TTTE OMAITA SUNDAY ' ". I.. 11411 ULI I L j HI IK HI "-! BEE: TTJNE IS, 1911. 7T COAST PLAYERS1IAKING GOOD California Product ii Pleating to Big Leag-ne Manage ft. r YA5&EES HAVE FIVE OF TEEM Tkr t DtIb Rapidly Into tk Klag of tr that the Faaa Waat t Errr Tlraa Trr Aaar. NEW.TORK, Jun 1'. California la notM for It Mg tree, fine climate and fold, a! no hardly a naj- ton by that th Pacific coast doa not turn loone a crop of ball players to th big lsu who make good. In fact, very few of thm are turnd back. What la more, the Callforntane who are hipped to the big Iragiir get In the lime llght right off the bat. They s-rm to develop Into the kind of itara that the fan want to se every time thry appear la any city. Scouts skip about to all kind of lesgtits and get ball players who are tried out only to be aent back, but the golden west sends them on.' and they stay. Twenty-el plaer from the coaat are . now pastlmlog In the American lea ueelreult alone, and ail are riiaking good. Tho New yn k Yankees have five. Chase started out there where they have the fine oranges and all kinds of other fruit. Marry Wolter, who covers right flfld for tho Yanks, la another. Otis Johnson comes from out that way. Then ' the Yanke have Wilkinson and Fltsgerald also from tlss Golden Gate city. Lynch was another who cam from that country, although he has been turned over to the Brlageport Blub. ' The Poet on Americans have some on their list, too, who are good enough to keep oa the big league circuit. There Is Harry Hooper, . Lewis, Madden. Pape, Mover and Hall.' The Red Box always were strong for the California players. Owner Taylor make a trip out that way every year with the Intention of landing some good material for big league shipment. Connie Mark Is not very strong with California players, but has Just secured Leonard of Bt. Mary's college, and it Is rumored that the player will surely make good. Coming to the Big Golf Meet 'the Detroit companies of the V'nlted Ftates I Motor company. They employ 1.500 to 4..W0 ! men snd represent an annual productions : of over lohnsoa at Star. Washington has Johnson, who Is one of the star pitchers In big league base ball. ! In addition to Walter Johnson the Wash i lngton club baa Street. Groom and Gray, and they are all making good in the Amerl . can league. . . The Cleveland club la well supplied with puayara from the coast. It has Gregg, who has been touted as one of the best pitchers ever turned over to the big league from the minora They also have Krapp, Olson, Esateriy, Fisher, Graney and Harknees. The Naps think all of these players will be tho goods. ' Ping Bodle. who is getting a great, big send-off In the American league as some wa-tter and fielder, is another from the coast He la with the Chicago club, as are Zolder and Dougherty, who were also "Th California and come from that base ball country. , Ttaa Tigers can only boast of one player, but Jennings thinks he haa a fine young i pitcher In Uveley from the coast who Is ! making good for the Detroit nine. Bobby Wallaea has Meyers. W. Hogan knd Halllman with tho Browns and seems to bo well pleased with those players, and, what U more, Btanage la well known In that part of the country. So California takes the cake when It comes to landing . players wbo make good in the big leagues. , Bail pUyera who are given trials from all f kinds of minor leagues come and go, but whan the players from the Golden Gate country strike the big league town they stay around and keep their uniforms In the big league lockers. Hoosier Lightweight Would Take Laurels from Wolast Person O-BBBBBB-SSBBal ' Kanager of Indianapolis Lad Figures that Young Baylor Measures Up Well. NBW YORK. June 17. In all the talk that haa been circulated over the light weight wbo haa the best chance to win A4 Wolgast's crown there la one boxer who haa been overlooked. This lr young Baylor, a boy who has been coming along very fast In the last year and who has don mar than on thing in the ring which should put him In the running with Knockout Brown or any of the others who have been touted as likely champions. Baylor cornea from the Hoosier stats and haa fought most of hi battles there. E. C Maok of Indianapolis, his manager, has brought him. along to the point where he thinks be figure right up among the top Botchers and expects to bring him east In a short time to try him out against some of the prominent lightweights. Baylor