THE BEE: OMAHA,- TVEIWESD A Y, 2ft, . 1911 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 5 ' Temperature! Beporte4 Favorable in Both Wlleat Belt. COBJT CONDITIONS Altfe STEADIED aer4 Crs of Hi; Oat 4Sta Markrt Hlaher Teaiaenet- nalllaa Feelltia; Kalata Whleh Oi)f Rtln Will Of fact. OMAHA. June V, 111. Temperatures' Are very favnrhl over both whrtl t! and ntlment wa more bearish at the start hm-ttiiar of a lark of fresh damasje report from the northwest. The offsnnits were light, however, eirept on bulges, an1 -ehnrtn. are kept nervoua aa the support la evident on,th declines. The market tone la strong. The market eoiniltiuns are e trained In the corn trade. The ahort cropa of hay and oat give the market a higher tendency and a bullish feellna exists which nothln but rain and favorable temperature over the entire corn belt will offeet. Early trade In wheat wan bearish, with value a shade lower. Later ahorta cov ered freely on crop estimate from the northwest ami sent value higher. Cash wheat unchanged. Corn followed wheat, but lamed, the ad Vance belnn slarwer owlnf to more favora ble temperature In the west and aouth west. Primary wheat receipts were 3M.00O bush el and shipment 307.000 bushel, axalnat receipt last year of ZS7,f bushel and shipment of iai.00 bushels. Primary corn receipts were U,000 bush els and shipments 4D4, ,m) bushels, (gainst receipt last year of 5W.OO0 bushels and shipments of .000 buslie7s. Clearance were 37.000 bushel of corn, none of oat, and wheat and flour equal to li,ono bushel. Liverpool closed Hd lower to M1 higher on wheat and WJA higher on corn. The following cash salea were reported: WHEAT No. I hard: 1 car. 5c; 1 car, HKc. NO. I durum: 1 car, 3MiO. CORN No. 1 white: 1 car, 66ie. No. a white: 1 car, 6Eo. No. 8 yellow: 1 cars, UWc. NO. I mixed: a cars, 6te; No. a mixed: a car, 66c; No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 64"c; no grade: 1 car, MHc; 1 car, Mc; 1 car, 63c. OATS-No. white: I car, 4rc. .. , Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No, a hard, MWc; No. a hard, ItfHifltio; N. 4 hard, 76fc c; rejected hard. Wifilc;- No. a spring, 6'4it'c; No. 4 spring. . Mi286Hc; No. a durum, I22ttc; No. S durum, feligMc. CORN No. 2 white, E6HfSM.e; No. a whlt. 66Vgic; No. 4 white, 6tVg6fic; No. a color, M'tftfMo: No. a yellow, WVcp Krtc: No. a yellow, bfS66Wc; No. 4 yellow, lVciMc; No. a, UK'arf'' N'o- M14'Bc; No. 4. MMVte: DA grade, WtfMo. OATH No. a white. 42Hq42kc: standard osts. 42,,42e; No. t white, 4faM2Hc: No. 4 white. 41'w84l4e; No. a yellow, 41V42c; No. 4 yellow, llalVtc .- BARLBT-No. 8, T7ftMc; No. 4, 7282c; No. 1 feed, 7fl77e; rejeoted, ti12c. RT&e-No. ti ,?34?85o; Ho. I. 8112830. . Carlot Uelata. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago M 600 203 Minneapolis 166 Omaha 6 28 U Duluth 88 CHICAGO GH AITf AND PROVISIONS Featar of the Trad In and Closing ' Prlara on Board of Trade. CHICAGO,. June 87. Disclosure of an un usually large short Interest In July wheat gave a hoist today to the market a a whole. Price received special support from the big owners of the contract stock here. In consequence.: latest figures were T.c to lTc higher than last night. Corn showed a net gain of c to lVkc and oat a rise of lc to HnSH'.o. The outcome in hog products varied .from 100 greater In cost to 124c decline. July wheat at one time was a full cent above September, a against a discount of "e last night Huch a wide premium, hefw ever, did not last throughout the day. The remarkable display of strengtli of the market came after-an eatly break due to ratne and lower temperatures In sprinif wheat states. The buyin has as leaders former prominent bulla, who forced srci'M to cover. There waa also a hint of danger from frost In the north vsi. once the bulge started, no 1mport'ii backaut oc curred, though tho final tone was easy at a slight .recession from tho top level of the day. During the session September ranged from tiSsc to 90c, with the close st HOSc, a net advance of l'cl4c. Report that three-fourths of the corn crop In Oklahoma was beyond help owing to excessive heat and to lack of moisture helped advance prices for that cereal. Sep tember fluctuated between 5s'4t(j0c, clos lng easy- but Icti'-mo up at 60c flat. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow finished at Oats advanced -to the highest notch of the season . thus far.- An official report from Iowa allowed to 40 per cent damage In that state and there wm excited specu lative buying as a result. Upper and lowen- limits touched by the September op tion .was 4"iic and 43ii3Hc, with the close lc net higher at 4l7c. There waa a heavy tone In provisions. At the end trading pork was down 12V4C to Ulc, wjth, laxu, and. Irregular strung out 10c each way from the figures current twenty-foilr hours before. Price In Chicago, furnlsned by the Up dike Grain company, 0t Biandels building, Omaha: Articles. Open. High. Low. Cloae.l Yea'y. Wheat I ! July. 8pt WMMOK- 9t 8i90T,fl91 89 . tW-il-V . - .fii"i Dec. 2!1I Corn- July. ..I W Snt ..IAMr7kl 60. 671 67 . (W 58Tit(59 69 67Vu33 4342H 44',! 3' 4tTloVi'u1 16 32 15 15 40( 16 0V t'sl Dcc.tiiVt'! 6THl 42't July...!42V(S 43Ti Htpt.-..43'itl74- -4..V, 43Vfl! I)cc....5Vvt(;4llT'&47 4ft rorK i July 15 45 i 15 50 15 60 I 15 SO 15 7U Sept. Lam- - July. Sept. Rlba- 8 80 8 20 8 15 8 10 8 16 8 30 k a a 35. 8 32V 8 40 ,8 SIVi ..i s;vi, 8 8 seU July 8 25 8 3a 8 2241 8 So ecpt...8 s Cash quotations were as follows: FljOCR Steady; winter patents. $3.9X9 4.40; winter .RlralRhts.. $3.7O-(i4 20; spilng straights. $3.'; bakers, $3.3."44.30. RYK-No. t. 91c. BAltLKY't-raed or mixing. 7590c. 8KKDS Timoihy. $8.0Ju 11.75. Clover. $16 25. PROVISION'S Pork. mess, per bbl., tli SOIilS H:',. -lard, per 100 11., $8 12. fchort r,bi, sides (loisel. $;.r2W(i8 37 ; short cWar ltie (boxed), t8.2.'tii.5o. Total cleuiancs cf wncat and flour were equal to 140,0 bu. Primary receipt we e 3M.rTO bu., compared with 257,(00 bu. thei coi responding day a year Ago. The world's visible supply, as shown by Brad'treet s, decreased 7.U7.0JO bu. Kstlmat(d receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. $1 care; corn, 331 cars; oats, 93 cars; hoga, Sii.toO head. . . Chicago Cah ni Ices Wheat: No. t red. tO'iUlc; No. t red. 8T'iS9,kc; No. 1 hard. 89 tlc; No. 3 haid, 87Vj90c; No. l northern lining, 7cVH 2; No.- 2 norttiern spilng. koc'nll.01; No, I tptlng, ).OVIc. Corn: No. 2 cosh, 66'Si-:7c; o. .3 casn, JtiJ56c; Nh. 2 white, Ui''ii571("- No. i wli te. oei57c; No. 2 vellrw jC.''