Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1911, Page 11, Image 12

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I. A
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Who's -Who
"I had a -visitation tola afternoon." an
nounred .: th Hopeful Housewife ae th
Confirmed Commuter et down Ma coffee
eup.. r i
"Teas dear, I st with you." he amid at
random;-""; '
'"Wake upf Com to!" exclaimed his wtfa
reproachfMly. ' -l . haven't aald anything
for you t agre wlthl'l waa going to tall
ynu abrthr Mr. BMrwn'a call thla afternoon,
but. of foMVa-, if you don't want to listen
If I Vtra- yrxj"
"Don't b"1llyy .protested the Confirmed
CommlaWhurMedly. "Mm all attention.
What' (he "matter with Mra Brown thla
time? la sne still going to leave Bill or la
thla one of rhe flay w aha think all
ther wn4n envy her happy lot?"
The Hopeful Houaewire amlled.
"If tio wwreVt so funny I'd be aorry for
her; and yet she's Just pathetic enough to
keep ma from realising how awfully rldlc
wloua aha la. Tnl afternoon ahe cam In.
Copped hersefc down In ber chair and aald.
Well, tm tning to get a divorce from B111I
aty 'mind 1 ma1e up'!' Nothing can change
.' t gave her a" cap ef tea, 'and In half
an hour ahe confided to me that a fortune
UUer had told tier Mr. Brown waa going to
Inherit $4,000,000 lit "eighteen- tnonthe, ao she
thought ehe'd stand hfm a little longer." "
The, Confirmed Commuter amlled aadly,
aa hla wife continued: " v "
"Poor ' woman,'. .no"' aald In her most
superior ; manner.. "It ' muat be perfectly
dreadful to' be, so Jealoue of a man! And
Mr. Brown la auch a'harmleaa creature,
too!" '
"Oh, I don't know," he said. "Every man
la aa ApMIw to annra woman or women,"
ke added cryptically;' -
"I soppo so," answered hla wtfa ta her
luoet detacned manner. "Bet what I mean
la that. Whatever a -man' attractiveness. I
I'm t "see haw wife with any self-roepeet
n be Jealous of him. Jealousy la a mental
tat that i 'simply dea't understand. Oh.
aa. It s Hot', because Im -conceited," ah
added hurriedly, that I think too much
of my looks, or anything Hke that. It be
cause I have so srmoh confidence In you."
The Confirmed Commute- bowed with ex
aggerated gratitude.; n -thank . yotj. my
dear." ha said.. "It's pralaeworthy frame
f mind to cultivate."
Suddenly ..a dropped hi ton ef light
banter and. remarked (n ponderous and
ear seat aeoeata: ..-.,-
'1 pi ease ex very oouoh to know that
yoy understand in ao well. I had always
bad the- Idea, that you were enough like
ether wiypea to want to tie a man down to
aa Uninteresting domestic routlaa. I hare
sometimes wished that you were large
nlnded . enough to realize that a married
Sna. maV taka a narfaotlv I nnjuun . l.lli,k.
.n tarn soeiety of a "lev or woman other
than hla.wifa There la a very shrewd,
I-"--- ' ' ' '
:; ettafs Looking Glass-Held Up to Girl Who
I should Bay you are. If I express my
elf fully. Toil' would probably be lea
e ailxed.- but about K0 per cent more
mad.-" ' ".": -j
I think you are a 'supremely competent
prevaricator, ou aay you are engaged
and. expect to b . married when your
fiancee returns-, f rom, the south. Mean
while, UU other man. whoa broad-mind -edneae
and Juat, let me tell you. It would
Aak a mentality , composed of two part
of India, rubber and the other ( the milk
ot human kindness to spread over., your
erfonnanc you, . like, begins to be ale
to you as a friend! However, you don't
want aay cold bibb, jo com between you,
ao when ran and he are talking of matrt
monyv hs a purely aciantlftia way, and ha
aay that ha heard you war to be married,
but knows you would have told him had
such been the case, you Just keep still! .
I hop tha lover, of your la the south
la paying court to soma aweeWolced.
caarmlagly feminine southern girl. X wom
ivr if you know bow "charmingly femln
( taa' thoa Itlrl are?
I Then, the man sends you a present,
f An yoa-kr n sees us n would be of
' no as ta ann else or to him on aocount
of the monogram. So kind of you!
