Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 2, Image 22

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Will Marry Mr. Itriag Conitant Stern
of New York tn October.
wJerww4'sJsics.v le ,. ;
Alemel of the Bl School the Hill
Will Gather Monday Keel
for Reaewal of OI4 Aa-
318 - 320 South 16th. St.
' i - s-
Aortal Calradar.
MONDAY Omaha High school alumni re
caption and dunce at Field club; Mr. and
Mr. Mel I'M. dinner at Happy Hollow;
Mrs. Irapr Smith, lunrheon at Hapnr
Hollow; Mr. and Mm. W. II. Mci'ord,
nan- at Country club; Homan-lflgby
TV KSIja Y MIks Cora Evans, luncheon at
Happy Hollow for Mlas Olive Carpenter;
Mr. Howard Kennedy, luncheon at
Harpy Hollow; Mra. C. E. Yost, luncheon
at Happy Hullow; Mr. and Mra. J. B.
Haum. ulnnrr; Sinner and dance at Happy
Hollow; dinner and dance at Kod and
dun club; ldla' day at Field club; la
dles' day at Happy Hollow.
WKUNLHDAY-Mra. Nathan Poet, dinner
at Country club; wedding of Mini Anna
O'Connor and Mr. John I). Wear; Kvaas
NlekerHon weddlnn: Mm. C. C. C'hae,
luncheon; Mr. and Mm. Oeome A. Joelyn,
dinner for Madam d'Aouln; dinner ,and
dance at Field club; dinner and dance at
Country club.
THVKHIMV Omlkron golf tournament at
Happy Hollow; Mra. B. CJ. McGllton,
luncheon at Happv Hollow; Mra. -V. C.
PeckenpaUKh, luncheon at Happy Hol
low; Mna Helune Blxbv. luncheon at
Happy Hollow; Mra. W. It. Durkee,
luncheon at Happv Hollow: Mra. S. IX
Barkalow, luncheon; Olcnnon-Hlicger
wedding; BwaMIca Card club meeta with
Mra. O..C. rVaiwr: W. W. club picnic:
Mra. George B. Darr, P. E. O. aoclal
meeting. .
' BATl'HI A Y Dinner and dance at Field
club: dinner and dance at Country club;
dinner and dance ai Happy Hollow club;
dinner and d&noe t Rod and Uun club.
The engagement In announced of Mlaa
Ruth Brandels, daughter, o( Mr. and Mra,
Arthur 1. Brandela, to Mr. Irving Constant
gtern of New York City. Although during
tho last two years, there have been numer
ous rumers of this engagement In Now
York, the announcement comes aa a sur
prise and Is considered one ot the most
brilliant alliances of the year.
Miss Brandcia, who Is one of Omaha's
beautiful young women, has spent the two
seasons since her debut, which waa made
at a Jarre reception and ball given by Dr
and Mrs. WolfMeln In Cincinnati In Slew
York City, where Mr. and Mrs. Brandels
have taken the Maxine- Elliot bouse.
Mlva Brande-is hm . had a remarkably
brilliant social career, wherever she haa
been, both in the states and In Europe, and
la considered one of the best gowned wo
men In the metropolis. She Is tall, dark
and graceful and artists are enthusiastic
over her beauty and personal charm, and
declare her a type In.' herself,
Mr. Stern', who Is but 24 years of age
haa a half Interest In Btern Bros,, . on
Twenty-third street, one of the oldest and
largest dry goods houses In New "York
Cltyl Mr. Stern Is one of the most popu
lar of the younger millionaires of New
York. Leslie's Weekly of June L published
Mr. .'Stern's photograph, and that of Rod
man; Wanamaker under the subject, "Bona
of Noted Captains of Industry Who axa
Following in Their Fathers' FooUepU."
The Btern home. Fifth avenue near Eigh
tieth1 street. Is one of the most pretentious
mansions on the avenue. It will be remem
bored that a few years ago the eastern
and foreign papers gave glowing accounts
of the brilliant marriage of his slater. Miss
Irraa Btern, to Baron Lao de Graffenried.
The wedding ot Miss Brandela and Mr.