has been boxing for three year and baa a long list of victories. His most notabl achievement' was a decisive beating which hd gave to Matty Baldwin In In dianapolis not 'long ago. Easterners are wall acquainted with Baldwin' work, and tbe tact, that Baylor was able to beat blm tamp the Hoosier as anything but an ay proposition. atany of Baylor's fights have been won by a knockout. Bom of the men be dis posed of In this way were Jack Terney ba two rounds, Bobby Long in three. Young Brltt la three, Johnny Ryan In three, Touag Donahu In nine, Danny Goodman to six. Kid Fields I seven. Young Don Belly In'two and Billy Mayfleld In five. Those who saw Jack Biitton In action ' bar recently know what a high-class boxer he la, yet he was unable to beat Baylor In aa eight-round bout at Memphis last November. The two battled to a draw, and when It Is remembered that Paoky , McFarland could do no better over the am rout with Britton It Is not difficult to credit Baylor with possessing class. - The only defeat chalked up against Bar lor was a year ago In New Orleans by Jack Redmond. At that time Baylor was suf fering from chills and fever and was ad vised by the club physician not to go In the ring. He needed the money to get bom and therefor was obliged to fight H bad Redmond all but out In the third round when the bell saved him. The Hoosier was knocked out In the seventh round, but he was down seventeen times before he took the full count. Last March Baylor agala got a chance at Redmond and turned the tables. After this bout Red Bond said that he did not believe there was a man la the country who eou'd beat Baylor under straight rules. Two weeks after Tommy Langdon got a decision over Pal Moore. Baylor met him and he gav the Quaker such a beating that the Philadelphia papers gav him th victory by a good margin. Fighting Joe Hyland was another of Baylor's recent victims. In the seventh round Baylor put blm down for the count. and It was only Hyland's ability to stall that enabled him to keep on his feet till the end of the tenth round. Baylor Is a legitimate lightweight a' e-n make 12 pounds If necessary. Bigger, Better, Busier The "Big B" rla for th advertisers who us the columns of Th B. JVC- V ' zK . , . , . . .... .. ,, . x( ..' ""I : ' ... . . f . . U Li . - . ! . - :L . . . '--" . "ir J I - -' -4 JfHhm. I POINTERS FOR THE MOTORIST ftowte Timely sreeloe ew tke Prr Car and Treatment of Rime. Rust Is an enemy of rubber. It will pay the motorist to Inspect occsslonally the condition of the rims on the wheels of his car. especially If the outer surface of the envelopes near the beads look rusty. This discoloration is rust caused by rusty rims. This rust If not arrested will gradually eat through the rubber, attacking the canvas of the envelope. In time the edges of the runted rims will become more and more uneven, tearing and eventually destroying the beads. Furthermore, rust works In between the beads and the rims, leaving space for..ster which also damages the rubber. . To remove rust from a rim, the tire should be taken off and the rusty parts i rubbed clean wtlh coarse emery paper. ' Then smooth the surface with fine emery j paper and rejapsn the rim, applying one . coat to the outside and two to the Inside, I making sure first that the surface is smooth and free from rust. Roughners j may be quickly detected by running the hand along the ede of the rim. When the ! edge of the rim Is too uneven for the use of emery paper, first tine a file, after which emery paper may be used for finish ing. . The proper cere of tires and rims is thoroughly treated in the two compliment ary books of Instruction published by the Mlchelln Tire Company of Mllltown, N. J. MURRAY BOXES AT WALTHILL Omaha Mlddlewelakt Is ta Meet "la Hear for Te Roaad July Fr. Tsui Murray, mtnrtlewelght champion of Nebraska and at present th boxing In structor of the North Omaha Athletlo club haa been matched for a ten-round bout with "Big Bear" the husky Wlnnebsgo In disn fighter of Wslthlll.. Neb.. July 4. The fight will be held at Walthlll. Murray is a,flehter of well-known ability In Omaha and hue to his credit boxing, rounds with many topnotchers. . Among ! those whom he has met are Bob Armstrong, six rounds; Toung Peter' Jackson, six , rounds; Al Grsy, six rounds; Tommy Ryan, j four rounds; Kid McCoy, four rounds; Billy Rhodes, six rounds; Jack Johnson, four round exhibition; Martin ' Judge, fifteen round draw. 05 S S ClinES ECZEIIA. ACHE, S. TETTE11.P0I501I OMCEIt: Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Poison Oak, Pimples, eta, show, that som unhealthy humor or acid impurity is diseasing the circulation, and that thorough cleansing of this vital fluid is necessary in order to correct the trouble. Salves, Washes, lotions, etc.. may relieve some of the itching and other discomforts caused by skin diseases, but such treatment has no effect on the blood and therefore cannot do any permanent good. Until the humor is removed from the circulation the cuticle will suffer the effects of an acrid irritation. 