1 . 'ft1 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE IP, 191f. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bin ia Spring Wheat Belt PuU End to Dry Weather Talk. WINTER REPORTS COXIXICTUJO r,Rtprto .Are Inlforaalr l'or able Owe fern Brll Trmprri. - tars An Lrr an4 Goo4 Ralaa Have Fallen. ; ' - - OMAHA. June 17, 1811. Thst had a wsker tone todsy, ralna in Ihe uprlnir wheat belt have been mifftrlent to end the dry weather talk from that quarter for some time to coma. Reports on the winter wheat yield are conflicting, but on the whole-a big crop la bring con ceded. Free Canadian wheat In the near future la another reasonable bearifth fea turn and bvdKlns; sslrs of new wheat will be heavy. Natural Influences are on the Ida of the short seller. Temperatures over the corn belt are lower and fairly good rains have been re ported and crop reports are uniformly favorable. The country movements con tinues large while cash values are declining dally. Rains and cooler temperature gave wheat an easier tone, selling by long on more favorable conditions being the feature. Caeh wheat ruled unchanged to Ve lower. Corn followed wheat and eased off In face of some good support on the break. Cash corn waa- iHo lower. Primary wheat receipts were 29S.X bu. and shipments 297.000 bu., against receipts laat year of 23.000 bu. and shipments of toVOOO bu. Primary corn receipts were SS5.000 bu. and shipments were ttv.ono bu., against re ceipts laet year of 43,000 bu. and ship ments of WO.0OO bu. Clearances were 1W.0OO bu. of corn, none of eats and wheat and flour equal to 163,000 bu. Liverpool closed ViHd higher on wheat and unchanged to Hd higher on corn. The following caeh sales were reported: Wheat-No. i hard: 1 car. He. No. 3 hard: 1 car, flHo. No. 1 mixed: 1 car. 83c. Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, Mc. No. I white: I oars. 61c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 52 Wo. No. 2 f ellow, t ears, 61c. No. 8 yellow: t cars, lVc. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars, Rio. No. 1 mixed: 1 oar, 61o. No. S mixed: 19 cars. S?rso: No. 4 white. 623aHe; No. I color, BOSo. No. 4 eolor: 1 car, tea; 1 car, 51c. No grade: 1 oar, 4Pc; 1 car, 48c. Oat No. 4 white: oars, STe; 1 car, to. No. 4 yellow: I cars. 36V4C. No grade: X car, Mc; 1 car, 36 Wo. Oaaakat Cejr F rices. WIIXAT-No. f hard. H736Hc: No- hard. 81340 ; No. 4 hard, 73V Uc; re jected hard. 687 c; No. I spring. MH3 WSc; No. 4 spiing, llV464o; No. 1 durutn, 7WHrc; No. 8 durum, 78SQ7eVto. CORN No. t white, 62iMo; No. 8 white, ttStao; No. 4 white, a&a'&V; No- colri HWt2,o; No, 3 yellow, 6lasio; No. 8 yellow, SlWffWkc; No. 4 yellow, WHSWc; No. 1, 6mSUSo; No, 8. 6l4ft51Vc; No. 4, Wa0Ayci no grade, AA2-0c. OAT8-N0, 8 white. ftfl38Vic; standard, n&Se; No. 8 white, 37Hff37e; No. 4 white, 6i97V4e; No. 8 yellow, 374;37Hc; No. 4 yellow, 886Ho, BARLEY No. 8, 7&3ic; No. 4. 7080o; No. 1 feed, 6637Be; rejected, 60970c. RYE No. 2. 90091c; No. 8, 89ifl90o. Carlot Kecclnts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Minneapolis .......... Puluth ....... IXiluth 21 476 2H0 26 CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat ares sf tbe Tradlns; and Closing; Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June 17. Favorable weather gave the wheat market today quite a de cided down turn. Compared with last Itigbt the olose was off. Other cereals, too, showed a net decline corn t9o to VSiO and oats a snade to c. For hog products the outcome varied from 6c lower to 6c advance. Heavlneaa In the wheat market developed light from the start and waa promptly taken advantage of by shorts, who wished to do week-end evening up. After tht support was reaped longs of the smaller kind made an effort to unload, but found the buying force altogether Insufficient. Besides the weakness due to timely rains the market, according to the bull view, had many another serious ailment. Round lots of - new wheat. No, 3 and No. 8, were peina; oifered here very freely to arrive For example, one sale of IDo.Ouo bu. to reach Chicago In July was -recorded at rfeptember delivery figures. In addition the bears were encouraged by an Improved outlook In Nebraska and because of denials of alleged crop damage In Russia. There was no sign, however, of any Important tin load ins: on the part of the leading bulls. I Hi ring the session July fluctuated from MV to OTo, with last trades 4ta down at 86Hc Corn prices dipped on account of rains In the larger producing states. September ranged between 55V and 66c, with the closing Ho down at 66'c. Cash grades Were In fair demand. . No. 3 yellow finished at 54"T4V3. The oats , market responded somewhat to the reports that the crop had been bene fited by moisture In the nick of time. High and low points for September were Bc ana i'c. witn the olose at SSHc, bet loss of tafto. Trade In provisions nearly vanished. A nickel either way measured the extent to which- tbe market would budge. Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Un like OrsJn oompany, telephone Douglas S4(a, iub nranaeia outiaing, urn ana. articles. Open. Ulgb.l Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat - July... 874 Sept...!8?47 87Vi Cj3y!..lUH 84 Ht8rH187!rff'Vi esvsl wi 89. 64S,54&55 Bept...itltl 6 65 5H Deo....64WVil 644.1 rar I 1 July 87'!4!S8i83Si4f3fH$4i Dec 'i Pork-1 July... Sept... Sept... Sept... tow oiG IB Z& IS 16 15 25 IS 16 8 IS I 30 8 80 8 26 16 22Vs, U 16 8 12H 8 26 8 25 8 30 15 22 16 15 8 15 16 27 " 17 IS 8,30 8 30 I 26 8 12 8 f7fc 8 27! 8 22 27 8 27 a 22 Cash quotations were as follows: FIX)UR teady; winter patents, 83.80 rt.ix, sirwisnis, j.ouii.in; spring straights, j.sdv.iu; naaers, d.;i.3U. RYK-No. 8. 