Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Telegraph! CongTttulationi to Furie
; Orer End of Litigation.
GwVeraor Algrlrk. RrlirM frees Ohio
Aft f.on Vlalt Home Folks
Mr Amunnl Flgarra II r.
eel veal tra Mate Board.
. - From Ft ft Correspondent)
LINCOLN. . June (Hpeclal.) TV. J.
Fufse. whese' right Jo the Cnwgtll vacancy
on tbe railway commission was settled yes
terder ky the state supreme court. In the
ese brought ,bjr Feter Mortensen of Ord,
ho filed ii t petition candidate on the
ticket and who contended that there wn
Mifflelent lime after the place became va
cant for the entrance of a candidate, today
received a telegrsm from the Valley county
man In whloH tit said:"'! yield gracefully
to the court's decision. Congratulations
and beet wishes."
Mr.; Furee, who was appointed to the
place by e-Oovernor Shallenberger. sent
the following reply to Mr. Mortensen: "1
uppreclata moat. sincerely your words of
congratulations a contained In your mea
aga J u at . received. It waa my den Ire at all
ttmee t secure an .early decision In this
matter and had the court decreed your elec
Uon valid should have retired In the spirit
so generously etpreeeed by you."
The case Could hare berti very well de
layed until It would have been too lata to
have secured a decision In the mutter, but
under the provisions of a new statute en
Beted at the late seeslm of the legislature
a printed abstract the proceedings was
filed by Mr. Furs inns getting the matter
before the supreme court before the sum
mer vacation. "
Harris Look a -OiTer Syateon.
R. W. Harris of MadlFon, Wis., an ex
pert In strevt railway operation and valua
tion, today began an Inspection of the Lin
coln Traction company's system. Mr. Har
ris 1" to spend several .weeks In Lincoln
preparing statistics which will be turned
over t& therailway commission. His ex
penses are being paid by the company.
Mr. Harris has, had part In fixing the
Valuation of the Wisconsin railways and
has done similar work In other states.
When the traction company and the rail
way commission recently arranged for a
valuation of the systom the commission
was asked to recommend a man, jt COPre.
sponded with the Wisconsin commission,
which body recommended Mr. Harris.
Secretary's Sister Dead.
Secretary of State Walt has received
word that his sister. Mrs. Hlnda Smith,
died yesterday at her home at Nevada,
Mo. Bhe was a widow,, her husband hav
Ing died two years age as the result of an
accident, i 8he leaves three sons and one
daughter. Mr. Whit left this afternoon
to attend the funeral.
One hundred and fifty corporations have
already paid the secretary of state the an
nual occupation tax due the state July L
The tax Is due July 1 and a penalty la Im
posed If It la not paid by September .
Oasae Wrs Takes Hoovers.
Deputy Game Warden Prank Williams
nd Spec'at Deputy Warden W. C. Grebe
arrested H. I Hoover and D. B. Hoover
of Omaha In Sarpy county, near La Platte
for fishing In- the Platte river with" trot
lines.! , Th fishermen had saven fish, one
that weighed forty pounds. Their trial has
not been held.
Hanard'a Valaatlon.
Howard county, which last year had an
assessed valuation of $5,T98.6. this year
reports to the State Board of Assessment
a valuation of U.83S.730. Merrick county
has reported M.385.S85. or $515 mora than
It reported last year. Phelps county has
reported a decrease. Last year It reported
H64.888 and this year SI.MS.1U.
Aldrlea Cosaee Hone.
Governor Aldrich. who has spent a pro
longed vacation in Ohio, where he made
university commencement addresses and
visited bis parents and sister, returned to
Lincoln this afternoon.
Wot Wrlsrkt on Paekaeres.
John L. Webster of Omaha, attorney for
the National Biscuit company, called on
the food commission this forenoon and an
nounced that his client intended
with the decision of the supreme- court of
.Nebraska requiring the net weight to be
labeled on all packages of food offered for
sale. Samples of the labels wera presented
to tha food commission. The first goods
to - be labeled will appear- July 1, and all
goods aold by the National Blamit vm.
pany In this stats will be branded with the
net weight as soon as tha wrappers can bt
prepared and printed.
