THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE IS, 1911. OFFERED FOR RENT tore as4 Offices Caiatlaaed. WARKHOfSKO. Fpace MxlXJ feet with Inside trackage, 12th and Jones Sts. Rental $l,2rn per year. 4 floor and basement 12"K Howard St.; til 32 wt rental $J,1J0 per year, will sub divide If desired. t warehouses, 8 and 4 stories, near 15th and Harney H! Rental on application. GEORGE COMI'A N Y, th Floor City Natl Bank Bldg FARNAM BT. 8TORR FOR RENT. New store building. 7i feet deep, with hot and cold water and steam heat; every thing new and first-class; $inO per month. TRACK A' IK WAHKHOUSE. WILL WILD TO 811T. Trackage lot. 3.1x138 feet, on Dodge, near 1.1th St.; splendid location for Jobbing or manufacturing; clone to business center; short haul to all depots; extra good street car service. J. H. DUMONT SON, 'Phone Douglas 6i0. 1605 Farn. St, Omaha. 1406-08 Howanl, restaurant location. JOHN N. FRKNZEH, MOTH PHONES. OFFICES AND ROOM3 FOR SAMPLE LINES. Very desirable space In the Wehstcr-Sun-derland IMdg., 16th and Howard Streets, rental $15 per month up. Room a large a 22x66 feet. GEORGE A COMPANY, th Floor City Nat l Hank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE ITwraltare. FOR SALE At a bargain, mahogany efflce furniture, nearly new; sufficient for two rooms; also rugs and Oliver type writer and stand. Address Box 47. Omaha, FURNITURE for 12-room flat, all or In part; very reasonable. Call Douglas 7156.' HOUSEHOLD good Fur. 2620 Cuming, FURNITURE of 4 rooms, complete for housekeeping; no dealer; house for rent; good location. 'Phone B 8664. FOR a dainty dessert use Daliell's Ice cream. If H. u. iiliingnam, znz bo. zisi flt.. will come to The Use office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick ol this una lea cream. BOMB nice, new furniture for sale. 1819 Lothrop. Web. 6002. FOR SALE furniture for bed rooms and living rooms, almost new, must fell at once. Apply Sunday afternoon. 801 New Hamilton Apts., 24th and Famam Bts. ' FOR BALE Folding bed, extension table and other furniture. 1102 So. 11th St Musical Iastrwnsentsw Te good folks all of Omaha, If MUSIC Is your quest Call In and get acquainted, for We always have the BEST. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., 1311-18 Famam St. FOR BALE No I Victor graphaphone, In fine condition, quarter-sawed eak case; 300 10 and 13-Inch records, 18-inch brass bell horn; If taken complete will sell for 390. K, Omaha Bee, Co. Bluffs, - la. Typewriters. SECOND-HAND typewriters, said, re paired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. CLEARANCE SALE TYPEWRITERS We have a large stock of all the standard makes In slightly used and rebuilt ma chines that wi want to turn Into cash. Prloes 14 to H rafgr's. We sell on payments or rent and let 7 months' rent apply. Call or write for lavge bargain list ' IB. F. B WAN SON CO.. INC., 1314 Farnam St, Omaha. BUT aa Xj. C Smith A Broa. typewriter. B. F. Swansea Co., Distributers. Las Far nam t TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES Sold, rented and repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co., Inc., 684 Brandeis Bldg. 'Phone. Ind. 4411; Douglas 463a. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 281S. NEW No. 10 Visible Smith Premier type writer, bargain. B. L. Baldwin 4 Co., 610 f itll mi i sani iag. Mlscellaneoes. New and secondhand safes. 18U Farnam. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for. sale at 310.00. Apply George R. Wright Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE A milk 'cow. 2014 Cass St. Tel. Douglas 3160. FOR SALE One Ideal cement block ma chine with attachments. Address Bellevue, Neb.. Box 18. UiVTVn mil. V.A,tA1rUnl. .1 , to dispose of one drop-head Singer sewing ' iiiniiiua. rupiJieiou Ave. . 3D HAND tools and rubber. 416 N. 16th. GATE Overstocked with second-hand Safes, all slses and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co 1110 Farnam St. LAKE MANAWA Is the coolest p'ace to be found. If Mrs. Mary Jobs, 193 8o. 10th St., will come 'to The Bee office within three days we will give her a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. SECONDHAND dresses, good condltloa; 17th and Farnam. Mandelt Drelbelbla. SECOND-HAND fana. 313 So. 12th SL 98c AWLRITE SAFETY RAZOR, with 7 blades, sells at 33. Abe's Her Grand Pharmacy, 16th Howard. 10-passenger. f horse-power motor boat less than 1 year old; cash, terms or trade. D. no, A-3937. 1616 Capital Ave. FOR SALE Ice wagon. 'Phone B-1798. after 4. NICE fresh cherries for sale In any amount 3402 Ave. C, Council Bluffs. CHERRIES 'Lt- Hauler char. rles, free from worms; 24 Sxe rtad like strawberries. Omaha Fruit Farm. 48th and Arbor. Har. 1482. CHILD'S Iron crib, brass rail; spring, mattress, 36. 3321 North 45th. Web. 1750. JPILH1Lt!IANO' fln oondmon; only 76. 308 N. 16th St FOR SALB-Gradlng outfit ten wheel crapers, ten dump wagons and a lot of slip scrapers. Call at 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 3904. 3100 Book lows, would you give 31 for the one best book ever. "It's good," some thing unique. Miss C Cope. 669 W. 63 Place, Chicago. OANOE for sale cheap, new last August, Hudson river grade, regular equipment and extras. Call 1922 Locust. Phone Web 16 ALMOHT new, two oven Eclipse raa range for 38.00. 