Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 8, Image 28

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TSicrc Are Scores of Remarkable Saving Opportunities Mere in Monday's Special Sales
7 !
All the Ladies' Fine Embroidery and Lace Trimmed
Handkerchiefs from the St. Paul Bankrupt Stock.
These goods were bought for the Christmas trade
nnd nre the very latest novelties for the coming season.
We Bought the Entire Stock in this line Regular 25c
and 35c values. Each box contains I dozen handker
chiefs. You can buy one or a dozen, which is the limit.
All 25c and 35c values; while they last, each 10c
Some items of keenest bargain interest to Monday buyers
15c EMBROIDERIES, ZV2c YARD The big bargain of
the Beason; Edges and Insertings to match in sheer
nainsook and cambric; popular seasonable goods; 10c to
15c yard values; Bankrupt Sale Price, yard SVC
Grass Porch Rugs
Porch Shades and Bath
Mats Special Sale
Porch Rugs, 10 feet long,
54 inches wide on sale,
at $4.50
54 inches wide, 12 feet
long, ....$4.98
6x9 Porch Rugs, $4.98
8x10 Porch Rugs, $7.98
9x12 Porch Rugs, $9.98
Rambler Porch Sluuloa
6x8 size, each $2.49
8x8 Blze, each ...... $2.98
Ilath Rugs, In all Colors
24x36 size, at $1.25
27x54 size, at $2.00
China and Jap Mattings, spec
ial bargain Monday, at, yard,
25c and 35
Let us measure ' your house
for shades and furnish you es
timate of cost. We are exclu
sive handlers of the Hartshorn
Shade Rollers.
Specials in Sheetings, Muslins, Sheets
snd Wash Goods for Monday's Selling
Lonsdale, genuine article, ler
yard, at 6
Audro L. L.,per yard at 7
Hunter's Choice, good grade of
muslin, for 5
Unbleached Muslin Extra fine
quality, per yard, at....7V4
9-4 Bleached Sheetings Good
quality, per yard, at. . .10$
45-inch Caning Always sells for
18c, per yard, at 13
42-inch Casing Per yard, H
72x00, 81x00, 81x00, 81x104
Sheets, at Reduced lrlces:
All 85c Sheets for
All 75c Sheets for 59
All 59c Sheets for.' 48
All 50c Sheets for 38
All 15c Cases for
All 12Vc Cases for 9t
All 20c Cases for'. 15k
Big Sale Monday on Groceries Flour Sale Special
Try a 48-lb. sack of Hayden's Dia
mond H Family flour; guaranteed:
Monday, special $1.15
10 tiara Diamond C or Beat-Em-All
Soap a&o
10 Iha. of best white or yellow corn
meal 6
10 lbs. Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal, 880
6 lls. fiood Japan Rice; 7c quality,
for B5o
4 II'S. fancy Japan Rice. 10c uuatlty.
for 85
Condensed Milk, per can 7"-o
Hutted Meals, per can oo
Lime bottles assorted pickles. Wor
oetiter Sauce or pure Tomato Cat
ii up BViO
011 or Mustard Sardines, can 4o
Social Functions Following Corona
tion Are to Be Many.
Belatlons Iletwrra Buckingham and
PuUdara Are Evidently Mor
Aiulcuble Thnn In Days of
Klna Kdward.
LONI"CN, Jun-17. (Special to The Boe.)
-The coronation of King George ami'
Qutcn Mary will have passed Into hist ry
by the end of another week and society
will soon rettle down Into Its accustomed
rut. Uv renson of the presence of ho
ninny of tho high-placed ones of the
world at the coronation, of whom a goodly
piopoition will remain for a time, there
Will he more activity In foclety than
Usual, but It will he In quantity rather
than iiuallty that the difference will bs
t!otfd. While the organized extortions
which have been a marked feature of this
formation have had little effect socially,
there Is no doubt that the hotelkeeprrs,
radi;r.en snd others who have kouKht to
fciuke this function a Ket-rtch-qulck nu
llum have overreact ed themselves. The
rowd- of foreigners, esptoilly of Amer
ican!, Iinve been nowhere near what had
keen expected. They simply decided that
the gome was not worth the candle and
ttaed away. The efforts which were
kiade to undo the evil caused by stories
If hlrh prices which want out were un
Iva ling.
