TTIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, .TUNE 27, 1911. '"Piiaohln TsjItp-c T pqH Vt Roofi-nrr Omataa PV11II1.00 flirnh I' t PUEBLO COMES BACK STRONG By 7 to 5 Score Doei Pa's Warriors Oat of a 0me. UMPIRE MORGAN HELPS SOME Oete Shower of Caehloa aaad at Paw l.rmoaa w'kll Brlaaj Escorted Irom the flrld by Two Pro terttos? Policemen. Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUF. W.Lf'ft. NATL LEAGUE. W L Vot. lshell Pueblo Orphans runt bark too Btions; for Hohinaon tn th arlxth fram yesterday's Kama, which Omaha had tur-ked away, and batted him out of the box for Tour runa, which overcame the Kourke lad of three runa, and took tha game by a 7 to I acore. Umpire Morgan did hia ahara toward! handing tha game to Pueblo by giving aoma very putrid decision againat the Rourkea. In both caaoa it waa at flrat and bad the man been called safe tha score might have been of a different result. The decialon of Morgan were auch that he waa almoet mobbed after the game and waa the re cipient of aeveral well hurled cuahlona and lemons, ard had to be aacorted from the grounds by two bluecoats. In every cnae where Morgana declalons were off color he called the man out before the play had been made. In one instance Ferry made a balk which waa seen by every fan and player In the park, but the ump never aaw It for tome unknown reaaon. although ha waa looking at the pitcher at the time. Several change were made in the Rourke lineup. Williams waa out of tha game on account of a bad ankle which he wrenched In the Sunday game. Pick, although not free from the hospital llat was shoved In the game at third and Schlpk took tha left field position, while 8ehoonover was sent to the right field poaition. The com bination worked good and the Rourkes played a clever game despite the Ir regularity In the lineup. Roblnaon Start t Well. Roblnaon pitched a good game until the alxth Inning when Pueblo landed on him hard. Ha waa Bent to the bench In that inning and Ixti aent to the rescue and held the Orphana to three hite and one run for the remainder of the game. Jack son started the game for the visitors, but waa benched in favor of Perry In the fourth frame. Perry put up a classy article of ball and kept the Rourkea down with four hits and no runs for six Innings. The Rourkea gathered four runs In the second inning and 'one In the third by heavy hitting and clever base running. They were three rune to the good when Puoblo opened up the fireworks in the sixth frame. Mlddleton opened the game for Pueblo by getting a single to center but waa caught at second. eBlden singled to left and stole seoond. He acored oa Hughea' hit to right. Omaha did nothing tn its half of tha flrat but In tha second King started off with a single to center. Nlehoft followed with a like one to the Infield. Kneavea sacrificed both a base. Arbogast doubled to left and King and Nlehoft raced acroae the pan. Roblnaon then singled to right and Arbogast took third. Pick tripled to light and aent two men In. In the next fram Nlehoft walked, stole second and . aoored on Kneavea double to left. Kneavea died on aecond. ' , - ' if In tho fifth CI em cms singled to center for Pueblo, went to aeoond on Perry' iut to first. Mlddleton singled to the inlield and Clemons took third, and scored when Mlddleton waa caught stealing. Koerner opened the sixth with a single to center and stole second. Hughea Cew out to first and Davis landed safely o Kneavea' error. Bchmid smashed the ban to tha right field fence for three bags and scored both Koerner and Davla Clemons followed with a single and Rchmid scored. Perrybeat out a bunt and Clemons landed safely on second. Mlddleton then vent a single to right and demons brought In .the fourth and last run of the inning. In the ninth Bel den walked, stole aeoond, and acored on Hughea' hit to right. Score: OMAHA. Aii. R, rMck. ifn 6 Kane, lb 1 bt hlpke, if 1 Bchoonover, rf., IVUlg, CI.. 4 Nlehoft. 2b Kneavea, aa. ....... Arbogast, o... Roblnaon, p.,.,,,. Lota, p .. H. O. 1 15 0 0 1 t t 0 0 A. S 0 0 0 0 6 ( 1 1 a Totals 33 5 U 27 18 TueMo TT 3n MV New York. ...17 M tit Denver .80 its .8 Chlraro 17 S A1 Uncoln 8.1 Phlladelnhla 87 tt .f'7 Kt. Joe.h...: 28 .V Ptttsbure: ,.,.8R 28 .fi74 Houx Citv...8S 27 .Mt ft. Ioula 83 Tt .WO Omaha 33 .v Cincinnati ,..28 34 .41 Toneka 2 X .41 Rrooklyn ....II 8S8 Dea Moines.. 11 hi .1751 Boston 14 47 .340 AMER. AflS'N. AM EE. VKACfVK. WLPctl W.LPrt. ColumbiiB .. 41 .WM Detroit 43 10 .l Kansaa Clty.M tt Phlladelnhla 20 .61 Milwaukee .86 itt .607 New York. ...84 24 .V Minnrni.olls 35 34 .1X171 Chtcaao SO 38 .M6 Louisville ...23 34 .m Boston 3? 29 .S25 Bt. Paul 3.1 3S .4781 Cleveland ...37 87 .431 Toledo 29 40 . 421 Waahlnaton 20 41 .321 Indlanaoolla 39 40 .421) St. Louis 1 45 .362 NEB. LEAOUM. MINK LEAOITE. WLPctl W.LPct Superior ....24 IS .6161 Fall Cltv....21 13 .3 Fremont . . . .21 18 .6:5? Marvville ...19 1S.