Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
to rors Onxix tsrres lVa
&I1 ctbrr pa pen ccined.
Fr Nelrtttt fife art: err-r"
For lost fkaaert: r-ec'r.
.VOL. XLI-NO. 7.
BARON 1)E L y 0 IS
'. -,
Sex cf Ajuiee, Oie nTi-rr ' V,
Arrestee u a Cfxutex j
S&sjiifter. V
Tut Errva ud jtterirt 7h Swift
firr xUTalty.
Ose Tiaxxxai Ties til Eixirpdi f
RurU En Thi.
Tircii rcrro n tee xocx
Ma Pell 1st tare
Klaa aa Ge-t KM af
FARTS. Jam --9pertal Ot'..f jh-V
The tm ef aa ex-ktoa:. Fta.T"0 re Ura-fl.
bee km J Tapis la Part
cbarps rf WSi?ttT. Tbe rtrisier"s
fwtar wna 1L Acadee. pi tat rg Sailer.
es.k of iMrjL arba. va4r rbe true r
A piece 1. was fctcf- ef Ppan Trwte ISl ta
X... ITHr. Crwx niv ktmxdcaj AJnadee I
tt.mual te Italy ant tber M tfc.
Earn r Lew" rnCxr was lwn.uO
fal Pre weeaaa arid tbe mutt a bcr
frtnodrhtp arbX tbs ax-fcina; w tbe btrtl
at Twi, la 1W. cf a tta.rm-a.1 ma. and
tbe ansa wb ! nn berfnre tbe neurits la
Paris. Rbs eseec,ertjy brfa-me a erarum
by er ttmrrtare wrrb Oum r
Maarw-. tbe n-tiK. A.6 X. b
imhW mncss Lttta. He arm btrtw
eeted iOjew 'f la Ms am amd Ma 4nU
bed cent tar ba br!tor. Hane; HimWt
and charred tin to l"'U to tbe rnai
.ie as a ' ebb-is. marked wtta fc.1s
Tvcsc Earaa I lara la aa4 to bav
to na a ;tfirt TWtlu eaaad i-Jm
tsnttnr soft mxiy. K Hfnt bi
ariiffiMia ana for a ttmg ,wtl nt twwa. la
a fnianli'i rrtiy. ITbca ta wm m6 to
ItajT. aflar (tor rn itaara. k tt
a&d giaj linfl tfc aacrtor f Canvt BaaaM.
a fcy liaJiaa obifimaa. ts-M
1'wut a fmrat -hj ud
rarna D Lnra ru rT krr ypitac kJrc
a EI of czu-a'rue aaa fi!cr-
Trtoa H
Tmc tena kwM
)i' aa4
aoaiiSKfeva a KT"iiS rarnc axa)e. txrt
rrc-ra: ttr4 cf tbe Tarf tw ck te
law .attH.. far w&kft psjti b ardl fct
rar fcatatia Ora4aaI!7 toe avt Ista tb
fcairfs f amwr k4rt a4i la tarn rot
rva of Ms taTtua. In t nl4pt f
cum a acasAal a21t( r a aaratS-m.
Da mat aSrvtas tbe tiarwa S9W a rar.
K-Mrta trwaMaa aca TW aaLrB. t tea
ataata f n u "ail ta ha Itaiaa cw 1. nal
't aaria. B 4d ait faabtemaMa lmr!i '
ana B la aBrrHL l-ret to yar Ma VBi
"Be vaa aa rne f a wt iwaa 1a aifwar
iw Ckat tV fcMtaa Vajn ana tratefmn
ftmtftaancl to karvv liiza axnatjnA.
Tha ItaEaa ae travtoH! tk
Cia lam aa4 tiw ItaUaa fwaiuiMt baa
Una -aifh" 'a art fraaa
Rcaia. RatanrtSr tl kajtm bncaa to wtwmj
ka tha shca. ta ttv itrtj-1 tm ttar Awii i
frvnd oaa ef trcta, bcaSrvila f akOrt
axid ! tira. Traftfaawa b tvad awe
raijd omnrlKiB4 aod rit nalry 5 ana
Y JLziudc I vaa takea ts tb lackrca.
PTwa kia arwrt ko!ta ef trtfro bar
twl bfaiMCtziir ihr roUf a.h cmnr'iaitjtji
Tba yamnir man la aw mttnt fcia ia
ua,i aaioa bt-Tnr Oh cerrt.lTiai eourt.
t-4 Cai
AIbfd rtaaemkat 31
-baa Cbaaanaia, abe araa al
IiaJwi ai Oerraftir afliiiwa fjtua tba
eCTira a Tiutifd Siatea Mart.bal Boiiacs
ts Swnu Falm. ta clua-red ana teauisd'
Craudaitait aVBr&; toMspr ordera abii
aba araa untut aomctatreaa at A.Bdovr
St Is &arrd la tba cancpliutiit aaiaat
br tbal tba fraudojrait xatKker ar4ra n
ail ay bar an a nja tba fiata of Jusuarr
aod V ay K. It 2 turUMr ii.' f i-4
tbat afrar Jaramt- aa cirmiatttic tba
trm.a6-ajl xttojun-r orcVera aba aa.'tid I W
yirootaida ta brr m tiae. Aa tba raaalt
f bar ai.rrj Jra.tJtma 11 m cbarrnd
tbal fraiidiijffl aaeaiaT ertra acsTRCatmc
(alt i taaaad fen afar taaclex ta
anaaiair ardera abe daappaared and aras anly
a Aar ar taa ar Vanaaad at rwadareaA.
