THE REE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23. 1311. s 4 ! V ( PATENTS (Coo tin nod. WTLLARD IDDT, U A Pat Cfflre effl UlMUdtsr. la City Net. Bank. Tri.r UM KIRAM A. STUFOF-.S. ff. attorney Brand els Theater Bm1 Pong' is PERSONAL KKCHA.NO therapy !CsrviiB debility, ltomui trouble. Dr. VuiVH Ha. I or en. rV-J Nevil.s Ln. D.77L DB. BURKS. diseases of wom-n. Omaha. KTT 'rpOOtrunnl,; P'rl operator. """' v-"-'iuT a. it. a hi., ia :ioor. JiMU CORK EA.A..i;'- l f Cd, S AA SV V m. Uuiu lilt TOVKO WOMEN comir.i " j u.e i.i I rmwri ere iBvitet to Wetnen e Carstlian uiovi.i.uu iIHi..iin4 t Seveoieeoth street aiul A where IM arm 0 irriMi ( ana- buarsiag places Mr ttrar.i MHunt Leuk tar . . w . Stall oc 'i R A TIT Si 6411 Slow. n massage. Mm. ov iat floor I roar, room l uau..u "mw. UNITS.! B4'.ll."cll Cll-icil .,4 l. ca.. I p m. UKb and Lotbrop. .ce MM lfASBAGB Swedish m.vemert; ro h nf better fr rheumaism. Ia lis . 1: . ant e mea. 1X64). Apt. L uoi Fa. 14a . r ., 4 ui a. I- COOL plunge In Like Manama will overcome that hut feeling. If Ed Wlttlg. ' 8. 21st St.. will iom io Tha baa off Ice I within thrca days wa wt!l give htm a pair ; of round trip Uckais to Lake Manawa. I rorwl Samxritnn Maternity iloaplta. ' Council BluIU. Iowa. ICRS. INTDEfl, Swedish maeenge. bath. I radiator and rtbrgtor treatment Th 1 uuaaany. Flat I. HJtn and Fierce, Doug. 430. TUB baat treat for wlfa and babr I I dish of Dalxeil g lea cream. If Mra Ji ' Fallal-. HIS No. 2Sth St.. will coma to Tha Baa offloa within thr-a day wa w1U give nor an oraer ror a quart brick at thie rina ADETJOHT hair food crow hair; Vna Frayer. ,M.gaUi y Ca,. 1Mb I IHD SaLVaTTUK A KMT astlrUs east -oft ! sAot-hlng, In fact anything u u no ; mn&. Wa coll act. rpmlr and aall at 14 X I UUt Bt. for coat t -ail action, tu tna war. 4br poor. CaII i huna Ljua M titf aal i wanaa win call. KXITDOO TABLKT9 will build. tK Hit 1 4. DKt'a :iA MASSA QE TREATMENT. Mra. Staala. ii,fiyUij M flaor, room k WS RUNT and rapalr ail kind of nW - xililnaa. Ind MEBR IMA BEST aaraa Ilarva Food PI y aaaA McConi WEB HAS KACTCLifi Cft. umlb and uaraay Mta. bra oar far man. Oray'i tpaJd. har uuiaoa. Noa. Jonaail Sruo Mrs, RXtasibouae, jog Old Base too b)tor Bids. MAGNETIC E. Brntt, 1311 R-.lil. Alas Harrltt Panaaeseuiiaai doator. BTRICTLT private confinement home. Wa find homee for babies where mo in era not abla to ears for them, lux Lav en port St DAT BLOOD REMEDY. Otaddlsa fLarnaty, lXtn uu i lodtTBk PARTY ' wants flrst-rlaaa eeoond-hand furniture for one bedroom. Addrasa Bra, P tU. . . WA VTTrWnfnpfn.t 1am - M -' w.... , f ef relauves ot Riohard H. Thorn aa. wno olad at Malta. Mont, January, llu. Waa for majiy years a resldnnt of Montana and Is asud to have had two brothers In or near fe Moines, la. Addrasa . O, Lm. Malts, Moat POULTRY AND PET STOCK ' tm CLARK Spits pups for sale. Web. IsTa. PRINTING iuxa HATJ.Ptg Cax. lot B. lata. Ind. A-J62. PliOIfB IND, A -tea for guow prtnttng. . PnnLloA Ca, lata asvd capita A esi Lew W.Eaber, Printer "fi sUEB BIJOO. XMTRAMCB ON COURT. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS af T1TLSL aTTDtiAJCTD Ouar. as Trast Co 1714 Far. tL H. NssUs pres.; J. Campbell, aeo. D. SMi yitri'Auft JSSSENi Jr.. Co. Tel Doug. 33. REAL ESTATE! DEALERS IISD ABSTRACT CO.. eldest abatrain av bmaks. gss Braadess Thaatea tUCAX. KSTAT1B TITLE TRUST CO, Fur usxeta Oaar. City SieA UaaS HMdg. BC1LDERS ISFMRBtATION Vapag hanging, wallpaper reduced. H. MOa. ' T C and els tars dug; aoddlng. grad log. general work. eb. 427. McVTTJLXiEN Jo wor" " repairing; kfASONHY BRICKLATINO. PLAS MftltU.iai TKRINO, CEMENT AND CCKCRETB WORK, KSTIMATIlS FRitifi. K. RAXMOXD. U7N. kita. Doug. T7U. PLUMBING rL Vf Valkbrg. uumwiu Uork and Material A-L Baflafacttosj guaranteed. W-W. itoj N. At SIMONSON a NORBT. furnaca aad fn- D. 2440. isotic.-bj v. aa Hoover la the exnert trimmer. I will not ba raeponaible fnr 11 naa ftafa i I m r wnHf Hda. k . . . naajinsj uua aajne. CITT PKOPSBTT FOR SALSk Fairacres District Wtn get mora CO-OnO to I3O.0O0 house dur n tha next few years than Any other Ct- frlet about Omaha. Improvements Values Make soorwn by rhs fact that aot raaiy ago scree la tha Wast Famam dl trtot, which today are worth over 130 QUA raid be bought for what acrea a.a niw stag offered la Falraorea. Is Why aa asra or two Is one of the beet and safest parchases to be found around Omaha. Only $1,000 will buy an acre In this district which already has handsome homos costing fr m ' IK.0M to tfO.OOo. Terms of payment OXE-QCARTEa CASH, deferred payments easy. For plats, prices and Information see George & Company, Ninth Floor City National Bank Eldg. LARGE HOUSE AWAY. GIXX On SHh St.. near Jackson. I have 7B ft vast front at tW per ft. and chean enougn and a lu-r, houi tarowa in. rente lor Jo. VV. T. 1.1UH.IM. Bh-E BLfHi. HERE IS SNAP. My new. modern bua tsow. snust sou at aacrttieo. MntA, Boo. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY rnH,ltLI FOR SALE CHEAP, 2015 GRAND AVENUE. $3,500 ' '.. , " . - . ., :..y. "7;-. V : ,.; '''yiw nay i ; - ; " -. . " v ., '1 . . ' . ' . .... - -.