Detailed Census of Nebraska Counties.
The director of the census has announced the 'population of Morrill county.
according to Its minor civil divisions, as loJiowei'
Bsyard precinct. Including Bayard village
Itavard village
Hmsdwater prwlnrt
Camp Clark precinct. Including Bridgeport Milage
lirtrigpport village
Courthnuee Rwk precinct ,
F.RKtwood precinct ,
Cillc tirlftt precinct
flood Wreak precinct
Haynea precinct
King precinct
Redington precinct ,
Rrllly Hill precinct
Storm Iako precinct
I nlon precinct
Weir and Llsco precinct
1910. 1WKV. 1R90.
6T Ml
U91 645 217
m ioo x
1.11 197 153
44 M 10$
19 111
3 300 561
133 90 11
Johnson's Body is
i Buried at Stromsburg
Funeral of Man Who Died in Omaha
Saturday Held Tuesday
Stromsburg Notei.
slnn, and the regalia and uniforms of thr
various grand lodges will make the occa
sion In a way spectacular. The tug-of-war
between the twelve candidates for sheriff,
six on a side, Is also expected to make a
Three Coaplea froaa Metropolis Are
Married Saase Day la Cap.
' , Ital City.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June a. (Special.) Matriaes
licenses were Issued In this city today to
tha following Omaha people: C L. Gould,
aged 30, and Mrs. Delia McCJure. aged 28;
Archie W, Wood, aged , and Mary W,
Tucker, aged . .
Mrs. Sarah Ana, Kennedy and Virgil V.
Toung; both of Omaha, wera also married
bere at tha parsonage of Emmanuel Methe
dlst church, the pastor. Rev. C- S. Carroll.
officiating. They will make their home la
Oao BaltdlosT Owaeel kg Laara
Hsrtss Destroyed, Oao Damaged.
M'COOK, Neb.. June S.-epeclal.)-Be-tween
U and U o'clock last night a build
ing on West B street, this city, owned by
Laura Hughes, was practically destroyed
by fire, together with Its entire contents.
lunng the prevalence of this fire another
place, owned by the same party, on the
sama street, about a block distant, was
also found to be on fire. Thla fire, how
ever, was extinguished without groat dam
age to tha building. It la considered that
those fires were Incendiary.
One of McCook'a insurance agents can
celled policies on these buildings about a
month since, but It la understood that an
other agent subsequently reinsured them
in the Qermaa Fire Insurance company.
The fire has caused no little Indignation
in tha city, a considerable part of which
wag endangered by these two fires.
Broke Bow to Olebrate Voartfc.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., June 38. (8peclal.J
Broken BoW Fourth of July celebration
has beea augmented by tha securing of the
Leonard Carnival company for a four-
daje' May her. Tha carnival company's
attractions.' with those secured by Broken
Bow. Insure one of tbe greatest celebra
tions In thla city's history. The laying
ot the court house cornerstone. In which
the Maeonlc lodge will bo assisted by local
order In the city, la one of the beat fee
tures of the day's program, and hundreds
cf Cutter county people are planning to
attend to tee this. Maeonlo grand lxj
efUcers will be present to honor the occ-
Chief of Police Hssger of Lloeola
Gives "Hobo Lola Advlco
Which She Follows.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 2S. tSpeclaL) Lulu
Ralnry, the first woman tramp arrested
by the police In many years, waa picked up
this morning by officers with five male
tramps In the Kock Island yards on T
street. The woman declares that she has
been on the road for a number of years
and Is at home where she hangs her hat.
Hobo Lulu," as she Is called, has ridden
In freight cars all over the United States
and Canada.
'I am going to turn you loose," said
ChleLHunger, "and I want you to get out
of town aa fast as your legs will carry
you. Such people as you are not wanted
In Lincoln."
'I will start right now for Chicago,"
declared Lulu, and she did. The last seen'
of her she was making record breaking
time on North Tenth street.
W. H. Field, Clerk of District Court,
Wtsti Another Term MariUogo
Lleeases Isaaed.
MADISON, Neb., June 28.-8pecla!.)-W.