5. S.S. is the best and quickest remedy because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. It goes into the circulation, and re moves every particle of the humor, whether it be an infection of poisonous tManU nr Frnm nthpr ffliispc. and makes the blood Pure, rich and healthy. allowing it to soothe and nourish the skin. Book on Skin Diseases and medical advice free. S.S.5. is for sile at drug stores. THE SWIFT SFEUNC W, A1LAN1A, LA. CHICK EVANS. ' ' " HARRY I.EGG. ENTERKD IN THE TRANSMISSIlSSIPPI GOLF TOURNEY HERE. TENNIS LEADERS ARE COMING Indications Are Clay Court Tourney Will Break All Kecords. l C&ACXS FE0M BOTH COASTS 8a Francisco to Send It Lemdlng; Mta Bssck Will Come Direct - from Chicago Donblea Toorirr. v - m Playing In the National Clay Court ten nis tournament in Omaha next AugustwlU be the majority of the player of premier ranks of the United States. All of the men ranking aa the first seven players of the United States, except W. J. Clothier, the national grass . court champion, have agreed to be here and efforts will be made between now and August to bring Clothier with the other and nmke the Omaha event the biggest tourney of the year. Summer Hardy, president of the.Pacllio Coast league, sent word last week that all of the players sent to the east this sum mer by that league would stop over in Omaha to play in the National Clay Court Thjs will mean that beside the present clay court champion. Melville Long, there will also be here T. C. Bundy, who ranked second; M. E. McLaughlin, who ranked fourth;1 8. M. Slnsabaugh of Los Angeles, G. Janes of San Francisco, and probably Bummer Hardy himself, another great San Francisco player. These five are the probable team and they will bring back many a cup and championship to California before the coae of the summer. Tbey will all attend the Chicago Western Doubles meet th week before the NaUonal Clay Court tourna ment and then make Omaha between th Chicago tourney and th eastern event at Newport. Following '' axe the biggest cf th men who will play for th clay court cup and honors. In the order of the 1910 ranking: T. C. Bundy, second; Beals Wright, third; M. K. , McLaughlin, fourth; MelvlHe W. Long, fifth; N. W. Nlles, sixth; G. F. Touchard, seevnth; Carl Gardner, W. M. Hall. F. G. Anderson and W. T. Hayes. Work for Melville Lesg, It can easily ba seen that Melville Long, who won the clay court tourney last year, will havw to play In much better form next August than he did in 1910. Long 1 a most wonderful player and delighted the great crowd of tennis enthusiasts who aaw him play the gam last year with his man-1 ner of covering the court combined with the grace and ease of Si Is strokes and movements. Th players coming are th ones who are going to be the . contestants not only for th first honors In th National Clay -Coxirt, but also on the lawn courts, and coming her directly after the western double meet In Chicago. Th doubles of 1911 will also be close and hotly contested. Melville Long and , Carl Gardner will be pained and Anderson and Hayea, the. present holders of the double title, will come. Bundy and Mc Laughlin, two -of the greatest doubles play ers of th world, will play here, coming from Chicago, and Beals Wright and N. W. Nile will make another fast coupla A third fast team will come from the Pa cific Coast association and . the speedy pair of the middle west will have to look for their laurels to make any kind of a record for themselves. Word from all directions Indicate that the entry list of the clay court this year will contain mora than 100 names. On hundred and one player started last sum mer and one or two were admitted after tho en trie were closed, and this year it 1 expected there will be nearer the 126 mark. Pittsburg, Minneapolis, Chicago, Indian