THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 25, 1911. SOCIETY STAYS OUT OF DOORS Young Women Plan for Tennii Tour nament Thii Week. SEVERAL MORE JUNE WEDDINGS Maar Omaha People Ar Prepsurlns; io Take I,oi Motorinc Trl Rome to Joarnrr Half War Arrow the Coattaeat. Social Calendar. MON DAT Children'! matinee dance at the fina Club; Mr. K. W. Rhode and Mr. B. K. Klmbrrly, luncheon at Harry Hol low! Minn Ida barlow and Mr. Clarence Parlow, dance at Ha4py Hollow; moving picture at Koa and Uun club. TUKHPAY Mm. Charles B. Keller, dinner at Country club for Minn Frarves Thrall of Detroit and her two sons, Mr. Charles Keller and Mr. Harold Keller; Mrs. J. M. Taliaferro, afternoon f r the ladlea of the U. H. Grant Belief eorr: Mies, Mo Hugh, dinner for the riatt-Mcllugh wed- - ding party; ladUa' day at Field club and Happy Hollow; dinner and dance at Happy Hollow; dinner and dance at Hod and Dim club, guest' night. WEDNKHDAT Barker-Carpenter wedding; at the home of the bride; Mia Klffle Haight, bridge luncheon tr Mr. Qorge Sunderland, the guest of Mr. Oeorge I-aler; fMatt-Mcttuirh wedding at bride's home; mid-week dinner and dance at Field club; mid-week dinner and dance at the Country club; moving picture at Hod and Uun olub. THC RSH AT Newman-Roe water wedding at the home or Mr. and Mr. N. p. Fell; Omlcron luncheon at the Osnaha Com mercial club; Allen-Falconer wedding at bride' home; Mrs. B. L. Trawler, KUreka club; ladle day at Happy Hollow ana Field olub; at Hod and Oun club, quartet. comedy, vaudeville and moving picture. FRIDAY Mr. Carry Bcntt enterta n the American Woman' league. SATURDAY Pinner and -lance at Country club; dinner and dance at Field club; din ner and dance at Happy Hollow; dinner and dance at Rod and Oun club. Ready with racquets In band, forty of the young eociety women of Omaha will open the annual Women' City Champion ship Tennis tournament at the Omaha Field olub Monday morning at t o'clock. Flaying will continue alx days, the cham pionship match and final In other round being played Saturday. '' The arrangement for the tournament hour do away with playing through the hot session of the day, the early mornings and lata afternoons being utilised. It will undoubtedly be good tennis all week, the women of the city playing a - speedy game. Last year the quickness Of the girls on the courts and the skill With which they handled the racquet were the subjects for many an admiring word by the more exprtenced men players of the club. The city tennis tournament has com to be one of the big social events of Omaha. ThS women meet In contest across the net, yet the best of good feeling Is Shown by both the winners and losers, refuting the Idea that women have not the love for fair play that men have In sport. Some of the fair players are mere girl, but their quickness on the courts and thletfc training they have received in the schools makes them easily the match for the older heads. Old Sol, with his hot rays. Is ons of the greatest enemies of a successful tennis tourney. Sunburn attack all who play, for even a big hat cannot guard one con stantly on the move. Bare arms and open Becked dresses are popular because of their coolness, but on the third or' fourth day of the tournament many girls rue the day they gave In and changed from the high necked blouse. . The- entry list will be open until Bun day evening, when the drawings will be mad for the opening round of the tourna ment . .' - i , Following Is the list of entries: Carmellta Chase, , Claire Daugherty, champion; Violet Jolyn. Mary Rlngwalt. . Luutle Fellers. Ruth Hammer, Helen Buck, Susan Holurge, Delia Johnston, Laura Zimmerman, Charlotte Ht dwell, Hortense Clark. Marie Hodge, Mrs. C. D. Armstrong, Verna Hayes. Blanohe Klnsler. Alloe Porterfleld, 1nuu VI 1 1 1 . Miss Ilartman. Miss Hlnrlch. Bus Dumont. Helen Borenaon, Mildred Butler, Carmellta Jenkins, Luclle McCrrlgh, Marjory Smith, irna Reed, - -.lia Crelghton, Catherine Baum. Mrs. Dick Stewart. Mrs. C. T. KaUntU. Iualu.1 Vln,n'nhU. tieien huck, Menie pavls, Sybil Nelson, fcdllh Uaraden. Omaha people are planning some interact Ing motor trip. Mr. Mosher Colpetser left yesterday In his car for a trip to Borton. He was accompanied by Mr. Robert Rums and the Messrs. Wolbach of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton plan to motor t to the Atlantic coast In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Updike and family of Los Angele, Cal., formerly of Omaha, will leave soon for Europe and will take their touring car and motor abroad. Many other Omahans are planning Omaha Girls Gone to Chicago ;t ' ' s K- "fr Another Omaha June Bride HvV . t - MISS BLANCHES ROSE WATER, Whosa Wedding with Milton B. Newman Will Be Celebrated Thursday, June 29, 1911. smaller motor tours. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hynes and Master William Hynes motored to Lincoln and Hastings last week and will motor Into Iowa this week. Mr. Edward A. Cudahy, Jr., Mr. Robert Burns and Mr. Walter Roberts motored to Chicago last Week, the latter two return ing home by train. The departure of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cudahy and family for Chicago to re side leaves a place difficult to till. In the tennis tournament this week the young women of the family will be missed, a they have always taken a prominent part In these events. Mrs. Cudahy will bs missed In musical, social and charitable circles. In all of which she has been a capable leader. Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes leave this week for Chicago and Miss Helen Forbes left last week. Bhe will visit Miss Mar garet McPherson at Lake Ripley, Wis. The last week of June several weddings of Interest will be celebrated. Wednesday evening the wedding of Miss Isabel Tlllot son . of Montreal to Mr. Joseph Barker of Omaha will take place quietly owing to illness in the bride's family. The ceremony will be at 6 o'clock In the evening at St. James the Apostle's church. No invitations were Issued and after the (ceremony wedding, supper will be served. About twenty relatives will be present. After a short wedding ' trip they . will corns to Omaha to reside. Mr. Barker left Thurs day for Mdntreal. , On the same evening the wedding of Mr. Joseph Barker's brother, Mr. George Bar ker, to Miss Olive Carpenter, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Isaac Carpenter, will be cele brated at S o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Carpenter on Hawthorne avenue. About two hundred Invitation have been Isued for this event and a gum ber of out-of-town visitors are expected for it. Another wedding Wednesday evening will be that of Miss Florenoe McHugh and Mr. Edwin Harvey Piatt of Denver. A number of out-of-town guests arrive today and Monday. Among them will be Miss Amy West of Dubuque, Mrs. James V. McHugh snd daughters. Mis Miriam and Mi's Jean, of Minneapolis; ' Mr. John G. McHugh of Minneapolis, Mr. D. O. McHugh of Ca'gary, Canada; Mrs. Lydla S. Piatt and Mis France Piatt of Denver. The marriage of Ml? Blanche Rosewater, daughter of Mrs. Edward .Rosewater, to Mr. Milton Ben Newman, will take place uext Thursday, June 29, at 11:30 In the morning at Mrs. Roewater's home. 20.6 Dodge street. The wedding will be a small one, followed by a breakfast,' with only J 1 i;, C relatives and guests. a fsw Intimate friends as Pleasures Past Wednesday afternoon -Mrs. Charles L, Dundy entertained very Informally at her home In honor of Mrs. WeltielL Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hamilton entertained at dinner Friday evening in th Hamilton cafe for the following guests: I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Combs, Mr. and Mr. Thomas Fell, Judge and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sellgsohn celebrated their forty-ninth wedding anniversary at their Hamilton apartment Saturday. At Sunday dinner the Immediate family and their son, Mr. Frederick Sellgsohn of Kan sas City will be present. As a farewell for Mrs. Weitsell, Mrs. J. J. McMullen and Mrs. Charles Marsh en tertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Marsh's home. Four tables of players weer present and the prise was won by Mrs. William Hill Clarke, In honor of Miss Lena Landauer of St. Louis Miss Lillian Greene entertained at cards at hsr home. Miss Landauer won first prise. The guests