Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1911, Page 5, Image 6

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?rfwttt Cfcse of TilotUon, Kelly and
Other to Execntiye.
tkosnaa Cmmr Oir la Gaml
4 P.aflre- "Ward Will B
Tk a at Meetlas;
(From a fttaff Corre9r"'ndnt.
WASHINGTON, Juns IT.-Opeclal Tele
gram It developed today through an m
trnrtuctloa to President Taft by Kma ten
Brown, that .Attorney Franklin Shotwell
of Omaha waa in Washington to protest
with all Ms power aaainxt the separation
of Jsrra I. Woodard. William A. Krly
and Dao Tlllottaon from r.e poetofflce ser
vice. In Omaha, should the authorities de
cide In favor of B. F. Thomas In the ln-v-stitatlon
arnw'.ns; o-it of chsnres against
Thomas b reason, of alleged collection of
i -in- ft cMmsAlan purpoiH lat fall.
Mr. 8hotw! has been a quiet but very
persJettnt nveilgator of condition relat
tna; to the Thomts rase since he came to
Washington a . week a;o. He has Inter
viewed almost everybody connected Uh
the casa. and with tha Information k his
command, either first, second or third
hand, waa prepared to present to President
Taft thta mornioa; a piea for those who
hava bean lararely Instrumental In bringing
tha ekartrea of pernicious activity aaalnat
tha Omaha postmaster.
Taft raaelltar wtt Caa.
President Taft accorded Mr. Shotwell a
moat respectful hearing, and. which la
somewhat unusual for tha president. Invited
Peaator Brown and Mr. Shotwell Into tha
cabinet room where, free from Intrusion,
tha case of Thomas and those connected
with It waa reviewed. Tha president, by
h!a lEterro rations, showed a familiarity
with tha case that would ba expected In
departmental matters, involving so vital a
question aa the collect Ion of camndtu
funds by an officer of the government.
After heartos Mr. Shotwell In behalf
of those, who had volunteered Information.
Mr. Taft directed that all papers In the
casa, wtLh recommendations ar findings of
R pedal .Agent Moss of the Civil Service
commission and Inspector Llndland of the
Poatoffloa department, and First Assistant
Postmaster General Orand field be sent to
tha White Houaa on Wednesday, whan Sen
ator Brown aad Mr. Bhotwell will have as
opportunity to examine tha recommenda
tions. If any, and tha record of tha case.
Tha president, la tha course of tha confer
enos. Intimated that neither of tha In
formants would ba discharged.
In tha cotiraa at tha Interview with tha
p rental ent, Mr. Bhotwell volunteered tha In
formation that tha Progressive League of
Nebraska, of whloh ha la secretary, would
ba behind President Taft for hla renomlsav
tlon; that ha (Taft) stood for tha princi
ples of tha Progressiva league sd al
though Cha progressives Uka Senator La
Folletts) thsy did not believe ha would ba
able to secure enough delegates to ba avaa
a factor In the national convention. To
this President Taft remarked, that Senator
La FnOetto and Judge Morris of Nebraska
were two of tha ablest members of tha
respect! vs branches of congress, and that
ha respected their optntona highly.
LeWk aai ties Amy.
Bam imlallia Titnf while upon tha
eommittses an District of Columbia and
sarpandltares la the Treasury department,
atlll finds tUnar "to attend to tha affah-a
of his Omaha . constituents. Recently ha
wrote to Major-General Wood requesting
a statement as' to what tha War depart
ment proposed ta do aa to putting Into
affect Its veoefit - coooiaslonsr aa as. - the
' creation of new " divisions. Mr. Loback
seourad tha Information aad ta reply wrote
tha following letter of acknowledgment to
Major General Wood:
"Mr Dear General : I wish ta thank roa
for your kindness) and courtesy In sending
ma so complete a statement as ta tha pur
poses of tha department Is tha administra
tion of Its affairs. Pardon ma for suggest
ing that Omaha would ba a preferable
point to Chicago. Tha air Is purer, and you
know how essential pure air Is to health.
The alty mt Oaaana la far 'mora cleanly.
