( THE BEE: .OMAHA', MONDAY, JTTNT5 1!. 'Mil. Rourkes Defeat Antelopes by 2-1; Cubs Shade Phillies; Giants Beat the Cardinal ROURKES WALLOP ANTELOPES , ' IVo Willi nd . Seventeen-Inning ... Tie. Eecord of Seriei. . OMAHA .j FLAYS . CLASSY BALL l,lace4n .Trlea . t mm Klahth Innlnaj illlr Wk'RirkM Om Vs In '-. Air, Bat tm Sp-rl. ' - Falls Short. ' - t . . . . - ' " Befors the Unreal crowd since the open ing mrrm of tbi season the Monrkea took the thtfd1 shd'lsst game of the series from 1-lncblo by -a score of 1 to 1. Until the eighth". onlng' Omaha played errorless ball nd the work was . the best s-en on th home grounds thin year. Three boots and a sacrifice fly rave Unroln It only run In' the. eightH. " ' Rhodes ol4.tha tajMing for the Rnurkcs until - hs . waj. relieved bj HJI In .the middle -pt the alxth after allowing seven hits. However, the safe ones were well scattered '. and ' by"' brilliant playing ' and atellar Jleidlng no damage was done. Hall proved-a' mystery to the Antelopes, aa he 4 Id In. tha. flrat name of the aerlea. and fmr. the -remainder of the fracas held the boys from tha capital hltless. Tha weather conditions were perfect for htm bait an the memory of the seventeem Innfnir wama played Jh day before brought tba fan bur-In -droves. Ir before the game waa. fallen the crowd began to pour Into the bleachera and grandstands and It looked , Ue ' a "capacity house. Te box office . reports, "howed ,h attendance to be .. '.A ..irtmaut nivd a unit behind the bat which wfli not bs forgotten by many for a long -tlnie' Five men attempted to steal, but only og-e-managed, to get away with It. King, also flayed aome name hi the middle field a,nd.;on of his catches waa of the heJr raising . -clsas. .-Running- almost to second Hs Wared a drive lust a few Inchea above tha ground.;. He rot tha ball, did a fe ; eiroua atwnle on the grass and arose i wjeet aTunrult applause from the stand, ' ractbimr P4. p a dssy article of fling ing, and although he used but one atylc ef.fall be held tha Rourkea to four hlta. two of? wbloh went Jo Kane. At no stage of tha tirni did he let up and but for an error of Dundon In the second Inning- the outc'onla. frjrghf Tjbv' been different. Nle hoft1 Jjxjuht In a "run ' In the second with a beautiful sacrifice fly to Cobb. . Thn eighth Inning waa the only blotch 1 n perfect game-for the Rourkes. That ths faiy are with the ourkes waa exhibited by th Wmout and the hearty support riven jresterdsy. - X4.t her ;;t earn managed to ret a man aa Taraa peconil In the first Inning. In the sc$Td''the Antelopes were retired In one, to." three' order. . Schoonover drew free transportation .in. the second. King drove one to. pundon, who muffed It, and then made a poor throw. Schooney went to third on t"a error and Kinr rot to second. Ml sacrifice, fly by Nlehoff brought Schooiv ovwr.bama Kneaves' then sent a Texts learva tol short and King tore home with the 'second and last run for the ourkes. ,411 lbs war'to tha eighth Lincoln bobbed out-4o thafleldera or died on bases.; But in 'tha' eighth I'nglaub icot to first on a wtltf . throw by JPk-.k. Cole .flew out to Williams and J'ngfaub alole aecond. when Xrbctgast ' ttfoppid 'the';' ball McCormlck drove "a "rrasi cutter 'to Kneaves, w"hb fumbled "it, the' big left fielder readilng first - safely, -"hunaon sent a high fly to Fchoonover'aniJ Ciiirlaub went acrofls with the' first and lail rurt for Lincoln. Score: '." .' - OMAHA . . AB. R. H. o. 0 0 A. 0 1 0 0 0 Kane. lb........iA... 4 1 wuiuwa,..,.f 1 RV-hoonovet, Jf,. X Kin. tr:: Nlehoff, tblnf,..K Knqavea.. ss... ArbogaM. c,. nnooei, p.......... ..1 .. 1 Hall.' P. .Totala. .,,,., 4 27 13 iNCOLN. . . AB. R. H. 0 0 1 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 o. 1 0 0 1 12 6 0 0 0 Gaule,.i"-ss'.'.;.' 6 0 . 0 l'ng)a.ub,Jtb.i.-...... Cola,' 'r . t .. MoCormVckU.. ..,... Dundoq, Sb , Cobb.' . Tf.'iA.ii'A Thomaa, iKj. McOraw,c.vv..VB.. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 lOtSIS.t-,, .31 .7 .7 24 15 Batted fo 'batted foi McGraw In ninth Inning. F rthlng in ninth Inning. Onaha Bans mil' 02000000 -2 v,..vf...'f 0 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 iIUUl- , . , . BUU' t.'... t o 0000010-1 Hlta-...i.;;.. 01023200 07 Twor-haaa : hits: ' Schoonover, McGraw. Bases, on balls: Oft Khodes, 1; otf Hall. .) off Farthing, 1. Hit by pitched .ball: UnglaUb. Struck -otu; By Rhodes, 4; by Hl, ah'byy JTarthlox. S. ' Hits: Off Rhodes. 7 in flya, Jnd. two-thirds Innings; otf Farthing 4. fiacrtflca hit: King. Sacrifice fllapr 1 Mehteff, -Dundon. Stolen baae: Ungiaubi. Left aa bases: ' Omaha, 2; Lincoln,- .. ,Tlma: 1:40. Umpire: Clarke. At tendanpa; ,m t '. 1 : , tke Gasne. r sVef -itaxtl r pick was the only Omaha player to bat evfr-4hr4 tlnaee., Rad ' Rourka outfielder ' took three chanvea,, Hbfirt an, error. ' Tha 'mighty UTnglaub- fanned the wind three tijnee (n the sixth Inning. 'XnveV conifcs ' today -for a three-game aeries. If will alao -te ladles' day. NlehoTTg high foul In the seventh spoiled OmaM'a chaaeea- cf getting a third run. Farthing1 was rlaht and Ditched a atvla ef balL.whlsp , would ordinarily win any ggme.