4 TIIE BEE: 03IAIIA, TUESDAY JUNE 27, MIL 7 ! u is TlIE OM.IIA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BT EDWARD K08E WATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postoffiee as second claaa matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday Kee, on year BM Saturday Km, one year 1-60 I 'ally Bee (without "iinday). ona year.. 40 Lally lira and Sunday, ona year 100 DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Evening Bee (with Sunday), per month.. Bo Dally Ilea (Including Hnnday), per mo., d'-o Dally Bea (without Sunday), per mo.... fto Addreaa all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City Cremation Department OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha 2 N. Twenty-fourth tt Council Hluffs 14 Keott Ht. Lincoln M Little Building. Chlragnl4 Marquette Building. Kanean City Reliance Building. Naw York 34 Weat Thirty-third Pt Washington 72S Fourteenth Ht.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to newa and editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, espreee or poatal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only J-cent stamps received In payment of mall account. Personal checka except on Omana and eastern exchange not accepted. . MAT CIRCULATION. 48,473 Btat of Nebraska, County of Dougla. ss. Dwlght Wllllama, circulation manager of The Be Publishing Company, being duly worn, says that tha average dally circula tion less apolled. unuaed and returned coplea for tha month of May, ltH, was 48.47J. DWIOJIT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subecrlbed In my presence and eworn to tefore me this 1st day of June, 1911. (Seal.) ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public. Sahwerlbers learlac the city teas. , rarity ahoald hava The Bea nallea then. Addreaa will ha ehaaged aa aftea ae raajaeated. Yes, v know it's cool In Colorado. Now that be la duly crowned, let Georgs do It. , It Is to be hoped those heavy rains did not spoil the coronation ode. Any base ball pitcher can tell you .1 that balloon ascensions are generally fatal. y 4t . - . : Still, the presumption Is that bonds 1 1 Toted now will have to be paid off 1 i aima rlav- ( Of the late Mrs. Nation it may truth fully be said stfe carved ber way to fame. The wages for whose increase there Is no special popular outcry is the kind that sin brings. 'Another public nuisance is the man who insists on mowing bis lawn at 6 o'clock In the morning. That orphan boy who preferred a hair cut to a watermelon might Just as well have had both. Champ Clark has been referred to as the one successful humorist in con gress. How about Uncle Joe? Has not the auto enough privileges without trying to devise the most demoniac noises with its horns? 1 I This coronation has revived invidi ous comparisons between the density of Pittsburg smoke and London fog. And no, evidence has been intro duced to show thst the legislative Jackpot has ceased to be an Institution In Illiaols. . They are talking of reducing the price of the Congressional Record. Then say, the cost of living is not coming down. 1 Two new words have been added to the Sherman law direct and sub stantial as a result of the Harriman 'merger decision. Borne New York newspapers com mend street cleaning at tight. That 1s all right, but street cleaning in the day Is better than no cleaning at all. Our neighboring town of Beatrice gets Ice delivered at 85 cents a hun dred pounds, for which Omaha has to pay (0 cents. Of course, there is no Ice trust in Omaha. When Washington newspapers find out what sort of a city superintends, they are getting from Omaha they will cease to complain that the office was not filled from local supply. jt the lawyers are al- Nnpromlslng litigation ayers are engaged? Vf V .. V u unun BUCU in' fees. ear that our Hammond, Is -s? and queen. Look at bis fees of com- .about lack of tes i4 supreme court miuauons. Tc demo- will make up the demo- J ar and in due tlmi lot h - wow whom they are expected ior. ere are six members of the Water . art as legally constituted, but so far as the public Is concerned there might aa well be only one, because one and the same one does all the talk ing and letter writing and makes mere puppets of the rest. It probably will not surprise many people to hear that the "secret of the Maine's explosion" will never be known. This fart, together with the statement that no remains of shtpmen have beea found, might suggest the questioa. "What Is gained by resur rectlng t&e ship." 9 Tha Harriman Merger. Although it will probably go ud by appeal to the court of last resort, the circuit court's decision validating the so-called Harriman merger indicates the