&4 Grand Ial'd.23 20 .MS! Clarlnda 17 17 .600 Kearney ....19 2) .4KH Auburn 1 19 .tf7 Seward 19 20 .44l Neb. Citv....lS IS . Hatlnr ....1 23 .4M 8henandoah 14 20.411 Columbus ...20 22 . 47 Tork 17 2.1 .42fil . Vesterdar'a Rcaalte. ' WESTERN LEAGUE. Pueblo, 7: Omaha, 6. IJncoln, t; Sioux City, 4. Topeka, 4; ls Moines, 0. Denver, 1; St. Joseph, 2. NATIONAL. LEAGUE. New York-Brooklyn, rain. Boaton. 0; Philadelphia, 6. Cincinnati, 6: Pittsburg, 1 Tan inninga. AMHitlCAN LEAGUE. Detroit, ; Chicago, 3. Cleveland-St. Louis, wet grounda. Wajihlntfton, 1; New York, 4. Philadelphia, 1; Boaton, 2. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Minneapolla-Loulavllle. wet grounda Milwaukee. 6; Indianapolis, 4. St. Paul. 8-0; Toledo, S-l. , KanHB City. 5-2; Columbus, 0-1. 1 n t NEBRASKA 9TATE LEAGUE. Columbua, 12; Superior, 6. Kearney, U-g; York, 10-8. Grand Island, 1; Hastings, o. Fremont, 12; Seward, 2. - MINK LEAGUE. Kalla CTty, B; Shenandoah, 6. Maryvllle, : Auburn, 4. Nebraska City, 4; Clarlnda, J, Game Today Western League Pueblo at Omaha, Lin coln at bioux City, Topeka at lit Molnea, Denver at Bt. Joseph. National League-New York at Brooklyn. Boston at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Pitta burg, Chicago at Bt. Louis. vmerci? Hue-wshlngton t New York, Philadelphia at Boston. American Association-Minneapolis at Columbus, Milwaukee at Toledo, St. Paul at Indianapolis, Kansaa City at Louisville. Nebraska State League-Kearney at Su perior, Fremont at York, Grand Island at Seward, Columbus at Hastings. Mink League-Fa 1 la City at Shenandoah, Maryvllle at Auburn, Nebraska City at Statistics of Great Inter-Collegiate Regatta Clark Harmn 1 T5m: 1X5- Umpire: DENVER YIELDS TO ST. JOSEPH Grtiallea Lose Game by Score of Two to One. BT. JOSTCPH. June H.St. Joaeph took a n5-e 04HtMt1 battle from Denver t on v A i ft m . L . Dest in the plnohes. Denver ot ita only run as a result of an error. Score: DENVER. Llovd. 2b A? vii i in. zn a a Caasidy. rf I 0 i o Beall. cf 4 0 0 4 Lindsay, lb 4 1 l Coffev. as 4 0 0 2 Gllmore. if 3 0 0 0 McMurray. o., J ft 0 10 Score : H. O. 1 UBntn.'ort.;jf I ; 0 Totale.,. Kellv. rf Powell. If Jones, lb Zwilllng. cf..., Rellhr. lb Goasett. c , Melnke. as.... Hamilton. 8b.. Cheilette. p... Totals 3ft 1 ST. JOSEPH AB. 4 01 0 7 4 A. 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 s I E. .17 R. H. O. A. B. 1 10 0 0 1 9 3 POUOHKEEPSIE. June 26,-One hundred and twelve oarsmen, representing five American untversltlea, and divided Into fourteen crews, will engage tomorrow afternoon In the great annual regatta of the Intercollegiate Rowing association, composed of Columbia, Cornell, Pennsyl vania, Syracuse and Wleconejn. The regatta will be held on the Hudson river on what Is known t the Pough kaeptle course, a straight, deep stretch of water beginning three miles north of tha Poughkeepale bridge and finishing one mil south of the same structure. The program, comprising three races. Is aa follows: FIR8T RACE. 4 P. M. University four-oared ahella without coxswain; two miles, beginning one mile north of the bridge and finishing one mile south of the bridge. Trophy The Kennedy challenge trophy cup. preaented in 189, by Davidson Ken nedy, Pennsylvania, to be held by the win ner for one year. Present holder of the trophy. Cornell. , Course of Position 1, Syracuse; 2, Cor nell; 3, Pennsylvania; 4, Columbia Wis consin has no entry in this race. 8KCOND RACE. 4 30 P. M.- Freshman eight-oared shells; two miles, same course as first race. Trophy The Stewards' cup, preaented In 19"0. by a graduate of Columbia, to be held by the winner for one year. Present holder of the trflphy, Cornell. Course Positions 1, Cornell; I, Columbia; t, Wlsconsiu; 4. Syracuse; I. Pennsylvania THIRD RACE. 6:30 P. M. University elght-oared ahella, four miles, over full course. Trophy The 'Varsity Challenge cup, pre sented In I.V.18, by Dr. Louis L. Seaman, Cornell, to be held by the winner for one year. Present holder of the trophy, Cor nell. Course Position t Pennsylvania; I, Co lumbia; t, Syracuse; 4, Cornell; 5, Wis consin. The hour set for the principal race, 6:30 o'clock, U just fourteen minutes before the ebb tide will be at Its strongest. The freBhman race will atart at the beginning or the ebb tide and tha university four- Pennsylvania. oared race will be rowed In practically dead water. If the weather Is at all rough, the outside crews will feel It the most, the smoother water being on the Inside of the course, the numbers of which begin from the west. It Is thought that the outside crews will have whatever advantage will result ahould tha weather b calm; but, generally speaking, the Poughkeepale course Is fair to all contestants, the lines being set so far out Into the stresm that there Is comparatively little difference be tween them. Sometimes the outside crews have been handicapped by spectators' boats crowding Into the course. This happened last year, and the revenue