Tim bet:: oaita. ttjekpat, ttsTj rr. itht IT e-1 aziie eeo ge 0 f Serious History in Comic Vein SnrrcKV f ork Town." J r TorV Wilrnn slvea up, but ft has known on one ort rare mwkmt te com across." Mid F bow-Me Fmtth. the huttilh "riiworlait, he opened a - Ireata eunlV of "facta and neer-farta. "rJnf bt " the it at all stingy. Oh. no! I must ay she floe "give you a run for your money-when you're got the momw rut I .nfrfT heard of her eurrenderiag hot net. : - . "And W't been Invaded by almost every kind of king ra f r heard of, too. Silver fctacs sd cepner kings and rotten king and rattle kings; imported king and a few aces. They've played Broadway t tba Mm It and bombarded the town with fTf-n-barka (111 It 'looked like a i-abhege stall la tue jrark,et, but they never mad her give ka er.. boiler .'Nuff:' They always" got a rwa .for their, money, and tba tcvtrm waa leoktug tor TOOT. Bwt this time I'm ppeftkmf of wti rhen WW, .";. ii "I1 Broadway, but aa a matter of fact. It win only be Broad way-by-tbe- Sea, a pleasant, Hi Me ad'unvt.te tba Strand and Piccadilly rta tba ferry. And whila you wilt be glad enough - to tarry here tong enough to ae rummulate roln of tba realm you will ba .gladder atill to ret aboard tba ferry and, aa yon put it ao dellghtf ully. "Coma acrona.' "We'll promlsa that no daty will ba (to) lacted on cnin. . fl'i make that concession to suburbanite. If you don't bellvs ua, count up tba commutera who ara surren dering their glittering aimoleona" "That makea no difference." aaid Father Knlck, telly; "you will recall that wo put ona over on you In tba king Hno ence." "Rightor aald bla visitors cheerily, "but from tha way tba moneya going down over there tt Inoka Uka the kins la tba ona beat bet. doesn't It? Do you give upr "Well, I nerer waa know to ba a tight wad." aaid Father Knirk. (Copyright, JW. by tha N. T. Herald Co.) r In Days of Old 3 Cbeaaa waa mentioned by Arlatotla la Kit b. c. , Fine creamery butter waa made aa early aa ISM B. C. Oranartea Egypt ia IHS formed C. - by Joseph . la First bridge waa built at Roma in CM B. C., spanning tka Tiber. OIVB) a bunch, of seeing New York visitors runt ever, from . tba ther aide with soma new Ideas , la .tb king line and proceeded to make themselves at home. They prided themsetyes ua. their red aweatera and golf coats and announoed their firm' Intention ef, having ever) body over bera wear tba same -before, they got through. "Because New York. . you know," . they aaid lo Father Knickerbocker. 'ia only a aubarb anyway, .aad wa propose to run a regular, ferry over the ocean, and make yoa people commute to tha real town, over tba way. Tou may think thla- will ba Arithmetic waa Introduced Into Qreere about WO B. C from Egypt Term "gentlemen" waa frl-ren ta tba well ! ear-ended la Erf land about 14KL tr. Johnson and Sir Joshua Reynolds founded tha flrat literary club. It waa ta 17. .: Parasols . were used by tba ancient Egyptians. They became generally fasbr lonabla In tha United Etatea la 1830. ' Pneumatic tuba ayataio originated with Dennla Pa. pin. aa Kngllahmaa. In 1MT, and waa put Into una In tha Xoodon poatal bust case ta IBM. Ftrat library at Roma waa chat C Pavlua Aamillua, and waa created 167 B. C ' fn tha aama city there were twenty-eight public Hbrariea in tba fourth eentury. Loretta's Looking Glass-Held Up to Woman W ho is Money Mad aarnaaax wvBWin mm umi rajaaiai aara aw acaaj tax at am " (rCoFt, t isjut k - ccnrr at. f S IwAiua ttrnmiv I 91 J ra pif ri anWJ v i cvtl r-' V-J - I cm, trr rm mwm r r1 1 CMCK IT tQH T1 wT I 1 I . "-Ttl,-"; iY P2; 7j 1 1 ' I 1 W jmKt. arcieaartl -, ( UXt5KV. X WA rttuZ niMj0t I rafs wmt t I Ml UT; vJ H iwHtL. aP ' Eyi 1 1 1 1 -1 t'Uzzri li - l ' " " " '': -4- f f J ' Di& pk?0S0Phy j Good Thing, Push It j i i This is (he Day We Celebraie E Jim,' a..U IB TUESDAY, June 26, 19 1L Xante and Addrewa. SchcrJ. Vrar. Mtrrloii Anienon, till Hgwtboree Ara.., Franklin. .... " Ellta M. Elack. Booth Fifty-aiUh St Peala ..1 HIT R07 Byland. 