Teu aay you hav no mother, so you
appeal to me. I suppos I ought to be
"my deary" and tall you "never to do ao
again." But won't. I'll tall you exactly
what I tt.tafc :17t;it iappen to BU your
aaed. Jon at -weieome to v It' not the
lack ef a' mother"' that's the matter with
you; bt'a the lack of a eonoinoe Mother
Hint to the Self-Eeliant Girl
A, woman who has-mad a study of th
resource fulneae of her kind declares that a
girl may live reasonably wll In the city
e f a week pre vtdeeT aow -caa malt her
wa, clothe. It ah cannot sew enough to
faahloa evea the plain article of clothingr
ah mini to ktv sad nisreiy ekes out a
hand ta moots exhnsne..
Mother who lack assurance a te th
future f , their, daughtera will do well to
tak thla official statement of th wo maa
wba knowledge come from experience
and seriously consider Just what heart n
It may hav en th welfare of thoa they
lov. Even though clreumetaaoea are such
at present a U practically prohibit th
possibility of- there being- any need for a
knowledge ef sewing, past event prov
that motley la a veritable will-o'-the-wisp,
her today and gone tomorrow. Just
around th corner there Is likely to be a
financial breaker that wul wreck th
financial bark and cast Its aomfortabi se
en pants irt..apoa U sea of life to sins: e
win by their own effort. How a girl
thus east adrift will thaak th mother who
taught her th ua ot th aeedla Th dainty
llttl thing eh one bought thoughtlessly
In th shops aa will ar faahloa with ber
wa ftnajr and tha .sordine aad nega
tion ef reversed fortune will 'jot compel
ber to erase bar entire Broallty for one
of laa eigak beataeev
Soaddy clothe loaded with tmpeeatbl
LAnd ar only tor the
girl ska lack th will aad ta way to
in the Home
very pretty woman In our office perhaps
not really beautiful.' you know, but with
that flashy, electric algn effectiveness that
get a man. She's not the sort of person
I'd want to have you know, dear, but very
often it would be convenient for me to
have lunch with her lust to talk over busi
ness matters that I don't care to have the
office boy know alt about, and now that
I know the way you feel I think 111".
Every man discover the North pole at
one time or another tight In his own home.
A the Confirmed Commuter spoke he
felt the temperature' drop drop drop, till
he knew he had reached that point In hi
domestlo affairs where there I do east, no
west, no north, no south nothing but
glacial Infinity.
"Now that you know the way I feel."
observed the Hopeful House wlf. la tonaa
which held the frigidity of liquid air. "you
may de exactly aa yon please, but let me
know In advance so I'll bare time to pack
my trunk."
And ahe doesn't know yet why the Con
firmed Commuter laughed so uproariously.
(Copyright. 1811. by the I. T.. Herald Co.)
Aphorisms ef the Are.
Modesty I a candle to merit. '
Style 1 the dresa of thoughts.
Jeeta often prove to be prophesies.
Knowledge comes, but wisdom linger.
Who drives fat oxen should himself be
- Confidence is a plant of slow growth In
an aged bosom. '- v -
Attack 1 the reaction; never think you
hit hard unlesa It rebounds. , , .,
Leveller wish to level down as far a
themaelvea, but cannot bear lev ling bp
to themaelvea.
can't make them. And It looks to me aa
If you would Just naturally have to hav
on made. I cannot detect a tiny germ
of one In your letter; ar.d there 1 clean,
clear apaclness between the lines In which
I cannot trace an Indication of one.
You say you are with me that girl
are doing lota of things they should not;
but it' because they, do not know what
Is tHs "right thing to do." Are you defi
cient mentally that you cannot tall you
are offending your own womanhood by act
log Ilea to the man? Don't know what to
do? That's nonsenee. And' it's a popular
girl bluff. What you mean la that you
don't want to know what you know you
ought. Aren't you ashamed to hav delib
erately taken off your . engagement ring
when thla maa waa coming? And I can
Just see you, smiling and honeying your
sweetheart when he gave It to you! I
can easily Imagine your showing; It off to
th girl." But you don't show It to
this man because you want his attention.
You want the envy of the girl you show
the rtnV You don't want the man to
know you are engaged, so you don't show
the rin.
