Ij i I i i i WANT ADS Warn arts fcMtfil at any tlm, but In Inmurm rnfii rlaeatriratlnn mnt h prcM nicil rwfora I 'J o'rtorh m. 'r thm evening edition r1 h-trm 7:40 fr morning e(vl f4iinlr edition. Merit ) received after eurh hour Will lliHr first Inaortlotl nntler tti heading Tk f,Mt tn Clwlf. r4W Km f oil WAVT AT. ItK.fil Mil ( MNHIUCATIOI-Otin Inat-rilnn f 4 rent per word and t ml per word ffrr earn nleejiirnt eerilow. . Karri Insertion mde on odd dare, lift renu per word. fl.AO per tin pep month. Itafee apply in either The. Pally or Rundar IWe. Always count six words to m I In. IVnnt ad fur The. lie may bf yft at nf of the, following; drn stores (in la your "Mimcf drnjrRlat"- they re. all hranrh office for Th IVee and onr ad will h Inserted Just prompt If and on the mdw rate aa at Ilia main offlra In The. Ilea building Hetenteenth and Farnam Hta: Albe-h. W. C, 4th and Farnam. Haurn lriis; Co., i ft, lh St. Iirnk, af A ., i"2 n lth St. Benson Pharmacy, Henann, Neb. 1'emls park Phsrmary, aad and Oumlng. Bleka-firsdlsh. 2i Rherman Ave. Clifton Hill pharmacy. 2711 Military Ava. '"uehiln r. n.. 478ft Leavenworth St. Crlaeey Pharmacy, 24th and Italia. Coney I"harmery, 2223 Bouth lth 8t Ormak, r.mll. lv Mouth 18tb St. F.hler A Co.. ttfit Leavenworth St. Foatar Arnoldl. US North 25th St Fraytag, J. J. 1014 N. 4th St. Freager Irug C o., iwrj North lth St Florence Iiriia Co.. Florence. Nab. Orecn's Pharmacy, Park Ava. and Pacific. ureennugh Co., 1028 So. tth Bt. tlreenonah Co.. loth and Hlrkonr. Onidman pharmacy, 24th and I-aaven- wnrtn ma. .ichsnson Drug Co., tth and Spalding. Johnson Pharmacy, 2920 Farnam St. lluMwrn l ark Pharmacy. 1.7)1 S. 29th Ava. Hlnterlong Drug Co., Hat Ava. and Far tarn St. Hoist. John, 624 North lth t. H'lff. A. L, T1 Invanworth St Klnff. H. f. 22.1 Farnam. Kmintaa Placa Pharmacy, 2102 N. 24th St i.ainrop rharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. Maraa. Frad I. . 201 Cantral Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, J3d and Cuming". Patrick lrn Co.. 102 N. 24th Bt. Hiratnaa 1ru Co . 24th and Am Ava 8 haafar a Cut Prlca tru Stora, 16th and vficaao aia. Walnut Hill Pliarmacy, 40th and Cuming. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. Q ENTLEMAN, VSkIS" ambalmar. lilt Chicago BU IX lGjt, U-lbi. . PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaka and camera. Tha beat devalop trig and flnlnhlfta In tha city. ML.UlvA ill Hi'ATIUM .Hr CO., Photo Vtpu Utb and Farnam Bta. MONEY TO LOAN . LuW HAla,, in auma ta UNION J.OAN CO. VIHOIMA DArtE VINE-75o a laj-ga Mjia. main iiu.uur nuuaa, an iv. lata ttt. OL'H letter dupllcatln work la unax callatl. A trial il vunvlnca vou. Uoth phonva. Waatorn Uupllcating Co., 40 ilea PICTURU framtDK, ona-third chaapar "' uoiai imeni aiorcs; moat aelact atock of framed pwturca at reduced piiuea. Omaha Art and Frame Cu.. JW 8. Uta. imugiaa lu4; tod. A feol. TAKB ma out to tha bair game. If R. E. Fleming, 24 U tiewurd Kt., will coma to Tha on ne witnin tiiree aaya wa will give i him a ticket to tha ball gtuna at Hourka vara. Uan'a Clothing 4k Furnlahlnga. 218 N. ltth a. H. Cola Higa Co. D. 176a. 131 Farnam. DRUGS at cut prtcea; freight paid on all lla urdere. Catalogue free. 6hrman I ww-uatwii Drug Co., Omtiha, lsal. YOU'LL alwaya be happy If your wedding vvpiivn irum xirouHgaaxa a. aid av iota WB LIKE LITTLE REPAIR JOB& FlUCLl.NO 4k BTfclNLt:. Trunk Faciory. lsJ Farnam. BAT KUBHEU HOME COOKlNrt. AHKl.Mj, Hi a. UUi. UroiAiHa. TWKNTY er cent laa than Omaha prloaa. HD.VIfu KllHNITIIHir. 'i Tweoly-luurtn and L uta Uoum Omaha. LYNCH BROS. i LLirmQAN1 nr.l'Aill wuilK. 17g Jackaun bt U. 1471, at I Hjinl T R t fi t Ti.ua ti Tro PAIKi. (Ik 0. Wto. JOoug. 47141 led. A-BtO. POACHES. ANTS. BEDBUOS. FLEAS AND HATH extarinlnatad from your Dram. taaa under guarantee contract; eatlmatea ir, nuawaa LKiuor inaectlae. 4uc; large can powder, aic Call or write Riley Pptait puaioifice; by mail prepaid. 13AUKEU BIlOa PAINT CO, Wj Farnam. lnl. A-3SZ1. Douglaa 47M. e do I'U'ture l-lminir anrf rilaslnv SPECIAL lISCOL'NT thla month on Paint. uiaaa. varnunea and Wall Paper. Y.W.C.A. SWIMMINO LK88UNS. Monday and Thuraday aftrrnoon; Tuaaday ana r naay aveuinga. Aaaoclatlon mamherm, 10 leaaona J2.50 uymnaaium memuera, 1U leaaona gj.OO Claaaea begin Juna 27. SMOKK '"dTEl.LO'S Omaha Cut K. liUWi., WhLL BOR1NU. Uenaon 2ij. 130 V DEN II boring and pump or a. Web. llHta. VtlLl.OW SPK1NH8 beer. Uquora. eigara, andlchea. ALLX Jk.lk.al. 1M! Douglaa. KODAKS8 APPLIES AND 1'uioii.nt, m av. uta at., Mi aarnaw FOR a family deeaer ue PalxeU'a Ice rr.am If .ir. it. K Itawley. UIJ No. Iih M.. will come to Tho lite office within ) we win (in r.r an order for brick of tma line ice cream. IHJLUUS Printing Co. TrL Douglaa ail JCE CKEAJI "tr"?...?? iiaie.na- ice crania lx MAOOAKD Van A Storage. Pack, move, aiore avna ataip li. li. g.HMia. o. lwC: i MiV VlUX ISCALk,S Independent iVaie lm ix Co., (M am. 11th au, lad. A au Corner ho llepair, 2J Lravenworth. (aaarfy Co. gv W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa