Tim BEE: CWAILX, TUESDAY, .TUNE 27, 1911. TXfT i '"Jfff 1 )' mi p 11 d) f l r lot ' Still lave a Ciaoce To Win This Wonderful 88-NOTE Lioaoidals teres mmt S. & IX Stamps with all purchases . during our Pre-Invcnlory Sale. Speeia! Sales Tyesdlay 75C Table Damask at 2Sc Yard Basement Mill lengths of best quality mercerized table damask tfZp all good table cloth lengths, worth to 75c yd., at ""h Yomenfs and Hisses' Ready-to-Year Garments Our Great Purchase From an Eastern Jobber at Less Than Half Price. Thousands, of Popular Priced Garments on Sale in' Basement. . Wash Dresses Womco's Linen Sails 8amtole ' Z-plece Tailored Linen Suits; white, natural and colors; worth up to $ 5, at $2.98 and $3.98 Long Coats For Women and Misses. Long Shantung Coats, with black collars; long Linen Coats; long Sorgo and Check Coats,A er worth up to $7.60. AllV I UV sample at ,VaU Women, Misses and Juniors Carpbrlc, Chambray, Gingham and Linen, In all desirable colors mostly samples, but all sizes are Included,' worth up to $S. 60, at. $1.25 SPECIAL SALE OF EMBROIDERIES 27-Inch Fine Swiss Embroidered Flounc- ings English eyelet, floral and blind relief -effects, worth up to yj A , $1 at, yard ................. fx J C Fine embroidered galloons,- galloon headings, also medium and wide e d g s b 1 g bargain ' .square.pt Jed high; many worth 20o yard at, 'yard'.'.'. 18 and 22-Inch Fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cam bric. Embroidered FlouncingB and Corset Cov: erings All kinds. Many worth 50c af GJ-j yard big bargain square at, yard. OC ADVANCE NOTICE; WEDNESDAY , Is oar big special sale of IMPOKTKD IJXttN 1 OUSH SITTING, W orth 33c yd, at 10 yd. SffffWiTHTrfl OAS' ITOU, -Mala Tloor, . hmiiiHMinimiwiiinii warn i , ,. 1. 1 urn .1 1. .1. m - , lisisitiiiiiS lothiEigi Main Tloor, OLD STOKE' ifffer n Every Day This Week at Brarideis Stores Your Unrestricted Choice . E I J ' WlivilSli- in our entire siock r f mat nas oeen sell ing up to $15, at ;A11 the patterns are desirable all the styles are up-to-date Hun. dreds to select from. finy m llckientirc (ten that has been selling up to $25 I'his includes all Bran- deis highest class hand-tailored suits. t Two greatest clothing offers in Omaha. U Mm fill: mM 8 , mm ,The real summer footwear n for the misses and children are our nifty 1 Ankle Strap Pumps i,' These pumps fit the feet and jare comfortable and service ;.;. tble in every way. The only practical footwear for street and dress wear. All leathers, ' lin turned and welt soles. Children's 8 to 11 $1.50 Misses liya to 2 $2.00 Yung Women's, 2i to V 6...... $2.50 FIVE AND SIX STRAP ROMAN SANDALS We have them for misses. children and infants, the al ijways stylish and comfortable footwear for hot summer days Infants' 2 to 6, $1.35" 'if 1 MMi will ii.t f wm itmm . I PANTORIUM BULLETIN HO. 4j The Satisfied Customer There are many .position In a cleaning plant that require Ba-parlaaca and Ability , bealdea . the actual Cleaning or Dyeing. . The Receiving and Shipping Clerk, the Oheckera. the Aaaortera .the Inapectora, the Spottera. the Klnlahera, etc., all have their apeclal work to do. For fourteen years w have been getting together our corpa of workera, and a more efficient loyal arganlaatlon cannot be found In any buslneas bouae In Omaha. ' Thla la the main reaaon why we have ao many Batlafled Cue-, tomera, and we fully realise-the advertising value of a aatla f led customer therefore spare no peJna or ex pons to make each and every person .who has. work done by ua a self -appoint! d booster. ; 1 . .-.' If ylu will call any Tueaday afternoon we will take pleas ure In nhowliiK you through the largest and beat equipped Clean ing ami Dyeing plant In the mldrtlt weat nd ou - mny carry home one Of our Illustrated Catnlogues ana t'rice . We pay apeclal attention to out of town buslneas and iay express one way on order of J.0 or mora.. The Pant'orium .Ocofi Cleaner and Snn. 1513-15-IT Jonas t- Vhonesi naot. teoj xnd. A-aies. ;0 ofk. Child's 8Mj to 11 $2.00 Misses' llMj to 2 $2.50 DREXEL ;t SHOE COMPAXT :'i 1419 Farnam Street RoUablo Dentistry iafi'sDaalaJ Rotms Lainidl Omipoanui ' " Lesra Wberc It's Efest to Faro Tblnldnv about buying laadT Want Ht know ta oil and climate bit suited (or certain tarmlnst Oar Land Bureau gives free) Information about soil, climate, conditions In all parts ot the country. ' j ' -Ws have gathered data and can tell you what you desire to leara. i - Write the Labd Information Enreau, . Te Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha. Neb., today and your avesUona will 'get prompt attention ".111 1 US' Jo IB () Concerning Our Pre-Invcntory Sales We think it