H. Field, clerk of tha district court, will
file as a candidate, subject to the repub
lican primary. Mr. Field Is popular with
the people, highly esteemed by the bar
of the county, thoroughly competent, aa
experience has abundantly shown, for the
office and a whole-souled and approach
able gentleman, with whom it Is a pleas
ure for the people of the county to- trans
act business. It is altogetter unlikely that
anyone else will file.
In Judge Bates' court Tuesday Horace
C. Hanklns, as guardian of his two chil
dren, James II. Haskins and Pearl A. Has-
kins, settled up his guardianship, the
minors having reached their majority.
Also Marlon Owens , was appointed
guardian of his son, George B. Owens,
minor, who Inherited an estate from Scott
Simpson, deceased.
Judge Bates Tuesday issued a marriage
license to Frank W. F. Woerner and Miss
Adelaide Wlchmann, both of Norfolk. Neb,
Rev. Father Buckeley of Norfolk, In the
absence of Father Muenlch. performed the
ceremony at o'clock thla morning which
made Blmer H. Stone- and Mies Beaate C.
Webster man and wife. Both parties re
side at Schuyler.
tutlng the newly organized Litchfield Ma
sonic lodge. The grand lodge officials
were there and the event was one of con
siderable Importance In Masonic circles.
Dr. F. P. Race aod Miss Mabel Root
Are Married at Lefcoaeo,
FAIRBURY, Neb., June 18. (Special.) A
wedding of considerable Interest to Fair
bury people was solemnised at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Root In Lebanon.
Kan., Monday evening at 3 o'clock, when
their daughter. Miss Mabel, waa married
Dr. F. F. Race of thla city. The wedding
waa a pretty affair and wae performed In
the presence of a number of Immediate
friends and relatives of the contracting
parties, v The bride was raised In Lebanon
and educated In the schools at that point.
to Dr. F. F. Race of this city. The wedding
bury for some time. After a short honey
moon trip Dr. and Mrs. Race will return to
Fairbury and go to housekeeping.
The Fairbury and Beatrice Commercial
clubs are endeavoring to secure an auto
mobile road through these points, which la
to be built from Oklahoma City, Okl., to
Minneapolis. Minn. The Beatrice club was
In Fairbury helping boost for this road.
This road takes In Belleville, Kan., Fair,
bury, Beatrice, Lincoln and Omaha. It will
be the duty of each city to keep this auto
mobile road graded and In good shape at
all times. It this Is accomplished a large
number of tourists will visit these cities.
On account of the shortage of water in
Fairbury all consumers are limited to two
hours per day for lawn sprinkling. Ex
tensive Improvements are being made on
the entire water works system of Fair
bury. New water, mains are being' laid and
extensions being made In all parts of town.
Congrrecatloaallsta la Retreat at
Crete Combine Baslaesa with
CRETE, Neb,, June 38. (Special). Addi
tional arrivals at the Congregational Min
isters' Retreat are Dr. Davis, Chicago; G.
B. Hawkea, Button; E. F. Wright, Friend;
F. A. Miller, Lincoln; William Ellwood,
Fairmont; H. Miller Scott. Lincoln; V. T.
Clark, Ashland; L. E. Potter (world);
Thomas Evans, Arcadia, and twins, My
drlm Miles and Milan Milo Evans.
The ministers, when off duty, go In
swimming, play golf and tennis and enjoy
themselves as fancV directs. There was a
ball game yesterday between the east
erners and westerners with division line
through Tork. The easterner covlred
themselves with glory and won by the
close score of 18 to 17.
Prof. Ward, umpire, waa allowed to leave
the flejd without the usual demonstration.
.There waa a scrap of words onoe In the
game, but the words were strictly ortho
Old-Time Clrcnlt Rider of Methodist
Chnreh Passes Away at Uni
versity Placet
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, June 38. (Speciel.)-Rev.
David Fetx, long a circuit rider In western
Nebraska and who aided In establishing
scores of churches of his' denomination over
the state, died at his home In University
Place today.- The deceased was 77 years
of age and leaves eight children, five sons
and three daughters. The wife -of the
pioneer clergyman died a few years ago,
not long after the couple had celebrated
their golden wedding. Rev. Mr. Feu bad a
fund of stories of early life In the Nebraska
ministry at hand and occasionally when
he preached in late years he told of Inci
dents through which he had gone when
founding churches in the state. The de
ceased was a civil war veteran.
