Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Nebraska "1
Jrw Wtjne Xormal BaHdia; to St
BtUt ty T. P. Gould dt Soa.
T AataesV Members af mH
waet) th attend i-s-es
Sm Warwe-a Iwr la
A a tales fut7,
Detailed Census of Nebraska Counties.
The &ret of tb mm ha asruaerad b aoawlaaea
orjerdiac V Us mine rvfl sHwtiia. as to3trm
XVni ItW'TTf - ... . .. . JU4
t eetrej tow-nab! p
a tHarf Cm i sfiiiiwl)
IJSCOtJf. Jaa L rspc4X-Tb "t
Nerasal School board m ta this city today
aaaait bid for ww build which
ar ta b wawmtol at th diff-rwet t
'ttiirVaua nader acts pasnad at UM resect
f tb aegiaUtw. Tboa pnaunt
It ideal PbeL'bora of Per. Tie
McDonald ( Kearney, Reer-
tarr Laitber UMa of this city. Trwura-w
Cear ge. Mat ftraertsteadeat CraMree and
1. J. Tenter f aneatirwi, F-ev. L r. Roach
f thla city u4 A. SL TM of Norfolk,
recently arpotnted t tab Rev. Vtr. Lod
den" pto oa the board, vera not prut at.
A .aUght calx -op rrer tb record of Um
moot me C tb board bd at Chadroa aom
Una aga atmm ad early at today's aaaatoa.
Preeiaant Kheirbora )eclna; to a part of
th record which related to tb Brv rVs
Itawtaf tw MMtf ktn of absent
with om moetha par for school teacher
b dash-ad to tab staSha at metttJtlcan
ta ardor that they-anigfct b bettor pra
parad tor Cbalr work. ' Tba Pwi maa's In
teipi station was that It reflected ta a way
a tba principals of tba stats aormala. A
saaUua ta axpasg tba bectSoabi eea-
toaeo frota tba toards vu- toot and It
stood as wrhtea at tba Cbadrtm, mtetlrg
Oevexaad mpiMMiMa-wi
Cntmntua towwnto... -
OvrforM lonulK asdwdiaa'
IXrMn ton .......
Ks hOiis vtUag.
War 1
Bull btiUa village
........... n
Tn tnvntSi B . ................
Atfl-a tftwnvHip tortttrtTfcg CrofVrm TlUftdT. . Lr
tjroCLoa nif i .- - - - "
Harrtana torn. a -
Hmck tc aaala - .. . -
til J t o ruil p . in I i - ...
Jcfftraoa towTwbip 9
Ijuttynim toifh ladvdtaf Waaoa Tti.a . U-St
aoaa vtilaaa......... ...................... ....... 4
Iyaa t u mm tup
bU.r towatup tacladtac Wlaaotooa Ttilaa.. ......
Wlaaotooa vinaaa. - t
btortoa tovrahtp. tacladtac Btootafiaid ?Uf-
&40o?rftd Vuiaaa.............M.......... ........ .... l-
w ard I - a3
W ard a......
Ktotrara ttwhlp, Isdadlsc Ktobrara rljiac -3
ktoorara 1 a -- ............-.
ron towaahtp
6arnood tevcaaip. baciwdiaa Tardat i; , !,
Verdei TtjiA
Pajit ..hiy , 1T T -. . .... 4
Fpaate latt'P
jr toa-aahia. lactodiac Cantor rUiar -
Contar - 2
Yard rr townarup. tacinxtrm Vardtara ina "
Verdicra TUiama -
VTaiaut Oravo tomnahip.................... .
Vt ium " ......... J
Sting of Big Catfish
,mk May Prove Fatal
Jck Citiirtli of Taiibury Em Bi
CtM of Blood Poiboaisx B
nit of rUhiZa Kllaap.
FAIRFrRT. JSabu J ana JJ
Jack Catbirth to toafliwd ta fata beaM with
a eaaa of Mood pataortn -bich roroltad
troaa batof "bora- by a laraa yaw
atfbth which ha caacbt ta tba L4tt)a BTaa
rtrar. Mr. Catbirth to hi a inwaitoua oam
dJttoa. Ha atataa that whDa attatcp'Baa ta
taka tba baoh oat of Ha awnth tba ftoh
Vorpad azvd -boraadr his ta tba rtfht
BUa oa allcla.