BUY AND SELL""" ' Write fir Inauraiice. V. 8. HLATON. Amerkan furnacea. Harney . Ob E ICE STATIONERY pi" Kotvra 4k Laary Co.. Wa Jackaun. D. laaA. IAIHY MKN. TAKE NOT ICR. Nvmt ni.lK bvitwa at euau i'bone Ioug mi v or fu'itiiaa MUNKT aaved oa raJatinT. muw bini- in davMraung iHtix-r, Uolele. qtuok t. t all A. C. ilolulgaa t o.. Crounae I a ketlerbawta, goo buod paper: l.Out b :rtaa, ouaitwaa carda, tl M per l.utaX l-i iu,i-o aud aainla fie. Otbaa irmtiug 1 :i4 I vuiiu.g Co.. Omaha Commercial tw l iMig. Wife tuoaak liad atsa, The New Elk Hotel. Now eri ail auiaide retina, lb and Sua y wwa. tl m. all N. luh. l TJfJ. lrt CIltKLrg C. 111'NtlATE. chlma la-i- a. MaA4ei bida. lei, We4k . I I ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) ED ItOTIIFRY Schllta Atlaa. F"ll eigara. Cafe la connection. Ill 8. 14th Bt MM M. F. MORRILL, china decorat ing, (ttudlo 33 Prandeia Theater Bldg. FOR CRAWFISH call H ISO. IX W. DUQDEON, plumbing. H. I, DAVID COLE CREAMERT COMPANY. AUTOMOBILES H0NKSEH0NK HERK'S THE BKST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND 18th and Harney Bta. ONE Overland, four-paaaenger, fully equipped. Thla la a harsaln If taken at -nee, pm). J. L. Sternberg. 310-312 8. 18th t., Omaha. Neb. No trade propoaltlon need apply. NEW and 2 J hand autoa. Deright, Omaha. FOR HALE At a bargain. "RaDld" tweh e-pannenger alght-eeelng car- compieta w.tn top: good aa new. Marlon Automooua Co., 2101-1 Farnam St. THE Cartercar The loDfc-llfed machine. No sear to strip. No clutch to slip. CARTERCAR NEBR. CO., 1117 Farnam St. AUTO LAMPS nd Radlatore B auAU LinUI paired. All kind a of naung ana enameling, fc-xceldlor Flating Worka, 210u Farnam. Douglaa 2&M). EVERY Demon knowa who D. J. rVRHen ta, because, he haa made Omaha famoua with hie candy. If F. C. Petti man. 2417 Caldwell St., will come to The Bee office within three day a we will erlve him an oraer ior a w-ceni doc free. SECOND-HAND cara. all ktnda. 114 Dodge. FOR SALE A bargain. International de livery machine, first -class order and uaed three montha. 924 N. 16th Bt Telephone FIVE! Midland touring care. Rambler. newly painted, )400. One 46-horse power bus. tTftJ. All In good running order. 261a ieavenworui. BUSINESS CHANCES TO UKT In or out of bualneaa, call oa G AN G Wi'AU 404 ilea Bldg. Xei D. SW7. ICB BUB1NKSS FOR BALK. Locaieu in iiotniweai loa, county aeat town of about 2,300 population; con elm of eight room modem houee la first class condition, good barn, cement block Ice house, 10 feet long, 42 wide, and 14 high, full of Ice at present (Z.uoO tonai. All theae buddings are situated on half block distant, from post office, one block and about three from ice field, two lea wagons and all tools for cutting and handling Ice. Also one out lot of about two acres, usea ior pasture. No com petition. This is a first class business and a money maker. investigate If you waji i . vaiue received io r your money. Price 11U.00U and give possession at once. George A. Taylor, Room t, Piatt Block, oau v.uyt lav . , ONLY hardware and fur.nlture store In town of 300 in fine country. Invoice about fa.OOO. Kntlre atock purchased new a year r-ii.i mt'i niA i . . s,u. viu m r),wv vuaujces imjii year. ixoa up map and aee trade territory to draw from. Good reason for selling. No tradea considered. We will assist right party fi nancially, inquire Farmera feavlngs Bank. PARTNER WANTED Must have 12.000. part caah, to take active Intereat In light manuiacturing ' ousiness; pays large prof its; salary, fl&O.uO per mo.; will aiana in vestigation, caii; zhvi n. 24tn at WANTED Party with from $50 to fuOO ior a, lirii-uiasi inveeimem, paying good oiviaenaa. n in nana ine closest Invsstl gation. Address A (17, Omaha Bee. VARIETY 8TORE Cash business; popu. latlon of town, 10.0UO; financial difficulty reason ivtr iviilub- auarns x to, uesw f vi, .tij - c r rtir A "Jills xuiiy equipped, seats 00. Price $1,400. Address & I 1 V.' a rron VltHAltann QlnnL. .. j ,, nrT a a r it n. v. - and, Neb. WANTED Young or middle-aged man wun cajuiai io uu an active intereat ta one of the beat paying business proposi tions In Omaha. Must be capable of tak ing complete management. For full par ticulars address C Uj6. Bee. FOfi a dainty dessert use Dalzell'a tea cream. If Mrs. Rhyn, 1413 No. 26th St., will come to The Bee office within three dsya we will give her an order for a quart Dries, ot mis line ice cream. WANTED to retire, will sacrifice tha best - Tiavlna coal buslneaa In tha ritv. grand opportunity for any pne wishing to enlarge or enter into tne coal business. r or particulars saaress n -4. Bee. DOCTOR'S location free: muat ba a'rer. ular, with experience; reference and mar ried; central Nebraska town; plenty of DuainvM. Auureae) x as, cara x?ee. BANKRUPT atock of drugs and fixtures will be sold to the highest odder on June r at rsnunen, ixeo. ; oig cnance, come. J. r. enuDeri, trustee, onuoert, iset). GROCERY and notion store for sale cneap. u djv, care nee. JCHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair aressing, nair gooaa. city nat i tsa. u. 1M4. DR. ROY. 1306 Farnam St. Dauglaa tW. BEE A BOOSTER for tha national game or case Dan. it u. r. ishreen. 