- VolvVrton' was ' sent to tha bench In the eighth 'Inning for personal remarks ang the ooahtnu, line.-- B. -KIdv waa forced to doff his sky place aa hf came. In after making a most spectac ular circus catch. ' Hall f getting to he the salvation of the team. If' ts' used for a prop when the other .pIMheH aiump, v , Thre "straight .rom Denver would even up for Wis four straight they managed to get.aay, with laat week. tahas'o'utfleld Is one which has no flaws tn.4Th Ltncolnltea found It hard to get one-oau of j-rajra tot the trio. IThluga looked -good for Lincoln In the fourl.,i:A4.floublfollowed by a single, hov.er..(alied io rlcg In a .tally. patting honors went to Kane. He got vay with , two hits In three times up. For e .beat aut t wall placed bunt. dtaonover made the prettiest hit of tha t'.i. wben he dtSjva tha ball for two bags to - tha fence along the first base Una In the seventh. .-' Ungtaub -Ws sanind from the grounds la the last Inning for talking back to the urngtre. He' probably -will draw a fine for usinf ofane, jaiiaiyaga, alao. ri TICApf , Bl'XCHEa ITS HIT! ft.' Jaseaa Zra,we laak In Laat Ganaa ST. JOSEPH. June 18. Pueblo bunched hlta off Kaufman in the second and third InrrrnM C'V s-r-ty teok the last game nf tha Sle, .4. to p ' Durham held St. Joseph afe all the way. Score: ', AB. R H. O. 10 Mlddletuw. rf ......... 4- . 1 I . r,er. s ...... ...U. I ..ucn if ... J..,,,... 4 0 v .. tb 4 t '1 )i it- !,, Ib . 4 1 '. rf..... 4 0 J Standing 'of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. NATL LEAGUE. W.I Pet. I W.UTct Penver 17 n'Chlcago ..,..JS 1 .MS PireWo 1 .glllNew Vnfk....M 21 IJnooln 21 .Wn' Vhiladelnhla 32 24 .f.71 8loir Clty...2 .6' Httobura ....10 23 W. Joseph. . 2 27 .59 St. Loula 79 2S, .M7 Orrtahs 2S 2 .472'flncinnatl ...? -M Topeka 11 30 .44 Prookhrn ..:.9 .f, Dts lolnes. II 44 .200 Boston .. 42 . 230 AMER. A88 N. AMER. tKAGLE. W.L PcU W.I. Pet. rolumbu-" ...n 24 .r7 rtrolt -S t .79 KanKss City 31 26 5 Philadelphia IS Mlnhearolls 1 SO .524! New Tork.. .28 22 . MMaaukee .. .Mfi Boston 2 M7 IOuIhvIiIs. . 31 31 .MOifhlcsgo 2S 2J .Ml St Paul.... W 32 . 47S1 Cleveland ...24 84.114 Tcledo W 3t .41 Wsshlngton l M .7 lndlanap.ills 23 .STl Bt. Loiils 1 3 I1 NED. LEAGUE. ! MINK LEAGTE; w.u pet. 1 w-Iipr,,i Superior . . ..10 11 .M.V Kali Clty...W 1O Gd. Island. .d .57i;ciarlnda 1. rrmnnt . . . 1 14 .M2 A ubum 13 14 .4H Peard .K 17 .45 Marymie. " " ,n' .16 18 .471! Neb. (71(V.,12 4 .14 17 .4r fchenandoh..lO 17 .S.O t 'olumbus Kearney Hastings York .14 19 .4:41 1 .IS 20 .394. Yesterday's. Resalts. WESTERN LEAGUE. Lincoln, 1; Omaha. 2. Topi'ka, 1; gloux'Citjv IS. Denrer, 0; Dee Motne. S. . Pueblo, 4; fit. Joseph. 0. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn. 3: Cincinnati, 1. Philadelphia, 8; Chicago, 4. New York.. 5; St. Louis. '4. ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago. 15; Detroit. IS. St. Louis, 7; Cleveland, 10. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis. 3: St. Paul, 6. Toledo, 1; Minneapolis, 3. ... Lotils'llle, 4-4: Kansas, 6-2. Columbus, 2-4;. Milwaukee.' 7-41. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. Grand Island, 12; York, 1. Columbus, 4; Seward. ('. . MINK, LEAGUE. Nebraska City, i; .Maryyllle, 2. , , Games Today. Western league Denver at Omaha. Pueblo at Sioux City, Lincoln at Des Molnee.To peka at St. Joseph... National League Brooklyn at Pittsburg. American League 'Washington at Phila delphia, Boston at New. York. Amer.can Association Indianapolis at l. Paul, Toledo at Minneapolis, IxulsHle' at Kanxas City, Columbus at Milwaukee. Nebraska State League Fremont at Superior-. Grand Island -at York, Columbus at Seward. Kearney at Hastings. Mink League Nebraska City at Shenan doah. Falls City at Clarlnda, Maryvilln at Auburn. Durham, p. Tota's ... 4 ...34 IOSE AB. ... 4 ... 3 ... 4 ... t ... 4 ... 4 .;. 8 ... 3 ... 2 ...-0 ... 1 .-..31 ..0 1 ..0.0 0 11 2 0 7 ' IS 27 12 0 PH. R. H. O. A. E. 4 0 10 0 0 0 4 ' 1 0 0 17 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 13 4 0 0,1 8 3 0 0 0 4 4 0 - 0, I 0 . 1 0 0 1 . 0 ' 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 ft" 27 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Kelly, rf Powell, . If...... Jones, lb Zwlllmr cf.... Itellly, 2b Gossett, c Melnke", ss.... Hamilton. 3b.. Kaufman, p.., Burnham, p... Borto.n Totals Pueblo St, Joseph...':.. Double plays: Melnke to Rellly to' Jones. Hughes to Koerner. ' .Three-base hit: Koerner. Two-base hit:- Bclden. Struck out: -By Kaufman, 5; by Burnham, 1; by Durham, 8. Bases on. balls: Off .Kaufman. 1; off Durham, 2. Balk: Durham. Stolen base: Powell. Sacrifice hit: Claire: Passed ball: Gossett. Left on bajea: St. Joseph. Pueblo, 6. Time; .1.-S0. Umpire: Hakell. SIOUX RUN ! OVER TOPKKA Caaanptone Pile I p Score of Tblrteea to .On. . ' SIfX CITT. June lS.