TlfK BEE: OMAHA, RATUTtDAY. JTTXE 17, 1D11. 17 OFFERED FOR RENT Collates Ooatlaaea. tU RRIRTOL. -T., all mod., yt. Parker St., new -r. cottage, $12 50. 1470 S. lth Ht., fine 4-r. mod. flat. $11. W. RASP CO., Brandeia Bldg. Benson Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 15M. aa Offleee, 624 S. lh Ft.. fln store room and bit ment; mnlern front; will lease on favor able terms. 13 S. ltith St. will be remodelled with new front; ha good basement. Kental. H0 per month. 617 B. lth St, Rood atora room and base ment; If per month. 1X11 Farnam Bt., 23x110 feet, t ttoreii 1135 par month. .JTi? kvenworth "t., good atore room, $22.60 per month. GEORGE A COMPANY, Bth rioor. City Nat. Bank Bldg. TWO offices. Id floor Crs'.ghton block; also atore at lis N. 15th St Alfred Thorn Agent. 4 Flrat Nat I Bank Bldg. BRICK atora building, No. 1214 Harney traet. three atortea and basement Cliarl.s L. Saunders, m houth lath atraet Phone Douglas 171. ."OR ."t grocery and meat market la if. with fixtures; a snap, k-'o N. 224. pK8IRABLS offices In the Continental Xllock; either In suite or single. Alfred Kennedy. 3ua riret Nafl Bank Bldg. OFFICES AND ROOMS FOR SAMPLE LINES. ..Very desirable space In the Webster Sunderland Bid., 16th and Howard Hta.j rental, $15 per month up. Kooms aa large a SUx6 feet. GEORGE & COM PANT, Bth Floor, City Nat. Bank Dldg. AT 706 8. 16TH BT. Room 20x. Sup plied with steam heat; now being put in tine condition ; price reasonable. PKTKKa TRUST CO., 17th and Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltar. FOR SALE At a bargain, mahogany efflce furniture, nearly new: sufficient for two rooms; also rugs and Oliver type writer and stand. Address Box E7, Omaha, FURNITURE for 12-room flat, all or In part; very reasonable. Call Douglas 71M. If you will look In every nook, Bom furniture to sell you'll find; Tha Bee Want Tad call, lie will sell It all. , A buyer he'll always find. BLANCH JOHNSON, 2534 Casa St ' This verae wlna tha prise of one-halt doren photographs from Heyn Studio, ltith and Howard Bta. If Blanch Johnson will coma to Tha Bee office aha will receiva aa order for the photos. HOUSEHOLD goods 4s Fur. KM Cuming FURNITURE of 4 rooms, ooraplete for housekeeping; no dealer; house for rent; good location. 'Phone U 2554. SOME nice, new furniture for sale. 1819 Lolhrop. . Web. 5002. Maalcal Instruments. Te good folks all of Omaha, , If M Utile Is your quest. Call In and get acquainted, for We always have trie BEST. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH. CO.. . 1311-1S Farnam St. Typewriters. ' 6ECOND-HAND typewriters, sold, re paired, central Typewriter Exchange, low; Faxuant. CLEARANCE SALE TYPE W1UTEKS We have a large stock of alt the standard makes in slightly used and rebuilt ma chines that we want to turn Into cash. I Hoes i to H mfgr'e. We sell on payments or rent and let 7 tnuntha' rent a, ft. Call or wilts for large bargain lis:. , B. F. SWANSON CO., 1314 Farlam St., Omaha. . TAKE a boar ride on Lake Manawa. We Will give a pair of round frlp tickets to C. O. Larson, 3567 Cass St.. if he will come to The Bee office within three days. BUT en L. C Smith Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swansea, Co.. Distributers. Ul Far nan St. TYPEWRITERS, . ALL MAKES Sold, rented and repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co., Inc., 684 Brandeia Bldg. 'Phone, lnd. 411; Douglas 44M9. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas m Miscellaneous. Mew and secondhand safes. 181 Farnam. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, foe sale at $10.00. Apply George K. Wright. Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE 130-foot picket and board fence with posts. Also abont fifteen loads tlaok dirt, la 11 Caas St. FOR SALE A milk cow. 2010 Casa St. Tel. Douglas J100. SAFES Overstocked with second-band safes, alt slses and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co.. 1U0 Faruam bi. ID HAND tools and rubber. 411 N. 16th. SECONDHAND dresses, good condition; nth and Farnam. Mandell Urelbelbte. SECOND-HAND tuns. SIS So. 12th SL 98c t AWLRITB 8AFETT RAZOR, with uiaues, sells at $J. , Abe s Her rand Pharmacy, lth Howard. le-passenger. C horse-power motor boat, less than 1 year old; cash, terms or trade. D. (71). A-2MS7. liild Capitol Ave. FOR SALE Jce wagon. 'Phone B-lTjS, after 1 MUST sell at elegant dreetai at your own price; no dealer neel app y. Harney 1498. ONE 7-foot ouk cigar case, plate top; one 8-foot oak show cs, silent salesman type, plate top, first-class condition; Lai i gain price. J. H. Schmidt 24th and Cuming. NICE fresh cherries for sale In 'any mount. S4U2 Ave. C, Council Bluffs. ' fHF.TtRlFS Nlce- red- rtn 3i"y cher- boxes crated like strawberries. Omaha Fruit Farm, 4Mb. and Arbor, liar. 1492. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johasoa. DuS-l brandeia Theater Bldg Katheryn Nikolas. 634-4 Hraudeia Theater. PATENTS (i. O. BARN ELL. pajttoa Blk. Tel. Red 7111 WILLAKD EDDT. U. 8. Pat. Otfue offi cial solicitor. lot City Nat. ltaul. lyier lia HIRAM A. STURUES. rt-g. attorney. 6ii Brandeia Theater Bidjc. Douglas 4oj. " : PERSOrJAL : ' MECHANO THERAPY Btomach trouble. Mamage treaUncnt. Dr. Margaret Halloiaii, Neville Bik. D.77U. It niS Bttlt B' nd massuge, PxS A'"' AikJ loUKe, Sd floor, opposite poat offloe. Mine. Allen ot Chicago, vouf. itujt DR. BURKE, dlseuaea of uomo. Omaao. "jAMEi COKH ELKCIUIC Co.Ml'ANt Ipoved to tui . lis a ti. Duuglaa 131L "MASSAGE baths end electrlu vibratory treatmeoL, Mus Lang, itli N. lull, ly stairs. , YOUNG WOMk)N cemliig to iimitii si .stiangers are tu lalt in Y-IU34 Wettiiui t.hristian ao:iaiiun buildm at Sevetelh street and M. Maiy Ave Where tltey will be oiircied tu kuiiai warding plK ur uiiniuitu m.i.u Luk for wr uavir' ud i tti u..v ' MRS. SNVl't:!'.. 8 wed nmssage, baihs. tsd.stor and vibrator tieatniiit. T.u iuiisany. Flat i. loth and pierce. iou. a-, ItNITED Brethren church service 10.39 i. ni , I P m. lh and iotnrop. Good amaritanflSitsa, Ae Council BluXfa. la. Hosp'taL Iw k'lrsl HINDOO TABLETS will build, r -e, suu. LtLL DRUG CO. UsngUbeO, PERSONAL (Continued.) WANTED School teachers for nice pleas snt summer work; all or part time; big pay; write quick. Address li 642, Bee. fAKS OF. TREATMENT. Mrs. Steele. O-DAT BLOOM REMEDY. Oladdlsh 1'harroaey, 12th ana Oodge. ADEMOHT hair food erowe hair; see Hit F rayer, Megeath Stat'y Co.. Uilh and Farnam. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits rast-off clothing, in fact, anything you do not Seed. We collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11th Bt. for cost of collection. t the wor thy poor. Call 't.boae Douglas ia aai sgons will call. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-lvj, Douglas ltxil NEHKASKA CYCLE CO., l&th and Harney Bta. Muurn Mrs. Rlttonhouse, log Old Bos ton Htore Bldg. BEST nerve bracer for men. : Gray a Nerve Food Pills. $1 box, postpaid. Sher man & McConnell Drug (to., Omaha. Neb. MASSAGE Swedish ' movement: nothing better for rheumatism. Ladies. $1; gentle men. 11.60. Apt. 1. 1j2 Farnam. Hrs.. to a. AONFTIC treatment. E. Brott, Dll jMiVUiMXjAXCy Cumlng flt R.7m AUo Prof Harrltt Phneuraloglcal doctor. THERE la a beautiful new dancing pa vilion at Lake Manawa. If Mn. J nines De Venney, tl pine St, will come to '.lie Bee office within three dy we wli! give her a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. POULTRY AND PET STOCK TWO pit bull pups, male. Call H. 2211. Foil BALE Four Chllo economy coups. In good condition. Web. 1612 THERE la only one kind of Ice cream. Dalxell's Is the best. If Mrs. L. Hahn. 1408 S. Kth St, will come to The Bee office we will give her an order for a quart of this fine cream. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-2620 for gooo printing. Lyngalad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave, Lew W. ltaber, Printer jSSK 1018. BEE BLOU. ENTRANCE ON COURT. HIES HAl.L Ptg Co.. KM 8.14th. Ind. A-2U4. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLIS. PETER JESSEN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. 2253 MIDLAND Guar. A Trust Co... 1714 Far. IL H. Neale, pres. ; J. Campbell, eo. D. 2365 REAL KITATtS DBALKRS. REED ABSTRACT CO., eldest abstract efftce in Nebraska. 20 Brandeia Theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., F.I teentb floor. City Mat. Bank Bldg. UUILuaJHS UtrORXATlOK. CARL THOMPSEN. cement and brick work, in N. Ktb. Web. B-14ia A. I. Ireland, mason. 2921 N. 24th. B.l7 F. C, MARSTON Carpenter, Builder. Jlu j. JUAROlUil w 2041 112 N. 17th. Paper hanging, wallpaper reduced. H. 1904. McMULLEN Job work and "Pairing; JlLiUUUUrjlt contracting. Doug. 2630. MAKONUY BRICKLAYING. PLAS MAOyiiH TERING, CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK, ESTIMATES FREE. N. RAYMOND. 117 N. 20th. Doug. 77i4. PLUAIBLNG L- F- Van Valkenberg. c h ; .. Work and Material A-l. Satisfaction guaranteed. W-867. 1709 N, 24. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALB Some Benson BargftiTiS;n xEasy Terras ' V ' Kltcheni dlnlnir room, narlnr. heilennm reception hall, closet and pantry on first i. our, tnree nearooms, three large closets, bathroom and hall -on aecond Moor; large uHiement ana rurnace: most tieautifni vlaw This finely finished home only 23,000. Easy Kitchen, dining room, parlor, two bed rooms, two closets, bathroom, large attic and basement. Lot 8fi140 ft. Msterlal the beet throughout. Most beautiful view. $200 down, balance like paying rent. Price, (2,000. Call the owner at anytime. B. F. Kistled, Phone Benson 413. .MONEY MAKER $100 CASH, BALANCE $25 PER MONfH. Good 8-room houne, wuter, gas, sewer, toilet, cement walks, paved street, close In and valuable location, near . 24th and Leavenworth. A bargain at $2,400. You can occupy part and rent balance of house for nearly enough to cover monthly pay ment. Look Into this. We have, others Russell & M'Kitrickf 432 Ramge Bldg., L'th and Harney. - FIELD CLUB BARGAIN 012 SOUTH 37TII ST. 9-room house, all modern, with 2 mantels; fine high ceilings, with large, well lighted rooms, east front lot, 76 feet wide In front and 1& feet deep, with large maple trees; good barn, suitable for horsea or garaxe; street Is paved, permanent walks; only short distance to West Leavenworth rtreet car. Is In splendid neighborhood where property is advancing. The ground alone is worth $3,600. Price $4,700. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1014 Harney St. VrEST FARNAM DISTRICT NEW HOME AND GARAGE. T rooms and bath, oak finish, full two s; oi Its. never occupied, east f.ont, corner lot. full cement basement, cement wa ki and driveway, sodded yard and screen , paved Mreet. among good homes, i'r.te, 1 1,100 $ 01 or more cash, balance monthly. Se thix. It s a home you wl.l like. Phone owner. Harney 6210. . 4- Physician's Location Excellent lot out Ids business center upon wnlch 1 will bu.ld houne and office, una or b th. fell on long terms. Oocd liell for 1 root Ice. Call owner. W. 2il2. SAVE agents' commission by buying direct from own at bargain; almost new, strictly modern home, in Boulevard Park, cast front, nice lawn. See this at once. 3004 N. 17th. DUNDEE New, all modern' house, ' 411 Webster riL; oak finish; south front; near cur; monthly payments; Phone Harney z:6i. Leavltt. $"00 CAS J T and $30 monthly will buy IfiOUV Vulk..ll br,n(1 new- 7riom nou oak finish first story, white enamel on pine and inahuganlzca doors second story: lull cemented basement; street paved and parked; near school, church and car. Ideal ne ghborhuod. L-MtJ, Bee. RARE BARGAIN FRICJJ $i,o Seven-room house, mod el u except; tlii pnyiueiii, 4-u0; D. atiLe like rent; lmmeuiute possession; newly repaired. Phone Harney 14ul. One block to car and school. KOR SALE or exchange nine-room, mod ern liuuse. close in; want smaller house; will exchange on cash basis or aeli for ti.lOQ. 4 Paxton block. liY OWNER, modern five-room home; large sleeping porch; walking distance. Ai.uiess A IS. care Bee. C. Frd Harrison aud Cieo. T. tlortoa for t.'i'.i-. 1.1 wiiii. kW iinana Nat i liaalr. 4SO CUT to Rnurke psrk and root far Oml a. If F. L. Wilson, til So. 94th St., Mil cume tj The Pee office within three dins we will give him a ticket to the bass ball game. FOR SALE A business lot .a barraln If taken at once. For particulars address M. E. F., Bos 797, Fremont, Neb. acres B-ar J4th and Valley Sla;: fairly good house, but not finished UuuUe. Ptouos IiS'uey tkwl or Douglas 4di REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTV FOH ALB. AlHE.ttiE FOR IALK. Suburban IanJ Bargain 20 acres. Improved. 