- ,. . I v '""Hi'Mlhw. w -J i.i.e uwner iif tlila tine uuuj aiia Lu eeil and aoit tu.i...;. mu ..uuaa Ilka full basement, cemeat walla running clear down, all around, good furnace. ON THE FIRST FLOOR there la a large front porch, screened, large reception hall, parlor, good dining room, large pantry, rear entry and kitchen, open stairway, three fine bedrooma and bathroom on second floor. Plenty of good closet room, good plumhlng and lighting ftztureea. All tha walls are newly decorated with fine pancr. There are screen for every door and window In tha houna. Uouae waa built three years ago and haa Juat had two eoata of paint on tha outside leaving It In first elaaa condition In every way. The lot la 60x130 feet, atreet la paved, cement walks all around, good lawn. Thla la leas than half a block from the "Prettiest Mile" snd among nice home Tha location la good and tha hotfaa la complete in every way. Will not require any Immediate expenuttura for repairs. Good responsible party can make aa' terms on thla properly, and It will ba sold thla week, ao act quickly. Norris & Martin, 400 Bee Building, Some Good bargains A splendid 7-roora. thoroughly modem home In Kountxe Flace. oak finish and oak floors first floor, 4 good bedrooms, cellar partitioned and plastered, good furnace. comer lot. close to car. A big snap at H6f0. Immediate pessesxion. Near 37th and Leavenworth Sta, a new T room, modern hours, large living room with beamed colling, fine dining room, 4 good bedrooms, attic, lot KxUS feet south front fine ehade trees. Only 14. u. Immediate poeiteailon. ud and w ool worth, a fine I-room. modern house, east front, fine yard with shrub bery, ete.. 4 bedrooms, attlo. Owner 1 aves for Cblcaeto next week and nvist sell at once. Price reduced from. 16.000 to Is.OoA Immediate possession. 11. A si. 14th. a gnod 8-room houss on east front lot euxl3 feet Paving paid. Only 13.1160, SI EE ELBY, Doug. mo. 438 Board of Trade. SOUTH SIDE HOMES 2918 a. Uth bt. I rooma. strictly modern; nearly new; hot water heat., lot. 70x75 feet: only $3,860: part terms. 2920 a Uth St. i rooms, nearly new; hot water heat. comb. II mures, .miy t ,lne; part terma. These properties are wall lo- Lcated;. close to car; both, bargains. Owner wut show you. DESIRABLE PCNDFI 811 CA33 ST. HOU8B Only $J,50; room: strictly modern; full lot; good barn; one of the choice residence districts; reasonable cash pay mentx. balance per cent Key at 480a, first door east GEO. MARSHALL. JIJ Board of Trade Bldg. Phonea Doug. 147. Evenings, Harney rifts. TO THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER Wa have just one five mom cottage left In our pretty addition. "Darr Place," lo cated near Sherman Ava. and Spruce Sts., within 16 to 20 minutes' walk of the poet office. Thia cottage will appeal to the discriminating buer because It Is com plete and Is honestly built Oak finish In living rooms; colonnade opening between dining room and parlor; two One bed rooms: complete bath room; conveniently arranged kitchen, with pantry and ro-frlgHratoiy-niry , outside antrance to base ment; film cemented basemsnt with laun dry and furnace: large attlo. Choice light ing fixtures. Sea it and bo oonvlnoed. Suitable terma. Scott k Hill, Douglas 8815. 307 McCague Bldg. BIO CORNER. NTH AND GRACE STS. Fine corner, on 24th St., with 3 houses, rent wail. A good business prospect ta.jUO. W. T. GRAHAM. Bee Bldg. t(r PiCU and M monthly will buy oak finish first atorv, whits enamel on pine and mahoganised doors second story; full cemeated basement; street paved and parked, near school, church and car. Ideal neighborhood. A 8uL Bee. No. 2514 Patrick Ave. t rooma. bath, gas; rents for to. reeldent owner must sell at ones, cash, balance monthly. 11, Sou. Non Part 0. C. Olson Floor McCague Bldg. Main SEVERAL, good houses, soma modern, sums part modern, all baraa na at lhair respective prices, some must ba sold ati once, inquire before purchasing saywhsre el-e. iiiki BOIEK, zzu and CUMING) STS. - SIX K(M)f i miiea nor to uf ienver, 40 miles sou to ot NEAR 24TH AND SPENCt:grry;cia. ar"or'- ! Good six room house, modern except fur- I bat e, nke lot 4txl.7; cemented basement. NORTHWESTERM Colorado wheat lands. Can arrange terme. Price. C&iO, We will tlZat) to Hi per acre. A few Improved ow ,au ui .now mn property at any lima. Scott L Hill, Douglas tali. 3u7 MuCagua Bldg. NOTICE Wa must sell this week a 4-room house, tr.ctly modern, ua California St near iJd. This is a fine, little home. Sowvl.u price lor quick su.e Small payment down, i'a.ani-e moaihl. Farmers Land Co U c-; .National Bank. VASSAU PICE LOT $173 t'oli irlce ami a ar.aii. W. T. GRAHAM. B.E BLDG. FOR 1ALK-A uutneis lot .a Lr,e.u it lint at uiti. t"ir partiou art auur-ss M al. k.. box T97. Fremetit. .Nu. end i?eu. i. .iii .-iieaa -M-rion f I tiaa REAL ESTATE FARM AAU kVAACH LAX U FOR BALE Aikaa r3 A . FMiXjTII, i' ml. railway ststlon. 1UI fr.iced. 40 iiuil . siiiali kuutt. two wel,a io puuuc ,oailJ. 1'..-' J. Lnioa Bank Trust Co. Heal .:. Dept iviarcy. Ark. BKST fruit and general fanning for prfc e in U. A, ia oeaicy Co.. Ark. foi- booklet ebowing to lo tie land town. W. M, Ueasua. Loallo. Ara. laads Seod REAL ESTATE TITT PROPERTY FO SALE Doug. 4270-A-4270 REAL ESTATE FARM illD HA.1CU LAD D FOR SALS Arkuaaa ISO. 8 ml out. 10 In cult. 130 black alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood:. 3b. 2U0. 