Also tha time saved by tha of fleers in
charge In traveling the distance from their
rsaldsnnns to tha offices Is worth consider
able. Tha OmaJia public schools are far
a perl or to tse Chicago schools. Moreover,
wa wtstet to sea you ta Omaha whenever
yen go on a tour of Inspection. My people
wish ta know .yon personally. Therefore,
la tha name gt tha people of Omaha, and
tor tha best Interest." as I believe, of the
middle west and the nation at largo, I
Invite you to Insert the name of Omaha
wliei aver tha name af Chleaaw now ap
jtsns tnvyour orders. "
' Psvvtdean Xearkti WmUs tia.
r. W. M. Davidson, lata superintendent
of tha public acnoola of Omaha, arrived ta
1 Washington today. Hs attended a meat
lr.g of the Board of Education this after
noon and met informally those who oom
sose that body which waa nnanhnoua ta
bringing the Omaha man to tha capital
city. Dr. Davidson's reception was more
than cardial. M really amounting to aa
ovation, for everybody seemed glad to wel
come the man who la looked upon to solve
many of tha troublesome auestlons growing
out of a rather Involved school system,
due to laws made for the District of Co
lam but 'by son grass. Dr. Davidson said ts
Tha Bee -esrresoondent that he regretted
much the breaking rf home ties m Omaha
and Nebraska, for hs had grown to love
tha people of that cltv and state, but
there eras a measure of compensation la
tha warmth af his reception today at the
hands of not , only the members of the
Board of Education, but of those who have
so largely to do wtlh the making of the
schools ct Washington. -Dr. Davidson will
go to New' Tork for a dav or two and
will return, to Omaha to attend a meeting
of the Board ef Education oa July ft. He
mav decide fO attend the meeting ef tha
National Educational association In Saa
Francisco before entering actively upon Ms
work here. . These matters are subject ta
the deal res ef tha Washington board.
at Advice af tssswl, Held
ta Be UlesaL.
fPYom m Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jane ST. (Special Tele
gram It-Trough contending that ha had
been advised by tha deputy county attor
ney of Dourlas county that a marriage
ith hla first us In waa legal, Alfred T.
Stay. f. rnvrly of Omaha, now of this
county, waa hard hit by aa opinion handed
down by the supreme court today, la which
the decision of the lower court adjuglng
htm guilty of bigamy waa affirmed.
Argumenta by Staley's counsel that, his
Intentions were good bora na weight with
the cjurt Wbkrh sa'd that Intention,, Inso
far as the ertms of bigamy was cor.caraed.
did not count In the
Haaptewt Ulrl ta Llaealsu
A lJneela Neb.) girl writes: "I had
been alung for some time with chronic con
ttipatluo and stomach trouble. I baa
takio Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets and In three daya I was able ta
be up and got better right along. I am
its proudest girl la Lincoln ta find such a
good msdloina For sals by aU dealers.
j He Has Car Stolen,
Then Pushes Woman
from Second Auto
Comedy of Errors Results is Wreck
inff of Valuable Machine and
Harrow Escape for Woman.
Pushed from an automobile at 1.30 o'clock
this morning. Marie Smith, badly bruised
and unconscious, was picked up from the
pavement at Thirteenth and Douglas
The driver of the machine, who repre
sented himself to the young woman as
"Mr. Francis." chauffeur for the Only
Way taxi service, soed awav after stop
ping suddenly and shoving her out.
C. Anderson and P. J. Gull of B43 Main
street. Council Bluffs, who were standing
on the street corner at the time, ran to
the girl and carried her to the sidewalk.
here efforts wero made to revive hr.
She was taken to the surreon's room at
the police station, where Dr. C. H. Peppers
attended her.
On coming to the woman said she had
been pushed from the car bv Francis after
a quarrel at the Lange hotel.
She aald she had been with Francis and
a party at the Wick and Moore saloon,
11 Dodge street, earlier In the evening.
Leaving their machine In front of the
saloon, aha aald. they came out to find it
had bees stolen.
Tha police learned that tha machine was
stolen by a negro and three white men.
Going at a terrific rata of speed Into
Broadway, Council Bluffs, from the Doug
las street bridge, tha car struck a bump ia
the street and waa capslsed and wrecked.
Tha negro chauffeur and tha occupants of
the car suddenly disappeared following the
John Sutherland, a hostler employed at
tha Jones livery barn. 1114 Dodge street,
waa badly hurt, either by being struck by
the car or hurled from lt
Hs was badly bruised about the face and
knees. Indicating, the police say, that hs
was In the machine at tha time of tha ac
cident Sutherland was taken to tha police sta
tion and treated by Dr. C H. Peppers.