81c. BAKLKl-jceed or mixing, 765c; fair u cnoice mailing, nwwo. BEBDS Ttmothy, 8S..0O.J 11,00; clover, 315.7B. t'ROVISIONb oless pork, per bbl., 15.5 Oio.io; isro.. per iw ids., xiliu; short ribs sides, louse, 17 50c&.75, short clear sides, boxed. IK.1ZVM1B.B. Total clearances of wheat and flour were kqual to 163. OUU bushels. Primary receipts were 83,000 bushels, compared with 2fc2.Ou0 bushels tne corresponding day a year ago. Eanimated receipts for Monday: Wheat 88 cars; corn, ss oars; oats, 1M cars; hogs u.uue neaau. Chicago Cash Prices v heat: Np. 8 red lfi44ifjlR.'; No. 8 red, toS7c; No. 2 hard s7sc; No. i nara. s.tj7c; No. borthern stiring, 40wc; m. j northern kprlng. vasMc; iso. spring, saXk Corn No. 3 cash, bt'aiic; No. 3 caah, 6464,c No. 8 whits, Maolc: No. 3 white. 64$ M"c; Io. i leiiow, Mueii,!'; ro. I yellow, MfaMVkC. ii: jno. z casn. stc; No. white, 31uai,.cu No. 3 white, SJ-3HSc; No. I wnite. (Wixtc; sianaara, w0vc. BUTTER steady; . creameries, 18ttf22c dairies, 16&2ic. LX3U4t Receipts, K.4M cases. Market steady; at mam. cases inciu.lea, llilc firsts, ISo: prime firsts. 14c. CHEESE Steady; daisies. imffllVe twins, luStJlle; Young Americas, llt'tilJc: long horns UVifllc. pOrTATOES-Steaily ; old. Jl.OOffUO; new, 81 15a3 28. POULTRY Lira, easy; turkevs. 12c; hlckens, fowls, 12e; springs, l.v(i22e. VEAL Steady ; 60 to HO-lb. weiBhts. .- Ic; ) U 65-1 . weights, Vuvc; 66 to 110 lb. weights, 1C410C, RYB No. 8. lc. BARLEY 7tHaQ. HAY-rTimolhy, 8b.0wyu.00; clover, 8S.00a U 0- . Car lot Receipts Tcday: Wheat, 21 cars; lorn, 474 cars; oats. In cars. Kxtlmated idonday: Wheat, S3 cars; corn. 630 cars; eats. 14 tars, . Liverpool Grata Market. LTVERPOOU Jims 17. WHEAT f pot. No. 1 Maaltoba. Ia Sd;: No. 3 Manitoba, Ta 3d; No. f Manitoba, 7s Id: futures firm; July, 4s 10; October. 6s d; December. is Kd. CORN not steady; American mixed, hew, 4a id. Amertoan mixed, old. 6s 4d; new American. Liln dried, 4s lOd: futures steady; July, 4s aleptember, 4s 11 d. P, fevria Market. PWOR I A, Juns 17.-CORN Steady; No. 3 white, 63o; No. 4 white, 61c; No. 3 yellow. him; fxq,,p jruew, ao; no. t yeiiow, uc No 8 mixed. UUn: Nv 4 mlxeA. Mr: ao grade. 4o. OATS Lower: No. 1 white. SSSfiSSHc; standsrd. 3c; No. 3 white, 37Nic NEW YORK GE.1F.RAL MARKET Qaotatlaas f the Day Varleas Commodities. NRW YORK. June 17.-Firt;R Quiet; prlng patents. 84.RMrS.10: winter straights. 83 Mci0n; w inter patents. 84 l'U"4 M; spline; clears, 83 Wft 00; winter extras No. 1. 13 35 fclfiO; winter extrss No. 3, 1MJ3 26; Kan sse straights. HIOJiIJS; tpcelpts. .031 bbs. ; shipments, 40S hhls. Ry e flour, firm; fair to good, 86.atyo.ZS; choice to fancy, 86.5A.SD. CORNMEAI. Ready; fine white and Mow. 81.IMil.80: coarse. 11.1001.15: kiln driett. 8-110. WHBAT Spot market stealv: No. I red. Sc In elevator and f. o. b.. afloat, both nominal; No. 1 northern Dulnth. 81 US, o. b., afloat. Futures oul't ani a little easier on the weather and reports of lib eral offerings of new wheat, but there was sn absem-e of pressure and prlce.i at the close were steady at net unchanged to Ve advance; July. S44 7-14c. closing at 4'r; September. 83NfcMe, closing St 93c; iecemner closed st wc; receipts, 64.400 bu.; shipments, 17.3M) bu. CORN Spot market easv: ernort No. 1. 0Hc. nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Future market, without quotations, transactions rinsing net unchanged: July cloied at filSc; December closed st 3Vc; receipts. l. nu.; shipments. S5.7M b i. OATS Kpot market steady: standard white, 44Hc; No. 2. 4fc; No. 3. 44c; No. 4. 43e. Futures market without transae ions, closing net unchanged: July closed at 34c: receipts. 80.12a bu.: shlDtnent. none. KEE1 Rarelv. steady: vralurn anrln m bran. 100-lb. sacks. liU.AO: alimliH mm. dllng. In sacks. 3J6.50; city. In sacks, 824. i W. ma Y-iteaoy ; prime. 1.3B; No. 1. 81.30; No. 2, 31.IOwi.l5: No. 8. 9ftc6tl.00. HOPS Firm: state, commnn to ehnlea. 1S10. CMafOo.: 1. 20i'21c: Pacific cnut mio 24f(27c; 1W09. 1&19c. MIDFS Stead v. Central America- WUffli 20c: Bogota, 2H422C. LEATHER eteadv: hemlock firsts tl2Tc; seconds, 22fc2attc; thirds, lftgZOc; re- ects, ivgibr. PROVISIONS Pork, stead v: mesa 11 vm $17.60: family. IIS OOSrill Mt: Ihnrt nl.ara 315.608)17.00. Beef, quiet; mess, 311.00ft 11.50: ramlly. U2.00fol2.50; beef hams, 8i7.5H29 60. Cut meats, steady; pickled belli, U76 13 00. lrd, steady; middle west prime, S.afj3;-,; refined, steady: continent. S11lth American 89 65; compound, 1.50(ar7.76. ., , , 1 country, &ic. Bl'TTKR Steadv: factory rurmn m, bK seconds. 17c. CHEESE Firm. Export, 500 boxes. Generally steady and uncUantred. POL LTRY Firm: western soring chlrii- jns, 3t034c; fowls. 16ilHo: turkeys. 15o. I'ressed. firm; western brollera jmibc; fowls, western. UV14VtjOi turkeys, ia15o. Corn and Wheat Hfilon Bulletin. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at ( a. tu, Saturday, June 17. 1811: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Raln- Stations. .uax. Min. fall. Sky. Cloudy Clou.ly Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. oloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Asniana, -eb 97 G6 .39 Auburn, Neb 98 6$ .00 K ken Bow. Nah. It so iu Columbus, Neb... 86 64 .09 Culbertson, Neb.. 89 66 . 25 jtairDury, ieb... 99 68 .00 Fairmont. Neb... 89 64 .00 Or. Island. Neb.. 87 63 .00 Hartlngton, Neb. 89' 62 .90 Hastings, Neb.... 88 84 .00 Holdrea-e. Neb... iw M rj Lincoln. Neb 93 08 .06 No. Platte. Neh. 78 KO Oakdale. Neb 86 62 .60 Omaha, Neb 92 85 .41 Tekaniah. Neb... 94 66 1.16 Valentine, Neb.. 74 60 .00 Sioux City. la... 86 00 .32 Alia. I ft. 94 04 .09 Carroll. Ia 93 63 1.80 CLarinda, Ia 97 66 .24 Sibley, Ia 88 63 .00 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period enaing at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. District. Stations. Max. Mln. Rain fall. Columbus. 