1107 Karan Et.T. Vinton . ...18 Henrietta C. Brandell. 4122 North Twentr-fourth St.Saratoea 10! Madeline BarK7. S1 Sahler St Monmouth Park.. .10I Margaret Bolt. 1514 South Fourth St. ... Train ........ ,188 MarrharetU Burka 1642 Park Ave. High ......... .ISIS Vernon Burge, 2202 Harney St... Central 104 Helen M. Condon. 2619 Chicago St...... Central ........ .10I France D. Delaware. 2660 Jonea St Mason ....... .10S Stanley Dillon, 2212 North Nineteenth St Lake ..........18S Gordon Ellis. C12 North Thirtieth St Webster .1222 Cealla Feller, 2506 Franklin St... High ..........1825 Melrln Goldatrotn, 1812 Tar Ave. ............. park ......... 1208 Mildred' Green. 1916 Amea At Saratoga .......1905 Robert Hillock, 5206 North Twenty-eighth St Saratoga ..1898 Leonard Hammang, 810 8outa Thlrtr-Afth St. .... Coiutnblan '......188 Margaret Hnber, 915 North Twenty-fourth St ....Kellom ...1896 Agnea B. Jacobaen. 4121 Lafayette Ave Walnut Hill. .. ..1896 Wallace Jeffrie. 2514 South Twentieth Are. ..... .Vinton .....1904 Dalaey Kepher, 1024 North Eleranth Bt Holy Family 1899 Ernect E. Laraen, 1117 North Eleventh St. ........ Cut ........ .1901 Ethel Lanahman, 401 William St...... Train ........1901 John MontaJbano. 625 Pacific St. Pacific 1904 Frank Morrow, 1411 North Twenty-aeTenth St. ... Long .......... .1908 Charles M. Manneck. 8621 Lafayette Ave.V. Franklin ......1901 Mabel Mickaelaen, 8002 South Sixteenth St Castellar ......1901 Edward P. Murphy. 1S27 North Nineteenth St.... .Lake .1899 Catherine Murphy, 2208 North Twenty-fourth St....C&i ......... .1901 Earl Peteraoo, 2015 Cast St Webater 1901 Edwin R. Pearce. 405 North Nineteenth St Central ....... .1897 Sam J. Peterabn, 2561 Manderaon St .....High .1891 Andrew Peterson, 4524 Marry St. . ..... ....... .Colombian .......1698 Martha Roman, 2860 Davenport St. .............. .High .1894 Raymond Roberta. 2726 Camden Are.......... .. Miller Park. . . . ..190C Erria Rutherford. 2227 ETaaa St. ......... M. .Howard Kennedy. .1817 Emily Rudloff. 1612 Corby St Lake .1904 Theodore J. Ryan. Forty-alxth and Caatellar SU....Beali ....... .-.1901 Stella RacUey, 4627 Far nam St. . ..High ...1892 Lodie 8todolna, 2217 South Twenty-eighth Bt .Tm. Conception. ...1902 Charles Sorenson, 1609 North Twenty-seventh St. .. .Long'.. . 1901 Charles W. Taylor, 615 South Thirty-third Bt. . . . .Faxnam .......1906 Frank Wolf, 1506 Canton St Bancroft .......1694 Helen Wagner, 1721 South Fourteenth St.........,Comenlus .......1902 Rerswertna Wooley, 8824 Charles St ...Walnut Hill 1897 Anton Weiss, 2461 South Seventeenth St. .......St. Joseph. ... ...1904 Christina Zeth, 1917 South Eighteenth SUM....A..St. Joseph..... ..1898 K t 6f Tou are really craay. Crimtnala are' pleading tnaanlty t, eeeape the punishment cf thelr acta. But tha lawyera have to work prove the defense. It aeeda no lawyer to demonatrata your mental aber ration, Tou ara ydur own beat or worat proof. Not three yeara .ago' you met a woman en tha atreat and. cut her. Oh, no! Not with 1 a knife, for your mania doea not take that form. Tou cut her by not epeak tng. Why? Because ahe waa poor. Now h. hr tleh. And the other Bight yoa met her -at a din. Tou rushed up to her. Tou fawned, upon ber. Tou re marked about the beauty of her gown. Tou praised, her lovely hair. Tou gloated over tha pendant ahe wore. In ahort. you bad a vary, vlolenl attack of your maala'a fit ef money' roadneaa sweep ever you. Do' you think she did not know why J ou had cut her then aad why you were fawolag now?. Do ou think your effusive and fulsome Cautery aoothed tha wound yovmada yeara ago?' lo you wonder that aha wa barely polite? Now. whea ahe has laaa need of you you fling your attentions, your obsequious flatterlea over ber Uka a deceptive web. Tou fairly enmesh ber m tha tangled- .wrgprlng. But aha doea not aoftea ta your approach. Tou ara barred eut ef ber life aa affectively aa aha can taltC"--- ' '.