officers having charge of the matter have determined to police the course even more strictly than heretofore. Revenue cutters will be stationed on either side of the course at the finish and police boats will be stationed at points along the course to prevent, if possible, the repetition of last yeer's crowding of the crews. Prior to thelf coming to Poughkeepale for the last days of prsctlce. none of the crews competed in a four-mil race. Moat of them, however, had engaged In match races for two miles with varloua other col leges, and a brief review of the spring races may be some Indication of the com pilative mertte of the contestanta In to morrow's varsity race, aa the boating has not been generally changed, although vary ing degreea of Improvement have been at tained within the last six weeks of prac tice. The several matches rowed by three of 'he eollegea with Annapolis give some bftnis for comparison between Columbia. Pennsylvania and Syracuse. Columbia de feated Annapolia by three lengths In the match race and again defeated the middle in the American Henley at Philadelphia Annapolia defeated Syracuse by three lengths and Pennsylvania also lost to the nerval cadeta by half a length. Reath, who atfoked Pennsylvania ao handsomely to aeoond place In the Poughkeepale regatta last year, was In poor condition in the An napolis spring race and In that event he strained his side to severely that he has not been able to row and Coach Ward has had to transfer Hoagland from No. I seat to Stroke, a change which practice has not shown to be to the advantage of the crew, although Hoagland waa unqueatloneably the most available man for the place. Cornell had no match with Annapolis, but the Ithacans rowed In turn before coming to Poughkeepale, Harvard, Yale and Princeton,, defeating them all. Aa uaual, the Cornell university eight that Courtney ha brought to Poughkeepale la a splendid rowing combination and they will not be defated unless there Is a top notch eight to fight them for first honors. The Intercollegiate Rowing Race since 1895, when the Poughkeepale courae was eatabllahed, and the namea of winners follow: 1R96, Columblal IS!. Cornell; 1S9T. Cornell; 1898 (held at Saratoga), Pennsylvania; 1SV9, Pennsylvania; 1900, Pennsylvania; 19 il. Cornell; 19f2. Cornell; 19ns, Cornell; 1M4, Syracuse; M. Cornell; 1908. Cornell; 1907, Cornell; 1908, Syracuse; lww, Cornell; 1910, Cornell. Freshmen Eights: lSf6, Cornell; 1897. Yale; 1898 (held at Saratoga). Cornell; 1899, Cornell: IX. Wisconsin; 1901, Penn aylvanla; 1903, Cornell; IM, Cornell; 1X04, Syracuse; 190S, Cornell; 1906. Syracuse; 1907. Wisconnln; 1906, Cornell; 1909. Cornell; 1810, Cornell. University Foura: 1899, Pennsylvania; 1900, Pennsylvania; 1901, Cornell; 1903, Cornell; 1903. Cornell; 1904, Cornell; 19i, 8y recuse; 1906, Cornell; 1907, Syracuse; 1908, Syracuse; 1909, Cornell; 1910, Cornell. The records of the Poughkeepale course are as follows: University eight 4 miles; Cornell, July 2, 1901, 18 m. 53 1-6 s.; Fresh man eights 3 miles; Cornell, July 2, 19(i9, m. lll-5c.; University fours 2 miles: Cornell. July 2, 1909, 10 m. 1 s. The following are the statistics of the crews entered for tomorrow's raoes: UNIVERSITY EIGHT. Name and Poaition A. Bennltt... G. T. Cartler.... R. L. Smith.... E. L. De Long il A. Stlfel E. Shoemaker. .. J. Alexander ... L. W. Hoagland. .Bow . 2 . . 4 . 6 . 6 . 7 .Stroke Average F. Williams.. T. Reath, Jr F. B. Mulford... R. R. Itarret .... R. E. Thompson E, W. Madeira . Claae Age Height Weight 1911 22 8 01 . lt 1913 20 800 lfH) 1911 23 00 1,6 1913 21 6.1Hi 173 1912 , 20 8.00 174 1912 M 6.01 178 1HU 20 800 14 19U 23 (.00 160 "sly, .0H 55v lftlJ 21 6.0fl 110 1912 20 8.00 .1(4, .Cox BUB-UNIVERSITY FOUR. Bow 1912 23 &l'-4 , 2 1912 21 8.00 I 1911 21 ti.01 Stroke 1913 19 6.01 Average 21 6.00 FRESHMEN EIGHT. R. L, Watroua Bow 18 8.01 ISO W. Grifith 2 19 ill 174 S. D. Hillier 20 6.00 178 T. Rankin 4 18 800 1S3 G. W. Lancaster 6 n 601 118 F. Pennington 6 . il Ml1 1M Ci. Bloom 7 21 6 01 , 150 L. E. Brlon Stroke 19 6.11 150 Average 19V 8.00 13 S. K. Neubauer Cox ,18 6.04 106 Substitutes. ' W. W. Crawford 21 0l 177 N. Farson 20 8.00 176 L. Eddy L. W. Murfey . H. F. Keyea ... H. D. Hyfand .. D, M. Larrowe B.. C. Spranxky A. MacLachlan J. C. Nulsen .... ' . Average . G. R Thorpe .. Substitutes. O N. Clark .... W. E. Howe ... E. W. Sage H. T. Cole S. Pitt A. W. Bissell E. S. J. Philllna.. liM4 J- J. Moore, jr P. J. LatenBen U.. 8. Downing .... FRESHMAN EIGHT. Bow 6 ' Stroke 1"5 170 HO luo .....Cox Colambla. UNIVERSITY EIGHT. 19 6.00 1K1 19 6.00 Jh6 19 6.00 ' )9 37 6rt 178 19 802 173 21 8.01 178 19 6.0H, 166 20 6.10 16j 20a 6.004 IA!)4 18 6.07 104 21 6 11 153 20 6.08 Vx 158 .Bow .... I .... .... 4 .... 6 .... 