;mah a Sunday Bee, TART FIVE SPORTING SECTION ' FACES ONE TO FOUR I)- VOL. 5L NO. 52. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1911. SINGLE COPY FIVE- CENTS. Omaha and Lincoln in Seyenteen-Inning 2-to-2 Tie; Cubs Win, Giants Lose 'THrO I SPORTSf r i ) r A SEVENTEEN TRIES , LEATE SCORE TIE Darkness Comei on and Umpire Calli Linooln-Om&ha Game in Seven teenth Inning. .THJIlJETDf STANDS TWO TO TWO ' Omana Had Game Tucked Away Until the Eighth Inning. ' KNEAVES MAKES . COSTLY ERROR : His Botcherjr 'Helps Lineolnites to Chalk Up Two Burn. manna. ierform steadily newerver. It Vu Fine Game, rilled with Startling? Stnats, rtae y 1 Catches, CI re as Play Mack Nolw. , Tor seventeen Inning Omaha and Lin coln battled Se-turday and then darkness cam en with the cor locked at i t S. It waa a gam filled with starling atopa, sensational catches, clrcua stunts and much noli. Even X. Pluvius had a hand In the game, stopping the play for a while after the eighth Inning. Robinson, tha new pitcher, acquired from Toledo, made hla debut before Omaha fana, and before the fame waa ended he waa heralded as the coming terror to all West ern league batters. Wolverton, who waa cm the firing line for tha Antelopes, waa there Also and pitched a tame equally as rood aa bis opponent. ' Robinson struck out fourteen men. while tha Antelope flinger downed thirteen in - the same manner. Eleven hits went to Lincoln and ten to tha Rourke. Omaha had the game cinched until tha eighth Inning when Stratum and Wolverton each appropriated a hit and Knew as donated tha two men a tally each by making a poor heave to Kane, which tied the score. After tha fatal eighth no mora runs were made. Both pitchers settled down to the gam and used every posalbl twister on tha roster to mystify tha batter. Strang to say, as the game progressed tha mora bewildering were the wrinkles which whisked across tha pan. In tha fourteenth Inning, when it aeemed that yaomethlng should happen. Robinson struck put three tnen la a row. Nat satisfied! With tha way his change worked Friday, tnglaub went back to sec ond bass and shoved Thomas la his old place at first. Robinson, Got Hla Angora. At tha bat ha was Just as much a terror as aver to the pitcher, but Robinson got his "goat" In tha eighth. Two men war on bsea and nona out when Gagnler suc cumbed to a strikeout. When Unglaub cams to bat a groan want through tha stands. But It was then that Robinson got busy and the mighty Unglaub fanned the breesea three times running. ,. The gam wag about aa evenly divided aa on possibly could be. Wolverton passed five men. Robinson two. A fllffereno of but was r allowed In the hits. The strikeouts were fourteen and thirteen; tha errors three to one. Omaha stole two bases, while Lincoln got three. - In the eleventh It looked Uk Omaha's game. (Williams went out on a grounder. A hit apiece put Bchoonover and King on baa and then Nlehoff walked. 'Wolverton set tled and struck out Kneaves, and Arbo gest waa an easy out to Cole on a high fly. Lincoln had two mea on bases In the twelfth with but on tut and seemed good for a run, when Gagnier, hit into a double, retiring the aid. No runs were made by either side until h third. Omaha made two. Robinson singled to) right. Pick pushed him to sec ond with a single to the opposite Bid of the field. Kane singled to light and Rob inson scored. Pick went to third. A sacri fice fly by Bchoonover to McCormlck scored Pick. la th tghth Lincoln came back and deadlocked tha 'score. Stratton singled to light. Wolverton got to first on an In field hit and Stratton went to second. A passed hall by Arbogast gav each man another pas. Cole hammered a nice one to Kaeaves, who made a poor throw to Kan. Btratton and Wolverton both romped horn on tha error. . Score OMAHA AR R. H. O. A. 1 0 0 0 1 4 3 4 0 E. Wck. Sb ... Kane, lb . Williams, rf...., Bchoonover, If.. .King, of Nlehoff. 2b Kneaves, as...., Arbogast, c... Robinson, p...