4640 N. 8th St Tel. w'eb. 3132. SET of French classic romances; also American encyclopedia. 2221 Douglas, Doug IsU 76S3. RUBBER tired spider phaeton, In good condtlon; also single harness. Tel. Harney 3296. SET light double harness, cheap. Flor ence 424. FOR SALJD-Gaa stove, good condition, leather, upholster rooker. Phone Har y 34T3. 4 THOROUGH RRRr Alntla ,, 423 N. 38th Ave. BICYCLE with coaster brake. Tel. Web. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johaeoa. 3s-t Brand els Theater Bldg Katheryn Nikolas, 4344 Brandeis Theater. PATENTS l. O. BARN ELL, Paxtoa Blk. TeL Red TU3 WILLARD EDDY. U. S. Pat OffJoe offi cial seUcltor. UjO City Nat Bank, Tyler 16sa HIRAM A. BTURGES. reg. attorney. 444 Brandeis Theater Bids;. Douglas 30. TAKE me out to the ball game. If H. SteJohauser, ;u B. list St., will come to the Bee office within three days we will we hi in a ticket to t&e bail (am at uiurke imrk. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY Massage treatment stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Ha!loran, Z22-1 Neville Bik. D.776L ItV'Iim Pr" Blow and massage, lUoS AJ--AA,J Dodge, Id floor, opposite post office, Mme. Alien of Chicago. Doug, ifou DR. BURKE, dlseaaes of women, Omaha. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COM PAN I atoved te 2ul it, 1W a tt Douglas JUL TOl'NII WOMEN coming to Omaha as Hungers are Invited to visit the loung Women a Christian association building st fceventrtnln street and M. Mary's Ave. where tuey will be directed to sultabl boarding places or otherwise aasisted. Look for ur traveler's aid ei the Uu.ut nation. MRS. SNYl'ER, Swedish massage, baths, radiator and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat 3, loth and Pierce. Dou'. ,so. UNITED Brethren church service 10:30 a. in., I p. m. linh and Lothrop. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, tbc. BELL DKUO CO. WANTED School teachers for nice pleas ant summer work; all or part time; big pay; write quick. Address 11 613. Bee. f A (1 V TREATMENT, Mrs. Steele. .uajOAUli lo; a l7th 2J flop,.. room j, 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlan pnarniacy. 12th and i lodge. ADELIOHT hair food growa hair; see Mme. Prayer, Megeath Slat y Co.. 16th and Farnam. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft elothlng. In fact, anything you do no', need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St, for coat of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 414 aai wagons will call. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-16b3, Douglas 1063. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. I u Matsage. Mrs. Rittenhouse, 308 Old Bos ton Store Bldg. BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. 31 box, postpaid, bher man & MeConnell Drug i o., Omaha. Neb. MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladies, 31; gentle men, (1 60. Apt. 1. 1802 Farnam. Hrs., V to &. MAGNETIC treatment. E. Brott, 1911 JUAUlXLllO Cuming St. R-713L Also Prof Harritt, Phneuraloglcal doctor. TAKE me out to the ball game. If J. II. Aim. 2013 Oak St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at jtourke park. Af ARSAflFBaths, and Electric VI JUAOOAU bratory treatment. Miss Lang, 613 N. 16th St. Upstairs. YOUR sewing machine will do good work If repaired by E. L, Lovejoy. All work warranted. Tel. Web. 668, 2302 N. 21at St WANTJDD Baby girl to board in mv own home; best of food and care; rates reason able. Address, 1304 G St., Columbus, Neb. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles. permanently removed, by electricity; consul tation free and confidential; all work guar anteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Good Samaritan STi Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. A SMALL baby to take care of. Red 6490. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Four Chllo economy coups, in good condition. Web. 1633. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell's Ice crtam. If C. B. Davis, 3001 So. 24th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. PRINTING PHONB IND. A-2C20 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing! Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Lew W.Raber, Printer ffi" BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. RIES HALL Ptr Co.. 109 8.14th. Ind. A-iiii. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WB axohange properties of merit. H. H. Culver, 812-13 O. N. B. Bldg. D. 786S. A first class 6-r., house, now rented in the city of Wahoo, belonging to a doctor; he wants a touring car and will give a good deal; mtg. 3&00, in an Omaha Bldg. and Loan Ass n. Price 32,600 and cheap. C. J. Canon, 701 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. 160-A. Imp. farm In Loupe valley, Cherry county, Neb.; clear, adjoining the town of Brownlee, located In the south part of the Co.; 36,400; tor a merchandise busi ness at true value. C. J. Canan, 701 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 40-A. Harrison Co., Ia.; 30 miles from Co. Bluffs, for Jjome in Omaha, will as sume. C. J. Canan 701 Oma. Nat'l Bank Bldg. A CLEAR 6-acre bjpek in Falracres dlst, adjoining, for a mdse. business, worth the money; cheap at 16,000. Investigate. C J. Canan, 701 Oma. Nat'l Bank Bldg. A 16-r., hotel completely furnished in a live la. town within 30 miles from Omaha, clear; for a home In Omaha; 34.600. C. J. Canan, 701 Omaha Nat'l Bunk Bldg. 32.860 Modern 7-room home in Hanscom park dlst.; new furnace, painted, papered and In perfect condition tor your Inspect Uon; close to park, Field club and public school; paved street: 3300 cash, balance same as rent. Look this up, a snap. C J. (Jan an, tvi omana national Ban Biag. 32,600 7-r., modern except furnace on 8. 