is good merchandising to hold sales of this character for the purpose of turning into money all the merchandise possible before taking inventory. Not a department in the store will escape the mark of the blue pencil Begin in the basement and go through the entire estab lishment. Each and every department has something that you will need soon, if not immediately, and the savings are worth a long journey to fecure. As you love a bargain, be here early Tuesday morning and every day this week if possible ' ' Sale Will Last All Week. Tuesday Will Be the Second " Day of the Big Waist Sale Continuing the, sale of "one of those extraordinary purchases for j which this store is famous. . ' 1 . j I There 'are white foile, whltis mar quisette and lingerie iwalBts,,' In a great array of handsome styles together with many from our own splendid assort ments, added - to make the size ', ranges complete. '"','' All these waists were made with' an eye to long wearing qualities and In low neck and elbow sleeve styles elegant summer waists in every particular. Values Up to $7.00 , At Your Choice for $2.50 Each Sheer Dimity Dresses I A new model that has just arrived. Made of sheer dimity In black, blue and lavender shades. The low neck has a medallion, there are tiioks in the kimono sleeves and a lace girdlo completes the beauty of the garment. A very special value, at $&95 Sale of Long Kimonos i Tuesday there will be a large lot of SI. 60 and 1.75 long kimonos on sale at $1.26. There are several' styles made of fine crepes, figured lawns and cotton .xhallles,. la pretty floral designs. During the P re inventory Sale they go at, each, S1.25 You will get as much pleasure from wearing these ; suits ; as , we. will get from selling them to you. They're very .satisfying. Tou will like the price part, because we secured them at very advantageous figures in a' special, purchase. Tou will like the quality, be cause It measures up to Bennett's high, unvary ing standard. You will. like the style, because all of them are new and there are kinds for every personal desire. . . . , . ( We will take pleasure In selling them to you, because we think you will be so well satisfied, that you will' tell your ' friends about the sale and then come back for succeeding purchases. Dlues, browns and, grey, are here In great variety they appeal to the majority of men for summer wear.' All sizes, so come expecting to be accurately fitted. $18 to $25.09 Values at . . . . 12.75 W" hp a s-aaM--J OSlT remodels fioFS Special summer prices expert work. Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Dong. 3040. . . . :C'I 7& -V "yjgjrsf.-: . ..- ' 'CSl OS-- A Sight Seeing Trip in a New Touring Car.... a - - v Free InSoFiroation would be a fine thing any time. It may be one along country .roads, or on the boulevards and fine residence streets out to . the Country Club or Field Club. Both you .and your visiting friends will enjoy a trip so well worth making. All our cars are bright and new and are handled by two shifts of expert, wide-awake chauffeurs. Phone us for rates. , Omaha Taxicab & Auto Livery Co. Phones: Douglas 4678; Ind. A-3678 2024 Farnam Street THE JUNE DAYS are weddlns; days nothing nker for a Rift than our liver or cut k!hs. y urt showing some beautiful pieces In these lines and would le pleased to shew yuu. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER 1516 Douglas Street. Omaha, Neb. 0 j- j Vm W IT! IIJsVMMi l iH tl .HIHIhlMMsMH'S J COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Bee against other local papers in respect of quality as well as quantity of timely j i a. i j . 3 . . i neivM ci till ihiktumiitilj aruciem jrom nay to any and TheBees superiority will he demonstrated ID ayer Piano Second Prize in Bee Bobklovers' Contest m mm I I I , i: fl."r.''.'l.'''v"i - ;. n. ....... I j..-j.'jr II I'll n .1 f ' - 1 v Jrlk IZSr'-'-1- - lTirttrfWrwwv-7 . Sclv- ...... . J ." , Value $750.00 f Not everybody can play a piano, but everybody would like to. The 88 Note Kimball Player Piano, worth $750, which is the' second grand prize, will furnish music for you, whether you play or not. It is a wonderful instrument, and will make some home a happy place for every member of the family Even Grandma can play this instrument. If sister wants to play lt! without the mechanism, she simply has to lift a lever. This player is ex hibited at the A. Hospe store, ,1513 Douglas street. v O Contest Does Not Close Until 6:00 P. II. Sun day, July 2 AH puzzles may be bought at Bee busi ness office for 75c, with title catalogue $1. 5c extra by mail. See Kimball Player at the A. Hospe Store, 1513-15 . ( Douglas Street v.