-.f ' " --."-r"- Taw jaoaey mania baa ' made you a eevage hi your cruelty. It baa made you a parasite In your mannora. . It baa robbed tVu of your dignity aa a woman. It'a aiUy for any one to care wbea a money manlao cuts. Every ona ef ua ought to be sensible enough to despise and forget Instantly the alight of a woman whose Judgment la regulated by tha gold stand ard. But wa are hot. Somehow, It tears one of the raggedeat wounds from which a heart can Buffer.' It'a auch bitter, bittei drinking to find that we were loved In our prosperity ,f or what wa bad rather than what a a were. And you, the money manias, ara tba one who most often bolda tha draft to trem bling Upa. If wronga done by Intentional oversight, by beatheniah cruelty Of man ners could ba puniahed aa tha wounds made by hands and deadly weapona may, ) would be suffering a complete Imprison ment, ahut from tha -society you abuse, starved of the things that money buys aad yt u adore. But there la -no auch way to reach yoa. with a brawn well-being that stirs up a vary bell of rev cgif ul and canker eg emo tions in tha victims of your mania, you seem to tread a charmed way. But it la a narrowed Judgmeat that thinks yoa happy and satisfied. Tou, with all your madness for money, have too little to satisfy you. That ta ybur curae. And even If you bad millions upon millions, it would still find you dissatisfied. Tou want mora, mora, more than any ona else? Tou want pt letrmise and govern by tha power of wealth. Tour colossal ambitions to spend and to show the wealth you owned would ba forever made your punishment, for soma one else m ould have made mora thaa your much. Teu want all the money la tha world. Ifa a part ef your mania that there should never be enough for you. Tou suffer. But I wonder If you will ever suffer as yoa have made others suffer. Ah I It takes i strong hand on the rein of one's wishes .0 keep them from running sway and be coming ' wild hopes that you may know tha paia you have made others feel! "President Dlas." said a Chicago rail road -inaa with headquarters in Mexico, "used to have a gruff, caustic kind of wit. "I ottos dined with him in Mexico City, when the subject of Dash cams up Daab. a staid millionaire of 7t years, who had sloped with bis Jfi-year-old stenographer. "President Dtas philosophised. I thought rather neatly on this matter. " "Wen ba said, "not vary man ts made a fool of, but every man baa tha raw ma terial m him.'" upoa But Carc-fal of His Paster. Tha Vicar Certainly, I will call year daughter if aha is so very ill. which church do you attend T Ths Caller Wa don't go to no church we're chapel people The Vicar Then why didn't you send for your own minister Tba Caller Ir! Wa wouldn't tiak 1m! Why, it's scarlet fever. Ths Sketch. The Rev. Dr. Aked, at a farewell dinner 1a New York, aald of aa ovarsaalous mis sionary: "Neither with tha heathen nor with our own people does tt do to advocate religion on mercenary grounds. T know a manufacturer who last ZSaatdjr told all his hands that be would pay then If they went ts church. Accordingly tha hands all went, and a fine, brave shew they made. Tba manufacturer, searml their ranks from bis pew, swelled with Joy and pride. "But after the service a foreman 1 proachad and said: Boaa. the fellers want ma to sak yoo If ws corns to church again tonight Ao wa get overtime T " Ife Dlflerraee. Danvers 1 you believe there Is sack a thing as honor among thieves T Cynicue Certainly not- They are Just as bad as other people. Da Greata Basaball J ball. 