35th Ave., best condition, close to Han scom park and Field club. 3o00 cash, bal ance same as Loan association payments: now rented. C J. Canan,. 701 Omaha Nat'l Bosk Bldg. FOR reliable sales and exchanges, see D. M. LEAMING, 688 Brandeis Bldg. RAILROAD eating house doing a monthly business of from 31.300 to 32,600, for sale or trade for land. Address A-19, care Bee. Palisade-Colorado I have several choice orchard homes to exchange for farms in Nebraska, lowa or Missouri. These orchards are in the beautiful Pall' ade fruit district Write for particulars. H. R. HOUGH. Palisade. Colo. WELL Improved 140-acre farm, 244 miles from this cay to exchniKe for a general stock of merchandise. Ira per acre. Mort gage, 33,600. 6 per cent Interest to run to 1916. 120 acres or this rami under cultl vation. J. O. Cooper. Osceola, la. WESTERN LAND FOR OMAHA PROP ERTY. Jno. L. Barber, 326 City Nat'l Bank FOR clear property or business and some cash we secure you rich Irrigable southwest Texas land. Crops harvested every month. Best climate for rheumatism, catarrh. throat or lung sufferers. Sanderson-Dick- son Co., 608 Alamo National Bank Bldg., Ban Antonio, Tex. LOOK HERE I have a 3-story and full basement brick building, practically new. In Villlsca. Ia., well located, that I will trade for automo biles or a residence here In Omaha. My building is olear and easily worth 34.000. Don't answer unless you have something priced light. Address Owner, Mart Moll, fco7 Bristol St 70-room brick hotel, 330,000; for any good property. 3150.000 fine apartment bldg. In Chicago, 111., mtg. 300,000; for western land. 36.000 3-aparUnent brick bldg., for resi dence. Several tracts good western land for merchandise. SILAS ROBBINB. Ill 8 16th St. Rooms 20 and 23. 330 ACRES, northeast Oregoa, to ex change for Income brick or cement busi ness building. Give value and full descrip tion in first letter. Address J. A. Lory, Laurens, Ia. - FOR SAIjE or exchange nine-room, mod ern house, oloee In; want smaller house; will exchange on cash basis or sell for 84,600. 4us Paxtoa block. I , 4SS-ACRB farm, all nice smooth, land; three sets of buildings; S wells. 1 stock pond, one of the best farms In southwest ern Missouri. A. & BkrivtD, Purdy. Mo. W6. 4-ROOM B-61li. house corner . loa TeL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE tconllnued ) Some Up-to-the-Miiiute Exchanges of Abbott's You will find these properties on my list. They are all good, plrked from hundreds of good ones. 1 am the man to write to If you want a fair, square deal on any of thene. 1 have others. Look In today's Herald and News for another list, all dif ferent. Have too many good things to put Into one ad. I4n) 3 10-a ere farm, extra well Improved, all farm land lays well. Monona county. Iowa. Only 3m) per acre, worth 3100. Wants SO-acre farm In exchange. Balance on larm. A rnre bargain. (34) 316.000 hotel and furniture and 12 lots. In a Junction point In Southern Ne braska. It's clear and owner wants an Improved farm for his own use. Maybe you have what will just suit. 124) 40 acres of fine, smooth, black land, In Sherman county. Kansas, near Goodland; :I0 pur acre. Owner says: "Get me a hardware and implement business. now does that suit 7 (33) 329Mj-acre farm. Improved and cul tivated and clear; adjoins town of Wash bum, Carson county, Texas; It s level, deep, rich, black, productive Soil; 336 per acre, bottom price; for ltW or 240 in Ne braska and South Dakota. (32) 211 acres, 2 miles from Sidney, Fre mont county, Iowa; two Kood sets of Im provements; hill farm of the very finest; all crop land and only 3125 per ftcre. wants smaller farm. Why don t you write when vod see something aood like this offered? , (28) A perfectly level quarter section farm, 7 miles south of Sutherland; black soli, 100 acres In wheat: 3:i0 per acre. Owner wants Koneral merchandise. Now thl Is good. (23) t or a ranch we offer a 226-acre Im proved farm, only l'i miles from Eddy vllle, Dawson county, Nebraska, at 300 per acre. This Is worth 3W, and your ranch must bo priced at actual value. (9) 640 acres at 315 per acre, clear, for merchandise, In Garfield county, Nebraska; Improved. Write today for this descrip tion. 118) 9C0 acres, black land, hard soil, In southeast corner of Hayes county, Ne braska; living water; a big snap at 318 and owner wants merchandise stock. (41) 440-acre farm on Loup valley, 2 miles cast of Thedford; 75 acres In crop, 200 acres In clovet nnd timothy; Improve ments fair; nice grove and luke, well stocked with fish. Wanta good hotel in eastern Nebraska or Iowa. i Jr" ' 3 l&tiitiJ&Smrt li,WA) merchandise Block and 4.ouobuiid lng, doing a fine business, to trade for a farm in eastern Nebraska. (3) A fine 418-acre farm In Howard co.V.nty' lowa: excellent improvements; will take 3100 per acre. This is a fine proposition; prefer large mercantile busi ness. Might consider good income. Lots of others. Look In Herald and News Tor some other good ones. Our list Is too big to put In one ad. I can match any meritorious proposition. Write me. J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE. 806 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. 