flTE BEK: OMATTA. TUESDAY, JUWfi .. .r. .. i . . BRIEF CITY NEWS Mar rnal Ik BL.ttl rassMars. Hi-annin, Meal t BMvsrvlsw Ml. Krnmls church fxitay h'o (,f smith tnnaha w II hold lit mum Ionic at Kv.rvlcw park Tus- MsArsI Will robM4 rrolmi rsnl1 for th will iC I lri k MoAiill Mi.Mar. Tt,s rotate am unt to IW.WW I'airl'k Mr A Ml anil John C. MeArdl ar ! a Mcnlors. TW IpiMUt Qauf r - rMwIn Mnir nf Illinois ha brn aipulnt1 ti tea th llai of W. W. I Minn a P!ll uMr In h lnl'rnnl rrvenu drpartiiicnt f Omaha on J my I, ! UUr having re airnl Draff Caosss laooartaJsae In order In 11 lh hi ditrh drc1 through the llBM. lh Mls.mirl Pacific railroad has lurn nut two wrtlon of Ha Platte rlvar brdar. In tlm meantime, whll th dreilus I MillliiKia way serosa, th Missouri l'a flflu la nam lh lliirllnaton brMg Tw Mar riling Mad Two filings Kat mo wl'li lh county clerk Monday nmrnln foi th Ati.nt primaries. W11 I am Allnta.lt. i!r ahurtge." I nut for the eK-enth Urn for hi old office of Juatlca of th peace on the republican ticket. R. 1 flordnn. rt.moriat. filed for pollc )u1g. Appeals from Wnri Award Nolle of appeal from lh award of damagfa mad l.y lha appraleera for oienlng Half-Case atrl waa fil1 hy .lame H. Pairott. who asert h Is lh chief onP. Parrott waa arrid I47 ilamagn. which h declare ar not sufficient Thnmas HUckhurn l-nei I ho appe al bond. Dslsfats Coming Thrnfh Delegate In lh annual cmv ntlon of Ihe'ChriMlan I hurrh of America will spend three heura In innaha on their way from the eaat to Portland, where th convention opena July 4 A special train of aeven cars will arrive In Omaha n the Northwestern at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon nd will leav at S o'clock. The tralnload of people will pat lunch her and tak a little trip round the city. Woodman Circle Bearing Beanmed Th hrannn wl,ciln th? administration of the affalia of the Woodmen Circle, the Komrn'a nraanlxallon of the Woodmen of th World. Is b.lng ln-t gated, waa re imed Mi mliy morrlng. Rtai Auditor 8. tl Burton la In charge of the Investigation, which 1 bofor a body of three Insurance experts. feiHcna are In pioajiei In the council chamber In the Woidmtn of the World bii.ldlng. The hea irR waa c mtln ued from .Mine II. when Mta. Emma H. S!anclealer, the supreme guard an, had to lrav for the grand Indue, meeting In Roch ester, N. Y. Mia. Manchester and Mr. Elisabeth rnra. formerly aupreme cleric, were pteent when the hearing waa re aumed. PAVING DOES NOT STAND TEST Praetratlo of Asphalt on West liar ' Br Street Itrelared) to De Too lllarh. A atrip nf asphalt paving about a half block In lenghth between Forty-second nd Forty-third on Harney street- be ing Investigated hy Assistant Engineer Oeorge Campen. Th pavement, which wa laid by th Rryant-McLoughlln company ha not atood th penetration teata, a ye Mr. Campen. "Th penetration la too high." said Mr. Campen. "However, aa th company la under a flv year' guarantee to keep th pavetnant In good shape, w ar not worry ing about It. We will make another test oon. .. . -. . ". Oeorg Craig olty engineer, returned to th city Monday and began an Investiga tion of th brick paving being laid by Charle Fanning on Twcnty-flrat street, be tween Leavenworth and Maaon. Work on this atrip waa atopped by Assistant En gineer Campen last week because an In terior quality of brick was being used. QUEEN MOTHER OF ITALY DEAD Fla Over tkc laaaalar Office Omah la Flrluar at Half Mast. in Vic Consul Antonio Venuto of ' th Italian service was notified by telegraph Monday of the death of.Prlnoeaa Clotilda, mother of Queen Margherlta of Italy. Th flag of Italy 1 displayed at halt-staff over the consular office in the Brown block. WANTS FULL ELECTION BOARDS District Clerk Desires to Have Jsdges wear In Others a Early a PoaalbU. Th clerk ef the district court has noti fied Judges and clerks of election as far aa possible. Some have not been reached. Ill clerk wlshea to have th Judge who Appear to swear In additional Judges and larks a early as possible to till up th election boards. Mnrrlui: Lleeases. Licenses to wed war Issued to th following: Name and