0 17 74 68 . 20 ixiulsvlile, Ky 20 Indianapolis. Ind.. 11 90 64 78 82 .60 Chicago, 111 S HO 62 .60 25 98 72 .00 21 90 64 . 70 St. L.OU1S. MO Des Moines, la.... Minneapolis. Minn. 30 78 64 .30 Kansas City. Mo- 24 100 68 .20 Omaha, Neb 18 88 62 ,.60 Warmsr weather prevailed In the south em portion of the corn .and wheat region uumiK ma met iweniy-iour nours and sunnily cooler In the northern nnrtinn Moderate rains' occurred In all except the St. Louis district. ' Rains of one Inch or over occurrea ac tne ioiiowing stations: Tekamah, Neb., 1.15; Marshailtown, la , 1. 00; Carroll, la.. 1.60; Imbuoue. Ia . 1.40: Watertown. 8. IX. 1.20: Madison. Wis., l.aor luuiiv, ail, a.w; AUQura, ina., i.is. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. St. Louis Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, June 17 WHEAT- Weak tiack. No. 2 red. 87(8c; No. 2 hard, fi mw.se, luiuret., lower; July, wc; beptem ber, Mc. CORN Lower; track. No. 2, B4c: No. ! white. o6$3&6fcc; futures, lower; July, C4e; iM-piemoer, Mrc. . OATS Lower; track. No. 2. 38c: No. white, 40640c; futures, lower; July, 880; ocpieniuer, kc R E I nchanged. at 90c. FIjOUR Steady; red winter patents. 84.10 U4.oo: extra zancy ana straights, 3.&0i&4.0S; nara winter clears, az.ow0,'A.uu, SEED Timothy, 36.00I&9.60. CORN MEAIj 82.60. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 8Tc0 l w. HAY unchanged; timothy, J19.gO3C3.0tr; piairie. ii-'.ur'rLa.uu. 315(0. ltrd, unchanged; prime steam, 87.8t ti.05. Dry salt meats, unchanged; .boxed extra shorts, 3 37: clear ribs, 38.37; short cleats, ts. ib. Bacon, unchanged: boxed, ex tra rhorts. 89.37; clear ribs, 89.37; short clears. 89.76. . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bills 8.6t 9.2-10 Wheat, bu 18.000 22,000 Corn, bu 110 000 82,000 Oats, bu 82.000 46.0U9 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY.' June 17. WHEAT L"n changed to lo lower: No. 8 hard. S591c: No. 3, 818ftc; No. I red, 848?; No. 3. 82 &84c; July, S2U4rec bid; September, 82(2 USC Did. CORN Unchanged to Mc off: No. mixed. 56ii5:.ic: No. 8. MN.fi f."c: No. 8 white, &Kc; No. 8. 56c; July, 64c, sellers; Sep tember, 5tSc bid. OATS I'nchanKed to c higher; No, white, 41ff41M-c; No. 1 mixed, 87'r38a RYK-2'SSrc. 2 HAY Steady to 81 up: choice timothy, 818. mx 19.00: choice prairie. 314.3iVgl.i.tO. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu...J 16.000 2S.0u0 46.0 0! , . . . L. . . . ATA 7 AM' Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 17. WHFAT-July. 92'(i92Sc; Septemter, 91c; December, 91Sc: No. 1 hard, 96c; No. 1 northern, 93Vo95c; No. 3 northern, 90lc; No. 8 wheat, SSSjSlHc. F1AX 82.27. BARLEY aff6o. . (liN-No. 3 yellow. 51Mf2c. OATS No. 3 white, 36&37c. RYE No. 2. Stic. BRAN-819 60rai9 75. FIjOUR First patents. 34 7ftff4.90; second patents. 34.50 4 70. first clears, 83.23.36; second clears. 32 00riT2 46. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 17. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, Z5c; nearby prints. 26c. EtKIS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, tree cases, 85 26 per case; current receipts, free casea, 34 0 per case; western firsts, free cases, 35 28 per case; current receipts, free cases, 84.90 per case. CHKF.SK Firm; New York full creams. fancy new, 12r12c; fair to good, ll9U,a MllwaaU.ee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. June 17 WHEAT No. 1 nurthern, 97i8c: No. I northern, 8ji 96c; July. SHc;. September. 86tleR. OAT9-8tandard. S8l,''n:c. BARLEY Malting, (fe'flntio. Dulath Grala Market. PULUTH. June 17. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 94c: No. 2 northern, 91gtJ2c; July, 94c: September, 9lc asked. OATS37SU. Cotfee Market. NEW YORK. June IT COFFTCFj FU tures cloeed steady, .net 8 to 8 points higher. Sales. :i bans. Closing bids: June, 10c: July, 1094c; August. 1083c; Septem ber, lo.tbc: October, 10.6.'o; November. IO6I0; Itecember and January. 10.49c; February and March, 10.50c; April and May, 1061c Spot, quiet: No. T Rio. llo; No. 4 Santos. l3o. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 1315c, nomi nal. lusr Market. NEW YORK. June IT. SUGAR Raw, firm; muscovado. 89 test. 3 39c; centrifugal, 94 teat, 3.89r: molasses. 89 teat. 114o. Re. fined, steady; cruahed, t-7oo; granulated. So; powdered, 8 10c OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET! Cornfed Cattle Steady for the Week., Other Lower. HOGS STRONG TO FlVE HIGHER Per the Week Prices oa Shees aad Lambs Are Tvreaty.Flve to Fifty (eats Lower la Most ' Cases. SOUTH OMAHA, June 17, Mil. neceiDta linn. Hugs. 6lieep. Otflcial Monday official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday.. Hfflcial Thursday.... Official Friday Estimate Saturday .. Six days this week Same d.v. 1 - h. u 8,33 6 47 2.96; . 6.0. i . 4.17 . 2 1A3 . 1.28 . lt7 .1S.037 20 4 U867 8.84A 6.V 7.1li9 63.040 68.867 63.74 e-'.sso M.870 47.648 8.17.-. tuw 1.477 1,638 428 15.964 15.708 16.186 am 22.534 18,934 .17,826 Same dava 1 vmIci mmX" Same days 3 weeks ago. .18.391.. Same days 4 weeks ago.. 30. 478 Same days last year.... 16,164 The fouowlng table siiuwk tne receipts of taiue. nogs and sheep at South Omaha lor the year to date as compared with last vpar: lai, 101A Inn ri'e 4M.698 442.0n 22 67 "e 1,273,4K8 L0U.544 200,841 8neP 737.2M 647,618 89.676 The follor?n tahlM .hnw. prices on bogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. mi. 191O.!190.1908.19O7.19O8. 11906. June 8. I 6 8? t T ; t T7 I 08 8 Tt 8 June .. 6 ) J? 1 171 6 37 871 10-1 S 92l 361 T 401 S 171 06! I 17 June 6 M e I 13 18 June 11. I I 84) T 86 I 37 I OS 8 S3 S 90; n T 3j S 481 t ill 85 879 ItS" I I 6i 6 7 31, June 12.. June 18.., June 14.. i 7Hl IT 7 Ml I ( 831 81 6 IS June 16.. 6 7T,) 40 T 67 8 60 ( 4l 36 S U July 16... June 17... 