4 ml, from town of too; near f. o. and school; nesrly all smooth up. .and; 96 cult, tel. timber, 16 clover; 4 ai .aifa. 4 bearing orchard, lis fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bldg., new barn, dark red sandy loam; good community; delightful location, abundance suutl water; tl.juO. ulijsct to s ysar loan tsOO; terms easy. . . WM. cULMuRaV Marshall, Art- BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICSV All uiasses of Umber, farm and fruit lands In Arkanaas, Louisiana and Mississippi, trom to to AA per aura. Writs J. IX Rey nolds. Camden. Ark- COTTON plantation; 4M acrea; elegant 10-ruom dwelling; pienty tenant bouses; eood barn and outbuildings; rich, black loam; will grow baJs cotton or 'la bushsls corn per acre; woven wire fence, 30v acrea cultivation; 200 merchantable timber, hard wood; healthful location; 4 miles from good town; good neighborhood; near school and church; price L.0n), reasonable terma Address Johnston A Wsllls. care aoutbern Trust Co Little Rock, Ark. 60 TRACTS of land In tha earn and al falfa diatrlct of Dei la land; black aoil, good schooler lands will ooulwe In value. In- three ) ears, now rant from tu la li per aero Write us what you want F. C. HOLLAND.. Pine Bluff, Ark. . . 1SO0 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine umber yet on land; i to I ml. from Eureka Sprmg; tins for fruit, ranch and general farming; Spocta. bargain In Improved farms, 110 to 130, WM. JENKINS eV CO.. Eureka Springs. Ark. l.oOO ACRES rich bottom land, six miles Newark, 110 per acre; terraat Fine orange .rove. Florida. Forty acree; 17.5U1! (J tier uargalna A. A. Henderson. Newark, Ar liansas. OZARK. LAND CO., Qravette. Ark Stock ranches, fruit fmu. berry fields, small tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty, Busmssa bouses. Writs ua 0 BRIEN'S CHOCOLATES are famous everywhere because they are tha bast If Ous Detmers, 2417 Caldwell St, will come to Tha Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a 80-cent bog free. ; GOLDEN wheat lands for sals. Im proved and unimproved prairie farms, any aise. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodaoad coy. wairoua, Saak.. Ca. REAL ESTAT&V-I have a large list of lands In the Gooee and Eagle lake daitrlat no better in Canada. H, P. Leech. Axoe town, tiaak. FARM lands in the Canadian west town lots In raiirosd divisional points, property In Wairoua. ths Car la bad af America. Write W. M. Oaibraita, Wairoua, kaicbewan. 320 ACRES, close to town, Saskatchewan; 170 acrea la wheat; tin acre; third cash, balance to suit Write for terms. Ul brodie St. Fcrt Williams. Out. Can. I OWN a section of good wheat land situated leas Ulan two miiea trom growing tows In Saskatchewan. Will aeil for 14) per acre. Address. U. J. Carrothare, P. u. stats. t;T, Winnipeg. Manitoba. FREE valuable Information to Canaaian landseekars. Frank Crawford. Wars block. Omaha. Colorado. 190-ACRE best Irrigated farm. Colorado ' Ensly improved; new M-rootn dwelling i oam; potato cellar holds lo carioaua. . acres wheat; as acree alfalfa; no waate iaau. every loot under oid water rigat; have anouier farm, eaat work both, eu larms. soi to aa. write j. a. Relnhardt feterluig. Coiu. Iowa. 1M ACRES, Casa a unty. Iowa, farm lrn- proteu ana wen iccaieu: price, Jiii per acie. my equity la ilti.auO. want southern ja.nnesota ur Doknta land, clear. No In flaled prices considered. One 10-i.orse pewer portable gasoline engine for what nate you.' Addrraa C. W. MoCauatlaud. Casa county. Lorah. Ia. OH SALE OR TRADE My equity In "4 section of raw land. 1 nulea of aor.nta. 7 nines a. it carsoa and t miles Wild Horse. Cheyenua Co., Colo.; on C. P. lays aoou. khallow water district; I mils to river: siiauia grown suucsssruuy nearby. rricc ju i;er acre, encumorance CSw, op tiunai at t pe, cent due May U, 1914. Will lui the eouity. II AD. fur raaldanca n.' tqual vaiue. 1 have aectloa turning tl... whicn ut clear, (o trade for town prop erty. Same price. Wuuld carry back tl out uu ihte ai t par rent. Walter H. Boyd, Newton, la. FOR SALE Excellent :4U-acre farm la com and blue gruee belt Adams count-', iea: farm a.l wrli fenced. 40 acrej h- light. Y.t acre tiled, and all in txe l-n. cuiiivgtion 12 room house, large brick erltar ami cement fl or, cement a ki. .arge new barn and mill, wltk good Falr uanith ecginr. new h g house, other oa. Luiiuings. ail in good repair; good eiuek and barn v a. C. large gr ive and good or chard, fuur gtK d wells. sxcelUa. wat. r tea v nil mi Ik. i or fui titer particulars eddr s Mra A ana M. Kaan. tot lugu at.. iaa - i nea. la FOR SALIC Fine Improved fifty-are hog farm; and . .over pasture. Ail bog tight. Running water taentv a-ras .oin. 1 unuaaad b.mnaia apples on trees. With or without cn..p. Immediate puasea eion Owner. Edward E. Clark. BL R. No. t, Malvern. Ia. REAL ESTATE rARM AMD RAM CM LA.1D FOR IALI iwirii rl ACRES and I7 arrva af aauthari Iaaa land. Improved, l located. (vd aoil. rHt prta. for aa'a ar ra; IT.naa qulty In brick atora buildlnc; a ft -t-cia inct nia praprjr. f aaia or trad, quirk, an land. merchandie or antomobilaa. Ad draaa Boa I. Ltaooal. la FOR 9ALE-8piand!d farms, wvll m proTad. rtnrm :n pr ca Crum OS tn 9 pr . aa Thla ia th let iawa Und. m wall tm piov4 etimraun tia. naar ..wn and aenno a 1 hra la no m re fr:ia or bvantUul part I J of tha ataia than Oaci county. Write : :or particular. i a a ram or, a. sibiey. la 24A-ACRK ettate. all the very ehoWet of land, nothing n err ,n, tile s ate. or more of tmprovvinnte e l in god ehape. miles tr in t w e d t one. Hunt be rld and soon. 1 i.a.a the cxciun.v hand ling of this. Pr ce. Mo per ai re. a(arun I .ellvery : Vs catli ta a::c V i,er cot. i M Kmery, Northwcud. Ia DO-ACR.- improved term. ' ml lee from Utan City. 1 mi lie fr m una I town; 173 n acre; easy termx and pi n .Id bargati. 