TIIE OMATIA SUNDAY PEE: JUNE IP, 10U. RUTH BRANDEIS IS TO WED (Continued from rage Two.) RKiWS PULAS STREET -STORE week In June at the home of the bride. After a three weeks wedding trip to New Turk Mr. MacAnally and hi bride will re side in Omaha. WOMEN'S AND MISSUS' .OUTFITTERS. D At the Field Club Mr. and Mr. George Bhlelda entertained. t dinner Saturday, evening for Mrs. rice of Bloux City. Those present were Mr. and Mra. H. E. Wilcox, Mr. and Mm. W. O. Nlrholeon and Mra. rice. Mr, and Mra. VV. A. Plxley had one of tha larger dlnnrrs at the club Saturday even-" Ing. when Mn. W. R. Lighten wan tha honor guest and Mr. and Mrs. fi. K. hush. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rhowdrs, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Fahs. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Elllck, Mr. anj Mrs. E. K. Klmberlcy. Mr. and Mrs, Carmlchael, Mies Elizabeth Tlndell and Miss Angellne Tlndeil the other guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sunderland had as guests Saturday at dinner Mr. and Mra. E. C. Twamley and Mr. and Mrs. Swear engen. Mrs. V. U. Hamilton .itertalncd sis guests at luncheon Saturday at the club. Mrs. Nathan Post entertained at lunch eon Saturday for Miss Eunice and Miss Mllllcent Stebbens, who are going to Eu rope for the summer. Those present were Misses Mllllcent Stebblns, Eunice Ktcbblns, Lora Jordan and Mrs. J. C. Jordan. Lieutenant and Mrs. Nathnn Post had aa guests at dinner Snturday evening Dr. and Mra. Mllroy. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jor dan, Mlsa Jordan and Mr. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. Towle had as guests at dinner last evening. Mr. and Mra. F. J. nirsa, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Swaltwont. Mr. H. W. Anderson. lr. and Mrs. E. R. Porter entertained four guests at dinner Saturday evening. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Waggoner, Dr. and Mrs. II. O. Arnold. Others who had reservations were A.i I Meyera, who had four guests; N. R. Ham ilton, six; N. F. Fetters, six; E. W. Btut. tenburg, four. ( Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boucher entertained at dinner Saturday evening. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Battln, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Griffith. Miss Lee Oarcelon and Mr. B. W. Capen. Mr. and Mra. B. F. Marshall entertained aeven guests 'at dinner Saturday evening. Places were laid for Dr. and Mra. C. E. Smith, Dr. and Mra. E. Hart Jenks. Mr. and jim. a. x . nuiosii, Da ins cioise J enxs, Mlsa Helen Smith and Mlsa Marguerite Marshall. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Wahl entertained at dinner Saturday evening for. Mrs. L. C. Thlele of Indianapolis. Their guests war Mr. and Mra. John Stuben, Mr. and Mra. T. C. Van Buren and Miss Mary Krebe. Mrs. Charles Vincent gave a luncheon Friday for Mra. Mary Newton, who leaves aoon for a trip abroad. Covera were laid for Mesdames Dr. Ward, Edward Johnson, K. E. Stanfleld. Dr. Berry Vincent, Charles Newton and Misses Boutella and Krebs. At Happy Hollow Misses Ruth and Mayonne Thompson en tertained at luncheon Saturday at the club. The guests Included; Misses: Ixiulse Stegner, Helen Reddlngton Mabla Mould, Ruth Haller. Mable Hodgen, Ola Bell Hervay, Elolse Jenks, Mr. and Mra. A. D Misses: Oatherlne Mllrov, J seam In Bherradln, Rernlce Edwards, Francis Gilbert, Ueth Parkinson, Blanche Walton, Mrs. Charles Wright , Lane entertained at dinner Saturday evening. Places were laid for: . -j Mine en - Misses - '. Gertrude MoCartby, Elisabeth Lane, Greta Lane, , Margaret Lane, Messrs. Messrs. - George Hutchinson, N. W. Dodge of Detroit . of Chicago, Judge and Mra. I. F. Baxter had aa gueau at dinner Saturday evening t Mr. and Mra. John Kuhn, lr. and Mra. F. Koulter, Dr. and Mra. J. J. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Folda entertained inirreen at ainner oaturoay evening, lamr guests were: Mr. and Mra. W. P. Durkee, Mr. and Mra. C. W. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Charloe E. Johannes, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers, i Miss Somers, Mrs. Oerrlt Fort. Mrs. Plttlnger. Dr. and Mra. J. M. Alkln entertained for their daughter, Mlsa Gertrude. Thoee pres ent were: Mlsacs Claire Patterson, Ruth Anderson, Messrs. Beryl Crocker, ' Wayne Selby, MlF.es Catherine Crocker, Gertrude Alkln, Messrs. Waltman Walters, jamca uuraee. Mlsa Louise Lord entertained six guests at dinner Saturday evening. Thoee present were: : ' . Misses Gladys Peters, Elisabeth Pickens, Messrs Roger McKensle, Harry lines of Sioux Kails, S. D. Oher reservation were made by E. A. Hatfield, who had six ' guests; 8. D. Barkalow, twenty-four; . W. J. Creedon, alx; J. K. Fletcher, six. Misses Louise Lord, Messrs Ward Patton of -Bloux Falls, fl. T At the Country Club Mr. and Mra. De Forest Richards enter talned at dinner last evening for their nephew, Mr. Frank M. Callahan of Dayton, O. Their guesta were Misses Charlotte Callahan, Helen Cudahy, TSrownle Bess Baum, Dr. W. O. Bridges, Mr. Frank M. Callahan. Mr. Cuthbert Potter, Mr. Robert Dinning. ' Lieutenant and Mra, W. N. Haskell en tertained at dinner for Lieutenant Bell and Lieutenant Leasure, both of whom were Judges at the recent competitive drill for the Omaha High school cadets. Places were laid for Miss Doyle of Philadelphia, Lieutenant and Mrs. Leasure. Lieutenant and Mrs. Haskell and Lieutenant Bell. Other reservations were made br H. H. Baldrige, who' had eight guests; Malcolm Baldrtge, six; Frank Colptxer, five; Ed ward T. Swobe, ten; F. A. Brogan, alx; Jerome Magee, five; C. T. 6mlth, five; Btookton Heth, four. At Rod and Gun Club Week of June 1: ' Monday Evening Out-of-door moving pictures. Tuesday Evening Dinner and dance; gueat night. Wednesday Evening Moving pictures. Thursday Evening First appearance Rod end Gun club quartet. Comedy sketch, "A Knight of the Batch." alx characters, by pupils of Boyd school of acting; moving pictures on lake front. Friday Evening Moving pictures. v Saturday Evening Dinner and dance; members' night. Personal Gossip Mr. day Mr. Thou tle sum me A eon w Dr. A. E. Stuht and family left for Colfax. Wash., Thursday. and Mra. J. D. Foater returned to- from a two weeks' trip to New York. Thoinaa Flndley has gone to epend uiumer on a sheep ranch la Montana. as born Thursday mornlna ta Mr. and Mra. E. W. Dixon. Miss Irene Flick Monroe of Log Angeles, MSS HAZEL DEWEE&E. oP Canon Gty.CoI 3c ceZe2mfaa? in -Pecemicr. Cat., Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. W. Cher- rlngton. Mr. Elmer Redick returned Wednesday evening from Tale, where he has been a law student Mr. and Mrai C L. Pratt are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a new son, born June 15. Mr. and Mra. T. E. Stevena and daugh ter. Mis Dorothy, are spending the week end at Okabojl lake. Mrs. Charles C. George, who Is visiting her former home In Boston, is expected home about June S. Mlsa Flannlgan of Casper, Wyo., has arrived to visit Mr. and Mrs. D. C Brad ford until after July 1. Mlsa Frances Thrall of Detroit, arrived Tuesday to visit her cousins. Judge and Mrs. Doane, for a month. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Wilcox and daughter, Miss Winifred Wilcox, have returned from an extended trip to the Pacific coaat Mra Laura C. Wood has given up her rooms at the Madison and is spending this month with her sister, Mrs. T. J. Mackay. Mr. Sam Lesser, a well known business man of San Francisco, who Is on his way east. Is visiting his many friends In this olty. Dr. and Mra. B. A. Stockdale of Des Moines are visiting with Mrs. Stockdale's sister, Mrs. N. K.