-The Champlona hit Topekg g pitcher. -Buchanan, hard today, making a clean unp the series.. Clark pitched 4 shut oul game, Neighbors' ex cusable error allowing the only run scored by the Visitors. Sloiig City amassed a totul of thirteen runs. Six of these came In tha eighth on two errors, a single, two doubles and two home runs. Score: . , sior CITY. , AB. R. H. O. 4 14 1 0 S 3 1 i 0 Andreas. 2b. .. Stem, lb Breen. If. Neighbors, rf. Hartman, ss. Wagner, cf. ., Relllv, 3b Miller, c Clark, p. Totals Rickert. It'... Moore. 2b. Hafford. Sb. . Tomason. cf. . Whitney, lb. Hopke, ss Crompton, rf. Hawkins, c .. Buchanan, p. Beecher, If. ... 4 .7 8 ........40 11, 20 . 27- 17 TOPKKA. ,. AB. R. H. 0 1 0 0 1 . 0 3 0 ' 0 ' ft o. 1 - 3 3 3 3 8 8 1 : 0 A. . 1 1 2 1 . 0 2 0 ; 0 2 0. I 1 0 0 . 0 , 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 'Mo ...31 Totals . 1 1 ft ft 0 6 24 10 Topeka ........ . 0 0 . 0 3 0 ft 0 3ft $ ft- 1 -13 Sioux City .... Sacrifice hits: Neighbors. Hartman. An dreas. Two-base hits: Andreea z, neign- bors. Home runs: , agner.. Miner, oioieu bases: Rellly. Rickert. Neighbors. Hartman. Double plays: Hartman. ..Andreas and Stem t2): Hopke and Whitney. Struck out: By Clark. 1. Bases on balls: Off Clark. 4: off Buchanan. 3. Passed ball. Miller. Umpires: Gardner and Shoemaker., Time: 1:5& DKS MOlX-9 SCOBES SHt'T OITT Moaatalaeers Are Unable ts (ear Hlgglae Tribe of Toesera. DES MOINES. lal, June 18 Pes Molnea took the third game of the' series from Denver todav bv a scors of to 0, secur ing their first shutout of the season. Score: DES MOINES. AB. H. H O. A. E. ft 0 0 3 10 3 0 0 2 0 0 11 ft 2 5 0 . $ 1 0 4 2 0 1 1 27 14 0 O. 'A. E. 3 3 ft ' 3 1 1 ft 1 10 0 10 i s 1 $ ft ft ft 3.1 1 ft 1 0 0 0 1 1 84 0 $ 0 -8 O0 0-O Anderson, rf Colllgan. ss Curtis. If ..'. Mattlck, cf . Dwyer, lb .. Korea, 3b .. Oraham. 2b . 4 1 0 1 1 t ' 12 Ultowskl, Hersohe, P Totals' .. 3 8 DENVER. . AB. R H Llovd. 2b Qulllln. 3b Coaaldy. rf ... Beall. If Lindsay, lb .... Coffey, as OHmore, cf ... Soahr. c ,. McMurray, c .. Klnsella. ,P .... Kenworthy, p .. Totals' Des Moines .... Denver 4 0 0 ; ;.,...4 ' ...ft 4001 .... 0 ft ft ft 0 Casaldy. Bases on balls: nf v.nwncihv i Hit bv pitched ball: Dwa-er. 'Left on bases: Des Moines, J; Dnver. Itt 'Struck out. y. rterscne, by Klnsella. I; by Kenworthy. L. Stolen base: Dwyer. Kores. Hit In runs: An derson. Ultowskl (2)., Hereche, Ma'tVk. Korea !). Graham. Sacrifice hlta: col llgan. Mattlck. TUna: 1:4. Umpire: Mor gan. ; J Llama Heat ; Hravea. LEBANON. Neb.,- June 18. (Special.) The Arapahoe Braves wars unaoie 10 re move a "hoodoo" when-they Buffered de teat at tha hsnds 'of the I ebanon Lions U.L . suiuu u jo auiafl sunpx u,U ax-ora was II to 11. rater's Ktdaes flnmaa . Is particularly recommended for chrome cases of kidney and bladder trouble. - It tends te regulate and : control tha kidney and bladder action and la healing, strsngth aalag and bt-cing. ' For sals by all drugs-la. 1: COLUMBUS SHUTS OUT SEWARD ViiitoriTake Game by Score of Four to No thin j. CEAWF0RD ALLOWS BUT ONE HIT Crawford mmA Graham See -re Tub Bus flits Ylrtorloms Twlrler Strikes Oat aim and GlTea . . O-e Baae, sa Ralls. SEWARD. Neb.. June 18.-1Speclal Tele gram.) Columbus shut out Seward by a score of 4. to 0 todav. Score: ' ' SEWABO - - COLUMtlfi AB.H O A E. . AB H O A R. sunier. m. . oi-. n.... 4 Rotlton. rf 4 Henrje, lb.... 4 Ruriu. If , . . , 1 rnllen. lb... 4 V ei.- ef I Wii!v p 1 Crawfor. p. I .1 1 I Meliell. rf.. I 0 0 1 1 4 0 4 0 1 A I 0 ft 0 C4ppl0. lt. .. 1 ft ftrmnam, 2b.. 4 1 B. Prown. SI 4 A Lyh. If.... 4 t K Brown, lb 4 n wMnb'r, it t Artw. c. . . . 1 Paul, p I 1 I 0 It I 1 I 1 T 1 1 Tl!l II ,4 n 11 I TtrtlH f J 37 16 I Columbus ,...o'rt 30000 10 4 Seward 0 00000000 0 Two-bsse hits: Crswrord. Crahem. Pirst base on balls: Off Crawford, 1: off Paul. 2. Struck out: Rv Crnwford. : hv Paul. 1 Hit with pitchel ball. Bv Crawford. 3; by Paul, 1. Time: 1.30. Umpire: Thlel. Attendance, 800. Granal Island Swamp York. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. June is -(Special Telegram "l-In the York-Grand Island game, transferred to this city. Grand Is land had much tho better of both the fielding and the batting nrguments. The hits off Claussen were well scattered and two were of the scratch order. Smith at short played a stellar game. In the ninth the locals found Timmerman for six h'ts and a total of eleven stations. Score: TORK. GRAND ISLAND. AB H O A G. AB 11 1) A B rarrell, lb... 4 Pal, rf..... 1 Hennliraey. If 4 1 Coow, cf i Smith, na 4 0 MrKlhhcn. If 4 l Me Lear, rf 4 A Armat'ng. lb 4 t Jokerat, c. ft 1 Want. Jt..'. . 4 A Booth, lb.... 4 9 Clauamn, p.. S Harnia, cf..., 4 ravin, lb. ., . 4 Ty. aa 4 Kelly, c 3 Braiibr'k, Sh I Ttm'rman, pis Totala it I rf 1 4 Tatala 41 14 IT 13 A Grand Island 1 0 110 0 2 0 7 13 York ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Earned runs; York. 1; Grand Island. . Two-base hits: McKlhbn. Mflyear, .lokerst. Booth. Three-bsse hits: Mcl,enr. Jokernt. Sacrifice hits: McLear. Armstrong. Stolen baits: C ok Smith (4, McKlhben, McLear. Ward. Claussen. Double plavs: Smith to Armstron. Claussen to Smith to Arm strong. Struck out: By Claussen. S; bv rimmerman. 