Qitrs Is Not Dowdy.
The fact that' Queen Vary has firmly
Aimed her face against the hobble skirt,
the Juprs-culoele and similar sartorial
Itr cl i s should not create the Impression
Imong American women that her majesty
ate Itast dowdy.
1 noticed particularly the royal ladiea
Specials in
White Goods
St. Gall Swisses, 32 inches
wide, neat patterns, at, yd.,
.75c, 59c, 50c. and 39c
Fancy Barred Batiste, extra
fine, our regular 50c grade,
at, yard 35c
Plain wide Madras, 36 ins.
wide, Monday, at, yd. 25c
Luna Lawn, plain and
checks, at, yard 35c, 25c
and 19c
Plain White Flaion, fancy
checks and stripes, at, yd.,
25c, 18c and... 150
Mercerized Batiste, 45 ins.
wide, regular 59c grade, at,
yard , 45c
India Linons, Persian lawns,
French lawns, etc., at re-,
duced prices.
Dress Linons,' in- all colors,
at, a yard 25c
18c Dimities, at... 12 t
15c Long Cloth, 36-inch wide,
extra fine, for.
Plain White Lawns, 18c quality,
per yard, at :...10
Barred Waistlngs, always sold
for 1214c, per yard, at.. 714
Ludigo Bleached Prints, good
assortment for 3
Apron Checks, per yard, at 5
Shirting Ginghams, goods that
always sold for 12 c, In good
long lengths, for 7
36-inch Percales, good assort
ment of patterns for. . . .7
10c Lawns and Batistes. . .5
12 Vic Lawns and BatlBtes, 7
16c Lawns and Batistes ... 10
Mercerized Foulards, all good
patterns, per yard, at . . . XO
All 18c Towels, each 15
All 15c Towels, each 11
All 12c Towels, each.. 9
All 10c Towels, each g
Bromangelon, JelUcon or Jello, per
packase 7io
Grape Nuts, package loo
Corn Flakes, package So
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb. 950
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, per lb 83o
Fancy No. 1 county Butter, lb....l8o
Fancy full cream White or Colored
Cheese, lb 180
The best Fresh Eggs, dozen. .. 17tto
8 bunches fresh Kadtshes 6o
6 hunches fresh onions. 6o
New Potatoes, per lb 4o
at the recent command performance of
"Money," at which the imperial German
visitors were guests of the British king
and queen. The German empress wore a
satin gown of a lovely shade of parma
violet, over which was a long satin cloak
of exactly the same shade as her 'gown,
and a large white hat trimmed with
ostrich feathers completed a very dis
tinguished toilette. Queen Mary wore a
lovely shade of pale Cambridge blue, with
a1 white boa round her neck and a hat
wreathed with roses In shades of blue
and pink, mauve and other contrasting
tones. Princess Louise was dressed in a
white, soft Bilk faintly flowered with
water blue design, and had a large white
hat, the brim being lined with black vel-.
vet. and the gown trimmed with white
feathers, and Princess Mary wore a girlish
cot-tume of a shade of pink alpaca and a
hat trimmed with ostrich feathers.
Gladstone's Granddaughter. ,
A good deal of interest will be occa
sioned by the engagement of MU Dorothy
Drew to Captain ParUh. who is one of the
aides-de-camp of her uncle. Lord Glad
stone, the governor general of South
Africa Miss Drew recently developed a
lung weakness, but it has been cured by
the dry, rarlfied air of South Africa. She
Is the only daughter of the late Cannon
Drew, who married Mls Mary Gladstone,
the daughter of the "grand old man" and
the friend of Ruekin.
The late Mr. Gladstone was very fond
of her and she waa one of the consolations
of his o'd ae. When a child her dainty
Utile figure was a familiar one to the
large parties of political trippers whose
Mecca was Hawaxden castle and where
her parents for some years resided with
Mr. Gladstone. The late Cannon Drew
was like a son to Mr. Gladstone in the last
few years of bis life. '
' Coaslns Gfttlsg Closer.
The relations between Buckingham pal
ace and Potsdam are evidently more
amicable than they used to be In the
uncle and nephew days of King Edward,
But I refuse to speculate upon the ques
n vV-i1
Jl-J -c-.;v ift.f.:.r-?.:
Bed Spreads and
Monday in Linen Dept.