conjunction under one ownership snd management of the Southern Pa cific and Union Pacific. Its far- reaching scope, therefore, makes the case one of the most important to this territory ever brought Into litigation and the decision correspondingly great In the transportation world. To the layman the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific have always seemed essentially to be one continu ous line of railroad. They were or iginally projected and built as one transcontinental route, and that theory seems to have had considera tion with the court. But the point of vital Interest Is that the merging of these railroads did not work hard ship upon the public. Rates were not raised, service not lowered. Rsther. on the contrsry, the standard of effi ciency was vastly elevated. In 1898 as soon as Mr. Harriman had con cluded the purchase of the Union Pa cific he began his plans for improve ment, starting on the roadbed. For five years one of the greatest roadbed experts In the world, Horace O. Burt, devoted his skill and the Harriman millions to building up the physical condition of the line, which was bank rupt and badly deteriorated when Har riman bought it. Instead of suffer ing, the public has apparently profited by the merger, and the court so finds. Here, then, seems to be a case which a court Is willing to define as reasonable restraint," if there is any restraint, though it is not shown that competition has been much restrained. Where competition Is restrslned in the interest of better public service, cer tainly it is not unreasonable, but highly desirable. The circuit court reads two new words Into the Sher man law in this decision "direct" and "substantial," holding the re straint to be neither. It Is Incon ceivable that popular opinion should influence a court decision, but this Is one case where, undoubtedly, if popu lar opinion had an expression, it would be on the side of the ruling of the court. Reciprocity and Insurgency. Canadian reciprocity is the greatest paradox of yeara when it comes to unmaking old and making new polit ical alliances. It is striking especially strong on the insurgents of the senate and deforming their lines of organiza tion. This in turn is severing rela tions between some of these senators and their former newspaper cham pions. For Instance, here Is the St Paul Pioneer-Press, which, under its new ownership, goes as far in the line of Insurgency as under its old man agement it had gone in conservatism, editorially lambasting both Senator Clapp and Senator La Follette in the same issue. One would almost as soon think of the Houston Post de nouncing Bailey as to Imagine that the reformed Pioneer-Press could even disagree with La Follette in nartlo- ular and with anything insurgent in general. "It is not worth while trying to fol low Senator La Follette's method of reasoning," impatiently exclaims the Pioneer-Press, which then serves notice on the Wisconsin statesman to this effect: "He has presidential am bitions and has allowed it to be known .that he will enter the race for the nomination against President Taft. He has openly sought a Quarrel with President Taft. The public Interest usually suffers when pitted against personal antipathies, grudges and po litical ambitions." It should be re called in this connection that at the famoua St. Paul conservation congress President Taft found it very difficult to get polite treatment from the Pio neer-Press. As for Senator Clapp. his position on reciprocity Is the most difficult of all to account for. His state is for It and most of its representatives in con gress are for it. ret he finds reason for opposing it. He may be Just aa honest in his convictions as a man can be, but that is nog satisfying some of his former hot-headed champions a bit. Truly, reciprocity seems to be making a rocky road for aome insur gent leaders to travel. First to Pay the Price. Senator Paynter has paid the price in Kentucky of espousing the cause of Lorlmer in the senate. According to reports he has withdrawn from the race for re-election, leaving the field for the democratic nomination free to Congressman Ollle James. Psynter was a member of the Lorl mer whitewash committee and he did not stop with signing the apologetic report submitted to the senate, but took the floor in defense of the Illi nois senator. When James decided to run for the senate from Kentucky, being an aatute politician, he had no hesitancy in determining to make his whole campaign on Paynter's cham pionship of Lorlmer. Evidently he has had an easy time of It Thus early in the fight the nomination comes In July hia opponent clears the track. Now the question is, how