It's not only a mighty disloyal perform
aacs on th high grounds ot what you ow
your awetbeart In the finer phaeea of fidel
ity; but It's a hateful, tuppenny trick on
a purely financial basia He buy th alga
that you muat hav to prove you are hla.
Then. Instead of wearing the "sold"
ticket, you stick' it on a baby ribbon and
hide It around your neck so that th other
man will make a bid.
Oh! ao; you are not la lov with eaeh
niak their own' dresses," blouse and ua
dergarments. Such girls pay money that
might hav gone to buy good material for
cheap, thrown together clothe. And they
might hav apent a uulet evening eeelng a
few yard of fabric grow Into a smart
bloua under their flying- fingers If only
they knew how to sew ever o llttl.
Not only 1 th girl who work benefited
by aa acquaintance with th needle, but
th girl of leisure, when properly directed,
find It entertaining and alluring-. Thar
ar ao many dainty confectlona of tinea,
ribbon, laoea, embroideries that evolve bat
th beet sort of gift for friend. When
don by th giver' own finger, they are
doubly appreciated because of th thought
and effort that goes with them. Th faa
dnatloa of putting together lace aad ttnea
aad causing It to assums th snap f a
quaint waist or a Dew and original Jabot
la not even gueeeed by th girl Idler. -
If there I no on ta teach th art of
awing to- ta beginner., th beet plan for
her to pureue I to start on some almpl
and Inexpensive object and gain by actual
experience th knowledge that will fin her
Inneeom hour aad be a guard againat
ahabbtneae, ao matter into what circum
stance her lot may fall. . .
broom placed behind th front door will
keep away witches.
Onion, amok and a shrew maa a food
man eye watea
fOOff MM CMf 4TD sj MOJtSt DM 1 1 ( N J "
sue yjx mi cnYuii ctunt rAMay 15 'fl
nCLr-THIIK MU&rBt 30M I . J
Bk Tea -wx Tl v
zTffZS" CJM 1
1 ?R InMit t HfAP IONS Ju
w V'
rr , i j. rw.. . . ay an '
If iff j v Fr i ,S
i s-er-Little. Mixed
other! Of course not! On of those pla
tonie friendship that don't exist! If you
were euro he never would be In lov with
you, you would hav told him of your
engagementInstead of stringing him along
till you found out whether he could be r
not You are Just Ilk a lot of other girl.
You are such a deceitful, noodle-headed
female that you queer th whole matri
monial game. I wonder any man ever
trust any woman when I eee th two
faced heartlessneas of your kind. I hope
th sweetrt find you out In time! I
think you are a flirt and a sneak!
carte j tet
1" 1 I . if I -v 1 WHAT mr. l ZZfiAtfiA si 9
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mwn; v UHL
L0 30 f
hoksi rat
T .
(Copyrtght. 1911, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Keal Tears
The always tired and tit always siok
women rs among thfftfjiinWgno discards
and are so- rated In the-Kntnd of most
men. Lov I .long suffer;- Vbea It Is
real.- but the- man doe not 'exist who can
hear a never-ending atrtns; of compla.nts
and imaginary illness without a sort of
emotional revolution. - Eventually'' he. be
come so wearied by th whining and tear
ful tale of suffering that, he reaches th
deadly milestone of Indifference. Prom
that point marriage cease to become a
sacrament and evolves Into a state of com
monplace certainty best designated aa
habit. .
Unfortunately there are a great many
tired and sick women In the world, be
cause women Who leud a hi t-ln nl a'm
lea life easily drift Into mental weari
ness. It la a curious fact that the mother
of six healthy children with omnivorous
appe title and ungovernable tendencies for
tearing th knees out of stockings. Is never
half so tired aa her sister who spends the
entire day waiting for evening to come.
Granting the presence of these feeling
of Illness and fatigue. Just' what doea a
woman- gain by constantly.volclng them?
fit" mm ' ) ......
V. I
T. T" . I a 1.. 1
. w.. .win via sxxjj v 1
rn LUMUT AlvO 60 ttT Crf H 1
0l8l.t-TivCoe UlCK fox. J
v ' t
m (jbmf
e i. m
VuA vttU -V.
Too Late
Certainly giving verbal expression to pain
In no war allevlatea It. Rathe doea it
add a sharp edge to the sting by giving
It undue Importance. It create an at
mosphere of uneasiness, and make a man
feel that be la not doing his best for the
comfort and happlnesa of the' .woman he
baa vowed to "care for to the utmost of
hla ability. He fear to add to her burdens
by dragging her away on pleasure Jaunts,
so he goes with some congenial friend.