- 1 1 e - 7 o- 1 1 0 unew ............ .... 0 10 0 ToUJl. 68 t LINCOLN. 61 O. 4 1 6 Ill A. 4 0 0 3 1 0 0 4 AR. R. Gagnter, ss 0 Unglaub. 2b.- t 0 Cele, cf 1 0 Cobb, rf. ........ T 0 Cockman, at). 7 ' 0 McCormlck If 7 0 Thomas, lb 7 0 etmuon, o t 1 .Wolverton, p.... 1 H. 2 1 1 1 1 0 3 - Totals....; a) 2 U 61 lli Bat tea for Robinson la seventeenth in lag. Omahar- itun.. 002000000000000003 Hits I OS0000010200103 O-lv Lincoln huu,. eoooooosooooooooo-i ltlt... 011!00111003010 O-U Tao-base hits: Kane, McCormlck. Passed hall; Aroogtist. Wild pilches: Robluson U). BiMtm on balls: Off Hobinson, 2; off Wolverton. 6. Hit by pitched ball: Pick. Struck out: By Robinson, 14; by Wolverton, U. Left on baaea: tttnaha, ; Lincoln, a. llJts: Off 'Robinson, 11; off Wolverton. la Sacrifice hits: Nlehoff. UnKlaub, Wolver ton. Double plays: McCormlck to Strat ton, Unglaub to Uagnler to Thomae, Robin son to Arbogast to Kane, King to Arbogast. Btolen bases: Kane, Mthoff, Cole, L'nglaub, iianler. Time: I. la. Uffl-pU-a: Clarke. Attendance, l,au0. RESULTS IN THBEE-I LEAGUE LoffS Home Item Ties Score aad De eat ar Wlaa from Raek Islaad, ROCK ISLAND. 111., June 17. Loft's home ran tied the score in the ninth and Decatur batted out two more runa In the (nth, defeating Rock Island, 4 to t Score: R H R. XdJPfttXJr e ms tarn a eaaa-eaae. 4. 7 sVcH-k Island 3 S 4 Batteries: Willis and Johnson; Flckea tuid Jecobson. DUBtQUK. la.. June 17-Foberg hold Qulncy safely today and Dubuque won, S to L Score: . R U E. Iiubuque n 1 K t yulruy 1 b i UaUrrU's: Fosberg and Boucher; Tender gHi and Forney. PFOKIA. HI- June 17. Peoria-Davenport gut tw.Honed, rain. AN V1L.1.1U, in.. June 17. Danville- aletioo ganta puetponed, rain. ' f - 7 . 1 H . 1 1 SIOUX CITY OUTPLAYS TOPEKA Visitors Lose Second Game of Series Through, Poor .Fielding. URAL SCORE IS SEVEN TO FIVE Ln glaa-1 and row Mlaplaya la lata Iaaiasr Allovr Threw Booree aad Clnea Coateat for th LeosJ Team. EIOUX CITT, June 17. Topeka lost, the seoond gam of th series to th champions today through poor fielding, 7 to 6. Cook pitched a good game, but errors behind him prevented a chance to win. In the alxth a lone atngl and lour mispiaya al lowed three tallies and cinched the contest for Sioux City. Score: SIOUX CITT. - AB. R. H. O. A Andreas. Sb,. .......... 4 118 Ptem, lb.,.1 Tl..n t X A 1 A Neighbors, rf. ......... 4 i 0 1 Hartman, 3 .0 0 WaRnsr, 0I....mM..M. 4 111 Rellly, Sb.. M... ........ 9 .4V . Miner, o. .............. s ' 1 Parbnr, p 4.1 W. MUler, p 7... 0 ' 0 0 ' 1 0 Totals.. .......34 7 7 27 TOPEKA. AB. R. K. O. A. E, Rldcert. ef.M.... 4 Moore, Sb.... S 0 1 1 0 0 0 0.1 1.0 0 0 1 0 1 1 , S " 1 i 4 0 10 0 0 , 0,' 0 10 0 1 111.3 0 s i i o 00 s i 1 3 14 3 i ti 5 " 10 0 18 1 0-1 Beecher, ZbM i Hafford, Sb 4 Tom aeon, cf.... ....... 4 Whitney, lb 4 Hopke, ss .......... 8 Crompton, rf ........... 4 Frambea, o S Cook, pM 4 Totals.... .'.....84 Topeka 0 6 Bloux City 1001100 i Sacrifice hits: Andreas, M. Miller, Hart man. Frambea, Rellly. Two-base hita Crompton, Rlckert, Cook. Stolen hass: Neighbors (2). Rlckert, Wairner, Rellly. Hits: Off Barber, 9 In aoven innlnga Dou ble play: Barber to Miller to Stem. Struck out: By Barber. 6; by Cook. 4. First base on balls: Off Barber, 2: off Miller. 1, off Cook, L Time: 3:00. Umpires: Gard ner "and Shoemaker, GRIZZLIES SCORE IN THE FIFTH Das Moines Loses Game by Seora of Three to Oaa. DES MOINES, Jun 17. Denver got four hits la flv Innings In ths' second game of th local series this afternoon and de feated Pes Moines, I to I Score: DES MOINES. AB. R. H. O. 0 . 1 2 3 12 2 S S 0 A. 0 4 0 0 8 2 2 S . 0 Anderson, rf..... 2 ColliKan. ss 4 Curtis. . If.......... 4 Mat tick, cf... 4 Dwyer, lb.... 4 Kores, Sb 4 Graham, 3b 4 liltowekl, d. Bens, p. ...."' 8 Totals.. S3 S 27 U DENVER. AB. R. K. O. A- T3- Lloyd, 2b. 4 o Quillln. Sb. ............ 4 0 CaMsidy. rf.-... .-. 4 o Beall. It 4 0 iJiidBay, lb 4 . 