pounds."
Base ball follows the flag. The Ameri
can squadron In the Baltic, while it tarried
at Copenhagen, gave the Danes an exhibi
tion of the national game, the contestants
being nines from the Louisiana and the
New Hampshire. King, court and a great
gathering of cltlsens watched the play as a
novelty. The moving picture theaters are
running representations of the game, and
pretty soon in tne land of Hamlet the cry
Kill the umpire," will be aa familiar as In
these United States,
Prove Mlarhty Good Tbloar tn Ex
perienced Hands.
Washington Post.
Were any vindication needed as to the
value of what haa been termed "dollar
diplomacy," It Is furnished concluslvjly
now In the announcement that the do
mestic exports from the United States for
the fiscal year ending June 80, mi, will
amount to more than $2,000,000,000.
. When the critics of the administration
comoa me pnrase - collar diplomacy" as
descriptive or the efforts of the Stat
department, under Secretary Knox, to In
crease the commerce of the United States,
they put themselves In tbe class of false
prophets. Secretary Knox accepted the
term "dollar diplomacy" as meaning the
"substitution of dollars for bullet" and as
a result of his progreaalvenesa the present
administration of the State department
will go down In history as one of ths most
successful and effective ever enjoyed by
the United States.
Ia these modern days tbe commerce of
the world la the greatest factor In the
preservation of peace, and In building up
the trade In the United States la foreign
markets Secretary Knox has done more
than a dosen peace societies to preserve
harmonious relations between this country
and foreign powers. Nations are alow to
take any step that will destroy their own
prosperity, and the "dollar diplomacy" of
Secretary Knox la the true Yankee notion
fef International welfare and good will.
The Bee's Letter Box
Contributions on Timely flnblects
Wot exceeding Two Hundred Words
Are Invited I rum Our Keadera,
Tae Retort (onrtt oaa.
OMAHA, June K.-To the Editor of The
Pee: I was sbrry to note In today's Hee
that I had made "Another Parent" cry.
Whan ha j, . , . ,
1 ,T j in'ii i iini'i't it o snow
hr. t k. . .. . . .
1 wno H. J. A . la h haa no Idea what he
has m'ased; If he would Just come over and
get acquainted he would feel lots better.
The good brother thinks that 1 am not
courteous or xry well brought up because
I was so cruel as to show up some of his
absurdities. O. well, never mind, he wilt
feel better when It quits hurting.
I consider courage one of the eearntluls
of manhood. Anyone Is lacking In th's
essential who will make an untrue and
scurrilous attack on the splendid work
the women teachers have done In the
Omaha High school and then be afraid to
Ign his name. Also any one Is lacking In
this essential who will throw out such an
Insinuation as this: "There are a great
many things wrong at the Omaha High
school, some of which dare not be men
tioned." Name the wrongs, state the cauaea
and sign your name. Be a man! Don't shoot
poisoned arrows from ambush.
"I expect that he will be wlllln to ad.
in mai mat ratnel who turns over his
boys to their mother to train and manage
would be lacking In the essentials of man
hood, and yet that is what we do in putting
grown Doys in the charge of women teach
ers." The parallel of this proposition
would be to quarantine boys against tholr
mother when thty were about 16 and not
allow them to associate with the poor, weak
woman, for fear they become effeminate.
Men and women were Intended to live and
work together; the boy all his life should
be under the Influence of his mother, so
the girl under the Influence of the father.
This co-ordinate and dual Influence In the
home and when extended Into the school
based on efficiency and not on sex gives
the best results.
'The boys to whom I refer as leaving the
high school are not of the hoodlum class,
but the sons of wsll-to-do parents and
know how to behave themsolves." "Well-to-do"
Is not a passport In American life.
It Is Just this class that are hoodlums and
waste their time and opportunities and are
a grave danger to the community. Their
very advantages condemn rather than ex
cuse them.
The private schools where grades and
honors can be bought for those who are
too shiftless to win them are a poor ex
cuse for boys with more, money than
brains. The man who honestly believes In
the segregation of the sexes ought to go
to Constantinople and be a Turk.
Ei-jrnator Allen Takes Exceptions.