msny of the pro-Lorlmer senators will have to pay the same price for going to the defense of the Illlnolsan? Will Barley of Texas? Many believe be will, though, fortunately for Bailey, he lives la Texas Instead of Kentucky. Texas Is sot as sensitive on such points as it might be. At the same time there la trouble ahead of Bailey, and no mistake about- that Hia friends bare already beea put on the defensive.' All things being equal aa te eonstltaentav certainly If Paynter is compelled to forfeit his seat In the senate as the penalty of defending Lorlmer, Bailey would be brought even quicker to the same doom, for, while other senators have been Lorl mer men, Bailey has been "the Lorlmer man. For some strange reason he has seemed to tske the posi tion that he simply ' had to defend Lorlmer, and he" has done it with all the gusto of his complacent nature. Omaha's Chance to Get Busy. Japan's two greatest heroes of its war with Russia, Admiral Togo and General Nogl, delegated to represent their emperor at the British corona tion, are on a tour around the world and will shortly visit the United Ststes as the guest of our government Omaha, we are sure, would be glad to entertain these two world-famed war riors If their Itinerary in the United States can be made to Include our glty. What is Omaha going to do about it? Here is a chance for Ak-Sar-Ben to get busy. Here is an opportunity for the Commercial club to reach out and. do something thst will attract attention to Omaha. Omaha is the main gateway of the principal trans continental thoroughfare, but unless Omaha wakes up our distinguished Japanese guests may choose another route. Checking the Pace. In .all the time Americans have been protesting against the high cost of living they have-been living exceed-J ingly well and at times it bas been questionable if the complaint was not high living more than high cost They continued to buy luxuries, at home and abroad. They persisted in indulg ing their appetites for fine wines from choice European brands and for pre cious stones thst came from an old world center. Economists then began to admonish the people against the evils of extravagance of this character. Evidently they pleaded not in vain, or has .the tariff on luxuries got In Its work? At any rate qur people seem to be beginning to economise in the things that are not classed aa actual necessities. From the Department of Com merce's statistician comes the showing that in the last eleven months we have cut our imported diamond bill down about $7,000,000 and have whacked our foreign champagne bill square in two. In the last eleven months we im ported $30,500,000 worth of dia monds, as compared with $37,150,000 worth in the eleven months preceding, and $3,000,000 worth of champagne, as against $6,000,000 worth before. So we may claim to be checking the pace at all events. Dog Tray at His Old Tricks. It Is an old saying that a dog will return to his vomit It would be Just as natural to expect a vomiting dog to change his habits as to expect a Water bond election without R. B. Howell exploding into a personal attack on the editor of The Bee. - What troubles this mountebank is that from the start The Bee has seen through his serpentine schemes and bas exposed his falsehoods and fakes. What troubles him still more is that one by one the position of The Bee on every step of the water works purchase pro ceedings has been vindicated, . while the bunco game played by Howell and bis misguided associates has been shown up In its true light The only answer this costly parasite on the community' could make has been to ring the changes on the fact that the water company and The Bee are tenants of the same building. What galls him most of all Is that the peo ple have bad to come Into The Bee building to pay their water rent as if It would make any difference to-them whether they paid their bills on Sev enteenth and Farnam or on Eight eenth and Farnam so long as the bills are in the same amount. The fact that Howell In drawing bis compul sory purchase bill crested a high salaried position as manager of the water plant for himself to fill and y which he still expects to get, of course, has nothing to do with bis un selfish and patriotic motives any more than his continued draft on the tax payers for salary and Junket expenses as a member of the Water board all tbeae years, with no water works to manage. y . Two years ago this same water spouter concocted a wonderful yarn about "a great conspiracy" projected by a syndicate of capitalists, with the editor of The Bee listed as a member, to deprive the people of Omaha of the rare privilege of being compelled to pay $6,263,195.49 