1.600-ACRE ROCK CO. RANCH. I Will ctrhiitiiu ki. l. . . , . hub anuii iur a KUUII farm In Nebraska or Iowa. There Is 9C0 uw iana ana MO-acre school lease to run 12 . -.... c 'j, . nnHn j i i , " v " t wv niJ cn Bumj liny and, CO acres cultivated and the balance ... jiiiurc, a gooa o-room house, barn with shed on three sides, cattle shed 1011 it nr, h..n ...I i . -. . i i v. . ., ",-. Lunaia, V I 1 U. BIlop, well and mill and supply tank, with water piped u jiub, email ihkcs or iresn water: 1 mlla t ..iinni a i i . - . 17 miles southeast of Long Pine; telephone In house; mall 3 times per week. This Is nv"" - nuu as i am unaoie to stocK It I will exchange It for a good farm. Price $20 per acre; 31,000 for school lease. A. E. Stubbs, Tilden, Neb. Owner of good six-room house and three f ne lots. 48x128 ft. each, lying high and sightly, In the northwest part of the city, nuuiu exenange nis equity or l,oo for an Unencumbered oottnirA . n r..wi property on easy terms. This would make a fine- place for the chicken business, with immune oi nearly iou reet ana depth of 128 icci. mmi nave you to exenange? SCOTT & HILL Phone Douglas 6S16. 307 McCague Bldg. HAVE a few first-class small Imnrnvert fnrms that owners wish to dispose of and will accept goqd, well located, clear Omaha residence as part payment W. S. juam, its sranaels Theater Bldg. FIVE ACRES IMPROVED. ' Do you want a snaD In a 6-acre lm proved tract, close In? For a short time only, exceedingly easy terms, or will trade for good A-l Omaha or South Omaha prop erty. This has the making of an Ideal country home; Immediate possession; remember the entire summer is before you. UKIN H. MKKKIL.L COMPANY. Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build ere. with privilege of making partial pav ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 601 First National Bang Biag. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on band and for sale amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 New York Life Bldg. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., with assets of over 3117,000,000, I am prepared to accept an ine gooa loans ot tered ' on improved umuii j-eai estate. Business anu resiaenoe loans uiuue wiiO' out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. r aims vn T i1 rt xi luppfivrn mrv ttCAlj CiSlAiEi. iuxni.14 .... .v w ri ii iiivd 3100 to 310.000 made promptly. F. D W ead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, 7 Net to the Investor on our care fully selected farm mortgages on improved Nebraska farms. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FREN7ER. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBEKO CO.. 810-31 JJraiiaeitt i neater uiug. QARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Life, JI500 to fiuo.uoo on improvea property, do delay 5fr TiVn on c,t? and farm Property. W, WANTED, FARM LOANS. Kloka In v. Co., omana. 6 per cent to 4 per cent. PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. QARVIN BROS., 364 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas Vu2. WANTED City loans, Peters Trust Co. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Land 1013 New Omaha National Bank Building WANTED City loans and warrant. W, Farnam oniitn tt co., f arnam bt THE best treat' for wife and baby is a Qinn oi lraiseus ice cream. ii Airs. J. fjautirr, .va a. luiu ou, .win come to 1 he Bee office within three days we will give ner w oruer iur a iiuut unca or mis line ice cream iree. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Far 4 Rawest La4. 10 TO 80 acres right by Omaha for millet. Answer at once, ljol city National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 2107; evenings, Harney 2D&7. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have vou anything to offer the farmer of lowaf Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise store for land or any kind of exchange? Or have you some land you want to sell for. casbT The one taper that reaches the Iowa farmers Is the ee Moines Capital ; 43,000 circulation dally; rate single Insertion, 1 cent a word; six insertions, cents a word. Des Moines Dally Capital. Des Moines, la. WANTED Unimproved land or other real eetate for my shares of stock In a re liable Industrial corporation. What have your Address. L. Kurts, 1111 Yliet tit., Milwaukee. .Wis. . . STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Ballings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO liONDON. Havre, France Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent or ALLAN CO., General Agents, 127 N. Dearborn Bt., Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between New lorn and scotch, English. Irish and all principal Continental points at attractive rates. tend for book of Information. Superior Accommodations Excellent Cui sine. Apply promptly for Reservnllon to j local iKenia oi ncitor iine or M iin wcii BON BROS., General Agents. Chicago. 