Statloa Agent Disappears.
LORTON, Neb.. June 38. (Speclal.)-Jack
Weatheby Johnaon was checked In as agent
tor the Missouri Pacific at Brock, June 10,
and on Tuesday he disappeared. A dia
mond ring valued at 3375 and one at $500 and
all the station's funds are also missing.
New Maaoale Lodge at Hahhell.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. June 28. (Special.)
About two dosen of Broken Bow Masons,
Including Alpha Morgan, went to Litch
field yesterday evening to assist in instl-
Caadldates File la Polk Coaaty.
OSCEOLA, June 28. (Bpeclal.) Candi
dates for political preferment in Polk
county are coming to the front with About
the usual regularity. Among those who
have filed are the following: County treas
urer, c. O. 'Johnaon, republican; Emll
Olson, fusion; county clerk, F. M. Letbee,
fusion; county Judge, H. H. Campbell, re
publican I. D. LeMat and Samuel Stoner,
f unionists: sheriff, J. D. Hart man. fusion;
superintendent of schools. Miss Llllle M.
Cole, fusion; commissioner, Adam Herr
mann, fusion.
Mlsa Lyford Coming Home.
FALLS CITT, Neb.. June 28. (Bpeclal.)-
Mlss Grace Lyford Is expected to reach here
the first of next week from Porto Rico.
where she has spent tha laat year as a
teacher for the United States government
at San Juan. She set sail from Porto Rico
June 24, and wUl reach New Tork June .
Her father, V. Q. Lyford. a Falls City mer
chant, la a regent of the University of Ne
braska, of which Institution she is a gradu
FaH, Ruklila A tha A .
BEATRICE. June 28. (Special.) Alpha
uran, living nortneaat of Beatrice, yeeter
day reported that hla hui viMut
trifle over forty bushels to the acre. This
is tne oest yield yet reported in Gage
county. The corn is standing the drouth
very well and with a good rain within the
icjbb " " ui ten nays win do sue. The
potato and hay crop will be abort because
oi ins ury weaioer.
"The Best in the World"
As the bride led her friends into her
cool, spotless kitchen, they broke into a
chorus of approval. . -
Well, I am proud of it," Ke said, "and proudest of
all of my stove. It's a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove,
aod I think they are the best in the world. They toast,
roast, broil and bake eaually weO really to perfection
nd die kitchen stays much cooler and cleaner than with any
ciher range. This stove cuts my kitchen work almost in half."
There is no wood or coal to carry for a New Per
fection; no ashes to clean up. It is ready for use as soon
as lit; out at a touch of the Enger economical as well as
quKK ana convenient.
sJ imV sea.
4oti wiai brsV.
elan ,
Standard Oil Company
STROMSBURG. Neb.. June". (Special.)
The funeral of Frank W. Johnson took
place yrsterdav. the Modern Woodmen hav
ing charge of the funeral. Rev. Ir. Hom
borg of thfs city conducted the services at
the house. Mr. Johnson was 66 years old
andhad lived In this county many years,
and had at one time been a business man
of the city. He had poor health for several
years and had been at the Emanuel hos
pital at Omaha for eighteen months, where
he died last Saturday. Mr. Johnson left
two sons here, W. Fred, a prominent busi
ness man here and also Alvln, who Is Jn
the cement block business; also one daugh
ter, Maud, who Is living at home.
The annual school election took place
here Tuesday, with a marked degree of In
terest. The retiring members, A. B. Hed
bloom and P. O. Nordlund, were re-elected
with big majorities. The board made a
showing of building the new high school
and making some good Improvements on
the old school house.
Otto Rlckell, who was run over st Tork
last Sunday by an automobile and who was
taken to the hospital at York, decided that
be was too good a man for an automobile
to lay out, so he put on full steam of nerve
and came home yesterday and Is around
the streets the same as usual today. He
was riding a motorcycle and was run
over by an auto, two wheels passing over
hlra. It was first reported that he was
seriously hurt, but outside of beine
scratched up some he Is feeling as well ail
Focus Your Attention
on These Lines. They Speak
of Genuine TRUE BLUE Serges....
