Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    4 - 2
For Young Women and
The pump is now the stylish shoo for young women ami
misses. For many occasions it is preferable to the oxford,
and its low, graceful cut gives it a much smarter effect.
Our Complete Assortment
includes pumps and instep strap, the wide, high toe and the
approved military heel. Many other attractive models are
also represented, in tan calf, suede, patent and dull leather
as well as velvet and vhite canvas.
Sizes 2 to 7, $3.50
Tut Ynona
1 1 wis niva -
KOod for addition.! rains. Anselmo and
that section has had splendid rains and
the prospect for corn never appeared
brighter than at thla time. Oats and wheat
were aonslderably damaged. One good
erop of alfalfa has been cut and stacked
and. with seasonable rains one or more
food crops are assdred. Farmers are not
discouraged in this section. v
Large Trees Broken and Haras Are
A gale blowing at the rate of forty-two
miles so hour about 1 o'clock Monday
morning did considerable damage on the
outskirts of the city by rooting up and
breaking tree .and lifting roofs from
westherbeaten barns.
At the weather "bureau the register
showed that the wind blew at a velocity of
forty-tso miles an hour, and on the out
skirts of town the wind blew at a higher
rate, nearlng the flfty-mlle velocity. At
Pouglaa and Twenty-second streets a dozen
small trees were lifted out of the ground
bv the roots.
A large tree at Seventeenth and Dodge
streets was broken near the baia of the
trunk and fell across the sidewalk. At
Carter lake several boats which were tied
with ordinary rope were torn loosa from
their moorings and scattered about in dif
ferent parts of the lake and on the shores.
Awnings on the fourth floor of the federal
building on the Dodge street s'de were
pulled from the fastening and hung by
ropes to the windows.
L.YONS, Neb., ... June 6. (Fpecial).-tA
heavy wind storm at midnight Sunday
broke in the front windows of the Adams
drug store, took many apples off the trees,
lei led large limbs to the ground, and laid
the crops quite flat.; ; It . is very much
feared .cannot straighten tip
nough to cultivate again.' Although It wa
timta clfan and free fron weeds, but llle
of it had been laid bj.' About half an
Inch of rain fall which ' mora than laid
the dust and cooled the extreme heat of
100 degrees on Sunday afternoon.
GENEVA, Neb., June 26.-(Speclal.)
After Intense heat yesterday, the mercury
reaching 104 in th shade, a fierce gale
blew all night, tearing branches from trees
and toppling over chimneys. Only a trace
f rain teti here.
BRAD8HAW, Neb.,' June M.-Special.j-At
about U o'clock last night on of the
worst wind dust storms ever known
her blew down windmills, trees and out
houses and did much damage to wheat
fields which wer principally In shook.
In many fields not a shock la standing.
The clouds were very black and threat
ening, making many people think of Jdue
i, 18a0, when the town was destroyed by a
tornado. Not a drop of water fell.
4 i Inch and n Half to Two I neb. en la fa
"eathera Part of State.
MITCHELL, g. D., June 24.-Speclal Tel
egram.) A goodly portion of this section
of the stata was visited by a good rain
Sunday night and varied from a half Inch
t two Inches. The rain K.l ..j.j
the state line. Two Inches of water fell at
worion junction and between that place
and Running Water heavy rain fell all
night, covering th section of country
around Springfield. Tyndall, Freeman,
Sootland and Menno. Good rains are re
Ported alone the Mltwuh ..t ...
Mitchell from Marlon Junction averaging
nearly -'en Inch. The rain did not extend
mth very far on th Omaha line. ' East
of hr rain ar reported over the ntir
division to St. Jam, Minn., and they wer
..-jr-.n nearly every case. Another rain
visited thla section and th precipitation
was . of an Inch. ThU makes O.U of
-n men or water In thla Immediate section
sine rriday .ahd! th .crop conditions show
much better.. .Th. weather. I quit cool
today. The rain of Baturdajt night extended
fnrtv mtl.. . .
I --- -, e-w,,uj me .Missouri. river on
th Milwaukee road. , ,
TANKTON. 8..DWun M.-Spec!l Tel
grart)On inch and a -quarter of rain
fell her Sunday nls-ht. the fir. .
for to month.. It cam just In tim to
aav th corn and may be of some benefit
to eat, and wheat, which faced a total
- wvv wan oeior in storm.
