20 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1011. ii i , i I 1 Boys r i ... i. i ... ii m t . 'l afms Special i Bala Mob's Furnishings D n S mm nj IM Big Special Sal Woman's Silk Dresses and Waists Vac 10 REMARKABLE SALE of Womea'i Pore Thread ALEC HI mmmY WOR'J P.X i lHfi n J H UP TO 51.30, at 69c Fancy silk embroidered boot patterns, wide lislo garter tops, lisle soles; all silk with wide hem tops, spliced soles, double heels and toes; also Italian silk hosiery black, tan and light -evening shades worth to $1.50, at a pair , Women's Imported Hosiery Mercerized and full finished lisle and cotton, -allover lace and lace boots, fancy embroidered boot patterns, wide hem tops, extra spliced heels, ' soles and toes, at a pair t . . , 69c 25c Pure Thread Silk Hosiery Women's wide lisle garter tops, Hales, soles: also all silk with wide hem silk tops. Bilk soles, spliced heels and toes black, tan and colors, at AQj pair V.V W Women's, misses' and children's fine cotton and mercerized silk finished lisle hosiery, at pr. 15 lvten's Pure Thread silk and silk plaited hosiery lisle soles, double heels and toes black, tan, gray and many other shades worth 60c a 9Zt pair, at .9C Men's Shawknit and mercerized silk lisle hosiery, will go on sale at, a pair . , 15 WOMEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Women's Italian Silk Vests with crochet beading tops, In white, pink and oiue; an sizes; fz values at Children's "M" waist union suits, low neck,' sleeveless and knee . length, in sizes 2 to 12. 60c quality, at suit .290 Women's fine ribbed gauze union suits, cuff and umbrella knee lace trimmed; In reg ular and extra sizes, worth up to 60c. at, suit IBo $1.39 Infants' 'silk and wool vests and bands, reg ular 60c- quality, at, each ....... 29tf Wide All Silk Dresden Tafieta Ribbon Also farcy stripes, checks, dots, moires, also plain and satin I taffetas -black, white and all colors, up to 6 -f inches wide worth up to 35c yd., at ItlL Ninofactorer's Samples and Odd Lo'.s of Women's and Men's Hemstitched Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs AIeo fine embroidered initials, fine Shamrock lawn with Maderia corners; fine Swiss embroidered hemstitched and scalloped borders worth up to 25o each WOMEN'S SILK GLOVES Long Silk Gloves Kayser double tipped fingers, 12 and 10-button lengths black, white, silver, pongee, sky and pink';, at, pair. $1.00 and $1.50 Long Silk Gloves--Black, white, i Short Silk Gloves 2-clasp fast tan, mode and grey all sizes I eners In white only; all sizes . worm up u si, oargain rn. I worth 60c, wm go on sja . . sale at, pair JJt square special, pair A GREAT SPECIAL SALE Famous American Ladj tad Nadia Corsets Extreme long hips with low and medium high bust, made in' extra quality of batiste six hose supporters attached, drawstring in bust; regular $2.50 model for frf r Saturday, at $levU Women's Summer Corsets at 98c New models in reputable makes introducing the new Top less Corsets. An :ideal summer garment for 6lender fig- ures. Aiany otner models in regulation lengths, 0C- ....vOU at. BRANDEIS STORES GYPSIES IN WEIRD CEREMONY Nomad Lovers United .Amid Chants, Fights and Cold Beer. WILD FLOWER CE0WN FOB BRIDE Jollification Starts Early la Moralasr, te I.astTtare Days, hat Water loo Officials i.Mk I'D Party oa -t. As the sun ross over ths hill tops Thurs day morning two bands of Gypsies met on ths banks of the Elkhorn river near Waterloo. Salutations were exchanged, and In silence horses were unhitched and staked in ttf tall grass.. Fires were lighted and preparations for breakfast begun. It was the beginning of a three-day wedding cere mony. One ' band balled from Braill, South America, and the other conslsud of no mads of the United States. The bride-elect was a belle of the South American band, and the groom Is a member