Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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ne Jfaifa z i rp
'Sstronomical Happenings in July
1 f
1W ' v . -- "...
. v. -'-
- - - -
The days are sruwly 1TOmhi shorter.
being 31 hour. I minute Ions cm the lot;
M hour. .Aitjulpule OS the l&th, ul 14
heura. ,S sntauis-tr th lnt
Tb sua vises ss-v-W. b.5 and i:lf and
ta at"? JB. 7 "U and "3:tL reflectively, on
the '1st, Xtta'aid net; It em am Lo cm
the Mth.
Mareurlr fs"t(o -bear the un all month
ts be 'een.""'Vnue.""'the"' bright evening
star,' rencbeat "it greatest 'elongation rom
tb auu. "flftrrr'. 'on ths Tin. It to
tfQ tnareasmg 'In brilliancy.
Marc ta morning star and very slowly re
eedtng from" Tb elm. It -rl at U:l -a
to. and ta an" th hieridien at :el a. tn. on
M ' - k t. BaA .wa.t.
9 tha notfth To lb early evening twilight.
V It on' ths' meridian on the 16th at 7:
snt to in tfttadrktur; thst la. at rlglit
Yangles ta tba sun on tba Ml
Bef um M merning atar, bift ' to coming
I Into mors fn-vofalfie poeTtian, aa It rises
en "the Iftth at 1.B5 fc. ,
Tietf tbs times of rlator. tuariaiaa paa-
aCa or aattlac T' a' iiianat ara gtvwn tor
n7 Cary T ba matzOk. ther i&ar ta lound
far acr otttarvsaybr- Ulovtnf a chance
cf about four .iBtnutas .a Aar. adOinc tba
asuovmt for'aai-UarCataa and atrturacttsc
tt tratn-'-1aT ariaa. -'
Tba dm totn Cnt quarter tm tba M,
t UU a iw Utk, te bat tjutrtw m tba IKth
asd mw b ba Ktb. t
JutiPtioa a lth Jupiter, tnrlslbla to Omaha,
on the Mh. It to alKO In conjunction a-lUi
Mm n the l!nh. Batura on tbc fCa and
Votui on the 2Kth.
Nub of Knoirledg
On April I TTSt tha ftrat rnited Btatoa
mint vu established at Fhnadelpbia far
tba purpoaa of jiational oolnaca.
' Maj-rtaca anaounoameBt of Aleaander
MltcbaU. acad H raara, to Mia Jaaa
Hammond, aixtma rear old. path of Vir
ginia, waa published Iacembar S. 17VZ.
The flrat ocean Kt earner waa the Savan
nah., -a-hirti 'twKan -Ha Initial voyaaa acroai
tba Atlantic from Savannas, Da., ta lAvar
pool, Enrland, n Mar K IKlk Eotk eiaaaa
and aatla vera vaed.
Ortrlnal continental fla '-aa adctptecl
January 1, 1T76. It had thirteen atrtpea and
the union of the cromea of Bt Georre and
Pt Acfrrew. Tha btrth of tha Tnited States
fla occurred on June 14. im. conjrreaa
then resolving "that the fla of the thir
teen nnlted colonies ha thirteen atripea,
aitematlnc red and a hlta. and the anion yt
thirteen atara, a-hlte to a blue field, repre
aentint" a new constellation."
aitoa i - '
v -o TwJmtSN 4 ,
f THT ru "jT V sf avT TI5 J T Tail m
I rntaiT I f y fri-r I. rt pmwi
Ct" fTi sar"i J IfS 1 t aaatRi C -rftta tn
ar K J
ihis is fheJDay We Cglebrate
June SO, 191L
Xante and Addreaa, , School.
WorrlB Bwnateia, III flonlk Birtwtk St Com eniua ........
Buford Bny. Uti Levnir.rth Pt ...IIwoi
Robert PrttEer. TeX North !xte-ntk Bt... KajmVCft ......
iMrw itroaar, Cftlcaja Bt . .OntnJ
Helan a. btj, (S Soutb Tblrtj-firrt St Faraam ........
CUatoa BaJly. 2411 Burdrtta St La a ...
Harold Contta. Itlt North Tart) ty -ninth St Druid Hill.......