'Oh. grata game ees baae t For younga Mericsn, But, O my trend, ea not at all j 1 a tberag for Oaguman. j O". leea've; pleass. 1 ia.1 to yoa -. About waa game we p ay Wea grass u grera aa' aky oes blue An' ett eea holKlav. Fpasattl aa : -W taka treep For play da ball, aa' eee JWheech aide eea aeea da champashaep For Lieell Kctalv " ee off for.Polo Groua" wa go V rlh bae la an but. 'An' eiart 4a grata gam, bat. Oh. ' Eeet eea no feemsh yat! Vpo'atre eea da sea for aide ll wait for catch da ball; READING : HIM- Or, BpagatU nine eea first dat tried Kor knock eet over wall. An' ao tHuigaiU cum' for bat. Aha! da greata man. So beeg, ao fat! Ia han'a he gat Eea Uka two bonch banaa'. Epoiau-o pert eh da ball, an' dera f pagaru s bat eea aweeng. An' qufwck da bail up eea da air Eea flv like anytheeng. Tou know een draa came eea man Iat'a call da "Is ft f.el'." Wal, dees waa keep peatiutta ataa' An' like for seeia' steel. An' dough dees bail &pa-atU heet Ees paaa by hera way. He don ta care a leetla beet Eef eet eea gon' ail day. Da "centrafieloa man" eu know I at a nea' to bem ha call. "Hi! Why don'ta Jompa, J'. An rua an' gat da beilT" But Joe he Iumi aeeia sieell Teel ball ea out a eight. Dee mak ao mad da oentrafleT He eea baygeen ta fight. Dea com a nudder maa you sea I don'ta know heea name. Or how you call daee man. but ba Eea beeg man eea - da game. He eea da man dat mbk' da rule Tor play da gama rtht. An' ae bee earn' l doe iwb foot Out sen da fieT dat fight. He push da centraflel' da ' way Aa' aoocha namea he call '. An' deo be graM.a Joe aa' aay; "Com', rua an' gat at ball , But Joa eea gruwl an' tal beem: "No, Fee nut for me at ail Stgatii hert da ball, aa' so Pltti gat da ball!" Oh. grata game eea baae ball. For yeunga 'Meflcan. But, O my trlewd, eee not at a9 -. I tbeeng for Dagomaa, T. A. DALT. .Waal ef The croaeeyee activity of N "What a big !" bla friend, Tha very atout lady looked at him angrily. "altad your ewa buatm Were. watching tha he remarked ts standing nearby wa buatneaa! aha saap- TME & 1H ALS YA3,rAl55K.rrYKrnYJWHATA8Vt U?t?VeTS" i waWtfLSToA etaAACHARrAtOtlft! f fait L ' l -!SorNLY- V s " . " QHlLOOfO Wf (9UlCK,PRlNCt!) I I SAY.niTTY, YOU OlD C OM.I THINK HE I3 PRINCtlCATCH T OH.l I CHASE. IT J THAT SPLENDIDLY! JUST HORrir.RECOlCl . I'LL FA.1MT '"3 A rAOUSCW I. 1 DARLING DEAR. fl CjELIEVE, HE LOVE.3 r Pair Women of the White House Andrew Jackson, tba seventh president of ths United States, was a widower wbea ba went into ths Whits House. Ba married his wife nndar very dramatle drcum staaoea. She was Mrs. Bobarda, living un happily with ber husband. Captain Re tards, who became insanely Jealous ef aa tanooent friendship between bar aad Gen eral Jackson. Ear divorce from Ro bards and ber mar flase with Jackson were warped end twisted by Jackson's political enemies into a scandal, of which Professor John Flake wrote "Herein soma ef tha bitterest ef his many quarrels bad their source. His devotion to Mrs. Jackson was Intense, and bis pistol was always ready for the rash man-. who should dare to speak of ber slightingly." After forty years of happy and honor able wedded life. Mrs. Jackaoa died on December 22, 1S28. Eba suffered from a weak heart, and ber death waa hastened by accidentally overbearing aa exagger ated report of ber personal history. Ia ' the following spring, when Jackson came to tba White House, tha social duties were discharged by bis niece, Emily