i f 7 a ( r 1 V t V V 3 TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 13, 1911. D (EdC ill -1 -rl The Last Picture in the Great Booklovers' Contest of The Bee Is Printed in This Issue Contest Does Not Close Until July ...... 1 : You Have Lots of Time to Start low and Win One of the Big Prizes OF Come to the business office of The Bee any time this week and secure all the puzzle pictures and a catalogue for $1.00. You still have two weeks in which to solve the puzzles (plenty of time) and send in the answers. t ' CJp Do not wait any longer, but come to the business office of The Bee at once and get total supply of pictures. If you cannot come in person, mail your order and add 5 cents to remittance to cover cost of mailing catalogue. CFT The prizes are the best ever offered in a western newspaper contest and you stand just as good a chance : to win as any of them by entering the contest this week as those contestants who began with the first picture. 1 TMiik This Over Today and Come to The Bee Of flee . Tomorrow 3 t 5 ' .J 1 t' FiriRSTT FMIZ 9 S1IP MODEL, JFOUK-TMIIRTlf v. -J -Si si r fj i v - i rawJ(y4--'''i ' ' -:y: i - i t v ' II, ..:., 4..- l '-" Vt;: fvT ff -o, 'ill t jt-rr. - if f : ' ' . ... -.t,.: f" ' s : ' ; - s " . -. , . k i S J , f v 1 The famous Apperson "Jack-Rabbit" touring car, one of the best automobiles on the market, and one of the popular model four-thirty, five-passenger capacity, will be awarded as first prize. The famous Apperson hartd made cars have been favorably known throughout the country for so many years that a lengthy preface rebt;ve to the merits of the car would but be added history. It is enough to say that the record of this make puts the Apperson at the top with the leading cars of the country. It has road records and speed records that challenge attention of buyers. The equipment of the first prize includes top, as in illustration, two acetyline head lights and generator, three oil lamps, horn, robe rail, tire carrier, foot rests and set of tools. . The car is now on exhibition at the garage of Apperson Auto Co., 1102 Farnam Street.