It arpaars tbat alaoa dlsappeartes; Creto
AnAewer aba snaa iMid a buauneaa man al
P.dfibtirst. T. tbe eo aeperara
afler about fas toootbs af narrved lit
At Deasd aras auppeaed becaaaa abe
(aaa bar najna as Mra Laxira tbat tfcia
aaa aa aniii d num. but tba fat-ts ara
tbat ramels a-as Uv. satna of tba W-
rtuHtto Biaa artnw aba named.. axd be!a-s
tbarafare ta etxtued to be Uaai as Mra ,
Xanana tiacieia.
The Weather
Tor Xebraata Fu- aJd etier.
7or loan C"rmJe4. cneaer.
iinmi at
. as
. Ti
!W1 9aa
HVbeot war H a
Loan jurMf . . ft TI te ft
b.fa tear ffa-ai ure , M tS ti 4
prexapitoiaa JS T -to a
Trapcrarura ant sretajaiaztoa depart area
: ' (t i
Nur-n.vl ua4wa:. T
;ar-aa far tle a . ... .
iLaJ eatae ajie Marra
Nirnai lifiu.a
Uaraaa t r f tar
Ti'-i fatata.- --e MltI I
I fTr r-ct a nee blarrs ! . Ja iWia
lrrT car at rant .It JS- BKka
1 ' -rtirT Uc ear. antad Ut) ... LC in a
T totkratoe trax t-l toanjatatiaa.
Tiapiatan at Waaaba Taaaarday.
r. Hotra IVa
r I
IfTtUiri I . a n .
K J I v
I ' ri - r
. . . f a. si. aa
I ePA f OVl U a. to
l.tL i
; : :::.zzr- rye stewards
L pm .
J r m .m- t to C Hratoea af fe af Taaaaaaat. III.
' 1 I P to to aatotosi as (Vwtd srtob
Fifty Passengers
Are Endangered by
Six Ifrr Ick Exrii Dni asi Tcbt
tetx Xert FiUlly Ixjurel
Eaxa Ijtct Strasrr.
KJtra:S. Tia Jaoa
rp)r.a4 whli ott aa wpttL
Fri6i!arr laian. 1 arJa bcir Ua rr-
Ra n -ra liatica r e4 Jawioea j
(dot ar rjw! t? e. ar4 tra arlwr
Tka Kot e-oickTT tor flr aaa R
tlfc T.1 e2TlrT ttat ary t
-trr . nca kasida wa aaT4.
7Trj imrti ! afcoar
Tb trt c rm -ia ona otirrT
W t or th trr al Chariaa H.
Orraa. a-kcB haS m i mi;iH ahnaat
rf th Citr fC- lei'i'B ! --aJ ToCa
WaVrr ni a am u 1 acia lb Vttram craA
fmiii tfc f-rr ImaJC. as a aotm aa wa
aib) t b ta trafia r lab ?optt
aa4 O ftaawacaw aa -i cs 1
rrrk kwat ta4 aboard.
It ia rvl-r thai fcai r the fcrrr
koal Iwaa bear bn tb cxkaaieai at m ra
aO ywarma an knart ti yak.
Th SbtwtH parrime a tba JTiaaiaaun
rim rwanahrota t a arr t-
atni f nr tb Aa.ta of ttw arm a-'a'T
temtlt'- ta frrrrt cf H ria- tb m
arr ablc crapa" Tfe iJaaas
mil item nff tt aJW anamilt
thto aaa tlrev tiafiira wra iaat tm t rtrr.
Fine Sporting Writer,
Violates Game Law
Tire (hull Xex Cazgit ty Ctne
Dcllan ixd CecU.
jrrsxB. i Cj 1 !.. M fcwat
jAtoatMl -a-twa ki atraal-Bra apjwra an
oa t atatv'a auac Java. u
canrtit ta lb irx-rtxa a a taaral art at-veaj-.
Xw b la fln?iiiit far It cwat
fata and tJa m rVsda api Car
aarh act f acix rnrtw acaa abat vat aif
latum h!ia ttadar.
Sazr asa frlmSi Knn Mararr
asa Bjaur. Ba-rt aw lb pairta la
the ctu-ay Qrmm Vot ImBty Garoa
arOta FLfold w teofclcc. Joat aa Vbrj
w aavt ta Aaapawar toarara Onaha
tm a c)rud ef raJw-4 Vy tJMdr atzto-
aortaii tbrr vara -rr-rhauX- axtd atx fW
Brtte arra. ajtiand and paekd ia lea,
arre nf iftcanrd.
Jaatlca Vtflirtvr fiaabara VMdud Vat
pratcaxra awar TrtOoaily arfcwi tbrr n
Vrmqrat Vrra bim. aad after etMtaclll&r
tba iaw fca Aaddd .that ll vtartaLcra
araid hin to aay CH aa oa far tS
blrda Saady V wttot. aa4 ma toatrtad
that tba &e radarod. aad Ow todca
trsaJlr aootfM tU Car aanta htra.