and Interest for the water works plsnt, which Howell, on his reputstlon as a civil and hydraulic engineer, bad assured us we could buy for $3,000,000. It goes without saying that Howell heard all about this syndicate, which never existed, before any one la The Bee office ever heard about it h.ut that does not stop him from trying to resurrect the bogey again now to frighten the people into voting an $8,250,000 water bond Issue. The position of The Bee on these bonds Is plain enough and need not be distorted. The Bee believes the pro posed issue of $8,250,000 water bonds at this time, before the court bas told us bow much will be needed to settle for the plant, Is premature Just as was the voting of $6,600,000 water bonds two years ago. It does not believe voting these bonds at this time will hasten the court proceedings In the least or that it will make any differ ence whether they are voted down or up so far aa ultimate results are con cerned. Senator Bailey thinks the president should not express opinions oa sub jects under discussion in the senate. If the president's opinions should happen to coincide with Bailey's the Texsn probably would think It proper enough. J The Bee prints a complaint from an autolst In a neighboring town who has been impressed with the Idea that the police In Omaha lay for out-of- town speeders snd give them the worst of it. Our contributor con cludes with the added suggestion that this course will keep auto strangers out of Omaha. If the complaint Is well grounded there should be a change and all auto speeders trested alike. The out-of-town autolst should not be more severely dealt with than the In-town autolst, but neither should the out-of-town excuse be accepted In mitigation of flagrant dlsregsrd of speed regulation. This is the place where the rule of reason ahould be applied. When the Commercial club was asked five years ago to help bring about an arrangement with the water company whereby a second supply main to Florence could be built as a fire safeguard the president of the club wrote: After consultation with the executive committee. It does not appear to tne to be a wise thing for this organisation at this time to interest Itself tn an attempt to solve the difficulties now existing fcrith reference to our water supply. What has come over the Commer cial club that makes it so interested now in what did not Interest It at all then? Dreathe Praeallr Brokea. Chicago News. With tO.000,000 gallons of liquor a year shipped on mall orders Into prohibition dis tricts, It Is pretty evident that the "driest" places in the oountry fall far short of com plete aridity. America Wosaea at Coroaatlo. fit. Louis Olobe Democrat. The moat striking participation of Ameri cans In the coronation seems to bave been by our women. All reports agree that "they biased In diamonds and gorgeous gowns." This was better than the knee breeches worn by our most representative citisena whose names we are able to find as among those present. Fabllo Doeameat Waate. Philadelphia Bulletin. Waste In the preparation and publication of official documents Is a characteristic fault of our governments, state, as well as national. Volumes are written annually. vrhlch are never read; editions are ordered on a scale that might fit a "best seller," for which the popular demand never material ises, and tons of more or leas costly printed matter are stored away in the vaults until they go into the waste paper market. ' , SOME CORN BELT HUMOR. York News: "Mosquitoes," said a Boston man at the Omaha convention, "never bite a new thoughter twice." It's a wise insect that knows when it has had enough. Lexington Pioneer: A man committed suicide down at Lincoln last week. This thing of delaying the . opening of . saloons appears' to be fraught with grave danger in Lincoln town. Nebraska City News: When we consider the shrinkage of clothing for women from the hoop skirt to the bobble we blush to think what she will 'wear ten years from now. But then we will be too old to see. Aurora Republican: A retail merchant In a certain Nebraska town advertises a big shipment of fine ribbed ladles' vests at bargain prices. The fine ribbed ladles of that town had better hustle tn early in the morning in order to avoid the crush- Aurora Republican: As an optimist the editor of the Blue Springs Sentinel is cer tainly entitled to the championship belt This is the way he bands It out: "A dry June Invariably means a bumper corn crop. Keep smiling if you do bave to use a header to get the oats." Bridgeport News-Blade! It Is said a simple littlegopher bored the hole in the trt-state' dam this week, which bad the effect of letting down a large