"Why dyes this store wll so many more Hliie Serges than any
other store in this vicinity? Why is its Blue Serge business
the envy' of its competitors and t ho wonder of the clothing
world? It is because of the Serges we sell True lilnes noth
ing else. People know they nre superior else our competi
tors wouldn't try to make the public relieve they had firm. Our com
petitors, by confiscating our trade names, have assisted tis materially la
building up wonderful trade In True Hltie Serges. They are wonderful
serges, however. Wetter by far than any imitations that sell for 25 ntoro.
Our $15.00 Serge
Would Be Cheap
at $25.00
in Other Stores.
SIO up to S35
Our $25.00 Serge
Suits Are Not
Equaled by Any
Others Ee-
gardless of Price.
Millinery Store Falls.
BEATRICE, June 28. (Special. t Mrs. B.
E. Reynolds, proprietor of the Vogue hat
shop, yesterday closed her store In the
Nichols block and turned the keys over to
W. W. Duncan, a disinterested party, who
will hold the stock In statu quo until the
creditors come to some understanding re
garding the disposition of the goods. The
liabilities amount to 1S.140.
Otoe CAWBty Orator at ElnwmMI.
EI.MWOOD, Neb., June 17. (Special. )
Elm wood, has perfected arrangements to
celebrate the Fourth and has secured as
orator of the day W. W. Adams of Dunbar,
republican representative from Otoe county.
Mr. Annes Is well known here, having at
one time lived here.
iMaraaeei Compear Elects Preadent.
BEATRICE, June 28. (Special.) The
Gage Fire, Ughtnlng, Tornado and Cyclone
Insurance company held a meeting at Blue
Springs yesterday and elected W. A. Fore
man president to succeed the late A. 8.
Relff, who passed away In this city laat
Or. Lvon'c
Teoffi Povdor
not only cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth without in-,
jury, but impartt purity and fra
grance to the breath, removing
instantly the odor of tobacco.
j gawwM'''1--- " 1 ' i
Uricsol promotes the general health by acting
directly on the kidneys and liver. Improves
the appetite and produces buoyancy, both
mentally and physically, to a marked degree
W. A, Tea der Hlenburg, He. t California It., "
Baa Francisco, writes:
"Itfeeireteeirpraas my thanks to the originator ef
Orleeal. for it has atade a new man of me. A f ter suf
fering with rheumatism for six asonths, receiving ne
benefit from my physicians sad numerous patent
medicines that 1 took, a few bottles of Vrtetol eff ected
a complete cure : and net only did it care my rheuma
tism, bat it benefited my direction, regulated my
Bowels sad 1 feond it a wooderf ol nerre tonic.
"1 bave gained in weight and It baa given ma the
activity ana vigor ef a young man. 1 can bow eat and
drink whatever 1 deslra, without fear of rheumatism,
for whenever I feel symptumsof its retura,afew doses
ef UBICSOL will always give relief."
Uricsol haa been curing the afflicted for ten years past. It is not a '
. cureall, but is a proved remedy for alt rheumatic disorders
Prk $1 the bottle, containing 64 dWs. Sola Distributor.
' Sherman fit flcConnclI Drug Co. and OwM)ru Co., Omaha, NeK k J
, IB)!; Frjii
WW iay-P
you taste that rare, delicious tang of the genuine old Ger
man lager beer snappy, rich and mellowbecause it's
made by the old German formula, from crisp barley-malt
and mature hops.
It's aged for months in glass-lined tanks, to give it a de
licious flavor- then pasteurized, to make it pure.
Comes in pint bottles of clear glass, so you can see it's
pure and clean. The red or yellow wrapper keeps out the
light, preserving the snap and the life. -
Ask for it always better still, order a case sent home,
" Donglas 647 Ind. A-1216. ,
Save the Caps
from bottles of Old Fashioned
Lager Beer and exchange them
for valuable premiums. Ask us
for free book of 2,400 premiums
the real old
German lager flavor
MAH. ORDERS for "Old Fiuhiontd Ujer Btr" Cllcd the d.7 rectivtd. Shipped eriiywlttn.