1Ct CsttBJiitham, 141 J North Twentf-aixth St Lob
AJena B. Cox. 1701 North Twenty-eecon St ...luhrop
wirnt Dean, 1619 Fleroa St ....Mam
OcPTieFa Eapau. 181? North Serentwnth Bt Lahe
Garnet OifJeon. ttt Wool worth A; ...Trala
Maria G laser, H II Garfield Aa l.Edw. toaewatar..
Srlrla HoTtw. 1ICJ North Forty-fifth St High
Vlnll N. Humphrey, Forty-third St. ajd Rahman ATa.Central rrk . . .
Ruth B. JehMUHL. 20 South Twenty-fifth St. . . .Maaoa
Ella M. Jamea, Jt)l FarBam St Farnaxa
James B. Keuyoa. tm Ohio St High .........
Louis Koiraleah 2414 South Twentf-ulnth St .High
Alrla S. KoeUer. Hit Nicbola St . Waliiut HlU
Emll Kolacny, 1IH Martha St Uneola .......
Hlrp KarbowshU 2 Elu st lm. Center tic.. .
Walter C Klopp, 4S11 Chicago St High
Joaephlse M. Koory. 140S South Thirteenth St Comeniui
Tereaa Xonardo, 10S South Tveuty-aeooud St. . . . . Maaon .........
Willla Leamlxis. J 71 6 North Elfhteenli St
I Mabel McClura, 1C24 Pratt Si... Lothrop
! Eloiae Magaret. 1418 Military Are .....Walnut Hill
1 Martin Mortenden. 141 South Eleventh St Lincoln .......
irria jjeaiar, IX7 Harney Bt ...Faraam ........
Julia RlTepoan. Seventh and. Webster Sta ru , . .
jFred Ryder. 2BS Ohio St Howard Kennedy.
Sam Swart. 14E4 South Thirteen h Rt Comenlna
Caroline Slmonaon. 4112 Camden Ave..... Central Park...
jamcs m, iivi itorui Berenteenth St. .......... Kellom ......
Jennie Stewart, 1421 Paul St Kellora
CUude WIlaon,2 411 Burt St.. ............ ..Kellom.
Frank Wl chert. 2220 South Eighteenth St... St. Joseph.
Peter WesUnok, JS2 South Twelfth St Lincoln .......
Franoes Waterman, 01 South Twenty-fourth Are. ..High ... .....
Helen ml. lounc S2 South Tbirty-sighth Ave Columbian ...
Helen Lu Zimmerman. 2002 Chicago St. Webster .......
f Loretta!s:Lboking Glass-Reflects Girl Who Wants to Be Mastered
"My Ijt Lorett. : Here's a Question I
aauid be triad' ta have yon answer. lCfc?
ta tt that aa aooa aa a man tots ma aaa
that ha la aa much is love with ma tbat I
eaa make him Aa ajivthisf X wish X kiss
tetsreet m him? 2 . think X want to be
snaatered, X wast a man ta sweep ma eo
autireiy out of my ewa mind that X oan
tiiir of nothinc but nlm. X read of the
splendid lovers of fcj-soue flays and wiab 1
bad llvaA thanl Tha 'huisas of tha old ra
nisniies who Xousht'for their lady loves
appeal ta me tut much snore thaa tba men
nowaday. 'What &a -Ton think, of a ttlri
Ska thief i raaliy'eeret tt -
-. "Xt"IX H! V JLRVK. "
1 think TCU wvtfbt to meet a pAae fighter.
'What Aa vca mean by 'belli maa-tarad."
xscrwart Tbara ra ea many rirle wha say
thar ' have tba 'Same symptoms that voa
AaaTiaa that I mev!a liaa ta aaalyaa your
Tba tTaaasBt saaatar tha world baa ever
had eotiQuersa fctndreea But you aa
paar ta be ratbar short tc appreaiatioB t or
tbat kind. If a maa lovaa yon till be wants
ta eav-aaU 4a atoa yaa Ilka, you ava him
the ratuasJ -oonrtaoua, . Just let ms say ta
yoa that tba joaat do whs eomea alona
snftad with at aurplus kindness you would
better annex. Tou will need a p4 deal
fat taanlirenoa. ' A Jnan will need ta have a
bis aasarva m band ta, keep a littie love
whoa pea basm ta work eft your ame-
tJasaJ farflroarBtl.-ir.-, T cw iaoaac to aentl-
IS'a Aa&aeroua . one. ta.