104-acre unim(.rrl 'arm U miles from ason CI y. -V m 1 - fr m rw ot r tow. a, onl.' HO an acre ha a the best bar gulna in rorriie n Las . i mr n.i era uj. MA dO A CITT HIALTT CO.. Mason CIO. la. LIOO-ACR7: farm 7 miles southeast Bas sett R-M-k ooui.iy. Nebraska. AV acre a corn thia year, laik acreage In timothy and clover; good et of improi erne. u a Price. ta.oS pet acrr; ona-thl.d eaab. bal ance easy term at I kr cent CARL l'EXXIS, r. f. T. B dt.. Sioux C.ty. "a. FOR SALE-Two lot, numoers t and 17, biock K. aneiaK-U addit.uo. Highland Park. Addreak J. H. benaeit Oekalouaa, la. A REAL ESTATE SNAP. Jab-scre fa. m in l-'u ahun.aa OjUiitj, cor ner right In t w.i; bu n bl. eu frum depot ai.d araamety; tea-room house nice! lurntbOed, line frui e and f. uli trees; brau ni ul builiiinK s.ttr facii.ic sou.ti: cattle hern 4x30. 24-too I posts, .tancbions for about Lity catile; two siiu bl...; r-o.u (ar luu tons! of bay; six feed cutter, com grinder ana ' W-horss power sollne, huree baisj U.r i horses, with hay lot; and giaia b.n... windmill and tnree w a ir tunas; farm fenced In mx rieids; Tu acrss liogrtight. Price, 1106 per acre ua very easy terma. J. A. CARROLL. Rolfs. Ia. WANTED A good stock of general mer chandise, tt.MS to 1L2.UUV, la eicnai.g for good larm near Hoife, la., ana uua; faria containa 1M acres, nx-room house, barn, stix40. Price, 11' sa acre, subject to t,;4u; equity. 1S.IMU. V. R Loom nr. Roife, IA FOR A dainty dessert use Dal sell's Ice cream. If Mrs. H. H. Nelson. 1113 No. 26tb Ut.. will come to Tha Boo office within three days wa will glva her an order for a quart brick of this Una lo Kaaassa. WE havs some cholca bargains In corn, whsat and alfalfa lands for aaia In Benton and Rush counties; writs for list sf farm bargains. American, iavestment company, Holaington. Kaa. 330 ACRES, lVk miles out 200 In wheat; V to buyer; balance pasture. Tbe late rain and snow assures bumper crop; level as a floor;. (1X50 per acre, terms. W. B. CU1 bertson, Scott City, Kan. - 320 ACRES. 1 mile good town; fenced, well improved; all smooth land; rich black soil; guod orchard, R. F. D ; phone; f oe surroundings, tea, good terms; will ex change for hardware. Implements or gen eral ui ere ban diss. W. H. Mott Haringtoa, Kan. 140 ACRE9, six miles from Mlneola, 50t acres In wheat one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rich black: soil; haa raised good crop every yar since broken out; rreat bargain. a per acre. Terms. The Ror C. Board Land Cos. Ml aeo la. Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP "40 acrea, 3V miles out; 130 acrea in wheat; delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soil; good well and windmill, (a. AM; terms Other wheat and aifaUo, landa. all si see and pries. L. F. soauhmacuer. owner. MeadA Kan. - r- 30 ACREsV A m large barn, granary. - ete ; two ssilea to Larned. Pawaeo eoaatv; II acres pasture, bslsnse la culcrvattoat rhea deep sou. skua taaeo of water, -wotla aAd gsjlis; ta.XSV. terma. Bus (a stssutr tew ' I -potato w . - d TrRNON partaa, la: tao load at sow bias, soil, allnato. soar beta, water, aoaita, Kad; prtceo eaoap; snu Laevuio tats and Improvement Cow C at. Fariaad. aoo y. Leas vi lie. la LOUISIANA lara ' and Um bar laada good for truck, aora. catue. ta nunt of co (too pesc. cSeapeot siarket, HaU, Elder e Bwasta, laads es Louli Mlxuaoaota. FOR SALB HO acrss ot good now hard wheat land, near Walhalla. Pembina couniy, lon Dakota. Far particulars ad drasa owner. A. Lucaaso, Xil Third Ava N.. Minaeapolla, AtinH. ao.OOt acrea In St Louis and Carlton miiiniiee, Minneania, naar dues of Du mm and Superior, at prloo within the reach of ail; i to 1U aa acre; easy terma; four teen railroads now entering these two allies luiniaa aheap aad quick trans portauon. A tni.uuv.uuO steel plant now building by the tailed Stales Stool corporation naar landa Soil la ferula and well adapted to diversi fied tarming. dairying and garden truck. No long hauls or transportation charges, but right at the doora of the beat markets of the C'ulted states, with constant Oamand and high pruiea. Write for full luioruiauon. Hoston A puiutn s arm i anu v.. tmm At' worm Bidet, uuiuin. ATTENTIOIf. HOMESEEKERS. If you are thinking at immigrating wast this year. Writs ua tor descriptive liter a.ure ot our lands ia Minnssms, North Dakota and Montana. We caa suit you ao matter what you want and whore iou want it and caa aeii you anywaare troia St acres to Lwe. W tuiam a. Lock. A4oa A Cormorant I HAYS a farm of ZJt acree M miles from good town, 10 miles from MlnneajHius, iUe acies unaar eutuvaneua,. anuiu aw airee meadow, balance timber; caa ail bo opened up; rich soil, gooa buuaa. barn and other bulldinga. Price, V2 per sere. Also tO-acra form two miles trom good town; e acres unoor plow, 16 acres timber, good rich soil, 6-ruom, house, two Darns and atiwr oui bunding. windmill, fine natural grove, or chard just summeacing to bear. Pries, ta,jtM; easy terma. Writs owner. Charles E. Swanaon. E,k Ritar. Mlna. SEND for a list sf our fins Improved scuihsrn Minnesota laada; we have hun dred of pleased customers. C. E. Brown Land Co.. offices Madelia and N Hlon land, Minn.