Bterm will take place the first week In
October, and the first of the year tho
young oouple will leave on a six months
tour: abroad. During their stay In Paris
they will be guests of Baron and Baronaaai
Leo 'de Oraf fear led. 1
Mrs. Brandeis, accompanied by
Ruth, is expected la Omaha July 10, for
a short visit . , ,
! O. H. . AJajnsl .Daaee,
Special muslo haa been arranged for the
Omaha High school alumni dance, which,
will be given at the Field club Monday
evening. Popular numbers from the new
musical comedies, "The Spring Maid,"
"The Pink Lady" and other new musical
plays will be given, and whenever a danae
number is encored, the same muslo will
be repeated.
With an estimated attendance of 806 or
more, over twice that many announce
mesta being issued, a reception committee
ot 109 and special preparations made in the
way of muslo and refreshments, the High
school reunion at the Field club Monday
evening will be one of the Important af
fairs of the week.
During the last two or three years re-
newed Interest tn the AJumnl association
of the school haa become so strong that
the annual reunions have required , the
larger accommodations of the Field club
to furnish adequate room and entertain
ment for the crowds that attend.
This year marks the climax In the his
tory of High school alumni affairs so far,
and more elaborate, preparations than aver
have been made for the reunion. It is ex
pected that that part ot society which is)
fortunate enough to be counted among the
alumni of the old school will maXe the
affair brilliant by their attendance.
Women's Tennis Toarnament
The executive committee tor the women's
tennis tournament to be held at the Field
club the week starting June 28 met at the
home of Mlas Susan Holdrege Thursday
afternoon. As Mlas Holdrege may not be
here, all of the Urn preceding the tourna
ment, Mlas Hortenoo Clarke has been made
oh airman and Mlas CanneUta Chase,
The tournament la open te all, and It
is not required that the entrants belong to
the club. The entry fee will be 64 cents
person, both for singles and for doubles.
AH entries should be made to Miss Curme-
Uta Chase. The committee In charge ot
this event includes Miss Hoi-tense Clark.
Miss Carmellta Chase, treasurer, Miss
Susan Holdrege, Mlas Mary Rlmjwalt, Mlas
Ruth Hammer and Mlas Laura Zlmmer
man. , AJ1 entries must be made by Friday
of next week. Handsome prises are to be
awarded the winners, the runnero-up and
also consolations. The committee expects
that there will be ever 109 entries for the
Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Edward
A. Cudahy, who leave the last day of
- June for Chloaxo and Lake Ifukiun
many aoclal affairs are being given. Thurs
day evening Mr. and Mrs. Wattles enter
tained at a Deautiruuy appointed dinner
their home, when covers were placed
Mr. and Mra EM ward A. Cudahv. Mr.
Mrs. J. E. Baum, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wll
helm. Mr and Mrs EHward P. Pack
and Mrs. F. P KlrfcendaU, Mr. and Mra.
Wattlea Tueeday evening Mr. and Mrs.
J. Si Baum will entertain at dinner
Mr. and Mra Cudahy. Wednesday
C. C. Chase will entertain at luncheon
Thureday Mrs. & X. Barkalow will b.
hoateea at a luncheon in Mra Cudahy's
Honor. Thursday even! n a Mr. and Mra
P. Klrkendall plan to give a small picnic
at IB sir summer place. Kirk wood, on Prl
laka The party will go In motors and
have a picnic supper In the wooda
Osaaaa lUsh IIh
Much school patriotism was shown at
Oman High School Graduation exercises
Friday evening at the Brandets theater.
All of the boxes were occupied by alumni
mvim;c. stern
and the boxes were decorated with the
olort of the different classes,;:,;'; v, '. V', ' .
in the "isvi" box were:
Mteaoa Misses ,
Olive Hammond, ... Bens Oould,
Anna MoCague, Grace Kohrbough,
Messrs. Messrs.
Joe Rlngwalt, Roger McKensle,
Frank Hoel, Harry Ryan.
j nose wno occupied the "1WB box were:
Mimes - Mlajtea
Louise Northup, Carol Howard,
Eileen Patterson. Orle De Vor.
Jessie B pence, . Irene , Wledeman, '
Edith Hatch,
Sam Reynolds,
Ralph oud.
Merle Howard,
Hiram Burns, '
From the class of
Marie Hodge,
Haael Evans.
Oretohen Williams,
Herbert Ryan,
Coe Buchanan,
Harry Carpenter.
in me -vtw cox were:
Van atone Fullaway,
Harvey Cockerel I,
Randall Curtis,
Hawthorne Daniel.