Ttoa kvaauacm grtuiuid hflota laaar aa tSsa
tvfadns rpreaaed aa fmta and arlaa dw-
SMan Who Attended
Many Funerals Dies
TicTEJit Afr, "Clo Ezpirei ftt St
Jetepi'i, irde is Ottt 5,000
Tba eaib J TYiomaa Aflaaa h Pt. i-ix-j'h
a bofjr'tal yrV.rr&BT ounuir raarkrd
ti aaamnc I rt aniinoa mtJ ft""" at
tmdtiiC faunlt la Omaha. H araa jia"t
S ra eld and ba bora tav-ra to htrt
art)ad aw l.W f taorrala dTrrta tba Iaat
tt B 7aj-a
Kb-. Aitina a a awn at a3 trrora a
mcntraw m tb Anad.. a b UrraJtatT
art to tba emiawiriwa in tba cajiacity cf
bttare CrtTtr rr urt&rrMji-rr i aaFiBtaxT.
For iwarlT la rury reaaa be ba btira a
pxrred by P. C. Har " etwaaecuoa wlub
Btisie bnair af tba toiaertakmc teataea
azd la bebwd to bra a artier aofluaJa
lanoa alts rwiaCTaa f tba tbauaaada
ur4 darter ibat Ctar tbaa aay atber
nimjt im Cnaaua-
Tbosiaiir eajiWTenraa Mr. ai
funarals Ml baa ta ionc aa naaa pr
Tifu for bis vn kronaX Tears befora
"rua ar-j.M be arraared tnat fcia f-aaerai
tfa .bottd aiaaa be roadr and aritb
ttat ed to T-tear be cnsractod a-rtb Mr.
HeaJey. ctxunx aJl tbe details erf Oaeaat
bariaJ. Vr ARdttia is tmi'H br aB
fianrtrtw. Mrs. Moore, aba reatdea at Ot
tcaiaa. Ia Tr fuccrai arraafejcenzs tawa
Bat beea xcaae.
Plato fto 14. TtL.
Irr. X. SI- MrSati
to Priartaal a
t Brl-
taa; at a
AMXS. Ia June S
! McXuTt of F-ajnfteid. TX. aras tte ctoef
Hta a-t.-mrt
aeakvrr a
ara la.
r-oaaxluinie ef a Country Cbtrw unary." Tslw. ,. -
tbefcf, tM be toid rf bia m
to tbe fTined -burrt. six tnJlea
1 froai un abera be bas buut ua a ca-urrb
af Mi men. her a ana a us m sauaere niua-
to be tea tbaa ton years.
Tender bja ba,3rrbLa tbe eomtocsrry tot
I anned and all daaaaitoaaaBB euppeat tbe
ene rlurrb and artead ss meetinsa frotiaj
I hie baa been arraaiawd.' CSiba and rinsana
aiaonc tbe bo?S axd fris and a'kder In'ka
I bare been ercanlaed. Oapei toss and
baaa baX toxi baa dsuRMrl tncetber
- - - -
Tl rua by tba cto-,b and Its Tv paepto
i Tbe erontaar toeedxc ana adJraaaid by
H Kr Cnur X. Adaana af Beaaeat. in., oe
Caoatry Cbarrb and tba Countrr
' CeasnTuarty." and Fred B. Banara, a-aia
1 i ii i i i tVia mtmr Tctsitf If ea a f".ra
' i taa ajaeriatioa awrs to lean, aa Tba
f " a . aj...
XT!- TOP-X. Jane
aaa rereSTed bere toi tba traaaaart aU
patrick. ca eooie frrsa Gatoaatoa to ttos
part rat tbs tr4at-matea tbat tba a aaat
bad been leeto4 ef a mm aamai arapartr
i .
nsars ef tne craw. Ttos was Cat
ay ennttor m aaaaf. sea,ac tbat
I fri aiewards
j pkaded to tbe beat a brto
frtaiia Attamry Grvk
tor in arrest of tbs
baa A aaia am rnaad
ar etna trad ararranc
aaapscto and aa tbs
taa b 'ja-rara; aaoay tba stoa-
mj) K lqxdqx
j As.rricat Special Aje.V&suot ui Eis
j vt at i-ec;p;ezu c: x.asj imran
1 CesrL
kj ICTftltT.
7 Her TCirrtr.
tE'avarr Itara fan
toaa aH Waa Ktard br
MaalfrM a-rli b far Farare
LO?fXCX. Jane 'p--lJ Cabtearra!
