Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE, TIKE: OMAHA. RATtHDAY. .TUXE 24, 1911.'
men's clothing department
Starts Saturday, June 24th
fr July 1st we take stock, and its our cus-
it's 4 .-. mm. --a -- . .--. -"k v -v V-x afx, 1 - a. 4- .-v --fc 1 p -v --ai el-
4 ni with x i uj u n "
i n
w u
sale previous to inventory, in order to
lower our stock to the lowest possible
limit--the time is short, but we're going
to make things "hum" for the next few
days. We quote here a few of the many
good things we have in store for you:
Here's a Good Starter Saturday-We Offer
Three Hundred Hart, Schaffner &
Marx Spring Suits, at
worth up to $35.00, all this season's styles. The number is limited, so get in early remember, this offer holds good for
Saturday only. ;
One thousand men's pure wool and worsted suits, worth up to $20.00 we offer during our Pre-Inventory Sale at $11.75
Fancy worsteds and blue perges strictly hand tailored.
Five hundred men's suits, in fancy patterns and true blue serges, worth up to $25.00, we offer during this sale at $14.75
Four hundred men's wool suits, all this season's styles, worth up to $12.00, we offer at .$6.50
"We offer six hundred and fifty pairs of men's fine dresa' trousers, pure worsteds, in all the latest patterns; they are honest
;$5.00 to $6.00 values; sale price ... $3.45
Technical Course in Omaha High ii
Bringing Good Beiult.
Oft-Repeated Complaiat of Older Ga
rrallon that GnlMtii ef Pres
ent Dar Are Goa fer JCot to
las la Borate.
Betioue consideration of the rood that
will ootne to a boy or girl In undertaking
a course of study In the Omaha High
school la always an Important point, but
In manual training; the question la even
more pertinent.
Manual training and mechanical draw
ing, which oonstltutea the technical course,
oocslsts of partial training in the use of
tools In the grade schools, and two years
of practical work In the high school. The
high school work demands that the stu
dent hall become practical with tools, but
shall make a drawing of everything be
Aroducea, ,
In the end the boy is usually capable of
natJng for himself a useful article, such
a settee, a table or a chair. Borne of
the boys undertake more elaborate work.
turning out clocks .cabinets, and pieces of
furniture demanding the most exacting at
tentlon of the craftsman. Bought at a
furniture store such articles would bring
high prices.
The oft repeated complaint of the older
generation that a boy who graduated from
the high school nowdays, Is good for noth
ing. Is answered well In any of the lads
fit ho has completed his two years of man
ual .training. Not only Is he able to do
common carpentry or machine work with
tools, but he Is generally capable of doing
difficult cabinet work In a style that would
do credit to many an older man of the
p He Leerste to Work. ,
But most of all, the lad who has been
two years In the department, under Prof.
John E. Wig-man, has learned to work.
Mr. Wlgmaa was never afraid of work
himself, he declares, and he does not see
why a lad who has enrolled In the manual
training department should learn loafing
under him. And aak any of the boys who
have received credit for two years of com
pleted work under him. and he will have
only Ute highest praise for the man who
has made him work, and through his sys
tem taught him that one great asset, t In
dustry. 1
Technical training la In the high school
merely a starter of. what a b jy with a
leaning for sucit work wishes to take.
Upon graduation many boys go yearly to
big eastern technical schools to study the
courses provided there. 1
Since the teari-i down of the old hltth
school the manual training de
partment has been placed in the bauement
ef the new one. This arrani merit Is only
temporary, however, until the new wing on
the north side Is builtj when It wlU be
shifted aeln to a new h him.
Prof. Wlgman has long wanted a four-
ear technical oourse In Omaha and Is
preaching that today. His ideas, gained
from a study of the work In larger ctilea
In the east, would enlarge the spaoe al
lotted the boys taking the manual train
ing and mechanical drawing, and If pos
sible place thena In a separata building.
"Omaha la far behind other eitiea In Its
technical oourse for Its boys and glris."
declared Mr. Wlgman. "Not that we laok
an thing for a twe year course, but that Is
aot enough. . The boy merely gets well
started in two years.
rrTer Coarse. Seeded.
"If It were possible to have a separate
'-building for the studrnts In the technical
' ana snow mom a four year
course of study, we would not have to send
our boys east at great expense to gain
, tl.ii kind of an educatioa. The two years
training ths boys receive now qualifies
tfceus tut entrance to the big technical
Practical Training in Omaha High School
. , i., .
pTl ' .Hi ie ii . num. '''' t
$ $ $ : f I-j : v?; tej ' ' "I Cv ft
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schools, but we would In four years, with
added equipment, be able to teach them
much of the course afforded In largsr
"Manual training Is Infinitely more val
uable to a boy, I thick, than any other
study. He learns to use his hands and
is always able to earn a living If he
knows a trade. Look at the fine boys
turned out of here. Tou don't see any of
them sitting down to rest. They like work
and are not afraid of it.