"1900" were:
. Misses
Hazel Howard,
Ruth Llndley,
Jack Uowen,
Sam Carrier.;
Mary Phllllpa,
Ruth Sheldon,
NelMe Hlirutterv "
Erollv Chase.
Ixulse Copeland, '
jjorm Mas,
Henrietta Oil more.
Meesra. r
Richard BarnesL
Wilson Heller,
t-iugo lieyn,
Wallace McDonald.
Chester Lehman,
The officers of the class of 1U. the
newly -elected Register staff and other
prominent members of the class made up
another box party at the high school com
mencement exerclsea The box was pro
fusely decorated in red and gray, the class
colors. Those present were: -
Misses Misses-
Laura Zimmerman, Margaret Burke,
Helen Rayley,
Harriet Blake,
Nancy Hayes,
Elisabeth IJoud,
Jasmine Sherradln,
Fannie Rosenstock,
Brandon Howell,
Chandler Trimble,
Vernon Trimble,
Clarence) Patten.
Minnie Hupp,
Cera Slmsj ..
Lillian Rodenburg,
Agnes Peter,
Master '
Bert Fuchs,
Frank Kutak,
Oscar Wolfe,
Frank Wolfe,
Victor Christiansen,
John Morgensen,
Wilbur Wolfe,
Pearl Miller,
Mamie Proas,
Loretta Shan ah an,
' Masters-
Will Votava,
Lawrence Miller,
Udal Jackson,
Ingebord Lofmark,
Edw. Van Buren,
Ray Jackson, ,
Willie Van Buren.
Saturday afternoon the Junior pupils of
Miss Marguerite. Murphy gave a musicals
at her residence, 2014 North Twentieth
street Those who took part' In the' pro
gram were:
' Misses
Eva Frlcher,
Anna Oloyer,
Mame Fixa,
Thelma Secord,
Frances proskocll,
Fay Collins,
Messrs. - '
I j. Vern Wed more,
William Monaghan,
Beulah Byrd,
Elisabeth Rainey,
Ulan Renner,
Helen Pogue,
Deyo Crane,
Malcolm uaisnge,
Milton Peterson,
George Grimes,
W1U Noble,
Katherlne Davenport,
Mary Taylor,
, Miss Mac kin.
Messrs .
Edward Perkins,
Harold Thomas,
Paul Mackln,
Flnley Jenkins,
Pleasures Past
The regular meeting of Kappa Alpha
Theta fraternity waa held Saturday after
noon at the home of Mrs.' J. E. Spencer.
Twenty-one Were present Including:
Ella Wirt of
Council Bluffs,
Irma Staples,
Alice MoCullough,
Nell Randal,
Zora Shields,
Grace Rohrbough,
Georgia Patterson,
A, C. Pancoaat.
Allen McNoun,
Homer Seeuie,
Newbranch gave
Olive Hammond,
Zola Deilecxer,
Anna McCague,
Louise Northup, ,
Ruth Llndley,
Marie Hodge,
Helen BUsh,
Faith Hoel,
Allen Murphy,
Guy Cox.
John K. Morrison,
Mra Harvey B.
children's party at her home Friday
afternoon in celebration of the birthday
anniversary -of her daghter, Margaret
Those preeent were:
Misses Misses
Fern Goodwin, Lout Goodwin,
Virginia L ussier, May Louise Cocker,
Isetta mith.
Jessie Craig,
Marie Neville,
Jean Kennedy.
Dorothy Downs,
Helen Nolan,
Eleanor Newbranch, Dundee Mann,
Arden Buehols,
VlrgU De France.
Frank Weaver,
Cheater Hess,
Jack Jordan,
Wendel Nolan.
George banders,
Charles Dundey,
John Bat telle.
Arthur Jeff arts,
William Dyger,
Donald Downs,
Paul Lusier,
Master Edw. Van Buren waa pleasantly
surprised by the eighth grade claaies of
ths Edward Rosewater school Friday even,
lng. The young guests spent a very en
joyable evening. Miss Beaaie Votava and
Miss Marie Van Buren served the refresh
ments. Those preeent Included:
Misses Misses
Clara iohae, Emma Chadek,
Rose Walaaek, Vlasta Kroupa,
Ruth Van liuren, Atta 11 n now.