apolis, St. Louis, Kansas Cty and all of th big cities of the middle west will have some representation her. Des Moines, Sioux, City and St. Joseph have already announced their Intention of boosting with Omaha for a monster event and every ten nis player of Omaha will naturally do all h can to boost and to entertain th visitors after their arrival. Th Omaha outdoor clubs will all unite In extending the courtesies of their club houses and grounds to the tennis men and some plan such as the book system planned by th TransmlBslsslppt will be used for the national tennis for th visitors. Th an nual tennis banquet will be held at th Field club. Along Auto Bow 1913 Model of Motor Cars Be gin to Appear on Omaha Mar ket Indications for Bin- Year. JOHN PAUL JONES WILL REST ITHACA. Jun 17 Moakley of Cornell s truck team, haa announced that John Paul Jones, who created a sensation at the re cent tntercolleglates, will not run during the summer or compete under any Color other than those of Cornell. Jones has been invited to compete In a number of meets. Moskley taid that Jones will take a re?t during the summer and will not run again until the fall, when he take j part in the cross-country meet. . Contest Board Revises List AUTOMOBILE GASOLINE STORAGE YALE i PLANS ABE ANNOUNCED Captain Arthnr Howe Appoints a Lin loach. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. June 17.-Y!' foot, ball plans for next season were an nounced by Csptain Arthur Howe. He said that his line coach would be Buckingham Morris, who was snapback K7' year, and that he had decided to. make an Important chang In the method of developing fresh man teams. He has decided to nam a number of the members of the varsity team to tak charge of the' class squad. Erie Klstter, fullbaik. being selected to create the role which. It Is expected, will be followed by future Yale captains. 1 Brooks, endrush last year, and Howard Jones, formerly head coach, will cuach Part of th season, but not regularly. "From the, reports we have had froi.i our agent," said J. P. Davis, . of the fMoneer Implement company of Council Bluffs,- "th automobile business should .ie exceedingly prosperous this season. lth a few more rains and not too much ,ot weather the crop will be a bumper ns and consequently the sale of automo lies will be asMsted. So far business has een very good, but I believe that during ' ae latter part of the summer and this all we shall experience th most pros perous season. for the business we have ever had." j' - - .. M. P. O'Connor ot the Powell Supply company has left for his summer vacation to the outhern part of Missouri. The extent of iu automobile ' .travel through Omaha every week is indicated by the number of letters reoelved dally by H. E. Fredrtckcon from prospective tourist asking for the best route through Omaha to the east and west. For th past two year ther haa been a steady stream of tourist during th summer month making cross-continent runs, with a large propor tion of them coming-through Omala. Mr. Fredrickson ' has been receiving letter In large numbers asking for the i Jt route between Omaha md Chicago and liotwten Omaha and Denver.., C. ' G. Powell, manager of th Powell Supply company, returned the first of last week from Lake Madison, Mlin., whir he had , been on his annual fishing trip. Mr. Powell lived In a tent pnensd near the bank of the lake and rusticated to hi heart' content. He says that on th day Omahsns wer aweltering beneath . the burning heat of Old Sol two weeks ago he was enjoying, life amidst th cooling breezes, of th pine. At nignt lie "was compelled to us heavy blankets to be comfortable. Just a ' little dlff 3ren be tween that and the temperature of Omaha. Large crowd have been attracted during the past week at the' display .of - th Glldden trophy In the showrooms of H. E. , Fredrickson. One unusual .circum stance attache to the exhibition cf the trophy ' In view of the fact tnat . this Is the sixth consecutive year It haa .been shown In Omaha and each time It has been on exhibition In th place of business of Mr, Fredrickson. Th first five years the trophy was won by the Plerce-Arrow car, which is sold by Mr. Fredrickson, and last year by the Chalmers car, another car sold by him. Th trophy will o sent this week to another agency of th Chal mers company. On his way to Chicago from nls horn In Altadena, Cal., H. L, Story ia bis Pack ard