"-, wnn- tan far Prayer for
Rain. -
(From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN, Juna (8pclal).Asklng
n anouia set aside a day In whlob
the people of th state according to exec
utive proclamation ought to pray for rain
Phillip Sack' of Button h.. -,4...
- " . hidii in
Governor- Aldrlch suggesting that he set
asld such a day and nam a date In
th near, future. In th communication
which, th- governor will find upon hla
desk tomorrow upon his return from Ohio '
th Ciar.ceunty man assert that Oover
nor Mickey ono issued such- a proclama
tion and that It waa answered, by th
prayer oT th people. Further' he says
"that several governors -ar going to issue
such edicts? and that It wouuld be wall for
Nebraska executive -to, d likewU.
Heavy Rnla la Aeeosannnled by High
. ' i Wind.' .?
WATNE. Neb., June K (Special Tele
gram) On of th heaviest storms ever
known In thla section of the stats oc
curred this morning between the ( hour f
and S o'clock. Logan and ".Deer
Creek valleys ar flooded and eonslderabl
damage will result . to crop along th
Creek. t
Morning train from th Emerson and
Norolk and Bloomfleld lines were de
layed by washouts and passengers and bag
Rage were transferred from the Bloom
fleld train to a special about three miles
northwest of Wayne.
The rain practically Insures th corn
crop In Wayne county and much of, the
small .grain, while the potato crop and
pastures will be greatly benefited.
Hot Par In the Month west.
KANSAS CHTT, Juna J6. -Although, the
temperature at 7 o'clock thla morning
reached 88 at Sedan, Kansas, 80 at Okla
homa City and 80 In parts of south
eastern Missouri, the local forecaster pre
dicted that the mercury would not climb
aa high In Missouri, Kansas and Okla
homa today by fifteen degrees as yes
terday when 114 degrees was reached In
parts of Kansas and 111 degrees In Okla
homa. The only rains In the territory
today wer light showers In southeastern
Missouri. A light rain fell In southern
and eastern Nebraska.
' . Half Inch at St. Panl.
ST. PAUL, Neb., June 26. (Special Tele
gram.) The sever drouth waa broken .last
night by copious local showers. Th pre
cipitation her waa .58 Inch and from over
th country generally la reported from H
to 1 inch or mora. Th rain was. a God
send. Accompanying hail did a llttl dam
age lit places. The St. Paul Stat bank
building In this city was atruck by light
ning and Ignited but th .flret was .quickly.
extinguished. ; . ,
. COLUMBUS, Neb.. June 2.-(8pecial
Telegram.) Last - night' windstorm, waa
cne of the heaviest that haa ever been
known, in thla locality. Large trees Were
uprooted . and many others .broken down.
The west half of th large plat glaaa
front of the Duasell building waa blown in
and other damage done. .'..-
Mitchell Will.Try., :
' Williamsport Plan
South Dakota City Will Organize Cor
poration to Finance New
MITCHELL; 8. D., June 16. (Special.)
At the meeting of th Commercial club th
following director wer chosen for th on
suing yeaTV W. R. Ronald, George A.
SlUby, R. EX Cone, C. W. perr, William
Seallln. Th essential feature of the meet
ing was th adoption of th Willlamaport,
I'a , plan of financing enterprises by the
formation of a company which will take
sufficient stock to raise a capital of $50,000
or more, which will , be accepted by the
banks of the city on which to make a loan
to any legitimate enterprise that wants to
coma to th city and engage In business.
Under this plan It will be an easy matter
to finance any legitimate Institution that
wants to engage la th manufacturing busi
ness. The directorate! th Commercial club
will formulate a plan which will meet the
conditions In this city with sufficient capi
tal stock and th plan will be put Into
operation within a couple of month.
Fairweather Hna Bom Trade Under
Consideration with th' To
ne kn Mnnage. . .