Of a9 rba eEirwiajcbd maw a Se
oarmaibcia f Kii 0 'u aa aad Qa.a
Iut. aoma toara xcada a betiar ar Caer ,
I nan naai' tbaa tba AaMa-icaa apeciaJ aja
feaxaador. Jatra Bars Buranal. aod b
(diarmi&f; aife. Mr. HuksbsI s braerr
aaartarm marawir be 1 a CaJifartuaa aid
baa tbe ffirart anKrerrtr af tba mtntos lriaa
baa aati ba amnsa (raoa ta tbe auikc.
bra aaJkw txa.'anc baa ffia bna a
fca;"r feltiic tavard lba kted af a aaaa
Mra. HaarSMiad. arba was a awntbe. a
rirL Klas Emu vt Mwedaaprt. bas sMe4
Krrtw ta tba acxrtaJ wwu w af bar boa
baikd'a maailina. Tba earn and TTTai
aiaxmm bna ZaJJea triT tba t'la'ia
ef tba a-Tfe af tba Amertcaa ajrtaraadar
and bava atoca-s br soaay abeatloai be
rcokd tboaa i&tnavftad br eraerta. A a
bosiaaa abe baa be rranartabij- ni'riaa
Mra. "rhn!iaa- UrML wife af tba AmfBV
ma aabaMadtr to tba osrt aC Bl. Jaxom,
baa Anna awfi ta make tbe patb erf tba
Etotaoadi aaoniaafia. Aa aiaa Is a Cxit
forciaa. aad tbera ts so a la Lacdksx.
swrbapa. ala bas topra tborvorb torvl
adce of rrmrt alHtetta and -f tbe arxrjai
UDueaa la Ijaa&cm. Tba Kasmoada bat
htm tbta witUy pieaaed arltb tbeir sray la
Ijaa&rm. Mr. EasBmaoA. ta iwali ii ntj
af tbe u'aaiuaLicaL. aajdj
2t i t nulaiw X -arfta cnsM
fleacrlhe tt One rrwat tans; tbat struck
s&a tbe wwt'ri arrorAad tbe an
ea'wy a tba farad RaiJ-a Tbry didst
knaar ana fmn Adua. XBost f tteaa. but
tbe etoers t-'lira far tbe coamti s that
I bava tba creat bflBKa- to I iu uiniiit.
J bene bas newer been ajirtbrca; Eka H
to l2atw 9 .
"A the abbey I a saf4 y a ajwrbw
rf tbe FsraSara airfVai. wba aemred me that
I bad a snat la tbe Cme pMDtkoa to tbe
a'bey. He araa ticM. I 3!'t t!tk aarr
vae tot Iwfiea Braced. I araa not mnre
tbaa taanTy-C" fee taty frraa Vm nt- I
Tbe maissuaBty-aas"' sparked arb vnraS-
eanf autuuaRy n4 anaJftot biptsmaata as
vweira i
aiboot tbe eajtliaalaaTB Car tba
to a man Jawed aod i i eJ efl br da neerto.
Xrt me ear ra ward above tbe troopa.
Tber tot &J-1 aus la arclorra aad Dr-
nrotieait ra m iKa It araa a tra'y
day to icy Ufa"
Germany Likes the
Taf t Treaty Plan
Graxa-Aaerisftx .xtesxl Society ta
Gaop?rale ix Bsixrix; AWtt
KEKIC. Jtoa ,-PpecaaJ Cable-ato W
Tba apaaJ directed by tbe Oertoaa-Ameri-eaa
KaHonaJ aortaqr to tba people cf Gr
inaxy to ee-e$rato to ferteeSsic abost tbe
aaceptansie of President TarTa arbttratim
treaty proanaaJs bas asaaad aa ancxpertod
faTorabe raspocae Trots tba Ga-Dii gw
ej i.imaji.
Tba atoiesiect (Traa eat fbrsmc afSoaJ
tocay InScatoa aa tetestlaa to
rra serlocs and trtonCr eonaAftaraOoa to
Mr. Tart a plan and oeprecatea tbe aa
taranaoB abeaeaMb tba lannKiaali naea
ben met ta eertaia poBtlraJ circaea.
Tba Geraaa-Atoerlcaa NaQeaaJ aactotys
srpe1 Is tbe subvert erf a bat uuiiU nian ij".
Soase cf tbe cpsserraara ercaza ns-r nade
It tbe el jeet af as ZB-tetEperad attack. Tba
mrat toaneTruai. tba Oratocbe Tarexefeonc.
oenocnecs It as aa -"az-aarrazrtabla totcr
ferejnra' ki tbe afain af tbe taa puaua.
derartoc Tbat tbe aatbess bad aa rlfbt to
ctaialder tbetnaereea
arle betaatm On many and Atoerloa. f
Wi caa net at ai: ebara tJa nr," saya
j tije acsrJ-crfSelsi ata.ianieut. Wa aaa to tba
j appeal aely a praef tbat ra oud 9euaar
e-.-uuu t es retoto tbcar trVBoe-y Taani a
tr-arard Germany. As Car tbs ajafuaOoa
treaty, erosions rerardins tba eaioa af
orb arreamrrts ba-ra a.'waj-a dfered
drT9nr tocy, bet tt Is
i tato tbat arbrfrattoa
tbs last dicafta
Taexaent to
..-aM.-. mf rrm. ej
' jyatlfX.-
Two Society Girls Lose Lives
When Barnes' Boathouse Burns
J X1TITET. Mass.. Jm
u-i,. ar um To-k 4-r w
BrsaArra. ton
i , M . . .
. . . ' ' . . .
,y w j, j EAraM ebajrnana srf tba
' .
1 . . . .
1 iuaj aua- aaraoua wa ajra. artwaid
! k Thtu xr-r r vM Trk r
i Karr ana? not ratio ar.