6 .... T ....Stroke 1912 1911 1911 1913 1911 1912 1912 1912 20 23 30 20 22 24 21 21 6.11 8.00 6.00 611 6.01 6.01 6.01 8.00 156 160 115 166 166 173 173 160 Average ,. A. J. Brock k....Cox Substitutes. C. Person W. B. Chapln N. P. Dingman 1913 1914 1913 1912 H. Mahler C. R. Roblnaon.. P. Renshaw ..... C. S, Sinclair Average I 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 3 I . 6 27 16 PUTJBLO. AB. R. H. O. Mlddleton. cf 6 0 2 1 Larger, aa. ...... ....... 4 0 0 3 Beldrn. If 4 2 14 Koerner, lb...., 6 1 ' 1 11 Hughea, lb.-... 6 0 S 0 lavi. rf 6 11 1 Schmidt, 3b. ......,,.. 6 1 J I Clemona, o. 4 2 2 2 Jackson, p... 1 0 0 0 Irry, p .' 1 0 A. 2 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 41 7 12 27 16 4100000O-6 16111100 1-U Totals.. .... Hit Pueblo Hune 10001400 1-7 ?T7lu - v 1 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 -ll liiree-baae hit: Pick, Schmidt. Two base hlla: Arbogaat, Kneaves. Kane. Paased ball: demons. Base on balla: Off .' ?; U Jrh'n. 6: off Perry. 3. Struck out: By Roblneon. 1; by Lota 4, by Perry, i. Lett on bun: Omaha. 8; Pueblo 9 Sacrlfloe hit: Kneavee. Hits: Off Robln auii, 10 In five and one-third Inninga; off Lots, 3 in three and two-thirds Innings; off Jackson, 7 In three Innings; off Perry 4 In six Innlntra. Stolen baaes: Srhlpke Kane. Niehoff (2), Time: 2:06. Umpire1 .Morgan. Attendance, 3,000. rifCUKRS' BATTLE TO SIOUX AsUiasM Lose by a Score of Fonr Three. filUTTC CITY. June 2 i-Sloux City and IJncoln engaxed In a Ditcher' battle to day, the local winning bv 4 to 3. Hajrer nian had a ahade the best of Barber Cockmana error In the second Inning on Reiily grounder and a elnrle bv Miller brought In the ftrat run. Dundon a error on Nnighbor' roller, a single bv Wajcnnr Hartman'a sacrifice. Relllv'a double and Miller a alngle scored three In the seventh enough to win. IJncoln' three tallies came over in the sixth, after Cockman flw out. Unglaub and Cole alnaled Mo rm,k.. hadJ two-bajMer to right' and Cobb followed with a aafetv. scoring Mc Cormlck. Score: " SIOUX CITY. Andrea. 3b... Stem, ib Prwn. If...... Neighbors, rf. Wanner, cf.... Hartman. aa.. Kelllv. 3b Miller! c '"'"!"!!'!!!! 1 f arher. P I Totale AR H H. O. A. B. .3 0 0 6 4 6 . 4. 0 0 11 0 0 .4 0 0 1 .310100 .311100 .110 0 10 11112 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 Two out when winning run waa made. gonver 000000100-1 St. Joaepb .' 10000000 12 Double play: Lloyd to Llndsav to Coffey. Stolen bases: Relllv. Oulllln. Caasidy. Sacrifice hits: Caasidy. Gllmore ' Gossett. Struck out: By Cheilette, 6: bv 6'Brien. . ir !.M". on balla: Off O'Brien. 8; off Cheilette, 1. Hit with pitohed ball: By Cheilette. L Left on basea: St. Joeeph. 3; Denver. 6. Time: 1:60, Umpire: Haskell! DE8 MOINES EASY FOR TOPEKA Tallendera Once More Prove Rfht to Title. DF8 MOINES, la., June 28. -Topeka won a featureless game from Db Moines today by a 'score of 4 to 0. It waa the aecond of the present aerlea Score: TOPEKA. Hafford. 8b Rlckert rf Tomason, cf Whitney, lb Moore, aa Croinpton. If..., Kreps. 2b Frambea, o Clark, Totals " Anderson, rf. ... Colllgan, ss Curtis. If Wattlck. cf Dwver, lb Korea, 8b Graham, 2b Ultowskl, e Bern. p.... Bachant Totals .. 4 .. 4 .. 2 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 3 .. 8 .. I ..n MOII AB. .. 4 .. 4 .. 8 .. 2 .. t .. 2 .. I .. 3 .. 3 .. 1 ...r R. H. O. A. E. 11110 0-1 2 0 0 2 13 0 0 1 3 10 1 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 14 0 4 6 27 12 1 F. R. H. O. A. E. 0.1 0 0 0 0 I 1 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 T 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 16 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 !7 14 4 .Bw ,8 -. 3 . 4 . 6 . 6 . 7 .8troke ..Cox R, Templaton H. H. Rogers ...... R. M. Sjouiom .... H. Roberts E. Samp C. F. Pollock K. L. Kraata K. R. Hare Average . .... J. S. Corley Substitutea R. L. Ho wen D. R. W. Crlle .... T. Kennedy R Guff D. J. McLeod F. L. Wright P. Graff II. P. Termanaon 8. D. Rideout J. A. Taaker .... Average J.Fletcher Cox Substitutea. C. 6. Perry F. C. Wood. Jr HilOMllD- UNIVERSITY EIGHT, 1913 1912 191J 1912 1913 1!12 1911 1911 'mi" 1912 1911 23 21 28 21 21 30 23 23 f03 . 6.00 ' 6.00 6.00 8 01 6.01 190' '164 .174 170 K6 176 164 166 FRESHMAN EIGHT. ...Bow ....Stroke 224 6.00H 168H 19 6.06 10 22 6 00 158 20 6.00 ' 166 21 6.01 160 22 6.10 ' 154 25 6.00 160 21 . 6.01 168 23 6.00 175 22 6 00 1,0 23 6.01, 166 20 6.10 163 H. K. Herpert Bow " P. Cmuae 2 -EK Wll''am.. R. C. Rothwell A. 8, Martin 6 C. W. Peteraon 6 I. W. Hadsell 7 C. F. MuCarjtby ....Stroke Average H. Bird.... COX Substitutea. K. H. Kiefer J. S. Miller O. 8. Patterson. O. W. Mathewson . 21 H 1 21 21 20 UNIVERSITY POUR. Bow 1918 21 2 1911 82 2 1911 .' 22 Stroke 1912 21 t . fc 21V4j FRESHMAN EIGHT. 