SIOUX CITT.- la.. Jun 26. -Tom Fair-
weather, p reel dent of th Sioux City bas
ball teanv bas wired th authorities at
Qulnoy. III.; to have Vyscooll report at one
to him. Th big pitcher waa secured early
in th season by Fairweather from Kansas
City and later aold to Qulncy In th Tbree-I
Vyscocil haa been with Qulncy now for
two- weeks, and In that - tim haa pitched
four- gam, winning all. Saturday he
pitched a shut-out gam to Peoria, allow
ing that bunob but Uire hi Us Th Qulncy
management haa not yet paid for Vyaooclli
and th Champ president will -not accept
th purchase price shonld. tt be. sent now.
- "I think," said Mr. Fairweather, "that
Vyscocil waa .-not given, a good workou(
wall he was . her .and th boy did not
play good behind him. v However, : he- ha
demonstrate -that - haa th good and la
now playing Ilk a whirlwind. 1 will bring
him back and give him a good chanc to
us his bender her and see that he get
very opportunity to male good."
During th gam yesterday. President
Fairweather received a telegram from Jo
Rlckert, manager of th Topeka team, of
fering either McGrath or Cooke, two of hi
pitchers, in a trad for Reilly. th Sioux
City third baseman. Reilly la considered
on of th beat men on th team. He
make quit a number of error during his
play, hut his remarkable work at imi
make np for thla. Cook and MoOrath
ar at present regular pitcher on th Kaw
team, and MoGrath ha demonstrated that
be haa th good..
Nw York Man Who Mar HU
MUtrens plea In Eleetrlo I hair
t Ankara.
AUBURN, N. T., Jun X. -Joseph Naco
wa put la. th lectrto chair la Auhrun
prison today for th murder on January 18,
iu. of Anna Candlana, with whom h
had been living for some tim. Three con
tacts wer given before th physicians pro
nounced life. xtinct. Naco. Quarreled with
Mrs.' Candlana when h found h had a
husband living, and beat her to death with
a stove 11 ft at .
A. tper la. tne Stnnuack
la dyspepaja. complicated with liver and
kidney tro'ubl. " Eleotrio Bitters help all
nurh, cases or no pay.' Wo. For sal by
. vfVN i
J. A. Stone, in An&moia for Murder,
May Get His Release.
District tonrt of Polk aar Takes
I n Question Wkether Kaloon refla
tion f Dm Moines Is Sufficient"
te I.eaallse Them.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
PES MOINES. la.. June Si.-tSpeclal Tel
egram.) Warden Parr of the Anamnsa
reformatory has put It up to the attorney
general to dec ide whether or not he can
longer legally restrain a prisoner, 'j. W.
Stone, who la there for murder. Stone was
Indicted for killing Prank Kahler in Des
Moines and was found to be Insane. He
was sent to Anamosa and kept In the i
Inf-ane department. Recently the court
here has quashed the Indictment against j
Stone by consent of parties Interested tind
Btone has recovered his resson. The
Warden Is In doubt whether he can longer
hold the man and wants sn opinion. It
Is expected Stone will be released.
Dee Moines' Consent etltlon.
The district court today took up the
contest whether the saloon consent peti
tions In Des Moines Is sufficient and
whether the saloons should be legalized for
another five years. The attorney for the
anti-saloon league sought to have the
matter disposed of on a technicality, but
the court refused and It Is expected that
the petitions will be held sufficient arter
a long heating.
(Continued from .First Page.)
mission er Dennett In his declelon, "that In
the beginning the participants were sub
scribers for joint Interests' and not owners
of separate claims and that the substantial
character of the transaction never changed.
In 1905 they were still co-owners' of a
single property, although In order to
acquire It each particular claim had been
allotted to a particular individual and had
been entered by him In his name."
The original agreement with the Guggen-
hetms contemplated the formation of a
corporation as soon as the titles were se
cured. This plan gave the Guggenhelms
the right to mine the coal on a royalty
basis. The Guggenhelms were also to build
a railroad from th mines to the coast.
Aa finally entered Into the agreement with
the Guggenhelms for a sal aroused seri
ous objections from several of the claim
Weak Points In Defense.
"The fact," said Commissioner Dennett,
"that It was represented to the Guggen
helms that there wer thirty-three Inde
pendent claimants to be; reckoned with in
nowise strengthens the .defense. It Is not
to be supposed thatany aana men repre
senting th entrymen as a commute would
suggest to a prospective purchaser of th
property that the claims were llleaal and
the several entries subject to forfeiture.