111. EUROPE June 27: steamship Hamburg: select party; co-operative plan; 34iW and ; isapies to London; experienced con uctors; gentleman and wife. Fitzgerald, Rector St., New York. SUMMER RESORTS ROCKY MOUNTAINS A completely furnished, modern cottage at beautiful line Crest Palmer lake, 60 miles irom uenver; elevation (,zui leet; an Itv conveniences: four rooms and large screened sleeping porch: four beds; every thing new; -w lor season. ranK a. Thayer. Denver.' THERE Is a beautiful new dancing pa- vllllon at Lake Mauawa. If Mrs. B. Car- amello, 2,'31 S. 11th St., will come to The Bee office within three days' we will give her a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture. carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 3a; 1. SELNER pays good prices for furniture. carpets, clothes and shoes. D. 6401. GOOD modern residence property of 6 or 7 rooms, In exchange for good Irrigated land In (Jolorudo. Phone Harney 6tti. I ; THE London pays highest prices for sec ond-hand clothing; partts especially. Will call for. 2514 N. Ind. F-iniO, South 777. WANTED-T0 RENT WANTED A place to board a little girl, ears old. A-32, care Bee, WANTED Young couple wants one or two furnished rooms for light housekeeping In private family. Address, A 21. Bee. WANTED To rent private garage; con venient to 20th and Douglas Sts. P. O. Box 304. s O'BRTEN'S CHOCOLATES are famous everywhere because they are the best. If Ira Bowman, 311o S. 16th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a AO-cent box free. I- YOUNG married couple wants furnished. modern cottage or house of four or five rooms permanently. Must be in good loca tion and reasonable. Give all particulars Including price. References exchanged. Address J-bOH, care Bee. I . . WANTED by a lady, small, pleasant G 606, Bee. )- SIX or 8-room modern house, furnished In West Farnam, Dundee or Hanscom Park District. Phone Doug. 3109. WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST class practical nurse can be en gaged at once. Doug. 7638. WANTED Line of cigars as side line: Sell on cooimlttalon. Box Y, 1144. David City, Neb. WANTED Position by middle aged lady to care for child. Part of day or all day. B 601. Bee. . SITUATION wanted by Chicago chauf feur; good mechanio and repair man. 'A 600. Bee. BEGINNER as bookkeeper, office clerk or other clerical position; personal and col lege references. J. W. Nlewedde, General Delivery, Omaha. EXPERENCED night watchman. ' mar ried, strictly sober, now employed, wants position paying better wages. Address Watchman, care Oreoso sweeping Powder Co., 121 S. 4lh, Beatrice. Neb. WANTED Situation as housekeeper by refined, middle-aged lady In small family. Mrs. Harrington, 713 Mechanic St., Em poria, Kan. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OP TITLBL, MIDLAND Guar. & Trust Co., 1714 Far. IL H. Neale, pres.; J. Campbell, sec D. 2836 PETER J ESSEN. Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 22M, REAL KSTATB DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract ffloa In Nebraska. 80 Brandeis Theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Plf teentn floor. City Nat. Bank Bldg. UUILUIfHI' INFORMATION. CARL THOMPSEN, cement and brick Work. 171J N. 26th. Web. 6233, B-1483. A. J. Ireland, mason. SS21 N. 24th. B.1971 E. a MABSTON Paper hanging, wallpaper reduced. H. U04. Mf MULLEN Job work nd repairing; .lUCtU. U U-ULU contracting. Doug. im. MASONRY BRICKLAYING. PLA8 1UA10U1MI..J. TuRiNo( CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK. ESTIMATES FREE. N. RAYMOND, U7 N. 20th. Doug. 77k4. PLUMBING L- Van Valkenberg. jrjjuiULii.u Worlt anrt Materlal Satisfaction guaranteed. W-R67. 1700 N. 24 SIMON SON & NORBY. furnace and tin- worn. L. 2440. CITY PROPERTY FOR 8 A LB GOOD INVESTMENT New modern bungalow. 6 rooms, 8046 Ames Ave., must De sola, trice 3,7w; easy payment. 4-room, 27th and Blondo, snap price, 41.600. 7 acres, 4 blocks from car line. Price New, 8 rooms, modern, near Leavenworth and SSth. Price $6,500. New, 8 rooms, modern, In Crelghton's 1st Addition on 34th St. 16.600. 0 rooms, modern, on Georgia Ave. near uravenwonn. fo.uuu. Three double brick flats, close In. Price. $18,000. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO. 414 Karbach Block. WAITED VACANT LOTS TO IMPROVE FOR OWNERS Why carry that vtveant lot and pay rent We Can Furnish the Money to build you a modern home If you have a good lot clear. No charge for plans or specifications. You can pay the loan the same as you are now paying rent. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 1614 Harney St. i- ' . SAVE agents' commission . by buying uuet:i uviii uwuvr i valgum; almost new trl,tli nnMrn H 1 1 r t a In n , - east front, nice lawn. See this at onoe. 3at4 i. iliu. DUNDEE New, all modern house, 48U Webster rt.; oaa nnisn; south rront; near car: monthly payments: Phone Harnav ,.