Tba board opoaaA .bida for a
baSdteaT at Tar aaothor ta
Brock at Kaaraar aad a CXOQ beattitr
piaat for tba Cbadroa aorBaaL Tba room
waa faB of ana u at aura and Di4oTa. J. H,
Craddock. arebitoet for tba board. .
Hioant . wh riass acd apactacaOoca.
etoaaa bl&a tacrodod boat, waisc pinmbl&a'
aad otbor haatartal aad.aoaBa did not
croda aayUdas bat tba bara otractara,
Oa tba Kvmt baOdinr tba bid arrraj
Krtbveatra Ctooatrartioa
ELM: r. P. Gooid dc Son.
W. T. Creartcr of Kmy, K3.7B;
Valkar Kaataoa, H.k
Oa tba tCaraa boBdiaa' taa bsda tr:
J H. roatar. t&X3. Bri&rea. Bora Co.,
S3Jt Traatoa BaBdUax oompr.
W. J. daaarnnrbar. WW; Goisid dt Boa.
Tba board MM tfcat It did sot cara
far tba T uiaar raabraoai artcca of atari
au atttaa oa arhtcb taaay bad bid.
At aooa a ooauninaa waa appotatad by
tba hoard to ooaer ararltb tba bidder, tt
balac tba tolaclaoa to acrcpt tba toveat
bate tf cbaaxea vera mada ta tba old Kj la
of atraia-bt Uod ataal beaaui
lAtar ta tba day tba board aa-ardad tba
roo tract for tba Waraa baUdic to Goold
A fioo. tba bU beinx aad tba Hear
say buiUc ta Croaaicy. vboaa bid aaa
thaaco 'for Crvaltora.
CUteaata havc bilia a-ataat tba Farm
era and blarchaata laaoraaea eosopaay
bava aix aMBtba ta which ta f2a Uteir ac
coofrta. a(artnx to ' "KaeefTer Cbariea
Koarvu Tba butor axpaeta to arvly to
tba coort vttbta a few day for penniaaioa
ta aea real aetata avnod by tba conoara at
the tuna K wvat aader. Tba list af property
bsrtodaa a Mather of Llaeoln aad Omaha
boadiac. wvh'vbicai ta )ba offioa bondns
la thla city aad which ta vaJaed at betweea
axm aad ,. Aa aaetioa aaie of
atock of tba Farmer aad Uarcbaata bask
arci b hold ta tbia etty bloaday. ,
aocovct aad that tba atata waa aatcc crim
inal biw for tba purpuao aX ooHecttn a
debt. Tba aUesatloa af toe ptoittUfZ atate
ta tbat Cdmoadaoa wtDa aeOnc aa a-uar-dlaa
for three cfciidrea aaaaed amrtb. a
beaded , rtu-h ra for Jmvm.
T. W. Fitch of Omaha baa Clod aom
taattoa pafera with tba eeoretary of ataia
aa caaasdata for yodr of tba Flftomth
Jadioal diatrict. Be C3d a peUOoa alraod
by twcrty-OTa rerabcaaa aad alee Clad
Albert Irwia Bel.
Albert Irwta. a Barelook carpenter, waa
arrowed today by tba chief of police of
that place apoa laformatioa reeerred from
tba avthortuea of Martren. cbargiBS Irwta
with lareeay.
Wat of DoaaeUoa Paraaltea.
TLat tba boa which reoratly war de
clared to hare beea tba cauae for tba
death aad cztermiaatJoa of daadeUoa
piaata ta thla rtotaity deatroy tba ieaTa
but the rooia ta tba belief of State Eato
looiocrWt Brnser. who baa examiaed atrn
Uar apedanaria at the lino la. Spwctmene
of the boa which totally eVUayed daada
boaa hi Mvcral spota in Uua etty were ftrat
fooad by r. Clyde Davla of tbie city, who
reported their oparaUoaa to tba atata aai-
ty departmeaU -
Mr. VUllaa Joava at Haatlaa IMo
tarba fiati of Mr. aad Mr.