Finally he form the habit of going alone,
and some fin day the complalner awakens
to the fact that she la complaining to deaf
ears. The beginning of the end is Ir
sight, and though the wife weeps and rends
her garments, the real tear are In vain,
for she has ahed ao many foolish ones
that those from the heart have loat their
I maa t ear y Trraisrc,
"When I was a boy I ued to think there
was a pot of gold at the end of th raln-
. "And now?"
"I have turned my attention from rain
bow to mining stock." Washington Star.
The BEES Juz?Jop
r ii
r"' -V'.. i ta V -V. '
f . ' '. ' ; v:-' : ' f - x'-. . :
ft V . - ' J
South Thirtieth street. ,
Xame and Arftlrr.
Elmer. Allan, 115 South Twenty-fourth
Vera M. Andre. North Twenty-fifth St
Florence E. Berger, 2615 Franklin St
Henry Beck, 2619 Seward St ,
Esther D. Crane. Hl South Forty-eighth St..
Susie Dargaciewsk!, 3002 South Thirtieth
John M. Dubler, 3014 Franklin St
Grace M. Davis, 27 1 Brown St
Jeaale Dllley, 282 4 North Sixteenth St
Mary C. Everett. 1812 Military Ave
Frederick Futter, 2002 North Eighteenth St....
Naive Ferris, 1203 Pierce St
Cuba M. Fields, -8622 Grand Ave. .......... . .
Clara Gilerest, 4809 Leavenworth St....
Emit Gall. dOl North Seventeenth St
Margaret Getten, 3 403 Harney 8t
Detlif Goertler. 119 North Thirty-seventh St
Mildred E. Homan, 4521 North Thirty-ninth St
Katherine M. Huber, 2911 Ames Ave
Jennie 1103 South Twenty-fourth St..
Henry Jones, 2637 Parker St
Adrian Johnson, 2554 Spalding St
Anna Leaf, 2602 Decatur St
Natalie Lage
Arthur R. Larsen, 3119 South Fifteenth
Raymond Murray, 4424 Jones St
Walter Michelson, 3213 Sherman Ave..
Lucy Nelson, Thirteenth and Grace 8ts
Francis Noonan, 2202 Charles St .
Oscar T. Nelson, 32 29 Maple St. ,
Ruth O'Grady, 3239 Evans St
Matilda Petersen, Thirty-ninth and Gordon Sts.
Jessie Reed, 4312 Saratoga St
Ralph L. Reynold, 3423 Jackson St
Peter Rezata, 1816 Pierce St
Helen G. Rosenbaum, 1402 Bancroft St
Arthur Rohwer, 2743 Fort Omaha Ar
Emily Ross, 1921 Lothrop St
Edward Seitxer, Boulevard Ave and Sixth
Janette Stewart, 709ft North Eighteenth
Aklean Stoddard. 2502, Taylor St
Mollle Starkel, 3933 North Thirty-eighth
Some Thoughts on
This person 1 usually referred to In a
polite way as a "hog," and cartoonist In
variably portray him a a large man with
a loop-the-loop exterior, forbidding, terri
fying, but real, aay Theodora Bean In the
New Tork Telegram.
That la unjust and unfair to th fat man.
and to all men In general. There are wo
men ot all ages, sizes, complexions, rac
and color; matrons, debutante, shop girls.
laundresses, women who shop and market.
women . In shawls and foulards, women
carrying babies, and women carrying dogs.
on tne
next ex?".
who practice th established and growing
custom ot hanging on to tha near end of
a seat, no matter if toe ar tramped on.
parcels squaesed and angry scowls float
over them.
And th slender man, as well as th fat
on, takes th and aeat aa hi right be
eauss h saw it first. He might move along
and make It eaaler for others, but he
It la only when th rain drip over th
edge that th aeat I available. Then every
body la most sympathetic and courteous
and saves tha rail for th last arrival.
Thar la no fixed ttquxt for naviga
tion, when th vacant apace Ilea over and
beyond the human obstacle that plant it
self as a hurdt of despair at th vary
beginning' of th Journey.
worn who don t weigh- nlnoty pound re
fuse to make way or move over for th
heavyweight who 1 worrying and puffing
along with 00 pound.