6 84i 1 381 T 681 6 641 6 91 8 8l 7 63 6 63 'IIS 18 S 111 S 80 Sunday. Receipts and dlanoaltlra. f lfva etnek at the I nJon stock yards for the twenty-four nours enuing at p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs Sheep H sea C. M. & St. P. Ry. 1 1 Wabash R. R. inlon Pacific R. R... 30 1 34 4 8 27 3 1 96 C. at N.-VV.. east C. & N.-W.. west C, St. P. M. & O. Ry. B. A Q., east H. A Q.. west C, R. I A P.. east.... C O. W. Ry Total receipts DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Paoklng Co.., Swift s Co , 1.1K3 1.958 Cudahy Packing Co. Armour tt Co , Sohwarta-Bolen Co.. Murphy Stephens Bros 1.888 1,620 246 635 10 4 10 Other buyers Total 14 7.854 10 CATTLE There were no more cattle here than usual on a Saturday, which means that there were nut enough to make a market. For the week receipts have shown a little deorease at compared with last week, but at the same time an Increase as compared with a year ago, The market on cornfed steers has been strong on some days and weak on others, but atlll prlcea have not shown any ma terial change In either direction. Thus at the close of the week the market on that kind of Cattle Is Just about where It was one week ago. Cornfed heifers and oowa have also re. malned practically stationary with a week ago, but common grass eows have been sluw and dull, with the tendency lower, and they are at the olose of the week around 36o lower than last week. Veal oalves. whloh were very scarce and high a week ago, have been In somewhat larger supply and prices have declined rapidly, being at the olose of the week 60o lower than one week ago. Oood bulls have been very scarce, and they are not over Ibiisxt lower than last week, but common grass bulls have been very hard to move, and they are safely 60o lower than a week ago, Btockars and feeders have been Very scarce all the week, but the country de mand has also been very limited, so that there has been a great plenty to supply the requirements of the market. Owing to the lack of buying support prices have steadily worked downward and are now around 26o lower at least than a week ago, Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice beef steers, S6.86w.lo; lair to gooa Deer steers, 86.60ifi.86; common to fair beet steers, S6.00a r nn. 1 . 1 , V I lintMl OA. i D.ou; guou to uiiuiva nviiws, U.WUU.W, VW1 to choice cows, 34.5006.00; fair to good oowa and heifers, S4.oou4.(w: common to zair cows and heifers, S1.6O4J4.00; good to oholoe stookers and feeders, S4.80tfI6.2u; fair to good stockers and feeders, 34.4094.90; common to fair stockers and feeders, 3.604.40; stock Heifers, S3.604.36 veal calves. S4.iM0;.26; bulls. staKS. etc. S3.2b2rf.O0. HOOS Light receipts of hogs at prao- tlcally all market points this morning made sellers very Dunisn in tneir ideas, put ouy ers did not In all casea look at the situation In the same way. Still the market opened with good shipping bogs 60 higher. Pack ers were very slow to put on, but they. too, raised their bids and the hogs sold strong to 60 higher than yesterday. Every thing was disposed of by 10 o'clock In the rxwrnlng. The quality of the hogs was very good this morning, running more to light and medium weights, with a smaller showing of heavy hogs. For that reason sales would show on paper even more advance than really took place. A considerable sprinkling of the hogs In sight sold at 85 .864:6.86 and on up as high as 86.07 for the best lightweights. It will be remem bered thst yesterday the bulk of the hogs went at 36.6oot.90. with a top at 86.00. Receipts of hogs for the week have shown a very heavy falling off, there being a decrease ae compared with laat week of about 18,000 head, but still the total Is larger than a year ago by over I.OuO head. The receipts were really very heavy during the first half of the week. Tuesday's run having been almost a record breaker. As a result of that the market broke sharply, whloh apparently had the effect of shutting off receipts. As tbe runs became smaller the market yeeterday and today showed a substantial advance, so that at the cloee of the week It Is only 64100 lower than it was at the close of last week. Representative salsa: Ns. At. la. Pr. He. Av. th. FT. 41... a... ti... 41... 14... ..144 ... 6 TT ,.M4 4 t M ...III M0 6 40 ,.U1 ISO 6 M w SO ,.r ... is ,.170 W IS ..171 SO I SO' ..171 10 4 40 ..Ml M I SO ..Ml ISO 1 M 74.. .too so I to 42 M4 I 00 00. .Mf 140 I M 100 I M ... I 00 ... I 00 ... I M ... I 01 ... I H ... I OS ... I M ... 104 40 I M ... I M HIM ... I 04 44 I W 100 I M ... I 04 100 I 04 ... 0 M ... I M 00 I M 10 I 04 ... I 5 ... I M 40 I M 00 I 06 00 I M 71.. II.. 14.. 10. . II.. TO.. 0.. ..III ..144 ..114 ..Ml ..111 ..Ml ..004 ..Ml ..110 ..111 ..111 ..III ..117 ..ISO ..Ml ..111 ..111 ..UO ..M0 ..140 ..M4 ..Ml ..187 ..Ml ... 41... a. . . 4... 4... 71... 47... It... Tl... 40... II. .. 71... ... M... 44... 17... 41... . m to 1 m . .144 ..tit s u 71.... TO..., 104... 44... 01... 00... 71..., 70... II..., II..., 41... 40... 46... 00... T7..., 01..., 71..., 71..., 01... 14... M... 3... II... T4... Tl... 10... M... M... 74... 04... 101.. 101.. 70... M .. 14... M I M I M I M SS ..174 40 ..141 ..ft4 40 ....147 M7 ,....M0 ....ISO .....K4 M4 2t0 044 I M I M I M I 44 I 00 40 00 40 I M M 6 SB I M 161 140 4 SB ISO I M ... I at ... IK M S 07 00 S I7 ... 147 140 S 10 ... 6 00 ... I SO 40 6 M 300 I 00 ... I 00 ... 4 00 ... I 00 00 6 M 40 00 ... I X) ... M ... I 00 140 I 40 M I W 00 6 00 47..., 41..., St.... 17..., 71..., 71.... SI... 44... 48..., 44.... 41... 71... .... 11... 46... 47... M... 44... ...154 ....M4 ....U7 ....234 ....JVI ....ia ....t !M :w ...ut 104 ...2.10 ...140 ....127 ....LSI ....131 ....to ....M7 ....Ml ...K0 ....irr ..114 ..111 00 I 06 ..110 340 s M ..11T 140 I SB ... I 07 M 07 ... I 00 40 I 00 10 I 00 ... I 00 40 4 OS ... 