IIASTLSOS. KebL. Jaa B.-C8toctol Tera
rram.) A few boor after they were aar
riad aad while they war eadeaTortn; ta
pacify aeishbor who caase to cbarrrarl
tbrta. the boBermooa of Mr. and Mrs.
ErBoat Q. Bnras raddeally aaded last atcht
wbea Mrs. William Joaes. a dlToroae. eoa
troBted tba (Toom with tba chare that be
was tba father of bar cbiML The bride Cad
ta ber parenta' borne aad wQ prabably bo
da proeeedl&re to aaaal tba aamrrtar.
Braa cam bora from Argaetiae BrpabUe
Bra jromra aroi- Mr. Braao, formerly Mtoa
TjaeOa Dcmaiaa, baa baaa eDptoyed eoraral
yeara aa toacbor la tba pabU acbooto.
Braao fomaaly Irved ha the aunt boaae
vwtth Mr. aad Mr. WflUaa Job. Be
iV riea tba wamaa'a cbariea aad aectarea
that be baa repeatedly repulacd ber ad-
rail Kim JKebraahaa
. Darlac Sisbt at Bta B
la Torh.
TORld Keb, J use ZL-CSpeeUlV-X. V.
Harlaa. farmer speaktr of tb Nebraaka
boua of repraaeetaUr. died bar rod
dealy Moaday alcbU
Be waa oa of tb idt resideBta of
York county aad practiced tow bar for
over thirty rear. A boot aorea yrs aro
b waa apotaied dietrlet attoraey for
A lark a. wber b resided for about Ct
year. Owlnc to hi fearlesa aedrtty la
protecting' tb toxarecte of tba sorwrameat.
ha aacceeded b cotttBa tba eomXy f the
Gwesnhedm Interest who Bad aa active
castpla both porltVal aad la ' boalaaa
way. TirinM of tb bard work aad horacee
of the death of hia only eoa ta alaaka.
Mr. Harlaa resisaod aad for tb last three
share oa the aaarkot at that time. yeara aa be sofferad a trok of
Tb share oatitl tba bolder t paralraia. lUeorertea abort) y after be Brad
wfelrh aid aat so with tba aala af tba). . . . ... . ' . w.
.a jwna a mem u at u wa
coacom to ta iweiraaaa atat aaaa i.j40M, hlra WUliam Boyar. His health
to aow operatiaa at the locatioa of tb i wt . ana . t. tK. hoar of
Co Hear a Z alter B
T. M. Edgecombe, wb w
oJtr-a-caiof of tb Dy Xebraafcaa tor
tba inning year, baa rea -ed aad bis place
wtO be filled at tb beaisamd af the first
aitnanar la tb talL CatU tba Tacaacy to
provide tor A. H. Dtasmer of thla city
will bare charge f tb afafirs at Um
Sua aalrarsity paper.
i 'Waraea Mahea Arrreta.
Vardoa Miitor baa I Mnaed from
a tn to Aataiop county, where be pi oat
y rated foar i. I'laaa aaaa of Brunswick,
Frank FUhar. H. H. Braaford. Friu Hoe
L acaat and . C is rear Haaaaa. tor trapptac
Trout. Each of tb BBea was fined f aad
A OaA aada of hoop acd a cuany
lata which tba Cab were drtTea.
waa tba eaaae ef the saea s aa4ota. . Sev
eral Greeks toejad atieoting prairie cbSdLea
a srere Uaded by tb
sa bj aorth Nebraaka trip.
all bei&c fiaad for thatr lcaoraaoa.
aat Bare. Beleaaea.
Great Hurach. tb yeoaa aaaa wh some
xbne aso athrrad rbtacs p am a local court
r . . . . . . .
. roosa. waara am mom orrerai time ta aa
V eaoeaTor io ui isamu tiasaiaa. a u
reieaaad today oa ta.0i bond fumiabed by
Jabas SobtfX af thla city.
rrtlrias Mr. Harlaa
notice witb ato maay trteada. Tba -
toad waa bbybly respaetad and to-red by
aa ta Tor aad Tart ooaaty. Ha acjoyod
a larra state ariqastritaaos aad baa at
artova times
for ETaitadStaX
Tleld of Wbm at Taaie
TABUS BOCK. -. Jan tL 8pcaaL)
la eptta of tb kmc oca tin wad dry
weatber crops ar In fairly (ood osadt
tioo. Tb wheat barvoat Is m f3 btoat.
iuthoueh a week or tea day earner than
ta na-aal. aad tb yield la estimated1 at from
eighteen to twenty-fir bwebel per acre.