22i Charlea St.. will come to The Bee office within three daya wa will give him a ticket to tha Dan game at nourse para. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH. 3d floor Paxton. D, 10U DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Servlca Detective agency, tnc, bonded. Paxton Blk. D. UU; A-131A "CAP'!'. T. COKMACK. U7 KARBACH Clk. ZACK ELLIS. years experlenoa. 304 Neville Bla.. loth and Uarnay. Tyler Ilia, JAMES ALLAN, a Neville Blk . Ulx lac nlti and Haroey; phone Tyler UN. DRESSMAKING EXPERIENCED dreitamakar will sew by day. 1'hone Doug. TA. lerry'a Dreasmaklng CoUege. Xuth A Far. 1'LAl.N sewing and mending neatly dona. Sm Davenport to-24ao. I'REHSM AKER wants work by day, only high clasa work desired. Phone iouglaa wT. Call betarcn 7 and Ip. in. iVpnr-h bemnung and dressmaking neatly 4t"u done. 812 bouth llh. rUd 7WJ. ' WANT aewlng to do at home. Doug. 78JO. DRAINAGE BTUBBM. room 415, Flrat Nat l bank. W. J. McEathron. C E.. (10 Paxton Blk. EDUCATIONAL First Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE Is Now Ope, STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAT. Omaha's largest and most euccuaaful Com meivlal Cuiicge. HualnaaS. Bookkeeping, biauvgrapby. lelegraphy. Civil Service and ixtraitahlp. The catalogua la free. Ad 4ij 11. H. Luylea, Proaident. Umalut. Nth STAM MERINO AND 8TUTTER1NO cured. Julia Jk. Vauaavia. Kama a Bid. li liNiiJlaflJUl The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamoa, motors and repairs. La Liron, UJ 8. tfth Bt. Douglaa 1171 HARTHUN ELEC. CO.. D. OS; tU 8. 14th. SUMMER ONLY STARTED. KEEP COOL. WOLFE ELEC. CO., SnVeeT WHEN you spend your money apend It for the best thera Is. If B. D. Hall. 1X14 N. 27th St., will coma to The Bee. office within three daya wa will give him an order for a gO-cent box of O'Brlen'a candy free. - EfjLBENNETT ELECL 00. Jl El c trio fans, hot point Irons, guaranteed. POTH ELECTRIC CO., repairing dyna mos and motors a apeotalty. D. HS7. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN WALL PAPER Cleaning. D. (SSL A-24 WHEELER'S HEADACHE tablets euro or your money back. 26o. Halnea Drug Co. SWITCHES from ' combings,' $1.60; sat puffs free. Mrs. Eck. 1760 Leavenworth St. Upholstering, furn. repairing, low piioa Ekwall Co.. 1813 St Mary's. D. 601s; A 2781 PICNIC LUNCHES EniS I Oa!. Bhogo Llthla water, Del.) tL D. W7. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle or Injury to the akin; lady attendant 407 MoCague Bldg. -4 THE best treat for wife and babv la s dish of Dalzell'a lea cream. If Mrs. A. Bchlank, 2406 Charlea St., will come to Tha Bee office within three daya wa will give her an order for a quart brick of thla fine lea cream free. PARLOR millinery, rewlllow and repair your old ostrich plumes; prices reaaonable; work guaranteed; bring your old trim mings. Mrs. O. Phifar, 2601 Bt. Mary's Ava. WASHING and lace ourtaina. Tyler 1358. Phone WILLOW PLUMES made from your old and new feathers. 1953 8. 11th. B. Sokolof. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 107 Farnam. D. 1001; A-190L J. H. BATH. 162S Harney. Douglaa 2000. HESS BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam BL L. Hendersea. l&lf Farnam, Douglaa 12U. CUT FLOWERS and designs. 209 N. 16th. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Ageata sag galeawaaeeau CORSET fitting pays good wages and Is eay to learn; we have an excellent position now open for an energetic woman; thla Is a good opportunity to learn a pay ing buslnesa and earn good wages; corset fitters are 1n demand everywhere. Call at tha SPIRELLA CORSET BHOP. 80S Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Clerical a ad Of flea. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER $40.00 Stenographer 65.00 Stenographer 60. 0) Stenographer 46.00 WEST-N REFERENCE & BOND ASS N, foA-a-t-B rt. x. xiie mag. WANTED Competent and experienced billing cUsrk for Elliot-Fisher machine. Ad dress W 633. Bee. Factory mm a Tradea. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppea helm parlora Prlcea very reasonable. GIRLS WANTED No experience neces sary; Kimball La,undry, loll Jackson. Hewaekeepers aaid Dasaesttoa. GOOD girl for general housework; small family; desirable place; good wages. 411 Bouth S3d St. . I WANTED 50 LADIES TO 6END THEIR FAMILT WASHING TO THE OMAHA WET WASH LARGE WASHINGS, 76c. WEBSTER 4919. PROMPT DELIVERY. GIRL wanted for general housework. 2223 Dodge St. GOOD girl for general housework; wagea $6 per week; no washing. 2S04 Harney Bt FAMILY of three; small house, wanta girl tor general housework; good wagea. 210 S. t7th. WANTED A good cook, best of wage Mrs. L. C. Naah. 'Phone Florence 223. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Apply 1720 South Tlilrty-seo-ond Avs. Phone Harney 1664. WANTED A wash woman for Monday -referencea required. 4206 Dode. H. l'4g! EXPERIENCED cook In family of three grown people. 