-. LeavltL (fcfiOOCASFr nd w monthly will buy oak' finish first story, white enamel on pine and mahoganlsed doors second story: full cemented baaemet.t; street paved and fsiKvu, iiM.i M.HUUI, Knurvu suit car. iucai neighborhood. L-663, Bee. FOR SALE-rA dainty bungalow In the best part or lunde; 7 rooms and 1 bath rooms; every modern convenience; two rooms m oas; one diock irum car line- Call Harney or 6106 Webster St. $11,600 NET Agents and commission for practically new. attractive, well bunt. brick flats, close In, nice street. Rents well. $1.6s0 annually. No trade. Address a sue, AMa . REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKHTY FOR 9A1.B (Continued.! The Best Buy In Omaha Right now, In high grade residential property. Is at 3C20 Lincoln boulevard, Demls Park. A large, roomy, strictly modern, up-to-date house, situated on two large lots, cor ner location, with beautiful shade trees, small terrace; the best located lot in thla classy residential district. , DESCRIPTION House of ten rooms; hardwood finish; hot water heat; elegantly finished billiard room and beautiful con vertible outdoor sleeping porch and atln parlor. Oarage In rear. All In best of repair. Occupied In the past exclusively by the present owner, and In Just as good condition now as the day It was built. Sole reason for selling, owner leaving cifyT Offered at a low price for quick sale. Thia is an ideal "home" prop erty; beautiful surroundings; congenial neighbors; only short distance from the heart of the city. As a home or an Investment this property will prove equally attractive. If interested you owe it to your self to Investigate. Geo. H. Lee Co. ' Phone Douglas 83 8. Residence Phone Harney 2742. A Chance of Lifetime Buy this SUBURBAN HOME of five acres and let the city creep out to you. 11 hasn't very far to go. Also it lays up high and 3lghtly. Commands such a magnificent view (few Its equal around Omaha) and In a good neighborhood. All these count lor ulti mate results. Add a few dollars to It and a little labor and eventually have the beauty spot around Omaha as nature has been extra generous to It and gives it these features which mil lions of dollars could not replace. There is a seven-room house, almost new, chicken house, etc; two acres of grnpes (on the very best slope) which will be bear ing next year and should produce several hundred dollars per year, besides plenty of room otherwise to be utilized for your Jersey cow, chickens, alfalfa, garden, etc.; twenty-two walnut trees, bearing, and a few shade trees. This is located on macadam road, within a few stones' throw of car line. Bo fare directly down town, also the very best boulevard down town; advantages of splen did school, etc. You can strike an extra good bargain on this If taken at once, otherwise price goes up 25 per cent. A few hundred dollars down, balance monthly like rent, or all cash. It matters not, but It Is for sale; gooa reasons why. Immediate possession. This years crop and garden in. You have most all the ad vantages of city, have a healthf jl place to your family to live, the soil makes you money, and then that big Increase In valu ation and eventually the beauty spot around DOhNOT ANSWER THIS AD TTNLBSS YOU CAN APPRECIATE A VD3W. Remember it is tor saie. Orin S, Merrill Co., 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. Buy Lawndale Acres nr. 1 t ..l. In this beautiful addition, two at $560 each and one corner acre for $600. One will make six 40-ft. city lots. These lay high and sightly, only two , . i . naw o.4 mnrnHnm road and UIIHJHH II will v . . terms only $20 cash and $16 a month. vvill sell one, two or an mrm im, prices are oniy aooui onrun i j , . .w. ii f iw ui.r.a un clone you WOU1U HKva i" hj ' - to car and macadam road.- These acres are located in F lorence, a b .... Invest part of your savings. If you want further Information call Douglas 1606. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Close to Field Club y-v i... ift that cltv. and must sell his all modern home. Large corner lot, paved street: dwelling contains Bix lare rooms and reception hall, fully modern. Price only $4.0- immeuiaie punacc-iou .n be given. Bemis-Carlberg Co., , 810-31$ Brandeis Theater. Small Home Easy Payments rooms, modern except heat, 3904 N. 22d St.; nice residence district. Price $2,000; $a00 cash; balance less than the rental value of the property. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE & INS. AGENCY. 1605 Farnam Street. Tels. Tyler 104. Ind. A-3313. BARGAINS BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. FOR RENT or SALE 2813 Webster St, house and lot 6oxl60. Two lots, corner 23d and Jackson Bts., South Omaha. Lot, 2S22 Webster St, Lot, 24th and Spulding St. Lot, 2Ud and Laird St. For particulars write D. Alt man, 856 3d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Dundee Home, 4811 Cass St. Only $3,6D0 for modern 8-room house built about six years ago; good barn; full lot; located in one of the choice residence dis tricts. Owner has sacrificed price for quick sale. Liberal terms. Key at 4W, first house east GEO. MARSHALL, .1 9 Hunl ti IVurlit Hid?. Phones Douglas 147; Evenings Harney 2168. ' TWO CHOICE BUILDING LOTS AT A BARGAIN. TERRACED LOTS, 45x100. IN BEAUTI FUL BOULEVARD PARK ADKITION. BBVrtBR, WATER. GAS AND CEMENT WALKS IN IDEAL LOCATION FOR BT LOUIS FLAT. TERMS: PART CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. HKE OWNEK A J. SAUNDERS. CARTER LAKE PHARMACY. 