That all the work ao far don was paid
for from th common fund Is not denied.
It I admitted by. the claimants and, frankly
stated in the brief of their counsel that one
claim , of 160 acres cannot be profitably
worked, .that, some time and somehow th
claims mut be operated together. I it
ceasonapi to suppose, tnat Dusir.ess men
would agree to .the , common Investment of
their money to Jointly explore a coal field
in Alaska with, the understanding that the
several claim should t- operated sepa
rately or With no-'vnderstwnding with re
spect thereto? Would they consent to spend
money Jointly where there waa to' be no
common profit t . "
"Knowing that an area of 160 acres could
not be successfully operated and that the
greater, th area the mere valuable the
property, would men connected by the tlea
of blood have consented that their claims
be scattered throughout the' field? Would
men who had been associated aa partners
since their youth and who have grown
rich together have agreed to th placing of
their claims at remote distances from each
other? If each claimant wa to receive
a single tract and no Interest In any other,
rou!d Cunningham have located the great
majority of the men who first went Into
the scheme and made Its success possible
on th timber claims of the southern tier,
claims which possessed but llttl 'value as
compared with th others?
"If there was no prior agreement, would
Clarence Cunningham in April, lt07, before
many of the certificates wer Issued, have
entered Into negotiation with th Gug
genheim looking to th disposition of th
combined properties? s
Contribution Ar Equal.
"Th amount contributed by the several
entrymen wer substantially th same. If
It waa not understood there' waa to be a
common profit, would the sixteen upon
whose claims nothing whatever waa don
have permitted the use of their funds for
the development of the other claims, and
would thirty-two of them have suffered
their Joint fund to be expended In driving
the expensive tunnels on one claim?
"A further discussion of the facts Is not
necessary. ' They speak for themselves and
peak plainly. There wa not at any time
a single act performed that connected any
claimant with the precise tract claimed
to locate. There waa not a dollar spent by
any locator .individually or by hla agent
on th land he entered., but -every act done
and each dollar disbursed were for the pur
pose of determining whether 'the fields aa
' whole, contained workabl deposits of
"Prior to th hearing eighteen claimants
admitted, under th golemn .sanctity of an
oath that they proceeded from the' begin
ning with the understanding that when the
patent wer secured they would form a
company for th development of th prop
erty. , .
"Th plan from th 'outset was to ac
quire a coal field at Joint expense to be
developed for the common benefit, jrhere
was not at any time a departure from thla
compact, aav th substitution of th sal
ary to Cunningham for th pne-elghth In
terest he Intended to- secure In th several
"Carrying Into effect th purpose of ac
quiring this coal field for to common Use
and benefit of the member of association
claim wer located and entries made In
th name of Individual, but th making
of tiese location and entries In th man
ner Indicated wer mean to an end, and
th name of th . Individual wr used
only to effect a colorable company with
th law.
"They exercised no choice In th selec
tion of their claims, manifested no. Inter
act In their Individual values and, (except
per ha pa Baker) sought ao information aa
to their reapectlv location. The " field
Jointly acquired by all of them and ex
plored at th common expna waa th only
object of their solicitude. , .
Ml t It
Fnraser Forester Say Dne-tsln 1 Vin
dication of HI ronltlea.
NEW YORK,. June 28. Perhaps nobody
In th country was better pleased with th
final depositions - of - th Cunningham
claim than Glfford Ptnchot.' whoa' own
fortune had pivoted upon them o .criti
cally., . . ... . 4 '.
'Th cancellation ef th laims," he said
here1 today, "Is proof, given by the ad
ministration Itself that the fight made
niralnftt It to prevent coal monopoly In
Alm-ka wa not only successful, but neces
sary and right. This victory Insures the
cancellation of multitudes of other fraudu
lent claims In Alaska. I have not yet
seen the text of the decision, but Judge
ehould result In having the most valuable
coal fields atlll In government ownership
for the ufe of the people.