Imported Dimity Marseilles Bed Spreads, extra large
size, heavy knotted fringe, cut corners, worth $8.00;
Monday, each . . . '. . . . $4.95
Imported Spft Quilted Marseilles Bed Spreads, full
size, hemmed, worth $5.00; Monday, each . . $3.23
Large Size Crotchet Bed Spreads, hemmed Marseilles
patterns, worth $3.25; Monday, each $1.95
Hemmed and Fringed Bed Spreads, plain and cut cor
ners, worth $2.25; Monday, each $1.50
Full Size Bed Sheets, 81x90, heavy three-inch hem,
the best sheet made, worth $1.35; Monday, each,
t $1.00
Full Size Bed Sheets, 81x90, heavy, durable and good
for wear, worth $1.00; Monday, each 75
A Two -Days' Sale of Lingerie and
v7V ,K
-af I ft M sa IM W
Big Sale of Summer Waists Fine white lingerie and
Marquisette waiBts, In very best makes and styles; Mon-
day at About Half Price
$3.00 Lingerie and Marquisette Waists Splendid assort
ment, Monday, at $2.95
$7.50 Lingerie and Marquisette Waists Very latest style
Ideas, at $3.95
$8.00 to $10.00 Lingerie Waist At $4.95
Low Batiste and Lingerie Waists Regular values to
$2.50; choice, at 95
Ladies' Muslin and Knit Un
derwear, Corsets, Gloves, Hosi
ery, Umbrellas and Parasols, in
Monday's Sale at Prices far be
low actual retail worth.
Never before in the history of
Omaha have high class Summer Fur
nishings and Underwear been shown
at such surprising bargain prices.
Large Juicy Lemons, dozen, SOo, 85o
and 30o
1 bunches fresh beets or Turnips, So
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb....8Vio,
Fancy Cauliflower,-per lb 7Ho
Fancy Marrowfat 'Peas, per qt...5o
6 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce '.So
2 bunches fresh Asparagus :.6o
Large Cucumbers So and 7Vc
t bunches Pieplant 5o
Buy now If you are going to put any
up. They are fancy Florida Pine
apples, each, TViC 8o, lOo, or pe
dpxen SOo, SOo, and 1.10
tion whether "there is anything In the Idea
of fnairying Princess LouUe of Prussia,
who will be 1 in September, to the prince
cf Wales, who will be 17 on the coronation
I will only say that If the young lady,
likes to select Kngland for her home, she
will be very welcome, nor will she be un
der any necessity to change her religion,
as would be the case if she married a
Hapsburg. My view of the subject has
always been that tha prince of Walea
should choose the lady that will make him
the best wife, even If the bride be drawn
from the British aristocracy only, but in
a case of an heir to the throne, I do not
Include Daly's and the Gaiety among the
"British aristocracy."
. Bridge Is Loslna Ground.
Bridge Is losing Its hold lately. Recently
an Inquest was held on a Streatham lady
who committed suicide after losing some
rubbers at bridge. It was stated that she
was, as a rule, a first rate player, but
that on the evening of her death she
played very badly and lost games she
should have w jn easily.
This tragedy Is another example of the
unsultabtllty of card games to the femi
nine temperatment. Many women are ad
mirable bridge players, as far as mere
skill and knowledge are concerned, but
they are nearly all bad losers. They are
too emotional, and too easily upset by the
outrageous tricks that fortune so often
Plays. '
This is really a reason why bridge has
lost Its popularity and Is so rapidly falling
out of fashion. When the game was at
the height of Its vogue Its supporters, were
mainly women. Mixed card clubs, I. a..
Clubs where men and woman could meet
for bldge, sprang up all over London.
train Too Hick.
But the women could not stand the
strain. The game got on their nerves and
the clubs being pleasant for social gather
togs, degenerated Into nagging and -hysterical
There were no suicides, but there were
minor tragedies In abundance. Husbands
complained that their wives returned home
Mn'a, Women's and
Children's Underwear and
mt About Hmlf Their Worth
Sheets Some Rousing Monday
Marquisette Dresses
Monday and Tuesday, June 19 and 20
Our entire stock of very finest Lingerie and Marquisette
Li. Dresses will be offered our
Wo Discount
from our regluar low prices.