volume of water to those who needed It further down the stream. That gopher should be sent to the state legislature, where that sort of intelligence is sorely needed. T People Talked About He sits on the New York supreme court bench. Befbre bis appointment by Gov ernor Dlx he was Charles F. Murphy's closest adviser In Tammany hall and was known as the "brains" of that organisa tion. His favorite diversion Is golf. Captain George Anger, eight feet one inch tall, a native of Cardiff, Wales, aad tha tallest man In the world, became a naturalised dtisea of the United States aX Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs. Leone M. Wells of Wyoming Is said to be the best paid woman In the employ of the United States government Mrs. Wells Is assistant chief clerk of tha senate committee on appropriations. John Scullln. one of Bt. Iui richest man, bas retired to the farm la 8L Law rence county. New Tork, on which ha was born. He says that he won't stand 6L touts assessments and taxes any longer. If the famoua Ananias club wants Justifi cation for a national Jollification, the re marks of General Otis tn the Los Angeles Times oa the founder of the elub supplies the needed excuse. Aa not stuff It lines up with a Kansas Nroooo. Charles H. Wilson of Troy. N. T., oc cupied the unique position of having been la business In one building for seventy-one years; at least he will have completed seventy-one years la the shoe business at ta-tH River street Aug t U next This record, it is believed, caa be equaled by few, if any, shoe retailers la this country. Mr. Wilson bas also beea In eualaeas for himself for more thaat flrty years, 1 . Army Gossip , MaMera ef latereet oa and Beet of the rtrtaa: I,lae Oleaaed fresa the Amy en Wavy ef1se The secretary ef war has at last approved the recommendation of the surgeon general of the army that recruits shall receive. upon admission to the eervlce, the treat ment which will protect them from typhoid. More than a year ago General Torney pro- poeed that this precautionary measure ahould be adopted, but It was felt at the time that the system had not been suf ficiently tested to Justify thla proceeding. The results In the army have been such ss now leave no question among the medical officers and those who are Interested In the prevention of dlaeaae among the fight ing personnel of the efficacy of the treat men i. i no raw tnat mere Mas been no typhoid among the troops In Texas has been convincing, and It Is attributable en tlrely to typhoid prophylaxis. Vnder the orders -which have been Insued the army will be immune to typhoid in three years, It Is estimated by the medical officers. This is nothing short of an Important contribu tion to the efficiency of the service. - The surgeon general of the army has called the attention of the War department to what he regards as an exceealva tihv. slcal requlrment in the examination f candidates for appointment as army pay masters' clerks. Recent examinations wers held of several candidates In Washington and It Is understood that all of them failed physically or, at least, did not come up to tne standard adopted and publlehed In gen eral orders No. 64. of April . from the war department It will be necessary to waive the defects reported by the examin ing surgeons, hi order to appoint any of them. The surgeon general Dolnta mi th It Is desirable to modify the requirements n tne case of these candidates, as the cir cumstances of the service of ai-mv n. masters' clerk are not such as require in strict physical fitness of the fighting personnel. The suggestion that the sur geon general be permitted to waive auch defects as may be regarded as not inter- rering with the usefulness of a candidate is not received with favor nv the mainei officers, who believe there should be a re asonable standard'wlth more or less strict adherence thereto. The house committee on expenditures In the War department has been holding ses sions lately, among those who have ap peared being the quartermaster general of the army, and, later. Major B. Frank Cheatham of the quartermaster's depart ment The latter officer has charge of construction at military posts and the committee desired information and opin ions, especially concerning the wisdom of establishing small garrisons. Major Cheatham was able to inform the com mittee concerning manr subject relating to the cost of erecting and maintaining posts, but be carefully refrained from In dulging In any expressions of his personal views on matters Involving policy. It has been quit evident that the committee In terrogation is prompted bv some member who has a prejudice asainst Fort D. R, Russell. Wyo.. and an effort