- Sype, 6104 Underwood avenue. Mrs. George ' Peek has returned from Mollne, III., where she has been, to select a house. They plan to move' to 'Mollne in August. ' - :-y ? Mr. Wilt H. Clarke arrived Tuesday from tw months In the east and la at the Madison with his wife. Mr. Clarke will aaU for Manila June 28. Mrs. Margaret Malohien left Friday for St. Paul and Minneapolis, where she will visit the Misses Ruth and Helen Beat, formerly of Omaha. Mlsa Dorbthy Morgan leaves today for Kansas City to visit her aunt. Mra. Edward Smith, and next week she goes to St Joseph to visit relatives. Others entertaining will be Mr. and Mra. A. J. Wahl; eight; Mr. and Mra. J.-J. Boucher, eight; Mr. L. C. Bedford, ten, and Mr. E. F. Marshall, nine. Mr. and Mra. Fred A. Maxfleld left Thursday for a trip through California and will also visit In Salt Lake CI tyt. Lead villa and Denver before returning home. Miss Loretta Malone of Mlnden and Miss Martha Hoben of Columbus, Neb., who were among the out of town guests for the Morearty-Coryell wedding, have re turned home. Mr. and Mra. O. C Kuenne and daughter Carol left Thursday for St Paul and Min neapolis and the northern lakes. Mrs. Kuenne and Mis Kuenna will remain for several week. Mra. Arthur G. Loomls and son, Art Bur Loomls, left Friday for California to spend most of July at San Diego, after which they will be at Coronado Beach until they return home In September. , Mra. W. K. Jones and children left Sat urday to Join Major Jonea In Washington. D. C, where he has been stationed; The family wll) spend the summer at Chevey Chase, a suburb of Washington. Mr, Jamea H. Macomber left Saturday evening to spend the summer with his daughters In New Tork city. On his way he will stop in Chicago to visit with rela tives, arriving In New Tork, June 22. Miss Gretcben MoConnell and Mlaa Marie Holllnger have gone east to attend the com mencement exercise at Welles! ay, after which they will vlalt school friend at Augusta. Me and other place for about two months. Miss Desdemona Baldwin, who. has been attending school in 8t Louis, arrived here Wedneaday, to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Earl Stericker, for several day before returning to her home in Elkhorn, Neb,, Mr. and Mra. Floyd M. Smith and eon, Floyd, are at Mlnocq.ua, Wis., but are ex pected home within a week or ten days. Upon their return her mother, Mrs. 8hlv- erlck, will go to Buffalo to spend some .time with her son, Mr. Aa Shlverlck. Miss Rogene Dellecker left today for Chicago to be maid of honor at the wed ding of her cousin, Mlaa Verne Harris, to Mr. William Ewen. Mis Catherine Ruaha of Columbus, who ha been the guest of Miss Dellecker, accompanied her. Mr. Otto Slemssen and family are pre paring to go to Germany for a year to give the children the benefit of educational ad vantage there. In their absence Mra Lena Drishaua and family of Badlands, Cel.. will occupy the Slemssen bungalow. Mir Helen Hayden, daughter of Mr. and Mr. William Hayden,' returned Friday from Notre Dame, Ind.. where she has been attending ' school. Next Wednesday the family leavea for Washington. D. C, where they will make their future home. Mlsa Jessie Flynt. Miss Harriet Eddy and Mlaa AHce L. Orr Joined a party of eastern friends and will soil Tuesday from Boston on the steamer Zeeland of the White Star line to spend the summer visit ing Great Britain and points of Interest on the continent Mr. and Mra. W. H. MeCord have aa thlr guest Mis Mary Garlich of St Jo seph and Mlsa Elisabeth Evans, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. W. P. Evans of Fort Leavenworth. In their honor Mr. and Mra McCord and Mr. Jamea MoCord will give a dance Monday evening at the Country club. Bluffs Wqman Finds Mrs. Smith's Diamond i i Gem Lost a Few Nights Ago it Re turned to Owner Through Story Appearing in The Bee. The valuable diamond ring lost In the Wroth cafe by Mrs. Seymour Smith has been returned to the owner through the medium, of The Bee. The ring was found