.7.'S7V,e: No. 8 yellow, M..!7i!. Oa'u- Nov 2 v. hit, 4S,if41c; No. 4 white. tl'.sili'.c: Biamiatu, -'-,jhjc. Hl'TTKR Steady; crtamerle. dalrle. 17(li 21c. KlUiS-Receipts. : 14.599 eaes.--firm; a, mark, cases Included, firsts. 134c; prime firsts. 14'.c. I'll KESKJ-Stmdv: " daisies. lMJ23c; Market ll'd 11 Sic; llVS-12e: , twin, lltill'ii'i Young Americas, 12'f Ulic; long horn. 12'14il2'-c POT ATt KS Kasy; old. 7i 80c; barreled lock. t.'lMf.. POL' L'l '-' u-m; turkev. 12c; fowls, XI.ic; springs. Iv'tc. Mllvtaakv Grain Market. MILW.VCKK'M-June 27.-WH EAT-Xo. I pel Jhern, 9!k-(i 4110; No. northern, 9;4j9Sj; July, i-o'ac: tsr inember, UOHc. ATS--r y'.Ur.i. 43c. BAKl.iry l't".V $1.10511. ' Iv'ctii is Market. PKOKTa, jur. r.( CORN-Hlgher; No. 2, jejlow, 56c; Wj. 3 yellow. 66c; No. $ mixed, OATS-Htcher;- No. ! white. 42W,43c; SUndard. 4Jc; N't. $ white, 4.'e. Liverpool Ural a Market. LIVERPOOL,. June 27.-WII EAT-Spot. firm; No. J ManR'ibu. '7sasd; No. t Mani toba, "t A . No. 4 Manttoba. 7 Id: future. tay: July. tv Jft'.tL t tober, 6s8Sd. le teniber. ns $Sd, t'OKN-Spot.,sAmeriin niixed' new, firm. tat4; Amertvan nuxtd, out. n8l:, 5s id; tyitLZVuZvZT ! "We: 10 ""(IS Points hluher: middling upland., 14.80c n-el!t Vdiv-Aha 74 cirs- com 60! "'ddllng gulf. 15.15c; no fales. c. 'lit:. K:.,ntfd7omorrrow- . K-w V Bry:n,0meml.'r.- " w York'c -he.t. 31 cars: corn cat,. c.r l'cSange? SoTtn's'' au,:' new American kiln dried, firm. 4s lod; fu tures, firm; July, 4sV1; September, 6a Vd- EW YORK fSEXKRAI, MARKET 4aotala ef tke l)r Varies Com sand I tie. NFTW TORK. June 57. FIOfR Firm ; 'Prtng patents. 84HO-cr515; winter tralgbt". 1.1 9Cf4 In; winter patents. 4iOj4.; tpnn clears, $3 751)4 10: winter extras, No. I, 3 so; win,,r extras. No. i, HIS iiJ25; Kansas stralahts. $4 14 25. Ite 'elpts, Z2.fl bu ; shipments. 14 bu. Rye flour, steady; fnlr to good, 6.0i&6.26; choice to fancy, 8-V.10r(i6 4K. roiiXMFA L Firm; fine white and yel low. tl.20fil.25; coarse, 11.164X1.80; kiln dried. ta 2. WHBAT Spot market strong; No. 1 red, 5V elevator, and Sc, f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. tl.OSS, f. o. b.. afloat. Future market declined early on the weather, but rallied sharplv on active bull support, on predictions that the July gov ernment report will be bullish and on covering, closing StJ7tc net higher. July, 4 -l(V696c. closed at B6V. Spot, 94 9S 3-1'ic, closed at M8-lc; December closed at P9c. Receipts, 131.600 bu. (KIRN-pot market strong; export, new. No. a. 3c. f. o. b., afloat. Future mar ket was without transaction, closing Vto advance to lc decline. July closed at HlVi September closed at 66c, and December, c. Receipts, 47,260 bu.; chlpmrnts, 87,764 bu. OATS Spot market strong: standard white, 49c; No. 2, 4Vic; No. 8. 4SHc; No. 4, 4c. Futures market nominal. RecelDt. 86.626 bu. FKE.D Firm ; western spring bran, 100-lb. sacks, 823 25; standard middling, 100-lb. sacks. 826.(0: city, 100-lb. sacks, 821.00. HAT Quiet; prime, $L8?a1.40; No. 1, 81.351 35; No. 2, 81.101.16; No. 8. 80c6l.. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 191". 2tr33?c; 1!V, 20a22o. Pacific coast, 1910, 24T27c; l419c. HltiRS Steady; Central American. W9 21Wc; Bogota. 2iac. LKATHEK Quiet; hemlock firsts, 24H 27c; seconds, 22re23c; thirds, WJ2uc; re jects, ligiBc. PROVIHIONS-Pork, steady; mess. 817.60 018.00; family, fl8.OOfrl9.60; short clear. 81676 (3l7.0iV Ueef. ateady; mesa, $11 OOILSO; family, tl2.0Ogl2.50; beef hams, $2.00o8.00. Cut nieata, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. $10 00'13.00; pickled hams, $14 00314.60. Lard ,eey; middle west prime, S.iOjfl.30; refined, dull; continent, $8.65; South Amer ica. 895; compound, $7.2'97.76. TALLOW Steady; prime city, hhde., 6Hc; TALIX)W Dull; prime city, hhds., 6Hc; country. 6VK5c. POULTRY Dressed. steady; broilers, 182iic; fowls, 12815c; I2lfic. Hl'TTER Firm. Creamery 24Vtf'24ic; creamery extras. wee tern turkeys. specials, 8313 240 ; creamery nrsts, 21Hg22Hc; creamery sec onds, ZOcffZlc; creamery thirds, iHa-IBc; pro, cess specials, a"4c; process extras, 20c; process firsts, I8019c; process seconds, 17'aliHc; factory thirds, 15lK4c. BOOS Firm; fresh gathered extras. 20 22c; fresh gathered extras, firsts, 17618c; fresh gathered firsts, lSftltic; fresh gath ered thirds snd poorer, 12c; fresh gath ered dirties. No. 1, 1212c Corn and Wheat Region Ralletln. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a, m. Tuesday. .Tune 27. 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. TimD. Rain- stations Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy twelve-hour Ashland. Neb 86 56 .00 Auburn. Neb B'ken Bow, Neb. 77 Columbus. Neb... 81 Culbertson. Neb.. 85 Falrburv. Neb... R9 Fairmont. Neb... 83 Or. Island. Neb.. 82 Hartington. Neb. 83 Hastings, Neb.... 82 Holdrege. Neb... M Lincoln. Neb 84 No. Platte. Neb. 80 Oakdale. Neb 8 Omaha, Neh M 64 45 64 55 65 r3 66 63 65 45 67 48 63 62 67 46 64 64 56 6J 52 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 , .00 Tekamah. Neb... 84 Valentine. Neb.. 86 Sioux City. Ia... 78 Alta. Ia 78 Carroll. Ia 80 Clarinda. Ia 84 Sibley. Ia 75 Minimum temperature for period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No. of Temp District. Stations. Max. Mln. Rain fall. .30 .90 .60 coiumbus. o 17 Louisville. Kv 20 Indianapolis. Ind.. 11 Chicago. Ill 25 St. Louis. Mo 25 Des Moines. Ia.... 21 Minneapolis. Minn. 30 Kansas Cltv, Mo.. 21 Omaha, Neb 18 S8 72 90 70 S 70 86 M 92 68 84 58 70 44 90 62 84 64 .30 . .20 .00 . -40 - .00 cooler The weather Is very throughout the corn and much wheat region Freezing temperatures with light frosts oc curred In the extreme north portion of North Dakota, Showers were general within the last twenty-four hours In the eastern and southern portions. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. St. I.oala Geaee-al Market. ST. LOUIS, June 27. FLOUR-Firm; red winter patenta, t4.25?c4.60; extra fancy and straight, $3.604.26; hard winter clears, $2.60 &3.00. SKED Timothy, $6.009.08. CORSM KAL $2.50. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, $1.00. HA Y Firm; timothy, $19.0025.00; prairie, $15.0lrlX.!0. BAOOINO 8 15-lc. HEMP TWINE72C PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing,, $15.75. Lard, unchanged: prime steam, $.8.02i ti8.12. Dry salt moats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. $8.t2; clear ribs. t&.t2Vi; short clears. $9.00. Bacon, unchanged: boxed ex- tra shorts. $D.B2; clear rlba, $9,624; short clear, lio.uu. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.100 lO.OuO Wheat, bu S7.O90 28,000 Corn, bu 48.000 69,000 Oats, bu 78.000 48,000 Kansas City Oraln aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 27. WHEAT Un changed to lc higher: No. 2 hard. 8oVrGP92c: No. 3. 82V 4 89c; No. 2 red, R4HS5c; No. 8, 82ftS3c; July, 8oHiiS8Hc bid; September, 86'c bid. OATS 'ifittc higher: No. I white, 434 1'c; No. 2 mixed, 4142o. RYF ?.Vfi90c. HAY l'nchaned to 60c higher; choice timothy, MS .OOti 19.00. , BUTTER-Cretmerv, 22c; firsts. 19c; sec onds. 17c: packing stock, 16c. FX1GS Extrus, 17Uc; firsts, 14Hc; second, fo. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 64.000 4.0X) Corn, bu 27,000 68 000 Oats, bu 10,000 7,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 27. WHEAT July, PS'ac: September, 96?ic; December. 97; No. 1 hard, 9S"4c: No. 1 northern. 97H1?(t9c: No. 2 northern. 94Hff97c; No. 3, 92Vx96ViO. Omaha Produce Market. Creamery butter. 22Hc; packing stock. lc. ; No 1 eggs, 12c; No. 2 eggs. 8c. Broilers. 18c; , rooster. 4c; hens, He; oucks, 10c; geese, 6c. nulatk Grain Market. DCLVTH. June 27.- WHEAT -No. 1 rorthetn. !7c: No. 2 northern, 94Vb95Vc; Juiv. 97'c: September, 97o. OATg-43c. Wool Mr.rket. BOSTON. June 27 WOOI The uncer tainty regarding wool legislation hns curbed Ihe trading In product to a consid erable degree. Trading In the west con tinues active. The market for fleece wool is dull, although in Ohio !2r to 23o Is being paid for the medium wool, while 20c Is beln asked In Montana. The eatlmated scoured price In Boston of territory Is 55c. Several buyers are touring New Mexico with prices covering a wide range of 13c to 17c. Pulled wool is fair. ST. LOi'IS. Junne 27 WOOIv Un changed; territory and western mediums. 17hl9'tc; fine mediums. l'.iilT'jC; fine, 1144 H'ic. July ... Aug. ... Sept. ... Oct. ... DtC. ... ' ST. LOL'IM. June 27.-COTTON-Weak; middling, l.'ic; sale;, none; receipts. 60 bales; shipments, 60 bales; stock, 8.623 bales ligar Market. NEW YORK. June JT.-BUOAR-Raw, firm; rauacovado, 69 test, 3.48c: centrifugal, 9ii test. 3!c; molassea, Ki test, 3.23c; re fined, ateady. Olla and Heal a. SAVANNAH. June ST. TURPENTINE Firm at 53',e. R081N-Kirm; type F. $o.7&; O. $.78. I Cotton Market. I VITAV vnRK .Inn f7 ClITTnV-Oiil.l I ' Month. Open. High lxw. Close. Sat'). July .... 14 45 14 70 Ttt 14 64 14 St . 14 44 14 14 44 1 4 60 14 40 . 13 49 1159 13 60 13 58 18 43; . 14 13 13 24 13 13 13 23 13 07 . 13 14 13 25 13 13 13 24 13 07 I NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Moat Isanea Move Littletilj Within Narrow Limits. INTERESTING REPORTS CURRENT rntssiirrt fttr-raffth In Talo Pa cific aad raited States Steel Ex. klklted la Osealic Hear, bat Is Heart-Lived. NEW TORK. June 27.-Alde from ft few issues which wers selected for special at tention at the hands of traders, stocks moved listlessly within narrow iimlta in. day. There was a fair degree of activity at the opening and throughout the first hour, with pronounced strength In Union Pacific and United States Steel, but the movement waa short lived. The early move ment In Union Pacific and United States Steel was attended bv circumstantial re ports of uncommon Interest. Much of the ouyiag or union Pacific seemed to originate from broker whose names are freouentlv associated with the operations of Insiders" in me narriman properties. There were further renorts of anecnlatlve contents In United States Steel. Shares of roads af luiuied vitn Canadian Pacific are fairly active at higher prices. An Important fea ture of the trading waa the weaknesa In copper stocks, particularly American Hpielt- wnicn arainea two points. The stock market has expressed some dis appointment because the recent decision of the federal court In the Harrtman merger nas iauea to stimulate more speculative Interest. A number of the Important rail May system submitted their returns for Msy, among which those of the Harrtman lines attracted moat attention because of the large decreases in gross and net earn ings. Union Pacific's shrinkage In gross of $752,000 and Southern Pacific's decrease of SM9.OU0 were larger than had been ex pected. A marked contrast was presented In the Rock Island report, showing a gain In net revenue of more than $200,000. First returns of national banks to the latest call of the comptroller of the cur rency show loan expansion over last year In New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois. Bonds were Irregulsr. Total sales, par value, $3,006,090. United States bonds were unchsnged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations ;ti stocks were as follows: Bala. High. Low. CI Allli-Cbalmer pit 4,104 70 444 n , eei 'i,'w4 'iiii tS 43' 104 1C4 10 101, 100 67 67 "'4 61 "'464 "ta'. V4 11 100 41S 41 14,100 I04 7H 1 00 107V4 lOCe 10 Ill 1,400 144 1H 600 44 M K 10 II U HH 100 40H 40" 40 4,700 1144, 113 1134. 100 106 im 105 too Ut It 1x14 8,000 10444 104 108 S l3Se U0O0 81 40 1 (IVk 1.700 Ml 141 14 KlStj LtOO 40 04t ftl't 100H no 1,000 M(4 tt 3 10 100 14 I3H Uli M 44 ib 46H 147 4.JO0 117 in ini 67V4 100 16 W 144 64 700 14H 14 140 400 14', 14'i 104 171 1714 14 100 17 67 67 100 l4 lS4 5.700 17 H 7 10.IO0 H9 6714, 49 1,400 47 47 47 0 1U 12 1U 8.600 138 137 137 4 XM 142 141 141 1.800 18 17 17 ' 7,800 61 40 60 S00 123 122 122 100 14 18 17 100 11 11 11 1,100 42 42 42 100 18 ' 18 18 600 36 16 16 100 I 19 (8 100 108 108 101 TOO 161 161 1M 70O 10 TO II 4.400 143 140 142 1,000 17 IT 100 (8 8 47 1,800 40 60 60 134 400 84 64 66 100 41 11 11 8.200 110 10 110 1.800 4 46 48 1,000 100 10 100 74 t.M 186 134 136 00 17 17 IT 2,000 124 124 1!4 108 86 100 M M M 00 38 IT l 181 400 17 17 17 4I.BO0 1(0 1S 160 100 3 10 80 3 1,700 13 48 33 M 400 44 44 4 ' 82 600 11 II T2 61 24.600 JM 116 126 1 400 12 11 12 1. 800 72 72 72 1,309 41 41 41 28 00 21 12 21 0O0 60 48 48 6.100 180 188 188 1,100 43 44 84 74 . 1.400 42 40 42 4.200 19 14 18 70S 118 118 118 1,800 67 60 60 600 64 64 66 600 17 IT 1S 400 17 17 81 800 68 68 69 100 16 76 16 400 10 80 80 8 7.000 180 180 160 Amalgamated; totpar ... Americas Agricultural ... American Beat Bugar American Can American C. F American Cottea 041 American H. 4 U pfd.... Am. ice Securities American Llnaeed American Locomotive American S. A R Am. S. R. pttf Am. steal Foundries. ..... Am. Sugar Refining...... American T. 6c T American Tobacco pfd.... America a woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast Line. ... Baltimore Okie Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Kantd Tr. ...... Canadian Pacific Central Leather Outral Leather pfd Central of New Jeraer.... C'heeapeaka Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago O. W. , sew C. O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W . Chicago, M. A St. P C, CO. A St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern..... Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Delaware A Hudeoa Denver A Rio Grande.... f A R. O. pfd niatlllers Securities Erie nrl let pfd Erie 2d pfd General Blectrte Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore etfa.. llllnola Central Interbnrougb Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harvester .. Int. Marina pfd International Panar 30 t International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa City Southern.,.. K. C. So. pfd Lacjede Oaa Loulavllle A Naahvllle... Minn. A St. Louie M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M.... Mlsaourl, K. A T M , K. A T. pfd Mleaourl Pacllle National Blaeult National Lead N. R. R. of M. td pfd.. New York Central N. Y., O. A- W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacffio Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People's Uaa : P.. C, e A St. L. Ptttaburg Coal Preaaed Steel Car , Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Kock Ialand Co. pfd St. I. A B. F. U pfd.... St. Louts 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Sloaa-Sheffleld 8. A I I Houtham Paciiio j Southern Railway 8o. Raiiwa. pt Tenneaaee Copper Texae A Pacific T.. St. L. A W , T. St. U A W. pfd I'nlon Pactflo Inlon Pacific pfd t'nlted Statee Realty United States Kubber.... United Statee Steal V. 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va -Carolina Chemical Wabaeh Wabaab pfd , Western Maryland Waatlnghouae Kleetrto Weetern I'nlon Wheeling A L. B. Lehigh Valley Total sale lor the day. 417, 100 abarsa New York Money Market. NEW YORK, June 27. MONEY On call, steady; 2S'i2Vi per cent; ruling rate. 24 per cent; closing bid, 2 Pr cent; offered at 2: per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 2Vi per cent; ninety days. 22 per cent: six months, 4'834 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills, at $4.84 for sixty-day bills and at $4.6610 for de mand. Commercial bills. $4.83;. SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollar, 46c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Ir regular. Closing quotations on bends today were as follows: y t V. t. ref. ta, rag. ..100 Int. 14. M. 4...... 41 do coupon 100 'Japan 4a 80 0. 8. to, re 1x1 do 4e 81 do coupon 101 K. . So. 1st ta 14 I). 8. 4i, rag 114 L. S. deb. 4a 1411... 43 do coupon 114 L. A N. Vnl. 4a Allla-Cbal. let 8a.... 78 M . K. A T. let 4s. 97 Auier. Ag. 6a 11 do gen. 4a 87 Am. T. A T. e. 4a.. 110 Mo Paclfle 4e TT Am. Tobacco 4a 80 N. R. R. of M. 4s 8! do 4a 104 K'.. T. C. g. 8e 87 Armour A L. 4. 92 do deb. 4a 81 Atchlaon gen. 4a 9e N. y., N. H. A H Atchison t.v. 4a 114 cv. 4a 132 uo cv. ea tiv .-(. ar w . lax C. 4a SB 'A C. L let 4a., do cv. ia 11)9 . 9 No. Pacific 4a 98 . W do la 71 . 91 O. 8. L. rfdg. 4a ... 94 84 Penn. cv. 4e 1914... 97 .108 do con. 4a 103 99 Heading gen. 4..... 98 .131 St. L. A 8. P. fg 4a 91 .101 edo gen. 6 69 Bal. A Ohio 4a do ! do S. W. 4a Brook. Tr. cv. 4a... ('en. of tie. la Cen. Leatber 6a C of N. J. g. 6a... Cbaa. A Ohio 4a.. do ref. 6a " M ai. a., n. w. e. 4S. . so 8 do let aold 4a 9141 Chicago A A. Ia. C. B. A VI- i 4a ... 97 eg. a L. 4a 19 do gen. 4e s ego. Pac. cet 4s..... 91 C. M. A I P g. 92 dfcv. 4a 98 C. H. I. A P. c. 4s. 1 do let ref. 4e 9 do rfg. 4a 49 Bo. Railway 4a. 108 Colo. Ind. 6a 14 do gen 4a 18 Colo. Illd. 4a 41 I Dion Paclflo 4a.. ...101 0. A S. r. A e. 4s do rv. 4a 109 . A H. cv 99 do lat A ref. 48.. 92 I'. 8. Kubber 4e ... 61 !) A R. a. 4a. do ref. 6e Pletlllors' 4a .... lurle p. I. 4e do gen. 4a do cv. 4a. aer. do aeries B . ... .104 vo-H I S. Steel Id 6e . . 18 Va.-tnr. Chern. ia. 88 VYabaea lat 6a. 79 da lit t 11. k... '. A.. 86 Weetern ltd. 4a ' Weat Kler. cv. ta. 6a....l4 Wla. Central 4a .100 .101 . 48 67 . 86 Gen- Klec . 43 . 98 III. lot On lat ref. 4a.. 9 Mo. Pac. cv. 4s Met 4e.. ...... 16 Panama Is lueied. l.oral HeraritUa. Quotations furnished bv nurns. Brinkar A to.. 4 vi .ncw umana xvaii Dank nullum. Bid. Aaked. Bratrtce rrinerf, pfd 9 91 Electric Llht 6. 1924 91 t ti National Bnk ttldg . pfd loo Cora Karbanga National Bank 64eck.. -. 93 Council blufia. la , 4a. 1814 101 Mi. 81 Vila of Omaha sckoo) 4a. 1981 14 14 Cueahv Par. log la. Be, 1934 99 99 Falraaont Creomerv IX S P. S 9 19 Kaitmont Crcanuer V I e. 9 let Kanaaa l llr 4a. 1980 loa Tl M 41 Ooha Water 4a. 198 v 8 89 Omaha A C. St. Rt 4. tin 9t Omaha A C. B St. Rv. 4a, 1114 M 101 u. a C B- 84. R. pt4 4 p- -, -div U 414 M T aft 111 KM 4j London Meek Market LONDON. June 27 American securities were quiet and featiirlraa during the early tradlna today. At noon price ranred from unchanged to S higher than yesterday's iNew lork closing. Ceneols, etor ey T9 leelarllle A N ..184 .. ni ..114 ..118 de aceeont. T9 M., a. A T ... 82 N. T. Central.., 8 Norfolk A W.. 111 do pfd 108 Ontario A W..., Amal. rvppary. A narend Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohle. .. 81 .. 47 111 Pennarlvanla .. 44 Canadian Pacific. ! Rand Mines. .. 7 ... 42 .. 13 .. 14 ..129 ..18.s .. 7 .. 81 ..112 .. 17 .. nveapeaae as u sa rteeoing mcago u. I4ia Southern Hr mi., Mil. A BL P. .131 do pfd Pa Beer 19 Southern Paclfle. Denver A Rio O ... 19 Into Pacific... do pfd 64 do pfd Xrl ,. ea V. 8. steel do 1st pfd 40 o pfd do Id pfd 48 Wabaah r.r Orand Trunk 18 do pfd iJiiuoBB lemrai ito HILVBR Bar, steady at 24 M6d per og. MONBV lH4ft per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 6-l per cent; tor three months' bills, per cent. Benton Stock and Bonds. BOSTON, June 17. Closing Quotations on si- i-k Mere us follow. Alloue at Mohawk . Amal. Copper 89 Nevada Cm A. Z. L. A 8 18 Nlplaelng Mine . Alisons Com. 18 North Butt Atlantic 4 North Lake B A C. C. A 8. U. 14 ()I4 Item in Ion ... 6fl 19 10 8 48 Butte Coalition 16 Osceola ouui vminon ..... iv upcrma , , , , .. .iue Cel. A Artaona 40 Parrott 8. A C. 11 108 tel. A Hecla .474 Qulncy .. II Centennial Cop. Range C. C. Beet Butt C. It Kranklln Oiroui CVjn. Oranby Con .. II Shannon .. 41 Superior .. 14 Superior A B. Bf . .. 12 Superior A P. C .. 4 Tamarack .. 41 V. 8. 8. R. A M. .. 1 .. 17 .. M .. 19 .. 49 .. 17 .. 40 .. ..114 Greene Caewa . 7 do pfd lale Roval Ckppvr.. 