Tba Cre aras etATtod by a a"- ccream
aa a reoestSy at ad near, a iinaat tonxadl
ate.'y tba raeen aas C j4 a-v flatnaa and
tbcjse aba escaped did aa saCp by tomntoc
si all ai I'd. Tba fcadtos af tba dead aara
laumiaied. kas botk
tba raasto rf
Barnes and war bajrtos; a arose
Mr. and Mra. Barnes ar at tbatr
ta Albany. JC. T. kkbaaarb to a
ttliarnaT aan a ana
as ana to taS tba
alary erf tbe fca;
ana ef tba
Tbs patoia
war arrotj aneot tbe krs rtmian
BrarrrTa- to a ptiimmisjsi alias
peons; snaa tnrrw a sanna-'Tis; muek to tbs
Bear. It leaded eiaaa to a xoea wtoeb
bad beaa ased arbva; tba day to an rbe
tar and artoob was era TMTTra tat Ito isa n
S -fxl?
jT fntaSZ TCT7 TO Z"
m l8'2
DlRHflJff JM
Iifixt Jktt ix Xjs-rr'i Anna ex Bsr-
tm fberr H aatotba-otd barr bar dead
la e!a anntbei's arms and a B-jiesj -uid
daarrter crytoc as If Its beart aroU breaJc
Mr. aad Mra. Jrrn Im arrrrd from (iar
farmer batsa to Brokers Bear. Xeb at tbe
Bcmnrtm stottoa ftmiar Jwrma
Tbe &fd. Laonard. bad been taken SB
eat tbe tra m. bat none erf tba amrra resne
fliea ar9bed by tba 4Qatraeted motber af
Cia dmd asry TeJlef to tba tbry erc?erer. arba
ejuujed as tbe trato ana aaartea- Omaha.
Ta nad hi tba attaatloa snore ftatj lawful
tba parents of tbs dad baby -a-ere prac
tteaJBy jwaKrfleaa. Tbey bad beaa to peer
elrtounatancea to ga atom Beer and tba Bttj
fa.rrfty araa aa kts aray to Jefferaon. Ia.
ambers Mr. line's fatbar raaHea
Tbe amfammata CamCy bad rkrtrts aaiy
as far as Ormana sad aaa trusLma, to
prarldenos for bap tbraucbsajt tba rant ef
tbe Jeomep.
Tba rantb and Urn ijmVjaia af brrtb tbe
Zatber and zootner aa tiaui bi d tba beart
ef tba train eondarter Cat ba defrayed
tba t i4i isa ef aendSnr a tokasaai to tbe
fatber at JeSeraoa raeneattoa tbat aufTV
etont funds ta reacfe liiani amb tns dead
baby ba tarvardad.
Tba raaarakbc Cr ef BraBy dt Der-
ebarpe af tba aula bedy and
aard bad been, rararead Crass
Jeg raaa to tba aftaroooa tba pBjfbt ef
fie jr fasofiy aas taken -sp wTl Tbe
I anamaiad CbarrOea. Tba aSVcra ef ttat
arraritTaaai praelded tba traiaaaw totiaa
Cor tba Ertoc and tba nadertaktos Ts is
fuiuabefl a neat Utxla
tba dead baby for fcaaiaJ as tbabr aanatkia
to tba atrlcfcen CasoCy. Tbe parents ef
tbe daad ebfid awa tearfaUp Tatafal ta
tba apest of tbe ebarrrma and tea sneer
taAer a-uaia tba V at-Hms eaaae araa pot ea
board tbe train ertoch earned tbe lretos;
and tbe dead to Jefferson Ksndar E-rfct
y tba Sra spread Tr
eirsre fioer and a xatsuta later tba
was a mass erf Camex.
t-2 ef tba daers aara r1aai4 and arltt
caned Car tbera. Mas
la Baaaa want to tbs
eaar aad am a penaaa to a amaX
Tba rest ef ns naciad tbe ator
ware atoa as sa ecraelva ky
p2Bpia- ton tbe water.
Ia Hasan baa
way Sar aa to a
Crraaas Pabad. a aniat to tba nsnjaay ar
n-fcam Barnaa. Jr. atoa wna smeary
tejasad and to sat rrpernad to Xaa. Tbs
tba party arba escaped
Barry and Stoxb K-
Jane xt Efenpui of aTTTSani
t ef Eaar Ad-sdral raifar at a
an tns Eaatatsp T nnri ef tbe
Amartoaa etortinc sqiataraa toaar
toraar Gin sas ai4 a
atomfarr Ttaiiaai i Paratosj Casket
far Dead Cafba. aad laaartated
tnajHWa Adaaarraa
ene accord
asr ant
that bliss wcaaa and Mtos
net escaped tbere was
back aftar cfaam."
antbeot mCarr aaas
and Mtos Prima a Jacxtoa.
Mtos XTlaoa was & years erf a-
Mtos Zto Haei T3 pea,' sud.
ProCTessive Water Works Purchase Plan
Self Wfeen Caught
Pclioe Hxfc Hud Tise to Zcx Oxj
Joxet Ftoix S-anHctrrLff
Korriin Txbktt.