4 00 40 I 00 41 I 00 ... I 06 ... I 01 ... I OS 120 4 04 ... I 04 ... 101 ,...1H ....111 ....HI ....til ....111 ....114 ,.,.116 ...140 ,...1M ....111 ....174 ....114 ....1M ....lot ....140 ....in 41. 41. U. SHEEP Receipts today wars very light. only three cars of common shorn lambs being reported In. There was really not enough on sale to make a market and about all that could be said about the trade is to quote It as nominally steady with yesterday. Receipts have been very fair this week, being about on a par with one week ago but a little lighter than a year ago. As already noted In theee col umns there has been a decided change In the character of the receipts, for the first time this season grass stock has arrived In sufficient numbers to cut a big figure in the trade. At the earns time there has bean, as usual at this season of the year, a sharp falling oft In fed stock. The fact Is tbe receipts of fed stock have been lim ited largely to odds and ends, mostly old ewes with spring lambs. As the first greas ers to snivs on the market are never any too good and as ths cleanup of feed lots always brings In undesirable stock it fol lows that receipts this week have averaged very low In quality. The demand has been as good as could be expected at this season of the year and with the kind of stock coming. As a mat ter of course trsde wss a little dull on some days, owing to the scarcity of really desirable killers, but still the most of It was worked off to pretty good advantsge. although prices are lower then at the close of last week. It will be remembered thst last week shorn lambs sold very high at this point, while at others they were sharply lower, to even up matters prices here have eased off and are around isuisno ower than laat week. Prices are still high compared to those prevailing at other points and the market as a whole Is In a good, healthy condition. Quotations en sheep aiiff iambs: Spring lambs, good to choice. 38 6Ocy7.O0; spring lambs, fair to good. tn.Z&S 60; shorn lambs, good to choice, 80lS.26: shorn lambs, fair to good. tE.6ma.i; feeding lambs, shorn, t3.KVti4.35; yearlings, shorn. $4.6O.0O; wethers, shorn. 8-1.764.00; ewes, good to choice, shorn, 83.6004.00; ewes, fair to good, shorn, 83.003JO; culled owes. 31.622.60. . CHICAGO LIVE) STOCK MARKET Desiaad for Cattle aad Bheea Steady Hm Higher. CHICAGO. Juns 17. CATTLE Receipts. estimated at 400 head; market steady; beeves, 34 9006:56: Texas steers, 34 Sofeo.W; western steers, 84.805475; stockers and feeders. 33.704i6.60: cows and heifers. 82.600 6.90; calves. .0ue.00. rttjus Keoelpts estimated at 7,oou head; market generally 6c up; light, 35.96U.36; mixed. 85.96fiti.36: heavy. 15 S.Vuri 32: rough. 3s.Ho6.0n: good to choice heavy, 36 003.3J; pigs, 36.66i.20; bulk of sales. 36.20fi4.30. SHE LP AND LAM US Receipts esti mated at 4,000 head; market steady; native, $2 3ft; western, 82.76(4 40; yearlings, 84O0a4 90; Iambs, native.' tt-OOfie 40: western. 34.5uj.;6; spring lambs, 84. 607.10; ewes. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 17. CATTI.B- Receipts, 300 head. Including 8U0 southerns. Market steady. Native steers, 86.00lii.&; southern steers, t4.0na6.60; southern cows and heifers, 82.6O0'4.6o; native cows and heifers, t2.5O.10; stockers and feeders, 83 76 fco.OO; bulla, $3.2o4j4.ii; calves, 84.607.!0; western steers. X4.75Ttti.l0: western lyiwa 82.754.75. HOOS RecelDts 4 OnO head: market nr. higher. Bulk of sales. 86.053.16: heavv. 6ui(.10; packers and butchers, 86.06.1S; lights, I6.104i6.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. market steady : muttons. 1:1 Vr4.00: lambs. 35.00,7.00; fed wethers and yearlings, 83.60 4.60; fed western ewes, S3.0Oa3.50. St. Loots Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June IT. CATTI.E Renelnta 400 head, including 400 Texana: market steady; native beef steers. 35.00jj4j.4O; cows and heifers, S3.0CKjj6.25; stockers and feeders, I8.UOI&6.00: Texas and Indian 14 V 6.00; cows and heifers, t&006.00; calves, In carload lots, S4.50S6.76. HOQS RecelDta. 6.800 head: market Steady: Digs and lla-hta. tAinrrrfilM- nurli.ri 86.50(4.00; butchers and best heavy, 86 200 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 17.-CATTl,E-fc celpta, 100 head. Market steady; steers, 86.00 (&-6.Z5; cows and heifers, S2.oYK36.00; oalves, 4007.76. HOOS Receipts. 4.000 head. Market steady; top, 86.16; bulk of sales. 85.9fii6.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head. Market steady; lambs, 85.6O7.00. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five Drinclnal wBBicrn uiar&eis yesieraay Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . 100 7.100 400 . 100 4.000 100 . 800 2,000 . 600 6.800 .. 400 7.000 6.000 .1.560 2S,90O 6,500 South Omaha. , St. Joseph.......,., Kansas City.., St. Louis Chicago Total receipts 1.560 OMAHA GANERAL MARKET. BUTTER Creamery. No. . delivered ta the retail trade in 1-lb. rartnn. sa. v 3, In 80-lh. tubs, 31c; N. x, in 1-lb. oartous, 81c; pacaing slock, solid pack. 13c; dairy. in w-ib. tuba, liec; maxkot changes) every Tuesday. CHEUSE-Twlns, 1416c; young Ameri cas, 16c; daisies, lac; triplets, lba; iimberger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 16c; imported bwias, Mo; domestic Swiss, 22o; block Swiss, Ue. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 8 lbs, 86.00 per doa; hens' 14c; cocks. 10o; ducks, Uc; geese, lie; turkeys, 34c, pigeons, per dosen, 81-20; homer squabs, per dos 84u; fanuy squabs, per dos., 83.60; No. 1. pw Sua., 83.00. Alive: Broilers. 20c; IW to I'm lbs., sjiu to 2 lbs., x; smooth lego, lie; bona, 10c, old roosters, Do; old duoas, full feathered, 13d; geese, ' full feathered, ic: turaeys. l2Ci guinea fowls. 