of the north ern nomads. All the attendants and wit nesses were dressed in gaudy apparel, con- miuii v at, iu. vnauv k-uiuii ui me rain bow. All morning the camp was a scene of great activity and many people from the town of Waterloo went out to look on. Shortly after dinner everything was In readiness for the ceremony. A tall man tn a somber black suit, who bad remained In a wagon all morning appeared on a green plot which had been roped off. Prom another tent came five tnen with musical Instruments. Ths lovers came from other wagons, and amid weird music walked to the plot. Merry with Boas;.. The 100 Gypsies now began to make merry with songs. A tall man, who evi dently was the priest In charge, began to chant. The noises kept up for about fif teen minutes, when another Gypsy cams from a wagon with a huge flagon, which M passed first to the bride-elect and then to the man. Both drank heavily and then It was passed to the Driest. Ha drains It and turned it upside down on the grass. -men, taking the couple by the hands, he neia then) alort and began singing and bowing. For some time he did this and then clasping ths hands of the lovers, he chanted a few words. Immediately upon the closing of the chant the musicians started a lively tune and the whole gath ering began dancing. Dancing was followed by srtnklng from several kegs of beer whloh had been shoved Into the roped square. The groom filled glasses and passed one to each Gypsy. Singing a song, the groom emptied his glass, as did the others. The bride was then bedecked with a crown of wild flowers. A long chain of brass disks was placed about her neck and the beer was opened for all. About I o'clock In the afternoon' th ceremonies became such that the cltlaens or the town, applied to the marshal. He spoke to the groom and the noun tor a time. Later a fight started. In which tne groom was badly cut up. The mar shal appeared again on the scene and gave the band two hours to leave town. The sheriff from Omaha was also appealed to and late at night the Gypsies moved away to complete the other two days of the ceremony. MISTAKE NEARLY COSTS COMPANY HALF A MILLION V Clerical Error la Corrected for Street Railway Ceapay a-y Boars! f EaaJlaatloau A clerical error made a difference In the tax return of the street railway company of tUO.000. This was . explained to the Board of Equalisation Friday morning and the assessment lowered accordingly. -The original schedule returned by the company showed personal property of the corporation amounting to ST.0M.0Qu. It was lowered to t.io.n. Bacuraav a (b..aa4 a Kg Susy Soys Heed Strong Shoes Most boys are busy from morn ing till night, and they don't ride on street cars, either they walk. Cheap Shoes are a poor Invest ment for boys' wear the best are none too good for them. Don't try to economize on your boys' shoes. A good boys' shoe, such as our . SPECIAL STEEL SHOD will outwear two pairs of the or dinary shoes sold for boys' wear. Boys' sizes 24 to BH .-82.50 Youths' sizes 1 to 2 $3.25 Little Gents' sizes 10 Vt to 13", at $2.00 Real Boy Scout Shoes for Real Boy Scouts; the kind the boys like ..$1.75 $2.00 $2.50 DREXEL SHOE COMPANY 1419 Farnam Street. SPECIAL H0MESEEKEES' BATES SOUTHWEST TO MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, OKLAHOMA, LOUISIANA, TEXAS, KANSAS. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesday In each month. Stopovers allowed on both the going and re turn Journeys. THOS. F. GODFREY l - Pass, fcfld Ticket Agent, 1428 Farnam Street, or Union Station Omaha. FHVS $3.60 PUMPS ' L ' i . 4 - i Will T.Y frit OUR SUITS AT n . TOM VII AITD TOUKCJ bTETT are far superior to what other stores, qnallty considered, ask S3. 