24 N. 18th, TeU Douglaa 62. UIRL for general housework. Mrs Harry Willlnsky. 1612 N. 20th St. "Phone WeblFter 2752. WANTED General housework girl: good wages. 'Phone Harney 6U22. 4816 Doug las at. WANTED Girl for housework; no wash ing. 60S S. 29th. GOOD girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 1433 S. 114 th. 'Phoue Harney 2206. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family ot two persons; good wages, 4019 Farnam. WANTED-"-First class washwoman. Call Douglaa 6890. Hotels aad Reataaraaia. WANTED Lunch counter girls. Apply, manager. Union btatlon restaurant Mtaoellaaeaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are tnvltad to vUlt the Toung Women' a Chrlattan aaaoclatlon building at BL Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt.. where tbey will be directed to aultabie boarding places ar otberwiaa aaalsted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. , WOULD you Ilka to get a beautiful piano without coat to you? If so send your name, age and addreaa to L-627. care Bee. WANTED Maid for Jenney Edrolnaton hospital. TAKE ma out to tha ball gama. If J. N. Roth, 2106 So. 10th Bt.. will coma to The Bea office within three daya we will give him a ticket to tha ball game at Rourka park. HELP WANTED -MALE Ageata Sllrllore sal galesssea. WANTED Stock salesman ; salary and commisaloa or big oonvnlaston; paying divi dends and quick sellsr: big n.ouey to a producer. "J," Omaha Bee, Council BluXIa. SITUATIONS WANTED SERVANT GIRLS HELP WANTED MALE Agesits stad galeansea Coatlaaea. "SALESMAN wanted to handle Una of petticoats as aide line on commission basis. Must furnish flrat class references. Adlar at Shapiro. 162 Wooster St., New York. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of presenting blgh-claaa mat ter. Not Insurance nor books. Addreaa U 159. cara Bea WANTED Representative each county In Nebraska; pays well. Call or write Royal Bales Co. f 07 Brandela Bldg. AGENTS WANTED. 100 PER CENT profit to aaU tha Howard Handy Harneaa Hook, ths only patent harness hook on the market; eomethlng every horseman wanta to hang hie harness tin. To show It la to aaU it Wa are sole agents. DAY-MOliSE TH Brandela Theater Bldg. Omaha. Nab, WANTED A few responsible men who can furnish good referencea to represent us in the state of Nebraska. Most liberal firoposltlon ever made in tha newspaper Ine. Big commission. Address J. T. Dun lap, 234 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WB HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A BELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. T Sit, BEE. AGENTS Wanted at once, flrat class propoaltlon; big commission. Write today, bartles ttupply Co.. Brown Block. Oman Neb. CHALLENGE SAFETY SWING All-year-round plcnlo-maker for children. Best 11.60 seller ever. Use on porch, tree or doorway. Student eold 5 first week, lady 23 first two days. Write at once. Chautau qua Manufacturing Co.. Valparaiso, Ind. r WANTED Two his-h elaaa state manar. era for a new store fixture, without com petition; commission, $300 to $500 per month. Trlflers please do not answer. Address The Buckley Specialty Co., Lima. Ohio. Clerical aasl Office. MAN for shipping clerk, manufacturing plant. Address 638, Bee. Factory and Tradea. Drug 8tores(Bnaps).Jobe. Knleat. Bee Bldg. (Win hlackamUH will tlnA .1 - ployment at good wagea German pre- terrea. inquire at Andreas v. Hansen, Bchleawlg, Iowa. Jtiseellaaewas. ,00 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for Hat. Franklin institute. Dept. Co-a, Rochester. N. Y. Ui . 1100 MONTH AUTOINO. . O. AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WR1TJE. WANTED Special edition men to assist In Industrial number of country paper; referencea required. Address Y 62, oars Bee. National Auto Training Assn. Omaha, Neb. Actual experience bt shop . n .4 rruA ....... 1. . ... . I . . w,n, wumijvieiii iuniruciors. i THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Dalzcll s ice cream. If Ellen Fer guson, 2524 Hamilton Bt, will come to The Bee office within three daya wa will give her an order for a quart brick of thla fine lea cream. MEN wanted. Omaha Dainty Co., 2650 Cuming Bt r- WANTED Hlffh-claaa chef with few hundred dollars to operate small oafa In the new Hotel Plaza, Fourteenth and How ard atreet. Call mornings and ask for manager. WANTED Railway mall clerks; average Il.luu; preparation tree for coming Omaha examlnatluua. Franklin Institute, LvL ti G. Rochester. N. Y. MEN wanted; can qualify In few weeks for positions waiting; no previous experi ence necessary; learn the barber trade; see the want column for barbers needed; top wages; tools given; call at once or write frorn country. Moler Barber college, 110 8. HELP WANTED HALK OH FU.UALE. WANTED Men or women solicitors for every town, small article; 100 per cent profit. Call or write Royal Sales Co., 6607 tfrandela Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. J. A EYDEN "horseshoeing. x-'xjai i BLACKSMITH INQ. 4212 N. 24th St Webster 6o3U. Ind. U-Ul. Vit Candy Wagon for 7 166 Top btanhope, new, for 95 -i Light Jt-bemed top surrey 76 (425 Fine top btanhope so DRUMMOND, ISth AND HARNEY. A. TEN head of good work horses; also wagona and harness, bugglea and single harness; cash or easy payments. 