-- 188 ACRES IS miles from St Paul, t miles from Roaeioont: all tenet d. black loam soil aU acres cultivated, ba lanes paaturs and biack oak timber, only Lie per acre tor Im mediate aaie, half eah lJO-aere Imptoved farm if miles from St. Paul. 1 mile from Rich Valley station: nine-room house, windmill, .art baru anj uiher bulldinga all in good eond'too; biack loam Mill, clay subsoil; always been cultivated by owner; 190 acres under plow, 7 acrea fruit trees, mostly apples, aaiaae od i.mi-er land. spec. a, piles and term. W. PAR W. Monty. Plnnear 1'rees fcldg.. St Paul. Mlna. 10.800 squlty In good quarter In southern M nnesota, quarters tao miles from good town, having houaa 26x30. nsw barn 12x40. with gable roof, email granary aad fence. Want machine, sloe of dry goous. Price t3e per are. Baa. A. ConA Window, Minn. FARM. SNAP 230 acrss lsvel pralrls land. Sue in crop, balance pasture aad madow; good bulldinga. i; acre. Morehart A Aiuiileon. Manaaio. Minn. A SNAP; MUST BE QUICK; SUO-acre Im proved farm in Murra.v county, Minnesota: haa tirst-ciasa building .fences, splendid grove, orenard, two uniaa from town. nte Jonn tioiden. Jr . Garvio. Minn. FINE farm home. 32S ' sores, I miles from good town; black loam aoiL All teocod. large trams dwelling, barn, gran ary, machine aneds. sic., leu acrea m f.eid. 49 acres timber, balance ciover and lim oUiy and meadow. Ideal dairy tarm. Ail per acre, one-tnlrd eatn, balance terma. M. J. Kulb, Foaetoo. MinA I LANpS-No, fi. 180 acres 7t mllee T .Ciu"; tillabls osi; Slats map I ma..ea wun w-uage oooa ior si oenta H .Lart Land l -v. pbeniA bldg., Mlnaeaa- ulia. Minn. ' . Ths Kay to ths B. iKvrna Eas Want Ads. REAL ESTATE APM AND HOCH LAID FOR SAL Mtaawwrl. THIRTKE? eecttmia m Pawenn county, nrar ri1ny. one ut the beet towne In the lellowetone velle, aeo have ether landa that we are retail. at la any else farm ymj ent Write your anta. I'rlcee are right The Hayward Lend fo (Jiendine. Mont FOR SALE Finest farm hi Leaveaworta euuoty, Brooddua farm of acrea. It milea from Fort Leavenworth. aVdaa brics residence. ) 46-) ear-old wainuta. 1U0 eugar maple treea, aatural gaa. two telephones, free delivery. 1 mliee from Uanta Ke eta uon, examine premises and wie atra. J. bv Kir by. UM Felix St t Josevu. Mo. IN MISSOURI. Karma any atsa tor aaia. 130 to l:5 per acre, improved or unimproved. cash, bel. time, or 1-1 cash be!, tea years at Va. Wrte your wania. Fltty-five mllee eaat af kLansas City on C. A A. H. H. WALTILH C. CnlLtS KKaLiT CO.. Ulgglnsvuia. Mo. FOR SALE i tums. large and small, between MiMlsslppi and Missouri livers, avers 10& per acre. Write for big price list. William Crews. Wright City. Mo. MISSOURI FARMS None better .an eartii. Highly unproved U anything. f0. uther decided bargains. Write ua QUI lam Realty Co.. Uilllam, Me. 8TOP1 Don't go a step farther thsn Lougias county, down in the beautiful Oaarka, raise anything; corn 30 to bush eie per acre, ail other crope In proportioa; cheaeet good land n earth. Is to tiki per sera. Free information. Uroaa Real Kakata Co.. Ava, Mo MKACRB I arm, all cultivated; fine house, bain, fences, flret-eless condition; fins I ring wsier; t mllee from town; 1 miles trom ralirosd. Southeast Missouri Immi giatlon Co.. Piedmont Mo. MISSOURI farm. 3M auras; -room house, barn, lie) acrea wheat au acres t-nrn; level, blsck dirt; 3 miles railroad. (M& sere Ches, K. Huckstep Realty Co., Kleberrj-. Mo. IN THE OZARKS. FarmA ranches, orchards, town prop el t.. unimproved trscti. cheap. Brando-vtlle-Ko-hkonong fruit land cheap. Farms to trade for mdse. or land. Box 126, West Plains. Howell Co.. Mo. Moatama. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley 320 acres fine fruit land; aid water right host sec tion of the valley fine proposition for sub division; fair buildings, sasy terma Ad dress owaer. B O. Lewis. SurvensvUle. Mont WHOLESALE TRACTS TS MONTANA, tha coming farm state, tli-aO to 120 per acre. Writs for description. Shaw St Clark Land Company. Hackney Bidg., St Paul. Minn. CO-ACRE homestead relinquishments for ale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general store, one saloon, one feed store. Address. Charles F. Brown, Galata, Mont lekrsiks. FINE 40-acre ranch. 12 mlies from town. I quarters tame hay, balance wild hay and pasture; 40u acres level, balance nightly rolling; heavy black soil; two flowing welis. 5-room hous, barn, granary and chicken houae. telephone; V, mlie to school. This Is an exceptionally fine ranch and a snap. Will aell on easy term!'. George K. Collins, owner, Atkinson, Nab. tot acrea 14 mllea from Kroerson. Neb.: fine Improvements, land lajs good; can make splendid terme, and the price Is 114 to lis leu than adjoining piaces ara being l.rlced at. For particulars nU on or writ 1. K. LENNOX. ALLEN. NEB. 160 ACRES In Chase county. Nebraska. 11 mllee south of i.lie. If taksn soon will take V.7M an acre; this Is a good quarter section and can all be farmed: will take a good VU or 1911 automobile en the deal and earry tha beuanco. F. A. Garland. Charlton. Ia FOR SALE, lAO-aero ranch, 4tfc miles from Schuyler. Neb.: 100 acres In corn, balance blua graaa and clover pasture; running water through tbe ranch; sou black, sanay loam, suitaoie for cutUng up Into small farms. Thia is an sxcepuonall flno ranch and a snap. Will sail on aaay terms. W. S- KING, Owner, lit McCagus Bldg. AN evening at Lake Manawa la well spent If M. W. Stoiey, 3610 Jackson St. will come to ins nee stuca witnin urea days wo will give him a pair of round trip Uckata to Lake Manawa. XfartJk Dakota. ONE of the finest farms la Richland ecunty, consisting ot 26i acres at good, productive land. Joining Wyndmere. Fine large buildings, lots of fruit nieo grov sad nsver-tailing flowing welt Prtea k.;.0 per acre. Easy terma Marus Paulson Land Co , Wyndmere. Norta Da kota. FOR SALE A a exoepUonaliy fine 100, 1 miles ot elevator, six miles of Wyndmere, good heavy, black soil. Wild Rice river tnrough pasture Fine