00 to S5.00 more foi A ys.t assortment of the sea son's choloest fabrics and colors to choose from. We ask an opportunity to show yon how vastly superior onr suits are. at I. ESS than yon will pay . elsewhere. JUST RECEIVED Another shipment of those all wool Blue Serge Suits (we guarantee them), at $10.09 Needing Trousers Sir? We want to say a worn to ths man needing- a pair or two of trousers. We are showing- some speolal values In a oholce variety of summer trouser ing's. Conservative, peg- top or outing- styles, UBTUSUAX. VALUES. at $1.90 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $ 4.00 $5.00 and $G.OO. Buy Your Straw Hat Here The most moderate priced line of rood straw hats In the city, 95o to SS.00. If you don't want a straw hat. we are showing- raluea In Stiff Hats, at $1.50 $1.90 and $3.00. Soft Hats, at 95 to $4.00. Men's Hose Pure lisle hose in open work, plain and fancy colors; other stores get 25c; Saturday, at e - v 124c Military Collar Shirts .Tost the thing- (or this warm weather, DC. all oolors, at 3B Soft Collar Shirts tn blue, white and cream S?Ta.'1.-8? C quant Underwear For Men and Boys, drawers have double. scat, in Porosknits and Ralbrlg" gans, at. . 25c A positive saving of from $5.00 to $10.00 on nil Men's SuitsV-bou'ght h?ro Saturday. Those are values that cannot be duplicated. Medium and light weight Suits, that sold up to 1. rfi $6.00, at $U.v)U Suits that sold up to $22.00, t"l 1 50 Suits that sold up to $28.50, 4 50 Hot Weather Furnishings Goods HATS and SHOES i HNS0M EtlI-DDMAW OUTFITTERS TO i 216 North MEN AND BOVS U IB ihlDir-.i. are catching the crowd. They are the latest ideas of the modern shoemaker; made of patent or dull leather, light, medium or heavy soles, heel strap and instep - straps.;f-Any""" lady can be fitted here.- Come in and see what $3.00 will buy. An especial line also in low heels for the growing girls.. ... Let us show you. Fry Shoo Co. THE 8HOER8 10th and Douglas Streets. Time of Portland and Piiget Sound Express Shortened Commencing June 18, 1911, the time of the Portland and Puget Sound Express, running be tween Omaha and Portland, will be reduced 6 hours, reaching destination in 63 hours and 15 minutes instead of 69 hours and 15 minutes as heretofore. Train will leave Omaha 11:30 P. M., and arrive at Portland 12:45 P. M; fhird day. This materialVeduction in time is made possible by the superb roadbed, double track and electric block sig nal protection of the UNION PACIFIC Standard Road of the West. New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park . Excellent Dining Oars on ALL Trains For Pacific. Northwest literature, and information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on or address L, BEIND0EFF, 0. P. & T. A. 1324 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Phones Doug. 1828; Ind. A323L aBaSnsssBfflSBBnBBEBB 1 STOETZEL STOVE CO. 714 South 17c Sell On Small "COLD STORAGE" 'The Hot Weather Refrig. erator" Since we have had a few days of real summer weather we have num berless testimonials as to the great superiority of the "Cold Storage" over other makes used by neighbors of "Cold StorsRe' uses as to con sumption of les and keeping foods untainted. it ; ii. t V .V..'-';. J I Sixteenth Monthly Payments The New 1912 Model Detroit Ideal With the Popular "Common-sense" Finish Is attracting a wonderful lot of At tention. Housewives with the burden of housekeeping: on their shoulders are appreciating this new labor-saving (ss stove. It cuts the time spent to keep It clean to a third of what the old style took. The practical at tractive finish appeals to the house wife's love of a neat stove. V.K "J. ift-'fiaf I - - - -''" ' 3.1 Br.jwl M IS -.' VT.t ' T Jr. ,, mt m II 1LV hi Results are what oount This la what a user says: Mrs. C. M. Schneckenberjrer, 2618 Maple. "It is certainly a pleasure to use a Cold Storage. Foods are al ways sweet and untainted and the ice Din is a mighty small item." .'vj.