Cora Is looking; fine, but tb oata orop wd
be very Bgbt. Fratt rroepecta ar fair'.y
rood, bat cwinr to the hot and dry weather
H to droppi&c off eomewhat. Caleas rata
enf aooa tb crop of potatoes will be a
IarttnrJon bar boaa laswad ftv the a
preachtae; aarriac Mia Cacetia Coff
maa of Lawrcoc. Kaaw to Mr. b'aia W.
Dowaoa af Kaaasa City. Ma Mr.
Is tb aea of Mr. aad Mr. X.
of Fab-Vary sod to wed kaowa ber. bar
mar beea rear nil and edaeated hi FsJrbvry.
Ha are anted from tb atate auHeilty.
Mtoa Cbftmaa to waa kaowa la Fairbary.
harlaa' Irrwa ber aad attended tb Fair-
bury H3cb school. Her fatbtr was paster
of tba Basctot charch for a Bomber f
years. Mr. Dowaoa to emptoyed aa
vr.K..ti oAciacer ta Kaatas City. Tbey
expect to make tbeir home la gineaa City
Tb waddtni win taka place at tba borne
of Bar. aad Mrs. J oca Coftmaa ta Law
reno. Kam. Jane TL
Tb fwaaral an ilnm of Ted A. Brown
were held from tba bom of hia parenta.
airht aiOe aat of Fairbnry. Tveeday
sftarnooa Bor. GUbrrt of tb Mnbodtot
nai mial church effh-tarlnc- Pat tend
was to years of axe aad waa tba victim
of a hrre tragedy. Mtoa Baaxoa Cook aad
tb fang maa took a dose of strychnine
aad wanted to die togotber. Relatives are
wnable. to aesouat tor the art- Both
chOdrea of prominent dtiseas. Mies Cook
sarrtTed by drinking soap soda. Tb
fa oral was largely attended.
W. F.
Mile Flora Two Raalr4 Dot-
fa Federal faait oa
Mtae Ftorrr Badorero.
PORK. Xeb, Jaa 22. At the teacbore
Institute held bore ta Tork Miss Abe
Florer. oprtSeaoant of pbc scboota of
Tork eoanty. was sadotatd for a nm I oat ton
aad i actio for aaotbor term. Beaolutlom
adopted tewarnrnoaded tb good work that
she has hies doing aad the axeeUeet work
of pobB oeboohj . of Tork eoanty ander
ber evperrteioa.
faaMsnd Will I'skTif.
IEWARD. Xeh.. Jaoo IX 5peciXV The
trial la the contest of the wiU of Wllbebi
N rug' ax waa concluded yesterday. Judge
Cotmaa decided for the proponent aad
agalast tb coal octants aad bead that the
win waa ra&d, A aotlo of appeal was
Tb aerate to valued at SaVKa.
TORK Kekv. Ji
t Aaaeeatea.
aa &. (epedaXr-Aa
af the ap-
ptoach big marriage of Mia Wlatfred Taa
Wksda aad J. A. Bawa of Fremont. Mia
Taa WtckJe to daughter of Mayor Taa
Wickte of Tork aad one mt tb moot popu
lar young wotnoa of Tork.
fFrom a Staff Oorrrrpondect-)
TJXCOUf. June XL 4 special ). W. F.
Miles, a prominent attoraey of Sidney.
waa fined IX in the federal court of this
city after pieadtag guilty ta aa Inilti mmal
charging him with an attempt to defraud
tb luiaiuaiet tat aoreral westera Xe-
cotnea Tb fine waa i
at tb sugrrrtkm of Specisl As-
atotaat Attoraay Geaeral Rush.
Tb pit for which Mttes was Indicted
r carried oat and Involved
traveCng maa named Towsaend and I
ether named Fox. all three of whom
m the arbeme together. Towneead
waa fined V at a issob of tb federal
ovrt ber last fall ta Omaha while the
m tb cases of Fox and Mile d-s-
Only lately tb Bdaey attorney
made vp hia mind to changa his plea to
guilty aad hare the matter settled witti
est further delay. Xegotlations with tba
representative of the legal department led
ta the etUemeat before Judge Manger In
this city.