3uo each: diu. eons, per dos., a0o; homers, per dos.. U-ui; squabs. No. 1, per dos., SLau; No. 1 pir uea. sue; olu turkeys. Mo. Flbxi tall lruseu Pickerel, 10c; white. 16c; pike, 14c, trout, uc; large ci-aDum. H$tO)o; apanlsh mackerel. 19c; eel, lac; Had dock, 13u; llounoers, 13c; gren caUlah. lj; tvm vuwa, vwo; kiwi roe, per pair, 40o; trog legs, per dos., 36ci4.u0; aalmoo, Uio; halibut, so; yellow Mtrtia. es; buflale. kc; bullhsod. la Beef Cuts-Ribs: No. L 12c; No. X l4o; No. 8. lOVkc Loins: No. 1, Hfcc; No. UVc; No. 3, 6Vc. Chuck. No. 1, o; No. 2, bVc; No. 3. bWc Round; No. 1. lic; No. i, lOc; No. 3, 10c flats No. L 6c; No. i. imc; No. 3, 41 c. r HUl 1j-bananas, fancy select, per bunch, 8a.26iaa.o4j; jumbo, bunch, .v6j.;o. Cherries, home grown, per 24-qt. case, tu.ou. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkga. in boxes, per box, 14.00. Oooseberries, home grown, per 24-qt- case, U-60. Lemons, Llmonelra brand, extra fancy, 800 size, per box. Si. 60, 360, sixe, per box, Sb.00; Loma Ijmoneira. fancy, 300 slse, per box, 3,0u; 360 alae, per box, 7.50 240 and 420 sixes, 60c per box less; Cymbal brand. 30u-3t0 sixes, per box, 46.7B&7.00. Oranges, Camel la Redlands Valeoclas, all sizes, per- box. 84.00' fancy V alone las, 80-M-126 sixes, 33.'a. Cali fornia Jaffa and Mediterranean sweet oranges, loo and smaller Blxes, per box, 83.50. Pineapples Florida. 24-30-36-42-48 sixes per crate, 3.26. Strawberries, Hood River, per 24-qt. case, 84.00. Watermelons, Texas, per lb., 2o. Cantaloupes, California, stand ard, 46 count, 84.60 per crate; pony crates. 64 count, 83.60. VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax per hamper, 82.60; per mkt. bsk 9oc81UU. Cabbage, southern, new, per lb., 4c Cu cumbers, hot house, 1 and 2 dos In box, per box, S1.7&2.00; Texas, per bu., hamper, 82.50. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., SLfcOaou. Uarlio, extra fancy, whits, per lb., 12c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dos., 40c. Radishes, per dos., 20c. Onions, Texas Bermuda, white, per crate, 83.26; yel low, per crate, 82.00. Parsley, fancy home grown, per dos. bunches, 46c Potatoes, Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 31.S54TJl.60; new stock, in sacks, per lb., 4o. Tomatoes, Texas, per 4-bsk. crate, 8126. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California, soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lo lees. Brasll nuts, per lb., 13c; in sack lots, lc .less. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo less. Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., 6Vc. Pecans, large, per lb., 16c; In sack lots, lo less. Walnuts, California, per lb., ISc; In sack lots, lc less. Honey, new, 24 frames, 82.78. Cotton Market. NETW YORK. June 17. There was a fur ther and sensational decline in the cotton market this morning and a general selling Inspired by unfavorable new crop reports, including private advices of additional rains In the drouth sections of the western belt and a private condition report showing an Improvement in crop prospects since tbe government's figures were made up last month. Cotton futures closed steady. Closing bids: June, 14.73c; July, 14.6nc; August, 14.50c; September. 18.62c; October, 13.27c; November, 13.27c; December, 13.30c; January, 13.28c; March, 18.86c; May, 13.3c. 8T. Louis- June if. to i jtjjn uaj-xet unchanged; middling, lnc; no sales; re ceipts, 736 bales; shipments, 1.030 bales; stock. 8,61 bales. New Tork eotton market, as furnished by Logan at Bryan, members New York Cot ton exchange, 816. South Sixteenth street: Month. Open. High. Low. Cloee. Yesy. July.. ..16 09 16 10 14 81 14 84 16 20 Aug ... 14 74 14 75 14 66 14 60 14 64 Sept ... 13 66 13 66 13 62 18 62 18 79 Oct ... 13 38 13 87 13 87 13 27 13 M Deo .... 13 84 13 87 1838 13 30 13 62 Dry boods Market. NEW YORK. June 17. DRY GOODS The eotton goods markets bold steady, with trading confined to small lota. Whits goods are being opened for the new spring season. Underwear and hosiery lines for the now season are also being shown. Jobbing house trade is light. 'Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. June 17. WOOL Active: ter ritory and western mediums, Viflifftc; tine mediums, itnoiiiftc; una, uutc Otis and Rosin. SAVANNAH Oa., June IT TTJRPBN TINE Firm. 62c ROSIN Klrtn; type T, 88.08 6; O, 88.66S6.77H. Oauks Har Market. OMAHA. June iT. HAT No. 1. HI: No. t. 810; packing, 87; alfalfa, 818. Straw Wheat. 8 60; rye. 86 80; oats, 87. POSTAL SAYINGS SYSTEM Foitmatter of Alliance Outlines Method of Conducting Banks. HOW DEPOSITS ARE MADE Method of . Identification, With drawals, Payment of Interest nnd Keep! not Aeeonats Are Fiplatoen. TORK. Neb.. Jims lR-!peeial.-The following address by Ira T. Tash, post master at Alliance, was delivered at the Nebraska postmasters' convention here this week: "Mr. Chslrman and Fellow Postmasters: As the beet method of Illustrating my subject, the postal tarings system and Its practical operation, I will now open a school of Instruction. "Secretary Hook will assume the role of star pupIL Wo win now suppose that Mr. Cook Is abrmt to make a 8opsrlt with me as postmaster to ths Alllarjoe postal depository. For the purposa of identifica tion I will ask Mr. Cook th following questions. The answers to thee questions will be written upon this enovwlope. Your name, first Barns In full 7 Residence? Your occupation? Age? Iate of birth? Color? Piece of birth? Father's name? Mother's Christian name? What amount tio you wish to deposit? "Mr. Cook advices 3S8. "Now Mr. Cook for this deposit of IS I will issue you six certificates of deposit of the following denominations: one for 850, one for 830. one for 810, one for 85, one for 82 and one for 