7. First base on balls: Of'f Claussen. 3: off Tlmmermnn. 4. Hit wICi pitched bail: Bv Tlmmerman. 1. Umpire: McKe. Southern Auto Club Arranging Big Meet Sharpi Already Predict that All Eoad Eecords Will Be Smashed Next Fall. NEW TORK. June 17.-A hookworm Is not the emblem of the Automobile club of Savannah.- Already preparations are un der way for the holding of the grand prise and. Vanderbllt cup races In November. The southerners promise a course that will make possible the' breaking of every road record worth while. Also, they are plan ning a tour from Boston and New York to Savannah,' the finish being In the latter city Just before the "cup races. , A Savannah'' dispatch says: "With five months in '-which to-get the grand prize course -m perfect" condition, automobile sharps are already " beginning to predict that-air records will be broken In the coni Insrraees. Because It has really got to be a. habit with -the Savannah Automobile c ub to" hold these International races, the gigantic undertaking does not seem so big to them now. -' l is the" purpose of tha club to spend considerable of Its time and energy In planning for m great national endurance run from' Boston and New York to Savan nah, bringing In several miles of cars a day or two before the ' Vanderbllt cup race, which1 will be the first to be run. This long run -will be a big feature of the races. "A scout car will' be 'sent over the route, photographs and mileage secured and a running car and schedule prepared, Just as Is dona In all of the endurance contests fromoted by the Savannah club. (Attrac tive prlxes will, of course, be offered, and the officers of the club confidently expect that 200 1 automobiles will be brought to Savc-nah by this means. The trip will he made n easy one, so that the wealthy northerners who care to come this way will gat some real pleasure out of the mo toring. -. "It may be that the club will also decide to have runs from Atlanta, Jacksonville, Macon,' Augusta, Columbia,- Charlotte and other cities."- . .-.(.'. 6r,eat Athletic Meet . ! , For San Francisco Series of Contests that. Will Rival Olympic Games is Provided for Panama-Pacific Exposition.' NEW v TORK. . June 17. (Special Tele granl.) San-Franclaco Is to have tha na tional track and , field championships for the Panama-Pacific exposition in 1916, and despite tha fact1 that it 'was Impossible to get the Olympian games for that year, tba world's greatest athletes will take part In the California games that year. As soon aa It waa definitely settled that the Olympian games -were, to go to Berlin in 1816. istepti were taken by the American athletic authorities at tha suggestion of the California people, to secure the at tendance of the cream of tha world's athletics at Ban Francisco. Secretary James E. . Sullivan of the American Olympic committee said today thera was a very reason to believe there would be large attendance of the world's greatest athletes, and that they would really be , Olympian games in all except name. Tha interest of tha foreigners In tha Ban Francisco meet is evinced by ths fact that tha Olympian committee had''-offered" a medal for the all-round championship, a thing which had never been done before. PITCHERS' Dl'GL TO NKBRASKANt Maryvllle Loses Gam le by4 leors of Foar ta Two. MARYVILLE. Mo.. June 17. (Special.) Nebraaka City today a gams after a warm pltchera' battle. Score: R H E. Maryvllle 0 0 0 ft 1 1 ft 0 0-2 ( 1 Nebraaka City. lftftlOOOl 14 81 Batteries: Maryvllle. Oswalt and Diets; Nebraska City, Wlllford and Herman. Um pire: Sage. ' ' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Godfrey and family of Louisville, Ky., will arrive In Omaha tomorrow morning for a few days' visit at the home of Mrs. Godfrey's mother, Mrs. Joseph Bums, 8084 Cass street. Mr. Godfrey, after a fey days' business trip In the western part of the atata. will return to Ijoutsvtlle where he Is associated with the Loulavtlle ' Nashville railroad, as editor of the North and South. 1 Ta Dla a taa aeaffold la palnleaav compared with the weak, lams back, kidney trouble cause. Electric Bit ters Is tha remedy. 80c. For sal by Baa to Drug C-v ' ?rv -tlHC TO t).TfrA.HTU I TO OH-S I K. C. BLUES WIN AND LOSE Double-Header Divided by Kansas City and Louisville. WILD 'PITCHES COST A GAME Three Rons. Are Scored In One In nlng When Hlstsrlnbotham Thro a Two Wild Onea Many Hlta for Kitra Rosea. KANSAS CITY. June 18 -Kans-as City and Jx)iilnvllle divided a double-header here this afternoon,, the locals taking the first s to 4, and the visitors the second. 4 to 2. In the first the visitors had the lead until the ninth, when four singles and two wild pitches by Hlpglnbotham allowed throe runs and a victory. Of the seven hits Louisville mads In the second five were for extra bases. Score, first game: LOUISVILLE. KANSAS rnTY. AB.H. O A E. AB H O A K. Robfrtffon, a. 4 114 0 Rarbeau. b. i I t S 0 lllto Gardner, if.. 41000 Ho.ard. lb.. 4 TnnoK, 3b. .. 