Crete WIU Celebrate.
CRETE. Xeb.. Jus H. Bpeoial. Crete
wm eelebrat the Fourth of July Ibis year
and to advertise the event the Cret
Booster dub. with twenty autoeBobtlea.
brass baad and a ler" of calathamptaa
waa sent out over tmr oousty ta do tba
Worfolb: Mayoralty Coateet Bvopeed.
NORFOLK. Xeb. Jane tL Soecial Te-
gram.) Joba Friday to andirpined mayor
of Norfolk- Counsel for E. E. CMemaa.
the rival caadidata today dropped the
legal eonttat agsmat Frtdaye eiectioa. Os
leoocnt m court tbey towad Friday had
woa by a maomy of three to five rotas.
ealdea by tvasa
or store bed by fir, spply Bocklea's
Arwica Ealva Cares piles, too. and the
worst sorea Ouarenteed. Sc. Fer sal
by Beaton Drug Co.
J. J. Maboacy. who died in a local boe
rual Jaa M (reaa tb effects of typboM
fever, was bvned bar todsy In the pot
ters td at wyuka cometery. Efforts to
bad any of tbs yovag man's relatives
war aaavaiang. although every effort had
beea made since hia death. Aa afttcttonat
tottor which came bar from Mia Ger-
trwde EUnger of t- Louis gave a ad-
area and authorities ber couid not gat la
touch with ber ta learn shout the yocag
saaa's pareaia. Mabny raane here from
Tork. wber be bad aorkei tur a time,
bat a oa at that place knew the wbere
s boats af aay of bis reiuv,
Talaatsoa of Sloes Coaaty.
Tba eovaty of Bioax has reported to the
Stat Board of Equahsaboa a total
ainwil vataacoa of flin Jia. aa increase
of MtbS) over th raluaooa of last year. !
Tb otcBty report aa avcrease of liT.e
ea real aetata and a decreas of f7 oa
aoraoaal property, moat f tia acraae
ea tb )nr elaas bemg oa caubv
Aldrta b irersu lavttatloa.
Gwwerasr AMrkth baa aceeptad aa m
witattoa 1 attend t.a amrual meeOag of
tba Xertb waster Stock Growers" aaanrla
Uaa wUca vUl meet at Aiaanca. July a.
gapreme Cmmrt ta fteoaieaw
Tb saprrsse ooart to new boMing ha
last re-Blar aaaettng prior ta the samaaer
rata Qua At tea at tare of the Jadgea
an! rrmahl at home aatfl aflor the primary
olacxtoa. August Si. Jada F. H. Sedg
wtck has already Wft th state oa a trip.
Ha went t Chtoags la bur auteoaooito.
Thar be arQl meet bis daacwier from
WeUeaatey. Tagetber with h's ante aad
danglr be H1 take aa aaueaobti trip
ttiroer nuaoia acd Iowa The party wta
vhwt Jadge iaoob Fawcett aad his wife at
opn-rt jsa a jkk rawceu am ieae
Lincoln aext week.'
Tba sut for msxiTam ananst J. R
rl laiiaiVnn I-hism i It cranir aitorber aad
coaaty Judge of Maw.: 'tw xiav wa
1 brroie tre state supreme coixt to-
f. ts a"orr tor wrrooaat
argaad that cmdao aid aet heap aay
WMMMt i You will
MMm2 flellcatefla
VmyZ7-T. , ctZ'.'W.
THis Beer
11 Right
like this eer lccane it hzs a
vor azul yet is rick and wLoleaome.
is Drewetl in aosolute cleanliness from Pabst
exclusive malt ry tne Pabst
exclusive process perfected in
60 years o f tne most advanced
scientific brewing'.
OrdW a
' a-
.V W M m m a. T. 1
w"Ja XotfflZtMyvi
" KywvZ'A
F35 ''Mm??'-
a. v' ;
a, ' o y ' .'j;.
w s?yjyyy'yti
7.v.y;"::y,v'.: vs. ','.'.'. v",.Yf-v.:
Thump Pianos at Thumped Prices
Beginners' Instruments Free
V a -
B4aaer sboald not b bamporod by tba tbomsnt
of too Bscb car tot that child hammer aad leara.