81. You will observe Mr. Cook that the amount of these certi ficates is engraved In plain figures upon each certificate. The amount can be neither raised nor lowered without des troying the certificate. "You will ooserve the only writing that I place upon this certificate la as follows: On this blank line I write your name. On the blank line Immediately below I place your account a umber which we will say Is thirty-four. Ia this blank space In the lower left hand corner I write this date, July 1, 1911, which Is the date upon which Interest begins. Beneath this certificate, which I now detach. Is a duplicate thereof. Upon this I place the date upon which Interest begins, being the first day of the month following the one In which your deposit Is made. This rule la absolute. Method of Identification. "You will now sign your name upon this blank line on the duplicate. You will also sign your name In the blank space upon this envelope1. This procedure Is repeated with each certificate issued. I now place these original certificates In this envelope upon whloh la written your name and ad dress, and deliver them to you. I place the duplicates In this envelope which con tains the data necessary for your future identification. This envelope and the enclosed duplicate esrtlflcates I retain In the files of this office. "Now, Mr. Cook, this deposit Is received upon these conditions. Should you leave this money on deposit for one year or until July 1, 1912, Interest will be paid you thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum. Should you desire to draw this money or any part represented prior to the expiration of one year, no Interest will be paid thereon. Should you desire to with draw the sum of 810 you can do so by sim ply surrendering your 810 certificate and so on through the list of your certificates. After having withdrawn the amount repre sented by the certificates of smaller de nominations you wish to withdraw a pait of the amount represented by your 860 cer tificate, say the sum of 830, you can do so by surrendering this certificate, . in which case I would hand you tbe sum of 830 in cash and issue you a new. certificate for 820, but I would ante-date this new cer-: tlflcate, making the date upon which In terest begins the same as the date of the certificate which you surrendered. This Is done In order that no depositor may be deprived of the Interest upon the amount which Is left on deposit. Take Care of Certificates. "In case you should lose or carelessly de stroy one of these certificates, upon mak ing affidavit on a regular form provided therefor and upon such other evidence as the postmaster general may require, a du plicate of the lost certificate will be given you. But I advise you to be careful and not lose your certificate, as Its loss would Involve considerable delay and annoyance to you. These certificates are non-nego tiable and non-transferable. Should you change your residence to another city you can draw the amount of your deposit by endorsing the certificates, mailing them to me and I will remit to you their amount by registered mall, you standing the ex pense of registration. "As to the question of these certificates being subject to taxation, I will say that the regulations prohibit the postmaster or any postal employe from disclosing the name or amount of any depositor. There fore this Information should not be ob tained by the local assessor. Your de posit would not be subject to attachment or garnishment in any court proceedings because the deposit immediately passes out of my hands and under the control of the board of trustees of the postal sav ings system at Washington. Limitation of Deposits. The limitations as to the amount of deposits are as follows: Any person may deposit not to sxceed the sum of 8100 in one calendar month, nor more than 8500 In five months; provided, however, that any depositor may convert his certifi cates of deposit Into government bonds by application therefor on or before the 16th day of July and December. These bonds are payable In gold and bear Interest at tbe rate of Thi per cent per annum. They are issued in denominations of 820, 340, 860, SSO or any multiple of 3100. After hav ing converted your certificates Into gov ernment bonds you can then open a new account or add to an account already existing up' to the maximum of 8500, and again convert those Into government bonds. "Suras as small as 10 cents may be de posited by purchasing savings cards snd stamps. The savings card is about the size of an ordinary postal card marked Into ten squares. Ths first of these squsres bears the impression of a lc-cent stamp. This card Is given to a child or small de positor upon the receipt of 10 cents. Addi tional deposits are made by placing 10 cent stamps within ths squares until the card represents the value of 8L Upon sur render of this card an Interest-bearing cer tificate of deposit will be Issued to the holder, and an account opened In his or her name under the same conditions as above described. Instruction to Poet saa stem. "Now, Mr. Cook, you will drop your role of pupU-depoaltor, and receive Instructions as postmaster at a depository office. The system of bookkeeping Is quite simple, con sisting of a plain debit and credit account. The amount received on deposit this day as shown by the osrtlfi oaten which we have Issoed being one of each aeries, amounts to a total of 888. With this amount you are charged. You will now make out a deposit slip under this date and tomorrow morning, at t o'clock, upon the opening of the bank In which you hare been authorised to deposit this money, you will place this deposit. The cashier will give you a receipt therefor, which tsktng credit for will balance your account