4 Hayden, rf.. 4 1110 l.nvc. lb 4 0 14 0 1 1 0 0 0 Hatt, rf.... 4 S 0 0 0 0 ' t 0 Sullivan, cf.. 1110 1 110 0 (-orrldnn. aa. 1 0 S 4 0 S I 0 Ilaker. 2b. .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 Downer, ibaa 110 6 0 0 0 t O'Connor, C. t 0 t 0 Hulawltt. lb lb I if Ptanabury Stanley, cf... S Hushes, c,.. I ll'Rlnb'm, p. I ajamea 1 1 0 ,M I 1410 0 Powell, p.... 1 14 10 Totala. Smool 1 1 0 0 0 . Totala II 17 It 1 Batted for O'Connor In the ninth. Batted for Powell In the ninth. Louisville 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 04 Kansas City... 0 01 10000S 5 Two-base hlta: Lennox. Havden, Powell, Howard. Home run: Hvatt. First base on bslls: Off Hlgginbotham, 3; off Powell, 3. Struck out: ''-By Hlgglnbotham. 6; by Powell, t. Double plav Powell to O'Connor to Barbeau. Sacrifice hits: Corrldon. Stansbury. Wild pitches: Hlgglnbct'-'Tm (2). Passed bsll: O'Connor. lilt th pitched ball: "Bv Sullivan. 2: by Hltuin botham, 1. First bae on errors: Louis ville. 1. ; I.eft on bnses: Iuisvllle. 3; Kansas City; 7. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Chill and Ferguson. Score, second game: - .' LOUISVILLE. KANSAS CITY. AB.H O A. E. AB H O A E. ftobtnaoo, as, 4 0 1 I 0 Barbeau, lb. 1 0 Gardner, If.. 1 0 Smoot, cf 1 0 Love. lb.... 4 0 Hyatt, rf ... 1 0 Sullivan, cflf I 0 orridon. aa. 1 0 Dakar, lb ... 1 0 Downer, 2bs I 0 L 0 I.I 0 -Howard, lb.. 1 'Hi 1 Lennox. Sb... 4 1 0 1 Hayden, rt... 4 110 Klaner. If.... 4 0 1 0 Rtanabury, lb It) 4 Btanloh ct... 4 1 1 0 ,Orenorff, e, 1 0 4 0 'Slagle, p : 1 1 0.1 Kro 10 0 0 0 0 1 It 1 1 I 1 0 Jamca, c 1 0 O f onnor, c Totals 14 1 IT 14 0 Brandon), p 1 1 1 0 1 0 All rock, p. won '. " " 'Totals 81 THUS Batted foi Altrock In the ninth. Louisville .:..'... 0 011000 2 04 Kansas City. A...- 0 000000202 Twa-base hlta:1 Gardner. Altrock,' Single, Howard. Sullivan. Baker. Stanley. Home runs: Stanley, Howard. First base on balls. Off Hlagle. 4; off Altrock, 1. Struck out: Bv Altrock. 2; by Slagle. 4. Hits: Off Slagle, 7 In eight and two-thirds in nings; oft Hranaom. z in tnree innings; otf Altrock, B in six Innings. Left ttn bases: Louisville. S; Kansas City, 7. First base on errors: Louisville. 3. Hit witn pitched ball: By Slagle. Sullivan. Time: 1:40. empires: vjnui ana e erguson. A ' Life Sentence of suffering With lung and throat trouble Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New Discovery. 50c and $LC0. For sale by Bea ton Drug Cd, Li2o.x college:. Maay RnJoyahle Events of Com mencement Week. The fifty-first annual commencement of Lenox college, Hopklnton, la., was held the last week. The events commenced on Friday evening, June 2, with an address to the literary societies by the Rev. J. S. Corkey 'of Wlnterset. On Sunday Dr. J. T. Bergen of ' Dubuque, la., delivered the baccalaureate sermon. On Monday after noon Mrs, Margaret Melrose of Hainan, China, spoke to the missionary societies. Monday night the junior orations were de livered In ths college chapel. Wednesday afternoon the alumni address was made by Dr. W. H. Ensign of Manchester, and on Wednesday evening an alumni banquet was served. , At 10 o'clock Thursday morning the annual commencement exercises were held in - the Presbyterian church, where the graduating class orations were. deliv ered. These were followed by an address by tha Kav. John Balcom Shaw, D. D., LL. D. of Chicago, ,111. The concluding exercise of commencement week was the graduating TedtaJ by the departments of music andSixprssslon in the college chapel In the evening. The honorary degree of D. D. was conferred upon Rev. James S. Corkey of Wlnterset, la. The board of trustees met on Wednesday and thoroughly discussed ths situation at Lenox. They determined upon larger things for tha old school and upon a stren uous effort for the completion of another $100,000 of endowment before ths conclusion of another year. ' For. summer diarrhoea in children al ways glva. Chamberlain's . Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure Is certain. For sale by all dealers. GUY P. LEAVITT, AND MISS ETHEL GALLAGHER TO MARRY Invitations to.'the wedding of Ouy Percl- val Leavltt and Miss Ethel Gallagher have been Issued by the parents of ths bride-to-be, Mr. -and Mrs. M. Gallarher, The wedding will take place at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher, HO Bouth Sixth street, at 8 o'rlock on. the evening, of Wednesday, June 28. Mr. Leavltt is a young newvpaper writer, whore work Is of a character to give promise of future ua- fulness. Ha is the son of William L. Leavltt, ths well-known commercial sales man. residing at 372 Lincoln avenue. He baa spent all his Ufa In this city aad grad uated from. the high school last year with ths honors of his class. They have pre pared a comfortable . little cottage . on Stutsman street." which they will oocupy immediately after tha wadding - tertona I 1 eemtloaa ( . snd wounds are healed without danger of Mood poisoning by Bucklen's Arnica Halve, tho heal nig wonder. SSo. For sale .by Beaton Drug Co. CUBS SHADE THE PHILLIES Veterani Take Close One by Score of Four to Three. TOTAL OF THIRTEEN BASE HITS LMeri Play Errarteaa Game, While the Vletora Make Twe ' Mistake- Batting; Honors Are , Nearly Errs, CHICAGO. Philadelphia. June 11 Chicago defeated 4 to S. In the final game of the series today. The locals won In the eighth on two singles, a double and a -double steal. In which Schulte reached home. The Philadelphia team claimed that Shean. who was at bat, Interfered with a pitched ball, aiding Schulte's steal home. I The umpire did not allow the claim. Score: fHICAOO. PHILADELPHIA. AH H O. A. E AB.H.O.A.E. Sherkan). If. I S. hullr. rf . .. 