"Our fight, however. Is nM yet fully
won. It Is still possible that a secret Order
of last- October, by which President Taft
opened the harbor front 'of fhe Controller
hay, the natural outlet for the roal, to ac
quisition by special Interest may result
In coal monopoly through monopoly of
"Now that theTlelma are cancelled, the
one Imperative need for Alafcka,. Is a new
coal land law, opening the coat to Imme
diate development under lease N from the
Former. Secretary Ralllnner Com
ments on Flndlnar of Dennett.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 26. Former Sec
retary of the Interior Richard A. nalllnger,
gave the following statement today to the
ARi-oclated f'ress:
'"Many persona seems to be laboring un
der the erroneous Impression that the re
cent decision of the commissioner of the
general land pffli-e In cancelling the Cun
ningham claims Is a reversal of my official
relations to these claims.
"Since 19U7, when I was commissioner of
the "general land office, the claim have
been standing on my order for reinvestiga
tion. As secretary. of the Interior, I took
no action .respecting these claims, as they
were under th control of Commissioner
"A to the present decision, I am of the
firm belief that ther Is no evidence that
a court of Justice would hold sufficient, to
warrant the denial of the patent. In other
words, the decision of the commissioner la
political' and not Judicial."
(Continued from First Page.)
company and Senator Lo timer wer In
favor ,f . deepening the river. Thl did
not prejudice him against . Lorlmer.
He declared there had been no diffi
culties between Mr. Hlnes and himself or
their respective companies so far a he
' Conversation wltk Hlnes.
"Do you recall a certain conversation with
Mr. Edward
Hine asked ; Attorney
"Yea." , . :
Mr. Fonk then repeated hi tory of the
conversation with Mr. Hlnes, In which th
request, for th 10,000 is said to have
been made. . ; . .
"Just as casual as th sal of a car of
lumber,' wa 'th ..way Mr. - Funk referred
to the proposition:
The witness said he met HIne at th
Union Le&gua club shortly after Lorlmer' a
"Hello." said Hlne. according. to Mr.
Funk, "you ar Just th man I want to
Th .witness explained that hi waa not
representing the exact word necessarily,
but only giving hi recollection of th con
versation. ' '
The withes added that Hlne 'explained
that 'they had. t'er, act quickly, ' ,.
I "WMf. i?sjT urged Mr. Ma rble. '. '', :'4
, "H. said,j ..'Now-we' ar. eing om of
our, friend, tp. get the matter.' fixed up."
Ml;;!Furfk ald h inquired how much"h
wa getting.':- .,, jr , - .IP';..
Well, -we can only fo to a few tilg peo
ple. 7 Mr." 1SunJt' .said Hi'nea replied, ' "and
If we can get-Aen to contribute $10,000 we
can wipe lit ;ottt,' " y' .-. '
"I asked 'him why he cam to' us." said
Mri Funic "He 'sald You are a much In
terested In haying the right kJnd of a man
at Washington as any of us.' '
"I said we wer not lh that ,k;nd;of busi
ness. Ite began to argue about Lorlmer. I
waa anxious to termlnate 'th conversation.
I soon got up 'and' left."
. rTUden'a Nam Mentioned.
X. volley of. question wer fired : at th
witness by members of th committee after
he had finished hia story.
"Did you shake hand and aay 'good
bye?' " inquired Senator Fletcher.
"No, we Just. walked out"
'Any personal friendliness follow?"
"Not that I am aware of."
"Waa this talk after Hlnes introduced you
to Lorlmer?" asked Senator Lea.
"Wa Edward Tllden's nam mentioned
In the conversation?"
"Yes." .
"When?" -;
"Right at the beginning. He seemed to
24- Glass
Notking daintier
nor more tempt
ing "waa ere set
before a kirig
thin' a DO&le of
TkaBearcf QosLty
and it's fust as
appetizing as it
looks just as "
delicious and .
... wkolesome as - it
is cool y and re
f resting on a kot .
summer day.
v Order a Cne Tndnjr.
'The fatal Cisniny '
1W Lssesnsigi. Owns
. TeLDmea n,A,147l
want, to talk and I Just listened until he
got through."
The witness said no other name were
"What did ha mean by Lorlmer hetnh
the right kind of a man?" asked Senator
"I cannot say."
"Had Hlnes been Indulging in liquor?"
asked Senator Kenyon.
"No Indications of It."