by a Council Bluffs woman, who read In The Bee an account of the loss, and noti fied the Omaha police just aa soon as she learned the name of the owner. The Coun cil Bluffa woman called the police Friday evening and Detective Steve Maloney went to that place to secure the property, which has been restored to Mra. Smith. . Detective Maloney atated that the ring had been found by Miss Powers, who, with her escort, took a seat at the table Just vacated by Dr. and Mrs. Smith. Miss Powers live with her parents at 721 South Seventh street, Council Bluffs. After In forming the members of her family about finding the gem. Miss Powers put it safely away and waited until The Bee announced it ownership. Then she promptly com municated 'With the Omaha police depart ment and Detective Maloney called for the ring. FRACTURES SKULL BY FALLING FROM STREET CAR Ckrts NU;aar la Hastled to t. Joe- eph's Hospital and it la Thowght . He May Recover, Christ NUgaar,, U years old, a powerful looking Dane who resides near Benson. i at St Joseph's hospital suffering with- a fractured skull, which he sustained by falling off a street car at Benson Friday night . The desoent of the young man was wit nessed by several persons, and Charles Crelghton telephoned for an ambulance to St Joseph's, which made a quick trip to the scene of the trouble. In the meantime Dr. T. J. Dwyer was telephoned to' meet the ambulance, and he had reached the hospital when tha catlent arrive 'clous. The injured man was accompanied by two friends, but aa they were not familiar with the exact manner In which he became hurt little Information was obtainable. Nllgaar la resting easy and no serious results are anticipated unless .complica tions set in. MYSTERY OF ABSENCE OF THE DOCTOR IS CLEARED Great mystery reigned at the navy re cruiting station Saturday morning over the nonappearance of Etxamllng Physician R. J. Btratton. It had been the first time since coming to this station that he had missed a day at the office. Repeated ef forts to get In communication with hlra over the phone proved futile. Recruits waited in the outer office all morning and came back again In the after noon, but still no doctor. It began to look like a case of desertion, when about 1:30 o'clock the doctor came whistling up the hall of the postofflce building and walked In with a large box of cigars. Then the mystery waa cleared. The new arrival is a girl and she drew the scales down to ten pound. Possessing the most graceful curves and exquisite outlines. Josephine silver fulfills the Ideal or beauty and richness In silverware, kvery piece has a distinctive charm an added touch of beauty and grace which la a characteristic only of Josephine stiver. It will satisfy the most exacting demands of dura bility and yet retain that fine flavor of sterling silver which is vreatly desired In the home. Start tha Pattern. T. L. Combs & Co., The nuay Jrwrler 1520 DoutfUa St., Omaha, Neb. H ARTLLTT Sirlr fioi I A nr. rjj ETOH rUl are Values in Cool Summer Dresses W erly designed. They possess the daintiest and chic of French models, and the workmanship shows care in everydetail. We, have achieved a notable suc cess in holding prices down to a moderate level. Wm Lingeries and Voile Dresses in Light and Dark Effects $13.75, $10.75 and . . . Not the usual kind, but distinetivo little models, simple, effective nnd very daintily feminine. Designs for after noon and morning wear in seemingly endless array. , Summer Dresses in a Dozen Distinct Styles . at . . The fabrics are lingerie materials and marquisettes. , Designs and trimmings are entirely new. "Wear will prove them to be as cool and comfortable as they look. , i. l3aJ'Jfo Eight smart styles in mid-summer dresses Voiles, Marquisettes and Lingeries; adorned with trimming combinations that include fine laces, embroidery, bhadow work and bands in contrasting colors. French