touring car ptfsaed through Qfoaha th' middle of th week. Th trip was commenced on June L Just fourtaea day being consumed In making the run to Omaha, which the speedometer showed to b Just t.OtS miles long. Th rout trav ersed went through Tonopah, Nev., Ogden, Utah, Cheyenne, Kearney and Grand Island. Th Packard, which Is a UU model. Is quipped wfth a folding bed to be used over th seats of th car. Tbu far Ui only trouble experienced has been two puncture on on ot th tiros. Mr. Story I accompanied by his chauffeur, John Loef. It I Interesting to not that al though he Is 75 years old, Mr. Story enjoys touring by motor car as well aa any of the younger enthusiasts. Mttcheli car wer sold th past week to A. E. Beaaon, Audubon, la.; E. E. Mockett, Lincoln; C. K. Cooper, Humboldt. Neb.; Rosenberg Hardware company, Lexington, Neb. About th first of July the Mitchell Motor company will receive demonstrator of th new on and two-ton Mitchell truck. Th world' champion "Athletic" wer guests of the Ford Motor company during their recent visit to Detroit, where ,thy wer battling with the Tigers. Th famous ball players were "Joy rided" about th city in Ford and then shown through th palatial factory of th company. Connie Mack and Eddie Collins war guided through th plant by Factory Manager W. G. McGuir. G. W. Bennett of th Willys-Overland company haa Just added to hi corps of assistant C 8. Jameson, who haa been sale manager of th 8toddard-Daytoa Motor Car company, and R. J. Buell, for merly advertising manager for th Regal Motor Car company. Mr. Jameson will be assistant sale manager and Mr. Buell as sistant advertising manager of th Willys Overland concern. Frank Briscoe, on of th vie presidents of th United State Motor company, haa been placed In charge of th Detroit prop erties of th company. Mr. . Brlkoue will have office In the new building Just arwotud by. the company.' This appointment la In line with th policy of th company to centralis and perfect Its organisation and to. realia all th economies posslbl in motor car manufacture. Mr. Brtsco la his new capacity will hav general charge of ( Because of the length of the period which had been assigned to th events on the National circuit of the American Automo bile association fnd the Impossibility of se curing consecutive and continued support of sufficient contestants, the contest board of the organisation has decided to .revise the original list. Th original Intention of the proposed national circuit was to provide a series of automobile contests following each other In logical sequence, both as to dste and geographical location. No farther attempt will be made to carry out the scheme dur Ing the present year. All clubs and promot ers will be allowed to make applications to hold contests In the usual manner. Following Is the revised list off the pro posed contests for 1911. with approximate dates. '" Indicating . events which hav been officially sanctioned: TRACK RACES. , M. A. Kent.. k... Henry Shafer Panhandle Auto Fair Ass'n... E. A. Moross Schuylkill County Centennial. Auto Club of Kansas City.... Taylor Auto Club Mor-ristown Auto Club Galveston Auto Club E. A. Moross I Kenosha. Wis .' Guttenberg, N. J Amarlllo, Tex Brighton Beach, N. T Pottsvllle. Pa.... Kanras City Taylor.Tex Phlla. (Belmont track) Oalveston (Beach) Brighton Beach. N. Y. ........ Indianapolis Speedway Denver Denver Auto Club Philadelphia Philadelphia Auto Trade Ass'n.... Hamline Track; Minn ....Minnesota State Auto Ass'n Grand Replds. . . Miohliran Stat. Antn tu'n Knoxvllle, Tenn Appalachian Exposition Sept. 16 Denver ...Denver Motor Clnh ftont Syracuse... Aujo Club and Dealers Sept. 1 Danbury, Conn Agricultural Society Oct 1. 7 June 18 ....June 17 ....July ....July I, 4 ....July 4 ....July 4 .vi.July 7 ....July 8 or 15 ....Aug. 8, 4 5 ....Sept. X. 4 ....Sept. J. 4 .. ..Sept. 4 ...Sept, 7, 8 ....Sept. 7. 