MADISON, Neb., June 7.-To the Editor
of The Bee: The purported interview with
me published In The Bee yesterday under a
Lincoln dateline Is entirely fictitious and
without the slightest foundation. The ex
pression credited to me with reference to
Mr. Bryan's candidacy for the presidency
that "I would support him from start to
finish and that I would work my head off
for him in so puerile and florid that I am
surprised that The Bee could be Imposed on
to the extent of publishing It. The only ex
pression ef opinion I gave was to a gentle
manly reporter of the State Journal, who.
the next day, reproduced tn' hie paper the
substance oftn;hal said, ;;..-' ,
Mr. Bryan Would Like lo Ovarnla
Decisions In Trust Cnaes.
New York World.
Once more Mr. Bryan has declared his
distrust of the supreme court and his dis
approval of the decisions In the Standard
Oil and Tobacco cases. "We may as well
recognise," he says, "that we now have no
criminal law against the trusts." 'He adds
that if the justices of the supreme court
are to be permitted to "legislate" they
should be made elective for fixed terms
and not be appointed for life.
The cause of all this disapproval and de
nunciation Is the decision of the court
that the statute must be construed reason
ably. Mr. Bryan says the "reasonableness
of the restraint" is a mere matter of
opinion. He asks: "In the light of this
decision who is likely to be convicted of a
criminal violation of the anti-trust law?"
All statutes must be construed reason
ably. Lord Coke said the common law of
England is like a stool that rests on
three legs the leg of precedent, the leg of
justice and the leg of reason. Did Mr.
Bryan ever hear of a court of any eminence
that did not give ear to reason tn deciding
any case before it? Did he ever hear of a
criminal case In which the Jury was not
Instructed to give the prisoner the benefit
of any reasonable doubt?
Nothing In the decision of the court can
be rightfully construed as invalidating tha
act as a criminal statute. In fact, the
reasonable construction of it strengthens
it In that respect. No criminal statute that
Is unreasonable could be enforced under
our constitution.
Oklahoma Bank Is Robbed.
BYARS. Okl.. June SO. Usinir a .r.
crowbar to pry open a vault, robbers early
today broke Into the Statn bank of Byara
obtained H.OOO and escaped.
TTie High Hand" i. in every way
IlLs -
l j -t, ", PMeuet Kd andi i prighlliness that
marked The Simple Case of Suaan" and the ingenious grasp
ol plot-coriitructioa shown in Elusive IaabeL" AO red blooded men and
women will read with reluh Jim Warren's ventures in potties and love.
TV,. I aLlI : l :. . i- . a . . . ... '
. , " .J"1"'! vwy.aeB)oyBont. It Mbruhl and lively, geatal and snut-
omienjaurmai. "trcpuaasllr entertaining
UhfirmttlbyWUIOrmt. At aJf
nI vSSr todobbs-merrilkdmpany
Chicago Tribune: Hereupon the ma
sines will oblige by stepping up to the 'jf
veslliistlnn counter and standing still ille
the mercury light is turned upon thrm.y
ChlrnRo Heoord-HcraM: H Is alleged that
the tniiKaxInra have a trust of their own.
Amateur wrIWrs have long been convinced
la that the beat way to bust the trusts
that the oh.lrct of the trust waa to kM 1 1
them from Winning the fame to which th4)jy I - A
were Justly entitled. A I . I
Sioux City Journal: The magaslnes have)
pr.'ntcd a lot of arguments In favor of Jail 4,1
sentences for trust heads. The argument K
Is to put the Individuals who operate them
behind the bars. If this Is the right treat
ment for the men who conspire to raise the
prlco of our sugar and oil, why la It not
equally appropriate for the men who con
spire to raise the cost of our mental nour
ishment T '
Philadelphia Record: It Is " now the
turp of the mngnxlnes .to be called
tor account as having formed a com
bination and conspiracy In restraint of
trade. Whether the organisation of period
ical publishers is really in violation of the !
anti-trust act It Is Impossible to venture an
opinion, but It appears, from the govern
ment's allegations, to bear very many of
the marks which have been popularly re-'
garded as characteristic of a predatd
trust. So many of the magaslnes, howe
have dedicated their lives, their fortn
and their sacred honors to Incessant war
against all trusts, the Innocent bystander ;
must be perplexed to find them Included
among the defendants, Just like tha box
board makers and the wall paper combine
and all the rest. It may be doubted whether
the magazines themselves will applaud this '
prosecution with the same enthusiasm they
have shown In other cases.