Haute Dohse. Mary fctefan.
Marguerite Dlneen,
Nell Gallagher,
Mamie Kllllan,
Hazel Davis,
Luclle Craven,
Margaret Campbell,
Edward Madden.
Franclft Krebbs.
A shower was given by Misses Mattie
Farmer and Isabella Rusland at the letter's
home In honor of Miss Mildred Gable. The
house was decorated In red and jwhlta
The bride-to-be received many beautiful
gifts, each of which was attached to a
ribbon which had previously been wound
through the house and yard. Those pres
ent were:
Katherlne Kelley,
Jesvltt Rusland,
Mollle Meyers,
Selma Blllson,
Fannie Chaae,
Genevieve Conry.
Miss Harriet Merrlam gave a linen
shower Wednesday evening In honor of
Miss Kate Barrow, whose marriage to Mt.
Richard Novak of South Omaha takes
place next month. The evening waa spent
In games and music. Those present were:
Mildred Gable,
Isabella Rusland,
Mattie Farmer,
'.oulee Johnson,
Winnie Farmer,
Christina Johnson,
Sate Harrow,
ary Keegan,
Bessie Devltt,
Barbara Jakl.
Caroline Brodbeck
Blanche Kennedy,
Geoi-Kla Brown.
Mesdamea Miller and Merrlam.
Agnee Berqulst,
Charlotte Wlllard,
Mary Carey.
Elizabeth Kruger,
Iorothy Merrlam,
Harriet Merrlam,
The engagement Is anounoed of Mr.
Robert Bmlley McClelland ot Delta, Cot.,
formerly of Omaha to Mlas Margaret Hoi
man of South Port, Coun. Mr. McClelland
IS a graduate of the class of 1902 of Am
herst and Miss Holman, a graduate ot
Smith college. The wedding will take
place in the fall. Mr. McClelland la the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClelland
of Tabor, la., who resided in Omaha until
about alx years ago.
The wedding of Miss Ethel Castetter
ICgby, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Beecher Hlgby, to Mr. Roecoe Horn an will
take place Monday evening, June U, at I
O'clock at the Central United Preabyterlon
church. The Rev. Hugh Speer will per
form, the oeremony.
Miss Helen Hlgby, sister of the bride,
will be maid ot honor. Mrs. Clinton V.
Hlgby of Llnoolrf will be matron of honor
and Miss Evangeline Homan, bridesmaid.
Miss Ora Ogle will play the wedding
march. Before the entrance of the bridal
party Mr. Leslie Dick will sing "Because."
Mr. Clinton V. Hlgby will be beat man.
The ushers will be Mr. Hugh Wallace,
Mr. Arthur Jeesen and ' Master Dewey
Following the ceremony there will be
a reception at the home ot the bride s
parents, from till 10 o'clock. Invitations
for the reception have been issued to a
hundred guests.
Miss Florence Margaret McHugb and
Mr, Edwin Harvey Piatt ot Denver
Colo., will be married at I o'clock Wednes
day evening, June Zt, at the home of Miss
McHugb. ni Dodge street. The marriage
ceremvay. performed by the Rev.
John. Williams, rector of St. Barnabas
B'llirdl- ult
Sold From $25.00 to $75.00
THIS extraordinary sale will continue until every suit in our house is
closed out. You will find very little changes in the new suits for fall
from our late spring styles that we now offer at such ridiculously low price.
All are perfectly tailored in plain styles or fancy designs and made of very
finest alf wool materials that will be worn this fall.
Your Choice From Our Entire Stock
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
old at
sold at
sold at
sold at
sold at
sold at
sold at
sold at
o ld at
- '- Viii in is'imf 'fi. fr'-i fiWif sT'--- 1 rd.'-- .... .je. -t.. .. : f
Silver Wedding at White House
..i r ' yf
1522 Douglas Street.
Are showing White Hats at $3.50, $5.00, $8.50,
worth up to $15.00.
We carry a nice line of small hats.
The silver anniversary of the marriage of
the president and Mrs. Taft will be cele
brated, at the White House on Monday,
June 19. Around 4,000 invitations have "been
Issued for the reception, and probably 1,000
persons will attend. Nearly everybody In
official life in Washington has been In
vited, and Invitations have' been sent to
hundreds of acquaintances throughout the
country. Msr. Taft will not- participate in
ths reception, for the doctors say she must
avoid the strain and excitement. Miss
Helen Taft will stand by her father's side
and receive the guests.
