12 " TTFR BEE: OMATL, TUESDAY, JUNE 77, 1911. n. Te peciaS ales' Tuesday 7SC Table Damask at 25c YardBasement Mill lengths of best quality mercerized table damask QCp r all good table cloth lengths, worth to 75c yd., at Women's and Hisses' Ready-to-Year Garments Our Great Purchase From an Eastern Jobber at Less Than Half Price. Thousands of Popular Priced Garments on Sale in' Basement. , - Women's Linen Suits Bample ' Z-piece Tailored Linen Sulta; white, natural and colors; worth up to $5, at $2.98 and $3.98 Long Coats For Women and Misses. Long Shantung Coats, with black collars; long Linen Coats; long Sergo and Check Coats,, worth up to 17.50. All samples at $2.98 Wash Dresses Women, Mis and Juniors Carnbric, Cham bray, Gingham and Linen, In all desirable colors mostly samples, but alL sizes are ' included. worth up to IS. 60, at." "$1.25 SPECIAL SALE 27 Inch Fine Swiss Embroidered Flounc- ings English eyelet, floral and blind relief -effects, -worth up to A Qn t $1 at, yard. . . ... JL Fine embroidered galloons,- galloon beadltvg, also medium and wide edges big bargain .square, pljed high; many worth 20o yard f at, yard. . 1UC OF EMBROIDERIES 18 and 22-Inch Fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cam bric. Embroidered Flouncings and Corset Cov eringsAll kinds. Many worth 50c aQ yard big bargain square at, yard. .ttUC ADVANCE NOTICE.! WEDNESDAY , Is our big special sale of IMPOKTKD IJXKJf ! CRASH SUITING, Worth 33c yd, at lOtf yd. O&D fllTOmZ, Main rioor. in iviiK L ni fcijw.vwii-i(t'mMii ' iiwmi ii inn n Main - floor. OI.D STORK 1 1 lo.hii.Ki iffier ITS - ft "Jl - Fi n 1 1 1 i hi !r;,Mr IKAW II Li. . lift! I Riiiim aii's iff If ' X.. B::i ! tel Hilfr I' i i ')r 111 v m STOBlfjl ;. Every Day This Week at Brahdeis Stores Your Unrestricted Choice. . . .. to EySani- in our entire stock r wai nas Been sen ing up to $15, at ;fAll the pattern are desirable ail the styles are up-to-date Hun. dreda to select from. mjm ' ... . -as. J enure in our stock- that has been selling up to $25 This includes all Bran- ti deis highest class hand-tailorqd suits. t Two greatest clothing offers in Omaha , The real summer footwear n for the misses and children I are our nifty ; Ankle Strap Pumps t Thse pumps fit the feet and ''&re comfortable and service able in every way. The only ' practical footwear for street y, and dress wear. All leathers, .in turned and welt soles. Children's 8 to 11 $1.50 Misses HVa to 2 2.00 Young Women's, 2 to ' 6......' 2.50 FIVE AND SIX STRAP ROMAN SANDALS f We have them for misses, children and infants, the al- iXavs stvlifh and comfortable footwear for hot summer days i; Infants' 2 to 6, 1.35 Child's, 5 to 8 . .1.50 Child's 8V3 to 11 S2.00 , " ; Misses' 11 to 2 $2.50 8HOE COMPAXT 'I 1419 Farnam Str.at. r t . : ! PANTORIUM BULLETIN .- NO. -4i . ' ' The Satisfied Customer There are many .posttlone In a cleaning- plant that require Kxperlemce and Ability , besides . trie actual Cleaning; or LiyelnK. i i The Receiving and ShlDDlnir ClerkMt. the Checkers. the Aasortera .the Inspectors, the Uyotters. the Finishers, etc, all have their special work to do. ; . For fourteen years we have been fettlnf toe-ether our corps of workers, and a more efficient aql loyal erfanlsatlon cannot in um be found In any business bouse realise - the full lime ha. This la the main reaaon why we have so many Satisfied Cus-, fully realise-'.he aovertisins vaiue or a saue hererore spare no pains or expense to make each tomera, and ftH riialnnu and every person .who has . work done by us a self-appointed booster. . t . , . If ylu will cult any Tuesday afternoon we will take pleas ure In Fhowlncr you through the largrcst and best equipped Clean Ins ami Dyeing plant In the mlddlt weat and ou niny carry home one of our :llluLratd Catalogue We pay epeclal attention to out of town business and pay express one way on orders of 3.0 ur more. . The Pant orium : "Ocod Cleaners and Syera, 1S13-16-1T Jones St. ' aboness oug. teas ma. A-aies.' -" t.ntsi-ft-i ' Rollablo Dentistry iaft's OeataJ Rotms Laura dl OoiPsaiTui 1 , ' Leara Where It's ijcsV to Faro i .' ' . Tbtaklng about buying UodT Want o know U soil and climate best ulU tot certain farmlagt Our Land Buretu gives free Information about soil, climate, condition lb all parts ot tha cuuatrj. J Wa bava gathered data and can tall you what you deslra to learn. i i ... WriU the Ua.uA Information Enraao. . The Twentieth Ceotury Farmer. Omaba. Neb., today and your aaeatioca a Hi get prompt attention ,. ; I ' i " . Free "Infioriririallicjii H jlm bi aj . m - a tt - r S. & Ii Stamps with all purchases during our