"I believe," said the man with the
mourniul countenance, "that Dfeoon Sly
pop wouid take a drink."
'1 wouidn t put t part him," significantly
comments iho man the exended n e
' Iliat's what 1 said , lie wouiun t let It
get past him." Chicago Post.
"Why does your daughter Sue go to the
"To net Into high society."
"But why uues your other daughter Belle
go to the seashore T" .
"To be in ilia aw. m." Baltimore Aneri44
"I suppose," said the eltv man. "ihr.'
-. 4ui;n ciiaiuien arouna an olu,
t.liae like this."
"You'll f.nd a good many." admitted ih I
native, "when tne hotels (ill up." Louis J
ville Courier-Journal.
He used to be a straight enough yount
chap. What muds him vet monk ?'
"prying to mske both ends meet, I b-j
c a a U1UUU XlB.lf3.
"I never Judge a woman by her clothes," '
u. . pui in mrs. h., sarcastically, "a fi
man wno gets to as many builfSjue shows J-'
(uu uo wuuiun i. ainwauKee IHews.
"What 'has become of that man who
used to say lie was a tervant of tne peo
ple?" "The people had to let him go," mpUet
Farmer Cnrntoaael. "He got to be one o'
these hired men who tand around tnlK n
when they ought to be at work." Wash
ington Star.
" r t ' a II nh. pn. .. ... a, a a a.
said one of the defendants. "It's our IneU if
ape." VI
"Hope? How'd you fls-ura ht uf' . .
Why, we ve lied so much now that the
court might not believe us." Judge's Li
brary. "What do you charge for your rooms?"
"Five dollars up."
"But I'm a student"
"Then It's $0 down." Cornell Widow.
"Pop. Is tha world round?"
"That, my son, depends on who gives the
answer. Tho extreme optimists say It Is
sometimes square, and tha majority of
pleasure seekers declare It Is very flat."
Baltimore American.
"Do you think women would Improve
"Well," replied Mr. Growcher, "after
listening to the conversation on the front
porch I'll say this for them: If they ever
start an Investigation they'll find out some
thing." Washington Star.
Suddenly the umpire called time.
"Aw, what's the matter?" demanded the.
led the
ilavjlff 4
' 'Tears 1
"fc'omobody In the grandstand appla
from" his eyes, "and I wasn't prepared for
that. Play ball!" Chicago Tribune.
"And you really think, doctor, that you
must perform tho operation today?"
"Oh, yes. There may be no necessity (or
It tomorrow." Cleveland Plain Dealer,
me. lie aaiu. wioina tne oiinaintf r.jar
Carolyn Wells In Harper's.
"He haa six motor cars, they sav
Keeps three In Parla and" "Oh, my I
Isn't that tunic Just" "so rar
I really think she ought to dye."
"The biggest catch of all. mv dear:
He has one lung and thlrtv millions!
They do say" 'yes. Jack Hall la here;
He's simply grand to lead cotillions!"
"The best bridge pi aver In the place,
"She haa a house with sixty rdoma
"It changes things If that's the feass!'
"in, yes. i visitea tne Tombs."
"He Is a widower, my dear,
The richest man In this hotel
"I think It's rather poky here."
"YoU wear an oversklrt so well!'
"I saw them on the board walk I"
I never touch a bit of sweet."
"But how much does she really owe?
ino, you snan t pay: Tins is my tn
And so It goes from morn till night.
1 he same old talk llie same old wi
And yet, dear reader, If I might.
Id ask what better things you say?
Just Out
Author 0
theXVlV bert story Mr.
; Mutually erigiaal. Ckuapinltr-Ou
8etfrs. $I.3S mtt
' 111
1 i'f
. Ah
i f -vi i
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