A family reunion and house party will
follow the reception.' The honor guests will
include Aent Delia Torrey. maker of
famous pies; Horace Taft. the president's
brother; Judge John W. Herron of Cin
cinnati, father of Mrs. Taft, and her un
married sister. Miss Maria Herron, who
was bridesmaid twenty-five years ago.
The silver wedding ot one of the world's
rulers will occasion a deluge of felicita
tions from monarchs and kings beyond the
seas, as well as from friends and ad
mirers at home. Silver gifts have been
coming to the White Housi for a week,
although the president and Mrs. Taft have
discouraged the giving of presents.
The event to be celebrated on Monday
occurred in Cincinnati, June 13, 1886. It
was chronicled by one of the local papers
as follows:
"A week notable In the local annals of
society ended with the wedding of Mr.
Will H. Taft and Miss Helen U Herron
Episcopal church. Bridesmaids will be
Miss Frances D. Piatt ot Denver and Miss
lona Caroline Duffy, and Miss Jean Mo
Hugh of Minneapolis will be flower girl.
Miss Miriam McHugh, also ot Minneapolis,
will play the weddlngmarch. Mr. John Q.
McHugh of Minneapolis will be best man.
The following guests are expected from
out of town: Mra Lid a S. Piatt of Den
ver, the Misses 8uydam of New York,
Mrs. James V. McHugh and daughters of
Minneapolis and Mr. D. O. McHugh of
Calgary. Canada.
The wedding of Miss Mary E. Mann to
Mr. John Imerslun ot Kersey, Colo., took
place a the home ot the bride's uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mra Charles J. Caswell,
Friday noon, June 11 Dr. John Alexander
Jenkena performed the wedding ceremony.
After a short western trip Mr. and Mrs.
Imerslun . will be at horns after July 15 at
Kersey, Colo.
The .wedding of Mra Laura Ooortoh to
Mr. Wllllani A. McEbroy, jr., was cele
brated Wednesday morning at o'clock at
Hamilton, Mont. Ths bride was attended
by Miss May Prensel of St. Paul and Dr.
J. M. Caaserly was beat man. After a
western wedding trip, Mr. and Mra Mo
EIroy will reside In Hamilton, Mont. Mr.
William A. McESroy Is ths son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. McBlroy of this city.
The wedding of Mra Loretta Marie Glen
con and Mr. Philip N. Bigger will take
plaoe Thursday, Juns IS, at o'clock In St.
John's Collegiate church.
The wedding of Miss Olive Carpenter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpen
ter, to Mr. George Barker, which takes
place Juns H, will be at ths bride's homa
Invitations have been Issued to about J00
guesta Miss Carpenter will have two at
tendants, her Sister, Mlsa Nell Carpenter,
will be maid of honor, and Miss Jessie Wil
lis of Worcester, Mass., formerly of Omaha,
will be bridesmaid. Mr. Charles Martin
will be beet man. Mr. Doana Cowell and
Mr. Isaac Carpenter, jr.,' will be the ush
er The wedding march will be played by
Mr. Cecil Barryman, who haa just returned
from Europe.
Ths wedding of Mr. Ralph J. MacAnally
of Omaha to Miss Helen Shrlver of Bur
lington, la., will be celebrated the last
(Continued on Page Three.)
yesterday afternoon. They were married
at the horn of the bride's parents, Hon.
and Mrs. John W. Herron, at 4:46 p. m. in
the presence ot the, relatives of both and
a very few Intimate friends. Rev. Dr. M.
A. Hogo,','jOf iansvllle. ,0.,, whq tied the
nuptial knot, o fticiated at W wedding ot
Mr. and Mrs. Herron many years ago and
subsequently at the wedding ot their '
"The bride wore' a robe of white silk
with embroidered front and a veil caught
with sprays of while lilacs. She' carried
a bouquet of sweet peas and lilies of the
valley. Mr. Horace Taft was best man
and Miss Maria Herron and Miss Fannie
Taft made up the bridal party. Both
bridesmaids were attired In white, one
carried a bouquet of sweet peas and Mer
met hoses and the other Marechal Nlel
roses and daisies. The Herron abode had
been very prettily decorated with palms
and flowers and from 6 to I o'clock a re
ception was given there to the happy
i twain. Later in the evening they left for
the east, where they will sail next Satur
day on the City of Berlin for a summer
tour 6f the continent Upon their return
they will reside In a handsome home the
groom Is now building on East Walnut
Hill, a bit of ths Highlands known as 'The
Quarry,' from which can be enjoyed one
of the finest views of the Ohio river to be
obtained about this city."