Pre-Invcntory Sale. Concerning Our Pre-Invcntory Sales We think it is good merchandising to hold sales of this character for the purpose of turning into money all the merchandise possible before taking inventory. Not a department in the store will escape the mark of the blue pencil Begin in the basement and go through the entire estab lishment. Each and every department has something that you will need soon, if not immediately, and the savings are worth a long journey to secure. As you love a bargain, be here early Tuesday morning and every day this week if possible N Sale Will Last All Week. Tuesday Will Be the Second Day of the Big Waist Sale Continuing the, gale of 'one of those extraordinary purchases for which this store is famous. ; 1 ; There 'are white rolle, white mar quisette and lingerie :waiBtB,,'ln a great array of handsome styles together with many from our own splendid assort ments, added -to make the size , ranges complete. ' , ' All these waists were made with' an eye to long wearing qualitlea and in low neck and elbow sleeve styles elegant summer waists In every particular. Values Up to $7.00 At Your Choice for $2.50 Each ' Sheer Dimity Dresses i A new model that has just arrived. Made of sheer dimity in black, blue and lavender shades. The low neck has a medallion, there are tuoka in the kimono sleeves and a lace girdle completes the beauty of the garment. A very special value, at 3:95 Sale of Long; Kimonos ; Tuesday there will be a large lot of $1.50 and $1.75 long kimonos on sale at $1.26. There are several' styles made of fine ' crepes, figured lawna and cotton xhallies,. la pretty floral designs. During the Pre Inventory Bale they' go at, each, $1.25 You will get as much pleasure from wearing these suits; as we will get from selling them to you. They're very satisfying. You will like the price part, because we secured them at. very advantageous figures In a' special, purchase. You will like the quality, be cause it meaaures up to Bennett's high, unvary ing standard. You will. like the style, because all of them are new and there are kinds for every personal desire. . We will take pleasure In selling them to you, because we think you will be so well satisfied, that you will tell your ' friends about the sale and then come back for succeeding purchases. Blues, browns and. grey, are here in great variety they appeal to the majority of men for summer wear.' All sizes, so come expecting to be accurately fitted. $18 to $25.08 (4C "7K Values at ... . ijj) A iS. O aaaawaaaaaMj V 1 0ST remodels furs ; Special summer prices expert work. , Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Dong. 3040. f im.i;w"3 f ii ! - f; A Sight Seeing Trip f in a New Touring Car.... would be a fine thing any time. It may be one along country .roads, or on the boulevards and fine residence streets out to ' . the Country Club or Field Club. Both you .and your visiting friends will enjoy a trip so well worth making. - All our cars are bright and new and are bandied by two shifts of expert, wide-awake chauffeurs. Phone us for rates. , ' Omaha Taxicab & Auto Livery Co. Phones: Douglas 4678; Ind. A-3678 2024 rarnam Street Jm Still -Have l a Chance THE JUNE DAYS are weddlnir days nothing- tiUer for a srl ft than our llver or cut las. We are showing- some beautiful pieces In these lines and roulil be pleased to show you. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER 1516 Douglas Street. Omaha, Neb. COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Dee against other local pavers in respect of quality as well s quantity of timely news and interesting articles from day to dmy and TheBees superiority will be demonstrated To Win This Wonderful 88-NOTE EC1IM3BALL Player Piano Second Prize in Bee Bodklovers' Contest ar 1 if m , I' urn -. : . c 1 ti;yiLyiiUvi in WJ t-TT it i : '( , Ml. .IV fill ;.. i :' 'i tnSlaR i Value $750.00 Not everybody can play a piano, but everybody would like to. The 88 Note Kimball Player Piano, worth $750, which is the second grand prize, will furnish music for you, whether you play or not. It is a wonderful instrument, and will make some home a happy place for every member of the family' Even Grandma can play thi instrument. If sister wants to play it; without the mechanism, she simply has to lift a lever. This player is ex hibited at the A. Hospe store, 1513 Douglas street. r) Contest Does Not Close Until 6:00 P. M. Sun day, July 2 All puzzles may be bought at Bee busi ness office for 75c, with title catalogue $1. 5c extra by mail. See Kimball Player at the A. Hospe Store, 1513-15 , Douglas Street I; ) I -A i ! 1 1 1 M' "sr.