On information from tha Council Bluffs
police, detectives were sent to his lodging
house to arrest him. but found that ha had
Tha AJco machine which was totally
wrecked was valued at S&.000. It was the
property of tha Only Way Tail servlca
Tha Smith woman's companion secured
a second machine in which tha pair was
riding whan ths man pushed her out She
was left la the 'care of tha police matron
last sight.
"Dope" Fiend Tries to
Hold Up Fifteen Men
Goodrich Home at Blnffi Terrorised
and Footpad Badly Beaten
Up in the End.
J. C. Gens, a "dope" fiend, terrorised
tha Goodrich hotel at Eighth street and
Broadway, Council Bluffs, at 11 o'clock
last Bight seeking to hold tra fifteen men
la tha office. Ha was caught when ha
had emptied his revolver aad ths intended
victims left tha man In a shape that gave
the polios surgeon several hours work, i
The man loafed about tha hotel office
during tha evening, and at 11 appeared on
ths sidewalk under tha veranda, where
Dave J easier, a guest aad former porter,
waa seated. Ha was masked and carried
a heavy revolver. Marching J easier Into
tha hotel offloa. tha bandit commanded the
fifteen man there to throw tn their hands,
and fired promiscuously when they bunted
cover Instead.
When tha fusillade was aver Jesster,
knowing where Proprietor Goodrich kept
a revolver, found it and covered the high
wayman, who was then set upon by tha
men hs had tried to rob and shoot
Oana Is a stranger to the police. Ha la
a man of years, tall, slender and power
ful. Whan tha excitement was over tt
was discovered that the gun with which
J easier effected the man's capture was
Denied Glass of Beer
Woman Leaps in Biver
Jot j Vanek of Gibson Ends Her Life
When PriTilig-a of Yean Waa
Denied Eer.
Joey Van of Gibson wanted three
glasses of bear for sapper. She could have
only two, so sha Jumped tn tha river and
drowned herself.
Perhaps twenty-five men stood on the
bank near the dike from which she lumped,
saw her floundering in the water and
screaming for help, bat mads no attempt
to rescue her.
Josy Vaiu-k was X years old. She lived
with Bert troudny, bar brother-in-law, and
his family, a block from ths Missouri river
front at First and Spring streets. Gibson.
Mary Boudny, a niece, said last night
they had quarreled at tha supper table- It
waa always Joey's custom, she said, to
drink three glasses of beer with the meal.
Last, night Josey had drank a glass of
whisky before supper time aad tor that
reason her customary third glass was re
fused. Tha drowning occurred at 7.30
o'clock last night
Boats were set out In the stream fifteen
minutes after the woman had taken her
fatal leap from the high dike and efforts
were made to recover tha body, but up
to a late hour last night It was not found.
- Miss Vanek had been janltreas at the
Gibson school for the last six years.
Jadge Trans Taken. Osaa Praseeatlea
I ader Advtsrsaeat la Die- v
trlet Cssrt.
Arguments were finished yesterday
afternoon In tha Oma hotel case, prose
cuted by ths county attorney under the
Albert act, which has been on hearing
before Judge Troup la district court for
ths past week. Judge Troup has taken
bis ruling under advisement
Louis Prenlcs, as proprietor of the hotel,
was' the only one of the half dosen par
ties made defendants In suits to contest
tha casa on a quest loa of fact
Child Kate stryehalae Pills.
MOXTICELLO. Ia. June 27. Walter Mil
ler, the l-mooths-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. ' Miller of Hopkins secured several
strychnine pills last night and eta them.
Tha child died within an hour.
Ions atiltaiese asserisast.
How you may guctflt by It Take Foley
Kidney PUla Mrs. It. Q. Whiting, k
WIL'pw fc)t, jlJkron, O.. cays: "For sosao
eV.ia X bad a v-cry aartoue ease at kidney
Uuuble aad I suffered with backaches aaj
ixy headaches. I bad sticks Coating be
tore ray- eyes and I ail tired sut and
miserable. I saw Pois kidney Pills ad
terlaed'aad got a bultli and took them
a'.v.-ordtng ta direction ai4 results showed
al-nost at oaca. Ths paw. aad dUzy head
ackua left me. my ey4tut became atea;
aad today I caa say I u a well woman,
thanks to Foley Kidney Fills." Far eaie
by til trm&f.
Census Returns GiTe the Palm to Kr
and Mn, G. A. Beuey.