Only onoe before, according to the rec
ords, has a similar evenf been celebrated
In the White House. That was ths silver
wedding anniversary of President and
Mrs. Hays, December 30, 4.877. By a singu
lar coincidence Mrs. Taft was present on
that occasion, thirty-three years ago. Fur
thermore, one of Mrs. Taft's younger sis
ters, with Fannie aud Scott Hayes, children
of the president, and Mrs. . Hayes, were
christened as a part of ths wedding festivi
ties in the East room of the White House.
President Hayes and Judge Herron, Mrs.
Taft's father, were law partners In Cincin
nati, and the Intimacy between the two
families was very closs. During the Hayes
administration there was no family In ths
land made more thoroughly at home at the
White House than wers the Herrons.
Mrs. Taft, was at that time, a young
woman In her first prime, and opportunity
which this friendship gave her of taking
part In tho society of the .national capital
was most gratifying to her.
Salvage Items That Induce Reductions on Our
Entire Exclusive Stock From 20 to 50
We mention a few items to Indicate the bargains offered. Come
early, as such prices are sure to move this stock rapidly.
$7.50 Tan Linen, at .. 83.75
fS.OO Blue Linen, at . $4.(HJ
22 Marquisette, at ..$15.00
$10 White Lingerie, at $0.50
$2.60 values, for $1.50
$1.00 values, for $1.98
$3.60 values, for $2.48
Slightly damaged Sahlln
Waists, this sale ....Half Prloe
Ons group of broken size
Corsets, worth up to
15.00, choice at atalf Prloe
Black Heatherbloom
Skirts worth $3.60, for $2.48
Black Heatherbloom .
Skirts worth $2.60, at $1.75
60o Silk Lisle, garter
1 top, double sole ....... .35
60o Pure 811k Hose, all
colors, choice 39
$2.50 Pure Silk Hose, best
quality, pair ....... .$1.48
Weinlander (k Smith
317 South Sixteenth Street.
Special Ties
At- .
Special Prices
. '....-,
For Monday, Tuesday and Wed
. nesday we offer four lines-of
somewhat broken sizes in pat
ent kid, three and four hole
ties regular $4.00 Oxfords at
. .. . . i.
A dollar and a quarter saved is
two-fifty earned. It will pay
you to loqk them up. If you
can be fitted It's a money sav
ing buy. .
, Also 110 pairs of broken
sices In our $3.00 Monogram
ties, in plain kid with patent
tips, atr ( ' .
SeS" Our South Window.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street.
Frank Wilcox.
La-Book Supplants
Hew York Tailors
Local Ladies in Ecstacies Over
Smart Tailored Suits
At $50.00.
i The better dressed ladles of Oman do
not have to go east for their stunning
tailored suits. In fact, a number of
society lights who have all along been de
pending upon Gay Gotham for clothe.j,
have learned that even tastier sartorlul
productions may be bad right hers in
Omaha at far smaller figures.
' "La-Hook," ths Ladies' Tailor In ths
Webster-Sunderland Building, 16ih end
Howard Bts., Omaha, has reduced the
price of his 180 tailored to order suits, tg
150, for a limited time, using the re-luu-tlon
in price simply ss a means of allow
ing Omaha ladles wherein much of the
New York work Is even excelled lu his
There Is a "snap" and "tang" In La-.
Book's work that leaves an Impression;
the "get up" of a suit tailored uuder his
direction Is In greatest favor by those who
wish something out of the ordinary quite
apart from the usual clothes.
Despite the season that la usually ac
cepted aa "dull" by ladles' tailors, "La
Hook's" establishment even now, presents
a scene ot activity. Ladles are quick to
dUcern a typical $80 quality for 50 an 1
are leaving orders freely.
Whether bent on purchasing or not,
a trip to La-Book'a parlors would amount
to a general posting up on matters of
style at least.
Best Fa ram Paper.
Oae Delia Tea.