4 mile north of Pen son and adjoining luml which hna been platted and Sold out. Price $.50 per acre. Will divide. J. JI. Dumont & Son, Phone Doug. 990. lttC Farnam St., Omaha, REAL ESTATE FARM AMI KAJSCH LA.U FOR SALB Arkansas. 233 A., SMOOTH, 14 ml. railway station. luO fenced, 40 cult., small house, two wells, two public rosds, $t.6-ii. Union Bank oc Trust Co., Real Est. Dept., Searcy, Ark. t.WO A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine timber yet on land; 6 to 1 nil. from Eureka Springs; tine for fruit; ranch and general terming; $7.60. Special bargain In Improved farms, $10 to $J. WM. JENKINS & CO., Eureka bprlngs, Ark. 1.500 ACRES rich bottom land, six miles Newark, $10 per acre; terms. Fine orange grove, Florida. Forty acres; $7, Duo. Other bargains. A. A. Henderson, Newark, Ar kansas. DO TRACTS or land In the corn and al falfa district of Delta land; black soil,, good schools; lands will double lu value In three years; now rent from $6 to $7 per acre. Write us what you want F. C. HOLLAND, Pine Bluff. Ark. COTTON plantation; mo acres; elegant 10-room dwelling; plenty tenant houses; good barn and outbuilding!; rich, black loam; will grow bale cotton or ;& bushels corn per aore; woven wire fence, 200 acre cultivation; 2tw merchantable timber, hard wood; healthful location; 4 miles from good town; good neighborhood; near school and church; prlco $J0.0tO; reasonable terms. Address .lohnston ' Wellls, care Southern t rust Co.. Little Rock, Ark. e- lfO. mi. out. 10 In cult.. 120 black alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood;, $, 200, 8 ml, from town of 2.000; near P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up land; 96 cult., bal. timber, 25 clover; 4 al falfa, 6 bearing orchard, 135 fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bldg., new barn, dark red sandy loam; good community; delightful location; abundance ood water; $3,5v0, subject to 6 year loan $S00; terms easy. vM. oiLiUuRE, Mai shall, Ara. BEST fruit and general farming lands for price in U. S., In Searcy Co., Ark. Send for booklet showing $a to $15 land near town. W. M. Henson, Leslie, Ark. 1 1 OZARK LAND CO., Oravette, Ark. Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry fields, small tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty, Business houses. Write us. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. AH classes of timber, farm arid fruit lands fn Arkannas, Louisiana ana Mississippi, from $5 to iia per acre. Write J. D. Rey nolds, Camden, Ark. . Canada. GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. Im proved and unimproved prairie farms, any size. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodhead coy. Watrous, Busk., Can. REAL ESTATE I have a large list of lands in the Uoose and Kagie lake district, no better In Canada. H. P. Leech, Ruse town, bask. . FARM lands In the Canadian west, town lots In railroad divisional points, property in Watrous, the Carlsbad of America. Write W. M. Galbralth, Watrous, Sas katchewan. CANADA LAND Fine half section; over 200 acres In crop; good water and build Ings. only $-8 per acre. Write for partlcu lars, H. E. Heminway, Weyburn, Sask. 220 ACRES, close to town, Saskatchewan; 170 acres in wheat: $) acre: third cash. balance to suit. Write for terms. 126 Brodle St., Fort Williams, Ont., Can. CANADIAN landseekers furnished with lettere which will save them money. Frank i rawiora. ware diock. I OWN a section of good wheat land situated less than two miles from growing town In Saskatchewan. Will sell for $20 per. acre. Address, M. J. Carrothers, P. O. Box in, Winnipeg, Manitoba. I ' , Colorado, a ISO-ACRE' best irrigated farm, Colorado; finely improved; new 10-room dwelling, unrn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; oo acres wheat; 50 acres alfalfa; no waste land; every foot under old water right: have another farm, can't work both; 40 miles north oi oenver, 40 miles south ot Greeley. C. A. Gregory, 409 Mack Bldg., Denver, Coloo NORTHWESTERN Colorado wheat lands. $12.50 to $15 per acre. A few Improved farms, $20 to $25. Write J. li. Relnhardt, Sterling, Colo. TAKE a boat ride on Lake Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to J. P. Farrell, 1737 S. Wth St.. If he will" come to The Bee office within three days. FOR SALE Square section, 640 acres. In Phillips county, Colorado; ? miles from Holyoke, county seat, 3H miles from Peola on lioldrege and Sterling branch of C, B. Q. R R. Eight-room house, hardwood finish, cement cellar, granary, i.OtO. bu., shedded on both sides, all built last year; stable for twelve horses; 200 acres In crop; one pasture of GO .acres; the rest of place In ono pasture: surface water In It. If sold before harvest one-half of crop goes with the place. Everything is new and first class. Price. $(.0 per acre; terms. Owner 7S years old and can't run It. A. G. Seymour, Holyoke, Colo. ' Iowa. . I.100-ACRE farm 7 miles southeast Baa sett, Rock county, Nebraska; 200 acres In corn this year, large acreage In timothy and clover; ' good set of Improvements. Price. $22.50 per acre: ons-thlrd cash. hi. ance easy terms at S per cent. . CAKL TENNIS, 220 F. L. A T. B.dg.. Sioux City, Ja A REAL ESTATE BNAP. 20-acre farm In Pocahontas county; cor ner light In tiwn: building one block fr,,m depot ai.d creamery; ten-room house nicely lurnisnea; line grove ana iruit trees; beau tiful building site facing south; cattle barn 445cSOi 24-foot posts; stanchions for about fifty cattle; two silo bins; room for 100 tons of hay; alao feed cutter, corn grinder and 16-horse power gasoline engine; horse barn for 15 horses, wllh hay loft and grain blnn; windmill and three water tanks; farm fenced In six fields; 70 acres hogtlght. Price, $105 per acre on very easy terms. J. A. CARROLL. Rolf. J a 120-ACRE Improved farm, T miles from Ma sin City, 2 miles from small town; $75 an acre; easy terms and spiendld bargain; lH-acre unimproved farm 12 miles from &!ason City, 2H miles frjni two other towns, only )40 an acre. We have the best bar gains In northern Iowa. Come and see us. MASON CITT REALTT CO., Maon City, la. WANTED V good stock of general mer chandise, $8,000 to $12,ou0, In exchange for good larra near Rolfo. la., and cash; farm contains 154 acres, six-room house, barn, KxM. Price, $100 an acre, subject to $6.74J; equity, IS.0C0. F. ii. Loomer. Rolfe, la. ' ISO ACRES, Can county, Iowa, farm Im proved and well lecated; price, $125 por acre; my equity Is $16 500. Want southern M nneiota or Dakota lurid, clear. No In flated prices considered. One 10-hoiss Puwrr portable gasoline engine for what have you? Address C. W. McCaustland, Cass county, Iorah, la. -M FOR SALE Excellent 240-aere farm in corn and blue grass belt, Adams county, Iowa; farm all well fenced. 