4 I I 0 Knahe. lb. 1 I 0 Parkert. cf... 0 lhert, b... 0 Maee. If ... 0 Luderua, lb.. 1 Walah. rt.... 0 Doolan, aa... 0 Moran, e. . . , 1 Itnrna. p 0 Moore, p. .. , 0 Mare ft Mlller Hofman, lb.. 4 Zlm'man. Sb 4 0 lft , rnla. lb.. . 8han, a.. I Good, cf . . I'nlllna. cf. Archer, c. . role. p.... Brown, p.. "Tinker ... Totals. ... 90 T 37 II 1 Totala ... .10 I 14 II 0 Hstted for Good In seventh. Batted for Moore In ninth. Ban for Moran In ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 0 0 2 0-8 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 Two-bsje hit: Archer. Hits: Off liurns. in seven and one-third Innings: off Brown, none in one Inning; off Cole, 6 In eight InntnKs; off Moore, none in two thirds Inning. Sacrifice hit: Tinker. Stolen bases; Magee i2. Schulte, Zimmerman. Double plays: Archer to Zimmerman, Cole to Shr-an to Hofman, Shean to Zimmerman to Hofman. Ioft on bases: Chicago. D; Philadelphia. 8. Bases on halls: Off Cole, 7; off Burns. 1. Hit bv pitched ball: By Burns. Shean; by Brown. Mayes, struck out: By Cole, 4: by Burns. 4: by Moore, 1. Time: 2:07. Umpires: Kason and John stone. Brooklyn Bunches Hlta. . CINCINNATI, June lS.-Brooklyn de feated Cincinnati todnv, 3- to 1, hv bunch ing hits off Keefe In the first Inning for one score and duplicating the trick In the second. Score: CINCINNATI BROOKLYN. AB H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. Beecher, If., b 1 0 Rurch, cf.... I I 1 0 1 Hoblltael, lb 4 Patea, cf 4 Downey, rt., 4 Eamond, as., 4 Kaan, 2b 4 Clarh, c I Grant, 3b.... 4 Keefe, p 6 oirQulllan, p 1 Sevorold ... 1 McLean .... 1 Bugge, p 0 1 0 Dauhert. lb.. 4 1 11 1 0 110 1) Wheat. If. .. 1 I 0 110 0 Hummel; lb. 4 1010 1111 Tooley. aa. .. I 1 1 1 0 Oil 0 Coulaon, rf . I 11 0 0 1111 Mm'man, lb. 4 1 1 I 0 114 0 Bergen, c... 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rucker, p.... 4 1 0 4 0 Oto 1 0 0 0 Totala M It IT 11 1 0 0 0 0' 010. Totala'. U 10 17 IT 11 ' Batted for Keefe In the second. Batted for McQulllln in the eighth. Brooklyn 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 03 Cincinnati :.. 0 100000001 Two-btule hits: Coulson. Severold. First base on balls: Off Rucker. 4; off Keefe, 1; off McQulllln, 2: off Hurks. 1. Struck out. By Kucker, 2; by McQulllln, 3. Time: 2:10. Umpires: Rlgler and Flnneran. Glanta Beat C'ardtnala. ST. LOUIS, June 18 By bunching hlta In the sixth and ninth Innings New York won the final game, 6 to 4, and broke even on the series with the home team. Mowrey and Devlin featured with the bat, each getting two doubles and a single in four attempts. Score: NEW YCYRK. ST. LOUIS. ' AB.H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.B. Deyora, If... 4 Doyle, lb.... I 0 Hugxlna, lb. i 0 Mauser, aa... 4 0 Elite. If 4 Bnoda'a, aant 4 Murray, rf.. 4 0 Knnetchy, lb 1 0 Evana rf I Merkle, lb.. Crandall, aa. Pevlln, lb.. Mvera, c. ... Wlltaa. p .. Becker, 'cf . . . Wllaon, c... 0 Mowrey, lb.. 4 0 Oakee. cf.... I 0 Breanahan. 0 4 0 Golden, p.... I 0 Bailee, p D . Totala 17 14 17 10 I Totala II 10 n New York 0 0 0 0 0 8 St. Louis... 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 28 0- 4 Tr.o-base hits: Mowrey, Devlin, Murray, Brtsssahan. First base on balls: Off Golden, 1; off Bailee, 1; off Wlltse,- 2. Struck out: By Golden, 3; by Bailee, 1: by Wlltse. 3. Time: 2:12. Umpires: Klem and Emslle. Middle Aged and Elderly People Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick and permanent results In all cases of kidney and bladder troubles, and for painful and annoying druggists. Irregularities For sale by all Tenderfeet of the Commercial Club to Join Ak-Sar-Ben The Commercial club will be the guests of Sampson at the Ak-Sar-Ben Den Mondsy night, when a special entertainment will be staged for the prospective members in that organisation. The invitations sent to the Commercial club members lay stresa on the fact that the "tenderfeet" will be present, and take a hand In the fun. The 'tenderfeet" are the members of the last Commercial club trade excursion, who made their first Commercial junket at that time. TWO MEN ARE STABBED Ed Anderson Attacked by Two Negro : Women Percy ' Haghea In 4(.aarrel Over Dice. Two negro women assaulted TA An derson near his home at Sixteenth and Burt streets at 8 o'clock last night, stabbing him three times In the back. They escaped. Police Surgeon Peppers attended Anderson who waa sent to his home. In a quarrel over a dice game at 1 o'clock this morning. Percy Hughes, a