-'-'.,,r.T Mrs. L. F. Plerson. 30th and Boule vard, says: "The Detroit Ideal is a very fine baker and a quick worker, as well as economical. I could not do without It" An Obliging Couple Runs Away With. Grip of Aged-Woman Make Gtt-Away with Grip Which. Thry Offer to Cany Be tween Station!. , Mrs. Uzzte Btrood. am axed snmiaa from Peoria. HL. was robtaed at a uftcase eoo t.tnfy la and bar goti vatek bT a jaaat man and vamu whava aha hecama ma qualnted vita am a Bartbactesi trata sisirfm te Omaha TtusradaT. The yotmx cxMple aaa tot snlldtmia for the welfare of Mrs. Strand and Tolsntaercd to carry bar tbtnea from tba BorltnaTDaa depot to tha Cskas depoC Bafbsw reairtifna" the latter tn ns and woman ran away waJ tba nfti. e and bavsa not been seen ssnce. Tba matter baa bam reported to tn potfcsw bed. a to a bat hoar 11 Key a tmcs as" C3 bad basa found. Mra. ftinad svrs saa aad mmm asnsr smsr ear ate erantf fcscrs beav. acraneW b Dmaba Cool, inviting offices give comfort during the long hot days of summer. i THE BEE BUILDING affords rooms that are thoroughly ventilated and clean to make them refreshing offices with a cheerful, regaling atmos phere. New elevators are now being installed that will give some of the most rapid service in the city. Here are a few choice offices that are vacant just at present. BOOM 303 Almost directly n front of passenger elevator on third floor. This is an exceptionally (food location on account of convenience ana having- a south front. Rental price, per month (2S.00 BOOK 416-418 a' desirable suite on the fourth floor next to the City Hall. Very cool In summer and rent la reasonable, per month .130.00 , BOOK 413 Good inside office. ISttxITU. with a vault In connection. In side rooms are cooler in summer than outside. The price on this per month is fl74kt BOOK 60s Is 14xl feet in else, also faclnr on the Court. This rnnm I. well Hf hted and rent per month Is 91S.00 The New elevators are being instmllad. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. The Trua Follow Up System Wherever you go, let The Bee follow you. Subscrib ers need only notify our cir culation department and the address will be changed as often as desired. Getting Hie Bee is the same as getting A DsOf Letter Frea ticca Keeping you posted on ' what's doing among friends and associates. It's (he only ttp4o-date way. JLsetTha Eo rpjkm Ycq 300 HATS NOW ON SALE S1.00 to $3.00 We move to Paxton Block August 1st. Penned Millinery Co. 1511 Douglas St. erj) Rollablo Dontiotry ii-y Tail's Osata) Roijds TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 4M Pa-lhw T Many a housewife gets perfect results from The Gas Range who usually failed on the old style range. The Ga3 Range insures perfect results because The Heat is Unvarying There is no Surplus Heat The Heat is Where You Want it You Can Regulate the Heat If you can cook at' all," you can cook successfully on the sf .1 . r a.he mrVVrt-, Convenient Terms if Desired. . Prices, Connected: Cabinet Gaa Ranges from $25 Up Double Oven Ranges from $20 Up Single Oven Ranges from $11 Up . Send for our representative and let him explain OMAHA GAS GO. S3. Bill f ifeti . I I C3 I ll 1 jMcim. jsY Exceptional Values For Little Money... Basement Specials $1.95 and $2.45 A PAIR i S You know by this time that our low prices on these basement specials result from small selling expense as well as from careful buying methods. But do you know that these 11.85 and f2.45 shoes fit as smoothly and perfectly as any of the higher priced footwear? Do you knew that their materials are fully equal to shoes sold else where for at least 1.00 nioreT Better treat your feet to a pair of these stylish shoes and save that other dollar. All the newest styles to choose from. onnc pinnrrcT nnQFHFrrr UBIWLs, itiJrtfciktfcsi UHUfa.tIt.NI 322 South 16th Street U i