Address. Age. Richard 8. Jenison, Auburn 26 Etta IMcker. Waterloo 22 Ollbert E. Phelps, Ottumwa sr.. 24 cora B. Mitchell, ottumwa 21 Martin U Healey, Omaha (over) 21 Anna M. Morln, Omaha (over) 21 Oswald Knechenboff, Benson 22 Mathilda Heldt, Benson 22 Alfred Erie Hollander. Omaha 24 fcjlst Sign E. Johnson Omaha ti 'a The most popular bottled . beer In all localities where It Is sold. Ask far bottl and arejg (Jt rvgUMM. Orlr cam far Om 1 ' C3 Blats ConpAstF V"jl a -at an sua 4. i j" - WEDDING BELLS ARE SILENT Joy-Ridingr Damiel Wtnt City Sport, Not Cow Puncher. CUPID BAFFLED AT THE CITY JAIL Fair Prisoner Declares she Waals to Wed, but Her Only Taker la a Ranch r .two Olher t holces at, Kothln Pol .' Wedding holla did not ring at police head I'latteia Monday morning because Esther Smith, on nf the trio of young women Joy riders, v ho were rounded up at Frernnnt late Pattirdny nlpht. refused to marry John Harrett, one of the male members of the party. Th Smith girl, who la 19 yeare old. waa corraled at Fremont In compuny with Cutle Howard. Marie Myler. Oscar Olsen. Harry McUowan and John Hnrrett. The Howard and Myler girls are under 1 years old. The mn are conalderably older and two of them have been In the hands of the Omaha finite for similar atunta before. When the party wns hauled back to Omaha in charae of an officer the Howard Tlrl waa allowed to go home with her father; the Myler girl was tnken to the Detention Home and Miss Fmlth was locked up In the quarters of Mstron Gibbons at the pollc station. The three men are be hind the bars downstairs, charged with being suspicious characters. When it waa tlm for the three men and woman to be brought Into court this morn ing the Hmtth girl sent word that she wanted to get married. Word was carried downstairs to the bull-pen and Barrett. who Is a cow man of Sheridan, Wyo., yelled that he loved Kather Hmlth and was ready to hitch up with her right away. When Mrs. Gibbons told Esther of the proposition she sniffed the air and said, "I don't want that guy from the ranch. He mav he all right out among the tall grata where the people wear spurs, hut I want a city sport for mine. Either of the others will do!" They Are Hooked Ahead. When Harrett heard the decision of his charmer he wilted and hid two companions In bondage sang In chorus, "There's nothln' doing for bright eyes; wa arc both dated ahead." That put an end to the negotiations for a honeymoon " with the police station as a starting point, much to the perturbation of Matron Gibbons, who has Esther Pmlth on her hsnda until the Joy-ride adventure is iinmiy passed upon oy me court. The three men ar still held, and the girl, while having more homelike surroundings, Is watched just as closely In the matron's rooms. Governor Hay Coming to Omaha in October Will Attend Land Show and in Mean time Will Have a Commission Arrange Exhibit. ' Governor M. F. Hay of Washington will be In Omaha In October to attend the Land show and take a leading part In Washing ton day, which has been set for the 20th of that month. Governor Hay Is one of the most enthuslastlo boost era In the west for his own state and ha gained a wide reputation for his activities along develop ment line. He will be on of the biggest men at the show. ' Governor Hay Is taking a great deal of Interest lrt the Omaha exploitation f west ern land products, and to be sure that his atat will all reprasented, he will ap point a board of ten Iand show commis sioners, who may be consulted and called upon for advice In arranging the details of th big Washington exhibit. VEGETABLES AND PORCH FURNITURE FOR OLD PEOPLE Donations Are ' Asked for the Old People's Home Tuesday Do nation Day. Garden vegetable and porch furniture are the articles moat needed at present at the Old Peoples' home, 2214 Wirt sreet. and will be received at the home Tuesday from friends and other Interested In the wel fare of the Inmates. The board of women which has charge of the affairs of th home, has decided that Tuesday shall be th flrat of the regular monthly donation day for th benefit of th aged men and women. PIONEER CATTLE