We will also include at this discount on the same dates
all our fine imported waists, giving an opportunity at practi
cally the beginning of the heated term to secure highest class
gowns and waists at prices so much below value as .to make
it easy and profitable for any lady to add one or more of these
handsome garments to her wardrobe at just the time she most
needs it. Many other magnificent bargains Monday.
$10.00 Wash Dresses, $2.95
All the pretty summer styles
in all sizes and colors; actual
values to $10.00; on sale
at $2.95
$15.00 Silk Pongee and Cloth
Buffet Sale Monday
Beautiful Quartered Oak Buffets, fine polish finish, choice of
several styles in this sale, beautiful solid oak with French plate
bevel mirror, size of top 44x18,
in this sale, at '
Solid Oak Buffet, 44x?0-inch top, 38-inch mirror $22.50
Solid Oak Buffet, 45x20-inch top, 38-inch mirror $21.50
Solid Oak Buffet, 46xl8-inch top, 40-inch mirror $21.95
Solid Oak. Buffet, 48x20-inch top, 40-inch mirror $24.50
Solid Oak Buffet, 50x20-inch top, 44-inch mirror. $33.95
' If you want a beautiful buffet at a bargain price, don't fail
to take advantage of Monday's sale.
from their bridge clubs In a state of
nervous tension that made conversation
Impossible. The nagging that wis merely
exasperating at the card table become
utterly Intolerable when transferred to the
In a number of cases the domestlo peace
was irretrievably shattered, but the more
usual ending was resignation from the
club which caused all the mischief. The
last couple of years have seen the closing
of half a dozen of the principal mixed card
clubs in London, and bridge as a social
relaxation is apparently doomed.
At a big private dance given in London
last week there was a room set especially
apart by the hostess for bridge, but It
failed to attract a single player.
The reign of bridge Is over. 1
Nobility at School.
Among the boys who are this term wrest
ling with Euclid and Horace at Eton and
who are superior to the fascinations of the
"tuck shop" are two princes and no fewer
than sixteen youthful lordiinr. who among
them will one day divide fifty-three titles,
lord it over SOO. 000 acres an area three
and a half times that of the entire County
of Middlesex, and, roughly, as large as
Cheshire or Nottinghamshire and will be
able to pick and choose among forty-two
of the most palatial "pleasure houses" In
the United Kingdom.
Probably the most enviable of these
aristocrats in Eton jackets Is the marquess
of Hartington, heir to all the vast posses
sions of the Cavendishes, with their duke
dom and five other titles of peerage. He
will have six magnificent mansions In Eng
land, one alone which Is said to be worth
(2.000.000, and a seventh In Ireland. His
pictures alone at Chatsworth, Hardwlcke,
and Devonshire House represent more than
a king's ransom, and the land that will
call him lord will be more than Rutland
county, with the County of London
thrown In.
Fleaaant Sar prise ,
follows the first dose -of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you, Guaranteed. Ko. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Specials Department
Full Bleached Table Damask, 72 Inches wide, best
German linen, assorted designs, worth $1.76, per
yard $1.00
Full Bleached Table Damask, 70 Inches wide, assorted
patterns, worth $1.00, per yard 69
German Silver Bleached, Unhemmed Pattern Table
Cloths, size 8x10, worth $4.00, each $2.98
German Silver Bleached Napkins, warranted pure
linen, put up in halt dozen lots, worth $3.50 a dozen,
6 for 98
Hemmed and Hemstitched Huck Towels, plain white
and colored borders, worth 19c, each 10
Cream and White Hemmed and Fringed, Large Size
Turkish Bath Towels, worth 60c, each 29
customers at
$12.50 White Dresses, $5.00
Fine white lingeries and em
broideries, trimmed with
pretty laces; actual values
to $12.50, at $5.00
of Gold Coats $9.90
Women's Wash Dress Skirts In Linens and Reps, tan.
white or blue, very special values, at'. $1.95
Women's Wool Dress Skirts In finest voile and fine
Panamas, are regular values to $10.00, at.... $4.95
Women's $1.00 Percale Wrappers Good line of colors,
choice, at 59
Children's Colored Wash Dresses Regular $1.60 values,
choice, at 40
Best Line of Misses' Wash Dresses in Omaha Prices,
t $1.95 to $20.00
with 38-inch C
Declared that Church is Awakening
to Newer Activities.