16TH AND SI' HAGUE. FORCED SALE Beautiful 6-room home In neighborhood of home owners, near J4th and Ames Ave. Easy terms. Must be sold this week. Any reasonable offer accepted. ERW1N LAND CO.. D. S. 660 Bee Bldg $1600 takes It-NEW COTTAGE 4 large rooms and btah room, cemented cellar, porch, fine view, close In; $300 cash bal- "UNION U?AM INVESTMENT CO.. SOs-10 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 2904. THREE-ROOM cottage, gas, electric lights and toilet inside. $; $ eash. 4-room house, modern, furnace heat, near oth and Burt Bts. ; price reduced from U. 10 to $2,S60. Douglas 2844 AX842- C. Vred Itarrtsea aad Oeo. T. Vortoa let ... ... I AT k. VT.I rrir'rs-i fcameina. tm CiutaM fcail et REAL ESTATE CITY rillll'KHTY FOR BAI.R (Continued.) The Best Values In North Side Building Lots Are located on 14th Ave., between Wirt and Emmet Sts., overlooking the Missouri valley, Carter lake and the Rod and Gun club grounds. High and sightly location; all lots are 60 feet wide and some are almost twice the depth of the ordinary lots, which will give you a great deal of room for , raising garden truck and chick ens. Prices, $700, $750, $800 and $S50; terms, one-third cash and the balance monthly payments. i Many new homes are being built around this locality. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St.' West Farnam Bargain Best Buy in Omaha Splendid 14-room residence; three bath rooms, billiard room, laundry, filtering plant, soft water forced through the house, hot water heat, large garage with men's rooms above; one-quarter of a blocK of ground with the most beautiful shrubbery in the district. Price, $1'0,000 If sold imme diately. The lots alone are worth the money. See us for location. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 So. 17th Street Dundee Eight Rooms $3,900 Owner leaving city and must sell 8-room home, well built, splendid largo and sightly lot In fine location. This Is a bargain. One block from car line, house strictly modern and In good condition. Have quoted this way below "actual value for immediate sale. It will pay you to In vestigate. Barnes & Wilson D. 3041. 406 Bee Bldg. i Big Bargain PRICE $5,200 and the house would cost nearly this much to build; 7 rooms, large halls and bath; large closets; 4 good bed rooms; solid oak finish first floor, balance yellow pine: large attic: porch on two sides ;extra heavy lumber used In con struction; large lot; cement walks; shade osees; just across street rrom palatial home near 33D AND CHICAGO STS. CAN TAKE IN SMALL COTTAGE AT $2,600. WALKUP REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 872-75 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 28!8, A-3305. A New Home Owner has Just completed a fully modern home of 6-r., oak finish, large dining room with window seat, large pantry, floored attic, full basement with extra toilet; east front of 120 feet on paved St., and room for one or two more houses. Property- is well located near 40th and Hamilton, and owner's business requires an Immediate sale. We offer the entire property for $4,000. Let me show you through and make us an offer. F. H. Drake Sole Agent, 716 Brandeis Theater. D. 3706, A-17C3. Some Benson Bargains on Easy Terms Kitchen, dining room, parlor, bedroom, reception hall, closet and pantry on first floor; three bodrooms, three large closets, bath room and hall on second floor; large basement and furnace; most beautiful view; this finely finished home only $3,u0o. Easy terms. Kitchen, dining room, parlor, two bed rooms, two closets, bath room, large attic and basement Lot 65x110 ft. Material the best throughout Most beautiful view. $2i down, balance like paying rent Price, $2,400. Call the owner at any time. B. F. Kistler, Phone Benson 413. 620 NORTH 26TH ST., one of the best built bouses In Omaha, v rooms; have to see (t to appreciate It; birch in the two parlors, oak In the dining room and hall; all modern; hot water heat; two beautiful fireplaces. Tel. B-3182. DIRT FOR SALE 2 localities, both down town, from 8,000 to lO.Ono yards cheap. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., 16th Floor City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Ten-room house, modern ex cept heat; east front, 66x140 ft; large barn and chicken house; good neighborhood; &.',0o0 cash, balunce on liberal terms. Apply owner lt17 Binuey St. BIO BARGAIN. Beautiful home east edge pf Dundee; 7 rooms besides bath and reception hail. First floor fine In oak with one pan door. Second floor furnished fine and pan birch doors, has fire place with book cases each side. Dining room paneled reception hall coluiiade. J. H. Johnson. 3J0 N. 47th St. -.SMALL bungalow at Monroe and ProsT pect Sis, Florence, Neb. Lot and material cost $MK. Must be sold by July 1. See this and niako be an offer. Owner at house. FOR HALE Choice lot 46 feet front on Cuming street. Across from Bemls park. Phone Harney S174. FOR SALE BT OWNER Modern 7-room cottage near University of Omaha, one-tenth cash, balance monthly. 