Th Iowa senator Insisted on ascertain
ing Mr. Funk s' Impression of Hlnes' refer-'
ence to Lorlmer as the "right man . of
"My Impression," replied the witness,
"waa that he was the kind of man Hlne
regarded as the right kind."
"Didn't von regard Hlnes as Imperti
nent?" asked Senator Fletcher.
"Tes. but I was not surprised."
"Why not surprised?" asked Chairman
"It comported with my general Impres
sion of the man."
"Did you regard- It aa loose talk?" In
quired Senator Fletcher.
"I regarded It as an attempt to get
110,000 of the Harvester company."
Hlne Inclined tn Rnaat,
Mr. Funk expressed the opinion that
Hlne was Inclined to boast of his achieve
ments and to have people think he was a
great factor In great matters.
Mr. Funk said he told Cyrus MoCormlck.
H. H. Kohlsant, Edgar A. Bancroft and
possibly Mr. Legg of the International
Harvester company about the conversa
tion. He differed from Mr. Kohlwaat' tes
timony In some particulars. Mr. Funk
said he was inclined to believe that he
did not give Mr. Kohlsaat the name of his
informant at the famous Jackson boule
vard conversation between' Kohlsaat and
Funk but that this occurred subsequently.
"Did you volunteer this Information to
Mr. Kohlsaat?" asked Mr. Marble.
"No, h pumped me."
Mr. Funk did not recall mentioning th
names of Edward Tllden, Roger C. Sullivan,
E. 8. Conway or Mr. Weyerhaeuser.
Mr. Funk then told of th second alleged
conversation with Hlne. He said Hlne
cam to hi office and undertook to "re
fresh hi memory" as to the union league
"Mr. Hlne said subsequently that h
did not want rne to understand that money
wa used at Springfield that he was Just
discussing the situation down ther."
Mr. Marble asked' Mr. Funk why. ha con
cealed his Information until Mr. Kohlsaat
waa threatened with Jail.
Mr. Funk said his duty In thl regard
had troubled him a great deal. He had
concluded, he explained, that If he cam
forth with th information hla company
would be accused of having shown
animosity toward Senator Lorlmer.
"My board of directors have often im
pressed upon me that they are tn th busi
ness of making harvesters and not -mixing-
in politics." added the witness.
Mr. Fnnk Croas-Eznmlaed.
Mr. Funk was then cross-examined. '
"What ar your politic?" asked Attor-'
ney Hlnes.
"Mugwump, I suppose."
Have Your Ticket
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Montreal, direct rail routes . . . .
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Buffalo, N. Y
Detroit, Mich. ...
(Return Limit October 31st)
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Lake Placid, N. Y., (Adirondack Mountains)
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Boston," Mass.
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r i i
Building loans a Specialty
We charge no commission for making loans and pay out
the money as the house goes up. '
. Our loans are repayable ta monthly payments, or we will
recelT $100.00 on principal any day, stopping Interest at once
on the amount repaid, .
We have an abundance of money on hand, and if you eon
template building, we Invite you to call.
'' - . ' , '
The Conservative Savings 6 Loan Ass'n.
Ged. Ff Gilmore, Pres. pul W. Kohns, Bec'y.
"Flrt on side, then on th other?"
s.iggeMed Mr. H!ne.
".t ometitnes on neither." replied Mr.
Kunk The witness raid he had never
voted for lorlmer.
Th activities of the International Har
vester comrnny at Washlnnton m In
quired Into by Mr. Hlne. Mr. Funk said
that an attorney, "Mr. Users' of New
York." represented the company her when
needed, his salary being about tl.ono to
12,500 a year.
"isn't It half of HS.0O0 or more?"
"No. sir." , .
Mr. Hlnes Inquired about th Union
league conservation. Mr. Funk denied that
he asked Mr.1 lines to Introduce him to
Mr. lorlmer or that he had said that Mr.
Ixr!mer must have been at considerable
expense and If so he would like to con
tribute to his fund.
Mr. Hlne referred to Mr. Funk' testi
mony that he told Cyrus McCormlck about
the Union league conversation. The wit
ness said his recollection was he related
the conversation to Mr. McCormlck and
that McCormlck broke tn before he had
finished to ak what Funk had done.