First Convention of Federal Connell
of Lutheran Brotherhood, Held
Recently In Waahlnartou,
Waa Successful.
NEW YORK, June 17. rSpeclal to The
Bee.) Perhaps the most interesting phase
of modern church work, next to the great
missionary revival, Is the energy with
which churchmen of all denominations are
taking up social service. I am not at all
sure that the two are part of one whole.
The church Is wakening to the fact that
to be a vital force in tho world It must get
out into the world and take the lead in
those things which help to make the world
better and the conditions which humanity
must work out Its destiny more tolerable.
There Is a danger In this awakening, too,
which must not be overlooked.
In helping mankind physically, which Is
its duty, the church must not lose sight
of tha fact that Its prime mission is to
help man spiritually. The other, while
right and Important, Is after all a side
issue, a by-product in the language of
commerce. Possibly the tendency toward
heresy noted In many of the evangelical
churches la due to the tendency to put the
lesser ahead of the geraier.
Cardinal Gibbons Arms. .'
Cardinal Gibbons' eoat-of-arms, presented
to him recently by the Pauilst fathers at
the Catholic club, has been redecorated by
William L Harris. It has been placed at
the top of the cardinal's throne In the
cathedral. ' The work took months In the
artist's studio.
The coat-of-arms shows a croxler and a
cross. On the shield that bears the coat-of-arms
Quartered In the American red,
kVe Continue the Sale of Silks
From the St. Paul Bankrupt Stock
Offering for Monday n magnificent assortment of the
season's best colorings and weaves at matchless bar
gains. 59c to $1.00 Silks Monday, 28c, 38c, 48c About 5,000
yards of high class Silk Foulards, "l-ineh Pongees, 27
inch messaliues and novelty silks, ID-inch check and
stripe Taffetas and 27-in. colored silk suitings in this lot.
niack Dress IVau de Sole, Mack
Dress Mescalines and Mack
Dress Satin Dutchess All 36-
inch wide, 1.25
values, per yard,
$1.00 Black Chiffon Taffetas Firm, dependable quality,
36 inches wide; a great bargain at, per yard GSc
$2.00 Heavy Black Charmeuse Pure silk sorgo suitings
and coating satins; special Monday, at, yard... $1.38
Specials In High Grade
Wash Goods
French ginghams, Scotch
ginghams, tissues, midras,
good assortment of colors
and patterns in all, Monday
at yard 25c
Bordered lawns and batistes,
40-inch wide, good styles,
at, a jard. 25c
Bordered batiste, 32-inches
wide, all good patterns, at,
a yard 15c
Lawns and Batiste, good as
sortment of colors and pat
terns, at yard I2V2C
Poplins, 27-inches wide, in
all colors, at, yard... 25c
Pongees, In plains and fancy
stripes, goods that always sold
at 39c yd., Monday, at, yd. 25
Flaxon, good patterns, at yd. 101
36-in. Percales, neat patterns, at
a yard ...13V4
Ginghams, extra good quality,
Monday, at a yard ....134
69c YARD
We've just 50 pieces, $1.00 quality all-wool Serge in
cream, navy and black; also white and black stripe, fine
summer weight, which we are going to close TQi
Monday, at, yard OsC
New Silk
$2.25 per yd. values, $1.19
We have just received
a new line of the popular
Embroidered Marquis
ettes in 40-in width with
bands to match; regular
$1.25 yard f 4 Q
values, at, yd. 4 I I
A Big Stock of Factory Run
at 50 cents on the dollar.
4-quart Lipped Sauce Pans... 9
4-quart Sauce Pots
Pint Dipper 4
Basting Spoons 2?
Pint Cup 3
2 and 3-quart Pudding Pans, each,
at 9
Flour Can 59
No. 7, "Lisk" Copper Bottom
Boiler $1.19
white and blue are the star of liberty,
the cross of the church and the scallop
of St. James, the patron saint of the cardi
nal. On the shield, Inlaid with gold and
silver, are the colors Indicating the rank
and nationality of the only American cardi
nal. Lutheran Brotherhood.