At U. cad of a year brihx U back asd get a a ewer on,
also aa allowaAea of taa iisi earn jxm paid ta the
brtaaia4 Ttea aaed elaaoa ar rood pianoa they
would not last over several beglaarrs' periods tf tbey
war cot good. Th case are kept p gad look Ck
Bw. Tbey ar aalformly bettor than new "cbeap"
plaaoa. Soma at !.. 171.00. ! . etc All oa
tba B2iiey back plaa aad oa- payateBU lower tbaa
rests! rharre No miner tf yow live oat of town we U
ba. Pay siiOa Tea Py.
1S1S-1S1S DosJCta BC
ra ask aTVar T Ping way. CtoanaH Btef fa, sewa.
Orldn's Douglas St. Store
Great Purchase and Sale of
Summer Dresses and Coats
At Half and Less Than Half Price
CTAA Summer Dresses, made of Lingerie, Dimities,
UUli Lawns, Batisties and Ginghams All new, this
seasons cleverest styles, made of line quality materials and
the best workmanship. You will agree with us that it is
the most startling sale that has ever taken place in Omaha,
considering quality and style. N (O
wasnaDie dresses tnat are
worth as high as $7.50, and 500
to choose from, in all sizes, of
tvxintT iMHAim sisv.rv v-invvv r-vv1rr on
iiiuiiy vaiiuua itti tit ot it, kjli i t
sale Thursday . . L 1
Remarkable Coat Sale
We will place on sale Thursday a big purchase of
Pongee, Linen and Repp Coats and also all our Cloth
Coats at a remarkably low price.
The fortunate purchase of these
Summer Coats and our closing out of
all Cloth Coats ive vou an ODDortunitv rv O
e ' " mf
to buy almost any kind "of a coat you
may desire at a big saving. . .
Wnile the assortment is very large, the first choice is
always the best so be here early. "We guarantee every gar
ment to be vrorth from $15.00 to $22.50 and even to $25.00.
Q n nmmmrm i . hi i
To every peraoa seeding u a solstSoa to tba followtna; sroblaai wa
posmveJy wtu grant a bandaome Lovers' Knot Gold Filled Bttck Fta with
a dhiaty and sparkllax Jewel moanasx. Toa aboald aoi b tnwaad to
wear this presest aavwber.
Eth peraoa who tries or solve tbla problora win akaa asusj a aa
opportacitT to eara aad receive
Diamonds and Watches Absolutely Fret)
of all money expense, a choice of tba foUovlas: -- - - : .
Geautiae Diaaaoakd Rlac g
Geaaiae Diamood Srarf Its -
lavdy Sobd Gold Watrti
Gestleenaa's Gold Filled Watch (WarraBted 20 vmra)
Gold Watt Fob (Ladr'a or GecUeman'a)
Unique 25 Problem "On the Squares'
cah Ano win a prize
This is a braaa naw arohiam a rerker It mar tax
tSe naueare ct every eoeteataat. While bar ta aeiva
it wlU prove iatarwstlnc and instracove to alL
CZT Try This It Cm Be Done
DIRECTIONS Place any namher la each of the eix
teea autside squarea so ttat wbea atided bcnac-ntailr
er pereemdicaiariy the total of each of tee foar entalo
coin rafts wis be the atKe.
Then on the remaining eqnarea plara anmhera lower
tV J ten and net rereaUcs aor number used tn tte
o-j is; a aqi.area. ao Loat eery column of fjre aiuarea
adde4 wp. or dwi or acroaa. er diarooally 4 iBciultT.f
the Drvre in lfce center square anii total tweety-fTfe-
One Biiabtr cu be rttd aereateea tiasea No ur
number raa be Gd nore tntn once
Few proo-ia Shi set ail twelve eclumre Some w!l
arooai..r jet leu roljroii. Write your narrie aad asV'"
dreae reai.r. aoc-jra-e.jr aiul en rour aaaaer.
sxvl mai! or del'er ytr o)uimd tfore t p m.,4oa;
day. June 111. f- Ooawrt g,aitiaaaV
Persona livlcs; outs'.ie c f .maaa are aa ellcibie ta
try thla problem as irje ilvinr ia the city.