1 Coffey, KB 4 O Ollmore, cf J 1 H4ermas, p.u.w.... S 1 1 S 1 0 0 1 0 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Totals. S S 27 13 Dee Molnea 00000001 01 Denver OOO080OOO-3 Runs batted In: Hagerroan, 2; Lloyd, 1. Two-bane hit: Hagernian. itaes on balls: Off Bens. 2; off Hagerman, 8. Paeeed ball: I ltowHkl. Struck out; By Bens, 6; by Haxerman. S. Stolen bases: Gllmore. Lindtay. Sacrifice blU Bpahr. Lett on battes: Des Moines, 7; Dnver, f. Time: 17. Umpire: Morgan. ST. JOSETH POUNDS JABNIQAN Paeblo Ge4s DrskMig te Tea Foarteea t Tea af 6T. JOSEPH. June 17. St. Joseph pounded Jarnlgan hard In th second and eighth In nings, getting fourteen runa Pueblo could not fathom Johnson's delivery. Score! PUEBLO. AB. R. H. O. A. . 0 v - 0 1 1 0 a Mlddleton, cf. Bt-rKer, ss He Idea, if Koernrr, lb... Kumip. o. .. Davis, rf Clalrr. b Schmidt. Sb.... shaw. o 0 (Continued on Fag TwoJ New Rourke 1 s J v. IV ft 1 ii f - s,. t ' rrop row ncx. wiluams; ktno, fkntress, knkaves, RiionEa halu oondtno. durbin, IBOTTOM . ROW ARBOOAST. AQNEW, SCH1PKE, N1EHOFF, SCHOONOVBR, KANE, ROBINSON. HASTINGS GETS FOUR IN ROW Hits Coming at Opportune Times Bring Victory. HUT ALSO IN FINEST FORM Superior Gathers Another Coatest tram Fremont, Flv to Two Celambaa Wtas from Sew ard ta Ninth. HASTINGS, Neb., June 17. (Special Tele gram.) Hastings won the fourth game over Kearney by hard hitting at the right time. Hl(l pitched a fine game, holding the visitors down to three hits. . . An un usually large number of close decisions featured the game, f Score: ' ' HASTINGS. AB. H. O. A. E. 1 1 3 0 1 3 3 0 2 2 0 0 3 0 10 1 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 s o o 112 0 10 27 "s 1 H. O. A. E. 0 2 0 0 12 11 1 2.1 0 0 0-0 0 0 13 0 0 10 11 0 18 0 0 13 0 0.4 3 0 3 24 11 3 Watson, 2b. Fortman, as. Bromley, cf. Kats, 3b. ... Cooke, lb. .., O'Brien, rf. Uarzee, if. .. Hoeinle, c . Hill, p Totals .... .83 8 KEARNET. Gray, cf. Downey, ss. Paglea. Sb. ........ Jarrott. rf. . . .... .. Claire, id. ......... Hargls, If. iuciKurka, v. ..... . S r oster, zo. .. 1 .. s ..so Green, p. Totals Hastings Kearney 00O30340-S 10000010 0-2 Struck out: By Hill. 8: by Green. 4. Bases on balls: Off Hill. 1: off Green. 3. Two-base, hits: Hoernle, Bromley, Hargls. Three-base hit: Watson. Home runs: Cooke, Downey. Stolen bases: Fortman, Bromley, Downey, eacniio mi: uooue. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Held. HOMERS LET' SUPERIOR WIN Two . Hits for Complete Circle of " Bases Defeat FremSat. " SUPERIOR, Neb., Juns 17-lSpeclal Tel egram.) Two home runs, with men on banes, telle the story of Fremont's defeat today. Three fast double plays wers made by Superior. Score: FREMONT. AB. H. O. 0 16 A. 0 0 i t 6 Bennett, cf S Fullen, lb 8 Bohner, rf 3 Thompson, as ............. 4 Neff, e . - 1 Rondeau, 2b 3 Turpin, If 4 Caeey, 8b 4 Campbell, p S Totals r. 27 6 34 16 SUPERIOR, AB. H. O. A. Allen, cf 4 111 Michaels, ss . I s 4 Coyle, rf 4 0 10 McDowell, Zb S 3 3 4 F. Bockwltz, If 3 0 0 1 lpellman, o . ............... S OSS Orr, Kb 3 1 8 3 1). Buck wits, lb ,. 8 0 14 0 Hoffman, p 3 0 0 4 Totals 24 4 27 19 Fremont 01010000 02 Superior 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 5 isacntice hits: Michael, McDowell. Stottn baaes: Thompson, Coyle, F- Bock. vmiz. Karned runs: Fremont, 1; Superior, 1. Two-bane hits: Turpin, Campbell, Al len. Home runs: McDowell, Orr. Bases on balls: Off Campbell, 4; off Hoffman, 6. Struck out: By Campbell, 2; by Hoff man, 2. Left on bases: Fremont, 6; Su perior. 