for this day's business. "Should you have paid any certificates, you would take credit for their amount and deposit the balance In the bank. Should the balance of cash remaining on hsnd at the close of the dsy's business be less thsn 810 you will not deposit It but carry It over to th next day and not make any deposit until the amount of cash on hand exceeds 810. Deposits ta Ranks. "I will now Instruct you as to the method of depositing the cash which you take In on deposits In the local bank which has qualified to receive It. Tou will keep two accounts In this bank. One Is railed the emergency fond, and the maximum of this fund Is the sura of 8.100. The first POO which you take In when you open your bank for the transaction of business will be credited to this fund. This fund will be subject to your check. In case a with drawal is made after you have deposited your cash on hand and before other de posits have been received, you will draw your chenfc upon this fund, making the check payable to yourself so as to avoid disclosing the name of the depositor, draw the money from the bank yourself and pay the same to the withdrawing depositor. Shonld the bank be closed you may cash this check out of your money order fund or postal fund and pay the depositor, and thus avoid Inconveniencing him. When the bsnk opens you can draw the money on this check and replace the funds borrowed. When you have deposited the sum of 80 In this fund, then all money received from The Common H ousefly a snKsM Is the justly deserving object of a national campaign in the interest of the public health. Flies carry filth and disease germ's wherever they go. We are glad that we are able to co-operate effectively in the fight against th housefly. , . :'. Flies and Electric Fans Do Not Agree Flies cannot alight in a breeze and it. is a simple thing to keep your kitchen, your living room and the sleeping room of your child free from the contamination of these insects. One electric fan in a small household can usually be made to serve all three purposes, besides freshening and cooling the air. The new 8-inch house hold fan is both practical and inexpensive. For sale by all dealers. Omaha Electric Light & Power F I " II B 1 1 i '., .iiihii.mih m ' 1' Important Notice To , Colorado Travelers There's no need for you to be in doubt about your sleeping car accommodations. You can ae- -cure at once staterooms or berths in the , ELECTRIC LIGHTED SLEEPER - FROM OMAHA EVERY NIGHT Retire any time after 9:30 P. M. Car leaves Omaha 10:47 P. M. on the de luxe. "Rocky Mountain Limited" providing buffet-library-observation car with barber, valet and Victoria recitals and dining car reaching Denver next day at 1 P. M. TWO OTHER FAST TRAINS "The Mountaineer." "Every Morning at 8 o'clock." "Colorado-California Express." Every Afternoon at 1:15. Low Excursion Fares are in effect dally with long limit. For ressrrationi of Cool, inviting during the long THE BEE afforda rooms that are thoroughly ventilated and clean to make them refreshing offices with a cheerful, regaling atmos phere. New elevator are now being installed that will give some ' of the most rapid aervlce In the city. Here are a few choice offices that are vacant just at present. BOOM sot Almost directly In front of passsncsr elevator on third flaer. This Is an xcsptlonally (rood having a south front Rental BOOM 41S-41S A desirable suits on Very cool In summer and rant Is reasonable, per month aao.00 ( BOOM 418 Oood Inside office, ltttHTtt. with a' vault ta eoaneoHon. . la slda rooms are cooler In summer than ouLalda The prtoe ea tat per month Is 1T4 BOOM BOS Is 14x1 fast In slse. weu lifntea ana rest per mania The "New elevator are being inttelied. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. succeeding deposits will be deposited III the a u ah fled bank to the credit of th board of, trustees of the postal savin ri system. -e-' "A bank ta order to Qualify to reoervo theee deposits, must talra th swra of 86. from Its vault and pttrotiaeo orsrt bonds therewith, place them ta ths of the board of trustee; out of reeds of which. In case of tbe local failure, the depositors In th postal Ings bank would bo paid. "Before opening yonr bank for the trnsa tlon of business, you will be furmnbad wttS complete Instructions, all iisussssl j fnP piles, by the department, to enable yon t transact buMneaa. The rasti ntitloii art) explicit, and if you will tak tbe pain to read them carefully and follow tbom Im plicitly you will hot have th least troubl In th matter." Foley Kidney Pill eontala Jwst tb Ink gredlenta necessary to rwrulat anOI strengthen the action of the kidney anlt Madder. Try them yourself. For sale bjV all druggists. Evaporated Apples and PrM PVnltA. N" TORK. June 17. EVAPORATED APPLE? Market very firm at the reoenl advances; on th spot, fancy, l&VaaTlAci choice, l4jc: prime, UfMtc. PRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet. bul prloes are firm on th small stocks; fl 1c for Callfomlas up to 30-40. snd US 14Sc for Oregons from 8-0. Apricots, n artlve, but prices or firm; choice, he; extra choice, 1614frwe: fancy. 1ioa7c. Peaches are quiet, but In the absence ol pressure prices are firm; choice; 8A4foj extra choice. 9WTnle; fancy, swjKVj Raisins. Inactive and about steady; loose muscatels are quoted at V4flr7e: cfioloe to fancy seeded. 8WV: seedlee. 6ffa; Lon don layers, 31 40W1.46. 1 Company iriuo,rt i tf1 the ri-w banal i i . apace, tickets, etc., phone or address, J. S. McNALLY, 1322 Farnam St. Bell, Douglaa 428; Ind. A-4428. 4sl4 iiarfVn'Q offices give comfort hot days of summer. BUILDING location on account of convanlencs ana pries, par month aas.00 the fourth floor nest to the City Hall. also facing on the Court. TMs roam Is i is