917 N. jfctn bt, bam. FINE family horse, high-grade rubber tired phaeton, light spring wagon, two sets harness. 422V Farnam Bt. Tel. Har. 8007. PROF. A, B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 2101 B. 48th. Har. 368S. ONE Miller hack, good tires, good top; In first clafs shape; pi Ice, $100. Douglaa Street stables, 12m and Douglas. LOST AND FOUND gUlVETn'' Pressing and Re. pairing. 1811 Farnam. D. II42. PERSONS having lost some article wou'.d do well to call up the office of the Omaha at Council Bluffs Street Railway couiny to ascertain wbetber lhy left it la the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and tbe company is anxlouf to restore them lg the lighUui owner. Call Douglas 48. CMAilA &. COUNCIL BLUFFa fclREKl RAILWAY CflMr-ANl-. THERE Is a beautiful new itmHn. ..i Ion at Lake Manawa. If . L. Miller. 1702 N. 27th 8t.. will come to The Bee office within thre daya we will give him a pair of round trip Ucketa to Lake Manawa. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Beat rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILEd, 600 postpaid: samples free, baer man A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTKLg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 1 Vis ft " lurK loans; smaller toana at 2Ss and i W. C FLATAI). ZXt. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly prlvata NEBRASKA LOAN CO, 2-JU Bm Bldg . Doug, ue, A-U54. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels Continued iltttlltl f f t t t t I I WHY THROW AWAY MONEY t $ Rr not seeing us before you procure a t loan on your furniture, piano, ware house receipt or salary. We do not publish misleading rates nor misrepresent; our methods are clean; no publicity; excellent service; liberal discount for payment before due. WB GUARANTEE OUR RATES ARB POSITIVELY THE LOWEST. CalL write or phone. Our agent will come to you at once if desired CITY LOAN AND TRUST CO., 10-21 Douglas Blk. Opposlts Hayden'g. t I I I t t t I S I I f I ! t 't t i .r nones: uougias Slb Ind. A-2536. NOTICE TO ALL If you were positive that our ratea and terms were the best In the city, wouldn't It pay you to aee us when you need money! A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convince you that thla la the plsce to borrow. 11.20 Is the weekly payment on a (50 loan for 6 Weeks. Other uivm.nl in th. . Won- If yon need money write or phone oiaio Mortgage .Loan (Jo., R1 Arlington Block. 1511 Dodge St Phones; Douglaa 1464; Ind. A-t46&. MONEY loaned salaried people, women Keeping bouse and others, wl.hout security, easy payments. Office la 7 principal eitiea Tolman. tea Omaha Nat Bank Bidg.. for merly N. V. U Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA Vim - .j-v, .l. . . , , . - - -w. cicaa reur carpets on your floors; electric vacuum 'leaner 8- "th; aa) sV 17U. Doug. 41U JAMES niuuna . . - t -. , uivvius cypress. v c send moving van any place in city with tWH man ,1 1 , . . T. , ur. opeciaity ot naui- ing pianos at 12.60. ICXKiue&AtAN'a UELlVeiKlf CU.-aiwo S; 'unJtur Peeking; firproof storaae City etflce. His b. i7to Uoug. un. ino. u-uu. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES FREEplano tuning. Call Web. 2072, "and a. aujjj t or gpciaj propoaltlon. O'BRIEN'S CHOCOLATES are famoua everywhere because they are the best If jay uenman, 14Z4 N. zijth St., will come to The Bee otfice within three days we will give him an order for a 00-cent box free. OFFERED FOR RENT 1 Wear aad Rwaa , 1106 PARK AVE. Large, cool room, with the best of home-cooked board, suitable for two; reasonable rate; private. ' TUB BACHELORS, 20th tnd Farnanv Ratea: Single. 15 to 840; double, 858 to Ida, 1 ONE or two beautifully located rooms with board; walking distance; large yard, shade trees, veranda, etc An idaal place lor slimmer, axi a 26th Ava. - DESIRABLE board and large, southeast, furnished room for two gentleman; $a each per month; everything modern; private tamlly; walking distance. Doug. lOti. O. M. S. haula trunks. D. 611. A-2611. DESIRABLE summer house, furnished rooms with board. 123 8. 26th Ave. NICE, clean, airy aouth front room; also board if desired; plenty of hot water. 210 Harney. Phone Harney 2847. BOARD and rooms In good locality, all modern conveniences. 1502 N. 17th. Phone Web. 2678. r- T.ivnriM rMi m. . . ,.-i 611 South 24th St Douglaa 7W1. EAST front room with alcove. 212 8. 26th Bt Phone uougiaa 8Us. Famished Rooms. TWO furnished roams. Tel. Webater 8871 Hl N. 80th St, 2418 DODOB ST.. south front, double par lors, 0001 ana uiuuern. OUTSIDE room newly furnished. 1708 jacKson. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bath tub. 101 b. 26th bt. COOL, neatly furnished room with all modern conveniences; private family; close to car une. sw cristoi. SOME nice rooms for gentleman or man ana wiie. us n. aia ot. NICELY furnished room, in good locality, all modern conveniences, retined home for lady employed. 