InocadsSed with U it vorka In tha
ajmanv Ilka aoea 4a sour milk.
9 :
J have heard rlrls envy tbone medieval
ladies before. And it's a sure slim of their
ignorance. Could you love a man whose
acquaintance with water waa limited and
whose knowledge of .the gentle unee of
soap was positively nil? That is the way
tbey were then. Even if be carried a spear
and rapped you a good manly clap with tt.
than aeleed you by the hair and dragged
you ta bis caatia, X fancy you would UTJ
mlsa tha soap.
Tou girls wha want to be mastered aVJ
ways make mt suspicious. There is alwaye
tha insinuation that you have bordes of'
weak-a-llled men lying about your feet, aa
laekadalaloally loving tbat they cannot
stand upright and awing a good right ana
to beat you ta submission. And I know
this! A maa to not looking for love as
an emotional gymnasium, nor does be
seek a girl wha expects him ta make a
home run every other minute, and to etrik
out en every ball. He wants repose and
oomfort, tha peace of congeniality, tba
animation et gentle sportlveneas; he 1
looking tor the kindly, heart-warming
flams that radiates and soothes nd de
lights. 60 X don't believe you girls at all when
yoa sssurt that yoa oan hemp ant bruise
your admirers and tbey still are supine ta
adoration. Mea are not made that -way;
And you always imply that the mastery
must be something almost wholly physical.
5 gtre you my word that every cms cf HI ou
X have snat baa seemed the type whom a
man of average intelligence and common
annss oouid completely overmaster. X de
Cmions Facts
"ICagles have' survived a oentury.
hwans hava been known ta tree 1M years,
Psxrota sometimes bold an to fete until
they are years old
'TAiesasnts and "dnmeetke poultry rarely
pass bryend the' are oT U years.
?nstPfiee are on raoord f tit raven
bavtng Sxoeedeff t years f afre.
Ca.nariea, thnee wee cage birde whose
tuneful doles are famfhar to everyeme. tre
Vueatly Hve w.neen ears. '
-. T-
i'.-.-" s, -f ; :' "''. :J-: ''"" .."T
. W bats tbe sosrtar with that m
tmkT lis cVMSbst aessn abla ha xtsUL
ClttcLb acsiat eg cms s
Mrs Kelgin shut three bears la Connecti
cut on March 10, lWtt.
Miss Catherine florke. oa August I. IKK.
white laughing inhaled a straw and was
strangled to death.
On June SZ. iKXb. a woman alave waa ar
rened. charged with stealing a lock that
lattened a twenty-pound yoa on bar neok.
Kighly-tive natives attached ta the Brtl
ih cavalry ciurj in India were, on May ,
IMJi, entaoed te imprisonment at Meerm
lor refusal te handle greased cartrldgea.
Count Montalembert was. oa Xm-eraber
1M. IK, eenttmued te sla months' imprison
ment and .IX francs' fine tor praising the
mtiUtutiuns of England and reflecting upon
Uiuac of Franoa
Krw Tors Evening Poet of July t. ltm,
te!:t of a beary storm in which wild dutJte
were unable te fly. They were eaten
down by the fierce wind and killed In large
bxeaAe'e Firm Sispaal.
Crantara was a military tig-tal employed
by the twuttiab higtu.nd hmts. li was a
t fti: sj.o or ul arm or. which
ltng dljped m tlie blood of a goat was
Kent by a eatft-fninrd boimid. wha deliv
ered M wlkh'iut a word save tha same si
tle pia of render vrua
The f .erteet "rmnwr ttt XX hamiat was
.OKtantly duspatched w-Mk tba signal te the
pelt, w henoe it was heme te a third, and
au ua until every milage within the chiefs
Aumaia bad received tha suntmaea. It Was
laat eirouiataA ta Zj
not knew what this -mastery" to which
yoa waat. and X .strongly suspect yea As
not. either. When married men "master"
their wives with clubs or bottles they get
into court. X - beard of a womaa who
wanted a master marrying a cab driver,
but X never beard bew It turned out. If 1
were yoa X should perfect my regret tor
such craving till I eliminated the crav
Carrciit Credulities
Te dream of aa asjcbor means awed luck.