"What was the use of asking that If you
had told him of your reply to Mr. Hlnes?"
The Itness waa not sure, but thought
possibly Mr. McCormlck was still In doubt
as to what he had done.
' Dynasate Wrecks Bnlldlna-
aa completely as coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's
New Discovery, toe and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
that afford" quick relief when
you feel exhausted, depressed
or weary from Summer heat,
overwork, or insomnia. Its
nutrient and tonic effect rives
tone and rigor to brain and
Acid Phosphate
Beautiful Tooth
Ther ar but few people who hav
them. Oood teeth everyone might have
If they would go to Dr. Bradbury. Th
quickest, aslesi and least painful are
the only methods employed by us and
hundreds of our patients, both In and
out of the city, will glatily tell you' about
th good dental vork and our up-to-date
waya of doing things. Crown and bridge
work from 16.00 per tooth. Plates that
fit from 14 00 to $11. B0. Painless extrac
tion of teeth. Nervea of teeth removed
without hurting you. Work warranted
ten year.
'' J i 1 tear tain Ziooatloa.
ISO Farnam at, Ftaen 9. 1780,
Read "Burlington
Point Comfort and Ocean
,a:o OA
1 )
1 . i
White Mountains, or Tia
r 4
I Chicaio Limited 6:30 P. II.
Call, write or telephone and let me help you
plan-your trip and secure your travel accomo
dations during the summer rush to the east.'
...... . .
9. B. REYNOLDS, Oty Passenjrer Agent, .
160a Faraam 8t Omaha, Neb. '
Jewelers buy WALT1 IAM
materials and watch parts
for the repair of other watches.
They appreciate the superiority
of WALTHAM construction and
"lt'$ Tin row
CW.I a n'atlhnm"
Send for Descriptive Rook let
Watttian) Wrtck C. Walthsm. Mas.
Dr bon's
Tooth Powder
Used by people of rehne
ment in every part of the;
world where the use of the
tooth-brush is, known, for
Almost Half a Century.
a ie ae
Hotel Loyal
John Says:
"ran hammoeka
lo cream shady
tress yaose onder
ear a socks a '
hea of Trust Bast'
So cigar. STow then.
let th Ultimo meter
ooot np . Ilk . a
rocket!" (
John's Cigar Store
321 So. 16th St. ' .
HOTioa to omaDiTom. or
' Pursuant to an order of th , District,
Court of Iou-)aa County, Nebraska, en
tered In th case of Alfred O. Barker v.'
Th Omaha Railway Club. App.-Doo.-lU.
No 267, nolle U hereby "given that. ail.
persons having claims whether secured oi
unsecured, against the Omaha Railway
Club ar required to file the same duly
verified and fully itemised -with me at
nv office in the Barker Block. Omaha..
Neb., before the 20th day of July, lll..
n.1 vnu are further notified that all
cjalma not filed by that time with mrfwlH -
be Darraa irom unrniK in mo uimiiuu...
of th assets of the club. Hum O, JWb-
rtaoa. Receiver, 11-4 14 Barker Bloc. -
,1'nder Management of H. M. BarneU
New, Cool, Airy Ballroom ' with
Smith's Orchestra. Bathing, Boatisg.
and other Attractions. Shady Park
Has Been Added For Picnic Ground.
Afternoon and Evening Band Concert.
June 25-26-27
Monday, Jnne SO, Ladles Day. .
Oars Isav lata as yaraam at Sa.
TbsaUr Cooled by .Iced Air.'
I th Funniest of Society Cotnedr ' -
A Playd by John Draw Mauds Adam.
mwn- 10-a6oi few at SS lUnWuiUBSi'
. U M' W. WW m.m. . .
VaulevllB and Photo. Plays
Orchestra mfrniBaM ? -SvaUg
' '
'' Admlasioa 10 Cent '
H Opposite th Post Office I
H - Fireproof Europe n j
H Roocns wtthontBsth. $t.Msnd tt.M I T
H With Bath I2. and ur ."' I I
i -?r--
Ifflnfflr-f IB Phone Douglas 80S " 4
B ttMldnnrn Hirnef a2H-J ' A H
I . . !
' 1 11 11 r
LJUtltV 1 w
A 1