has been mads to make It appear that that post Is an sxtravsjranoe and has been fostered by the War department and provided for by congress at the expense of other posts, such as Port Logan. Colo. The investiga tion is conducted with entire good humor, but It Is apparent that a desperate effort Is being made to obtain something dam aging somehow to somebody. Some consideration is being given to the suggestion of the medical officer of the army who are with the maneuver division in Texas that there be a change in the site of the big camp of that command. If any transfer Is made, it will be a purely local on and In the Interest of camp sanitation. It Is represented that this Is necessary for the protection of the health of the troop. There I no prospect that the ommand will be moved any dlstanoe, since the present location Is the best which can be obtained In Texas for so large a body of troops. The desire for a change of base, described as prevailing among the troops along the border, can hardly be regarded by military authorities as Justifying any material change In that particular. The withdrawal of the troops from Oalveston and from San We go con stitute all the movement which Is likely to occur for some time, the deetlny of the so-called maneuver division depending entirely upon the outcome In Mexico, the affairs of whloh oountry ar being ob served with the keenest Interest by the military and the Stat department people In Washington. There Is some apprehen sion that tha Mexicans will not abide by the result of the coming eleotion, and those who know of ths situation In Mexloo and who are acquainted with tha tempera ment of the pool ar dlspos dto regard the condition a still mors or leas menac ing. It Is for this reason that the Ameri can troops will remain along th Mexican border for an indefinite period. ' LOVE TAPS FOB OMAHA. Nebraska City Press: Governor Aldrloh will not return to Nebraska for two weeks longer and Omaha breathes a alga of re lief ia consequence. Niobrara Tribune: Superintendent W. M. Davidson of th Omaha publlo schools was appointed to th same position In Washing ton, D. C. Now if Bryan aould be elected president Nebraska would be boas from th kindergarten up. Norfolk Press i If you ar skeptical about the good don by tha commercial clubs or kindred organisations go to Omaha and see what a bunch of booster ar doing for that town. Th Norfolk Commercial club 1 worthy of your confidence and should have your support Kearney Hub: A Nebraska doctor de clared at th But Board of Health meet ing at Omaha a few days si no that fully one-half of the graduates of the publlo schools are rendered physical: worthless by the manner in whloh the schools ar at present eonducted. Th doctor was talk ing through his hat, or worse. Conditions ar not th best In th schools, but ar rel atively as good as In our homes and places of business, and w ar not as badly oft on th whol score ss a great many of the "soare-head" alarmists of the age would have us believe. Ord Quls: Omaha is in terrible straits ever th fact that It baa been oompeiled by the courts to take th city water works and run them. The contract for th pur chase was of oours put through by a oom mission and, a is usual in such eases, the deal was advantageous to some on other than th city. After year of litigation the oity was suck for the enormous prlee to be paid, th coats of th suits, th attorneys' fees and for alleged damage sustained by th water company la th trick th city politicians tried to play oa th com pany. On big city la Nebraska has had enough of city ownership already. SmtBlMI Wkst HaBBBOd t Jim. Houston Poet Mr. Bryan declares he will not support Harmon. Th governor, being notified, will in the event of his nomination, probably wear a blaok shield to protect himself against th sort of wounds that struck down Jim Dshlmsn last year. AMENDING THE DEUO'ACT. Wall Plreet Journal: iTeeident Taft recommends that use of worlhli-sa patent medicines be restricted as murh aa l ble. Mere at least I a real neml of gov ernment rtTilatlon. Washington P'wt: I'nlesa cnnifrrsa ha Changed Its mind about eafegnarMlng the publlo against fraud, tha amendrd bill j could be put through In rapid fslil- n I thus prolonging th session to a sarl appreciable extent. Chicago Record -Herald: t-Ixtratasant claims will continue to be mads for pat ent medlrlnee, iner'irat discoveries and processes of all kinds, but mmlerallnn and strict veracity can no more be en forced In drug labels and cures than they can In political and social mouthing Raltlinore American: No doubt a g"ol motive exlata In the attempt of the pres ident and congress to defend the public against