naw buildings, weu et excellent water, windmill, ate. AA per acre. This la a snap. Look Boa U Wyndmere. North Dakota. AUCTION SALE North Dakota; choice Welle and Stutsman county farms at puollc aucuon Juno 9. Uli, on sasy terms. Write tor Information. A. F. Boicnor, sales Mgr.. bykeaton. N. D. FOR SALE 10t acre choices apple, pear, cheny. grape land to tne west six miles from town, ons mile from railroad; sou dsep volcanic aan. The Dallas. Ore, prise winning land. ls acres. Vrt miles from town, nsw, mod ern house, bain, tenement: 250 pear prune, bearing; LH0 young ueea, i.Ouo grape vines; guod water; wood. Or will soil 90 acres wita ail Improvements. lnveeugauoa sodcitsd. C. H. wbi.r. l he La.iaa, ui . oatk Carollava. LANDS 1600 per acre mads growing figs for preserves on the lslsnds. orchards on easy monthly payments, sea island orenard Company, Charleston. A C oath Dakota. 100 ACRES IN DEUFL CO.. S. D. Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black aoil; ciay subsoil; lies vsry level and ail undar cultivation. Must be sold within Ju davs to. close an estate, halt of this year s crop goes with tns price, t&, per acre, easy terms, liuUO will handle it and It ta a snap. No stunea, no foul weeds. Address W. F. McGee. Lake Preston. A U.- FOR SALE Section good, raw land: ail fence.!; good flowing well; I miles frora P linking! on. S. D. For particulars write J. E. O Mai ley. Philip. 8. D. ' FOR SALE 180 acres Unmoved, valley farm land, Brule county, South Dakota; running watar. telephone and rural mail: easy terms. Addrssa the Wbltbeck A L urn bard bank. KlmbalL 8. D. WILL, exchange choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of Soutn Daauta, for good Iowa or Nebraska land: what have you to offer? West Land Co., Pierre. S. D. eoO-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux FallA excellent Improvements large grove and truit; all In cultivation, price tor quick aaie easy terms, also 20 wad improved, easy terms, and ISO acres unimproved. These ara i.a..aina fur quick sals. R. A. all v I us. owner. Sioux Falls. S. P. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE. W s have a list of Edmunds couaty land lor sale at Hum iU aua u per acre. If intarestea write us for particuiera snd we an, mu our pines anu poi ei map. if you own land in South Dakota list it with ue. Our mo i to is A nquare Deal to Buyer and Sellei. ' Give us a chance to prove our statement. Hasvold Land Co.. Mine, Ka- uiiuius county. 9uutn ,'eaola. ALFALFA THE KING OF A 1.1. FARM PRODUCTS, i'hia is ths land w have. Free home- sisads; reiiiquii,inei-a aua Jslumi - k'ur particulars t.rite F. O. Wunuar A Co.. buffalo cap. A D ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIVE M1LAA FRuJi TOWN. Fair Improvumna 1 nee. 1 600. Kquity. t:'.un. Aaka iiai Aaiate Co.. Akaaka. It. I TAKE a host r ds on lake Manawa. W I will glvs a pair of round tr.p ticketa to i Mra F. Gerrandt. Aim Oak St., if she ' aid come to The Bee office wuam three i days. Texas. WE are subdividing L300 acres of fertile farm laur in .iacv.-.ia county. apieriq.d crops ..rv tear Fainiail auoat rigtit 44 inchea tr aescnptioo. plat and prices wnia JOHW BJCHEY gt CO MS E. Housioa St. San Antonio. Tex REAL ESTAiE FARM AID RA.1CH LA5IU FOR SALE Teas rewtlaeed. TEXAS tKVFTMKNTS. Buy orenard and garnea lands aeaf Uouston. the greateet and moat prosper aua city In the aouthweet. where vaiuea are go'ng up all the time and fortune made In real eetate In ehort while. Easy terme if deelred. Address T- C. Robert eon. VelA Tea., and a ls-are farm in tbe Rie Grande valley, where the farmer's raeh Income la aa perpetual a the days that corns and go. 4. H. Javkson, V First National Bank Bldg.. Houston, Tex. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Dalxellf Ice cream. If Mra. Q. W. Chureh. Nil Seward St.. will coma to The Bee office within three days we will glva her an order for a quart brick ot this flno Ice craam free. SAN SABA VALLEY, the gsrnen spot ot Texas, horns of ths paper shell pecan. We csn buy land for you or Inveet money. I rer cent Bet to you secured by mortgege on theee lands. Correspondencs solicited. Re. fer to Flrt Vail bank San Saba Natl bank. Ward. Murray A Co.. and the mem bers In congress from Texas. Kelley Burleeon Co.. San Saba. Tex. Cta a. FOR "ALE 4tW-acre ranch near Park City, Utah; railroad station on ranch; good Improvements; first priority on Irrigation water; satisfactory terms for payments. Address B a Ess. Waegtiwarta. WRITE for information about the -Inland Empire. ' also Spokane. Its metropolis Farms, fruit Isods. dty property. Make our office your headquarters and Informa tion bureau when In eur city. IOWA RE ALT' CO., 411 Undello Bis., Spokane, Wash. WyssMlaar. WYOMING farm and stock ranchi Inv roved. fenced, well watered. MO acrea 111 be sold boat oner next sixty air Write owner. Andrew Wlisoo, Parka, FOR SALE 10.000 seres Ik Laramie county, Wyoming, in Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stock J with cattle aad sheep; will soli with ranoh; will oxchsngs for eastern Nebraska or Iowa tar ma J. T. Bell. Owner. Cbeyeano, Wyo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properUea of merit. M. H. Culver. sXS-U H N. B. Bldg. D. TSSi. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 320 acres of good land near Curtis, Neb.; haa ITS acres under cultivation; well Improved. Price, tS per acre, to exchange for mer chandise. 