03 acre) h g tight, 150 acres tiled, and all in excellent cultivation; 12-room house, large brick cellar with cement tl' or. cement wa ks. large new barn and mill, with good Fair bunks engine, new hug house, other out buildings, all in good repair; good stock and brnyards, large grove and good or chard, four good wells, excellent watt r. two windmills. For further prtirulars addrei-s Mrs Anna M. Nash. L30 liign St., Dea Moines, la 2i0-ACRE estate, all the very choicest of land, nothing nicer In the state. $4, me or more of Improvements all in gojd shape; 31 miles from two' vo-h towns. Must be sold and soon. I have the exclusive hand ling of this. Price. $& per acre, March 1 delivery: H cash, balance 6V per cent G M. Emery, Northwood, la. FOR SALE Two lots, numbers 6 and 17 block E, Englewood atiditlon. Highland I "ark. Addicfcj 4 " HewiMX G-11mum. 1.- REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANC11 LAXD FOR SALB low FOR SAI.TSSplendld farms, well Im proved, ranging in from V0 to $4 per acre This is choice Iowa Innrt. In well Im proved communities, ner town and echouis. there Is no more fertile or beautiful part tt the sinte than Osceola count v. Write for particulars. T. S. Redmond, Sibley, la. IV) ACRES and 173 acres of southern Ioa land, Improved, well located, givd soil, rtght price, for sale or trade: i; (01 equity In brick store building; a flrst-cliiis iiicciiie property, i r sale or trade, quick, on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad dress Box I, Diagonal, la. - v . . U i 1 j nAiJc my equity in h ectlon of raw land. 2 miles of rlorenta, T miles Kit Carson and 9 miles Wild Horse, Cheyenne Co., Colo ; on U. P. Ry.; lays - . flicir uieinci; 1 mile xo river; alfalfa grown successfully' nearby. Price, $J0 per acre; encumbrance $l.2j, op- - . v eci cvui, uue may 1,1, inn. will trade the equity, $1.1M, for residence of (llim I valna I .h.. i -v. RiiHj giv inuun jouiinK tttlsa mahts-t la . l- s .- T " " '- -icau, w u siuf iur mwn prop erty. Same price. Would carry back $1,600 An I kiss e at . is . . . . . 7 -.- ..... em v v rci truu w Hiier ti. toya. otl las Kaaaaa. 220 jLCriVH 1 mlln. r.A - . m -J , , .....vw B"vu ii , inn evi well improved; all smooth land; rich black soil; good orchard; R. F. ).; phone; fine surroundings, tib; guod terms; will ex- Chint. f hawitajaw l.i. .... - 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 nil lb u- gen eral merchandise. W. H. Mott, Her lug ton. nveaVlA- WE have some cholcV bargain! In corni wheat and alfalfa lands for sale in Benton at ft il IfllsiK win4AS. ll. M ti a M m bargains. American Investment company. 40 ACRES, slvmlles from MUieola. 500 acres In wheat, one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rich black soil; has raised good crop every year since broken out; trp.r li irnln tor, -,.,.. b . n - , r . biv. . r i 1 1 in. i lie Roy C. Beard Land Co., Mlnoola, Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 240 acres, 2V miles out; 130 aoi-es In wheal; H delivered to buyer, level, ncn, deep soil; good well and windmill, $5.2)0; terms. Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all sixes and prices. L. F. Schuhmacher, owner, Meade, Kan. 220 ACRES, 1 miles out, 200 In wheat; H to buyer; balance pasture. The late ram and snow assures bumper crop; level as a floor; $.2.50 per acre; terms. W. U. CU1 bertson, Scott City, Kan.T 12 ACRES li In alfalfa; 10-room house, large barn, granary, etc.; two miles te Lamed. Pawnee county; 60 acres pasture, balance In cultivation; rich deep soil, abua dance of water, wells and smils; la (of: terma. Bums Uealty Ce, liutchiasoo. Kan. Italalaaa. VERNON parish, i.i the land or sun shine, soli, climate, markets. Water, heal 10. good; prices vheap; write Leesvule Keai a.ktate and Iuiprovemect Co., c. AC t ariand, bee y, Leearille, La. LOUISIANA farm and timber lands, good lor truck, torn, ca:tle, etc.; on mo leunt of cotton peat, cheapest lands m markot. Hall. Eluer 4k Boucic. jawurve Louisiana. M-ineaota. 166 ACRES 15 miles from St. Paul. ( miles from Rosfinont; all fenced, black loam soil; 50 acres cultivated, balance pasture anu black oak timber; only v per acre lor im mediate sale; half cash. 130-acre improved farm 16 m'.les from St. Paul. 1 mile from Rich Vallev station: nine-room house, windmill, large barn and other buildings, i all in gouu condition; black loam soli, clay subsoil; always been cultivated by owner: 1M) acres under mow 7 acres fruit trees, mostly apples, baianoo g od timber land. price and terms W. F. & R. W. Morlty, Pioneer Press Bldg., Bt. Paul, Minn. FARM. SNAP 230 acres level nraJrls land, 2O0 in crop, balance pasture and meadow; good buildings, $75 acre. Morehart & Atcnison, Aianxato, Minn. ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERn If you ard thinking ot immigrating west uus rwr, write us xor aeecriptive liter ature of our lands In Minnesota. North Dakota and Montana, We can suit you no matter what you want and where you want It, and can sell you anywhere irorn tu acres to l.uw. William a, Oibbona, iuos. oiu a. e.Lii mueitui, Aiinn. t I HAVE a farm of 220 aorna 2U. ir,u from good town. 30 miles from Mlnneanolia 100 aciee under cultivation; about )0 acres meadow, balance timber; can all be opened up; rich soli, good house, barn and other buildings. Price, $32 per acre. Also 8o-acre lumi iwu nines i rum gooa town; 40 acres under plow, 15 acres timber, good rich soil, 6-room house, two barns and other out buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or chard Just commencing to bear. Price, $8,500; easy terms. Write owner. Charles ea. sjnu.uH, . Ji mver, ininn. a.ili.t-io. odv, iuu acres 78 miles Twin Cities; good tillable soli; state map mailed with 45-page book for 3u cents Hobart Land Co., Pheuix Bldg., Minneap olis. Minn. FOR SALE 160 acres of good new hard wheat land, near Walhalla, Pembine county, North Dakota. For particulars ad dress owner, A. Lucasse, 237 Third Ave N., Minneapollb, Minn. SEND for a list of our flno improved southern Minnesota lands; we have hun dreds of pleased customers. C. E. Brown Land Co., Offices Madelia and New Rich land, Minn. A SNAP: MUST Tftn OTrir-w. proved farm in Murray county, Minnesota; has first-ciass buildings, fences, splendid grove, orchard, two miles from town. Write John Holden, Jr., Garvin. Minn. PINR farm hnnu XXi . ,, ' - - --- . a juuee from arood town! hlack- ir.m mn in fenced; large frame dwelling, barn, gran ary, machine sheds, etc., ltio acres In field. 40 BCrnH 1 1 m I , r luilum.. in.. -.i " " n CtllU LI I II- othy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. $35 uiii, oue-iniru casn, balance easy terms.. M. J. Kolb,--. Fosston, Minn. 60.000 acres in St. Louis mil rrUnr. counties, Minnesota, near cities of Du luth and Superior, ut orice wiihi n tha lu u k I, of all; to $12 an acre; easy terms; four- rumoaua now entering tnese two cities lurnlsh cheau and uuick traiunnri.tinn . $lti,ouw,wi0 steel plant now building by the United Btates Steel corporation Hour lands. Boll Is fertile tnd well adapted to diversi fied farming, dairying and garden truck. No long hauls or transportation charges, but right at the doors of the best markets of the United States, with constant demand and high prices. Write for full Information. Boston A Duluth Farm l.and Co.. ItiOS At worth Bldg.. Duluth. Minn. $9,000 equity In good quarter in southern Minnesota; quarters two miles from good town, having house 26 x30, new barn 32x40, with gable roof, small granary and fence. Want machine, stock of dry goods. Price $90 per acre. BenJ. A. Cone, Window, Minn. WHEN you spend your money spend It for the best there Is. If B. Meyel,. 655 8. ilfclh Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free . Bllasoarl, FOR SALE Finest farm In Leavenworth county, Bronddus farm of 100 acres, l miles from Fort Leavenworth, $5,000 brick residence, 600 45-year-old walnuts, 100 sugar maple trees, natural gas, two telephones, free delivery, miles from Santa Fe sta tion; examine premises and write Mrs. J. L. Kh by, no Felix St. bt. Joseph, Ma.-. FOR SALE 63 farms, large and small.' between Mississippi and Missouri rivers, average $35 per acre. Write for big price list William Crews, Wright City, Mo.- THIRTEEN sections In Dawson county, near Sidney, one of the best towns in the Yellowstone valley; also have other lands that we are in any slue (arm you want Write your wants. Prices are right The Hay ward Land Co., Glendlne. Mont.' MISSOURI FARMS None better on earth. Highly improved 1&0 acres, raises anything, thO. Other decided bargains. Write us. Gilliam Realty Co., Gilliam. Mo. STOP! Don't go a step farther than Douglas county.' down in the beautiful Osarks. raise anything; corn So to ao bush els per acre, all other crops in proportion; cheapest good land on earth. $5 to $ai per acre. Free Information. Gross Real Estate Co.. Ava, Mo MISSOURI farm, ISO acres; S-room house, barn; 100 acres wheat. 2uo acres corn: level, blsrk dirt; I miles railroad. $iu acre.' Unas, fel Uuckslep Realty Co., Jblsbwy. Mo. . REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR ALB Mlssoar tlaeed. M-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine houss, barn, fences, first-ciass condition: fine spring wsier; I miles from tnwn: 7 miles irom railroad, houthenat .Missouri Immi gration Co., Piedmont. Mo. Moalaaa. 230-ACRB homestead rellnnulshmenta for pale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general store, one saloon, one feed store. Address, Charles F. Brown, Gnlsta, Mont. i iv, i.iort L,r. 111AV. in l.'N A1U. IA1VA, the coming farm state. $12.60 to IlM ner sere. Write for description. Shaw A Clark iMnd Company, Hackney Bldg., St. Paul. Minn FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley tM acres fin. frill. I.nrf . 1.l t. . tlon of the valley, fine proposition for sub- Mi.ioivii, uuiiuings. esny terms. Ad dress owner. E. o. Lewis, Stevensvllle, Mont. Nebraska. FINE 640-acre ranch, 12 mllee from town. $ quarters tame hay. balance wild hay and pasture; 4uu acres level, balance slightly rolling; heavy black soil; two flowing welis, S-room house, barn, granary anu chicken house, telephone; V mile to school. This is an exceptionally fine ranch and a snap. Will sell on easy terms. George hi. Collins, owner, Atkinson, Neb. 200 acres 6'4 miles from Emerson, Neb. I fine improvements; land lays good; can make splendid terms, and the price is $10 to $-5 leas than adjoining places are being priced at. For particulars call on or write J. K. LENNOX, ALLEN, NEB. 160 ACRES in Chase county, Nebraska, 12 miles south of Elsie; if taken soon will take $17.50 an acre; this Is a good quarter section and can all be farmed; win take a good 1H10 or 1911 automobile on the deal and carry the balance: F. A. Garland, Charlton, la. FOR SALE. The biggest bargain in the state, 220 acres of land Just 15 miles north of North 1'latte, Neb., on main mall and telephone road; all fenced; cuts good hay yearly, or is good farm land; half or more Is valley land, rest Is rolling and covered with fine hay and grass; good roads to town; price only $4 per acre, spot cash; no trades an swered. This land Is worth $12 per acre todav; need money; clear title. This Is for quick sale. Address Box 103, North riatte, Neb. North ' Dakota. AUCTION SALE North Dakota; choice Wells and Stutsman county farms at public auction June U, lull, on easy terms. Write for Information. A. F. Belcher, Sales Mgr., Sykeslon, N. D. TTf Ranch for sale; 4,3of acres; lo "iiU cated four miles from railroad in Billings county, North Dakota; 800 cat tle, low horses, with ranch it desired. For price and terms address owner, Ed L. Manaugh, Medora. N. D. ONE of the finest farms In . Richland ccunty, consisting of 205 acres of good, productive land. Joining Wyndmere. Fine large buildings, lots of fruit, nice grove end never-falling flowing well. Price, $57.60 per acre. Easy terms. Martin Paulson Land Co, Wyndmere, North Da kota. ' I FOR SALE An exceptional;? tine 160. I miles of elevator, six miles of Wyndmere, good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rice liver through pasture Fine new buildings, well of excellent water, windmill, etc, $65 per acre. This is a snap. Lock Box IX Wyndmere. North Dakota. GO OUT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If Frank Hart. S02S 8. 