Otry Iraea, a evcatc ansa from
M mada a dxieTi.te artetnr ta rs-arvear
a box ef inorT'bine taMeits S tmday nxii nine
T-rrr be bad beea aoed under arraat by
Ietectrre fnjeve MaJ-wy and rViBcearjen
i J"v,'Fr '
St otnnined -araa Jcmea t Cie tbat B
recrolred tbe erxtbined tSTrtrf tf tbe tfcrea
offjrer to yrerer km frua swaliaenna
tS entire wi tent erf tbe bex. Be bad
swaDoa-ed aenne ef tbe drcf arbea PaUee
snan Tnrw thmtlri fcns te pjeieat tbe
f Tmia.tbdejr fj via etfinc xcto bia sL'.isiarb.
axOc tbe enber ra-a efSeera strcx-a:'ied ta
eitni tbe box sa-sy Cms Janes. Tbe to
fBrtated ifUnatn araa rasbed to tba pnbee
etatian. at Tr. PeTpeaa. tba police
rule. i an. aa-red bis tf a by bard arark arttb
tbe stoansfb puma.
Jeeas eras arreatal an eompiatot ef J. P.
Slater af C Caiioraia scraat. arba to
fto mud tba eeficara that be bad stnan bis
pern.etbecik eoatalctcj; srei aJ AaXiam
SiAJer aait tbat arbea be met Jonas nt
Six-Lenin and IaeeKport streets tbs totter
auk mi blra tba trma. and tbat arbfie padtic
bis arauft Cram ana packet Jones was pas
tes; tns peckeibeok Cross snetber.
tba poaoe came mpaa tbe eoens
Janea bend tbe em3et eSncbed to bis rvCbt
Tba paboe crabbed for It and in tbe
Car poaaaMDoa Jones Crapped tbs
pockeseeok. Nana ef Mr. Elatar-s money BaiaDsM to as s2Bsxlsb. aa dertod af ar
sras a-aa t.f i V !!y. -1 atem candtttona ara psxteralrr
iitoait. aad tbs pitapeet for s-enaraJ A-a-
Amnmnin Vnilftao
Win Kaiser's Prize
w , ... - .
JCemberx wi tie Crrw ml the Xxxtu
Txili First ix tie Soxt XXCC
KiF U Jans ecisJ Clearam-e-
Tba beat race today bet-aeao cr-rv ef tbs
imi a rtir m Vat? Vialn ra Mia t n iaJ
soar mtbu acja, zor tne
by tba Atoertoaaa.
tba men ef tba Kansas PtHsrln; drat.
Tba German eresre ertribcie tbs ricaary
at tba Axoertonna to tns icrier craxx u
afcirh tbey rowed.
- -mm"
3 'Pneelai )
Parxtos county
Xoatb rakvota Craa town
A Kawa ptetor as alia is t
mu Biaoa. Oear Miikm war
tta Jeaia aeopii bemc pane
b tb3r axera. A Vase kaX sum.
epebmsAnvc. etc, were toatarsa af tbs
day. Tba Xswane prenent at tbe ptotuc
la.: Mr. and Mrs Pre
IHtoe. Prana fW and tami-'T. Mr. and
Mra T. W. Hli Lwaii irl KurOoutti. Pred
bcCbra. O. acareeocr. Tors Muneoa toi
ataia. A. J Lrvw -mrlx aid cuV
and Mrs. Jamas Lar. dam
Mra B. Mann and
Praia J
VAX iVube Hacsan. Mr.
la nTaJtsr Beabaai and
and Mra I
Candy. Edward M
itmJ and Uasy.
Pre Orand Krrer.
snaa. ar ia and Perenoa. Prod
Hard and tatmlT. Cyrta Creoa and
PrtaaT-at. toleto Abrl and Camy
auaa ana aiaaar. u. a - tj.
Victor, la. J La4.a. a.ta andjtatoty to crops ary pear.
la. Vena and Let
yvraa larr.aaola. In Mrs. KedPnrtT and 1
Prvaa Maaat Oty.
Xfxtlioaa YaHey &ets Abe it a
Q.rxrtr ef xx Lata f Exix.
Rama aurtlwns tit Nebraska a-ere -rlsltvd
by LirbtEbpa-era SsTvnay mrbt and Sun
day merrrtx. but tbe rein araa nat pen
eraX Alena; tbe Bur!! nrtrai ta Ioa a tbere
vera norae ("nod sbovers aad tbere aaa
aiaa earns rata at MitcbeO. - and at
Emkix Oty.
A sEcfct rara fefl at Bayoer. Oorambns
and Xoncsn ainca: tba fnlrm Pacic Tbere
-aaa K7a abaa-ers alone tbe Lincola i-T-naca
of Tbe Burncjnna and Ht raiaa
at teams batbe RrpubJlcaa raliey. At Ox
ford. Mtoden and Hmdrece about a e,oar- j
aer c an inca ar ran ton.
At 4 e'eiaca yearLerdap aftemoen to
CMnana tbs tbarsoometor rectoterad ase
by 7 e"eiock X bad erepped bat ta de
crees. Cardcs macy to seek tba cooler
mtmm nt tbe parks
Rata to Osaht yeawday fM to tba
t&erto&aT to tne axtaszt af M inca.