Lingerie Dresses Hafld Made and Embroid ered at. Hand embroidered dresses, wonder fully fine dainty things for the price, $25, and hand macte and hand embroid ered dresses showing the finest of needlework, at $29.75, $35, nnd up. r . " il We will take in your use- it ZZZquestwn b,ank' cut less "hand-played" Piano in ex- Manager of Piano Exchange Dept., change on an exquisite 88 note "Club" ?o The Bennett Co., Omaha, Hcb. PSayerPia and we will allow you an ASTONISHINGLY large amount of money on the Piano you turn , in. jj . Fill out and mail that coupon and find out how much. tp . ITam of Tan Piano T Wls.n was It boufLtr , What Is 'its raotorr Ho.f (Bas Insld lastal plata.) Btata wh.th.r unnt. ' Oak Maaorany tb easa, ato. Be toett 0maha e A ddress 7T 7 We have established an "Uptown Branch" at 308 South 15th St, in Darker block, adjoining Beaton's Drug Store. K. C 'or thos wlahlnf fraah, sffsotlrs films, ' 7 Oi Plata, papars, oaamloala, sto, af tha fauaoa lJ 'Kaa-tmaa," maka th Kodak kUdw Tor thos. wo wish to drop la chatty film or plata or laava davalopliur or flnlshir f PrV - work to ba rattan out P&OHTTI.T. Tor tboaa who aaak raatOa Kodak aad th Tj "I Tr f sillajr quality that baa mada Th East a" VI II f T laaa Kodak Oa, t assoua th world ov.r. I Wat of this piaoa oftan It' yours. Robert Dempster Co. IIAYDECIj HAYDBfs . TNKULuLKroM IVft ShnW fill flfhpr Models of tha Popular R. & G. Corsets in all Sizes. A Model for Every Figure. Price Ranging From $1.00 to $5.00. RG CORSETS The new fashions in owns make a perfect figure absolutely necessary. For this reason a perfect fitting, styl ish corset is the most important part of the toilette. The It. & O. model shown here i a modelled in accordance with the very latest decree. It has a medium high bust, extra long back and skirt For medium figures. Sizes 18 to 30. Trim med with embroidery and ribbon bow. Made in Coutil (B-60), white only, or in Batiste (B-61). Price $1.50. Every Pair Guaranteed. ... tfjp HAVDEsTs . tTMSMUMtSCK lH J 4 6 jlAYDEEIs DUElGESS-GRAHDEEh CO., Hot Weather Has No Terrors Our special bedroom fan insures restful slumber no matter how hot th night. Made to attach to any bed operated by switch under pil-, low. Last a lifetime. , Price complete, $13.00. Brush brass, 8-ln., 3 speed fan for office or home. $10.75 Special, perfectly noiseless resi dence fans $16.00 1511 Howard Street Bl 0ST sOEs furs INSURED against fire moths burglary. Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Dong. 3040. Y Health and Beauty Queries By MRS. MAE MARTYN. Mrs. Cora F. : Evan though your hus band objects so strongly to your uslnK faca Dowder. It la your duty to look as youthful and charming aa possible; trv. inn lotion ana although it win oeauti ty your faca much belter than - powder he can never detect any evidence of a powdered look. Get four ounces of spur max at any drug store; diosolve U in one-half pint hot water, then add two teaapoonfuls glycerine. Apply this Jp tlon to your face, neck and arms, rub bing gently until dry and It wlU lend a most wholesome, natural, charming tone to your akin. It will whiten and clear your complexion and take away that shiny, sallow look. I find It excellent for removing freckles and akin pimples; It also afforda the akin splendid protec tion against the sun and wind, and wl'l not rub off easily like powder does wnen you wear a veil. Daisy L. : Scanty, thin, short hair can be fluffed up and made to appear uunimni wiinout tne aia 01 raise hair. Try shampooing your hair with a' tea poonful of canthrox dissolved In a cup of hot water, rinsing afterwards wiln clear water. This sliampoo produces a rich, creamy lather that cleanses the hair and scalp as no other shampoo will. It makes the hair beautifully lus trous, soft and fluffy. It dries very quickly and after using It you will find your hair easy to do up and will stay in place without the