24th Ht . will come to The Bee office Within three daya we will give him a ticket to the base nan game. Oregon. FOR SALE 160 acres choices apple, pear, cherry, grape land in the west, six miles from town, one mile from railroad; soil deep volcanic ash. The Dalles, Ore., prize winning land. 100 acres. 3Vs miles from town, new, mod ern house, barn, 'nement; 250 pear prune, bearing; 1,500 young trees, 1,000 grape vines; good water; wood. Or will sell 80 acres with all ' Improvements. Investigation solicited. C. H. Webster, The Dalles, Ore South Dakota. 100 ACRES IN DEUEL CO.. S. D. Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black soil; clay subsoil;, lies very level and all under cultivation. Must be sold within Do days to close an estate. Half of this year's crop goes with the price, $35 por acre; easy terms, $3,000 will handle it and It is a snap. No stones, no foul weeds. Address W. F. McOee, Lake Preston, 8. D. 4 SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE. "We have a list of Edmunds county land for sale at from $19 and up per acre. If interested write us for particulars and we will send our prices and Docket man. ir you own land in South Dakota list It with us. wur motto is a square Leal to Buyer end Seller." Give us a chance to prove our statement. Hasvold Land Co., Mlna, Ed munds county, South Dakota. ONE-FOURTH SECTION. FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair Improvements. Price, $5,600. Equity,' $2,400. Akaska Real Estate Co., Akaaka., 6. D. WILL exchange choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land; what have you to offer? West Land Co., Pierre, 8. D. -I FOR SALE Section good, raw land: ail fenced; good flowing well; 6 miles front Planklngton, 8. D. For particulars write J. E. O Malley, Philip. S. D. FOR SALE KiO acres improved, vallev farm land. Brule county. South Dakota: running water, telephone and rural mall; easy terms. Address the Wnltbeck & Lumbard Bank, KJmball, S. D. ALFALFA ' " THE KING OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. This is the land we have. Free home steads; relinquishments and deeded landa. For particulars write F. O. Wonder & Co., Buffalo Gap, S. D. THE best treat for wife and baby la a dish of Dalxell's ice cream. If Mrs. Joseph Haley, 2707 S. 9th St., will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream free. ' 400-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux Falls, excellent Improvements, large grove and fruit; all In cultivation; price for quick sale $S5, easy terms; also 240 well Improved, easy terms, and 160 acres unimproved. These are bargains tor quick sale. R, A. Bllvtus, owner, Sioux Falls, S. D. Texas. v TEXAS INVESTMENTS. Buy orchard . and garden landa near Houston, the greatest and most prosper ous city In the southwest, where values are going up all the time and fortunes made in real estate In short while. Easy terms If desired. Address E. C. Robert mn, Vela, Tex , and a 16-aere farm in the Rio Grande valley, where the farmer's cash Income is as perpetual as the duys that come and gi. b. II. Jackson, 7u6 First. National bank B!dg., Houston, Tex. WE are subdividing 2,300 acres of fertile farm land in Jackson county. Splendid crops every year. Rainfall about right 44 Inches. For uesorlpuon, plat and prices wilte JOHN R1CHEY 4V CO.. 213 E. Houston St, San Antonio. Tex . SAN SABA VALLEY, tU.'i garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We can buy land for you or Invest money, 7 per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. Correspondence solicited. Re. fer to First Nat'l bank, ban Saba Nat l bank, Ward, Murray A Co., and the mem bers in congress from Texas. Kelley. Burleson Co., dan Saba. Tex. south Carolina. LANDS $500 per acre made growing figs tor preserves on the Islands. Orchards on ta.-y monthly payments. Pea Island Orchard Company, Charleston. S. C - Wasblaartoa. WRITE for information about the "In land Empire." alao Spokane, ita roetrorx lla Farms, fruit lands, city property. Make our pftlce your headquarters and informa tion bureau when In our city. IOWA REALXY CO., sU Llndollo Bik-, fpokaoe, Waau. REAL ESTATE FARM ASD HAMCH 1.4.SD FOR RAI.R (Continued) Wywaslaaj. WTOMINO farm and atocX ranch; Im proved, fenced, well watered. :o acrea Will be sold best offer net sixty davs. Write owner, Andrew Wilson. Parker, Kan. FOR SAUF--10.0ti0 acres In Laramie county, Wyoming. In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep; will sell with ranch; will exchange fur eastern Nebraska or lows farms. J. T. Bell, Owner, Cheyenne, W yo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit. II. H. Culver. M2-13 O. N. B. Bldg. D. 7!i5. .FOR reliable sales and exchanges, see D. M. LEA MING, 5x8 Urandcls Bldg. Palisade-Colorado I have several choice orchaid homes to exchange tor farms In Nebraska. Iowa or Missouri. , These orchards are In the beautiful Pali sade fruit district. Write for particulars. H. It HOUGH, Palisade. Colo. WELL Improved 140-acre farm, i miles from ims c.iy i.t exenanae lor a fcenelat stock of merchandise. $125 per acre. Mort gage, ai,5ou, s per cent interest, to run ip 1H16. 120 acres of this farm under culti vation. J. G. Cooper, Osceola, la. $16,000 gilt edge Income propertv for good farm. Owners write A 4, care Dee. WESTERN LAND FOR OMAHA PROP ERTY. Jno. L. Barber, 926 City Nat l Bank. RAfr.linAri .atlnff hnn.. nln. - L. ! . . ...... ... VU,..,B ,.vuo j v ' 1 1 , ps a. iiiuilllllj business of from $1,200 to $2,5u0, for sale or trade for land. Address A-19, care Bee. 820 ACRES, northeast Oregon, to ex change for income brick or cement busi ness building. Give value and full descrip tion In first letter. Address J. A. Lory, Laurens, la.' FOR SALE or exchange vjilne-room, mod ern houxe, close In; want smaller houne; will exchange on cash basis or sell for $4,500. 