19 18 1 Vll 20 17 18 22 6.00 V 6.06 5 114 6.00 6.10 6 00 611 602 6.11 6.00 6.00 6 114 6.00 -6 .00 . -6.11 6.11 6 014 6.08H 164 Vi 112 lf6 156 160 150 156 1T2 162 160 1M ' 12 158; 1551 152 158- 156 157 U'4 20 20 IS 18 16 Cornell. UNIVERSITY EIGHT. BatUd for Bens In the ninth. Topeka .....t 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-4 Dea Moines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Runa batted tn: Whitney (2). Crompton. Two-baaa hit: Whitney. Base on balla; Off Bens, 3. Wild pitch: Clark. Struck out: By Clark, 7; by Bens. 4. Double plays: Graham to Dwyer; Mattick to Dwyer; Moore to Hafford. Left on bases: Topeka 2; Dea Moines, 2. Time. 1:28. Um pire: Shoemaker and Gardiner. Clarinda's Errors Cost Them Game Nebraska City Wini Close Contest by Score of Four to Three Shen andoah Wins. 27 4 LINCOLN. AB. R. H. S 27 14 r a b C'ockmin. Sh..., 3 u A a' j Unulauh. 2b 4 J 14 3 0 fole. cf 4 1110 0 Mct'ormlck. If 4 1110 0 I nindon. a 3 0 1 3 0 1 Cobb, rf 4 0 1 10 0 Thoma. lb 4 A 1 11 0 0 Miration, c ...3 0 .0, 3 3 0 liarnian. p 3 0 0 0 1 1 . Total "i 8 24 14 3 IJncoln 0000030003 Huu Citv 0I9OO03O 4 Saoririce bit: Hartman. Two-base hits: McConnkk. KeiUv. Stolen baae: Wagner. lKutile plavs: Jlarber to Andrea to Stem f2, Cockman tp ITnalaub to Thoma (2). .Struck out By Barbvr. 6: bv Hager- M a A. 1 M i wmm. m k.J- ,m mk .7Z. CLARIVDA. Ia. June 2. (Special Tele gram.) Clarlnda a errors were coetly ana Nebraska City won a close game today. Score: RH.E. Clarlnda 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 T S Nebraska City .0 0031000 04 3 3 fetlerte: Clarlnda, Reynold and Har mony; Nebraska City, Well and Pinkarton. Umpire: Field. FAIJ.S CITY, Neb.i June 34. (Special Telegram.) Shenandoah won the first game of the series today. Score: RILE. Shenandoah ...9 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 0-8 1 6 Fall City 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-6 6 3 Batteries: Shenandoah. Wood and Fra iler; Kan oily. Cochrane, Castle, and Kill. Umpire: Sag. Maryvllle. Mo., jn J. (Special Tele gram.) Oswald waa invincible with men on baea and Marvville won. He struck out alxteen men. Score. R.H.R Maryvllle 0 13000002662 Auburn 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 04 4 6 batteries: Maryvllle. Oswald and Diets; Auburn Charle worth and Musaer. Um pire: Klssan. 1 Match for Heches. Jack Hughe, the Field club golfer, la having a hard time finding anyone of hie clubmatea will whom he can have a fight for the gama Jack went out Aunday and scored 77 for each of two 18 hole round, a total of 154 for thlrty-alx hole. And the atate golf louruaiueut a Lai l next C. H. Elliott Bow & S. Batea 2 B. A. Lum 3 W. O. Kruse 4 G. B. Wakely 6 W. G. Dlstler 8 C. B. Ferguson ....... 7 E. P. Bowen Stroke Average H. J. Kimball Substitutea. O. Bentley G. P. McNear C. E. Carpenter J. H. Small H. R. Lafferty . 1 H. Dole Cox 1913 1913 1913 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1911 1912 1913 -22 6.11V 16l4 20 6.07 106 It 6.00 156 19 6.U 167 r. 21 611 166 20 6.08 150 20 6.02 , , 176 23 6.03 168 22 6.00V 170 20 6.00 168 23 6.10 168 23 6.10V 159 M. H. Greeg ., T. T. Babbitt.... L. F. Topping.... I. H. A. Grimm. J. L. Trawley.... R B. Williams... K. R. Vaughn.... Irnnu, trmVERSlTY EIGHT. 161V4 C. R. Thurston. .Bow ,. 2 .. t .. 4 ,. 6 .. 6 ..7 ..Stroke 1918 111 12 1912 1912 1912 1911 1918 1918 Average G. H. Richards Cox Substitutes. C. T. Mahan J. H. Rich A. E. Witzel 1913 1918 1913 UNIVERSITY FOUR. K. I. Klock Bow , 1911 J. O. Noxon 3 1913 J. T. Cummins 3 1913 W. H. Hall Stroke 1913 214 21 20 19 Average UNIVERSITY FOUR. ,..Bow 1912 21 ... 2 113 a ... I 1911 22 ...Stroke 1913 30 .... a 6.HV4 6.06 6.10 6.0iVi 600 602 601 6 10 1644 110 166 164 ITS 165 168 166 Average Substitute. R. S. Doubleday O. J. Smith..... T. Li Butler P. R. Crawford R. J. R Jtan T. P. Robblns... J. R. C. Abberger... O. Davidson H. F. lillfinger. R. K. Somniervljle... FRESHMAN EIGHT. ...Bow ... 3 ... 3 ...4 ... 6 ...6 ... 7 ...Stroke 21 26 25 23 25 23 21 21 23 22 21 22 20 22 '21 21 22 21H 20 20 20 18 19 19 20 0 22 20 6.11H 6.05V4 6.08 6.00 6.10 6.06 609 609 6 10 6.01 6.00 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.UV4 6.06 600 6.02 6.09 6.08 5.11 6.00 6.09 158 Vi 115 144 167 156 110 16 168 168 , 170 ' 17 159 178 155 1S1 118 158 ' 172. 110 148 168 165 150 DISC3YERERS TRIM SUPERIOR Take Series from Leaders ot Nebraska League. STEVENS HIT R0R SIXTEEN Tork Loeea First Oanae at Doable lleetder to Kearney and Second la ' Called When fteore I Tied, Right to F.laht. SUPERIOR, Neb., June 26. (Special Tel egram.) After Superior had overcome a lead of four runa In the fifth. Jack Corbet t and his Columbians rapped Stevens for a killing and won today s game and the aerlea, 12 to a This is the first series and the sixth game the local have lost since going on the road June 1. Steven had an off day and was hit harder than at any time this year. Bimcox and Spell man are both out of the game with in juries and Ross, a local boy caught the game after four balls were pitohed in tha first inning. Score: OOIA'MBl'S. SUPERIOR. AU.H.O A K. AB.H.O.A B. Mill, rt... 4 I a Or, lb I 1 I t K. brown, Ib 4 ) I t I I'orle, rt I I I I ursliam, !.. 