Only one meintr of a fami;y may enter.
Only one aci jtmi from tfae sane person will ha
S a one corrected w-lrt the Vnric Tra4e may ester.
State wfce-J-er vo own a r'.a-"v.
Bead la roar sol'atlon as aoon aa soeeiMa
1311-1313 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb.
Nam w..'..i.w
( Wrtta plaicly.)
Addreea . . . , m
Do roa owa a piaaoT mm.
Remedy Made
from Garden
Sage 2nd Sulphur Restores
Cc!cr to Gray Ha'r.
A feeSer f sadceaa srroeanacies the
diacovery of tb first (ray hairs, which,
asfortansteiy. are looked cpoa aa heralds
of advancing; age. Gray hairs, kawever.
are sot aJwaya aa iniicatioa of aivane
inf are. far many people bare gray baira
e,frs early ta tfe. Of rosrve. It is ct
satwral. aad liv" Vstr rfcit there t enrre.
tkief I'img w-ib The Individual, asd t-at
're wmi aawfstarr ta wie t'.ng ie
tremble. Tke a.we U frw fc.'r tt.-
la eonatacr"- - -- - -
thhsner every day. If evrrytblof Is right
with Nature, the baa-, area ia rocs para -tively
eideriy peoete. sboM be ioeg.
ttick and glcay. witbotit evaa a atreak
e gray.
Tk ideal assistant t Natar ta re
rtoring aad preserving the bair Is TVy
eih'a fag asd 8a!pbar Bair Bemady. a
cieas aad whoieaecs dreaain, for daily
ase. It net c!y remove daadraff. bot
treerbees weak, tbia aad fa!!! bair
as promote its grew-th. X few apl
rarions win rtetar . faded er gray half
to ft aa tarsi rotor.
This prepsratioa la offered ha tba
rnt-'ic a f.f.r cents a bt!e. aad la
' afd aold by ail dragrWa.
Ehermaa Jl McCobcsU Drug, Co
and Owl Drue Co.
E. J. D All IS
PboaaJioaxta S&S
Kntdeat Harney 4283
simmer str.soa.ra.
Daily Tourist Cap
Chicago to Buffalo
rxa luaimi raLxai
Gw4 Iwi. In Ins aws haas
lett. SI s ev ft i i.i m cmj orrx asi
I i si. i ascsM at. rasse aus. nu.
Express Train Speed
Acroaa tba Atiaatle via
Cercpijiiie C to trait TraceiU.Btlq.1
Fvprea steaaaera asll Thnradara It a m. New York ta
Havre mi csrs, Oumuj. LBroaaa trams jr Cua
Unrwtai Dutbis (Pw J $l-t nour. bvery iciary vt
sarxiBra ana travet. tr4 cafes, aally orchestral eoa
cvrw fa-rannaenjne. tUOf I ij rr rr ;. a iirjrary.
earvaicn. bavsi d.sailue. wtrcina aja suiaoanu
bnl w-rvtua asa U r lexmaaooo aaietr. avem. ri mm
surw ' ' ' i) 1 l T
1 -a Prtiu.t Jjit tx. L (IsMA-tiiF. Jui' a
N'air Jui I. L-s ivvir Jy! il
i. T-'r!:e. Jm lt Ix.rraiae iu'f I
Aadlooaal aailiara at ts caaoa sncis. aitaa-
aarantay. ..palar eaa daaa c s Maun btS te KX Sa.
a. bvou. las raraam. T. pust Bat. Baaki t. B. asyaaUa. IBM Para am
OCXA9 sTKhaltHIPa.
SL Ltvreccc Reitt La Emit
ttit ar bba
White Star-Dominion
aOTaX BtAXa arraaJCaTaa
Maatreai Uaebec I Itiiu
'LawreaUc aad MMrs;rsctsc
Laxg est aad asset Bfeaasa SHeasaaea aa
in t isa riia I - -nr-1 ns aoooea
axuoBs ier Plra. Iiml aa waiaa
I .sea. aaiiiaa ia reajuaotum wits ta
rwasuar xwia
Csrrisi Oaa C isas Cahsa r isn
111 I 111 vs.
in. vua
app:y Compssr-a a a a,a.