negro, waa badly stabbed In tha throat and in tha back at Sixteenth and Burt streets. His assail ant ran. Polios Surgeon O. C. Bishop at tended to Hughes' injuries. . A crap game at Twenty-fourth street and Patrick avenue was Interrupted at mid night and Scott Barber, the negro proprie tor of ths house, and nine negroes, were arrested. Dave Mosley, one of the negroes, was found armed with a heavy revolver. Ha was charged with carrying concealed weapons. Ths raid was made by Sergeant Samuelaon and Policemen Dibble, Thomas and Ford. On a search warrant Sergeant Vanous and Detective Heitfeld and Donohoe early last night raided tha Walnut Hill phar macy. Fortieth and Cuming Btreets. Three barrels of beer and two boxes of whisky were seised. Dr. Fred A. Nelson, the pro prietor, was arrested, charged with selling liquor without a license. Ha waa released on a personal bond for his appearance In police court tomorrow morning. W00LDRIDGE RESTING WELL Policeman Who Was Taken tm Ho Ital Friday ts Esaectcd ta Recover. Physlolsns attending former Policeman Harry L. Wooklrldge, who was t ken rn day to the Methodist hospital suffer ng from eotkcasnton of the brain, repcr ad last Blgbt that their patient Is reathjig well. Na fsral 1 nan Its, it If sa Id. re antic lpa d. Woa-Trldge was rtmek aViwn at fclxiasnth atd CUtesr. streets a areek ago laat sight. after De had shot snd killed William Me' a, an Innocent bystander' in a crowd which gathered while Wooldridge was trying to arrest drwnken mma. CITY HALL WINS BALL GAME toaaty Court llnaae Ranch la feated by Score of lne to Knar. Ie- The ball game between f?ie employes of the city departments and those of . the county court house was one of the features of the day's happenings In Council Bluffs yesterday and attracted a huge crowd to the Thirty-seventh street ball park. The score showed ( to 4 In favor of the city hall crowd. While no attempt was made to keep up the error column, the game was really brilliant, with enough thrills to keep the fans wildly excited. Both sides had plenty of extra men and did not hesitate to make use of them, so that a full history of the lineup would reveal the presence of about two doxen men, with the members of the Board of Supervisors helping out the county gang. t The gate receipts were amply sufficient to pay for the set of $50 racing collars and names for the fire department. Score: City 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 2-9 County 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 04 TWO CONTESTOMOLF links Interesting Flay Indulged Saturday on Happy Hollow Links. THREE TIED AT COtfNTRY CLUB Seroad Qnallfrlng Roaad for Preal dent's Cap Played Off Satardar Afternoon at Conn try Clnb Llnka. Two contests were run off simultaneously on the links of the Happy Hollow club Saturday. Four pairs were winners In two ball foursome, etghteen-hole handicap, medal play contest.' The first round of play for the T. L. Coombs cup was played. The rain of the last two days was In valuable to the Happy Hollow course and the golfers expect to have some fine play ing this week. .The play: Two-ball foursome, eighteen-hole handi cap medal play, four pair to qualify, twenty-eight pairs played. Gross. Hdcp. N. B. W. Tandy-B.T. Waring 97 11 M .aunars-A. O. Elllck 100 E. A. Nordstrotn-J. K. Webster.. 97 George Rohs-J. D. Sheilds 103 These four pairs qualified. Other scores: Mel Uhl-J. 8. Weppnor 100 A. H. Wells-C. H. Marlev Wfi E. E. Klmberly-W. E. Rhoades.108 J. R. Morrls-K. Llnlnger infl A. P. Murtagh-H. B. Iemere..l09 C. O. McDonald-T. W. Austin.. 103 W. E. Bhafer-D. M. Edgerly . . . .li C. Sibbernsen-D. 81bbernsen...l04 13 8 13 7 IS 15 13 1 9 11 Pairings are as follows: Tandy and Waring (8), play Webster and Nordstrom (6). 1 Saunders and Elllck (10), play Ross and Sheilds (10). In first round for Coombs cup: B. N. Robertson (14) beat W. E. Shepard (14), 1 up In nineteen holes. A P. Murtagh (17) beat B. W. Tandy (14) 1 up. Joseph Polcar (12) beat E. A. Nordstrom (3) 4 and 2. At Conntrjr Clnb Links. The second qualifying round of the play for the president's cup at the Omaha Country club was played off Saturday, handicap match play against bogey being the contest. W. T. Burns. C. H. Peters and John W. Redlck tied and will play off the tie for position next week. The tourna ment will be finished late this month. W. J. Foys, who put up the trophy, made score of 3 down, but his score will not be entered in the contest. The players found the course soft, but they were willing to forego one day's good golfing on account of the benefits that would accrue later from the rain. Following are the scores: J. 8myth.. 2 up 3 up 1 down 2 down 6 up 8 down 4 down 1 down 8 down 4 down 7 down 4 down 8 down 2 down 6 up W. J. Foye.. Fred Hamilton . Ralph Peters ... W. T. Burns A. Fry J. H. Butler. I. A. Coles C. B. Keller L. Deuel J. Hoel W. H. McCord.... F. N. Conner Jsrvis Offutt Clarence Peters..... Phil Chase 4 down M. C. Peters 3 up A. A. McClure 2 down John W. Redlck S up Z. T. Llndsey $ down C. C. Oeorge 