4 1 I 1-1 Alln, cf 4 1 I 1 9 Il Drown. hI I 1 1 I Mcb'wsll. Ib I 1 1 i W l'li'ltr, ill I I 1 ODB kw'i, lb I 1 I 0 Lxwrn. It 4 1 0 F.H'SWIls, III 1 Itt i'orbait, lb.. I 111 t I Buncos, c... t t 1 t t Aintw, 0.... I t f I 1 Hum, c I 1 la t 1 Piul. p t I 1 0 Michaels, M. 1 t t I 0 Bpa.l., ....4 III tlwnu, p... t I 1 Totals 14 Ullll I Totals I It II I Columbus 11110016 112 superior 2 0 0 0 S 1 0 0 06 Jiome runs: Uraham i. Three-base hit: D. Bockwitt, Meixell, Spade, Leach, Weiaenberger. Two-bae hits; Meixell, IX brown, coyle, Allen. Sacrifice hits: F. Bockwlts, Meixell, Michaeis, Leach, Agnew 1-). Stolen baaes: Weiseuberger, Coroett, Urr U), Michaels, lilt by p.iched ball: Orr, oiahani, Cor bolt. Paesed bail: Rose til. Time: 2:45. Umpire: MuDermoU. At tendance, 230. 1 Kearney Gets One Game. YORK, Nb., June 26. (Special Tele gram.,) Kearney took the first game of a double-header today through costly errors of l oik. In the tenth Inning Magerkurth smashed one over the fence for a home run. Lach team used two pitchers In each gama In the sixth inning of the second lork had the baa full through boy play n the cart of Kearnsv and l mnlr JmA called the game when the acore waa 8 to t to allow Kearnev to catch a train. Dmm first game: K BARNEY. YORK. AB.H.O.A K. AH.H.O.A.B. Donjr, m .t I I 1 Ktrr!l, lb.. I I 4 I L Or.x. cf.. I t I 0 0 Bmlth, lb.... I till Ptgles, Kb... 4 111 1 HenaltMy, It I t I t 0 Jirrou, r(...l I 1 t Hirra. (.... lift Kenton, If... I 1 I 0 Payns, lb.... 4 I 1ft t 0 Clair.. tb.. 4 III 0 Dirla, rf 4 lilt M. Gray, c. I 1 I 1 J Dye, I I 1 P Ma'kurth, lb I 1 II t 1 Stuart, I 4 I 0 Wright, p. ... I t 0 I I Foi. p t III Huilman, p.. I 0 1 I 1 Wllklna, p... I - I 6.10 509 5 10 ' 6.07 6.10 6.00 6.10 6.02 5 " 6.01 6.11 157 152 158 1G8 169 151 164 181 VI 171 luo Average 6.00 V. 167 ". K. Goes. .Cox 19 . 18 . 6.11H NH 6.03 112 Totals 40 11 10 U 4 Totals 41 11 SO II I Kearney 060022000 111 York 0 2 1610000 010 Home runs: Jarrott (2), Fanton, L. Gray, Davla, Hagerkurth. Two-baae hit: Harm. Flrat on balls: Off Wllklna, 2; off Wright, 1; off Huffman, 3. Struck out: By Wllklna, 6; by Huffman, 4. Double play a: Farrell to Payne. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Held. Score, aecond game: KEARNEY. TORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A. I. Downey, as.. 4 I 1 0 I Farrell, lb. . t 0 1 I L Gray, cf..l lit 0 Smith, lb.... 4 lilt l-atka. lb... 1 1 1 I 0 Hannlaur, If I I 1 t t Jarrott, rf...l t 1 0 I Harm, cf.... I I I t t Harjlt, If ... 4 111 t Payna, lb.... 4 t It t t Clalra, lb....l t 1 I Darts, rf.... I t t t t H Gray, c. 4 0 4 t 1 Dya, ss I 1 t I 1 Ma'kurth, lb I 1 I t 0 Kelly, e I 1 I 1 Huffman, p.. 1 0 A t Miiun, p.. 1 t t 1 t Trimble, p... 1 lie t Vim amaa, pi t t 1 t Totals 15 I II I I Totals M lull Kearney 1 6 0 0 0-8 York 4 2 0 0 2-0 Home ruru Harm. Three-bate' hit: Dye. Two-baae hlta: U Gray, Downer. Hargis, HennlKaey. First on balla: Off Maatere, 8; off Timmeraman, 2; off Huffman. 2; off Trimble, 2. Struck out: By Maaters, 1; by Timmeraman, 1; by Huffman, 1; by Trimble, 8. Timet 1:45. Umpire: Held. 8KWARD. Neb.. June 26 Sooial Tele gram.) Fremont won from Seward. 1i tn I Score: FREMONT. BDWARD. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A. B. Fondoau, lb I 1 I I t Stanley, as,, 4 114 1 Fullm, lb... 4 lit 0 roolay, lb... 4 till Bnnnatt, cf.. 4 1 t t 0 Ncff. rf I I t t 0 Bohner, rf... i I 1 t 0 Henrr. lb. .. 4 t I t t IN'ff. a 6 III 0 0 Roblnaon. If I 8 1 t t Thompi'n, aai 1 t t Fullan, lb.. .4 tilt Turpln, If.... 4 lit OVaat, cf 4 t t t Carry, lb.... 4 I t 1 0 Wallr 0 I l I 1 Campbell, p. I t t I t Haneoa, p... 4 1111 Totals S I ToUla M i lu Hanson out, bunting third strike. Campbell out. hit by batted ball. Fremont I 1 0 1 1 1 3 2 0-12 toward 0 O 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 Three-base hit: Neff. Two-base bits: 1'ohner, Carey. Hates on ball: Orf Han--' son. d; off Cumpbtl', 3. etruok out: By Hanson, 11; bv Campbell. 12. Wild pitches: Hanson. I. Katieilts: Fremont, Campbell ard Netf: reward. Han n and W'ally. Time: 1:00. Umpire: Thlel. THREE STRAIGHTFOR PHILS Doves Lose Again by Score of Five to Nothing. OABE AND DOOLAN ARE STABS Ladereta aad Doolaa "ecore Tkr' Baa Hlta Heraog aad Wslik Get Two-Dagger One tolea Baae. PHILADELPHIA, June M. -Philadelphia won Its third straight game from Boaton today, the score being 6 to 0. The fielding of Knabe and Doolan featured the game. Score: PHILADELPHIA. BOOTrW. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. Knah. lb.. 1 I I 0 Swaency. lb I I I I i raakart. cf.. 4 lit t Txnnay, lb.l tilt Uhrt, lb... 4 110 I Marioi, aa... 4 lilt 1, If . ... 