1 Double playa Allen to o Dowell to Michael, O.r to D. Hockwitx, Michael to McDowell to D. Bock wit a. Passed hall: Neff. Hit by pitched ball: By Hoffman, 2. Time; 1:30. Umpire: J4i Iel inolL DISCOVERERS WIN . BY BALLY Three Baas la Last oa W heeler's Weakening; Beat Seward. SEWARD, Neb.. June 17. (Special Tele gram.) Seward bad Columbus shut out up until th ninth Inning. In the ninth Wheeler passed on man and hit one, and with two hits Columbus mad three scores, winning the game. There wasn't a Columbus man farther than Second until the ninth lnnlnt tfcore : SEWARD. AB. R. H. O. A. E 0 I Stanley, ss.. 4 1 2 0 2 -1 (Continued on Page Two.) Family as It Appears Today I l 1 P 0 "A 4 1 0 Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. NATL. LEAGUE. W.LPctt W.LPct. Denver 38 14 .6S:iChlcago 84 19 .642 Pueblo 29 19 .004 New York ..83 21.611 Lincoln 29 20 .693: Philadelphia 32 23 .5S0 Sioux City ..27 24 .629; Pittsburg ....30 23 .6H6 St. Joseph. .28 26 . 619 St. Louis ....29 24 .547 Omaha 24 28 .462 Clnclnnati ...25 29 .42 Topeka 23 29 . 44:;; Brooklyn ....19 34 .865 Des Moines. 10 44 .185 Boston 13 42 .236 AiMER. ASSN. 1 AMKR. LEAGUE. W.LPct.1 W.LPct. Columbus ..37 22 .827Detroit S7 18 .673 Kansas City. 35 24 . 593 Philadelphia 33 18 .447 Minneapolis 32 30 .61New York ..28 22 .MO Milwaukee ..30 30 .500 Boston 29 24 . 547 Louisville ..30 30 .500Chicago 25 22 .6:U St. Paul ....28 32 .467 i Cleveland ...22 35 . 48 Toledo 28 35 .42i Washington. 20 33 .377 Indianapolis 23 38 .377St. Louis ....16 38 .2U6 NEB. LEAGUE. MINK LEAGUE. W.LPct. W.LPct. Superior ....20 11 .645 Falls City. ...16 10 .618 Fremont ....18 14 .662 Clarinda 16 U .596 Gr. Island.. .19 15 . 559Maryvllle ....12 13 .5U0 Seward 16 16 .5iO Auburn 1 14 .481 Columbus ...lb 18 .4U.Neb. City 1114.440 Kearney ....14 17 .451 Shenandoah 10 17.370 Hastings 14 19 .424 York 13 19 .407 ' . Testerday's ResoIt. WESTERN LEAGUE!, Lincoln, 2; Omaha, 2. Seventeen Innings. Topeka, o; tioux Ouy, . Denver, 3; Des Moines, L Pueblo, 2; St. Joseph, 14. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston-Pittsburg; rain. Brooklyn. 1; Cincinnati, 6. Philadelphia, 8; Chicago, 4. Thirteen in nings. Nsw York, 1.: St. LouU, 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. St. Louis-Washington; rain. Chicago, 8; Philadelphia, 6. Detroit, 2; New York, 3. Cleveland, 7-3; Boston, 3-4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis, 0; St. Paul 1. Toledo, 3; Minneapolis, 7. Louisville. 7; Kansas City. 8. Columbus-Milwaukee: wet grounds. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. Fremont. 2: arperlor. 6. Grand Island, 8; York, 6. Columbus, 3; Seward, 2. 1 Kearney, 2; Hastings, 8. MINK LEAGUE. Auburn, 4; Clarinda, 5. Nebraska Clty-Maryville game postponed. Shenandoah, 2; Falls City, 6. Games Today. Western League Lincoln at Omaha, Topeka at Sioux City, Denver at Des Moines, Pueblo at St. Joseph. National League Brooklyn at Cincinnati, Philadelphia at Chicago, New York at St. Louis. American League Chicago at Detroit. American Association Indianapolis at St. Paul. Toledo at Minneapolis, Louisville at Kansas iClty, Columbus at Milwaukee. . Nebraska State League Fremont at Superior, Grand Island at York, Columbus at Seward, Kearney at Hastings. Pitchers Wage War; Clarinda Man Leads . Auburn Comes Out of Contest One Run Behind Falls City Beats Shenandoah. ; , CLARINDA, la., June 17.-8peeial Tele gram.) Clarinda .won a pretty pitchers' bsttle today from Auburn. Score: R.H.E Clarinda ....... 00100303 6 8 2 Auburn 01000020 14 7 1 Batteries: Clarinda, Burch and Harmony: Auburn, fcelmr and Musser. t'mplre: K1h sane. FALLS CITY. Neb.. June 17. Si.eclal Telegram.) Finch held the Shenandoah hitter ?afe today and won a haid-foucht game. Manxger Castle of the Shenandoah team was fined and benchod. Score. R.H.E. Falls Cty 1 3 000100 881 Shenandoah ...20000000 02 (. 2 Batteries: Falls City. Finch and Vander hlll; ShenandoHh, Johnson, Castle and Ellis. Umpire: Fields. Maryvllle-Nebraska City game postponed until tomorrow. ' Napa Defeat Boatoa Keda. BOSTON, June 17. In the morning game Cleveland defeated Boston. Score: R.H.E. Cleveland 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 0-7 11 0 Boston .