8 down C. H. Pickens 7 down M. A. Hall i 1 down Tennis Tourney Soon. The Rod snd Gun club will open its an nual tennis tournament July S. with prob ably fifty crack players of the organisation In the entry list. The men's and women s tournaments will be run off In the same month, the men's tourney coming first, so that the male racquet experts may be able to get In a little hard practice before the big national and city tournaments. The four courts at the Omaha Rod and Gun club promise to be crowded all this year. The players there are full of en thusiasm snd there are many who are deft with tha racquet. On account of the rain the Omaha Field Club Tennis tournament, whicn was to have started Saturday, has been postponed until Monday. FIREMEN'S MEET IS POSTPONED Soathweetera Iowa Tonrnnmant Will Ba Held Jolr Foortb. CRE8TON, I-, June 18. (Special.) Owing to a conflict In dates, the soumwesiern Iowa firemen's tournament, to have been held here August 21-22, has been changed to July 4-6. The National Guard encamp ment will be held August 21 and aa a large number of ths firemen are members of the National Guard. It was deemed advisable to change tha dates. Bigger. Better, Busier Advertising In Ths Bee puts your business in ths "Three B" clsss. A TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING THE LEADING BEER IN THE MIDDLE WEST Famtlf Tratfr tappl ad b) Cbav KUM-s, F o an YSe l 124U); I arparndarrit Bt2a BIG RALLIES BEAT WHITE SfX !.'' I Ti&ert Win Swatfest by Sixteen to Fifteen Score, COBB AND CRAWFORD THE HEROES -1 .i .re. v Klabta aad Math laalnas Hrla Masters of FlTt aad Three- Haaa Poar Three-nase Hits Two Two-naggers. DETROIT. June 1H.-By great battlr rallies In the eighth and ninth. In whi Cobb and Crawford flaurcd conspicuous! letrolt detested , t.'hiiiso. today. 1$ to U. Cobb drove Jones ami Bush across In the ninth with his fifth hit of tho day. ttelng the score, and then came In himself when Crawford smashed the ttn fufovcr Bodie'g head. Score: , v,.- k 1 OHICAfjrt . . riETRoIT Ann O A.g hrV, If 4 0 1 M. Intyre, rf . a 4 I lrd. ah 4 4 1 0 Htith. ,w it is allahan, If. I 1VJ 0 Oi'olh, cf ft g 1 Bodle. rf 4 1 1 n Oiwfnrd, rt I I I Zeider . ae I 0 ? t 4 llehanv. lb 4 111 loMina. in.. 4 "it I Morlarty, lb l. Tannehlll, lb 4 I 4 4 0 Stanare. e .. Ill Payne. ... 1 4,0 ) r. e...,. 1 1 4 ... I 3 S ft thllrr i 0 p v a 0 0 Smldt, e... sol . .. 0 0 0 0 0 Summer, p.. 0 0 ft Wnrlre. p.... 1 1 0 ...42 1 1 Mnllln 1 1 White, n . Olmatead, Walah, p. . Totata... AB H.O.A.g. roTlnirtoll. pi 1 0 Mitchell, p,, 1 1 Lather a .... t 0 S ' . , ' -'.' Tetala 44 11 1: One out when winning run Scored. Patted for Casev In the eiahth. Bntted for Works In the fifth. . Batted for Mitchell In the ninth. Chicago 7 0 0 3 3 0 3 ft 0 1", Detroit ftl004308 818 Two-base hits: Bush. Crawford. Three hnse hits: Cobb. Crawford, Pavne, Lord. Struck out: By White. 2; bv WslfW. by Works, 2; by Colngton. ; bv Mitchell, 2. First base on balls. Off White. 1; oft Olmsteml. 2; off SUmniers. 2: off Works. 4. Time. 2:24. Umpires: Werrlne and Dlneen. Never leave home onrs journey without a bottlo of Chamberlain's .Colic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. 'It Is almost cer tain to be needed and cetnot be -obtained, when on board the . Oars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. . PASTOR DIES AT PRAYER r Rev. A. Mitchell of Bend, Ore .. FoiZnit Dead Kneeling at Bed side. 1 t BEND, Ore., June 18 fSpeclal Tele gram.) Rev. Anthony Mitchell, mho has been a religious leader and pastor of a church here sine) Bend became, a village, was stricken dead-last night, as ha knell by his bedside) In prater; Rev. Mr. Mitchell lved alone here, but had a wife and five ".children in Los An geles. When he failed to :open tho little house where ha lived ;at the usual ttY-ns this morning neighbors'' went Inside aind found him on his knocis by the hedrflrle dead, with hla hands cjaaped ever the coverlet. He was. a. civil war veteran jid a pioneer of central Oregon. ? A I-eadlna- Cnllfornln nrnsrarlst. "Pasadena, Gal., March 9, 1911. Foley Co., Gentlemen: "We' have sold and reo ommended Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for years. We bellero It to. bs one of the most efficient expectorants on tho market Containing no opiates or narcotics It can be given freely to children. Enough of tha remedy can be taken to relieve a cold, as It has no nauseating results, and does not Interfere with digestion. Tours) very truly, C. H. Ward Drug Co., C. U Parsons, Sec'y fend Treas." Get the orig inal Foley's Honey and Tar Compound la the yellow package. ' TiTT Al EASY BELT For Men and Boys ft-. t 1 -Tift mr- "' Isnt Ifa, 4JB.0SS Quickly Adjusted A B0I1 With StyU. And Quality CfmbimJ Diffmrmnt Than Tarn Ordinary Kind IN HEAVY LEATHERS FRONT PLATE CAN BE ENGRAVED WITH INITIALS, JULBLEMS. ETC. ' LCCI FC2 STiEf ON BUCXLE If Your Furnisher Can't Serre You with the , Eaey Belt, Send Us 50c or S 1.00 And We Will Mail Yea One Mention Size and Color Champion Mfg. Go. 598 Broadway New York I I i