8. ...ept. 12, 13 Atlanta Atlanta Auto Ass'n... Waco. Tex. Pan Antonio. Tex Phoenix, Arts I .os Angeles, Cal , Los Angeles, Cal Portland. Me Osslning, N. Y, Baltimore, Md.. Worcester, Mass Bakersfleld. Cal ' Elgin, 111..... Lowell, Mars , Falrmount Park (Phlla) Savannah, Ga Los Angeles-Phoenix... Pes Moines, la...... St. Louis, Mo St. Louis. Mo; Minneapolis, Minn Philadelphia Trucks Milwaukee, Wis Cleveland. O Chicago Trucks Philadelphia, Pa..,.. Chicago Trucks..... '.v.... Oklahoma City, Okt...... Glldden Reciprocity...... Chlcsgo 1.000-Mile , Harrisburg, Pa Philadelphia, Pa...,. .Waco Auto Club,.... Auto Club ... Maricopa Auto Club ...Los Angeles Motordrome . ! Los Angeles Motordrome HILL CLIMBS. Maine Auto Ass'n , i Upper Westchester Auto Club..., Auto Club of Marvlnnd Worcester Auto Club , ROAD RACES. Kern County Merchants' Ass'n.. Chicago Motor Club Lowell Auto Club i Quaker City Motor Club Savannah Auto Club Maricopa Auto Club RELIABILITY. ..Hyperion Field and Motor Club. .1 Auto Club of St. Louis ..'Missouri -State Ass'n Minnesota State Auto Ass'n ........Quaker City Motor Club ...Wisconsin State Auto Ass'n ........ .Cleveland "News" Chicago Evening American.. , Quaker City Motor Club .Chicago Motor Club Dally Oklahoman ........American Auto 'Ass'n Chicago Motor Club....i , ...Motor Club of Harrisburg Quaker City Motor Club..,. .Oct. Nov. 1 Nov. , 10, 11 ......Nov. 10 Nov. Dec. 25, M June 17 June 17 July 1 or S July 16 ......July 4 Aug. 25, 2 ' Sept 23 Oct. 7 .....N0v. Nov. 7-10 . Jun 19 ......June 24 July 4 July 14. 17 " ...... July 14 July 17-22 July 17-19 Aug. 1 Aug. 12 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 .......Sept. , .Oct. 9-1$ Oct, 18-18 Nov. t, S, 4 FRAMKLM THE WINNER WAS A ' FRANKLIN .To run 5 hours at a speed of nearly a mile a minute. To gradually increase that speed, rolling of the last mile faster than the first. To come out in as good shape as it entered. Is the Test of a Car It is one of the ways the best way of determin ing the difference in poor machines and good ones. The Franklin entered the Big Race on the Omaha Speedway, believing in its ability to demonstrate sat isfactorily every claim made for it. , Every claim which makes it a good machine. The Franklin is an air-cooled car and for that rea son is capableof hard strains and severe handling. Only cars with a perfect, consistent cooling system can hope to live through long fast races or better do good family service under rough usage. The Franklin has only demonstrated again that it is a Great car an Economical car a Fast car a Reliable car with wonderful Endurance. On our salesroom floor are many beautiful models. "We are glad to show them. GUY L. SmiTR 2205-2207 Farnam Bt. x kV'AwA''. '-::.i- '!.. g-.- v Outlla of Oar Underground Gasoline Storage System Adapted for a Oarage. Buy an Omaha mad tank for your garage. W hav the beat of under ground storage outfits. Csll Douglas JK99 tor price and description. - NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TAiiR COMPANY A. K. XATOsT, Prop. - w l r," , vv w'j ' n rXj-s ill ri THE game of games is most. Ij XffM appropriately followed by tb ITJr iulRi ker ' oeer8- ' I V ' OL0eViU To trv Jtter's Gold Top her Is to , II fls'v confess Its superiority over any brand 11 VflPjsi: before tasted. Superior ingredients F X . A 1 that make for Its production correct I ' l . K xW'HHi ' ageltig perfection in. every possible I I S vA VX' V-J' ' detail, these leave Jetter'a Gold Top I I AY AW -, J ""rivaled. .. .1 J V X ' i jr ' TamUy Trade BuppUed ay i Omaha, 3 . I T ngo r. BU, 1824 Dougla BX. Vaona J' "VTV1 1 , AN A. I lottg. lMfll Auto., A-1640. - 'rim. i ...I, VI '' Bouth Omaha, Win. Jetter, ftflOl SI iV'WM?iVTyr? M ' 888 ' Auto, F-iBea, ! $7 -ifcWrSaf: CounoU Blnf fs. te Mloll. ' ym&mt ' ..' ' . 1 ""q" fP. D I R EOT O RL Y ft A Of Automobiles and Accessories" A( 4jJ . . & Apperson "Jack Rabbit H APPERSOMUTO . COMPART 1102 Farnam Haker lectric Electric Garage DEKISE BARMLOW, Prop. 2218 Farnam Street Se. RUSH RUNABOUT A Marvel of Workmanship. T. G. Northwall Co., - SI 4 Jones St FRANKLIN PEERLESS GUY L. SMITH, 2207 Farnam st. j Thomas, 11 r r L'.l.... II ..l.M.L!l. n. h. k rrmmiiKxmi urn i,n Hunri, ii a. 1 w. r.w..ww.. chtlmer, t044-4.4S FARNAM STREET cuaoioa s FOUR MODELS Prices $1,150 OHIO EliECTUlCS Marlon Auto Company. - c. w. Mcdonald. Mgr. 2101-2103 Farnam St. mm CARS FREELAXD AUTO CO., 1122-24 Farnam Stmt. nflTiomajss:' National "40" Badger "30' m Street. Buick and Olds ' mobile Cart... ZJjiooU Branca, tnu m4h- BraBca. 181a-14-14 rtrusm It. Z.XX MVTT. Mgr. Nebraska Buick Auto. Company TV rtrr gT anf SEARCHLIGHT GAS rr z$ft2d&i MORE LIGHT, MORE HOURS for Lell Money Jttufr&stti- Wall .MOTOK CAK aceAutonobileCo. 2203 Farnam Street fj MOTORCARS pA VEUE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1832 Farnam Street John ceere Plow Co., Distributors 1 I Wv II VanBruntAutomobileCo. Overland and Pope- Hartford Coaaoll Bloff Omaka. Mk