Park District la .sated far Ita sell
Fasalllee, While tha Castellar
District Halds Rerwrd fol
Large Ones
Tea children of school age. Such Is the
proud record of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Beseey.
who live at 2610 Emmet street. Census
returns of twenty-four districts In the city
show that the honors of having the largest
family easily go to Mr. and Mrs. Bessey.
who llvs In the Lothrop school district.
Ths children, seven boys and three girls,
range In age from i to 30 years. The young
ert la George and the Oldest Arthur. The
others are Charlie. Thomas, Frank, Ralph,
Gertrude, Emma, Edurn and Jennie.
H. D. Schlndler. of lSli South Thirteenth
street, who lives tn the Castellar district.
Is a close second, with eight. Large fam
illea m the CaMellar district ts the rule,
while Park district Is characterised by small
families. '
The completed returns of twenty-four dis
tricts show a gain of 106 over last year.
Leavenworth Is the biggest loser of tha lot.
the returns showing a loss of St.
Of thirteen districts reported Tuesday
Ave showed losses and eight gains. Hera
are tha figures for this year and last:
District Boya. Girls. Total. 1910.
-ass 430 7C4 rse
Central Park....
Clifton Hill
Leavenworth ...
Lothrop ..........
V CI 471
Vinton JT4
wn:nut Hill jn
W e Hat as aLsV
Windsor '.".'Z'.'.'".'..1S1
Cottage at Ames, la.,
Wrecked by Wind
Barn Lifted Over Orchard and Carried
SeTeral Rods Without Injury
to the Tree.
AMES. Ia. June J7 Special.) The cot
tage belonging to Prof. M. L. King, living
a short diatannce south of the college here,
was almost completely demolished by tha
terrific wtnd and rainstorm which struck
here about 11:1s. Prof, and Mrs. King
wars both away from borne, so no one
was Injured. Tha roof was blown 300
yards, slightly damaging one of tha neigh
boring housea
The cottage, which was constructed of
hollow tile building blocks, waa badly
wrecked. A bare. 1 by SO feet, standing
near, waa lifted from Its foundation and
carried several rods over a young orchard
and. garden, without leaving a mark. The
barn, however, was badly wrecked. Many
other barns and outbuildings about Ames
were blown ever sad considerable damage
was dona.
Many of tha beaattfttl trees on tha col
lege earapns were blown over and de-
stroyed. The bleachers from tho college
athletic field were scattered ail over tha
John Kovane Drowned
Near Storm Lake
Young Man Swimming in Little Sioux
Rirer ia Caught in a
8TORM LAKE, la. June IT. 8pedal
Telegram. John Kovane. oldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Kovane of Soott township.
was drowned in the Little Sioux river Just
east of Sioux Rapids yesterday evening.
He and five companions were fishing, and
tiring of that they started to swim the
river. John struck a whirlpool caused by
high water and was pulled under and did
not corns up He waa 24 years of age and
had lived in this vicinity all his Ufa
This Is tha third drowning tn this vicinity
in a year. George Bernard drowned on
July 4 last Early this spring Edwin Orun
ller waa drowned while skating on the lake.
Conductor Crushed
Under Boxed Piano
E. P. Munson Lutantly Killed by
Fall of Instrument from
Wagnn Monday.
f STHERVlLLE. la, June TT.- rf pedal.)
R. T. Munson. a resident of this dty and
a conductor for the Minneapolis as St. Louis
railroad, was Instantly killed at t o'clock
yesterday morning, while helping unload a
piano, out of a box car, at tho Minneapolis
a St. Louis depot here.
Mr. Munson and two other men had Just
unloaded the piano onto a small station
truck wagon when it slid off sideways onto
tha platform, knocking Mr. Munson over
and pinning bbn down under It. breaking
hla neck, causing death Instantly.
Mr. Munson was about SO years of age
aad has been a resident of Esther, a
number of years. Besides a widow, one
eon. Clyde, and on. daughter, Minnie, are
left to mourn his sudden demise.
Ctrl Hart la notasnoMIe Wreck.
MASON CITT. Ia. June XT. lSpectal.