1'i'aiayfcunsj WUkX tU REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR lALB (Continued.) FOR SALE Row of four hrlck houses, modem. In good order; lot 99x140; one of the best cor ners In the Hanscom park district. $17,500 Home In Benson; new, modern; oak finish; sleeping porch; ten rooms; on car line; south front. No. $20 Main St., $4,000 Elght-roem house; south front; paved street; lot 4oxl.'0; assume aiecial taxes; at No. 2610 Rets St., $2,000 Seven-room house; modern except fur nace; lot 4JX126. No. 2!:'l N. th ISt., $2,100 Large lot, two cottages, close In. Nos. '.Vt3 and 2o.'i Howard St., $0,500 Southwest corner 1'ih and Pacific Sts-, opposite Burlington depot, two old houses. $8,000 I L shaped lot, Sherman Ave. and Mander Jm St., frame cottage, $1,100 Acre In Belvedere, Curtis Ave., Just west j . f 31st M. and one block from car line, $1,100 Two vacant lots on 2fth St, between Hickory and Shirley; east front; shade trees. $2,000 Vacant lot on Howard St, between 33d and 34th Sts.; assume unpaid Installments of special taxes and $1,500 Vacant lot on 25th St.. second lot south of Marcy, 60x122; permanent walk; paved street: assume unpaid installments oi spe cial taxes and $1,500 Vacant lot northeast corner 82d Ave. and Boulevard, 01x130; paved street; on car line; assume unpaid Installments of special taxis and $900 Alfred G Kennedy 2(i! First National Bank Bldg. IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EVERY ONE A BARGAIN. $5,000 Buys the 4-apartment frame dwell ing at N. E. Cor. 13th and Arbor. A good small Investment bringing an annual rent of $t16. $5,0U0 Buys the 9-rnom modern cottage and double lot with 98 feet frontage at 605 S. 2Mh St. $4,500 Buys the 74xl5(i-foot lot with -ronm dwelling at 5d8 S. 24th Ave. House rents for $360 per year. Room for aditlonnl brick flats. Very close In. $3,600 Buys the 8-room modern dwelling at 3015 Chicago St. A good home In a splendid neighborhood. Paving all paid. $2,600 Buys the 0-room modern dwelling at 2813 Poppleton Ave. Paved street, 1 blocks from Park car line. A snap. $2,300 Buys the 9-room brick and frame dwelling at 720 N. 18th St. Always rented at $270 per year. This prop erty will pay a steady 10 per cent on investment and has good prospects of being valuable business property In a few years. $1,200 Buys the 7-room frame dwelling at 3f.20 N. 2Sth St. Ixt 40x1110. East front. Small Improvements will make this a good home at a bargain price. W. B. MEIKLE, 206 Ramge Bldg. $5,750 Field Club A new eight-room, hot water heated house, on a large corner lot; street paved all around and paid for; house has extra large comfortable rooms; beautiful brown oak finish downstairs: full cemented base ment. The cheapest thing In the distrloU Armstrong -Walsh Co. Irmsi Tyler 1636, 210 8o. 17th Street.' Big Lots in Florence $175, $2uu, $300 Located wiuiin luu blocks of car line and macadam luad on terms of $10 down and $5 a month. Some are only one block to car; high and sightly ground, big lots, (jo-ft. frontage. These prices are far below what they are actually worth. It you want to look at these lots today, call up 'phone Doug. 1C06. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. INVESTMENT BARGAIN. Brick Block. One mile from postofflue. -i.ciMiii i. rice, i'., n.u.juie $1,200. First-class construction, only 8 years old. J. II. DUM0NT & SON 1605 Farnam St., Omaha. 'Phone Douglas 6D0. Cathedral District Seven Rooms Modern $5,150 Only two years old. finished In waxed I quarter-sawed oak on the first floor, hard ' pine above; four fine bed rooms, nlcu sleep- I ing porch, large attic and fuil cemented basement; walls are rough sand finish, beautifully tinted; outside of house is fin ished in stucco above second floor. This Is a beauty and could not be duplicated for the money. Armstrong -Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 So. 17th Street ONE-TENTH CASH NEW HOME CLOSE IN 1337 South 22d St., 6 rooms. Has parlor, dining room, kitchen, two large bed rooms, pantry and bathroom, front and back ves tibule; full cellar, both outside and Inside cellarway; cement block foundation; best of plumbing throughout; combination elec tric and gas fuxtures; gas for cooking; large unfinished attic, suitable for storage or two nice rooms can be put in at little cost; paved street, paving all paid; per manent cement sidewalks In front and In yard. This property Is very close In, lets than one mile out. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St j Bemis Park Almost new 7-room, strictly modern house; oak and hard pine finish; fine base ment; furnace heat; paved street; cement walks; shade trees; half block to car. THE CHEAPEST HOliE IN THIS LOCATION. PRICE $4.tw0. ONE ACRE. HIGHLY IMPROVED. One of the most healthful, productive, and llfc-surely-worth-livliig places around Omaha. Rather handy to good school, car line and paved street. It has a six-room modern house; this land is entirely set out In grapes and all kinds of small fruit and so many small things to make up a home. Immediately adjoining Omaha on the west Price, $3.S75. If you want something you cannot get every day, then let us show you tills, as It Is well worth while. Remember the entire summer la before you. ORIN H. MERRILL COMPANY, Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg Big Bargain Modern C-rooin house in Bemis park. Very convenient for small family. Makes a nice home. (300 Myrtle Ave. HAVE several buyers for 4, and 4-room houses that can be bought for $3u0 and $300 cash. What have you? HASTINGS at HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. WALKUP REAL FiJTATB COMPANY. trii-Te Braadois Bide lxu. Jto, A-Ubo. -A