"The greatest men of our country had to
work in their day and were never ashamed
of It. And it Isn't the bey whose dad has
money that's going to be the man of the
hour In the world of tomorrow. It's the
lad that can put In the work and show
himself Worthy of his education.''
Theater Party at the Goyety Attests
the Pooalartty or Ike Cam
sway's Maaager.
Upwards of 14 members of Ak-Sar-Ben
working crew attended the performance of
"The Road to Yesterday" at the Qayety
Thursday night.' The theater party was in
honor of Lloyd Ingraham, who was one
of the principals In the near-opera at the
dea last summer, Mr. Ingraham made a
speech of appreciation and was presented
with a large bouquet. The Ak-Sar-Benltee
sang many of the songs In this season's
operas, between the acts. A feature of
the evening was the attempt to arrest
Captain Dunn of the police department,
who baa the role of "King Sakonuu" at
r-h.i.NK- U V'i!0!k'"n U?e '""'"- ; No. t. Settee by Lester Shane- No. ,
r .brJDhDoli'L-, No- Cabinet b y Sans Woodbrldge; No. 4, Morris Chair
oytvent Y it fin ell
the den thla summer. Someone shouted
"police" and the Gayety's house officer
promptly responded, but tLo captain, ro-
fused to be "pinched," much to tke dis
gust of his eolleagnas. who d 4 nA beUeve
of ao moaa a
; i or on , r
1 fjftlrt AND VJJ monthly;;
fTITTfTiraAT- rm J-l
: - 1 UWUIaI EJ " Terms ;
ji rirprTaeO to suit.;;
; ! BED IS MADE -SSi f ggfe Sr -P J
! VERMIS r.iARTiwpr j LJL,! -I
-. Here's a combination offer that can't be equaled - A FINE t 1
i 1 1 anywhere no, not within f0 per cent of the price we 1 y- ' . 1T 'I
;:: ask Its a positive fsct The bed Is made In the rich jj If MATTRESS 77 if
J. 1 -SBS-BwawaswasBs-awa--BBSwaswaswsBS-BB-aswawy 0-fid " Bronze 'fin- 7n th, outflt ,B "'' " 0- i ?
'l Uh V trZtM l-iT toa Top Mattress, made In mot durable ' !t
;; r -g -rn--. to prevent ;wmlM ICV mannr' atrong ticking, strongly sewed soft oot- ,f
S Ps'.w1.1 I off or tarnishlne, ) f ton toP- T"r com- rm m mm j f
i. neat and hand- ((71 fortable and very . r
SI Jf 9 -om. design. .ervlceab. fg f A Tl 1 ' ?
i:! i r ' The springs Included In above outfit are ViA J
. I ! yt II ; IV most comfortable, having best woven wire y
' t 11 a W toP n1 thn supported by spiral steel spring 1" A R TVT l J1 ly
: 1 J l supports. They will never sag are very I I M Q WW ll IfJI mi ,J
I H I) atrong as well as very comfortable. Ml j 1 I 'fc
1 t-IP-? ; Glven d' Value yTI-
: SOLID OAK ' 45-Inch Top I vPfhykAf ' W
g A most unusual ThU table 1. made of se- Rr forn"cV "'rVre o-m 'if
j I value In a fine lected solid oak, best stock m sUl tlon collspslblo carts of every de- If
't solid oak Dresser, If . w..,ieiio eni.h. n t. V J 1 scriptlon, with and without storm ,JX
i1 h.,7ifl e-oide-I II and beautifully finished in 1 dashes and curtsins: also Keed JS
I finish well made 11 Early English or golden. W.. I Carts Wood Rody Carts. Baby ,4
i hH y h- m"'"ve ry sads "b'vo. ntw
ft Saturday........... inch round top and extends n that you ever heard of. It
i j vmmmmmmmmmm to six feet This Sale tawewewawxeawaawe-aaaeawawo
I;! 0 l"TT5 TI?5? Re-tr ij
Pile of Aniweri to Puzzles Taking On
Immense Sue.
One H Says MU Wife Gets Sapper
Lata a tl Ho Tklaka of Uoteg
Woat for Teaaoerary Real
deaoo la Reao.
together and forget their duty to their hus
bands. I tell you It is a much as we can
do to gst anything to eat."
Wtllimna Gei-heart, Employed at the
Y. M. C. A., Draws Flf.
teea Days. . .
It quite staggers the Imagination to think
of the study represented by the mass of
documents piled up in the huge vault on
tfie second floor of The Bee building. This
maes Is composed of hundreds of answers
to Booklovers pussies that have come in
during the last four days. There are
rather loose and carelessly prepared pack
ages, and there are others of wonderful
and meticulous neatness. In which toll and
trouble and expense have not been gpared.