Bailors whistle when Ibey want tba wind
te blow.
Carry a borea chestnut 'n tout pocket te
ours rheumatism, j, f- T ' "' ''
' If you comb ymir nalr after dark ft win
make you forgetful. . , . r 1, ..
Get a letter -on Monday and you'll get
six during that ag-.k.
? dream yea are a fool 1s good luck and
win bring Increase of wealth.
Shake money Is your feend cm first
trig the new moon and your wealth will be
torn eases.
If yea get a fishbone ha your throat pull
your big toe and the ebetraetioa will at
nee come out.
On with the Dance
Virginia reel waa Introduoed Into this
country by English settlers shortly after
the founding of Jamestown.
Tacitus Informs us that the early Oar
man youths were taught to danoe amal
swords and spears pointed at Ibem. T
Quadrille was Invented for French bal
lets In T74S, becoming popular in Paris la
18M and found Its way to England In IMS.
Fart at the education of the youth In
anolent Oreece consist ed of dancing. Be
ligious dances there were gentle inclina
tions of the body and a gliding promanads
around an altar.
Mohammedan lum forbids dancing, and It
is only by special permission that the
master of a bouse to released from this
law, for, according te the korea, this form
of amusement Is not one of the pleasures
of Paradise.
fWWEEKLY Bumble Bee
OMAHA, JUNE 80. 1211.
NO. 242.
and neither signature nor re
turn postage required. Ad
Areas the Editor.
Ob the first day of April, "
sageiy- remarked Pudd attead
V iuon, "we are reminded of
wliat we are on the ether
toi " Se on next Tuanday wa
will be reminded of the fact
t .1 .. a.s xj-eciuen, that eur
forefathers struck eft the
ahscales that bound us. and
tiiat we reougmae ns sover
eigu, but "all euea are ereated
tree and equal," and that
"Jack is as aood as his aaaa
ter. . he Amartoaa ctttana to (be
te' of ail men; lie is a sov
ereign in himself, and be
knows no rulers, eaoept the
city council, and the achoul
board, and the police loroe,
and the lea trust, and the
fciandard Oil. and rolled
(tales Steal, and the Keuoitai
Vvttoien company, and the
F-ru Machmery enmpany. and
the eu'eet car conau.tur, end
th. ai'r at the caia ana
the lanltar of tba fiat, and
t..e aiie of his bosum. and the
telephone girl and a few eth
ers. Aside from the Influence
and central these exercise
ever bis daily walk la llle, he's
like what Sir William G.lbert
wrote if the Br:th tar. "a
free as tha mountain breeaa "
eo when next Toe.dey ceime
be'U be fully )uUf.ed Is Stan
out and makirg the
Hob si d the stusaian bear and
all the other inmates f IK
European menagerie Jump
' t er the roTa-
Hurrah lor Freedom!
It's toe bad tbat all parties
ceniueniid emrid wot irlew the
matter ia the same pkuinaopb-i-ai
light that illumine the
way mi Pete Elseaanr. Whea
be eras told of the defeat el
the court bouse beads be
a-riniMd and said. "A nil. t
auda't ased 'r." sad went
a mixing lather.
Just watch Pa PUnirke's
bovs from tills time out.
fvB years acs we were far-thte-
behind tturn we are cot,
aad thea wds the aenaaat.
Tlie prntrreu ef a murda
trial at Xjeevar baa devwluped
that Voa Pbul waa not the
ru:y tool eunoemad la the affair.
Bead The Bumble Dee.
T. S
That Btrdl
a.s. u
OMAHA. June To the
Editor of The Blush Bee.