Caaatctaaa Ae Pafnias
1 lacaj Flirerastsr Wtsk ear tba eoedj-
Hems preraiitoc at f-' uac iut ara tbe meat
j peca&ar and bafTtoc ba baa noted Cor
i sassy sua amis Tbe veaersJ attoeepberlc
1 tarbanae f nap kind sinmis eary reraeto.
t LaesJ etorarbanras are ta a any aaineftus.
; an t eh fkMir am km t.
bat tbe raina tbat ara faJtoa- are but cbt
and scattered aboaera. LfoaI.y tbe burzua-
tsr baa toi 1 1 sari dairy Cor a aaek. and tt
Is m oandJOaa that nas made tns beat
J n . cw .y. ar, eaten
j Mr. WausX kbe-res. but tba atrOaok for a
: general rata Is not very poad at preaont
j tjTtsssara Ar Pe41ac Caa a.
j JCTTTHXIJ.. N. Jane Jb. 'Bpeoai.
Tbs sfaratton of tbe area! trrlcaxioa eanal
1 . . .
aaxoe ruxe afcLjia aiaa aa ua fin u tuumiix i
rvw year fcaa keen meat ansgraasrBl. Tbs
I aa araier baa beaa all tbat aaa been i
1 ajaed and crops bars nrear looked nutter j
' ta Xarcb Pbvtto aaJlry tbaa at tsas j
j - Tba PntbCtodar i im imr. to ablck !
' aarearxement stored tba water w-fcA
j wbich to Irnstala tba tones under tbe fester- j
; stoto pretota we-J &d and wc: be mors
: tbaa STbfflciact Car aX wants lor arrtc-n-
Htiiat'it af tns Srat eree of
i is wa3 ondar way and tba ytoid i
i Tba asm dry wsstbsr cf tne tost tnoaik
' bas beat mesa far tba craannc af eras
xwder trtcaxioa- w-btb xaenty af water bat
1 crofa ba abane a spiendid krewtk,
It tot narwra ara mat tna
I aaanr aaax craa wer raiaiia m ua sju
1 mi as narreetod Uoa year.
j Ttos era ewer la ato acres af beats Va ne
7 strewn ta tbe aaUtoy and tbey ar to prims
' eeawTTTinav Tne austar aacnpaxy effVctola
I report arecral crota tbat nave tod mated
, a plaid af taty to tarentp-Crea tans to tbs
tv., iaj&m j., ,
" "
raja Je. aa
ibi prtos k ndtnnoed to Ci-X par
ton tot sad ef mat
nei sesi ry auaaaxa aria be tit i aaalal to to-
i toOjeautoaa aaar arUJ be tv tot af
I msr t r iW tba Prtoss ar stia
1 -nto(torto. tbaractlcal car-
ma at Pmtrrtoid.
AlXPTFIJi. Nrb. Jane X i fipetaal
Tbs fjRaers ba
toalb Daacata 0a time state aa Para
Atoa Parea af lean taitif to
a ttarrkrr aaa Maay
la aVrarxa Bs-easv i ttpm a ta scans to and Cress pi Mini
tCtirSmaad aa iirsad Pa)
i T( ir? JlH Tyn.Y.t Xtks.i U Pit u
j Eci t tie lruii cf lie
jr.Mr:a, Italy txd GrmtTiy luirt
Tjoa aX AfTKStSt-
! bat K at co5rrrrs.ACT is rxAsn
Prcfcfti Tt:rx cf Frrr-ti X:j;it rnrt
Txikfy Actwi EptjLon.
HtK ad tbe libeera. to to a Id.
to aa rraa a atoaaaJtr tba I B aVd
Raw a Pareat take t tbe
Iff a tea af fl
VTEVXA itsr a SrwJ Ca rWr-a-e. V
1 A urm aninaT a'J xaa Lie rT'are ia
i fW aa d In tl urriaTi to Abasla..
' Rsaala. ItaJT anfl i iua- a'.aa arv HTr-r
vr-a Hie sbMjte porr the fii"y ef
. enm-rje tc aa early a-Tec--rr.l a (tb rha
JlTBiaa re-twla
It ha Jufrt flelrTd tbe reaaoa frr tb'.a
a-rtry f ir i In Tuft'V ti
M : murt rrrira.t'T tbe Aar-ir.
J a are lwir.r harrlrd ro "r3 t,kd Ta-k w-b
: a n 1 the STra-lmr fear tbat re
' tumicai tbre may raaolt ir itia a-eiidaie
' tnen"r of Aibaxiaiia PuVfarlartfc. M
-I and McTrrteterans at!- -reat B'ka.a
! fir.r.aTa'-y -brb a-tu drtoe TnrkT
! tomaj tbe Erw'beKS aad itTrb tie fcal
! awe of Eape
I A story rvrrrtA ta thinrnaHe tnrc'w
; bere Hrl sa.rns airb cf ax-e tbat lb
rrtianBt of tba I'.tlacj! Ithen-atar. Gati-.-,
bJL bare arirakfa t tm.Kk of Kf
J liut tote brtna liat rear earrCre. or at suae
be the ;baa rstibaa Cae of tbe yoaaic
GfcrfbaMi alrvaify kaa bwp ar-crre a cars
: Inar aiimpatby for tbe AJbaeaaa ard bas
j breo jirrtt! aajy by Tbe cVnee aura
, f ttlnnaa and e" precauuen erf tba
j Italian y.i w timeot freai Vadtn aa irnr
I trf tbfs-atna to tba arS f tbe Tarkaab
i BKnmmt(T. T afJbfr brerber. arba
rained Oiranruia a rbe rarest Mencaa
rrwrJ. ti la sa4errt.cKd. b) ara ta
be la Ema. ari".b tie aenierwrmaaaB to
r'Krr bi rawd a-i-cat Turkey.