Mlss Vera Hammett of Clear Lake was
seriously injured In tha wreck of aa auto
mobile last night. In the auto wars three
young women and Oaorgs Johnson, who
was driving ths machine. While running;
at high speed ths auto skidded to one side
of ths street, causing it to turn turtle. Tha
two young women in the rear seat were
thrown free of tha auto and wars not
seriously injured. Miss Hammett, who was
tn the front seat with tha driver, was
caught beneath tha machine and her chest
was quits badly crushed. Two ribs were
broken and there was a slight puncture of
tha lung. Sha was Immediately brought
to this dty and placed ba tha City Park
hospital. Tha auto waa left by the aid. of
tho road during tha remainder of the night
and soma one stole two tires from tha
machine and tws rims.
Tw. rtaJsemsaa astasias;.
CLEAR LAKE. Ia, June XI. Special. V
A number of people ware quite a little
worked up last night. Two parties, early
in tha morning, hired a rowboat and went
out fiahmg. Lata la tha afternoon their
boat waa picked up drifting and maids was
a fins plks and a good lunch basket. The
boat had been paid for, and tha question Is,
What became of ths men ? It hasn't bean
solved yet. although no one has bean re
ported missing. Ths . boatman did not
know their names sr whera they wars
Bwth Arsaa aad Lcsj BraLfs.
ALOONA. Ia. June f7 tSneclal. Mrs.
Joseph H. As be was very seriously and It
may prove fatally hart when aha and her
four children were thrown from a su
near here when tha horse shs was driving
ran aaay. Both anna aad oas lag were
pens Uedrie
Dont't miss this great sale. Over 300 beautiful dresses to
choose from, formerly sold from $19,50 to $35.00, at $8.95
In this remarkable offering you will find all the latest designs that' will be
good for fall wear, made of the very finest silk foulards, pin stripes, dotted and
nuwcicu yaueiiis,
bale starts Wednesday morning, 5 o clock.
Dresses Sold at $19.50, $25.09, $29.75, $35.00
Falling- Off of Thirty-Two Million!
in Eleven Months.
Kasafactsrm Materials Lead, bat
Laxarics Alsa !kw a 1 ssasaedl
Deaaaad far the Forelga
WASHINGTON. June . Tt. Imports dur
ing the eleven months ending with
May. 1311. show a reduction In valuea
of a large share of the manufacturers'
materials Imported, also a reduction In
luxuries, according to a statement Just
Issued by the bureau of statistics of ths
Department of Commerce and Labor. Wool
shows a fall from S50.ono.OTO In the eleven
months ending with May, 1310. to $3,000,000
In ths corresponding months of 191 L hides
and skins from Cfl6.WO.ono to VA OTj.Ono,
India rubber from KMoa.OW to
fibers from tnn.333.O0O a to trr.T5O.O0O, leaf
tobacco from t25.75O.000 to C4.75O.0TO. lumber
from tl7.500.0TO to tlfjOO.OJ. dressed furs
from St0.J32.0ro to 37 SOO.ats). fur skins from to 113,750. TOO. pg Iron from a little
leas than 000.000 to tS.5TO.000. copper ore
from a little mora than tS.000.0TO to SS.5TO.aro,
feathers from t& to t5.0TO.0TO and pulp
woods from $5,500,000 to a little leas than
Of the manufacturers' materials showing
aa Increase In value Imported during the
period In question raw silk advanced from
tSLOOO.000 to t6t.000.O0S In value, tin from
about Cg. 000.000 to t36.OTO.O0O, pig copper
from $3,333,000 to $3. 303.000. raw cotton
from $15,333,000 to C3.0TO.ft4 and wood pulp
from $10,750,006 to $12,750,000.
Of tha articles which may properly be
classed as luxuries diamonds show a de
cline from tI7.250.000 to $30,500,000. cham
pagne from $6,000,000 to $3,000,000. silk laces
from $6,000,000 to $3,500,000. cotton lacea from
$34,760,000 to $34,000,0(10, while art works
showed an increase from $30,333,000 in value
to tn.509.OM.
The following table shows ths principal
articles imported with their values in May,
liU. and the eleven months ending with
May. compared with the corresponding
periods of tha preceding year, in millions
of dollars:
11 Mos. Ending
May. with liay.
1S1S. L1L 19W. wu.
13 16.2 H I K8.J
2.4 1.7 S3. 3 Kb I
2 7.3 K6 71.7
4 13 0.t tfc.l
t 4 T. 1)6 64
It 2 5 27 8 36.