2A N. 8Jd St Tel. Red 4232. 21 Douglas, two very desirable, newly rurnisneo, cooi, ciran, aoutn rooms, in pri vate family. All the privileges of a home. Gentleman preferred. References. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, with couple; good neighborhood; walking distance. 'Phone H. 4363. CLEAN newly furnished rooms, 81.60 per week up; also housekeeping rooms; all modern; everything furnished. bw b. 26th Ava TWO eaat front rooms; nicely furnished bare; every thing modern; gentleman pre Urred. v03 S. 24th St . . TWO nicely furnished' rooms, nice shade and lawn, modern house, private family, 268 Capitol Ave. Phone Ind. B-2ol5. 1701 DAVENPORT, cool, neatly furnished front room for gentleman. One block north of postoffloe. LARUE RUOM aultabie for three, and small back room, clean, cool, reasonable. 1M4 Dodge. DEWEY European HotaL 12th t Farnam. 80s N. 21st nice rooms, everything mod ern, walking distance, cool and pleasant TWO furnished rooms, 88 and 810. Strictly private family; good location; references exchanged. Phone Ked 643. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms, single or enaulte, on Farnam Ml.; nice, cool place, aliady yard; everything modern. 222s Farnam bt 231S DOIX1LAS, nice cool aouth room. Phone Douglaa tL35. - NEWLY furnished large room; also smaller one, 8s; tnoroughly modern, close In. U N. 23d. Red 6HZ3. NICELY furnished room, Hsnscom park and Field club district, on car Una Phous Harney 716. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suit able fpr two gmt'emeu. 816 N. lUth St. CLOSE-IN, nicely furnished, cool rooms for summer; all conveniences. 1707 Dodge. TWO largs, clean rooms; strictly private; bath; walking distance. Harney. Har ney 1178. , COOL, neatly furnished room In quiet neighborhood; everything modern. 2U18 Capitol Ave. Phone Harney 6241. STRICTLY modem aoutheast Isrgo room for one or two gentlemen. 507 Farnam. D. ttt. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping: alpo sleeping rooms. 8V4 North lilli bl. Phono D. 1444, OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms Coaitlaaed. I.IOHT housekeeping rooms, modern. im lodge. NICELY 'furnished, cool rooms, strictly modern, private family. 3316 Charles. LARGE room, for two or four men. 719 N. 22d. NEWLY furnished. In modern house. 2016 Chicago, 14M South 16th street; nicely furnished rooms, modern. Phone Douglas 6240. TWO, alHmodern, sleeping rooms; walk ing distance: one. block from car line. 1014 South 2Sth atreet. lfU DOUGLAS Newly furnished, strictly modern rooms; no sign In window; walking distance. ONE nicely ftirnlvhed room, all modern, walking distance, with private family. 2T02 St. Mary a Ave. Red 2977. NICELY furnished front room, with bed room; very pleasant. 2'J0 N. 19th St. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; all modern house; walking distance. Douglaa 6006. 24 Harney, newly furnished rooms for rent, modern. Douglas 4!3S. NICELY furnished room, 10 per month; modern; electric light. 2664 Douglas Bt Hotela and! Apartments. Ogden Hotel VufwU?00, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen. tlemon. THE CHATHAM. 11 8. Uth Bt DODQH HOTEL, 18th and Dodge; all cool autslde rooms; special week rate. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rate. Famished Hoaaea. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; hlshed. Webster 4458. fur- EIGHT-room, modern, elegently fur nished house at 2408 Burt, for summer months. Cheap to desirable tennant. FURNISHED house for rent, July and August. Tel. Web. 139. EIGHT-ROOM house, 1915 Spencer. NICELY furnished 4-room apartment, reasonable, to responsible parties. Phone Harney 4296. MriniTRW K ......... i t..i.. - a - - u . v'uii, i;uLL.Ae tfuiy a.iiu August Cheap to the right party. Web. 1793. Apartments aad' Flats. SUPERB nothing Ilka It 4 or I room flat all modern. UO N. 23d St TO LET, July 1, for one year or more. A fine corner apartment of 8 rooms at 30th Ave and Pacific. Bargain, 840. Wright 4k Laabury, 606 bo. 16th bt. Phone Doug. 152. FOR RENT Six-room modern flat 840; 4J N. mil St SIX-ROOM apartment In tha Barnard. Apply 418 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 1831 FOR RENT Five-room apartment In Tb UlatsJi. Apply 41 Omaha National Bans Bldg.; or call Douglas WeS. FLATS FOR RENT. I2d and Vinton Sts., 6-room mod. bricks, first and second floors, 821 and 823 eacn. THE CENTRAL 626 S. 18lh St., brand new 3 and 4-room apartments; everything complete and up-to-date; 827.50 for three rooma In summer and 832.60 with heat: 837.50 for four rooms In summer and 842.60 witn nest. D. V. SHOLES CO., City Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 48. THREE and six-room flats. Martls Block, 16th and Webster. 