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 S 4 4 Batterie!: Cleveland, (irefrg and Land; Boston, Moser and Nunamaker; umpires, Mullen and Evans. Pitcher Raymond Fined. ST. LOl'IS. June 17. For breaking train ing rules and not he.ing In condition to pitch effectively In yesterda) s game. Arthur "P.ut;H" Raymond, whk fined I-jO today by Manager McOraw of the New York National baaets.U team. Th Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. i I". y - v 'V I- " i A o - r r r HONORS TO PITCHER HARMON Mathewson is Defeated by St Louis in Great Twirling Duel. GIANTS LOSE BY TWO TO ONE Cardinals Get Ran In First lanlac aad 'Another In Seventh Sew v York Springs Rally In Ninth lamina:. ST. LOUIS, June 17. St. Louts won from New York today. 2 to L Harmon besting Mathewson In one of the best pitching duels of the current season. Score: ST. LOt:i8. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.S. AB.H O.A.B. HuiRlni, lb. I I 4 I 0 Deror. If... t 0 10 Smith, .... 1 t 0 Doyle. tb.... 0 t t t Elite. If I 1 4 0 Bnodsnua, of I 0 1 0 0 Konetctar. lb 1 4 10 0 I Munr, rf... 4 1 I 0 4 Evnt, rf ... 110 0 Merkle. lb. - 4 1 t 1 0 Mowrsjr, Sb.. 14 110 Crandall, la. 4 0 0 1 1 Oikm, cf.... I 0 t 0 4 rwrlln, lb... t 114 4 Brmii.han, a t 0 0 Mr.rt, e I 0 I i 1 Harmon, p... I 0 0 I 0 M'thtwrn, p I 0 1 1 0 ToUI. 26 I 27 II 0 Totals J 114 I t New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Two-base hits: Devlin, Murray. Three base hit: Evans. Bases on halls: Off Harmon, 8; off Mathewson, 1. Struck out: By Harmon, 4; by Mathewson, 8. Time; 1:33. Umplrea: Klem and Emslle. CUBS VICTORIOUS IN THIRTEENTH Single, Tvro Errors and Sacrifice Hit Finds Brilliant Contest. CHICAGO. June 17. A single, two errors and a sacrifice hit put an end to a brilliant thlrteen-lnnlng contest today, In which Chi cago defeated Philadelphia by a score of 4 to 3. Dooln waa injured when Collins collided with him at the plate In the ninth Inning, but remained In the tfame Score: CH1CAOO. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H. O.A.B. AB.H. O.A.B. gherkin!. If. I 0 I I Kmlx, lb ... 4 0 4 1 1 Rrhillta, rf...4 1 4 0 0 Pukert, of.. I 110 1 Holmu. IYi. 111 0 0 Lotart, 8b... t 0 4 0 0 Zlm'min, lb 0 I 1 1 0 Ma , If . . . . i 18 0 0 Doyle, lb.... 4 0 3 10 Luderus. lb . I 1 I I 0 Bhean, U....4 Oil 0 Walsh, rf....i 1100 Good, of I 1 4 0 0 rxwl.li. ss... I 114 1 Archer. 0....4 ISO 0 Dooln, e I 1 10 1 0 Graham, e... 1110 0 Alexander, p. I 0 0 1 0 Mclntyre, p. I I 0 I 0 Brown, p.... 10 0 10 Totals 4T 1017 14 I Ralr 110 0 0 Collins .... 0 0 0 0 Tinker 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 44 It 8 IS e " Batted for Mclnttre in ninth. Kan for Archer In ninth. Ran for Salr In ninth. . On out when winning run scored. Chicago 0 11000001000 1 4 Philadelphia 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 Two-base hits: Walsh (2), Magee 12), Schulte. Hits: Off Mclntire. 8 In nine in nings: off Brown. 2 In four Innings. Sacri fice hlte: Schulte, Hofman, Dovle. Double Iilavs: Doolan to Knabe to I.uderua (2). .eft on bases: Chicago. 10; Philadelphia. S. Bases on balls: Off Alexander. 2. Struck out: By Mclntire, 4; by Alexander, 9: by Brown. 2. Vld pitch: Alexander. Time: 2:18. Umpires: Eason and Johnstone. CINCINNATI DEFEATS BROOKLYN Trolley Dodgera Are I'nable to Banrh Their Hlte. -CINCINNATI, June 17. Brooklyn failed to bunch hits off Gas par and lost today, 6 to 1. Bates drew four bases on balls In aa many times to the plate. Hcore: . CINCINNATI. BROOKLYN. lABHO.il. AB.H. O.A.B. rVx her, If . 4 1 3 0 4 Tooter. as... I 10 11 Hnhllliel, lb I 0 1! 0 0 Daubert, lb.. 4 OHIO Bales, cf 0 0 0 0 1 Wheat, If ... 4 110 0 l!Mk. rf. .41100 Hummel, lb. I I I I I 1 I I 1 Burch. cf ... 4 0 I 0 0 1111 OCoulaon. rf . 