Theia to one thing I adoiire
about Curia, ana that la the
earutneas a lth wuien he
goes after things. Wa bad a
xnendly eoniei.uua e Irvt the
ownership til a rutoin. Ix was
just a stray bird of ne par
ucular value, erstwhile Kioated
ax hie place and, later ou,
tranatcrruig lis atleuLiuus ti
V. cy. I cannot say Just
one of those Vkgaries of Wuloa
robins are eauauia U H. O.
eays X tnraaumad ta coax the
bird away frem bus. Per
haps so. If eo. tt was said tn
a figurative sense and re
garded merely as a poet's U
oense. liy ttie way, isn't tt
lucay tiiat we poets are wot
eased te shew our license,
but keep mum about it? As
X was saying, X like Curio s
earnestness, but whea be
called upon tha ahaoes of
Uaiuel M abater te back up
his argument with me, 1
tbevgbt be waa going a l.ttle
toe tar, and, tn a aeaae. b
l,ttlaig tiiat great Brian, woo.
I am sure, never mixed up la
litigation ever reruns. Thank
ISO. Cruris, for agreeing te
loea me the rofara while yen
rr out ua the farm or la
Mlchltaa. I can safly say
that the bird is having U.s
iime ttt its life plenty to eat
and a music-loving master
who weuid act be guilty of
aaynag. as you did. "where
biatant robins split the dam n '
Hew oouid yoa be ee eruel?
1 bepe tt waa nothing auore
than the efteet of riding m
that dusty railroad. Hew
of um tnuet I tell you that the
U B A C. is the beet line?
If I toid that robin what
yen eaid I doubt tf he wouid
fly back te our cite next
apring. though 1 ta treating
her mure kiudly ttiaa ever tj
snake up (er year arueity ta
tt. Sorrowfully and wilted. y,
F. B. T.
Maybe eome of eur patient
per nee ss snay recall that not
se eery lung age a gent est
tered lnte a tea-year eon
tract wits the city of Omaha
te remove an garbage eg
household refuse tree ef cost
te tlie laxpayera. This Is of
internet is ounnertkm with
the Xat titat the city to new
ebeut te enter tme a contract
te .v ihK same rut te taae
ih garbage tlie city has xil
orled at the taineyerc
charge for tlie pur-pone of
laeduig his bogs. Ulici it
rnMe te enkentifie tnanage
iisw Oenatia caa show theia
Brbrlt Off Bead S
reee Other Tbtauga. .
(From a Btaf CorrespJtident.)
fCAUXNGrTOK, June 2k.
t Special. Just to show the
people of the District of Co
lumbia that good eohiailmas
ters are not the only output
at Omaha civic lite, the Hon
orable Joa'beck ruee up today
and bounoed a brick eft the
bead el toe Harvester trust.
LmmI we-k Hon.
wruie te Old Xoc Wo A. w us
is Just now at the bead of the
operating division of the army
telling him how fine a plaee
Omaha to, and suggesting that
tne old doc s prescription for
the treatment of the army tn
the future be altered by ln
ertlng Omaha wtierever CU
tare Is bow suecfltd. It is
eard on gixtd authority that
;td f oc "U'ood doeant beieve
in substitstian.
Him. LowVeck didn't cata
logue ail of tnnaha's attrao
tiona. Hs tailed to state that
tt is the beat little piaoe from
Which te run for eungreas
that ttie country efforda. L. ok
at Hon. Meraur, Hen. Hitch
cock and Hun. loa'beck a
114 IkiC rav1doa lit here
all right, and is now one nf
us. He tel us hew well he
loves Omatia end ail e
brexka, but his home will he
In tU'eshlngtm. 1. C. h nctc
Jorth. Me i ke him bully
It Is not knom-n Just were
Jim Ijsrta stands oa Hnn.
lxiwbeck's plen. hut as Jim is
going back te farming any ew,
he probably will he tminst
the eorjKTarlin. This makes
it unanimous.
This westher reminds Te
Editor of the etory Carl
rtelTer ueed te teil of ins
health resort. "Is this a good
place for rheums usra?" aked
the newcomer. "It sure is."
eMwerel tne resident; 1 got
mine here."
At ether tinies the denlaens
erf the Third ward have been
found very useful by some of
the folas who are new ee
reeadty denounrttig theaa. It
Ams snake a difference.