6-ROOM apartments, completely modern, Scargo Bldg., Bo. Omaha; above 620 N. 8Mb. 6 rooms, 1809 Farnam, modern; suitable location for offices, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tananta wish ing homes adjoining. THOS. F. HALL, 433 Remgs, D. 7406. A-4406. NEW modern 6-room apartment; walk ing distance on car Una; 402 North Twenty fourth atreet ELEGANT 4-room Apartment for rent Phone Webster 4326. FINE 4-ROOM APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA. SEE JANITOR. D. 6237. BY July 1, 6-room ground floor apart ment In ths Alma, wlih first-class apart ment accommodatlona, 822.50. Harney &). THE Manuel and Howard two-room apartments, 620 to 835; etght-rnom flat 8u0. H. Gross, 21st and Howard Sis. VERY modern five-room apartment on Went Farnam St., beautifully located. JOHN W. ROB BINS, 1802 FARNAM 8T. TEN-ROOM flat, reaaonable; a money maker; retiring from business. 1814 Dodge. Call afternoons. Famished Housekeeping; Rooma. FURNISHED rooms, with private fam ily. In modern home; good location; walk ing diatance. 502 S. XSth St NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooma. 1718 Cuming street. FOUR completely furnished rooms for housekeeping to couple - without children; ref ei ences i equlred. 366 N. ' 40th St NICELY furnUhed light housekeeping rooms, good neighborhood; gas and bath; all modern. 2707 Dodge. H. 5686. . Room for light housekeeping; also single room. 213 Douglas. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 617 So. 18th. , TWO modern, furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance; tlB. 205 South 25th Ave. Douglaa 7216. 820. COOL and clean large well furnished front room and alcove on bathroom floor; nice bath, hot and Ice water; both tele phones; walking distance; lavenworth car one and one-half blocks. 2563 St. Mary's Ave. CLOSE IN, two or three elegantly fur nlHhed rooma for light housekeeping. Call 2506 Capitol Ave. Untarnished Rooms. LARGE, cool, unfurnished rooms, single or ensuite. Uood location and ail modarn conveniences. 2701 Dodtie. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, store room, outside porch, modern except beat 2617 N. ltth St. THREE rooma, modern except heat 2226 South Ulh St. 8 ROOMS, good location; reasonable; n children. 4229 Harney. 'Phone H '42i5. Houses and Cottages, 2412 Capitol, 8-room and hall, hot wster hest, for close-in home or roomers, 80- 623 No. 26, corner California, 8-room. hot water heal, one block west of Crelghton, P600. 702 North Fortieth, 8-room, near new Cathedral, 835. 4H2S Charles, 8-room, all modern, 820. S. W. Twentyfourth and California, 6 room new apartment, third floor, new; heat and water paid, 8&. Only 630 till October 1. 964 North Twenty-eighth Ave., 4-room, 88. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat I . Douglas or A-2163. 2238 Charlea, 8 rooms, 615. 2.i-'5 Carltornla, lu rooms, 840. 1127 South 3lst St, 10 rooms, 850. Two 4-room apartments, close In. JOHN N. FRKN4EU. BOTH PHONES. J rooms, 1504 So. 26th St $7.50 3 rooms. ZiM o. IRth St t 00 7 rooms, S520 N. 2th tit... 810.00 10 rooms, modern. 4211 N. 24th St 8-'O"0 7 rooms, modern. 13n6 So. 2S th bt 127.60 9 rooms, modern, U13 Poppleton 627 50 10 rooma, modern. 2412 Cass tto.OO 6 rooms, 816 So. 3ith St 816 00 W. B. ME1KLE, 2O0 Ramge Bldg. 616 So. 27th St., C-r. mod. flat, 830. 612 bo. 27th St.. 6-r. mod. flat. 8J0 BKMIS-CARLKERO CO.. 310-312 Biaoddis Theater. an OUT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If George Orabe, 2430 Ho. loth St., will come to The Bee office within threa laya we will give him a ticket to the base ball game. .RODVf modern, hot watar hut 12 u rl. Ifornuf Uarusy 4U!s OFFERED FOR RENT lloaars and I o taaee C on 1 1 n aed. THK TtrVOALOW PKAUTIFUU WEST FA UN A M l'ISTItlt'T. Elegsnt new bungnlow, cxii.'lstlng of Isrge living room, with firepliice. good sired dining room, two fine bedrooms; nice large omvenlent kitchen, with com plete pantry and entry; splendid bath room: hot water heat; big bastmcnt; big !ot. 50xl?0. Must be seen to ho appre ciated. For further particulars call SCOTT A HILL, Douglaa 6M5. 07 McCagtia Bldg. 8-ROOM modern house, anh snd Corby; Inquire II. Rachnian, Webster 115. Houses In all parts of the cltv. Crelgh Sons & Co., Kee Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at 112 . 44th St., on W. Farnan-Dundee Una Tk Harney 3.! or Douglas 644. Houses, Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandels Th. Bldg. DOUHLK houae, 131S-1316 South 82d Ht; six rooms on earh side, PW each. Tela phone louglns 4040. 8508 MAPLE St., five roonia, modem ex cept furnace, (22 50. Hall Dlatrlbutor Co. A-4406, D. :4Q6. B. W. 36th and California. -r. and hall, hot water heat, large corner lot. on Harney line, 1 block to Crrlghton college, 05. 703 N. 40th, opp. Cathedral, Farnam Una, 8-r.. 835. S. W. 24th and California, new brick apartment, 3d floor, summer 8. winter 8.15. 4328 Charles, 8-r., all modern, block ta car, 820. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat' I Bank Bldg. D. or A -2101. MODERN 7-room house opposite Han scorn park. la Phone Harney 1566. Ora. Van A Storage Ce. packs. moves.stor a household good. Fireproof storage; e4 ltth. Branch. H. 17th. let D. 1U. A-llu 304 South 38th, 845 a month; all modern. 