11 2.3 34. 7 34.0
2-T 2 2 37.2 30 S
3 1 22 Ml . 3
2 2.7 .10 3 27.7
3.7 3 2 25 7 24.t
II 15 1 23.0
2 2 24 4. 21.1
t 1.4 20.3 21.5
1 7 2 4 13. g 10
I 4 1.4 20 3 H.&
4 . 12. g w.l
16 I t 14 4 15.5
II It 17.4 14t
l 17 143 13 8
11 13 10.2 111
. 11 10 7 12 7
I 10 10 1 11..
1.0 1.0 lO.t U.t
7 Jt 147 101
T .7 4 4
.1 0 t.7
.0 .0 t l.t
. . 101 74
.4 .2 7.4 T.4
4 .1 0 0 7 1
.7 0 4 T.l
.4 .1 T.l 71
.7 .7 II l
-7 .7 2 4 1
I J II it
.0 .4 0 1 CI
7 .1 41 II
i Jt 4.J 1.5
.4 .4 0 0 1 0
I .4 II 40
.1 1 0 1 II
.1 .1 II 3.1
1 3 41 t.l
41.3 44 1 463 1 607.7
Articles Imported.
India Rubber, crude
Silk, raw
Hides and Skins...
Tin in bars
Cotton Laces
Copper tn pigs ....
Kibers, unmanuf....
Tobacco, leaf
Cotton, raw
Wool, raw
Art Works
LI nans
Soda. Nitrate of....
Boarda, Planks and
Pur ttkina, undr's'd
Cocoa, crude
Wood Pulp
Paper and mfrs. of
Wool cloths and
Dress Goods
Chlnaware. decortd
Silk Dress Ooods..
Cotton Cloths
Purs, dresaed
Gloves of Leather..
Straw Hats and Ma-
tertala for
Iron Ore
Pig Iron
Copper Ore
Feathers and Downs
Pulp Woods
cotton Knit Goods
Bllke Laoea
All other articles...
Total Imports. ..11 I ISO I 1.437.1 L406.4
Moat Wss4rrtsl Heallag.
After suffering many years with a sore,
Amos King, Port Byron. N. T.. was cured
by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 2m. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Moat cooklnf mistakss
mm wot M uimior ipiCTS.
Eon"t nee pepper, ringer.
' uiai wai
sas lost iu i
strength. Gat
aaaaan saaas
Tons Bros. Imnx u:. i
W . . Il. i
wwa sptcas aad eet ik
thing to yon in aa sir.rlkt
PsKkaga. 10c. at Grocers i
T8KIE8S, BfJ stats. U. ,
iviessaiines, cnaius wun lviessaiine
Wedloesdav all:
pwos Msa. wtemow w4
XjJS, Black FkiarsDistiuuy JTf
The best is always
imitated. There can
be but one original.
If you ask. for Coates
&j Co.'s Plymouth
Dry Gin you will
get the original the
finest Dry Gin dis
tilled. Made since
1793 at the Black
Friar's Distillery.
Try it in your next '
rickeji fizz or cock'
tail note the diL
'The Dry Gin with
the Flavour"
Every Hotel. Club, Restaurant
snd Cafe has Coates Si, Cot
Original Plymouth Dry Gin
it is known the world over
there must be reason.
Tourist Fares
Embracing' tha Most
Charming Summer
Trips 1st America
Vacation selccaoas on ms Mains
or Jersey Coast, ia New York
or Bostos, in Historic Montreal
or Quebec, is the wilds of Caa.
ada. at a highland' Lake Reso.
Route viaNtagata Falls, optioa of
steamer trip thraugh the Thou-
sniwl lalmnrf mmA I mtmtm I
Rapida. Rl
Saeclal Law Tearlst ?araa '
uw Jose la! s XMt. isc, I
ttskveasaadsaitrdvnasa I
ssul rns
A.O. f.A.
112 W. AdesaaSC
I skta-snata
-a T rl a-
Reaches the Llva gtaek Men.
London Paris Hamburg
2rlsaia. July t, t frss. Gnat ....JuiT a
'lr IS ""Tree Uacela .Jalr
kiu-Cartua a la Cans HauumL
WU1 oil at rirasooik as4 CWfcw
Br th. smsi sis
aad no.
Ta. drat ts km
Nw Tars oetoksr
n. urn. rt. sas
t. htvt Ssa f r
clao. Feb. a Uli.
Assusl Beat Trips
Is Oct . 111 A Fk..
ilL br urs. im.
ta a a ruum
lil eat KariOolpa fu, Chicago, liL, or
Local AganL
$ "'sH'&r TW two ff if.