17 Utah Con. Kerr Lake 4 Vtah Oncer 0. Lake Copper La Salle Copper... Miami Copper .... Kx-dlv. , 17 Winona , 1 Wolverine 81 Boston The following Copper Market. quotations are furnished bv , members Boston Stock ex- Logan A Bryan change, 316 Sou th Sixteenth street: Adventure Allouea Calumet A Aril.. C'opper Range.... Dalr-Weet Eaet Butte Klrat National... Hancock Melvein Indiana Iale-Royal Keeweenaw Lake Copper LaSalle Maaaarhueette .. Michigan .. 4 Miami .. ! Mohawk .. 80 iNlpplaalng .. 61. .North Butt .. 4 tleceola .. 14 Old Dominion 1 6-14 Qulncy .. 18 Ray Cons .. 1 Shannon .. 16 , Superior Copper... .. 19 Superior A Boston .. 1 Tamarack 12 1 10 84 106 48 14 18 " 13 7 .... 84 On. 18 .... 49 .....114 .... 4 .. 18 V. 8. 8. A Ref. .. do pfd ,. 4 Wolverine .. 1 Yukon Gold.... New York Mlnlngr Stocks. NEW TORK, June 27. Closing quotations on mining hiochs were Alice ISO eijtti. Chiaf 1 Com. Tunnel stock. do bondo Con. Oal. A Va..... Horn Silver Iron Silver eLeadvllla Can. .... Offered. 4 Maslcaa 404 . 14 Ontarls 10 114 Ophlr 185 16 Standard 10 104 Yellow Jacket 40 14 New York Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 316 South Sixteenth street Bay State Oaa ti Newhonsa to Butte Coalition 19 Ohio fopper 1 ll-U Cectui 18 Rawhide Coalition... 6 t 1-14 Ray Central 1 I Bwlft Pkg. Co 101 team-Roebuck Co.... 141 41 Superior A Pitta 17 Chief Cons.. Devte-Daly . Kir Central. Ely Cooa Otrouz t 'jonopan Mining.. 4 Belmont ... 4 1-14474 8-14 Trinltv CooDer 4 14 4 Greene Cananaa 4 t'nlted Copper...., Inspiration 4 North Lake , Laroe 4 Bohemia Nevada Cons 40 Bank Clearing;. OMAHA; June 27. Bank clearings for today were $1,861,840.86 and for the corre sponding date last year $2,232,134.43. OMAHA UOK1I41. MANKKT. BUTTERr-Cre4UrBry. No. T. delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 26c: No. 2. In 30-lb. tubs, 23c; No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons. ic; packing stock, -solid pack, lfrVc; dairy, in w-iD. tuds, itKgax:; market changes every xuesaay. c,i. CHEK8E Twlns i4'o: younc American. 17c; daisies, 16C ; triplet, 16c; llmberger. it,c; mo. l Drick. aso: Imported Swiss. 82c: domestic Swiss, 20c; block Swiss, 18c. ruuiii'Ki-urouers. sso per b.: hens. laVic; cocks, to; ducks, 20c; spring ducks. 26c; geese, 16c; turkey, 24c; pigeons, per dox., $1.60. Alive: , Broilers, 20c; smooth lev, lc; hen. 10c: old rooster. 6c: old ducks, full feathered. 10c; geese, full fea thered, ec; turkeys, lic; guinea fowls. 15c each; pigeon, per dos., 60c; homers, per dog., $3.0u; squabs, No. 1, per dos., $1.60; No. 2, per dos., 60c; hen turkeys, 15c. iriSH tall froxen) pickerel. 10c; white. 16c; pike, 14c; trout, lie; large crapples. wia0c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 16c; roe shad, 90 each; shad roe, per pair, 40c; frog leas, per dos., 36en)83.oo; salmon, 10c; halibut, 8c; yellow perch, ho; buffalo, 6c; bullheads, 14c. BEEr cuts kids: no. i, uc; jmo. z, izc; No. 3, 10c. Loin: No. 1, 16c; No. i, 12Sc; No. $, 13c. Chuck: No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 6c; No. 8, 6c. Round: No. 1, 10c; No. 2. luc; No. 8. 9Vc. Plate: No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 4c, No. 8, 4c. FRUITS Apricots: California, per crate. $2.00. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, jumbo, per bunch, $2.76-63.76. Cherries: Home grown, per 24-qt. case, $1.76 ijlM. Cantaloupes: California, standard, 46 count, $3.0041.3.26 per crate; pony crates, 64 count, I2.6txu2.70. Dotes: Anchor brand. new, 80-lb. pkga. in Doxes, per dox, j.u. Oooseberrles: Horns grown, per 24-qt. case, $2.60. Lemons: Llmonelra brand, extra lancy, 800 size, per, box, $7.60; 360 size, per box, $6.00; Loma Llmonelra, fancy, 3U0 8 lie. per box. $7.00: 8tK slse, per box, $7.60; 240 sixes, 60o per box less; Cymbal brand. 300-360 sixes, per box, It.7lB 7 .ou. uranaes: Camella Redlands VaJenciaa, all alxes, per box, $4.00; fancy Valenclas, ftO-tm-Utt sixes. 13.75. California Jaffa and Mediterranean sweet oranges. 17$ and smaller sixes, per box, $3.60. Peaches: California, per box, $1.60. Plums: California, per crate, $1.86. Pineapples: Florida, 24-30-3(1-42-48 sixes, per crai, $3.26. Red Currants: Per 24-qt. case, $2.60. Utrawberrle: Hood River, per 24-qt. case, $4.00. Watermelons: Texas, per lb., c. VEQETABLEB Beans: String and wax, per hamper, $2.60; per mkt. bsk., IMcl.O0. Cabbage: Home grown, per lb., 6c. Cucum bers: Hot house, 1 and 2 dox. In box, per box, $1.7f2.00; home grown, per mkt. bak. of about 2 dos.. $1.60. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dox., 41.6Cyl.mj. Oarilc: Extra fancy, white, per 'lb.. 12c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dog.. 25c. Tomatoea: Texaa, per 4-bak. crate, liOciiJl.00. Radlshea. Per dos., 20c. Onion: Texas Bermuda, white, per crate, $2.26; yellow, per crate, $2.00. Parsley: Fancy home grown, per do., bunches, 46c. Potatoes: Wisconsin, white stock, per bu.. $1.36(il.50; new stock in gucks, per bu.. $2 60. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: California soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc less. Braill Nuts: Per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Filberts: Per lb , 14c; in sack lots, la less. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., &c; raw, per lb., 64c Pecans: Large, per lb.. 18c; in sack lot, lc less. Walnuts: California, per lb., 19c; In sack lot, lc lea. Honey: New, tl frames, $3.74. Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 27 MCTAI-itand. ard copper, quiet; spot, $12. 2Yg 12.81; Bpptem ber, $12.80502.40. Tin, oulet; spot, $44. TS 46. 26; September. 41. VAt 42. 26. !ad, qu!et. at I4.4f4j4.fi0 at New York and $4. 3054.40 at East St. Louis. Bpelter, 4.aa'er. at $0.:0 6.80 at- New Tork and $5.60i4i5.6j at Eat Pt. Louis. Artlmony, Cookson's. $8.6). Iron, quiet: northern grades, $14. 7M? 15.2"; southern. $11 25'jf15.2o. fllver. bar, 52'4c. ST. LOWS. June 27. M ETA L8 Lead, lower, at $4 S.". Spelter, lower, at $5.J. Kansas City Live Sttwk Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo, June 27 CATTLE Receipts. 12.000 head. Including 2.H0O south erns; market steady: top, 8H.40: dressed beef and export steers. $t;.G0ftti.40; fair to good. $4.bO&6.S0; western steers. $4 60478.86 ; Blockers and feeders.. $3.fj0ti5.40; southern steera, $3.7H(5 ;. southern oowa. I2.70ii4.40; native corns, $2.oii4 R.'; native heifers. 4j0.25: bulls, $3.0"ka4.fi6; calves. $4 O0(&7.2D. HOOS- Beceiits. 18 000 head; market opened 64V10c higher; closed weak. Bulk of rale. $C 2T.vJd.86: heavv, ! .26ti8.3: packer and butchers. 