8 rooms. Telephone Douglaa 4040. FHTt PtfNT Slt.ninm timlBA mndftrn - . I cept heat, 816.00 per month. 2616 Binuej- bt 'Phone Webster l.tA UNEQUALLED, central, 7-roora house, ttV N. 23d. I i. - WHAT does a name mean? If you want to know Just try O'lirlen's candles. If J. E. Kaufman, 2430 Hamilton St., will come to The live office within three dnvi we will give him an order for a 60-cent . box of O'Brien s candy free. ELEGANT new 6-room modern apart ment, Bemla park, Harney 3K6. 3321 Cum ing. DUNDEE 8-room house; modern, llar nay 6091. ) FOR RENT. 88 60 Three roomx, 14244 S. lfith St 816 Six-room modern brick, ltw4 8. 20th St. 6l Seven-room house, 1820 1'aul St 615 Five rooms. i23 Lake St. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. Thone Douglas J41. 3017 Jackson St., 7-room cottage, bath, gas and new furnace,. $22.50, to reliaul permanent tenant TeL Red 5264 or apply 607 N. 19th St FOR RENT A large barn, thoroughly modern; may be used aa garage. 614 Pant Ave. Phone Harney 947. SEVERAL modern houses In good lo calities. Several partly modern houses and houses hot modern. Chris Buyer, 2?d and Cuming Sts. 'Phones: Douglas 2iM9, B 2049. A NEW modern 6-room cottage, within walking distance, south side. Key at 560 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. 1 FOR RENT Eight-room modem house, convenient to business center; water rent paid; 830.00. L N. Hammond, 832 Board of Trade. NEW, all stucco, modern residence 819 N. 88th Ave. 8uu. Red 2947. MODERN furnished eight-room house; Bemls park. Phone Har. 2550. FOR RENT Thoroughly modem, 8-room house, quarter-sawed oak flooring; hot water heat; elecuio light. 222 N. 26th Su Call Douglas 4037. FOR RENT Fine, newly papered apart-. ment. rooma and bath at 23264 Bo. ltth, St. 816. Webstar 698. - NICE six Isrge room house; flrst-cla-i condition; close In. 833 S. 21st St H. 2706 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded Cheap freight ratea; moving and atoiiaa. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. t4. City office. 816 S. 17th St. fee Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, 809 Park Ave. Beautiful lawn. J. I. Kemp, 2.11 Leavenworth St Key at office. Both phones Benson Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 1596. tores and Offices. TWO offices. 2d floor Cralghtoa block also store at U N. 1Mb Bt. Alfred Thomas, Agent 80S First Nat l Bank Bldg, BRICK atore building. No. 1214 Harner street, three stories and basement Charlea , L. Saunders, 211 South Uth street Pboiis Douglas 178. FOR best grocery and meat market lg diy, with fixtures; a si.ap. 220 N. 2td. DESIRABLE offices tn tha Continental Block; either In suite or single. Alfred Kennedy. UU Flrat Nat l Bank lildg. . liM.nS trnwarH ,..i v.1 1..,.. JOHN N. FKENZER. BOTH PHONES, 1 OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltaro. FOR KALE At a bargain, mahogany fflca furniture, nearly new; sufficient foi two rooms; also ruga and Oliver type writer aiid stand. Adureaa Bux tW. Omatia, HOUSEHOLD goods & Fur. 2520 Cuming. FOR SALE Furniture and an 8-rooin flat. Full of roomers. Furnltura strictly new and first clans. Leaving city. Musi sen at unci-. 11 Mi, iee. , i TAKE me out to the ball gama. If II. B. Wright, 3"13 So. ltiih hv, will come ta The Bee otfice within thrie days we will give him a ticket to the hall game at Kourke park. . : : UAKiv oan, ew sideboard, good as new, 25; good leather couch. Mrs .' Brandcm, 'iWi Leavenworth, i'hone Douglas lvb. - n.MS, large osk dresser; rnuirs, pari or settee, folding bed, tin;. II cast iron rutiK all in fine couuli.ou. 4.2o Fan, am St. 'i'oi. nar. 3507. MAHOGANY dining ro in set, complete, witn other hotifcehuld furniture. Apt s. The Winona. 'I'hone Harney 6.178. i- LEAVING CITY Will sacrifice nearly new furniture ior 6 room, also Japa.iitv-,4 and oriental curios. Harney tUo, 3bJ4 Hamilton. JUaalcal Instrument. HIGHEST 6rade "Mteck" upright ma hogany piano, ,uiu3fit new. 4220 Famum bt. Tel. liar. Au7. A GH A PHOI'I IONK, a Hhady lot. Anil liiuxlc flowing lief. Heat then la niily half as hot Juki try it once and nee. COLUMBIA PHC.ViiGKAl'ii CO. 1311-13 Fat nam bt. Typewriters. CLEARANCE SALE TYl'EWIUTEKS We have a large aiock of all the standnrl makes in slightly uaed and rebuilt n;.i chlnca that we want to, turn into ia.-.a. Prices 14 to 4 rafgr'a. Wa sell on payments or rent and let 7 iu ntha' rent apply. ca4 or wilte lor larg bargain liat. B. F.. bWANbU. CO.. INC.. 1314 Farnam bt., Omaha. bECOND-HAND t(ewrltei a, sold, re paired. Central Typewriter xcliknc, 1'JJf Farnam. t BUY aa L, C. gmlib Broa tperllr. B. F. Swausoa Co.. DUtributara 14i rr t,aiu be TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES Hold, rented and lep.mad. Tyiewriter Inkp'.ctn ii o.. inc.. 5M liiamiols Bldg. Plionv. inii. A-4412; Douglas 4H37. KtN T an Oliver typewriter from the Oil' er Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas -JVJ. UNDERWOOD Latest model; uracikal nsw; make otter. N. sm, ilea. I I h ) r n