aid of a net or veil. and look nice much longer than ever be fore. You will no lonaer be bothered with dandruff and Itching acalp. You can get a canthrox shampoo at any first claas halrdreaser'a or buy the canthrox at your druKgist'a and do your own sham pooing. Never shampoo with sosp. The alkali streaks, blenches snd eats the very lire out! or the hair, makln it dull and lifeless. S. M. : To purify tha blood, ton up tha system, sharpen the arroetlte. and set new life and strenmh. lliere l noth ing like taking a good tonic If you will go to any drug store and get one-half pint alcohol and on ounce kardene anil mix them together, then add one-half cup sugar and boiling watsr to make 4 full quart, you will have one of the best tonics known to medical science. It Is Inexpensive and by taking a tablespoon- rui bei'ir. each meal, you win aoon get lid of your pimples snd liver blotches snd yoirr sallow skin will tslia on tha lint or perfect heaitn. This excellent tonle has a moat beneficial effect up n the complexion and will brace you up from that "played out" feeling. Nancy: Don't .worry even If your eyes do seem to be weaker and losing tneir color. lou can easily maka them strong and just aa clear, bright, apark li tig and full of color aa ever by putting lu aactx twice dally a w drop vi a simple tonic made by dissolving an ounce of cryslos In a pint of cold water. This tonic Is very strengthening and soothing to tired, weak, Inflamed cyea and you will find by using It regularly, you will never have cause to coinplafn, of not having beautiful, charming ea. Irene: Unless you want your far covered with unsightly hairs, you had better atop using those greasy creams at once. If you want a good depend able, greaseleHs complexion beautlfier, maka It yourself aa follows: Stir to gether two teaspoonsful glycerine, onaj ounce almoxoln and one-half pint cold water. L.et stand a few hours before using. You will find this fine for mas saging as it removes thoroughly all pore dirt There la nothing like It for removing and preventing blackheads, wrinkles, skin roughness and enlarged pores. Tills cream-Jelly will make your skin clear, smooth, frenh-looklng and plump. Aa a complexion beautlfier, ou will want nothing better. "Worried" (and others): Yes. I am glad to reneat ths f leeh-reduclng for mula which has given such splendid re sults In relieving so many of their bur densome fat Jet four ounces of par potls at any drug store; dissolve It lit one and one-half plnta hot water and when cool, atraln out the sediment and take a tableapoonful of th liquid he fore each meal. This remedy Is harm, less and cuts down fat rspldly without the Inconveniences of dieting and exer cising. It has accompllHhed excellent results where other remedies failed. Ada (also Evu): I am glad to repeat the formula of that wonderful reaiedy for hair and acalp troubles. Mix to gether one-half pint alcohol, one-half pint cold water and xne ounce qulnsoln. Thla tonic la noted for Ita remarkahl hair-growing properties ss well as for stopping fulling hair and destroying .dandruff. I have known many people that were practically bald, who by using this tonic regularly iwlc a week on their scalps soon had as luxuriant and fine hair aa any one could desire. It checka scalp Irritation Instantly and makes the hair glossy, fluffy and free from stickiness. Many high class hair dressers and barbers use this tonic ex clusively and with excellent results. Maude: The. troublesome hair of which you apeak can be oulckly ie moved by applying plain delatona. Oec an ounce of del. tone from your druggist, and with a little mix some water to form a paste, rip re ad on hairy surface snd In two or three minute, rub off and wash the skin. Vmi will have to fay a dolar an ounce for delatnne. but t is worth It, ss It rarsly requires th second application. 7 Head Mrs. Martyn's Book, "Beauty," IS. Adv.