86.30ra6.40: llahls. $.2."1.4. SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts. 4..VO head: market strong', lamha. IC..VH .; yesrlinss. 44 Vlfi4 60. welhers. BliilS: ewea. $3.00433.2.; stocker and. feeders, $2.0) 452.76. . Stock la Slskt. Receipt of live stock at the five principal western markets Saturday: Cattle, lloa-s. Sheen. Pouth Omaha St. Joseph .... Kansas City . t. Loul Chicago . ! m . 8.000 .12 " . T.ion . 209 13. "00 ,W8) It.laal 13.0m) 16.000 8.6M 4 fv vj 8.1 16.000 Totals 24,300 69.600 3&.200 C St. Kv. rMl , aa-dlv Omaha C. S. Rr Brtat W Omaha Oaa ta, H Omaha Clea. U. P. U. 1MI M Omaha Elac. U. P.. M S. Cal. Kittson , 111 1 ShorMan Cnal. pfd SH t ales Stark Tarns stark M Valoa Stork Tarda (a, I Ml. r Trt-Cltf Rt. IA.. af t Wise Memorial tUaanal 1H1 IS? OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Are Gener&Uy Strong to Ten Cent Higher. HOOS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER Price In the Rfceep Barm Skew Little ar We Ckaaare, While the Sap ply Centlaave le Be Very Medermte. SOTJTM OMAHA. June 27. 1911. Receipts wera: Cattle Hosts. Sheen Official Monday 4.180 8.903 6,f3t Estimate Tuesday 2.800 13. COI .t0 Two days this week 7.0) 18.108 U.?n Same days last week.... 8.783 18.6ft) 6.37 Same days I weeks ago.. 8.335 ?" (.126 Same days I weeks so.. 8.631 18.878 1W Same days 4 wetks ago.. 6,107 20," 8.66 Same days last year 8,848 19.612 11.776 The following table shows the receipts of cattle hoss, and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data aa compared with last yer; inn. l10. Inc. Cattle 487 .008 43.442 13,(61 Hog 1,13 629 l.Oei.tVX) 261.'2 Sheep 760,222 7,07 81.1ov The following table shows the average prices on bogs at South Omaha for tne last several days, with comparisons: -1 Dates. I 1911. 10.19W. 11908. 11907. 11901. 18t. June is... June It.., June 20.., June $1... June 23... June 23... June 24.., June 26... June 88... I 1 6 spa, 17 22 8 20 ! s 301 7 61 8 671 6 64 6 9T( 89 7 (3 6 8 8 8 19 $ 80 t 16 42 6 66 6 91 401 7 83 e $ 77 6 21 6 10 5 12 6 16 6 30 e 6 II 9 1 7 68 6 91 e 83 161 7 46 I 88 6P2I 36 24 281 7 40 I 83 6 86 6 67 11 7 68 6 88 8 89 6 23 June 27... 6 13 13f f t W 6 82f 431 6 82 Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Tarda, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 2 p. m. yesterday : RECEUPT 8 CARLOADS. eep.H'r's. C M. 8t. P I w abaah I Missouri Paclfio 1 Union Paclflo 26 C. ft N. W., east.... 5 C. A N. W., west.... 27 C. St. P.. M. A cl.... 8 'i T. . V. 46 18 1 69 as tm IS .. 1 4 11 47 2 1 1 2 1 5 a 196 22 4 C, B. ft Q., east.... 11 c, a. et y., west.... 48 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 7 C R. I. ft P., west.. 7 Illinois Central 8 c. a. w t Total receipts 134 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. licsrs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co ., 419 401 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co.. , Schwartz-Bolen Co - Murphy Sinclair Morrell , Benton, Vanaant ft Lush Hill ft Son F. B. Lewis Huston ft Co J. H. Bulla 723 846 674 3.924 4,328 1.472 216 1,078 L4R4 856 105 20 28 101 6 105 8 82 295 442 L. Wolf S. Wertheimer Other buyers . L4U 4.133 Totals ...t., 3.724 11,484 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning numbered 132 cars, making the total for tbe two days 7.0X0 aa aaalnat 6.788 head last week. In spite of the fact that receipts were quite liberal the market waa In splendid condition as viewed from a seller's stand point. Buyers all wanted the cattle and were out In the yards early in the morn ing with the result that everything sold in very good season. The prices paid were strong to 10c higher. This means that good cattle were generally 10c higher, the best In the yards selling up to $6.80, the highest price paid since last April, when $6.40 was top. The high price of the year to date waa K.60 paid In March. Yearlintrs were In especially good demand, steers and heifers selling as high as $6.26. Cows were In splendid demand and desir able stuff sold lOo hla-her. with inferior and common kinds about steady. Veal caives are naraiy as strong as last week aa It takes pretty good calves now to com mand $6.76. There were only a few scatterinsr loads of stockers and feeders In sight and they sold at about steady prices. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice beef steera, $6.003.30; fair to good bee steers. $6.753.0O; common to fair beef steers, $6.00 good to choice cows, $4.60(36.00; fair to good; gooa to cnoice neirers, 86.ou&b.66; cows and heifers, $4.0O4t4.6O; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.00?4.00; good to choice stockers and feeders. t4.40fr4.R5: common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.60 cj4.4u; stock nailers, 43.01x4 3. 76; veal calves, $3.60017.00; bulls, stags, etc, $3.25Q)5.00. Representative sales: . BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Jr. to, av. Ft. Ill 1011 4 36 41 1480 I 00 14 424 4 B0 13 I860 I 00 4 1061 4 40 13 1846 4 00 10 841 I !S IB. , 1133 4 00 4 1044 4 10 It U88 10 41 1104 I 78 It 1188 I 10 44 1048 4 80 II Ill 1 10 881 4 80 84 I486 4 14 M 1171 4 10 II 1480 I IB 14 U10 I 88 41 12(4 I II 14 1017 4 86 -0 H67 4 It IT 1241 I 8 M..., 1041 10 !!.... 1141 4 85 31 1478 10 14 1018 I 88 17 1488 10 44 1181 I 88 84 182B 4 IS IT 1141 4 80 41 1601 4 IB 10 1102 4 80 II 1838 tB 14 1288 I Bfi 21 1141 18 44 1304 I 85 82 1488 I 10 II 1301 I (Ml 14 1447 I 10 11 1043 I 00 BTEKRS AND HEIFER 11 t I 44 BT 821 I IK 10 84 IX II 774 I 8 IT 1010 4 86 28 7nl I 10 10 T70 1 45 17 161 I U 11 411 I 1 COWS. 11 Ill IN 10 844 4 K 4 481 I 00 10HO 4 40 814 00 4 1171 4 4B 10 1021 I IS 4 1174 4 B0 I Hi! IB B 1801 4 80 4 780 I 24 11 1726 4 80 10tl I 40 1 1046 4 60 1238 80 II mo 4 10 t Hf8 I 45 II HI 4 70 1080 4 00 4 1144 4 40 4 461 4 10 101 1163 4 44 14 414 4 20 4 1124 4 10 HEIFERS. 4 48T 1 60 II 8T 1 80 18 174 I 10 1 696 4 00 4 474 10 1 7(1 76 tO t4 I It 1 810 i 7B 4 M "bulVA"-' 7 1 1114 14 1 1800 4 M 1 1410 t 40 1 1240 4 46 1 1B10 i 60 1 1180 4 86 1 1870 1 7B 1..... 1020 4 6 1 1634 4 00 1 1201 4 78 4 1847 4 K 1 uno 4 80 1 1170 4 26 1 1280 4 86 1 1170 4 10 1 14MI I 00 1 1140 4 IS 1 14J0 I 10 1 1440 4 " 1 470 4 18 CALVES. HO I 50 4 201 4 14 1 141 4 00 4 150 I to 4 Ill I 14 t 1M 4 60 414 4 28 1 no 7t 1 135 I 60 1 160 4 75 11 174 4 71 4 180 4 It 1 12 4 00 1 140 4 It 4 246 4 00 4 117 76 1 110 4 16 1 no 1 on 6 188 4 IB 1 140 T 40 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 1 454 I 40 4 841 4 M I TOO to I n 4 40 14 B 4 00 t 726 4 50 4 441 4 10 . 11 774 4 44 14. 