Don- alaon. who waa born in Tennessee and died there in ISM. Bbe was a daughter of ona Donelaoa. Captain John, and tha wife ef another, Andrew J. Donelaoa. The prest- ! sI V. v..t, f :f-r t -"- ; -i-w'-: 5 e--.. ... ir: Jrf. ' ' . sv w - t JT-S l:k.i .A-',": MRS AliDKITrY SACK3Cti. jMikc of ht i- "mi dent 'alwa daughter." Another hoetesa at the White House dur ing Jackaon'a administration waa hit daughter-in-law. Mrs. fiarab Tork Jacm eon. Eha waa the daughter of Petes Torke, of Philadelphia, and tha great, granddaughter of Judge Torke, who bald aa appointment under the crown of Great Britain before ths Revolution. She mar ried Jackson's adopted bob soon after tba Inauguration, and came to ths Whit House as a bride. (Copyright, lau. from ths N. T. HeraldJ Do Fishermen Lie? Aa eastern man tells ef catching a trout that was so tat aa to excite bis wonder and hs determined to Cnd out what mads tha fish so bloated. Hs eut a bole la tha fish, when est Jumped a Hve mink, which ba grabbed and put in a cage. Another man eaugbt a fiah that, according to bia story. waa as broad as it waa long, and ha beard what Bounded like a duck quacking la Its Inside. Burs enough, when It was opened, there waa a live dock which bo collared, by the Beck. While doing o be felt some thing bare In Its crop. It proved to be e woman's chain purse, which contained tut tn bllla. Another fiahermea complained bitterly that whila fianlng every part of his bodyJcaugbt another frog instead of ths fish. waa fairly cool but his bald pate and whes ' bs left tt vacovered for any length ef tims the aun would barter It. Bo every time bs went flahing bs got a bunch cf live garter snakes and kept them In his hat so that their clammy bodies would keep his bald bead cool. A curious thing happened to e baas hunter. Valng frogs for bait, bs got -a wood strike and played the fish, but lest It and ths bait also. Putting on a tress frog aad casting to ths same place tha baas struck again and leaping above th surfaoe, got away. After reeling la ts set ths bait, bs foond that the hook contained two froga. Tha fish had seised the second frog before he gorged the first and tba books fastened oa as that tha second frog . c. On with the Dance Bcbottlecha, a German dance, begaa about forty years ago. Gallup, moat rapid of danoea, bad Its ori gin In Hungary In 1821 Paoaion for dancing waa most strongly manifested in savage halloas. Polka started In Bohemia ta 1830. First danced in the tnited States in l&M. Bolero, the Spanish national dance, ts as oropanled by raatanota aad singing. Pirouette was a favorite dance la Egypt more thaa 1006 years age Hornpipe takes Its name from a wind la strumeet on which ia produced tuneful strains as aa accompaniment for this eoua try dance, which originated In Englaed. Eailora' hornpipe Is better known te Amerl- Shakers worship constats largely of dancing, which ts a uniform movement to the vocal muaks of a byma. usually that entitled "Whila the Wheels of Progreaaloe gw Rolling Around." and the clapping ef bands. t smeary, toe. Don't oommlaerats with thee on their weakoeaa or you will urohhlv fall Into Blake plight. ' 1 told father,' aald Blnka, that hs waj getting too old and f eebia tor business. suggested that be retire.' "''And did your father take that advlot kindly r a friend asked. ' 'Hs kicked me downstairs.' aaid Sinks.' "Tou say Jones la doing settlement work Tea. He's a UU collector." Brownitir Magaslne. COOKS THAT HAVE HELPED ME,- . alUrteu Dt Bines 117. LC7.SW divorcee have granted ta mvrk s end over four million persons have been the principal. CeMelda't Blaff Pav. "t?ac!e Joe" Caanea eald of ths veterans of the civil war the other day: -They look old. but they took teugk and