MAN IS DEAD Heary 11. Iterd Passes Away at Clark, so a Hospital Following; General Nervous. Breakdown. Th death of Henry B. Reed In CUrkson hospital Sunday night marks the passing of on of the pioneer Nebraska cattle barons, who laid th foundation for great ness in th northwest over thirty years ago. Mr. Reed had ranches extending all around Paxton and Ogallala. and for more than a generation waa a potential factor In the Uv stock Industry along th west ern plains. He ha always been energetic and actlv. and until a few months ago was nai and hearty. A little over two weeks ago Mr. Reed was taken to th Clarkson hospital suffering from a general breakdown of th nervous system. His heart was aerlously affected at th tlm and caused a complication which ultimately resulted In death. Although the final arrangements for th funeral have not yet been made, th wish of Mr. Reed will undoubtedly be carried out and his body sent to his native horn In Mount Holly. N. J., for burial. Mr, Reed Is survived by his widow. CARTER LAKE TO BE FILLED Water to Be T armed la froaa th River Whoa Hlahor Mark is Reached. With th river at th fourteen and a half foot mark, th city engineer and park commissioners are considering th project of filling Carter lake. The lake haa been low ail season, and lh officials hav been at a loss to get water. For th last flv days, th river haa been rising and Monday morning registered 14H feet. A soon as It gets to the sixteen foot mark. It will b tapped and th' lake filled. BOY SCOUTS HOME FROM CAMP Troog, Tares, 1'aaler Comaaad of Rafcbl Cos, a, Had Dollgktfal Tlaa la Oaea Air. Troop Three. Boy Scouts, under command of Rabbi Cohn. scoutmaster, returned horn Sunday evening after three delight ful daya spent In camp, which waa estab lished four miles out on th Dodg street road. Vndor Milton Livingston, aaslstant scoutmaster, drills and Impressive ma. neuvera wer held every day, much to the delight of the visitors. Religious services were conducted by Rabbi Coha on Friday evening. Balldlaaj Perssits. C ft fefita,,. VTA. A T . i ... . - ..... 1 1 mi i, k span msnt. 115. UO; Modern Homes Obstruction company. William, frame dwelling -.-... i.unBru(-uon eom- pway. Stl CaMwall, brick dwelling. K.000. Thieves Ply Trade , With Bold Abandon on Sherman Avenue Burglar Locks Himself in Joseph Jiouska s Place, Gets Loot ana Cuts Way Out. Sunday night burglaries hav been re ported to the police aa follow: Joseph llonska 1:3 8heiman avenue, watch valued at t?"0. other jewelry, deeds and morttrag to real estate. Bam Husk. iM l ass street, fifty feet of garden hose. Ed Lucas. IMR Sherman avenue, valuable papers contained in a tin box kept In an unlocked safe , The burglar who visited th horn of Houskii. who Uvea above Ms butcher shop, took the trouble to have himself locked In the basement, of th building Sunday. The robbery did not become known until Mon day morning, when llnuska found the bars of the basement door cut away. Indicating that the burglar broke out Instead of the usual method nf forcing entrance. The Lucas robbery was committed In that gentleman' coal office. The burglar entered with the aid of a Jimmy. He found the door of the aafe unlocked and carried away a tin box containing valuable papers. Two Plead Guilty in Land Fraud Cases and Each is Fined B. M. Fox and 0. H. McClintock, Re cently Indicted, Are Fined by Judg-e Monger. Benjamin M. Fox and George H. Mo- Cllntock, who were recently Indicted by the federal grand Jury on a charge for conspiracy t defraud the government out of several hundred acres of land In Deuel county, Nebraska, pleaded guilty Monday morning to th charge and paid their fine of JX and $lflO respectively. Thirteen Weeks Set Aside for Merchants Jobbers and Manufacturers Will Re ceive Patrons from July to Oc tober This Tear. I Fall merchants' meetings this year will extend over a period of thirteen .weeks, instead of five separate weeks, aa was the custom formerly. W. M. Burgess, chairman of the Omaha Jobbers and Manufacturers' association haa announced that the Merchants In Omaha' trad ter ritory will be Invited to come