were Misses Martha Hadra, Leola Brandels, Henrietta Burk man, Myrtle May, Jessie RoBenstock, Sady Levy, Landauer of St. Louis. Wednesday evening Mrs. Georgia Paxton gava a dinner at her Falracres home, "The Ranch," for Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountxe In celebration of their twelfth wedding an niversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountxe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountse, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Eastman, Mrs. Short, Mr. Andreesen and Mr. Milton Darling. The following account from the Nashville Tennessean of the dance given last week by Mr. and Mrs. Darrow at their charm ing southern home will Interest many Omaha reader, as Mr. and Mrs. Darrow are former residents of this city and have a host of friends here and the honor guest were both Omaha young men: "Distinctive In all the beauty of its detail was the fete champetre given last evening by Mr. and Mrs. George M. Darrow and Miss Temple Swope at the Darrow home In" Murfrees the Immediate families at the home of th 120 ? . A - During the Hot Summer Months If you have electricity in your house it will pay you to call. We have everything in 'the way of electrical appli ances and household utensils. no 100 90 80 70 These Fni Keep It Down to 60. Emerson Electric Fans Hotpoint Electric Irons Electric Toasters Electric Stoves Arnold Massage Vibrator Bissell Sewing 'Machine Motors , Electric Curling Irons and a great many other things toq numer ous to mention. AU being demonstrated this week by . wTr-ffl'tfut" ' lT'""l "it1" 0ST models Son! Y Special summer Corner 20th and Farnam. boro. The affair was in compliment to Pa ft Midshipmen Harold Keller and George Fuller of Omaha, who are guests at pres ent of Mr. and Mrs. Darrow. Wedding Bells Mr. Lee W. Spratlen and Mrs. Emma L. Femald were married In Chicago Saturday afternoon, June 24', at 4201 Vlncennea ave nue, the residence 'of the bride's parents. Mr. Spratlrn has been connected with the Burlington railroad for many years, and the bride I the daughter of Mr. Frederick W. Rueckhe m of Chicago. They left Chicago Saturday evening In a private car for an. extensive wedding trip. Miss Mary Kathleen Dwyer, daughter of Mrs. Mary Dwyer, and Mr. Thomas Casey were united In marriage at Sacred Heart church Wednesday morning at I xj'clock. Miss Helen Dwyer and Mr, Dennis Casey were the attendants. After the nuptial mass a wedding breakfast was served ts bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Casey will be at home after July 1 at Messena, la. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W,' Morton an nounce the engagement ot Mrs. Morton's daughter, Margaret Whitney, to Bralneid Mears, Ph. D., (Williams, '03.). Miss Whit ney Is a gratuate of Oman High school, class '08, -and of Wellesley, class '09, and will be remembered by many of her Omaha friends. Dr. Mears ts a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Psl, Alpha Chi, 8 gma, Thcta Delta Cbl and Gargoyle societies. The wedding will take place In the early fall and they will live In . Willlamttown, Mass., where Dr. Mears Is the assistant professor ot chemistry at Williams college, The wedding of Miss Delia Jacobson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Jaoobson, to Mr. James Trimble took place Wednesday afternoon, June 21, at 4:30 o'clock at th Kountse Memorial church. The Rev. Oliver D BalUly read the wedding lines. The bride wore a gown of white satin, with orerdrape of white silk crepe, caught at one side by a pearl ornament. The bodice and sleevts were trimmed : with princess lace. She carried an arm bouquet of white roses and swansonla. A brooch of pearls, gift of the groom, was the only jewel worn. MIfs Irene Lamon, bridesmaid, was gowned In pink crepe de chine over self-toned silk. She carried an arm bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas. Mr. Harry Cheek of South Omaha waa best man. Before the entrance of the wedding party Miss Ines Bloom played "Traumeri." Following the ceremony a buffet supper was served at the 'horn Of the bride's parents for the weJdlng party. The hostess was assisted by Miss Agnes Cooley and