4 0 ' 0 0 1117 0 Ztni'man, lb. 4 1 t 10 ,10 11 1 Br men, C....I 0 14 0 4 1" 0 0 0 nartdeon ..1 0 0 0 0 Bnlon. a... 0 0 I 1 M I 17 II I -Krwin 1 4 0 0 ft K.niond, ss Grant, lb.. Egan, lb... M-Lan. c. Caspar, p. . Totals.... Kneler, p... 0 1 1 0 Totala II 4 14 II I Batted for Bergen in n.nih. iiatted for Scanlon In eighth. Brooklyn 1 0000000 0-1 Cincinnati 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 Two-base hit: Bencher. Hits: Off Scan Ion, 8 In seven innings; off Knetier, 1 in one Inning. Sacrifice hita: Grant, Egan (2), Hoblitzel, Esmond. Stolen bases: Tooley, Bescher. Bates. ' Double plays: Zimmerman to Daubert to Zimmerman; Tooley to Hummel to Daubert. Left on basea: Cincinnati. 6; Brooklyn. 7. First base on balls: Off Sranlon, 4; off Caspar, 2. lilt bv pitched ball: By Sranlon. Mc lean. Htruck cut: By Scanlon. 2; by CaHpar. 2. Time: l;o0. empires: Flnneran and Klgler. For the Friend Barea. FRIEND. Neb- June 17. Special.) Ninety horses are entered for the races at this place Tuesday. Wednesdsy and Thursday of this week. One hundred horses have arrived snd ths town Is fast filling up with horse men. Some good rata may be looaed lor. 1, . ) ..V-V- -N J ATHLETICS LOSE TO WHITE SOX Winning Streak Broken by Score of Eight to Six. "S iia.1 i a WALSH IS HIT HARD IN FIRST Chlcna-o Knocks Flank Off Xtabber la Fourth Inning Two Three-Base Hits Oa 1 Two-Baager Fan aaarlfle Hita. PHILADELPHIA. June 17.-Chlcago won her today, 8 to 6, It being the world's champions' third defeat out of the last twenty-three, game played. Th home team pounded Walsh's curves hard In the first Inning, but. he waa effective after wards, while Chicago knocked Plank off th rubber In th fourth Inning. Score: CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. " AB.H.O.A.B. . AB.H. O.A.B. Molntyr. rf. 4 1 I 0B. Lord. .If. .4014 H. Lord, lb. 4 1 0 t 0 Strnnk. CI....4 1 1 0 0 Callahan, if. I I 10 4 B Collins, lb I 0 4 4 0 Boale. of 4 111 0 Baker, lb.... I 1411 Zetder. as.... I III lMilnnea. lb-I ST! J. Collins, lb I 1 I 10 Murphy, rt. I 1 I 0 0 Tannemu id. a l 9 i i Barry, as. .... 4 a I t s SulllTan, .. I 1 I 0 0 Thomas, e... I 0 110 Payne, C.....1 1.1 0 Lapp, e I 0 I 0 .0 Walsh, p.... 4 1111 Plank, p 10 10 0 Coombs, s... I 0 0 10 Totals 17 11 17 11 I Totals II 7 11 11 4 Chicago 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 18 Philadelphia 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-6 Two-base hit: Mclntyre. Three-base hits: Callahan. Tannehlll. Sacrifice hits: H. Lord, J. Collins, Murphy, Strunk. Sac rifice fly: Baker. Stolen bases: Zetder, Barry, Callahan. Struck out: By Walsh, 4; by Plank, I,; by Coombs, 8. Double playr: Bodls to Sullivan; Thomas to E. Collins. First base on errors: Chics go, 1; Philadelphia, L Left on basea: Chicago, 6: Philadelphia. 6. First base oo' balls: Off Walsh, 3; off Plank. 8. Hit by pitched ball. By Walsh. Mclnnes. Hits: Off Plank, S and 17 times at bat in four in nings; off Coombs, S and 20 times at bat in flv innings. Time: 2:05. Umpires: Dlneen and Perrlne. HIGHLANDERS COME FROM REAR Tigers Defeated la Ninth by Score of ' - Three to 'Two. NEW YORK. June 17. The1 Highlanders tied the visitors In tha eighth and won out in th ninth on a single by Daniels, "his steal of second and a double by Wolter. Score: ' . NEW YORK. DBTTtOIT. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Panlels, cf... I 1 4 0 0 Shailsr, If... 4 0 10 0 Wolter, rf... t I I 0 0 Bush, as 4 I 0 1 Hartaell, lb. I 1 1 1 Cbb. cf 4 1 I 0 0 Cree, If 4 I 1 0 0 Crawford, rf. I I I 0 Knlrht. ss... I 0 I 1 0 Dejeh'ntr, lb I IlliO 0 Chaae, lb....t IT Msrlartf, tb 4 0 1 1 0 Gardner, lb- 10 111 O'Learr, lb.. 4 1114 Sweener. e.. I 1 I I 1 Btanaae, e... 4 110 4 Hemphill ..1000 Donovan, p.. 4 1 10 Blair, c 40100 Warnop, p... 4 0 t I 0 Totals 14 1014 10 ' Totals.' U I 17 I 'one out when winning run scored. Batted for Sweeney in eighth. Detroit ...0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 13 Two-base hits. Crawford, Btanage, Dono van. Delehanty, O'Leary, Wolter. First baa on balls: -Off Donovsn. 8; off War hop, L Struck out: By Warhop, S; by Donovan, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Con nolly and O'Loughlln. BOSTON AND CLEVELAND DIVIDE neahle-Header, with Honor Even, Played la the Fast. BOSTON, June 17. Cleveland won th first game o( tha double-header with Bos ton today. 