at the ex pense of the association, at any tlm from July 15 to October IS. Thirty-five thousand Invitations on be half of the association ar being mailed by the Commercial club to all th mer chants of Nebraska, Kansas, South Da kota, Colorado,. Wyoming, Montana and Missouri, who are In territory tributary to the Omaha market. Railroad fares will be refunded by th association to thosa merchants who ac cept the Invitation. The visitors ' will be entertained by the association. Th buying season will find all of the wholesale and jobbing . houses open to the merchants, and the manufacturers will makya a spe cinl effort toward hospitality. By this visit the merchants hav th opportunity of Inspecting full stocks In stead of a line of samples. Omaha job bers were the originators of th far re funding system. In adddltlon to Chairman Burgess, th members of th Commercial club committee In charge of the association are Roy T. Byrne, A. A. MoClure, Herman Drlshaus, E. A. Ulnrichs, F. Martin, H. A. Spies berger and J. H. Taylor. Births and Deaths. Births P. M. and E. M. Burns. R6J South Ninth street, boy; James and Jessie Janecek, Omaha, Oen. Hosp , girl; -H. A. and Gertrude Kogaas, 641 South Twenty fifth avenue, boy; Robert and Anria Me Aultffe, 31' 19 Seward, boy; Mr. and May Kvans, 1324 North Twenty-fourth, girl; Charles and May Bovee. 3M7 West street, twins, girl and boy; Henry and Sarah Payne, Methodist hospital, girl; John and Francis Helfachnelder, 1214 South Seven teenth, boy. Deaths Joe Lohla, 3, 2009 Paul; Baby Burns. 1 year. 23t2 South Twenty-ninth; Mrs. Katherlne Bellamy. 56, Wise Memorial huspiial; Haly Page, 1 year, 2W9 Paul: l-'Mdt-o V! pin.r V) lina tj . m Johnson, W, Immanuel hospital; Kath- " ' oy, rresDyienan Hospital; Charles Grow, 6, 2525 Caldwell; Edward Helse, 11, Omaha Oeneral hospital; Ioulse M. Rowltzer. 41. S021 Gold; Sarah J Cooper, S3, 1410 North Thirty-third; James H. Osborn, M, 6116 Capitol avenue; Elmore Taylor, 26, Fourteenth and Capitol avenu. Tbenrh Bftweie "blus uoeeee..' tl not That way wltb Campbell's rare. Earn luscious spoon ful "Unite the spat" No "wred swteu oeaa" tbsre. They won't do a thing to your butcher's hill Except make it, mailer. Our soups provide you with just the light nourishing deli cacy you so often want in 6tcad of heavy meats and just wnen ycu Want it. That's one beauty of Soups It is a mistake to let your supply run out. The .way to get the full bene fit of these pure and wholesome soups is to keep an assortment of the kinds you prefer always on hand. Why not inves tigate your supply right now? 21 kinds 1 Oca cars Juit add hot water bring to a boil, and rt. Joseph Campbell Company Casutea If I Look for the red-and-white Label POTATOES IN LUXURY CLASS They Tahe Rank Along- with Expen sive Foreign Delicacies. SOARING TOWARD $3 A BUSIIEL Relief May fossr Waea the Oklahoma aad Arkaaaaa Pretdoet, Delayed ky tke Weatker, Rearkes Local Market. Tat d foia graa. art chokea and straw berries at Christmas time are luxuries, but new potatoes have become the real piece de resistance of the expensive spread. When Mr. Diner alta down to a plat of th fin tubers. It verily becomes a feast for a king. That vegetable Monday was selling for 12 SO a bushel in the retail stores, and predictions that th price will climb to It a bush--' "- heard In many places. P peak In s rmi most familiar to buy ers, tor t tendency Is to purchase In small quantities, th tuber wss selling at 10 cents a peek. This price is practlcallv 2vy'n7w Go to Real m 11 isswiaimaui svishimi im i Go to ,the wonderful Rockies, to the rugged, magnificent, ancient hills, whose grandeur shames the Alps. Go where you can rebuild your strength and restore your visions, where the air is as clean and as pure as the first day of Nature. There is noV train providing such facilities for reaching Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo as the Rock Island's de luxe Rocky Mountain Limited "Omaha sleeper, urtth staterooms and berths, ready for occupancy at 9:30 This train of trains leaves Omaha 10:47 p. m. daily, supplies every travel luxury, and reaches