120 acrss of land. In Yellowstone county, Montana, three mlies ftom town. M acres level. Price. t per aore; will exchange fer eastern property or merchandise. 40 acres of land, close to Clearwater. An telope county. Price, 11.900; will consider an automobile aa part payment ltJO acres of good, level land, well Im proved, with sonool houae on land, 4 miles trom Ewlng. Neb. Price, tfl.OOO. mortgaged sgainst land. tvt.iMO. runs i years, 1 per cent; want to sell or exnhangs squlty. No. 1 stock of Implements, with good garaxo In connection, in good town of oOO; goods and building will run about 12.(M; want to exchange for good land. General store and building. In Inland town, doing nloe business, run about til.iWu; will sell or exchange for land. BROWN A GRIFFIN. Cairo. Neb. TO T RADIO for Nebraska farm land. ISO acres of perfect land; 130 acrea cultivated; new Improvements, wa'er rights; 1 miles ftom Fort Morgan. Trade and sash pr es. tiuo per acre. Cornelius x Co., Hastnga, Neb. TO EXCHANGE 40 acrea good Minnesota land al mlies from Minneapolis. Valued at l-M) an acre. Want an even deal. Prefer sheep. What have you In first letter. P. O. Box 2. Summit 8. D- FOR a dainty dssssrt use Dalsell'g leg eream. If Mr. C. A. Malr. 329 Hamilton St.. will come to Ths Bos offloe within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick ot this fins ice eream. FOR reliable sales and exchanges, see P. M. LEA MING, est Brandels Bldg. f FOR SALE or exchange for property In -i- near Omaha, 10 acre farm neat good town In western Missouri. New 7 room bouse, orchard, etc. Address A a Bee. FOR SALE or trade for automobile, resi dence property In Hastings. Neb, Address W, Lock Box 12. Wilcox. Neb. WESTERN LAND FOR OMAHA PROP ERTY. Jou. L. Barber. 928 City Nat'l Bank. FOR quick results see Dean. UT Bee Bidg. Douglas I2S2. Palisade-Colorado I have several choice orchard homes to exchange tor farms la Nebraska. Iowa or Missouri. Thess orchard ar In ths beautiful Pali sade fruit diatrlct Write for particular H. R. HOUGH. Palisade. Cola. 180 ACRES, good farm land, all level, t miles to county seat 14.000; will exchange for bungalow or 8-room cottage or two cottages up to M.OCO. D 837, Bee. 160 ACRES good, level So. Dak land In Pennington Co., 8 miles from R. Rr land Is worth 14,0110. What havs you to trade for thla quarter? Addrasa owner, L 844. Be. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans snd warrant a W. ram am Smith 4k Co.. UZU Famam at. CITT and farm loans. Benson 4k Myers Co. 4J4 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. LOANS to boms owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay meats semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. sM First National Bank Bldg. LAKE MANAWA Is ths coolest place to be found. If Mra E. Baltser, 2910 So. 23d St. will coma to Tbe Bee office within three days wo will give her a pair of round trip Uckets to Lake Manawa. CITY and farm. JOHN N. l'RENFErt. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Penn Mutual Llfs Ina Co., with aseets of m r ll..uuu.uM. I am prepared to accept all the good loans of fered on Improved Omaha real eatata Buainena aad rasldeace loans made with out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN. City National Baak Bidg. OMAHA Property aad Nebraska Laada O KEEFE REAL ESTAIE CO.. lOlt Nsw Omaha National bank Building. MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Several first -ciaa mortgages. 4 per eent Interest on improved property. Address W, dbO. Bee. GARVIN BROS., 8d floor N. Y. Ufa. VjOS to iluu.usu on unproved property. No dvlny. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ce. UuO to 11U.UU8 made prompUy. F. iX Wead, Wead idg.. 11 th and Famam. LOW RATES. BEMlS-CARLBEslG CO., Ult-4i bianucu. 'ineaier bidg. rnav-g uinc n M lupnnvrn ntt REAL 31 ATE. BUTTON REALTY CO. . .u'.i BClLuiNG. WANTED. FARM LOANS. kUoke Ine. Co.. omana. ' t t- WLcf oa city and farm property W 0 A. Oya y0 a uaih.L.0. S Rams, Bldg WANTED City loana. I'oters Trust Co. REAL ESTATE WANTED i 1 LAKE MANAWA Is ths coolest place to be found. If J Manning lull V Kih St.. will coma to The bee office within thrie days we will give htm a pair of round trip Uckets to Lake Manawa. EVERY peror. knows who D. J. O'Brien Is, becauae he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If H. M. Craig. Ills No. 27th St. will corns to The bee office wlthia three days we will give him aa order for a 80-cent bog free. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow tl.auO, private party, on 112.080. city property. K Cft. Bsc FOR a family dessert use Dalrell's Ice cream. If Mra H. H Nelson. 1912 N. Sth St.. will come to The Bee office within three days wa will give her an order for a quart brick of thia tine ice cream. STEAMSKJPS ALLAN UVU- PKTturesq'i at Lawrence Rout Weekly Sailings frfsn MONTREAL TO tfVERPOOf. OU'OO" MONTREAL TO LONDON. Havre. Franco Fortaishtly frora PR TLA DELPHI A and -oeta to Otaagrrw tpiendid seenery. ehnrteet passage, low Any local agent or ALLAN A OV. General A" 127 N. Dearborn 8t.. Chtoago. WANTED TO BUY SELNER pays good prices for furniture, carpets clothes and shoes. D. aeOL "A BICYCLE. J ' ta. Boo! FST price psld for M hand r-irn'r.u-a, carpet a clothing and shoos. Tel. D. tOTL HAVE buyer fer r T-rootn wider house. Hanerom Park. Field club or Wet Fa? nam d t-lrt Price, 14. M0 to BS01, Phone Herrev T18. WANTED SITUATIONS FOR first-class practical aurse call D. 7M. POSITION WANTED By experlnnced lady stennsrraphar. real eatate or insurance srtloe preferred. 414 S. 17th St.