409 Paxton block. WE have land to trade for merchandise, city property to trade for land, and rooming houses for sale or trade. Omaha Rental and Real Estate Exchange Company, 1406 Farnam St., Room 8. 1,600-ACRK ROCK CO. RANCH. I will exchange this ranch for a good farm In Nebraska or Iowa. There la 900 acres of deeded land and 640-acre school lease to run 12 years; 3o0 acres good hay land, 60 acres cultivated and the balance In good pasture. A good 6-room bouse, barn with shed on three sides, cattle shed 1W ft. long, board corrals, crib, shop, well and mill and supply tank, with water piped to house and yards; 2 small lakes of fresh water; 1 mile to school, 4 mllea to store, 17 miles southeast of Long Pine; telephone In house; mall 3 times per week. This is a good ranch and as I am unable to stock It I will exchange it for a good, farm. Price $20 per acre; $1,000 for school lease, A. B. Stubbs, TUden, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and homo build ers, with privilege of making partial pay menta semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 601 First National Bank Bldg. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., with anrets of over Ui .onO.Ouu, I am prepared to accept all the good loans of fered on Improved Omaha 'real estate. Business and residence loans made with out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN, City National Bank Bldg. ' LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO., D4 BHArnDElS BU1LU1NG: $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F, Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRKXTeIiT . LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBEUO CO., 310-312 Brandeia Theater Bidg. GARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Life. $500 to $100,000 on Improved property. No deluy. . Sr TiVotfn on clty ,nd farm Property. W 0,020 B- MEIKLE, 2U6 Ramge Bldg WANTED, FARM LOANS. Kloko Inv. Co., Omaha. WANTED City loans, peters Trurt Co. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Landa O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha National Bank Building. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1820 Farnam 1st. THE best treat, for wife and baby la a dlnh of Palsell's ice cream. If Mrs. J. Hautter. 2703 S. 10th St., will come to The Bee office within threo days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer the fasmer of Iowa? Any cheap land for hiifher priced; a general merchandise store lor land or any kind ot exchange? Op have you some land you want to sell for cash? The one paper that reaches the Iowa furmeis Is the Des Moines Capital; 42,000 circulation dally; rate single Insertion, 1 cent a word; six Insertions, 6 cents a word. Dea Moines Daily Capital. Dea Moines, la. WANTED TO RENT WANTED A place to board a little girl, years old. A-32, care Bee. ROOM for gentleman, modern, private family; also good car service. A 16, Bee. To The Bee Want Tad I sent an ad; I had some furniture for sale, I have no kl:k, For he turned the trick; He never was known to fall. D. F. ALLEN. 1006 Dodge St, City. IT LOOKS like a big game today. If A. L. Olson. 2517 Ames Ave., will come tu The Bee office within three days We will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. WANTED Young couple wants one or two furnished rooms for light housekeeping in private family. Address. A II. Bee. WHAT does a name mean? If you want to know Just try O'Brien's candies. If Mrs. G. N. Norton. 2615 S. 18th St., will oome to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE picturesque St Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, Havre, France Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent or ALLAN A CO., General Agents, 127 N. Dearborn St. Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND QLAHGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DIRECT, Single or Round Trip Tickets between New York and Scot oh, English, Irish and ail principal Continental points at attractive rates. Send for book of Information. Superior Accommodations Excellent Cui sine. Apply promptly for Reservation to local agents of Anchor Line or HENDER SON BROS., General Agents, Chicago, 111. The Key to the Situation Hee Wsnt Ads. SUMMER RESORTS . ROCKY MOUNTAINS A completely furnished, modern cottage at beautiful tine Crest Palmer lake, DO miles from Denver; elevation 7,200 feet; all city conveniences; four rooms and large screened sleeping porch; four beds; every thing new; $j!iO for season. Frank B. Thayer,penver.f - WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 3471. SELNER pays good prices for furniture, carpels, clothes aud shoes. D. 640L WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST cls'S practical nurse can be en gaged at ones Doug. JtkiS. WANTED Situation as practical book keeper, accountant, clerk or other clerical work. College and personal references. J. W, Niewedde, .ien. Del., Omaha. ANTED Plain sewing to do at home; reasonable. l',10 S. ll'th M. LADY wants position at sweeping and cleaning. ll-.V.U. MIDDLE AGED man wants position as Janitor In office building. Call iKnig'.as DAY work wanted, house cleaning of washing. Call Web. CX. I.VDY'wants day' work. N. 7th St. Phone Webster fit. WANTED Line of cigars as side line; sell on commlKslon. Box Y, 1144, David City, Neb. WANTED A position as chauffeur bv a young man able to do own repair work; nest recommendations furnished as tn char acter. R. F. Crawford. Grand Junction, la. AUTO mechanic wants work in shop) reasonable. A 30, Bee. FAMILY washing done, $1.26 per week.. 'Phone South 608. i , , , WANTED Position by middle aged lady to rare for child. Part of day or all day. B 001. Bee. . - 1i SITUATION wanted bv Chlcse-A chauf feur: good mechanic and repair man. A roo. Pee. IT LOOKS like a big game todav. If II. M. Schultt, J11R 8. ilst St.. will come to Th Pre office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. BEGINNER 'Ha bookkeeper, office clerk or other clerical position: personal and col lego references. J. W. Niewedde, General Delivery, Pmnha. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. DENVER, Colorado, June 10, llt Pealed proposals will be received at tha Office of The Field. Fellows A Hlnderllder Engineering Company, Denver, Colorado, until 2:00 p. m., June 26, 1911. for the excava tion of canals and the construction of head works, wood stave pipe, flumes, pumping machinery, etc., for the Grand Valley Ir rigation District at Grand Valley, Colo rado. This work Involves the expenditure of more than $150,000. Plans, specifications and other reticulars may be obtained at the office of The Field, Fellows & Hlnderllder Engineering Com pany, 435 Century Bldg., Denver. Colorado. A deposit of $5.00 will be required tor each set of plans and specifications taken from the office. THE WILCOX CANAL COMPANY, Junel3d7t By J. A. Smith, Secretary. r- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. STATE BUILDINGS. Plans and specifications will be prepared and on file In the office of the secretary of state and commissioner of publlo lands and buildings for the state buildings to be constructed as provided by appropriations made by the 32d session of the Nebraska legislature, vlx. 2 Buildings tor Hospital for Insane, Lincoln $100,000 1 Hospital building for 8. & S. home. Grand Island 15,000 1 Laundry building at Hospital for Insane, Hastings 20.000 1 School of Agriculture, Curtis 76,000 1 Dining room addition at II. & 8. home, Mtlford 1,500 1 Dining room addition at Feeble Minded Institute, Beatrice 4.0HO Plans for the buildings at Grand Island are now ready for Inspection. ADDISON VAIT, Secretary. Board of Public Lands and .tlulldtngs. JS RAILWAY TIME CARD tlKIOIT STAT ION -Tenth and Mases Culoa raclfle . Depart. Arrive. San Fran. Overland L..a 9:46 am a 7:40 pm China and Japan F. M.a 4:0 pru a 6:46 pra Atlantlo Express ,a 1:46 ant Oregon Express all:86 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..al2:46 piu a t:w pm Denver Special -a 7:04 am a 7:2? am Centennial State Speo'l.all.30 pm aJ2:25 am Colorado Express. a 1:50 pin a 4:60 pro Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2:50 pm a 8:20 pin North Platte Local a 8:15 am a 4:45 pm Grand Island Local. ...a 6:20 pm aW:20 am Stroinaburg Local bl2:41 put u ntt pot Chicago 4k Kartli.iltra NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express... .a 7:4 am Eloux City Local. ..x.. .a l:6 pm Minn, & Dakota Ex.... a 1:00 pm Twin City Limited a 8:46 pin Minnesota Kxpress , al0:20 pm a 8 28 pra a 15 am a 7:30 am all.uo am a $ 50 pm aU:26 am a :t pra a 8:28 pro a :49 am a 8:28 pm aU:30 pm a 9:16 am a!0:uo am a 4.4 pui a 1:36 pm all: 00 am ale:16 put a 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm aU:uu am b Ijw pm JLiABlBOUNO. Carroll Local a 1:00 am Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am CL-icagu Local a!2:ifc pm Colorado-Chicago a :1C pm Chicago Special a 8:0. pm Pacific Coant-Chlcago..a 6:8 pm Los Angeles Limited... a i:50 pm Overland Limited a 7:65 pm Carroll Local a 4:30 pm 1 ant Mail a :v put Cedar Rapids, Sioux City and Oiuaha WESTBOUND. Long Pine a 8:00 am Noi tola-Dallas a 8:ue am Long Plne-Linooln a 2:16 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:15 pm Deadwood-Hot Spring. a 8:66 pm Casper-Lander a put Fremont-Alblua b 6:80 pm Chicago-Great Western Chicago Limited a 8 35 pm twin i ny i,wniieu......a s:aa pm a 7:48 Twin f'ttv Kvnee.a a fl:iu Am u fi-tik ain pm pm Chicago Express a S:4i' iocai I'aasenger a o:io pra 4 h lea go, nook Island A Pacific EAST Rocky Mountain Ltd...al2:8S am al0:SR The Mountaineer a 6:45 am a 7:46 Omaha Day Express a 4:30 Chicago Local Pass....blO:85 am blO:l Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm am pm pm pm pit am am pni am pm am lir, JUUUIVB LlUtM rHH.t piQ Ui.Yi Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a 6:08 ipin a 7:47 Wli'dT The Mountaineer a 8:01 am a 6:40 1 1 r j .. .. .A r l 1 . f, . , i.ui .i ma. v uumum,. p. to m,ii) Colo.-Cal. Express a 1:15 pm a 4:00 Chi. -Neb. Ltd. Lincoln a 6:68 Rocky Mountain Ltd...aU):4S pm al2:80 Chfvas, Milwaukee) A gt. Pawl. ' Overland Limited a 7:60 pm 9:U Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:16 am , Perry Local a 8:69 am 11:00 Colo.-Cal. Express ....a 6:00 pin 8:26 Colorado 6peoiai a 7:42 am 8:60 Perry Local to 6:16 pm 12:06 Illinois Central Chicago Express a T:M am a 1:46 Chicago Limited .a 8:00 pm a 8 09 Mlnn.-dt Paul Ex.. b 1:00 am Mlnu.-SC Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 6:09 Miaaoarl Paelfio K. C. 4t St L. Ex a 1:20 am a T:40 a. C. A 8k U Ex alLtf pm a (:W Wabash Omehe-dt Louis Ex. ...a 8:89 pm a 9:M Mail and Express a 7:02 am all:16 Slanb'y Lot Urout C.B-ib 6.uw pm biUM pm pin am aw pm am pm pm .tTU a. MaMesw larllaataw Denver 4V California.. Puget Sound Express Nebraska points Black Dills Lincoln Mail Northwest Express .. Neuraska points ...... Nebraska Express.... Lincoln Loual Bchuyler-Plaltamuuih. Lincoln Local Plattamoutb-Iowa .... Belle vue-Pla ttsinoutb. Chicago Special Denver Special ........ Ckicaao upiH Chicago Fast Express Iowa Local Crestun (la.) Local... bt Lwuis Express .... K. C. k St Joseph... K. C 4k bt Jusepn.... C. C. et et Joseph.... Depart a 4:1 pra .a 4:10 pra .a 8:20 am .a 4.10 put ..0 120 pm .all. -85 pm ..a Su aw .a am .'b 3 06 pin .a T 3m pm . a 8:18 am .al2:80 pru .a 7:l am .aU:3a pm .a 4.M piu .a 6. i pm a 9:15 am b 8:80 pm ..a 4:sv piu .alo ai pm ,.a io am ..a 4.W pm Arrlia. $ 44 pm a list pm a 6:io pm a 8:45 put a pm a 7:00 am a 4. 10 pm a 6:io pm b 9:98 ant b 10:30 tug, a t -m i m $ 60 am a 1.40 pm 41:16 pm a 7:o0 am a piu a 6 iM sis alo w am bl0:46 am eU:4s am n $.46 am a 6.W pm i TTeheter Statics UUaosri Faolfle aa Wahatfi, Depart Arrive. b8:Mpm bll.66 gut at, MlattaseUs Auburn Local Chluaao, 81. I Oisaas Sioux City Exprti Omaha Local Sioux City Pass... 1wln City Pass.. Sioux City Local , tmsraoa Loeai ... Depart. I....0 8.85 put Arrive. 012:0$ pm 6:M pm b t a$ pas ...... ...b 6:46 am ...e $:li am ...b tM pm 8:10 am b) only. dally except la) dally. Sunday. tc Sunday