Fhcnjid Tue Oariteajilie rrily Itarta tba
Altaniam it la jr4 tbey arrtud artrac
soidiers fnoa a.n aaottona ef tbe arce-ld and
errata a cKdrnaa abtl arauid tomM tt
lirijxiaBSbie to ir-it M antenerraaa. Serbs
J and F-uipanajja. kataod brrMber ca tbe AV
4 rm,Ti a na. frtna ija la tbe cajniara.
1 Tbey ara rastra aaad w aany -attb tba
j fraatoe iflrilTy.
Tbe bat vt tba Ganbaiam. t hi Sal, b
; to fersa a near rrpubSe. moiutm- tba
j E-jrni-aa vnayitos. Maatencarra. Sarvka.
4 RftomafiTS and Buarla. ri(Ue this is re-
J carded
as net at
aaanibj tbere la (rave
-eanrer tbat a Etlu aderatlc tony w
tsasant stoat abtt a-eJa be tw naa'. .la "
sainaina rs ban- a awuoU ;ygr to tbe afTatra
af eaatera Earepe. m,.
taraxto Beeaexd to 111 me-eetie Par
vaB Caaatp far Pnaaarattaa
af Saltwi.
rrrROIR. X H- Jane felaJ TWe
rratn. Last laH. arbea tbe three offlaal
naa;itrr erf Made cotastr preaaartid
tbeir t.rri-, Jw prtothijr tne relerred la ara.
etc.. ta be eated tm at tbe TCer-ember eier
tve tie B'ard ef County CoTorriioaoaiers
tbs.t body rejected tbe bi:e Tbe amowrt
doe aarb pa.Ter amexnited to abotrt PP.
fyrured at tba lecal ratea.
Tbe PrurxiB Rerwrd rnrtrt.ated as nrthia
la tbe Mfde cpuary tamct murt- Jufica
W. G Rioe of the Eiarbth drntit rendered
ta derislta teeteraay aTternoon. arbarb
araa ta Is-rer ef tba FWurria Eecwrd. and
todlrer-ay fsrvrs fbe pablirbers of tbe
etber tare arfSoiaJ pajr Harrr P. At-
arater a-as aTterney far tie laarocfl.
'inisTi SSepard araa aemened ta fins
pear and Caar mevba. Jrn Hark to en
year and Cear mearrhs aad Art tur Pbejard
to one year. AC tbree bare bees taken
to tba Aeax PaHa peslteniriary.
AjLEANT, X. Jtme S-nrRreelsJ Te
ratn Tbe ajroinr by Gorrrrw rlx ef a
bin tasking X a madetneanor for aa ma
keeper, norrrmoei carrier ar tbeatrtcai tnas
aer to diaj 1:itma.ta ara -net tbs f altai
i artcy ar nary -m-Jr-jrai a tbs fdt
' BP aatltaj-arloe troaat
to protect
J tbe Clf-tiry of tbe tmS1
It Is plsjnned ta bare sS-nnar ntns Brra--dBoad
ta tbe earxros stato V-rTr.arjrres and
posbad to paaai re-
FTeelQeEt Taft. teeratarlea Ptiraataj and
Meyer. AesckaJ r-a-ey and GeswraJ TToed
sX are tourertod ts tbe nrtcnnt and wll
see tbetr trCaenoe ta puab It suonc
'am aaa tlapor Offewea tars t
Caaa tier nad Claw Taa
baaaa a Day.
IOXr!C. Jane 'pertaJ Ca terrain
! Be Harris Is nepcttotlr witn Parti V
a aeason af twenty weeks ta Immiai
FarQ a to trtev aer answer eriua t-a
daya Tbe pbenosnnsJ aaiary tbat has
ban effered tba atttper 1 ermreur aatia
fartory tz AAebna. bet ft appears sb bas
not titte eacaecied ta ee tat abswa a
day." as tbey ear ta tbs vaaderirie werid.
Euni sara tbat aba la wtl'.fcrx ts crte ecve.
If tfce tLSc-wity can be aawi wna Patd
i trt ,k. a tSa ralra .
to Jsnuarr
Base Ball Tickets.
Eo-aisd trip t! Carets to Lxke
Quart bricts of Dxlzell's
lee creata.
Boxes cf 0 'Erica's Cxndj.
AH rrrcx away tra tt tneae a ka
CxS U-elr nAibaa la tl want
BaaA tba a ait aft a-tsry sar.
yar Eaava 1U ai p to sat-B.a,
toAj be rr-rra it te es.
Xa ptirt i at ta aofvo avor acktrrta.
tieu U fat .feat raC las at it
Tarn ts) tla Want aX
tetnaw Btx atarae BUI xtaktaar
Mnaraeaaar ta PtoilalaaM
Axaiaet Wearer.