7 to 8. Moser weakened in the eighth Inning and. following an errvr by Purtell, let In four runa. Score: CLEVELAND. BOSTON AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Turner, lb. - 4 1 0 0 0 Hooper, rf... 1 0 0 0 0 Olaen, ss 4 I I I 0 Gardner, lb- 114 10 a. kaoii, rf . I I 0 0 Knxle. cf. ...4 0 1 0 v-aoey. It... I I 1 0 Lewla. If?.... 4 I 1 0 1 wall. 1B...0 0 11 0 0 Yeraee. aa...! 0 111 Birm liaa, ef 4 111 0 Hurt. II, lb... 4 0101 Ball, lb 4 ill 0 Williams, lb 1 011 0 Land, e 4 Oil 0 N'namaeer, el 1 4 1 0 Cress. P 11110 Mow. p 1 0 0 I 0 Hpeaker ....1 0 00 Totals 34 1117 110 " Totals I 4 7 14 I Batted for Williams In ninth. Boston 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 08 Cleveland 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 07 Two-base hit: Iewls. Three-base hits: Lewis, Jackson. Sacrifice hita: Turner, Unit. Stolen bases: Hooper. Williams OlHen. Basea on balls: Off Moser 4; oft Gregg. 7. Hit by pitched bail: Graney. Struck out! By Moser, 4; bv Grexg. 8. wild pitch: Moaer. Time: 3:0a Umpires: Mullln and Evens. Second Game. . In a alow contest, broken at long In tervals by sharp hitting and brilliant field ing, Cleveland defeated Boston in the sec ond gam of th double-header today, 4 to (Continued on Pag Two.) KANSAS CITTWINS ATHLETIC MEET Western Amateur Athletio Champion. ship Goes to Local Cliihhj . Decisive Score. i U J I SEVERAL RECORDS ARE ER0SEX1 Lee Talbot Throws Fifty-SixrPcftnt Weight Thirty-Five Feet, FAST TIME IN SEVERAL EYE3TT Guy Reed Runs Hundred YardsXn Nine and Four-Fifths Seconds, MISSOURI CLUB IS SECONU Waaalactoa I'nlveralty, St. LeelsTf M. C. A. aad Kaaaaa Cttr Y. SC. J C. A. Team Finish Far "14 la the Stear. W H KANSAS CITY. June 17. -On a fast tracing the Kansas City Athletio dub iron th Western Amateur Athletla union tiham . plonshlp games her this afternoon, break i ' Ing seversl Wee tern Amateur Athtetl ' union records. The final eoor wast Kan-e as City Athletic club, 80: Missouri Aih letlo club, 23; Washington Unlveratty, 6 St. Louis Young Men's Christian aaeoci tlon, 2; Kansas City Toun Mn, Chrlaa tlan aasoclatlon, L 1 tj Summaries. , if 8N0-yard run: First, Porter Craig, Kan j aa City Athletic alub; seoond. C. 0"Don nell, Kansas City Athletic club; third, R Probst, St. LouliT Young Men's ChriatianV aoclatlon. Time, 2:00 flat. J Mile run: First. W. L Johnson, Kansas) City Athletio club: seoond. Allan Taylor, Kanwaa t'ltv Athletio club: third. StiDerki Morse, Kansas City Athletio oluh. TJml 4:34. 1 Shot put (sixteen Bounds): First. Leaei Talbot, Kansas City Athletio elub; second. Hans Wulff. Missouri Athletio club; third. T John Reber. Kansas City Athletio clubl! Dihtance. V feet. 2-yard hurdles: First, Frank Catron! Kanras City Athletio club; second, J ohm.; Reber, Kansas Cltv Athletio club; third. I in ea Btinaeriana, tvansa uity jtuiieuojN club. Time. 0:274. 1 410-yard run: Flrct Walter Nevltt, KajVeJ sas City Athletla club; second, Guy Reed-1 Probst, St. Louis Young Men' Christian. association. Time. 0:M. 100-yard dash: First, Gay Red, KansasM City Athletio club; second, R. B. Christian. I Kansas City Athletio club; third, Caxl For-4 line, Missouri Athletio club. Time; o:t. Pole vault: First. A, W. Lambert, Wssh lngton university (unattached); second, Nerg Sunderland, Kansas City Athletio olub; third, E. A. Garesohe, Missouri Athletic club. Height, 11 feet 6la lnchee. Running broad jump: rnrat, nea uar. Kansas cltv Athletla Olub: second. Nea Sunderland. Kansas City Athletio elub! third, Frank Catron, Kansas City AthlatlOs club. Distance, 21.80 feet. Flfty-slx-pound weight throws First, Lej) Talbot, Kansas City Athletio olub; second, Hans Wulff. Missouri Athletio olub; third.' Bowers, Kansas City Athletla olub. Dis tance, 25 feet. Breaks raoord of 81 feet 10 inches, held by Talbot. Discus throw: First Le Talbot, Kansaa Cltv Athletio club; second. E. L. Anderson (unattached); third. Barnes (unattached). Distance, 134 feet. Break former Weaterr, Amateur Athletio union record of 128 fee T Inches, hold by Talbot. 