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED By young man of good edu cation, habits and appearane. position aa traveling companion or other traveling po sition: beat of references.. R. L Davis, Genoa, Neb. HANDY man wants day work. Postal, Hsnry Walworth. 2uit DougiaA . DAY work, washing and Ironing or hoi-eecleanlng. Phone Webster 4Jt. WOMAN with child, ago . wants work of any kind. Address G-04U, Bos. MAN wishes work of any kind by ths day or hour. K-441. Boo. LADY with child, ago 8, wishes work of any kind. J -442 Boa FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell'a tes cream. If Mra. C. A. Malr. tS-t Hamilton St, will some to Ths Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of thia fins Ice eream. LADY wiahss day work af any kind or will cars for an Invalid. 4101 N. 24th St LEGAL NOTICES Sealed bids will bs received at tha office of the Secretary of State, Lincoln. Ne braska, until noon Juno lo. lni. for the construction ot a ater Main connecting tha Main of the oVaoot for tno Deaf wttk the Main for the Omaha City Watar Plant Plans and specifications . sre on file at tbe otflcs of tne City Angineer of Omaha. ADDISON WAIT, Secy. Board of Public Landa and Buildings. - Juan NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR. "" STATE BUILDINGS. Plana and specitlcauona will bo prepared and on file in the office ot the eecretary uf state and commissioner et public laoos and buildings for ths state buildings to oe constructed as provided by appropriations made by the S2d session of uis ruebraaaa legislature, vis. 2 Buiiuinga tor Hospital for kasaos. Lincoln I20t.tM l Hospital bunding for a. A a. horn a Grand Island 1 i-aun.iry building at Hospital for Insane. Hastings Vi.OOt 1 School of Agriculture, Curtis ?e,kU 1 Dining room addition at S. and 8. home, Mllford LAM 1 Dining room addlUon at Feeble Minded Institute. Beatrice .... 4. AO Plans for ths buildings at Grand island are now ready for inspection. ADDISON WAIT. Se.ire.Ury, Board of Puh'le Lands and iuilding. Jt NOT TCD TO BIDDERS. Notice Is retwby given that sealed bids will be received st ths offloe f ths county clerk of York county, Nebraska, on or be fore noon ef August I. 1911, for tks repair- , lng of the roof of the .York county curt . house. Bids must' be In' accordance with thai, plans and specifications on tilo. In ' tha county clerk's office. - C- ... w Bidder will bo required to accompany h e bid with a bond of VA3.C0. with two goal snd responsible sureties approved by lhe Board of Supervisors. Conditioned that In the event the contract Is awarded him ho . will enter Into contract with the county In accordance with his proposal wtth-BV ten days or sooner after notice from the ., said Board of Supervisors of York county " thst his bid 1 at been accepted. The board reserves ths fight to reject -any and all bid '. Dated at York, Nebraska. Juno M. 1911 jad3t H. F. CHAP1N, County Ctark. Bills Introduced After Wild Chase Waterway Measures Offered in Illi aois Senate Fifteen Minutes Before Expiration of Time Limit SPRINGFIELD, in., Juns ' J7. With a quorum present la . ths senate at 11:46 o'clock last night, ths two waterway bills were Introduced and advanced' ta second road lng without refersacA Ths waterway propaganda wag dealt an other blow with ths gavel . today when Lieutenant Governor Oglesby, presiding ovsr a lata afternoon session of ths sen-, ate, declared tha body Adjourned until to--' morrow after It had been ascertained there was not a quorum present . . " Oglesby waa entreated to (s-convens ths senate. "Another attempt at gavel nils like this, Mr. Preeldent. will cause m riot in this fonate. and. by . I'll lead It." shouted Senator Jones ot Chicago, as ho left tha private office. "There are ladles present,' answered Oglesby. "I don't give a d n." resttv1d Jones. Half an hour after Lieutenant Governor Oglesby had left ths rostrum, declaring tha senats adjourned, twenty-two members re-eonvsned ths body with President Pro Tern H. M. Dun lap ef. gavoy. presiding If any waterway bill Is to be passed , ta Uma to become operative by July 1. it had to bs Introduced In the senate fret,,, midnight General Wood Favors More Men in Posts Major General Declarei Ajaimt th. Retention of Numerous Small Stationa in Country. (From a Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON. Juns aL--pecisi Tis gram.) Major General Leonard Wood Is opposed to scsttered small garrisons of the army, according to ths testimony ha ggvs today befors ths house committee on ex penditures of ths War department, en the theory that thev have rendered Instruction of officers in command of largo bodies of troops practically lmpoasiHla. He said smsll posts, snd by that he meant a post of leas than a regiment, wsro undealrablA becauae a large percentage sf ths men were always busy cleaning up and doing polios duty. He suggested In ths way of economy that tha number of army posts (hduitl be . reduced one-half. If this wars dons t hr so ft) urths ot ths posts tn ths Deoartment of tha Missouri would ba abandoned. Senators Brown aad Hitskeecfc today joined In A recommendation to the War department for ths renewal of tha lease held hy tha 1 University of Nebraska on l.Ooo acres of land on tha Fort Niobrara military reservation which ths university used during last year - for experimental purposes. Ths lease Is revocable at the option of ths government, there being nt money consideration whatsoever. Ths land is located naar Valentine.