South 16th. St.
Dwn-iiars -raft ?5 r'flPf
mi umL can p w vjjjbia
Low Fares Eatst
XlcRcts on Sale Daily
Round Trips from Omaha to
Atlantic City, N. J.. .$44.50
Asbury Park. X. J..$42-$45
Boston, via Montreal $40.60
Boston, direct ,,$41-$45
Buffalo, X.Y $32-$34
Detroit, Mich $25-$26
Return limit 30 days.
Correspondingly reduced rates to many other tourist
resort in the east via the
Lott 60-day circuit tour fares to New. Tork CSty. $49.40
and up; to Boston $o2.20 and up, according to route selected.
Long limit summer tourist fares to Wisconsin, Michigan,
New York State, New England and Canadian resorts. In
formation and folders free.
City Passenger Aent.
Write to the LAND BUREAU, OMAHA BEE, for in
formation regarding Western Lands. Service is free.
(Assasncajs at EUPTOPaAJI PLAN)
An Ideal resort deUjrhtfully situated on Laka
Michigan. 10 minutes' ride from Chicago's
theatre, shopping and business district.
It combines the restful quiet of country and
seashore with the attractions of a great city.
Here, surrounded by beautiful lawns and
flower beds, you can obtain every hot
weather comfort; you can sleep In cool,
airy rooms; refresh yourself in the surf of
the smooth, sandy beach, and find best of
food temptingly serred. The grounds of
This Finest Hotel ea the Great Lakes
adjoin the great South Parka, famous for
their golf links, tennis courts, lagoons, lakes,
boulevards, horticultural displays, etc
Those wishing quiet find the secluded nooks
they seek, while others enjoy all the sum
mer gaieties. The tourist, transient or sum
mer guest finds always a hearty welcome.
tllaatrataW salt M raswst ts Msaaaar,
1st BtvaL ana Lasts (asrs, CUcac
Tha Black Hills tlasura and health
resort. Easily reachad. delishtful
climata and curative mineral waters.
affords visitors sn excellent home.
Formally opened June 14. Renewed
throughout. Perfect service st rea
aonable cost Conducted by Midwest
Hotel Co., si so managing;
riarrs, S. 9.
Tali WrsatAXBT. BUtaaaU. U. S.
TU KiUIT, mapU City, S, B.
Information on request to
B. F. WELTI'. Manager,
Hoc bpriugs, 8. D.
New York to
Paris In Six
Aaaittoaal saOlao M M aakta srloas. alta
w .... sssra
at. Book. IBM ruumt sv. rt
M. C. SW-. IStk aa4 ara- awaT-wa.
I aa J r - .f sV
yoKes ana ioias, etc
Montreal, Que. $35.00
Muskoka Lakes, Ont.,$33.95
New York City.. . . ."$42-$45
Quebec, Que. . . . .'.'.$39.00
Portland, Me ,$42.35
Toronto, Ont. ..... .$29.60
Return limit 60 dars.
Tickets, 1524 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Desch Hotel
Sylvan Lake Hotel
Near Custer, S. Dak.
A delightful hotel situated on a
wonderful mountain lake amid most
picturesque scenery.
nsxora, boattbto, TXsrra,
Splendid table: cool; freedom from
hay fever, asthma and Insects. Auto
mobile service from Custer snd Hot
Springs. 114.00 to t.H uO per week.
ti I. CAJUSOX.X Bta-r. Cos tax. D.
Oas DaUaur Par Year.
Splendid Hotels Afloat
Csorjepii 6aral Traitattaitlaa
Fast twin screw staamsrseiaainns; tha Snest
modern hotels, irave New York lit a, m.
Tkuradaya reachlna Havre tn sis daraooo
necUna' with Uiniutfa Uslns fur Pans and all
Continental pulnta. k.verr provlstoa for
safetr. wtrrleM and submarine bella, Maa-o-war
discjuilna, iuf csf. iiurarr. f mnu
loin. daU ouomrta. dallr paper, Ovil-luus
nitons assure atrms suaxlmum enmforv
I La ToarmUML JuJv a 1 L-rr.ln ). ss
raass Tatar;,, fc, rpSa, sai slai. eaaia
arts vs ssass.
w.. a...... ... .
P. WCTA, O. Tw.lTr. VlZTL