424 4 14 HiXJti Hon trad had arood auDrtort nnlv from one to two of the larger packer buy era and apeculatlve tradera. It waa a aea elon featured by broad demand from cer tain quarters a contracted with backward order in the hand of other regulars. The actual market presented a wrinkled ap pearance bet a use of thlm condition, bulk of business ruling steady to a nickel higher. doui iuau were received in all, a total large enough to prouipt bearish ef fort. In apite of thia f.ct no weak snots developed until late In the morning after most of the receipts had moved scaieward. Closing trade was dull at figure no bet ter tnan steady. Movement of offering waa fairly active at time, but the general market failed to show very much life. Clearance of all weight at 11 o'clock was practically com plete. Orders from shippers and speculators called for sbout tw.elve per cent of the supply, a purchase that has plenty of sis when the total Is considered. Heavy animals sold around $6 Owitl.iio and good butchers moved largely at $6.10i( 20. Best bacon grade reached $6.86, a dime above yesterday's high price. No. 14 . 41... 44. ., 61 . 61... 68... tt'.' 44.., Av. 8n Pr. 4 1 40 ..274 IM 1(4 .134 140 0 . .IM 8 4 S Ne 10... 47... 41... 42... 14... 41... ... 88... II... 81..., II... 41... 44... II... Av Sk. ....121 4 ::o ... ...243 ... ....148 a . ... 288 12S ... 126 ( ....1V3 ... ... :4 ... ....431 ... ....171 M ....124 ... 121 14 ....2J4 ... ....281 ... 4 14 4 li It 4 It 4 li I II 4 16 4 It 4 14 4 16 4 It 4 It 4 15 4 IB . 341 .807 4 a set 4 04 4 St 4 06 4 s 4 04 4 04 4 44 .21 80 .hi 4 14 ... .8"4 80 311 11 .24 . . .184 84 41 114 4 4 44 48 148 100 4 18 81 14 4 4 08 11 4 4 14 81 t ... 4 08 18 Ill . . 4 It 44 IW , 88 ns an j in lit 84 11 . . 4 08 71 tit 18 118 44 IT SO 4 07 II t.M 44 4 14 81. 1M ... 4 07 IB S4 ... 4 It 8 t4 ... 41 18 141 40 11 48 181 ... 4 01 44 : ... 4 17 MS 80 4 It 31 !"l IS 4 1 80 844 ... 4 l 77 ItT ... 4 14 88 J'4 44 4 10 81 8M ... 4 18 18 101 ... 4 10 44 180 ... 4 8 11 141 M 4 10 II let ID IN 43 181 ... M 71 t ... I IS 11 187 ... I in jo M 140 I ft 44 14 144 4 14 11 80 IN 8 1 8 181 . . 1 44 t 8 10 I I't 100 10 78....V- 4 48 4 10 48 Jl 8H 10 II. .....! 40 4 to 44 140 48 U 18 tl ... 4 4 r8 10 1 14 81 t3 ID in 88. 171 ... 4 14 11 tt ... ( 10 81 1M 180 4 10 17 144 ... I 10 M 11 40 10 84 141 40 4 11 II 11 ... 4 10 81 114 ... 4 70 81 !! ... 18 Ill 80 n 8. 48 ... 8 la 88 Ill 1? 4 In 4 4 It 4 14 li :..tit 48 4 M 1 184 ... 4 10 81 181 110 to 84 171 40 i 10 18 181 ... I t 11 11 40 4 10 14 lt ... 4 tO tl 14 40 4 1 4 178 ... 4 TO 84 t4 80 ( 11 78 188 ... 4 14 Tl ..ITS 80 f l!t 18 171 84 4 10 88 K ... 4 11 II 10 80 4 TO 41 181 ISO 4 lt 78 irt 81 4 M 11 140 8 4 11 S8 Ill 80 4 18 4 .881 170 4 14 48 tns 140 4 II Tl Ill 100 I IB 14 184 ... 4 18 40 .134 ... 4 18 1 loa ... fn II 171 14 4 14 14 184 ... 4 18 11 ISO 40 4 IB Tl Ill 44 111 . 10 IJ7 110 I 14 Tl tot ... 4 18 41 141 tO 4 14 86 14 MIS 47 144 ... 4 It 41 mi ... 4 80 11 101 ... 4 14 84 1M ... 8 14 Tl 188 ... 4 14 8HEEP In most essential respects trade In sheep and lambs was a repetition of yesterday's market. Demand showed a greater decree of life, but the big bulk of business averaged about steady. Buyers for packers made an early canvass of of ferings and anything, whether corn or grass-fed, changed hands In very good season, provided quality and finish were at nil desirable. Receipts gave a total of fully twenty loads, but several shipments were singles coming from nearby sections and actual quantity of receipts was not as large as the load estimate Indicated. All but eight or nine cars, part of them singles, were billed from vslotis grass-mutton state In the west. Oregon was well represented with wethers and yearlings and California also sent In a four-car shipment of sheep. Offerings of fed stock were more or less mixed and carried common to trashy qual ity, a phase of the trade that la seasonable. One small bunch of fed ewes reached $4.10. but straight loads of prime quality are hardly quotable over the even money. The spread between ewes and wethers Is de cidedly narrow, as sales and quotations In dicate. Orass wethers from Oregon were among the first to move In this branch of the martlet ana commanded 83.70, the same as yesterday. Oregon yearlings ruled steady at $4.80 and California wethers sold at $3.60. Inquiry from feeders wss very slack and inferior range offerings acted slow throughout. Quotations, grass stock: Spring lambs, good to choice, $6.2.r7.00; spring lambs, fair to trood, $5.0O6.1O; yearlings, fair to choice, $4.0OjT4.40; yearlings. feeders, $3.003.R5; wethers, fair to choice, $3.2.vfi3.76; wethers, feeders, $2.768.26; ewes, fair to choice, $2 7633 60; ewes, feeders and culls, $1.76 2.40. Quotations, fed stock: Shorn lambs, fair to choice, $5.608.26; shorn yearlings, fair to choice, $4.0O6.00; shorn wethers, fair to choice, $3.6o4.10; shorn ewes, fair to choice, ,l.UUrtf4.U0. No. 46 eprinn- lambs 67 western ewes 75 western ewes 471 western fed lambs 67 spring lambs, culls 10 western ewes 478 Oregon wethers 84 sprlns; lambs 20 sprlns; lambs, culls 6 sprlns; lambs 367 California wethers 47 California wethers 298 western lambs 61 western ewes 84 spring lambs 27 spring lambs 1060 Oregon yearlings, feeders Ar. . 68 .. 98 . 108 . 75 , 60 . l&l . 11a . 63 . 63 . 75 . 114 . 100 . 73 . 108 . 68 . 72 . 79 Pr. 7 00 8 60 4 00 6 00 8 50 4 00 3 70 7 00 6 60 7 25 3 60 3 60 6 75 3 76 90 7 00 3 26 CHICAGO live: stock market Demand for All Claaaea of Stock la Steady. CHICAGO, June 27. CATTLE Receipt s, 200 head; market steady; beeves, $4.75(frvj.65; Texas steers, $4.40t&6.00; western steers, $4.76 5.76; stockers and feeders, $3.15g5.36; cows and heifers, $2.26i&5.75; calves, $5.758.00. HOOS Receipts, 15,000 head; market steady; light, $6.16gM.66; mined, $6, 166.57; heavy, $e.069.60; rourh, $6.00M6.20: Bood to choice heavy, 36.2oer6.50; pigs, $5.66ii.30; bulk or sales, 8v argil. 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16,000 head; market steady; native, $2.254,15; yearllnars, $3.904.60: native lambs. $3.76tti 6.86; western, 84. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 27.CATTLE Receipts. 7,100 head. Including 2,100 head Texans; market strong and active; native shipping and export steors, ' $Ti.2Wr).40; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.80titi.06; steers under 1.000 pounds, 15.004itf.25; stockers and feed ers, $2.66&'4.76: cows and heifers, $3.00(B.60; cannera, $1.0058.00; bulla, $3.006.00; calves, $5. 