The first convention of the Federal
Council of the Lutheran Brotherhood In
the United States, held In Washington, was
most successful. The convention theme
was "organization for service."
The Lutheran Brotherhood Is a creature
of the general synod. Action looking to
Its' organization was taken at the last
i convention of the latter body at Rich
mond, Ind., in 1909. Preliminary steps
were taken In February of that year and
a report was made of the condition of
men's , work In the church. The general
synod Indorsed the movement and ap
pointed a committee to have general over
sight and effect a federation of all the
men's societies Into a general organization
for the entire church.
The Lutheran Brotherhood is In line
with the federation of men's organizations
in the various denominations. The first
of those waa the Brotherhood of St.
Andrew, in the Episcopal church, organ
ized in 1886. Then followed in rapid suc
cession the Brotherhood of Andrew and
Philip, the United Presbyterian men's
movement, the Methodist Brotherhood, and
Presbyterian Brotherhood, the men's move
ment of the United Brethren church, the
Baptist Brotherhood, the men's movement
of the Disciples of Christ, the Brotherhood
of the Southern Presbyterian church, the
Congregational Brotherhood and others.
Two years ago the combined membership
of these various denominational organiza
tions represented approximately l.OoO.oOO
men, banded together for Christian service.
Teat Uvaaarl Meeting's.
The old tent evangel committee of New
York will open the thirty-second season
of tent evangel on June 18 at 4 and s p. m.,
on West One Hundrsd and Twenty-fourth
street,' between Mornlngslde and Amster
dam avenues. Among the noted speakers
21-inch All Silk Foulards In
very pood shades, including
Navy, nrown, Old Rose, Reseda,
Wisteria, etc.; 86c
and $1.00 a- yard
values, at
Special Bargains
Curtains and
On Third Floor
Brussell, Cable and Fillet
Net or Cluny curtain; val
ues to $9.00 pair, $6.95
Lace Curtains Worth to
$7.00 pair; Cable Nets,
Brusselett or Cluny, at
pair $4.95
$2.25 Lace Curtains Fine
weaves, dainty patterns,
full size, on sale.. $1.49
$1.00 Lnce Curtains for...75
Several styles for selection.
90.05 Ropo Poitiers In all col
ors, with tapestry bands: on
sale at $5.50
85c Fancy Cretones, Tickings,
Taffeta Cloth,. Etc. On sale
Monday, per yard, at....25
Rtingalow and Fillet Nets Big
showing of special values, per
yard, 25c. 35S 45S 75
$2.50 Pictures
1,000 beautiful framed pic
tures; large gilt and oak
frames, beautiful corners;
subjects suitable for any
room; values to $2.50; all
at one price in our Q O
Big June Clearances' OC
Fruits, Landscapes, Fig-
ures, etc.
and Seconds Knnnieled Ware, bought
4 will have a full stock for your
No. 8, "Lisk" Copper Bottom
Boiler $1.29
No. 9, "Lisk" Copper Bottom
Boiler $1.39
Ring Lawn Sprinkler 49
Atlas, Brass or Zinc AVaeh Board,
at 25
Lawn Rakq, reg. 35c value, 194
76c, 85c and fl.OO Clothes
Ba8ket G5. 70S 85
to be heard at the opening services will
be Rev. Dr. Cortland Myers, pastor of
Tremont temple, Boston.
This is the ninth season of tent evangel
under Its present union committee, of
which Rev. G. W. McPherson is the super
intendent and F. T. Hopkins the treasurer.
During these nine seasons l,3SO.Ono persons
have been gathered for religious Instruc
tion. Tent evanpel is the original tent
work In New York and the mother of tho
modern tent movements in America.
All niabt Without Assistance.
It is probable tl at many queens of the
kitchen share the s ailment good-naturedly
exoreased by a Scandinavian servant ro
cently taken Into tho ssrvice of a youn
matron of Chicago.
The youthful asuumer of household cares
was disposed to be a trifle patronizing-
"Now, I'na," she asked earnestly, "are
you a good cook?"
"Va-as, 'm, I tank so," said the girl,
witii perfect naivete, "If you vill not try
to help me."
DkBzjxj F Bailcy.
This institution is the only one
in the central west witb separate
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds. yet. entirely
distinct and rendering it possible
to classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The other Heat
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring;
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
9 T
i i
i fl