WTonder e tist sort of emer
gency wltl be dieoovered about
tne nUddie of July? Or. aasrlis
the weed rutting proposition
witl net be npe till about
tiiat time
- A let f people in this world
know They are right, because
other tuias seldom tiikak as
they Aa. Cenaha baa lis full
S un a
0U1 POETS' counci'
The great and glorious
'Will be here before we '
know it;
The boys are Having cash.
Ana can hardly wait te
biow lu
They are dreaming f the
That they love to celebrate
And Just dying to begin
The infernal, noisy din!
X aliall aeek soma coal re
treat. V here the coolest breeses
And the lark a welcome
While tba rippling waters
If that poet friend but knew It,
Ha no doubt, wouid up and
As It
Send an tnvrtetion warm
"eipend the day etit at the
larml" F. B. T.
Te A. Stinger. Eei. ICditor
Bumble Bee:
Jt seems there's peed
' Of speeches solemn
To the smaller fry
la your poet s oolumn;
To Curie and F. B. T
And those leaver lights
In the bumble Bee.
V ho furs and scrap
And waste much twaddle;
But you persist
These imps as cod d la
It s enough te rouse
Loretta's Ire
And make her tune
Her rhythmic lTe
For if she lands
A sting by Jmpn!
She'll have to adores
Them is their lingo.
Bet Miner iHin-
ier if 1 was you.
I'd teach thoee vounr-
Sters VTHO is MHO;
And Mtftle all
Their run dispute,
And prod them with
Tour stings acute;
And make them hush -
Their foolish holier
And hints fur the
Almighty duller. '
But. if mere any
l aid, doar me:
I suie want
M hat's coinln' te me.
, I. T.
. 1SS
Why Widows Outshine the Spinsters
An tnsttootres AiaSks and At sad of the
ycung and attractive winew whs crossss
her path to traditional In the unmarried
girl, says a writer te the Cleveland Plain
Xealer. ' In her she recognises a rival
wbosa battery of trharrns to perfect. She
fears her snares; she intetrasts her machi
nations. Deeming her a traitor-ess. aha
cannot bear ts trust her sweetheart out of
bar sight when . fluttering In the -dietanos
she perceives the white flag of a widow's
bonnet strings. "
Are autih rivals really superlatively dan
gerous? In many Instances they are fas
cinating ii el ther naturally nor intention
ally. Their hearts are buried la their hus
band's graves. Tet te tbsar very pathos
they are hedged round with attractlona.
Men whe are tender and kind cannot bear
te witness a woman's sorrow without mak
ing a brave attempt to offer bar consola
tion. As a rule, the girl whs girds against the
oonquests her rival soorea. apparently with
such exquisite ease, to net a very apt
analyst. If she were.' she would soon suo
ceed tn discovering those charms which
make the widow taaotnatlng, and, having
dene so, would add them to her ewa list
of attractions. She would realise tha mis
takes aa Inexperienced girl so often makes,
and would feel faith la the mors seasoned
siren's mariagement of men, arguing nd
with perfect Justice thai, "having been
educated te please one. she ought to know
how te pleas many.
' The attractive widow, she would per
ceive, to almost Invariably bright ta snan
ner, not at all shy, and of the most seraphic
temper, nothing ruffles her serenity; she
sees humor In the situation even when
the rain pours and end has ns umbrella
and her best Areas on. Her plouuancy to
peculiarly delicious and of the most tnfeo-
tiens equality; gloom finds no nart tn her'
ticlnhy; and the man whs hanks te her
smiles and listens ts her rippling laughter
to rescued from the blues and mil .ether de
pressing ins of the kind aa If 'by magic.
A young widow, "however lovelx, does
et rely solely upon her looks te produce
aa Impression. When she 'wants te please
one of the rrppostts sex she ts always jrood
company. She has read the latest move!,
seen the newest play, beard the most fash
ionable goaaip, and apon all subjects peat
ties Intelligently and eniertaintngly. This
the average girl dare net Aa Te begin
with, she to Jar too shy' to "show off.'" as
she terms It, her know-ledge -of icurrent lit
erature; somewhere she has beard r read
that men are bored by "blue stookinga.'
and shs is Incapable of die criminating be
tween a heavy, erudite dissertation -upon a
subject and a light, butterfly-like mention
of what to going ,oe In tba world of books.