Mrs. Frank Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Trimble left for a western wedding trip and will ba at home after August 1 at their new home In South Omaha. The wedding of Miss Loretta Marie Glen- non and Mr. Philip N. Bigger was cele brated Thursday morning at 9 o'clock In St John's collegiate church. The Rev. Father Bronsgeest performed the cere mony and celebrated the nuptial high mass ne pnae wore a gown or white crepe over white satin, with pearl trimmings, and carried bride's roses. Her long tulle veil was held in plaoe with a cluster of Mies of the valley. Mrs. James F. MH'.er, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore her wedding dress over pink silk and carried an arm bouquet , of Killarney roses. Little Miss Mary , Estelle Kinney was ring bearer and carried the ring In a floral basket She was gowned In white and wore a wreath ofTllles the valley. Mr. James F. Miller was best man. After the ceremony a wedding breakeast was served at the home, of the bride for th wedding party and Immediate friends. Ths rooms were decorated with ferns and Kll- larny roses. . , . . , Mr. and Mrs. Bigger left on an evening- train lor New Tork. An Interesting feature- of 'this wedding is that it took place on Mr. and Mrs. Miller's wedding anniversary, as they were married' on June 22 of last year, and Miss Glennon, Mr. Bigger and little Miss Kinney were the attendants. At Rod and Gun Club Five Omaha girls and their chaperon will take a two weeks' vacation on Carter lake, starting this week. They will have a cot tage at the Rod and Gun club and cook their own meals for their vacation time. (Continued on Page Three.) T prices expert work. - Telephone Doug. 3040. It so .All goods market down below cost. Yon will say that they are the greatest values you ever re ceived for your money. Mall orders In this sale hold good for ten days. Address Iepartment H All Pure German Wavy Hair Switches 2 2 inches long, at. . . 24 inches long, at. . 26 Inches long, at. . , 28 inches long, at. . , 30 inches long, at. . , 34 inches long, at. . 51.0O -$1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $4.00 All-around Transformation, water wave, regularly selling for $6.00; at this special sale only. ... t. .$2.00 Washable Hair Rolls, 18 Inches long; for quUft sale 25s A lot of odd shades of Beautiful Switches, in drab and auburn, such as yeu have. tried so hard to 0 A A match and could not find; all various lengths at this "quick sale" will go at pOUU Ten experienced lady hairdressers to wait on you. With every sale amounting to $ 2.00 or over we will dress your hair free. Our Ilalrdresslng and Manicuring Parlors are conceded to he the most complete and up-to-date in the country by Omaha ladles who have visited the leading cities throughout the United States. Tot Kalrorlng, .Bhampoolng, Electrical racial and Boalp Treatment, Manicuring or Chiropody, call Dong. 9333 or A-8333 IVIonlieit's What Women Like in a Baker Electric m They like its noiseless running, due to the silent shaft drive. This is a luxury seldom to be had in any motor car never in a chain driven vehicle. They like its beauty of design. Not any mere ornamentation, but structural beauty, with freedom from chains. They like its exquisite interior, fitted and fin ished with a quiet refinement in keeping with the character of the car itself. And besides these advantages, the Baker is the most efficient of all electrics. None other can travel so far on a single charge of batteries. Baktr EUetrtc mqulpptd with had plat; Ironclad or Edison battarimt, thm two latttr mt extra cost, and with ., mithmr tpmcial eeefne pnmamatie or Mot cushion tl'rss. Electric Oarage Company Omaha Distributers 2218 Far nam St, 0 Something New! MADAM FRAYER Is Now Demonstrating Her ADELIGHT HAIR fOOD In her new balcony Massage Parlor at Megeath's Stationery Store. She guarantees to grow hair RESULTS ASSURED NO PHONE FOR APPOINTMENTS. DOUGLAS 284. 0 We again call your attention to the fact that If you are thin U lng of buying a SKWIXO MACHINE or trading your old one in o. n new one, we can sell you ai a leas outlay of money than any house in the city. We ask for our machines just what they are worth, and not any more. . We sell our machines at one price. We employ no agents, and resort to no tricks to sell our ma chines. 