0068.25; Texas and Indian steers, $3.25 8.00; cows and heifers, $3,005.00. HOOS Receipts, 13,900 head; market 6c higher; plga and lights, $5.O06.6O; packers, Ifi.WVfKi.aO; butchers and best heavy, $6.60 8.82V,. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8 600 head: market steady;- lambs higher; native muttons. $3. 0(V& 3.76; lambs. $3.00ir7.1S; culls and bucks, $2.0o2.75; stockers, Jl.2ixg3.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. RT. JOSEPH. June 27.-CATTLE Re ceipts. 8.000 head. Market ateady to strong; steers, 84.6036.26; cows and heifers, $3.50-5.76; calvea, $3.o0(fi7.50. HOOS Receipts, 9.600 head. Market hiifhor: top, $6 40; bulk of sales. $6.20g.3o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.600 head. Market steady; lambs. $4.536.80. Boy Taken to Omaha Hoapltal. LOOAN. Ia.. June 27. (Special Tele gram.) Dr. Williams of Logan, In charge of Willi Brayton, who waa accidentally shot In the face at a charivari Wednesday night, took the little boy to the Immanuel hospital at Omaha yesterday following the discovery that the left eyeball was ruptured. $10,000,000 UNITED' STATES Panama Canal Gold Bonds Maturing January 1, 1961 Non-taxable Coupon cr Registered Available for Security Government Deposits , Legal Investment Trust and Savings Funds "We offer 6anie at market, quotations made upon request by mail or wire. ' List cf Investment Bonds Paying From 2.85 to 6: mailed upon request 11 ow -av Investment Bankers NEW YORK. 149 Broadway PHILADELPHIA: Fourth & Chestnut Ota. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OM AH City Council Settles Two Imoiiliiiirt a . .a 4A a- .4 uuestioni 11 meeting. ' CREDIT IN NEW YORK FORTIFIED City Father Asrree te Pre-Rate Bark Tatars Aaaotvjr Panda for Which . . They Are Orlglaally Inteaged. Two live questions received a quleiun Monday night st the meeting of the city council when the council by a draft on t:r genersl fund fortified tne city credit at th financial eirents' offices In New Torlt ard greed to pro-rate the back taxes among the funds for which they were orglnally created up to the amount equivalent to 100 per cent of th current year levy. The first action wss made necessary by a notification from the edty clerk that there was need of $13,090 In order to draw warrants In payment for outstanding In debtedness. Ten thousand forty-eight dol lars and fifty-two cents was set over to the Interest and sinking fund by, the treasurer's office plus $1,108 48, pert of the. amount due the fund from the present month's collec tions. The remslnder was taken from the general fund, making the total asked by the clerk. This money will be forwarded to Kounue Bros.' financial agency today. The back Us Issue was settled when monies accumulated from back taxes due for several years waa pro-rated among th several funds for which they wer originally created. It waa the contention of City Attorney Murphy that the back taxes should be carried forthwith Into th Interest sjid sinking fund In view of the stress of conditions the city attorney de clared himself willing to waive point and allowed the back taxes to . be pro-rated among the aeveral funds for which they were orglnally created. This provide for the payment of the police and firs' de partment for the months of June and July up to the new fiscal year.. The matter has for a long time been bone of contention between the city attorney" office and that of the city treaurer. Three Hundred Dollar for Fireworks, On motion of John Franek the cnuncll voted 3300 for the Fourth of July celebra tion. It Is understood thst the money Is to be devoted to purchasing - fireworks. The city attorney and his assistants re fused to draw the resolution,' holding that the city should first take care of Its debts before expending money on fireworks. Ths vote on the appropriation stood; Franek,? Hoffman, Rlha and Walters, aye; Miller, Mat Peterson and Tom Peterson, no. In explaining their votes Mat Peterson and Miller offered to give $16 ut of their own pockets rather than vote the city money for the fireworks. The Mud creek sewer fund wtvs replen ished. The Offeirnan Company. It Is un derstood, declared that they would proceed no further with the work unless the money was In sight. The company said Monday "afternoon that about 36,000 was needed ' to complete ' the sewer. Monday night the council trans ferred $4,246.12 from the general sewer bonds fund, 856.68 from ths north branch"' of the N street sewer fund. $110 from the'" Twenty-first street sewer fund aand $500 from the North Gulch main sewer fund.' A resolution demanding that paving bids be readvertlsed was Introduced and passed. This action was taken th deference to the' demand of the labor unions that all con tracts for city labor be made In strict ac cordance with the city charter, wi.l-h pro vides that the contractors must pay union wages and hire union men. A petition from property owners abutting on Twenty-seventh atrset, b4vyern A and B streets, asking that the ' grade bs changed so that It will not 'cause Injury to property, as at present, was received. Announcement thst the Psckers National bank had assigned all 'its Interest In the $600,000 bond Issue and $15,000 park bonds to Epitxer, Rorlck & Co. of Toledo was re ceived by the council. . The $500,000 batch pays 6H per cent and the $15,0:0 Issue i. The Live Stock National bank was re ported to the council as having made a $25,000 bond to the city treasurer through the National Surety company. Finance Committee Meet. " In preparation for the opening of the new fiscal year the finance committee of the city council began a session that will last for many days. The work of the committee will be to make out (he estimates and schedules of appropriations for the new year levy. As the work' Is somewhat be hind the committee I expected to adjourn from day to day until the estimates are completed. The committee will meet In the treasurer'a office and have the assistance of the treasurer's force. Mavis City Gossip. See HOWLAND Lumber & Coal Co., NEW LOCATION, 617 North 24th. Phone 7. Mis. A. W. Frasier, who has been visit ing In the country, returned home Monday, evening. . . , Mrs. Jack Walters has returned to her home after a long spell of Illness In .the hospital. Desk Sergeant James Grace la back at active duty after an attack of pleuro pneumonia. The Eagle entertainment committee will, give one of Its regular series of dances Wednesday evening. a Rste CHICAGO! '' 8 South Dearborn 8t est BOSTON! 28 Sttto St. ' JJ X