Denver and Colorado Springs in time for luncheon next day. "Tha Mountaineer" every morning at 8:01 and "Colorado Express" daily at 1:15 p. m. provide sumptuous electric lighted Pullmans and steel coaches, dining car, world's news service, base ball scores and the club comfort of an observation car. Let mi tell you about tho very low fares. Illustrated booklets fret for the ashing. V con provide tha accommodations you want. J. S. McNally, Division Passenger Agent i 132a Farnam Street, Omaha what the wholesale dealers charge, and the retailers have given up hop of profit In that line, they say. All HeeorUs Brontes. Th present pric breaks, all record. Never before In the history of th city haa the potato climbed t ' such a price level. Rellif from toe fields of Oklahoma, Arkansas and southern Missouri has been expected several daya. This, crop Is de layed b auae of the weather. It haa been due for about three weka. Under normal conditions the vegetable would be selling In th neighborhood of tl a bushel at this tlm. Texaa continues to supply the market. Buyer are thicker around every car of petatoea in thst state than women at a bargain sale, according to reports received In Omaha. The Nebraska crop will not re lieve the situation ti a great extent, dealer any. The hope now la for tha early arrival of the Oklahoma product. A Krlahtfal Ksperlence with biliousness, malaria and constipation la quickly overcome by taking Dr. King's New IJfe nils. 2."c. For sale by Beaton "rug Co. . ?,jv Mountains frfig For Good Been Vim I F you'll take the few minutes ncccss.ary to see these men's and 0 fear you may confuse them; we 11 tell you that our suits at this pneo have been made from the best fabrics we could find, in the handsomest styles and shades that you've at "me noose or high Me KIT. " ua teln-Blooh Clothes, Bral Shoes. LOW FARES EAST "TICKETS ON SALE DAILY Round Trips From Omaha to Atlantic City, N. J. .$44-50 Asbury Park, N. J. .42-345 Boston via Montreal S lO'SGO Hoston, direct . . . S41-$45 Buffalo, N. v. ...832-S34 Detroit, Mich $25-$20 Return limit 30 days. Return Correspondingly reduced fares to many other tourist resorts In the east ., VIA THE : Chicago . Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Low 60-day circuit tour fares to New York $49.40 and up, to Boston $52.20 and up, according to route selected. Long limit sum mer tourist fares, to Wisconsin, Michigan, New York State, New England and Canadian resorts. Information and folders free. W. E. BOCK, ' Tickets, 1B24 Farnam St., City Tassenger Agent. OMAHA, NEB. "Give me tome Old Ftuh ioned Lager Beer." It's hard to get tho genuine old German lager beer now adays, but here it is snappy rich and mellow Old Fash ioned Lager Beer. Order a bottle pour it but, told and sparkling you'll be surprised how good it is. No wonder! it's made in the real old German way no other beer is more delicious. Pint bottles only of dear glass, so you can see it's clean and pure; the red or yellow wrapper keeps out the light, preserving the snap and life. Order a case sent home. Douglas 647 Ind. A-1218. , Save the Caps from bottles of Old Fashioned Lager Beer, and exchange them for valuable premiums. Ask us for book of over 2,400 premiums it's free. . ourfirey & Gi ItlSTKIItt'TOItS young men s suits at $11.75, we're very sure you'll find so many pood points about thorn thnt you'll tnko n suit with you. t'p-to-dnto in stylo, fabric ind pattern, and of n weight that is fciiitv'd to tho sort of reather wo'ro now having, besidos being splendidly tailored into perfect fitting garments, will wager you can't equal these Ql 1 7 IT new Miits at P JL JL O ,R if $15 re- presents what you would pay for suit satisfaction, then we'll let our $15 suitti sell themselves to you. For with the average $15.00 suits, ever seen "...$15.00 mil ' ' M.'!-V'm Btetaon Hats, Manbattaa Uhlrts. Montreal, Que SSS.OO Muakoka Lake, Ont.JJ?33 Q5 lw Vork City ... S42-$45, Quebec, Quo ' S39.00 Portland, Me. . ... $42.35 Toronto, Ont $29.60 limit 60 days. Say: iliiilal 'praxes jLfjr ro lr WfrejasaJpP MAIL Qm&JstJ&lill&S bPLMcd the received, ey ere