Here Is one package In whioh every
coupon with Its ploture and Ita exquisitely
engrossed title and name have been
mounted on excellent paper and bound Is
what looks like parchment. The edges ars
But here la another entirely the oppo
site. Some youngster baa rolled his cou
pons together and tied them with a strong
cord. The titles and names of books are
scrawled In a bold, irregular hand. This
condition of his coupons Is no sign, bow-
ever, that he has not as many . answsrs
correct as any of the others. This talk
is simply about the appearance of ths
Blue Rlbboa oa Oae.
On the top of one stack Is a paokage
tied with blue ' baby ribbon. There are
some heavy parcels. One has stiff paper
enclosing the coupons. Some are enclosed
In plain large envelopes.
Never before has such a couple of cords
paper represented such a mass of effort.
One g axing oa the big pile would say
there must bo e.Ktt of these packaraa.
Yea, It looks as though there were &.0IH
and there will be many more before ths
contest clones.
"I'll certainly be glad when this Book
lovers game la over," remarked a genial
man In ti e busir.ezs office of The Bee yt-
terday afternoon. lf It does not (top
booh, there la going to be a Bono stunt In
my family. I don't know whether my wife
Is ffolnj to live with me any longer or not
filnoe the oontest began I haven't had sup
per on time, not once.
"My wife and the woman next door are
so Interested In this contest that they get
William Gerheart. 22 years old. an em
ploye of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, was sentenced to fifteen days on
the rock pile by Judge Crawford In po
lice court rrlday morning, charged with
abusing his young wife and mother-in-law.
The Oerhearts live at 2318 South Twenty
ninth street, and William has been working
as general utility man at the Young Men's
Christian association building for the last
five months. His mother-in-law testified
that whenever he drew his monthly pay
of 135, it has been his custom to blow the
money In for drink and then coma home
and abuse his wife, mother-in-law and
two little babies.
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
baby camp is found
to be Self-supporting
With the Coatrlb-atlOBS Already
Made Casap Caa Care for
With the contributions made at the- en
trance the baby camp has proven Itself
self-susta'ning since Ita opening about three
weeks ago. This fact was brought out, at
tbs monthly meeting of the visiting nurse,
which was held In the Paxton hotel Friday
The report of the secretary showed that
running expenses of the camp to date have
been S2S.65, while the receipts, Inoludlng
contributions snd collections for care of
babies, have been $33.66. The report showed
that there are ten babies in the camp at
the present time, and all doing well. Ths
camp was dlrcustted at the meeting at soma
length and a few minor changes In tha de
tail working of It proposed.
There will be no more meetings of the
visiting nursei, aside from the executive
committee this summer. During the last
month 310 visits have been made to ninety
seven patients.
S.SS. is the only remedy that can be used with perfect safety in the
treatment of Contagious Blood Poison, and with the assurance that a last
ing cure will result. There are certain mineral medicines which will
temporarily remove the external symptoms of Contagious Blood Poison,
but when the treatment is left off the disease always returns in worse form,
anr! the rVlimti ti:tii!! nf the stnmach and bowels are usually iniured
by these strong minerals. S.S.S, made entirely of non-injurious roots,
herbs and barks of recognized curative and tonic value, removes every
particle of the virus from the circulation, and by enriching and strength-
ening the blood, cures the disease permanently. a. aocs noi mac or
cover up the symptoms, but removes them by first eliminating the cause.
Home Treatment Book and any medical advice free. 5.S.S. is sold at,
"Juct Say"
CrigfiuJ tad finrclai
Tbt Ftid-frlfik far AH
More beaiiij tLaa Tea cr CoJee.
Agrees will tbe weakest dtf-atwn.
DcskxKB. irnjWsiiag gikj nuirkiou.
BiA maV. makexj grain, po-wio form.
A (pack kacb yrtpuvtl b a Kraut.
TaJu m nLstitrte. Jur UOlUCrS.
vtrirf'" Other tun imitations.
Round Trip, Daily
$ OP 00 am! 26.C0
and 34.00
Kiagsra Falls
in1 34.00
Fast trains at nnvtnient hours make Jtrttt ($ntctitns in Chuaf
with all Unts tast. Liberal return limits and
Javorabl stoptwr pnvtleies.
You travel in luxury ant. enjoy
IfUl-JWJ tarnam Street. Vmaba. Neb. 1 1I I
MWI7W lilU
$Or. 63, 32.00 and 34.00
SQAOOand 34.00
-innooani 34.00
$yif60, 41X0 and 450
Until September 30
$0080, 38.80 and 33.10
D Saratoga Spgs.
$ 3 00 and 45.00
New York City
w Atlantic City
JIO 35 nd 4S.35
& Portland