2a0-yard daah: First- Guy Reed, Kansas, City Athletic club; aeJSrmd, McAuley, Mis souri Athletio club: third, R. V. Christian, Kansas City Athletio club. Time. 0:22V,. f Five-mile run: First, I. F. Blel, Missouri. Athi.tln eluh: aeoond. J. Rrxleben. Mis-- mn.,r-i athlotln rlnh: no third. Time. 38:M Running high lump: First, Harry Chlldi. Kansas City Athletio club; second, Oliver Vesser, Missouri Athletla club;' third, Nn gle. Kansas City Young Men's Christian association. Height, 6 feet 10 Inches. Hammer throw (sixteen pounds): First. Lee Talbot, Kansaa City Athletio club: sec- j u i. Rnwora Kansas Cltv Athletio club; third. Hans Wulff. Missouri Atbletlo.y club. Distance, 168 feet S inchee. I , 130-yard hurdles: First. Walter Martin, tr D- rM.u athiatln nliih: aeiCond. Frank; Catron, Kansas City Athletic club; th rd. John Reber. Kansas City Athletio club. Time, 0:16.- TABOR . CLOSES SUCCESSFULLY Base Ball Season Has Been MamS hyf. Only Two Defeats. TABOR, la, June IT. (Special.) Tha 1911 "Cardinals" have Just finished a very suc cessful base ball season with but two d feats marked against them. This team- has acquired quit a reputation by lta victories over som ol the trongest team of Iowa and Nebraska during th season Just finished. Following la the schedule: Tabor, 4; Highland Park. 3; at Tabor, April 17. Tabor. 4; Peru, 8; at Tabor, April 13. Tabor. 3; Tarkio, 7: at Tarklo, April 23. J Tabor, 1; Peru, 0; at Peru, April 2. Tabor. 8; Cotner, 2; at Lincoln, May 1. Tabor, 6; Simpson, 3; at Indlanola, Maya. Tabor, 3; Highland Park, 12; at Dsn Moines, May 9. . .. Tabor, 12; Atlantic. 1; at Atlantic, May 10 Tabor, 3; Cremhton, 2; at Omaha, May U Tabor, 8; Amity, 0; at Tabor, May 19. Tabor. 1; Tarklo, 0; at Tabor, May 23. Tabor, 7; Amity, 1; at College Spring May 27. i Tabor, l; Coiner, u; at laoor, aiay zs. i The players and their positions are: G. Johnsorl. second base; B. Hume, short stop; P. Johnson, pitcher ana third base W. Mann, catcher; B. Hall, pitcher eruS third base; F. Barton, center fielder; J. Hart well, first bae; K. Movers, left field I E. Starr, right field; W. Underwood and) R. Linvllle, substitute. JUDGH MOORK WIKI TUB CVS This Time Vaaderbllt Has 4a Be Sat Isfle4l with Foarta Place. LONDON, June 17.-Judge Moore, with his famous team of bays, capture th gold, challenge cup. valued at 3500, and thj cash prize of 3200, 1n the . coaching mara thon, one of the biggest features of thai International Horse show at Olympia, to day. A. G. Vanderbilt, who has taken the prize on two occasion, had to be sat isfied with fourth place. In the etas for pairs, shown to a Victoria, Judge Moor was again first, with Lord Seaton and Lady Seaton. , The King George challenge- cup, for jumpers, was won by Captain CHmltrl I'exe, a Russian contestant, with Piccolo, Lieutenant A. R. Chaffee, Fifteenth caws airy. Fort Myer, Va., competed on Poppy. Fa mam Khata Out Klwoed. FARNAM. Neb.. June 17.-BpeaUl. Fernam shut out the El wood team her yesterday by the score of 2 to . Thirty men faced Pollard, the pitcher for Far, nam. Score: Famam 0 2 0 0 9 0 0 S Elaood 00000000 041 Bstteries: Elwood, Simpson and Withers; Famam, Pollard and Pollard. Struck out: By Simpson, l; by Pollard. S. Hits: 1, wood, 1; Fernam. S. Umpire: A in lay. Dorchester Bleaks Friend, FRIEND, Neb- June 17 (Special ) Th Dorchester bane ball team with Its bunch of heavy sluggers yesterday wiped up the locals by the score of 3u to 0. The vlsltorh completely outclassed the locals and.errors by the home boys and heavy slugging by the Dorchester lads were the only features. Bvers was able to strike out fifteen of the Friend Tigers, while the locals had to us seven pitcher during th nine Innings. le I aa I