1 If you, who are going to bur a machine, care to save money, no matter what price, from a $1Z.U machine to the best in the world, will Just look around, get prices, etc., then come to us, and if we won't convince you that we can save you money, then don't buy, and if we please you, you will do us a great favor by telling your neighbors to TRY lHAYDEV8 FIRST. It is the surest way to save your temper, money and shoe leather. We have got the , goods if you want them. Clve us a little down and a little each month. The II A VI) K.N WAY is different; come and see for your self If it isn't. Second hand machines from 12.00 up, such ai S1XGE1US, WHEELER & W1LKOX, DOMESTIC, WHITES and many others. j A complete line of the very best output of four of ths largest factories In the world to select from. We are sole agents for the world's greatest Sewing Machine, HOME Uonheit's Hair Store Special Salo of Hair Goods HcglnnJng Monday our fine stock of Hair Goods, consisting of Rvritchetn, ltaaket llralrin, Transformations, Puffs, Curls, Isullew' Wilts, Men's Toupees and everything predominating In fashion able Hair (foods, will be placed on sale at priors whlrh will make yon wonder how it ran be possible. We want tliis to be a "quirk sale" the prices and the quality of goods we offer will make liatural Gray Wavy Switches Including some pure white, worth $10.00; all go at the $1.00 quick sale for. . . , 2 large sire, real hair nets, for 25c TRANSFORMATIONS Hair Store The Baker Motor-Vehicle Co. ' Makers CLEVELAND. O. on bald heads. HAIR NO MONEY IND. A-2234, ISMS. 0 EiD! 1EAI! Cluster Puffs A variety of shades and latest designs, natural curly, easy to re dress, for quirk sale, Toe, fl.OO, 91.50, $2.00, 92.RO and 9-1.00. Basket Draids Very predominating styles, all pure quality hair, some of these sold for $8 and $10, at thla A A special quick sale. City National Bank Building Ground Floor OROSI A Little Short of Wonderful is our showing o f White Shoes and Pumps this week. We are informed by wireless that there is a general scarcity of White Shoes over the coun try. Come to headquar ters first and save that tiresome walk when looking for them. A new lot of White Canvas Colon i a 1 s and One-Strap Pumps received by today's express fresh and clean from the makers. SOROSIS SHOE STORE 203 South 15th St. O Frank Wiftbx The Corset Women Like Artist Model Corsets can be obtained only of us. It is a patentad cor set contains features for wear, comfort and fitting that no other cor- set possesses. Every cor set carries a full guar antee. , Our stock is so large such a variety of models that all women can be properly fitted. Artist Model Corsets range in price from $3 to $50.00. Our fitting service can' not be equaled. IDA C. STOCKWELL aoa Bouta 17tb sHxsst, Braadsis Thsatsr Bid;. Call Song. 474. OMAHA WOMEN GLAMOR FOR LA BOOK SUITS Temporary Price Redaction of $80 to . S50 Calls Forth Much AcUvity. Prloa must Indeed "talk" to tempt woman io buy ons or mors tallorsd-to-order suits In weather Ilk this, but. nevertheless, La-Book, the Ladies' Tstllr In ths Webster-Sunderland building;, at Sixteenth and Howard streets, Is making his place of buslnoss th scene of unprecedented sum mer activity, simply through offering his customary 180 suit values at ISO. "La-Book" knows Just what woman de sire in the way of stunning attire, and, what is mors important, he knows Just how to produce it. Weather or no weather, if you've use for a tailored-to-torder suit of "gilt edge" atyls st 60 then resort to La-Book wlille his 50 offer holds good. 80 ma terials and workmanship are not often of fered at 160 in Omaha. fTh Coolest Shop in Omaha Everyone remarks this when hav ing work done in our breexy, cool, modern beauty parlor on the second floor City National Bank Building. No olld booths with dead air but, privacy with adjustabls screeni al lowing perfect ventilation. BX.XOTBIOAZ. raCIAX. and BCALJ TsVBATMXsTT, xaioroouo. XA BXBcsora. Complete stork of Imported goods at lowest prices. hair Beeead floor Olt Vst'l Bank polat- tueav Blag.