To read a scientific work merely In order
to be able ts take an Intelligent Interest tn
the subject that to her sweetheart's hobby
would be, to her, tar toe great a task te be
endured, and yet aha wUl ge green with
Jealousy when hit eyes brighten and his
voice swells with enthusiasm while discus
sing Its merits with that artful widow.
The widow of mature age who Intends ts
marry again sets ber cap at the man she
means ts win with the very nicest dljile
niary, and rather on a different system
from tlie one the youthful and beautiful one
adopts. She flatters him by asking his ad
vine about her children's education. If she
has any, and be to a learned person with
"views" upon the subject. Should he con
sider himself a smart man of affairs aha
brings ber monetary troubles to him, ea
pecialUy asking him to recommend her
sound Investments, or to tell ber. how to
set about the purchsss et a Uttto business
for herself.
Deaf Mate Celebrities
n. aeaars
" r w aura s taxltaaatja tt
b aruilac yaasaaS teat tba iMtk
aera. aw saws a tMuuata
Ta editor bad the toothache
The faith cure wouidn t cur a.
Kur couid he long endure tt
At first be stood it bravely
ald be. It tun t burtin', "
Then found 'lata b 1 lor cer
tain: Re bted titre te the dentist.
Ae laet as he would cam er
Aad bad tt "yanked" meianteri '
r. a. x.
Emanuel Fhilbert, prince of Bavoy, who
died 1700, at the ag ot SO years, mastered
four languages.,
Tees Maaeieu, living from TT72 to last,
was director of the Ueaf Mute Institute at
Ulle. France. He possessed ejrtraoroUnary
logical pe
Wiher Gelkie, painter and engraver, de
monstrated auch skill ta the portraiture of
Scotch lewiy Ufa that bs was known as tba
Teniers of Scotland. He was born in X7K
and died In 1S37.
Edwta John Mann, mechanic aad author,
bora hi 1R11. w-as a graduate of the Hart
tart asylum, in be published a vol
ume called "The Iaaf and Dumh." con
sisting of a collection of articles relating
ts Ihs condition of deaf mntsa.
David M. Phillips, whe was born tn ttll.
was for a time a lieutenant colonel of the
Governor's Horse guards te Xxiuialana. He
flUed many effioes with fidelity and dis
tinction, eome of them such as 1t would
seem impossible for a deaf mute te eocupy.
Telklac far ataaeerssbe.
Tha phrase 'talking for Buncombe" orig
inated in the house of representatives many
years age. A congressman from Bun
eoanbe. K. I, whose oratorical powers
were limned, aroee ta address the houa
He could not interest the sneaaeers, moat
of whom left the floor, fnahaxbed, bs
told those whe remained tbat they toe
SBlght ga. as he tntsnded te speak for
some time, but was only talking for Bua-ombe"
Onx. Presidents
Our first five president were all men ot
the revolutionary epoch. -
Tyler and Cleveland were the only presi
dents who married during' their incum
bency, William Henry Harrison was the eldest
man elected president arid The-drre Roose
velt was tba youngest. ',
A house painter shut at Jact:in while
be waa in the capital at Washington m
XJeeember a. 1K3U, but tort errs ti-ty the pis
tol missed fire, "'
It was shortly after tl e clock p. m en
Saturdsy. Tieormber 11 JTffi, that Wash
ington died. Thus did niir fiial president
pass inte "the beautiful golden sumetinM
tn the last year of the oentury, the last
month of the year, the iat day of the
week and within the last hoar f ttie day.
TetltegT stag Kewe bsftiy.
Agitated Utile Boy to Mrs, Marsh-Billle
Marsh's new tin whiaUa to all broke.
Mother Hew did It happen?
Agitated XAttW Bey liulie was playing
oa tt whea a steanvcoUer went over tt,
M. A. P.
W aires Scott, aged M yeara. mas torn
ta pieces fey waive ta the Sewn ef Kes
bMTg. X. T, In March, Ut
- - r : " ' i . - "- -
WltT woatt that aacMrir pbw jj.
ttafl tasek wtrh tit?"