4 1 4 t t Millar. rt...4 tilt Ludarua, lb.. I I I I t lnfrtna, It.. 4 t t 6 t Wai.h, rf....l lit t St lnfaldt, lb 4 1 I t 1 Doolan, as... I III I Kiln, 0 I 111 Moran. a 4 1 I I t Jones, of... 4 t 1 t 1 Alaxaooar, p. I I t I t Fariuaoa, p.. 1 t t 1 t ,iww, a v w V Total M U If II I K.ala.r t t t t Totala....t" Mit flatted for Fereneon In the alxth. Philadelphla I 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 - Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-baae hits: Hersog, Walsh. Three bane hits: Luderua, Doolan. Saorlfioe hit: Tenney. Stolen base: Stelnfeidt. Struck out: By Alexander, 6. Double play a: Sweeney to Hersog to Tenney; Alexander to Doolnn to Ludaru; Knabe to Doolan to Luderua. Paaes on errors. Boston, 1; Philadelphia. 3. Left on ba: Boaton, S; Phi.adelphla, S. Baaea on balla: Oft Ferguson, 1; off Brown. 1; off Alexander, 6. Willd pitoh: AJerxander. Pltobers record: Off Ferguson, 11 hits and twenty five tlmea at bat In five Inninga; off Brown, 2 hlta and ten tlmea at bat In thres innings. Time: 1:60. Umpires: O'Day an Knslle Pirates Lose ta Tenth. . . PITTSBURG, June 28. Cincinnati tod a J defeated llttsDur in a ten-inning gama the score being 6 to S. Plttabutg tied th soore in the sixth. Cincinnati hit Bteell J hard In the tenth, when four hits wen f made. Including two two-baggers. It waa ) the longeat In point of time played here this season, lasting two hours aiid twenty-eight minute Boore: CINCINN'A'n. PITT8BURO. AB.H.O.A.B. A&H.0.A.B. Reschsr, It.. I 1 1 t tCaray, ef.... 4 t 1 4 Downey, as.. I I 4 I t Clark. If..-I till Hataa. flf B 1 1 O ByfH. ID.... S I Hoblltial, lb I 111 t I Waanar. lb.. I I f Mitchell, rf.. 4 I I I I Millar. Ib...l 1 Orant, lb.... 4 til t McKarb'a ss 4 I Esan. lb.. MnLaa 4 t I I t Wllaoa, rt... I t 4 I I I I Olbaoa. a.... I t Smith, p.... 1 t t I t Hnntar t t McQalllta, Mill Itnmoa, a.... I t Adams, p.... 1 1 Total 17 It SO 14 I 8hOTllo ... t t teal, p I I i! 4 I I I I I I I I I ToUls M I It 11 I Ran for Gibson In the ninth. Ran for Adams In the third. Cincinnati 0 08000000 l- Plttsbur 0 010010000-J Two-baae hits: Bates, Mitchell, McLean Sacrifice hit. Wilson, Smith. Struck out: By Adams, 2; by Steele, 2; by Smith. 6: b McQuillan. 1. Left on baaea: Pittsburg, 8; Cincinnati, 4. Baaea on errors: Cin cinnati. 1. Hits: Off Adama. 4 In thret Innings; off Steele, 6 In aeven Innings off Smith, 6 in five tnninga; off aicynren, i In five Innings. Time: 2:28. Umpires: 'Eason and Johnstone. rrelgbtoD Defeats Royal. CREIOHTON. Neb.. June 2. tSnecial Telegram). Hufflee Colts defeated the Royal team here today in a fast and in teresting game. The features of the game wa the hard hlttlr.g of the Colt and tha superb support given Pitcher Moor. Soore: Crolghton 1 0010841 0-17 1 Royal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-O 110 Batteries: Cretghton, Moore Royal, Reefe, Herring and Karllne. nut: By Moore, 6; by Keete, 1:30. I 1 1 017 1 f 0 0 0- 0 1 10 ire and Lucas: Karllne. Struck Leefe, 4. Tm Last of Cuba Married. fielder of the Chicago Kat'onal leaau team, toaay obtained a license to marrv Mabel Klrby. The wedding ceremony oc. curred tonight Kveryone of the Cub teT ulara Is now a Benedict. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. TIGERS C0MEFR0M BEHIND Bunched Hits and Tannehill's Error ; Eesult in Victory. CALLAHAN'S H0MEB IS FEATURE White lex Losa Central by Score of SIX to Three- Three Three Base Hits Twe Two-Daifera. CHICAOO, June 26 Detroit cam from behind today, bunching Jilta off Young in the seventh inning and. with the aaalstanoe ot TannehiU'a error, and a hit off Langa, won today's gama 6 to 3. Callahan'a home run with a man on flrat base wa j a feature. Score: DETROIT CHICAOO. AB.H.O.A. AJt.H.O.A.B. Draka, If.... I t 0 t Uclatyr, of. 4 I t t t J oa, If I Itt tUord. Ib I t I I i Buah. s I I I I Cllaaa, cf. 4 1 I t Coub. of I lit t ttodia, ib.... 4 lilt Crawford, rf. 4 1 I t t Douibarty. If 4 1 I t t Dalak'atr. lb 111 t Culiuia. lb.. 4 111 Vlurlarty, lb. 4 1 1 1 Taou.uHl, as 4 1 I I 1 (Laary, lb- 4 t II t luiilyaa. s... I till Staoasa, ... 4 til t Block. t t 1 t t uauuara, p.. 4 I t I t Touaf, p.,.. I t t 1 t Laus. P t t I t t Total IT II 17 II t Olrutaad, p. I t I t I 'kiwaiw . 1 I I I t Total II I IT 11 1 Batted for LaAg It. vv...w. Chicago 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 01 Detroit 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 0-1 Two-baa hit: Bodl. Buaiv Three-baae hlta: buab, liodie. Collin. Horn run: Callahan. Hit: Off Young, I in six and one-third Innings; off Lange. 1 In two third Inning; off Olraatead. 2 In two In ninga Sacrifice hits: Lord (2). Stolen baae: Mclntyra Double playa: O'Leary to Huah; Bodl to Collins to Lord. Lett ou baaa: Chicago. 4, Imirolt. 6. Flrat base on balla: Off Summer. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Cobb, by Olmstead. Struck out: By Young, 4 by Summer, 3; by Olmstead. 1. Time. !:.. Umplrea: Dlneen and Pr rlne. t'leotle Urlveat front Baa. BOSTON. June 26 Driving Clcotte, the Boston pitcher, from the box In the ninth Inning, when alnglea by Thoma. Kraus and l.ord brought In the winning run, Phlladelpltia defeated Boaton today, S to t Sir""' starred In tiie outfield, bcore: rHlLADaTUTHJA. BOBTON. alJ.Dil.' AB.H.aAg. atrunk. of... I 1 I t Oartner. Ib.. I I 4 I Colllna, Ib... I 1 1 4 at.. 4 I I I t I4!.r at. a 1 A ft Lwta. tt 4 . - u..inn ih i n t a a Yarkra. lb... 1 ft I 1 t Murphy.' rf.. I t I 4 , a.,1 I I J I Harry as ... 