What cna overthrow tha custom T Who
can annihilate tha cau?
Dr. Julia Set on Bear, authority en New
Thought, almoat confessed that ao thought
-i .u3i
This is fhe
Day We
June 23, 1911.
School. Tear.
High ....... 1T
.Letbrep .1101
.Long .....1902
.Long 1191
. Beals .........1.1897
.Im. Conception. . ..1891
.Long ............1908
.Saratoga ........ ..1886
.Lake . . 10Ol
.Beats 189T
Vinton V 1198
.Pacific ..IMS
.Monmouth Park. ..1898
.Beats 1891
.High ......1891
.High .. .... ......1897
.Saunders .1991
.Central Park. .. ...1899
.Monmouth Park.. .1817
.Mason ...... ... ...1102
.Long .1191
.Lothrop ..1891
.Long .....1901
High . ... ..i. . . . . 1 89 4
.Edw. Rose water. ..1901
. Columbian . . . ... .1899
.Lothrop .........1903
.Lake .......... 199I
.Kellom ...... '....1994
High 1898
.Druid Hill... .....1904
.Windsor 1801
.Central Park 1804
. Columbian ....... 1 891
.Leavenworth .....1964
.German . Lutheran ..1888
.Saratoga ....... ..1896
. Lothrop . .... .. .. 19.08
.Bancroft ,..1901
.Cass 1998
.Saratoga .'. .. . . ...1905
.Central Park.-. . 1893
End - Seat Hogs" . J
generated, could blow th dlsagreeabl
certain party away form th end position.
Why, a New Thought gradual could
stand on th corner, on any comer, and
repeat, over and over again te herself
"There will be no 'hogs' on th Baxt ear.
Everybody will hav moved along. What
a beautiful world thla la!"
Of course, she could say that, but ah
would find th hurdle tber nevertheleaa.
Malicious animal magnetism doe not
possess qualities sufficient to xtaraahaat
th "hog" gentlamaa and lady, Thy ar
Shabby, well dressed, temperate, intem
perate. Innocent, worldly, all have th sod
seat germ.
Would a crusade be effective? Would
th end man read a card, "Mov In." It t
were passed to him? If your albev acci
dentally went Into hla fac and spoiled aa
ay or a nose, would he tak that aa a s1g
hla presence was desired farther alone la
th aeat? Not at all! .
He 1 a rock of impudaao. of eelf gs
faction, a nagging tact.
He breed desperation aad a maa) M
so unpleasant for all of ua.
So doe sh.
London Information
Th Londoner wished tt Tm' gniaiMi. t
hi American acquaintance.
"Hav you telephone la Anartca? be
"They war Invented thera" .
"Oh ah Indued and have yea tha taiet
"It Inventor was aa American. 1
"Really T' Th Londoner sis id put a)
eomehow. But preaenUy h recovered. aU
equanimity and blandly ramarkadi v
"Ah, but anyhow you have ta give Xfcge
land credit for lnvenUng tae Edlaoo llgbU4
Very rear.
A Fox waa once aeen to tak a bunch of
moa in hi mouth aad swfaa out Into, the
river, where attar sinking himself ta th
very point of his mm m th water, ke let
go th mo and cam ashore.
"No doubt." remarked a well-bra by
stander, "you did that to rid yourself ef
fleas, which were driven by th water, ta
eee refuge In th moss."
Th fox glanced furtively and sllcklngly
about and around.
"Hist!" h whispered with a aly wink.
"I did It ta make aome people think that
was what I did It forC
Moral: There I do greater mystery than
motive, tak It up en side and down the
othar.Pwca. ,
Jnt Tell HI.
"I am going to aak yeuc father tonight
for your hand la marriage."
"How dreadfully old-fashioned yea aye.'
"D-o-a t ask hlmf tell him. "-Houston
Succulent cucumber were eaten by th
Egypt! ana In 1600 B. C. Juicy melon
formed a part of their food supply, te.
and occasionally they enjoyed a few
Kicker What would yew call poetl
Bocker If th boy wtio put abeat pia
cm a chair grew up U get a hatpin ta hla
y .
Tow caa't always make light ef your
trouble by burning year bridge bhln4
vcpon(, .'jtu, by tu ti
Ueraid Co J
war, no matter how honestly It wa