nostrums, but there In such a large proportion of otherwise IntHllumt American rltlaens who enjoy poor health" that It borders on crurlty to de prive them of Ibelr beloved cure-alla." Brooklyn Eagle: In many parts of the Country the right to drug ones self and possibly to evade doctors' bills la a right more dearly prized than trial by Jury. In our Judgment paternalism will have a pretty hard task to take thla right away. The American cltlien greatly prefers not to have government Interfere with his spend ing or money that belongs to himself. I Indianapolis News: It Is ' not proposed 1 to legislate against expressions of opinion as to th effect of a medicine, for the president agrees with the supreme court In thinking that that would be abortive. Nevertheless he Insists, and rightly, that "If knowingly false statements of fact as to the effect of preparations be provided against the greater part of the evil would be subject to control," SMILING LINES. Tramp Madam, will you let m tell you Of my heavy burdens Lady of the House You needn't I ran aee at a glance you're loaded UatUmore American. "Grigglns la an old friend of yours. Isn't he7" "Yes; I think so much of Grigglns that I have his framed autograph hanging on the wall of my room. It's at the bottom ot a promlnory note tor HO18O still unpaid." Chicago, Tribune, She was a fluffy vision in white and she was thirsty. One of the new sanitary drinking foun tains attracted her and aha lookml d own at Its bubbly gush with a helpless exprea-. "Dear me," she murmured aloud, "how THE ROAD OF ANTHRACITE SPECIAL RATES AND U All Agent Bell Tickets via THE LACKAWANNA RAILROAD Through ths DELAWARE WATER GAP 0. P. Barrett, General Western Passenger Agent, 68 West Adams St., Chicago. Nks&B BP rri 111 r 1 1 I x 1L."' I rT" I l uy s:. r m a eBrs a s i m a a. k a v si r r ii c i i m a tvi - -1 i a i r erening getting tuppef ready. You want a toye yu can start up in a minute 'that will cook quickly ana welL For camp, houseboat or bungalow, a New Per-' fection Oil Cook-stove is the ideal cooking device. It is ready for use in a moment of cutting wood and getting in or make dirt in a kitchen ; there It require less attention and cooks ltW TCICtJ,IAL aV QiLCOOlWStOVC: ever Bin I In rlrlrli ft.i-u th' horrid thing. I wmnlrr h-ie thv ln-ep tden Mum." t'lrvelaiid I sm 1 - l.-r . Mshniiri-UtM :lie Ira, ling Irt.ly la siH-tt a tiititfilin alxiut T Trees As. mI eh- i-i-'v sin be b"U Uet over the n-.u kiiis I 'Iikiii NUfiHT-iii n,.it: Ain't that rnotia n . rr- -nt Nope -eh? paid f'f ten Clevriand leader. "1 di-nt know whether I ought l take l seinnisly or not." a t' e fair nung (bins I" the valiant nlliiri m he JiMt rc--l. Ie h.xr.l tli.t ) on were say-'l lo lea ul'N !s-i mimi r " ' My i1-r. lhoe winn t real enirtgo mints The wete lil -.r-ihrnn ."klr lluthr, "J iidar's Utlnr) luhl,)-p must p onornli al. V it - V bv ? able lo l.ie ton inu h 1 S iui'Pl --il l pimiiMi me l vnu fln I V . Wlfe-1 bill's r'K'it. When-ae, while -ou if aiivi- )oii irate me ntot of the tl!IH 1 'ulrrtu IUHdr TO THE BOY OF 1011. , Kstelle May No.ie In Judge. There, lut e boy, don't rry. Tiv km. eiooiif-d vniir ( f , , nxww, And our fireworks, loo. And your rannon new. Itiit cbrer up now and rm.ii tn stgh There, pule !"', don t rry. Mn't rry: There, little boy, don't rry.. alley nave sionn-o your noise, i gnow, . 1 l . ...... I I a ... I n . I .11,, ,o I ' ' ' . ,. That have burned your thumbs Are mine m ion en--, Hut Iwtter ihiniia will soon com by.. I nerw, iuiih imr. lion i lnt cry! There, tittle bo, don't rry.. You are now gi owing up, I know. Hut you're one of those boys Who will make a great noise That can help wake the world; and tot You will hit -the light mark, I'm aura. If you try There.lltiie hov. don't cry, inn't cryl K INDEPENDENT'S! Out Directory Contains I All state ol III ere, i h-9: all city and county ofri-'ern, 1'. 10-1 1; Jt It time nrria, I'. 12-13; I'. . hours, r. 11; Ht. it v. and Mrllevn time rurils, P. 14-14; street dlieitoiy, otiiniiM and Hooth (innihn, P. I-:'I; calender for uny yenr. P. Z.'-i3: toll etntlDliS nnd lunri, P. many tboaeend person a, lug only Independent phones Vale At "Supper Ready When vou get back to camp, tired and hungry, you do not want to -spend the It saves all the trouble coal. It does not overheat are no ashes nor smoke. better than any other range. M waa 1. 2 ead ! kmn, with laa. lefquowe slue uMlt4 i hwrrm. HafeAoekilr huiMC ikraeeh"- Tha wsWpI s ceW la, wtuciatOMiwn :up matm, lews! rKU, eke t DaebnevsriwlMrai m was Mr oW M oil stripine taenia Is MM seen sesecg aay I incorporated) Ktel ep HONE Ai I :''" n n v-i ;nVi UUUU II ii i .i ? i 4J -3T 1 ilfJ 3 1 r