4 0 14 0 Knaia, in.... a i t i Tboma. ... 4 I 4 1 1 Klalnow, e... 1 lilt Krauaa. p.... 4 1 t 1 t ticotla, p.... I t t I I Karter, p.... I I I t t Tsui. tt in I 1 Tbaaay 1 Totals. IS Hill I Batted for Klelnow In iunt:i. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1-3 Two-base hit. Lord. Hit; Off Clcotte, 8 in eight and two-thlrda Innings; off Karger, none In one-third Inning. Sacri fice hits: Mclnnis, Strunk, Yerkes. Stolen bases. Murphy (2). Baker. Left on baaea: Boston, ; Philadelphia. 7. K1rt baae on balls: Off Clcotte, 8; off Krause, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Hooper, by Krauee. Struck out: By Clcotte. 4; by Krause. 8. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Kgan and Bherl dan. Ulghlaadera Beat Senators. NEW YORK. June 26.-Washlngton waa heiplese before Fisher today, making only two hlta and losing to New York, 1 to L New York hit Groom at opportune mo mtnts Score: NEW TORK. WAJH1NOTON. AB.H.O.A B. AB.H.O.A B. Daotala. rt . 4 I 1 1 Mllaa. cf ... t t t 1 Caldarall, If. 4 I I t I . ha.lar. lb. I t I It HartaaU, Ib. I 1 t I t Bitrfald. Ib I I I I t Crea. ct 4 lit 1 0alar. rf . I tilt Kolaht, aa... I ill (' Walker. If I t t t t Caaaa. lb. ... I III I I atcBrtda. as.. I I I I ti 1 Oardnar. Ib . 4 1 I t I Ouabain, Ib I 1 III waoiiay, . . I I 4 t t Heary, o I 1 4 I t I'laber, p. ... I t I I Groom, p I t 1 I I Totala......!! It 17 II I Total It I 14 11 I V..ur Vmk 1 0 0 1 100 I Washington 0 0 0 o 1 0 0 0 0-1 Two-baae hit: Danlela. Sacr.flce hlu: Qeaslec. Kn gut, Ci.a e. stolen bale; Crte, Caldwell. Left tn be: Wahing ton, SVNew York, . Basea on errora: Nw York, 1. Suuck out: oy Groom, 8; by Flher, i. ilases on ball: Off F.aher, L Hit by pitched ball. By Fisher, Klberfeld. Time: I Xi. Umpire; O Loughun aad Connolly. DlrlglblU Balloon Barned. HANNOVEIRSCH - MUENDEN. Prussia, June 26 The dirigible balloon Paraeval V, while undergoing repalra today, taught fir and wa destroyed. No one wa njur.d .lie Paicevai V recently had be-n ruaku g passenger trip out of Berl n. On Aprtl 2 last the alrthip made a pe..lou at Haltberetdt during a storm. i he orew wete compelled to r p the envelope and made a rough landing. . rVormaa MacLeod Assign. PHILADELPHIA, June 26 Norman MacLeod 4 Co. of this city, slock broke: s. today mde an aaslsnment The firm I laid to have done little business lately. Mr. MacLeod 1 a fon-ln-law of John Wanamaker. """i"Ljii::'':'"'',,:"-""iiii !l!i'ii;.,! i'liii;''!!!!!'!!'1: r w m m v. -' sin saiejTaasi ; I I Start the Day with B.V.D. YouUl End It with Comfort. AT work or at play, you'll be cool every minute of the day, no matter how broilinsr the sun. B.V. D. is the right underwear for right new. Loose Fitting B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts, Knee Length Drawers and Union Suits give the east and foist of perfect bodily content. This Jtad rVovoo Labut TSXBCflSSfPiCl B. V. D. rntoa Hotre (Hal. 4 SO ui) 11.00, 1 1. AO. 82.00, S3X0 aaai 84.00 a auil. iMIi B. . T. Co t Cut Tfry darahtrt and &no Laugrh Drawaa-a, aoc, 76c. I1O0 aad WAU a grmm . (TrUt Vara Af . V. S. Pai. Of. aW fri Coumtrim.) b aavad ea awry B. V. D. Uoder garment. Take aw anderasraMot araaVaa tbi label. The B. V. D. Company, New York. The Key to the Situation Bw Want Ada. A GREAT TONIC mm ni nrn numnrn o'i miu uluuu ruiariof There is one reason above all others which makes 5.5.5. the greatest of all tonics, and that is because it is the most perfect of all blood purifiers. Any system which needs a tonic, needs a blood purifier, for it is impure blood which causes the weakened, run-down condition of the body. 5.5.S. is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, which possess not only strength ening properties, but at the same time are recognized as ingredients of the greatest value for jemoving every impurity, poison or taint from the circulation.- 5.5.5. improves the appetite and digestion, corrects stomach listurbances and steadily tones and builds the system up to perfect health. It adds to the blood (he rich, healthful properties it needs, and in every way benefits the system. 5.5.5. cures ell diseases and disorders arising from weak or impure blood. Book on the blood and medical advice free. 5. 5. S. is for sale at drug stores. JUL S WinjTEOnCjjCOJi tluoa ca. HttaafiaaP 3 S HERE'S Goo-1 Health to you a draught of Jet ter's Gold Top beer, cool and sparkling. It Quenches the thirst and Invigorates the . system and there is othing that will prove a strengthener and appntlzer Ilka Jetter't Gold Top Beer, ramlly Trade (applied or atvao r. ii.a, laai souia at. Phonei Ooug-laa 18481 Auto. a-lMl South Omaha Wm. IConnoll Bluffs better, V&OS BT Bt. I Lh lCltchU. 1013 ii AaVo. V. I Mils iw Balk araoaas mo. I i . fori f'-J.A aet' 1